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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  February 10, 2020 9:00am-10:01am PST

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welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thank you for sharing your day with us. president trump releases a new budget that is dead on arrival on capitol hill, yet it will be a campaign flash point. it includes deficit spending well past when the candidate promised to erase all red ink. and democrats says it proposes heartless cuts to food stamps and education. our final cnn tracking poll shows a two-way race for first. it also shows amy klobuchar making a final weekend move.
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but the big question, can she make a statement running stronger than joe biden? and the president rallies in new hampshire tonight. new hampshire gave the president his first big 2016 win. yet bill wejoe biden insis-- bi insists he's not an issue. >> i get into my pants with both legs. that makes me work harder, not less harder. >> bernie sanders leads the democratic race heading tomorrow's vote. and the current lead in his support is what separates bernie sanders in the track. pete buttigieg runs second. his narrow win in iowa is reshaping the moderate lane of the democratic race, at least at the moment. our new poll tells us there
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could be more surprises as voters who find sanders too liberal shop for a final choice in the hours ahead. our primary poll is conducted by the new hampshire survey centers, and these are the final releases right now. the top choice heading into the primary? bernie sanders with 29%, opening up a bit of a lead over former mayor pete buttigieg. they are clearly the top tier. joe biden at 11%, elizabeth warren at 10%, tulsi gab hard at 5%. if i was in new hampshire yesterday. the energy on the trail is real. sanders, buttigieg, warren, biden, klobuchar. her crowds were bigger over the weekend. sanders still in the lead,
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buttigieg here, biden and warren. look how well bernie sanders does with younger voters, those under the age of 45. he gets nearly half. 45% of democrats under the age of 45 is bernie sanders. now mayor buttigieg leading with those over 45. new hampshire struggles with elizabeth warren over older voters. joe bind holds his own but way down from where he used to be. klobuchar making gains there. we have the progressives and the centrists. buttigieg is running a pretty strong second with voters who call themselves liberals. elizabeth warren has slipped in the final days of the new hampshire campaign. among democrats who can vote in the primary, who consider themselves conservconservative,
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buttigieg. he is gaining even though some might disagree with him on some of the issues. 50% say they have definitely decided on their candidate, but 21% said they're only leaning toward someone, and 28%, nearly 3 in 10 bwho plan to vote in tomorrow's primary, say they're still shopping. the candidates well aware new hampshire's verdict will reshape this race. >> tomorrow you have a choice. you have a choice about going forward and voting for a campaign which will defeat donald trump. you have the option to vote for a campaign which will not only defeat trump but which will transform this country. >> i think it means ensuring that we have the strongest possible candidate looking to the future. because that's how democrats went. with a message that brings us together. we can do it together as long as we don't go chasing after the
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extremes. >> you are tired of the extremes in our politics and the noise and the nonsense. you have a home with me. and i have a record of winning and winning big. >> ryan nobles joins us live this hour in manchester. senator sanders with the lead and hoping to put another new hampshire primary victory on the shelf. >> reporter: no doubt about that, john. i'm sure his campaign feels very confident right now, but whenever these new poll numbers come up and i reach out to the campaign, they are always very nervous to show too much confidence. they understand that new hampshire voters can often be fickle. you point out that many of these new hampshire voters have yet to firmly make up their mind, and in the closing hours of this campaign, it has really become a turnout operation for sanders and his team. you talk about his strength with young voters. that's where you see a lot of his time spent here in the last 24 to 48 hours. he held a big rally on the campus yesterday of dartmouth
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university. that is a college town where sanders is always very strong. they do believe the momentum is behind his campaign. it's almost a deja vu all over again to a certain extent, john, because we talked about the situation in iowa where the sanders campaign firmly believed there were more voters behind him and their campaign than any other campaign, but it was about getting those voters out to the polls. of course, the turnout numbers in iowa were not what the sanders campaign expected, and they fell a little bit short in their version of what a victory could be, because it could be a tie there without knowing what the final verdict is. you can bet the final hours of the campaign is all about getting their canvassers out, knocking on doors, making sure people tell them they're committed to getting out there and vote. when it's high, sanders usually does well. when it's not as good, that's where he finds himself in trouble. john? >> the secretary says he'll actually count the votes tomorrow. ryan nobles on the ground,
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appreciate that. julie hirschfeld davis with the "new york times,". warren was posting a challenge to sanders over the summer. she has a problem right now, but new hampshire voters routinely say they'll wait until the end. among those who have decided, sanders gets 42%. those people are locked in. he won't get as big of numbers as last time because it's not a two-way race. the numbers that are movable, they're all over the field there. there's one place you look at sanders and say, wow, he is strong. over the summer joe biden's calling card was, i'm the strongest candidate to beat trump. in the polls, most people believed in him. 30% say they'll vote for him in
