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tv   Unseen Enemy  CNN  March 14, 2020 8:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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welcome back. coming up on the top of the hour. this is cnn facebook global town hall. i'm anderson cooper along with dr. sanjay gupta. >> send your questions to us. go to cnn facebook. we're talking about all aspects of the story tonight. >> it's a world increasingly isolated especially after last night's presidential announcement of a travel ban affecting many european countries. just for perspective they've seen plenty of cases to at least 460 today, no deaths the prior two weeks, thankfully. the crisis clearly growing there as is the travel ban confusion.
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joining us from heathrow airport for us. the u.s. moving forward with these travel restrictions tomorrow starting at midnight. what more are you able to tell us and what does this mean? >> reporter: so let's break this down into who's affected and who's not. first of all it's the country affected these are the european union and norway, et cetera, switzerland countries that share an open border between each other but not the united kingdom and not ireland. in terms of passengers who are affected, well, u.s. citizens will still be able to return to the united states from the shengen area and as indeed green card holders, spouses and et cetera, et cetera. it's a complicated list. thereafter it gets very difficult for foreigners, for non-u.s. citizens or green cold holders to fly from the rest of europe, if you like, to the
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united states. that's why we've seen over the last 12 hours or so many u.s. airlines dramatically, dramatically cutting flights from the rest of europe. united lufthansa has been cutting flights, all of them because there's simply not been the demand. those flights over the next few days that are available are just jam-packed. and one final thought, flying from london to the united states next week or thereafter the price has rocketed because this is the best way back to the states, except, of course, if you've been in the rest of europe. >> let's be clear, if you're a british citizen or if you live in france or you live in germany and you fly to london, can you fly to the united states and get in? >> reporter: well, no, you can't. you cannot use london as a back
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door because the promulgation of the regulation says if you have been in the shengan countries. so someone who thinks i'll get the euro star from paris to london and i'll hop on a plane back to the states is going to be met at the other side -- well, first of all they will be screen ear, have you been. now, we don't exactly what information sharing there is, but you will risk making an error, telling a false statement to immigration, and as you know that has serious consequences and ramifications. one final point or one other point is from the rest of europe those aircraft will be going to special designated airports that have been handling, for example, china. they're all the usual suspects, chicago, los angeles, san francisco. so there won't be the same capacity across the atlantic. i want to put this in
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perspective, by the way. the aviation and airline organization, it says there are 200,000 flights between shengen and the u.s. every year. it's $46 billion -- sorry, $26 billion worth of business now very seriously in trouble. >> you may have said this but i want to be clear. so u.s. citizens currently in the u.k. or europe, rather, who are flying back to it states they're allowed to come back, but what is the process like? will there be a mandatory quarantine for them or what happens? >> that is unclear. very unclear. so the non-u.s. don't even get on the plane. okay, they are barred. the u.s. will go to these special airports and will follow, sanjay, the same procedures as was introduced for china, italy and others.
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but it is unclear at least from my understanding of the rules at the moment exactly whether they are required to go immediately into self-isolation or whether there's going to be some other form of isolation, or whether it's sort of a hodgepodge have you got symptoms. so u.s. -- and by that i mean green card holders and spouses and the like, the aspect of everybody else it's a no-go from europe. and if you do fly -- it's a mess. there's no getting over it. we're talking about millions of people that would normally make this trip. we're talking about the two continents being completely cut off to some extent by sheer confusion. and european governments are seething, absolutely blisteringly seething. first of all they say the situation doesn't merit it and, secondly, they weren't even
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consulted. >> and as you said those flights that are continuing to the united states are going to be jam-packed. so anybody who may -- you know, the last thing you want to is to be squeezed in coach next to three other people at a time like this. >> there's no question -- look, it comes in tonight. you've got 12 hours, 24 hours or whatever. the planes start flying here. it's 3:00 in the morning here. the planes start flying in about 3 hours. same in europe and on the continent as we say. they will be packed as of midnight on friday. the curtain comes down, the number of flights will be cut. and if you really want to see the economic damage, norwegian which is a low cost carrier you'll be well familiar with in the united states as well, is slashing 40% of its routes and says it will layoff or could layoff up to 50% of its staff. so the airline industry is on
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its knees as a result of all of this. >> wow. i'm still trying to figure out what a nifty little weave is, but that's for another time, richard. now to south korea where we've seen testing and success in flattening the curve. a week ago that rose to 5,700 cases, 35 deaths. this week nearly 7,900 cases and 66 people died. joining us now from seoul, cnn's paula hancocks. what measures are in place rights now? what is daily lifelike for people? >> reporter: well, anderson, testing really has been key here in south korea. since this started there's been almost a quarter of a million people in this country that have been tested. and that's far more than most other countries around the world. and what they are starting to see is that over the last week
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the number of new cases every day has been decreasing. they still have new cases, but it does appear at least at this point to be some kind of a slow down. i spoke to the health minister earlier this week, and he said he was hoping that we have seen the peak. and i also asked him because south korea has been dealing with this for months now. what was the advice to give to the u.s., to give to europe, to those countries who are now starting to have to grapple with this. and he said test it, early detection is absolutely vital when it comes to trying stoostem the spread of this virus, to trying to calm down some regional outbreaks and clusters, which south korea has had an issue with. and also he said it's important to try and allocate the medical resources correctly. not everybody needs hospitalization. in fact, in south korea only 10% of those who tested positive actually stayed in hospital at all. so he said that was key as well. but he kept coming back to the fact that you need that early detection, and you need more testing. >> i think south korea, paula,
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has been sort of held up as a model as far as testing goes. but i'm curious, what had been some of the other challenges to the response? >> well, certainly one of the issues that south korea has is the clusters that have come really seemingly from nowhere in the southeast of the country. there was a massive cluster linked to one particular religious group. close to 60% of cases at one point were linked directly to that one religious group. and officials have questioned that religious group, have said they've hampered the effort, the fact they were being secretive, weren't giving the lists of their members openly. and there's been more than 100 people in a call center that have tested positive, but what officials have done is they have shutdown the building, quarantined everyone, and they're testing everyone within the building to try and stem that and doing the contact testing.
