tv Inside Politics CNN March 9, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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accommodate this influx. they have over 42,000 medical personnel responding to this in hubei province. they don't have the patient load. >> david, your reporting has been amazing throughout. it will be amazing to see what it looks like after people are starting to head out. >> thank you for unioning joini today. "inside politics" with john king starts now. >> thank you kate. the dow and s&p dropped. mixed signals from the trump administration. two dozen tweets and retweets of the president who woke up in florida angry. two republican members of congress self-quarantine because
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they spent time with a man who was tested positive for coronavirus. super tuesday is tomorrow. michigan is the biggest prize as joe biden hopes to open a big delegate lead and bernie sanders looks to regain his footing. >> i am voting for joe biden because he wants to expand obamacare. he does not want to scrap my private insurance. >> i am staying with bernie, his message has been consistent throughout time. and his stand on healthcare, he may have to change that a little bit that turns a lot of people off. >> back to 2020. later in the program we begin the hour with a stunning coronavirus scare and sell-off in the financial market. all three big indexes plunging deep into the red. the dow is sinking 1800 points within 1 minute of the opening
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bell. freezing all trading on the new york stock exchange floor for 15 minutes. part of what's fuelling this panic is a crash and oil prices. a big motivator is the grim weekend. cnn's chief kristine roman is live. the number is wow. take us ideas the why. >> they are inside a big wow. you saw so quickly at 10% of correction of the markets of a few weeks ago. now you are looking at a bare market. this is the 11th anniversary of that bull market that began 11 years ago today. it faces the biggest test. the level of the bear market of the dow, s&p 500, 2708. there is a pretty grim mood. those circuit breaker were hit. a 7% decline at the opening bell and they stopped trading for 15
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minutes. things are stabilized here. you ask me what's wrong. mixed messaging at the white house about a prices that's continuing to spread. cnn is calling this a pandemic. the second quarter of the u.s. you would see the economy shrink and there are a lot of economy who are wondering if this is just a one quarter issue or a shallow reception for the economy to bounce back. a lot of companies got supply chains around the world is broken. they can't pay the bills. they are toughening in the the line of credit. that's causing some stress. the crash in the oil mark, there is a lot going on. a perfect storm taking investors for the ride here. >> things are stabilized. that's the day we are living into. kristine romans.
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the virus is not yet contained. 601 cases confirmed here in the united states. new york governor announcing minutes ago the new jersey and new york port authority is infected with the virus. but, look at the president's twitter feed, he's still trying to down the impact. the president blames today's market sell off on the oil dispute. democrats are looking to in flame the coronavirus situation far beyond or what the facts would wore it. that's all from the president this morning. cnn's katelyn collins is live for us at the white house. the president is on his way back to d.c. now. his own aid would tell you his own messaging is part of the problem but he does not seem to agree. >> no, he does not. he publicly changed his tone on this. he's not down playing it as much as we initially saw.
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the president is not taking this outbreak seriously enough. he did go visit the cdc in atlanta on friday. it was business as usual where he hosted a fundraiser of 400 people in the audience at mar-a-lago at palm beach. he had dinner with the brazilian president and a ton of his friends at his club and he got one more fundraiser he's at where he's expected to raise $4 million before coming back to the white house dealing with the fallout of all of this. the president is going to talk about potential economic stimlusti stimulus they can do because of the fear of coronavirus and unknown of it. this all comes really the state of the employees and the white house between the white house and these national health agencies is not good. there are a lot of distrust on both sides. they think the white house is down playing it so much. that's where we come as they are
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trying to put their best foot forward here and saying they are ready to deal with this. critics don't think that's the case here. kaitlan collins. appreciate that reporting. joining me now in the studio, our chief economic commentator with the wall street journal. appreciate you being here on a volatile day. hough of wh how much of what we saw is stabilizing and how much of it is the weekend oil shot or global economic worries and how can you put a factor on the mix messaging that the president says one thing and experts say another? >> we already knew that the global economy and the u.s. economy were at significant risk from the virus. people taking it normal precautionary and not going to conferences. on the weekend we had the addition of bucket of risks.