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t the democratic primary. bernie sanders is making the electability case. >> he is making the electability case because of the caucuses and as you see from the poll you just talked about, it seems like the majority of new hampshire primary voters are headed in his direction. biden is still trying to make the electability argument in theory. theoretically i would be the best person to go up against donald trump, but he knows if he fails to have a good finish, and by good finish, i think his campaign is not thinking any higher than third in new hampshire. but if he comes in significantly below sanders and buttigieg in new hampshire, it's going to be difficult for him to keep making this electability argument in theory when he's not actually getting the votes. >> i was going to say, striking also from the poll is just to show where elizabeth warren is in that field coming from a neighboring state, coming from somewhere where they share media markets. new hampshire voters are very familiar with who elizabeth warren is, and if she ends up in a distant fourth, perhaps, even
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behind potentially amy klobuchar who is rising after her disappointing finish in iowa and new hampshire. we head into nevada where her polling has not been as high in the past, and south carolina which biden is staking on, this could be dangerous territory for her if she has another la lackluster showing tomorrow. >> a lot of democrats are questioning because she was so active, so busy, so smart over the summer. she only had a few events yesterday, they're literally scratching their heads saying, what is going on here? one advantage for senator warren. she's campaigning in the mountains. one advantage she has is she's second choice for a lot of voters. you see people making a final decision. yesterday she still had a lot of people wandering around to events which is one of the problems for vice president biden. you would go to a biden event, a buttigieg event and a klobuchar event, and you see the same
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people. they say they used to be for biden but some of it was the iowa performance, how can you come in fourth. some of them don't see the energy they want. that's why some are stepping in on the buttigieg field. >> we cannot risk alienating americans at this critical moment. that's where i part ways with my friend senator sanders. this is a moment for bringing as many people as we can into the picture, but a picture where your only choices are between a revolution or the status quo. it's a picture where most of us don't see ourselves. >> there was a moment coming into the debate where the buttigieg people thought they had a shot at senator sanders. that might have been wishful thinking. now it appears -- we'll see what happens tomorrow. it appears senator sanders will have new hampshire again, but buttigieg a narrow victory in iowa, but a win in iowa. if he comes in strong in new hampshire, he's making a statement. >> he needs to do well in iowa and new hampshire because he's
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probably not going to do as well as this primary goes on and the states get more diverse, less white. i also think with warren, she is purposely pitching herself as the unity candidate. there is no coincidence about that. her campaign knows she needs to pick off supporters from other camps. she's trying to stay above the fray. all these candidates are going after each other, and she has sort of laid back a little bit in the hopes that if someone like biden stumbles, maybe she can pick off the non-white voters who kicked off his campaign. >> the dynamic of this race since last fall, i said last fall we don't have a good poll that just talks about undecided dems and why they're undecided. one is about the democratic party and the other is who is going to take on donald trump. what i thought was interesting about biden, he seemed to stay out of the argument about the direction of the party in a way that sanders definitely didn't and warren didn't and buttigieg
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didn't and other candidates didn't. and i wonder whether that's part of the reason that he underperformed in iowa and is in a perilous position in new hampshire. >> right, he's presenting himself as sort of a safe choice. i'm not trump, i won't tweet, i know everybody, i could do the job on day one. >> a party activist who votes in primaries are deeply engaged in the direction of the democratic party, and i don't get the same vibe from the former vice president. >> everybody going from event to event. it may be people -- literally couples saying, they're still arguing over dinner, about what to do at the last minute. a lot of them for bind, but then they peel away toward klobuchar and buttigieg. >> amy klobuchar talks a lot about her record and that she's won a lot of these difficult to win for democrat districts in her state, and pete buttigieg talks about his ideas and the fact that he is going to try to, you know, avoid the polls, by
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which i mean the edges, and really try to do a -- try to have a pragmatic sort of agenda. but i think that case becomes more difficult to make as people start coming after him more directly for his lack of support. >> buttigieg is the highest of those candidates, 26% according to the polls. that shows that people -- he's still undefined in a lot of ways in the eyes of voters and why the democratic candidates are trying to define him. >> very impressive. a lot of voters asking, should i believe this? 38 years old, ready to open the gate and be president. you see the voters asking themselves and their friends at these campaigns. a u.s. missile attack at the base. stay with us. you are so cute!