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what it does show is no matter how efficient a health system in a country, no matter how quick the government is to react, it is key that citizens are honest and cooperating, otherwise all the best intentions of a health system can be undermined here as they were in south korea. >> looking a lot of questions on her facebook wall. hunter lee asked how many people have the virus in america? the answer we don't. >> we don't. and the projection is it could be 5 to 10, 20 times higher. we just don't know. >> joining us from switzerland, the health organization's technical lead for coronavirus response. doctor, thanks so much for being with us. just globally speaking where do things stand in your view from containing this virus? it seems numbers coming out of china seemed to have stabilized. do you believe that's true? what have you seen globally?
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>> so thanks for having me again. yes, so what we're seeing globally is in general we're seeing a decrease in cases across ags sia. and that's led by a decrease in china as you've seen. the reason we believe that is real is because there is a lot of testing happening in china. not only among cases and contacts but also looking in their respiratory disease surveillance systems, and so it's declining in wuhan, in the epicenter of this outbreak. in hubei itself, and i think yesterday there were only 26 cases reported in china overall. but we're also seeing a decrease in korea as you've just heard from your correspondent, and we've seen decreases in singapore. the worrying trend now are increases in europe. we are seeing large increases in a number of countries across europe, and that is definitely a worry. but as you know the more you test, the more you're going to find. so it is very important that testing continues and that all cases and contacts are tested.
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>> doctor, there's -- it's a new world i think for lot of people understanding how best to sort of slow the spread of this virus. and something your organization has said is all countries must strike this balance between protecting health, minimizing economic and social disruption and respecting human rights. so what work do you think still needs to be done to really strike that balance? >> so thanks for that question. we feel very strongly that what has been demonstrated in a number of countries of reducing transmission can be done elsewhere. and what that means is ensuring that aggressive -- there's an aggressive and a comprehensive approach by all people, by governments that really attempt to find all cases, find all contacts, care for them. making sure that they get the right standard of care either in hospital. and as you know not everybody will require hospitalization. some people will develop severe disease, and it's important they get the right care. but then making sure that
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contacts are isolated are in quarantine so that we remove them from other people so that they don't pass that onwards. but if you do that you have to make sure they're cared for as well, that they have the right information, that they have food, medical care, that they can still reach their love ones. so there is a balance between separating people, you know, making sure we don't pass the virus between people but also making them feel connected with their loved ones. >> it's interesting. you've been obviously monitoring this longer than a lot of folks have. it's been on the world health organization's radar obviously since what happened in china. you know best case practices, you know what works to contain this. what is the u.s. not doing that we should be doing, whether it's communities, leaders, whatever the case may be? we heard from our correspondent in china who were saying folks in wuhan see in the u.s. folks in new york still going to gyms and can't believe people are
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still doing that. what should the u.s. be doing we're not doing right now or that we need to ramp up more? >> well, what i can tell you is what we know works. and what we know works is finding cases, finding contacts. we know social distancing works, keeping people separated from one another. we know if you're sick, if you're feeling unwell you stay home. that's really key. we know restricting your own movement. we know if you can work from homework from home. we have seen in several countries where they have shutdown gyms, they have shutdown social gatherings. and that does work, but it's important for everyone to know that it is going to be difficult for some time, that there are measures that need to be put in place, but these measures are temporary. you know, all these measures that have been put in place may seem aggressive and over the top, but we know if you can separate people, then you restrict the possibility of this virus from passing from one person to another. we know that activating your emergency response and
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activating your emergency mechanisms, making sure that governments not only from the health side but that you're working with the finance side, you're working with the travel and tourism industry, you're working with businesses. this is an all societal approach. this is an all government approach. and the last thing we know works is mobilizing your public. so making sure every single person knows what their responsibility is. making sure every single person knows that the signs and symptoms are fever and dry cough. it's not a runny nose. you know, there are things that people need to know. what is my individual risk? what are the things i need to do to protect myself and my family? and if you have that, then you have an entire population that can fight this virus. >> doctor, we just got a pretty clear description of what this travel ban looks like now from europe to the united states. is that going to work? is that an effective strategy, do you think? >> well, i just heard about this yesterday, and we know there are many countries that are putting