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saudi arabia is driving down the price of oil. that impacts a lot of jobs and manufactures and mostly in the oil pact. that could raise risk of percepti perception. we are seeing signs concerning the financial market and thanks to being reluctant. all those things have raised a degree of anxiety and the possibility of what started as some what isolated is working something larger. >> so you have competing ideas. you heard the president says, one thing he repeatedly said he got an emergency fed rate cut last week. he keeps on saying the fed should do more. gary cohn thinks the airline industry is going to bail out. >> we have to talk about how do we sustain an airline industry
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here in the united states. we are going to need to make sure we protect our airline industry ultimately we are going to come out of this. and i think that's one of the things i am trying to say is we don't know how long this is going to last. the only thing i know for sure is we'll look back at this some day in the future and say what we put up and should have done. >> as the president debates his options and suggest. we are in election year. what are the one or two or three smartest things that could be done right now to help? >> the federal reserve have done all it can do. interest rates are so low. cutting it further is not going to help and certainly not going to cure the disease to get people out. gary cohn is right. what can congress and policies can do? start making money available to individual states and local government who are looking at significant loss of revenue or
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pay because of the virus. states and local government contemplating should they be shutting down activities. they should not worry about this consequences. a very easy thing for the federal government to do would be the sort of increase and share medicaid. as cohn says there are some industries that are seriously impacted, airlines and hotels and now the oil and gas industry. there is a lot of room for congress to think about loan guarantees and tax credits or tax deferrals, all things provided target relieves to these sectors. >> sick pay especially and not only you give economic relief but some people don't get those when they come to work. >> and you they think so sort of the old politics of oil prices when opec had an issue when
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prices falling down, that was a political celebration at home. the president tweeted this morning, gasoline prices are coming down. not the right tone at this moment. >> it is missing the important fact which is the immediate fact that's causing a lot of oil and gas company, stop drilling and cut back capitol expenditure. that's where we'll see the first impact. >> that's an interesting economic challenge to begin with. gregg ip. appreciate it. >> a big complication on capitol hill and the president's campaign schedule. hey allergy m. achoo! do your sneezes turn heads? ♪ try zyrtec. zyrtec starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day.
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after ted cruz and paul cosar are self-quarantining after coming in contact with a man tested positive with the coronavirus. cnn's dana bash a. welcome to the coronavirus debate here. step back and be careful. the question is will the speaker and majority leader and the senate pelosi and mcconnell sit down and say you know what, maybe we should have a large group meeting, a lot of our population happens to be over 60 and in all in at risk group. >> that's not where they are discussing, there is one week in session right now, recess is next week and we'll see what
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happens afterwards. there is a lot of planning behind the scenes for weeks. there is an expectation that a member of congress or an aid will get exposed or quarantined. and to tele communicate. nancy employee sis pelosi is hag tonight to discuss this coronavirus epidemics. that's the focus right now. staying in town to figure out a solution here. >> that's to get aids of states and government. just the last two weeks, 53 cases in the united states confirmed. today that number is 601.
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it is likely to go up more. congress will come back. they want to talk about what we need from a public health standpoint and what do we need from the economic standpoint. let's see speaker pelosi was up in boston for an event. one of the questions here is can they trust each other and get something done. >> rather than name calling of some of what he's doing that he would be again joining with his healthcare professionals who are advising him and the rest of us in a well coordinated government agenda, there is a concern that we have and he may try to do something to delay corporate america concerns but we are saying all america benefits if you relay the concerns of american working families because consumer confidence is the life blood of our company.