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100 u.s. troops have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, this after that january missile attack in iraq. these numbers come from our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. barbara, tell us what you're learning. >> john, we expect the pentagon this afternoon to announce just that, now over 100 troops diagnosed with traumatic brain injury as a result of the january 8th ballistic attack on the al-assad base where these troops were housed. that gave a shock across the base, causing these traumatic brain injuries. the numbers have only gone up and up since this incident happened. the pentagon has been struggling to figure out exactly how many. they keep evaluating people, and clearly symptoms are persistent and continuing to emerge more than a month later. bottom line here, this is a very extraordinary case for the military, to say the least. we have over 100 u.s. troops
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injured at the hands of the iranians. that is something that has not happened before, and there is not a clear solution as to how to prevent it again. the pentagon looking at trying to get iraqi permission to put patriot missile defenses on those bases. so far that has not happened. looking to beef up the bunkers, make them stronger that the americans were sheltered in during this attack. that has not happened yet. we have here, which by any definition with the military would call a mass casualty, a mass injury incident. more than 100 americans now injured at the hands of this iranian missile attack. john? >> barbara starr at the pentagon. barbara, thank you for staying on top of this the last several weeks as the numbers unfortunately climb. up next for us, we go back to the campaign trail in new hampshire where senator amy klobuchar says she has a strategy to win.
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if you can't decide if you're going to fill your refrigerator or fill your prescription drug, i know you and i will fight for you. if you don't know if you can make that paycheck extend a little bit more to pay for your rent, i know you and i will fight for you. that is what this election is about.
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>> senator amy klobuchar with her populist speech with voters. she's using it on the final day today. bigger crowds at klobuchar events and bigger numbers in the polling. the buttigieg campaign doesn't like it. the biden campaign doesn't like it, either. the final poll shows klobuchar within striking distance. she was fifth in iowa and runs fifth in our new hampshire poll. yes, obviously momentum. but is it enough to make a big splash? we caught up with klobuchar on sunday. >> reporter: you're in a good mood. >> i am. >> reporter: unleashed. what does that mean. >> unleashed in that i'm not bolted to my desk like i was.
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i think it was an important thing for our country, but i had a lot of time to think. one of the things i thought about is how i talk about donald trump on the debate stage, that lack of empathy, and just bringing people into my life in a different way. i think we've seen an incredible surge of support since then, not just in salem but nashua and the events we've had in hanover. you see it in the polls where we've seen some big momentum. you also see it in our contributions. we're raising 3 million online from regular people since the debate. >> in nashua you said do well. in that one you said win. >> i say whatever. i want to win. i think that's being honest. >> you're right, you did better than people thought you would do in iowa. it's still fifth. eventually you need to win delegates. >> i'm heading to nevada. i think winning is exceeding expectations. we did that in iowa. a lot of people had written us
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off and a lot of people have written me off every step of the way, whether i could complete by snow in the blizzard or i could get through the summer or i could get every debate stage. a lot of very worthy candidates have had to get out of this race and i just keep going and meeting every metric. i think part of that is because i have consistently said that what we need to do is bring people in. and that includes moderate republicans and independents. the whole goal is to bring decency back to the white house, something that unites a lot of people, not just fired-up democrats but also independents, moderate republicans. this is a good moment for me because we have a primary. it's not just a caucus. i've got the endorsement of every single newspaper in new hampshire, big newspaper, including the "union leader." they wrote about it again today, and it's my moment to bring in some independence. >> one of your challenges is that message is very similar to what mayor buttigieg says.