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>> that's just an economic thing that helps the business sector. you have democrats saying what about the paid sick leave or when vaccine is available, it is free and everybody can have quick access to it. election year politics and deep distrust to begin with, they got to figure it out? >> absolutely. >> of course the economy and not just the performances and the stock market and unemployment and all of these things have void him in a year where so many roles and aspects or whatever all these other factor that is could have dragged him down, voters have been overlooking those because the economy had been so strong. whether it is fair or not, it is always the president who gets praised when the economy is on the rise. it is true there are all kinds of other sectors. if you are in the service economy or working everyone in the food service business or
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hourly wage workers affected by this, it is absolutely going to matter whether or not you are going to get paid or you just have to eat the cost of this public health rate. >> even though the president is going to present ideas with his economic team today, this question remains whether or not the president gets it. i talked to a source this morning within contact with him who said it is all about me, why this is happening to me and why is the economy which was good and not going to be so good to me in this election season so on and so forth. so that's a big concern number one and number two is operationally even though mike pence is out there and people around him are out there, there are really big questions about how or why they gotten the administration, everything we
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know from the fda was not part of the task force. what about the department of education? couples of schools in d.c. says they are closing. that's going to happen all over other country. it is on a broad level that sector of the population everyoeven remotely prepared. >> they do cause concerns. will the president be on board or contradicting officials as he has repeatedly of vaccine development or tests or available, go gate test, they're beautiful and they're not available. the governor of washington state, he called jay inslee a snake. jay inslee had the opportunity to fight back on sunday. the administration is very shaky. jay inslee going out of his way
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to say the vice president is in charge now, it is better. >> right now the agency government is being diligent and helping our state. the vice president has been helpful in this regard. we are focusing on people's health and not on ballpolitical gains right now. that's what we need to do. >> it is interesting he went out of his way i am going to deal with the president later. and in an odd way offering support to pence at this difficult time. >> i think the package, one is the emergency package suggest that is actually they'll get it done but they'll come together and set aside some of their concerns. democrats drove a much larger package through the president's success. he had no problem with it. this will happen. really hard to think about this
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is the health response. not the test itself going to the hospital or e.r. or going to the doctor and probably does not have paid sick leave. does that person go get tested when they get a low pay? probably not. and so it is not just the economic aipac. one of the components that nancy pelosi and schumer have been pushing to provide free testing and paid sick leave. >> part of the free testing is important, it is not the test itself, it is the cost that associated with it. >> and communications about that. if you have a little fever, go get it test. you will get paid sick leave, do not come to work. we'll help you. the president said the other day, testing is perfect. go get one. the vice president not long after said it is going to be a couple of weeks. the issue of the administration,
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are there people willing to tell the truth when they know the boss is watching. jake tapper tried yesterday with the surgeon general. >> can you tell us how many people are testing in the united states? >> you can't give me a rough number? >> you don't know? >> i would refer you to the cdc. the number changed so rapidly and i don't want to give you a number. >> is the administration going to put senior officials out on television, should they have some information? >> except this is now heavily state and local control. health authorities are carrying out the test. >> when it was just the cdc kukiku conducting testing, it was a figure to keep their hands-on. now, it is going to state local authorities and hospitals and universities, after a week of testing, you would think they come back with numbers but i
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understand why they're not getting the right in your opinion. it is contained of the coronavirus, that's similar to the line of the political advisor kellyanne conway saying last week, heavily contradicted by experts. >> they're having another briefing. the vice president will have a briefing. they deserve more credit. we'll see if we'll get answers. >> democratic primaries, a narrow democratic race. speaker pelosi was asked today why is it down to two men? >> it came down to two place, this is all interesting. we have to win this election, what is the most in their view of our strongest way to do that and it has come down to two of these people. car insuranceon my when i switched to geico.