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we were joking about it before we started talking on camera, but he was right next door to you. if you look at the polling now, you're doing well, but he's also doing well. he's number 2 in our polling here in new hampshire. how do you convince the people that the guy may have won in iowa, a new fresh face. how do you convince them? >> i'm a fresh face, too. i would say 59 is the new 38 in the primary field. i'm 59. and i'm someone that is a new generation, but i'm also someone that has gotten things done. it's not just getting things done in washington which is a big deal as we look at what this president has not met a lot of his promises when it comes to spiraling drug costs and infrastructure and college affordability. but i also am someone that's won big. every single race i've won in the reddest of red congressional district. michelle bachman's district.
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i've won in the rural areas. i want to build a coalition with a heart that's bigger than the white house that brings people with us. i think that is the ingredient and the receipt that i bring to this that no one else has in the race. >> do you feel any pressure to go from exceeding expectations to doing better to breaking through before you get to the states where bloomberg is going to be on the ballot. he's already spent over 3$300 million. >> i'm well aware. you have no idea what it's like to do an interview on a sunday show, and while you're on there, there is more bloomberg ads than time you're allotted for the show. i know that but i really think people do not look at donald trump in the white house and say, let's find someone richer. i think they want to have someone very different. it's on me to bring my message out there. i actually didn't oppose him getting on the debate stage, and i would like to see my friend cory and many others still on that debate stage, but the reason i didn't is you can't just buy your way with all these
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ads, you've got to sit there and debate the candidates that don't have the kind of money like you do. that's where people can start sorting things out, and i'm looking forward to doing that. >> it's always interesting. there's no doubt her crowds are bigger. she's moving in her poll over the weekend. but another fifth or fourth isn't enough, right? >> yeah. look, if she does better than expectations, there is always an expectations game. she can claim she's got some momentum going in, but that same poll shows she's really nowhere with younger voters, which is what she needs to improve in if she were to build a coalition that could really power her through this nominating contest. that poll had zero under 45 are supporting her, all of them are over 45. she needs to tap into bernie sanders or the like to have some likeability. >> that tells you that the support, at least the events we were at, people at one point
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were thinking about biden or are for biden. it did click for her. again, how successful will it be? i covered a lot of campaigns. i remember dukakis saying we're slipping and sliding, we're rocking and rolling and he lost in 48 states. the "i'll fight for you, i'm on your side," that's a proven message in democratic politics, and it used to be the vice president's line. >> i think one of the things she's trying to do, and she would need, i think, ahead of expectations to finish in new hampshire to continue to do this, but is to stick around long enough for some of those people to come for her. this i understand, i know you, it's very much a contrast message with the president, with donald trump. she wants people to look at the way he approaches things and say, i want something totally different from that, and at the same time sort of bill herself as a fresh kind of person on the political scene who is maybe older than pete buttigieg but somebody that would bring something that we're not now
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seeing in our politics. if she can hang on long enough, that could be a winning message, but that's a big if. >> it's a big if, because again, she's moving up some but she still has biden and buttigieg among the centrists in her way. there's two women, klobuchar and warren. 66% of the voters are going to be women as we move through. to the empathy point, biden has been inconsistent. that's a fair statement about his performance on the campaign trail. at an event yesterday, one of those powerful moments that he hopes helps. >> my name is katherine nester. my dad and i would like to thank you for the affordable care act and for the mortgage lending because that saved our house and it saved my life multiple times, so thank you so much. >> god love you. thank you. >> i owe you my life multiple times over. >> you see these at the events. he tells stories and sometimes voters tell stories and
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sometimes they're very poignant. but it's back to the point you made earlier, what he fails to do, at least consistently, is connect to a governing philosophy about here's where i want to take the party, here's where i want to take country. it can be very powerful at times, don't get me wrong, but if you have a warren especially over the summer, buttigieg now, sanders without a doubt in the revolution go, you know a lot about where they're going. >> it's very empathetic, but it's more of a service in the governing body. i thought about gore and i thought, klobuchar has both slogans from 2000. i'm going to fight for you, which is gore, and i am here for you, which was bush. >> i also think it's interesting that klobuchar is going to nevada rather than somewhere else. i want to know what the
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advantage is there over somewhere else. >> part of it is qualifying for the debate stage. you have bloomberg waiting in these other states. her point about being on the sunday shows and seeing all these ads about bloomberg. he can't find any more space on tv and now he's taking over the radio. up next, the president's budget comes out today. what it tells us about his 2020 campaign plan. your mammoth masterpiece, and whatever this was. oscar mayer is found in more fridges than anyone else, because it's the taste you count on. make every sandwich count.
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we're not touching medicare. we want to keep medicare. we're not touching social security. we're making our country strong again. we're not decreasing medicaid. we're going to have a very good
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budget with a very powerful military budget because we have no choice. >> that's president trump a short time ago over at the white house. today is white house budget day. you see the big document right here being rolled over to congress this morning. it will not become law. but read it instead as a window into how the president views his reelection and it could be somewhat clarifying. the president outlining record spending on defense, and things he wants to slash, like foreign aid. but also adds cuts to things like food stamps. the budget labels them as reforms and cost saving proposals. on twitter he promised he would leave medicare untouched but carefully choosing his words. pay close attention to the white house spin. >> the president has been completely frank with the american people. there will be no cuts
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beneficiaries. there are changes to mandatory programs that achieve savings that are good government reforms. >> translation? there are cuts. there are ways to make it sound like they're not cuts -- >> calling them reforms. >> -- calling them reforms and the like. but really what this is is a campaign document. what it does is it sets up a contrast with democrats as they head into the election as to what the priorities are for each side. the president also is not talking a lot about reducing the federal deficit. you look at the deficit projections from this past year, we're looking at trillion-dollar deficits for the first time since 2012. we're not even talking about the debt, which is the accumulation of the debt. >> president trump said he would wipe that out in eight years. >> of course he's going nowhere near that, so it will be interesting to see if he gets any criticism from democrats who have been pretty silent on that topic. >> or republicans. the cba came out with a new report two weeks ago saying
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we're on track for a deficit, that deficit will hit record levels. you haven't heard a peep from republicans, the same republicans who wouldn't let the budget chief testify on capitol hill because the budget didn't balance in ten years. >> take, for example, former republican conference chairman mike pence when he was in the house. now vice president of the united states, deficits were critical when he was a house member. now, not so much. >> we've sharpened our pencils on our budgets. we'll continue to do that. in the second term we'll continue to look at those issues. but the president really believes the long-term solution to the fiscal challenges in washington, d.c. is making sure the budget of every american is growing. >> emphasis on growth, not deficits. but the key point in that as we translate budget speak is president trump really believes. in other words, president trump is changing our party and i'm changing with him. >> one of the things that made him stand out in 2016 was
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saying, won't touch the social security, won't touch medicare and medicaid. that hasn't been true, but that was one of the breaks with republican orthodoxy that made him stand out so much. pause. federal budget is not a house budget, we know this. but this is not how we fund government. this is a campaign document that's a press release. >> it also does, asm manu said, lay out the priorities. not only does it not cut out medicare and medicaid, but it doesn't talk about replacing the affordable care act which we heard him go at in the first couple years of his administration. it's not in the budget because he'll have to tell voters what he'll do about health care. he's going to have the whole democratic field saying this president wants to take away the aca, and he'll have to point to something that says that's not actually the case. i think there will be a whole hiding of the ball even if it never does become law. >> they want to wait until after the election to deal with that
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question. i'm not sure this budget would pass or he'd come close to passing if you saw the republicans. there's going to be a debate, but as to the cuts, the commerce department 37%. the environmental protection agency 26%. foreign aid 21%. housing and development, 15%. the centers for disease control, at the time we're dealing with coronavirus and the like, cut by 9%. those are the proposals. they will not become law. >> the president talking about having a sercond term if he woud get one, he doesn't provide much detail about what he would do. this provides the most detail about what he would do. you heard nancy pelosi and chuck schumer going after his budget. i asked nancy pelosi about that in the final vote. she transitioned to something
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else. pivotal or incumbent presidents. we speak to president trump's last remaining gop challenger. >> people ask me to this day, why are you running, referring to the fact that the president has a strange hold over a number of people, and lately i've taken to saying, because i'm the best candidate in the republican primary.