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tonight in a rally in detroit. he campaigned at grand rapids. >> senator sanders is a good man. his medicare for all push would be a long and expensive log if he can get it done at all. they can't afford to wait for a revolution. they're looking for results. >> bernie sanders spent most of the weekend saturday and sunday in michigan. you see him right there of a rally in st. louis, missouri. if biden can take it this time, that'll send a message way beyond the delegate map. >> it would indeed. also his argument. his winning argument has always been rooted here in michigan in the industrial midwest. it is not just michigan. next week ohio and and illinois
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and so much is riding on the sanders campaign. why they ramped up this effort over the weekend. bernie sanders has been all across the states. joe biden just arrived this morning at grand rapids. i was speaking to a lot of sanders' loyal supporters over the weekend at his rally. one name came up again and again, that's donald trump. he went onto win michigan in notify. takeno november. >> take a look at this. >> we'll go on the bernie sanders's train as far as we can but if it comes down to joe biden, i will vote for joe biden. >> i hope to start in michigan. that'll be great. we'll see what happens on tuesday. >> a sense of optimism and also a sense of practicality. that's something i have not detected with loyal sanders'
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supporters. let's see how voters go tomorrow with michigan. so much is riding on senator sanders. biden is hoping to extend the one he had on super tuesday. a fascinating race tomorrow that's key for sanders campaign. >> let's come in with the room. let's start with senator sanders. 610 delegates and 538 for bernie sanders. still allocating some of the delegates. joe biden had the leads and wins and bernie sanders hoping to recreate the coalition he believes is critical in ann arbor appealing to college students, please not only vote but call a friend. >> michigan is the most
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important state coming up on tuesday. we need you to bring out your friends, family and co-workers. tell your friends that your tired of them complaining about high tuition and student debt and lack of healthcare and low wages and unaffordable housing. here is the problem. bernie sanders is rightly settling his coalition. so far in the contest, only iowa, only in iowa as youth turned out and gone up. in new hampshire in texas and virginia and north carolina, turning out down from four years ago. there is a piece that's missing. >> i am talking to sanders campaign this morning about this very thing. they are well aware of those numbers remaining stagnant and a couple of cases going down slightly from 2016 which is why
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everyo even before super tuesday, bernie sanders' message at every rally is we don't win unless we expand our electorates and unless you young people who are here to see me don't use this as a fun event but you get out and vote and use the very aggressive network that we have built which they have online and elsewhere to get people to vet. they understand that for his coalition, the young people are getting out in high number. >> if you look at the map tomorrow. sanders -- joe biden has a narrow lead now, modest but not instrumental. if he start to stretch it out, it gets interesting. you would say missouri is where sanders is now. mississippi, biden is favorite there. he won the african-american votes across the south. washington state is interesting
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in the sense that you have a primary there and now not a caucus. it takes a while to get to some of this. they think it will be relatively close. you have these portionroportion rules. the big prices, he thinks he pulls out in that lead and he's getting help. we are seeing endorsement after endorsement including cory booker. >> it is time for us to beat donald trump. it became clear to me that joe biden is the right person to do that. we have to unify and show our strengths and i think this tuesday could be a pivotal day in our primary progress. it is interesting to see the support at the beginning there. it is time for us to beat donald trump. good run, good race, candidate.
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>> that's been joe biden's success. the electability, you see voters and exit polls and also in our polls from today making it clear that democratic voters want somebody who can beat the president and not someone who shares their position according to the polls, 59% believe that biden is a person that can beat president trump and that's the argument that a lot of democratic voters are making here. we may not agree with joe biden or not the best candidate but he's more electable. >> the national poll is interesting. 52% over bern bie sanders. gabbard is still in the race. she's not polling anywhere. >> white college voters, men and women and those making less than $50,000 a year or those making more. bernie sanders is the only
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subgroup he wins are voters under the age of 45. >> this is only a couple of weeks ago in terms of those subgroups and how they are voting. michigan and washington state are important because they're two kinds of bookends of bernie sanders. can he hang on with autoworkers and unionized workers working in the democratic primary. and washington state, liberals and young voters. you will notice both of these candidates at rallies with a lot of people this week and as we have been talking about coronavirus, it is interesting to watch how the candidates and their teams are beginning to think about this in terms of how candidates are protecting their own help and thousands of supporters in crowded halls to
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see these kancandidates. president trump loves a big rally. we'll see it coming in a few days. i think this is something all candidates are going to be evaluating. >> to go forward, you will see less rope lining even after the big rallies. you can follow all live on super tuesday right here on cnn. special live coverage starts at 4:00 p.m. eastern. it will go late. up in the ca up next, montana has a new candidate. at today's best western,
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hope hicks is back at the white house this week. it has been two years since she left the white house. she's returning as as new title as counselor. the state is home to many voters with ties to cuba and south american country run by authoritarian leader. >> well, -- [ speaking in spanish ] >> steve bullock announced he's
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running for senate. that after the governor insisted mo for months he was not interested. bullock entered into the race does boost democrats picking up that seat. he rolled out a video saying he wants to make washington work like montana. >> our unemployment rate the lows e in o lowest in decades. >> our economy has been booming. >> i am not going to run and i am not going to go to washington, he's in. >> it was an amazing play. he told everybody he was not going to run but came under enormous pressure. the biden impact also had some
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weight. this is a huge coup for democrats. this seat is clearly in place. he's the only democrat that could win. they can do it, they have to run the table. make no mistake, democrats is happy about this development. >> he wants to make washington like montana. we could use some snow. up next the fight attack about the coronavirus kicks into high-gear on social media. johnsbut we're also a cancer fighting, hiv controlling, joint replacing, and depression relieving company. from the day you're born we never stop taking care of you.