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tonight president trump gives his first post-impeachment rally speech. it will be in new hampshire. remember, that's the state that gave him his first win four years ago. it innarrowly went for hillary clinton. trump wants to, quote, shake up the dems a bit. kaitlan collins is there in new hampshire. kaitlan, i understand you've been checking out the crowd before the event. what are you learning? >> reporter: we have long lines hours before the doors even open waiting for the rally, waiting in the rain and the snow. many of the supporters, it's their first rally tonight where they've ever seen this president in this arena where he's surrounded by his supporters and typically his most emboldened and supporters we've spoken to say he'll be more so even tonight. this is his first rally since he was acquitted so look for this
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to be his jumping point for his campaign. it looked a lot like that event in the east room the other day where the president was airing his grievances about being acquitted. this all comes as the president is still facing criticism over firing two of the most prominent impeachment witnesses, which i've been told by sources today some people went to the president and said, look, gordon sondland and alex vindman are planning their own exits. let them go on their own. their jobs have been diminished, anyway, since they testified by subpoena. the president actually waited a little longer than most people thought he would by waiting two days after he was acquitted, so really, we are looking for that tonight to be a big focus point of the president's speak. it will be interesting to see how emboldened he is when he's on stage with a large crowd of his supporters, not a small crowd like in the east room the other day. back in new hampshire famously several years ago he caught up
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with ted cruz on this stage. he'll be back on that same stage tonight. >> timing is everything in politics. kaitlan, thank you. a loss in 1952 led president harry truman to drop out. new hampshire sounded an early alarm to the last two times the united states had a one-term president. both presidents jimmy carter and george h.w. bush faced primary challengers in new hampshire who took 47% of the vote. both incumbents then ended up losing. both republicans in the race, donald trump has 90% support and bill weld 7%. he also is beyond an odd fit in trump's gop. he supports abortion rights, same-sex marriage and demands action on climate change.
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governor weld knows the poll numbers. but he shrugs. >> i think it is important for people to plant a flag and try to expose the guy for the complete phony that he is. he has no relevant background for being president of the united states, and it shows, painful painfully, in the international arena where there is a zero sum game. it shows a complete non-understanding with how things work. that includes ripping up the iran treaty. he thought people would be scared of him. what did he expect step 2 to be? i don't understand it. >> you call him a phony. he just got 90%. walsh got out and said the president has a cult. are you tilting at a windmill? >> you're not tilting at a windmill if you're looking at
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the objective of not having someone who is completely unacceptable as president of the united states, bent on dismantling our constitutions, to point of wanting to rip it up also. i jump out of bed into both pant legs at the same time. i've always been a happy warrior in political campaigns and maybe even happier with this one. particularly that i'm by myself. that just makes me run harder, not less harder. >> do you worry at all that if he has another night like iowa here in new hampshire and he gets 90-plus percent of the vote that in an odd way your campaign against him strengthens him? >> he's going to get the votes he's going to get, and the fact that i'm running against him and getting some of his votes away from him, i'm not going to have a guilty conscience about that one little bit. >> if he is the nominee, do you think that like-minded republicans need to try to form a new party? or is it just continue the fight from within even though you have
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to wait four more years? >> i do think it could happen. i think the republicans will lose the senate after their performance on the removal vote on the basis of no evidence, for starters. no, if mr. trump is not reelected, that will be a real bloodbath, a washout for the republicans, and you might see finger pointing in the lifeboat, and you might see a new party formed out of the remnants of the former republican party and remnants of the libertarian party and good-spirited citizens. a number of my democratic friends say we had a party that had the social welcoming views that you do, but also would be at least a modicum of economic conservatism instead of acting like the people in washington do, like they think it's their money and they can spend an unlimited amount of it. maybe some of those democrats come into that party, and i don't think it would be called either the republican party or the libertarian party, i think it would be called something new
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like the unity party, maybe the liberty party. i think that might be a good thing for the united states, because i do think the duopoly of r's and d's who hate each other and are locked in a death spiral embrace because they need each other to raise money but otherwise they hate each other, that's not a healthy thing for the democracy, and i would not mourn its passing. >> we'll count the votes tomorrow, see how governor weld does. thank you for joining us on "inside politics." brianna keilar starts after a quick break. have a good afternoon. obama: he's been a leader
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throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message.
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klobachar amy klobach i'm brianna keilar live from cnn's washington headquarters. underway right now, all eyes on new hampshire as democrats take aim at each other on the eve of the first 2020 primary. and republicans were furious when a top house democrat repeated the words of a trumpian who said heads will roll if they continue to vote for the president. now trump is high up in the polls and democrats are silent. skeptical about what rudy giuliani is peddling. it's not me, it's


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