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a new team to combat the spread of bad information. online misinformation is of course a challenge of our time. whatever the topic. it is a potentially life and death issue when it is a global health crisis like the coronavirus and people are anxious for answers. cnn's sullivan is joining me in new york. take us in of what we know about the coronavirus, tony and the bad and wrong thing that's being spread. >> that's right, john, misinformation is spreading on these platforms a bit like the virus itself. misinformation and conspiracy
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theory is about the genesis of the virus and falsely people are claiming it was manmade. i want to run you through some of the conspiracies that are out there at the moment including the false claims that bill and melinda gates are some what responsible for the virus. and articles claiming without evidence that coronavirus is chinese bioweapon. where does this all come from? people taking a little bit of information, the gates foundation ran a similulation studying the virus years ago and it turns into conspiracy and seen by millions of people around the world. there are parallels to the early hours of the iowa caucus when
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people don't have the full set of information, social media really allows us to blow everything out of proportion and for misinformation to read faster. >> we see this in politics as well. as i get into the politics part of it, are the social media company doing enough to find these stuff or calling it out. the context of this over the week, showing you the pilot of a tweet here the president retweeting his social media, they doctored a video of joe biden, it sounds like we can only reelect donald trump. listen to what joe biden did say. >> you want a nominee that'll bring this party together who'll run a positive campaign and turn the primary from a campaign of negative attacks of one of what we are for.
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we can't win the election if we can only reelect donald trump. >> in the video that the president's team edited, they just stopped. in this case twitter put up the manipulated media disclaimer. new tool and not use enough tools. >> there is a tiny disclaimer under the post. >> twitter over the past few weeks coming up with a new policy because of manipulated videos, they want to tell their users if something is fake or misleadingly edited. they did that and it was the first time to put these policies in place. the first time they have put this policy in place was on a post of retweeted by the president of the united states.
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but facebook and twitter have a major job in this area and refuses to fact-check politicians. >> donie o' sullivan. thank you. let's call it out when we see it. >> they don't do this well enough or with flashing red as they should to say something that's bs and wrong and manipulated. the company should do more. the first time they do it involves the president of 2 united states. >> we always become numb to this. we are not numb, we should not be numb. the president has used social media more than any other human never mind politicians in history to his benefit. and the in fact he or anybody around him especially a social media does not take a beat and say is this real before they do it? it is scary. it is plain scary. >> he retweets his conspiracy
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all the time. >> yes. >> if you want to learn something about coronavirus and don't go to facebook or twitter and call it your definitive end. >> people kept on saying i am going to mix my own hand sanitizer. >> we are not high enough proof for that. >> just because the bottom of tweets does not say it will do it. it does not mean it. >> does not mean. >> you got to do a lot of this at your home. thank you for joining us. super tuesday is tomorrow. a very busy tuesday. have a good afternoon. we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ]
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