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in travel bans. what we know this virus is circulating. this virus has been identified on all continents, and so having what we know will work is not necessarily stopping flights because this virus has already circulated. what we know works is testing. we know you have to be aggressive in finding your cases and contacts wherever they they be. so making sure your testing capacity has increased, making sure that the people that do need to be tested are, that's what works. the other thing that's going to work and going to help people and save lives are readying your hospitals. so if hospitals are not ready, they going to be very quickly overwhelmed. and it's important that hospitals have the right supplies, that health care workers are trained in infection prevention and control measures. they're trained in what they can do to help patients who come in. making sure that you have enough of a work force so that people
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aren't working too long hours. that they, health care workers themselves get a break. these are the types of things that governments, all countries should be doing. ready your health care system, get your supplies ready, increase your testing, train your health care workers. >> we've got a lot of questions from viewers all over the globe. this is video from joseph cook in sacramento who has a question. joseph? >> a research paper was recently published by chinese researchers that indicated that there are two types of the coronavirus. a type "l" and a type "s." with the "s" type being the ancestral strain that is much less aggressive than the "l" type of coronavirus. i was wondering what are the implications of that? >> doctor? >> so, yes, so there's a large number of virologists all over
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the world looking at these viruses that are identified in different countries. very early on we know there are different groupings of these viruses, and that was just mentioned in the question. there are no indications there are differences in terms of illness in terms of those groupings. this is virus and there are normal changes that happen in a virus over time, but this virus is relatively stable. so far there's no difference in the groupings as it relates to severity. >> we've got a question from edward in england. he writes how many people worldwide have actually recovered from the coronavirus? >> well, that's a very good question. i don't know the -- i don't have the exact answer on that. i do know in china that it's more than 60,000 people who have recovered. it's probably even higher than that. i think that number was from a few days ago. but that's a good point. so everyone that is infected in this virus -- not everyone infected with this virus will have a severe disease. what we understand from the data
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coming from china is about 80% of people overall will have a mild form of this disease. they'll feel unwell for some time, for a week or two. but about 20% of people that get infected will require some advanced care in hospital. they'll need to respiratory support. and then a small proportion of people will die. but so far we're trying to keep track of the numbers of recoveries globally. we need to follow people through the course of their disease and follow them after they recover to make sure they're still doing well. at least 60,000 people have recovered. >> one of the things is worth drilling down a little bit 80% we hear will have mild disease, doctor. but when i read these studies out of china i want to be clear what mild disease means. because when i read the studies it looked like people in that 80% still could have pneumonia, lung scarring, significant things. >> you're right. it's not just, you know, a few
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days at home feeling unwell. about 40% of people will have a relatively mild disease, and they will feel unwell. have a fever, respiratory symptoms, aches and pains, maybe a headache. but then there are another 40% that will develop pneumonia or a mild form of pneumonia, and i go that doesn't sound very mild, but will not require oxygen, will not require respiratory support. >> this is a video question sent from facebook from carol. let's take a look. >> i've had cancer, and i wonder if there's anything specifically cancer patients should be watching for and if we should check for our doctors earlier. >> i did hear that clearly. >> i don't know what her age is but i would say elderly late 60s, early 70s perhaps and she
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said she has cancer. >> so, yes, we do know there are individuals who are more at risk for severe disease and death. and these are individuals who have underlying conditions such as cancer. such as cardiovascular disease and because of their underlying conditions are more likely to develop a severe illness and die. so it is porn that people who do have those underlying conditions do talk to their doctors. especially if they're older, if they're above the age of 60, 70, 80 years old. speak to your doctor. talk to them about what your individual risk may be, and make sure you take the right approach in terms of if you are developing symptoms. call them early. don't hesitate to call your doctor and get questions. one of the things we want people to know is to be informed. making sure they know themselves what to look out for. so looking out for fever,
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respiratory disease, call your doctor. if you have shortness of breath, if you have difficulty breathing, make sure you call your doctor right away and call ahead before you go into see them, but if you have shortness of breath it's important to go in and see a doctor right away. >> doctor, you know, one of the things, you know, a lot of what we base our knowledge of this novel coronavirus is data coming out of china, some of these large studies out of china. and i'm just curious. in the past obviously there's been situations where there's been concern about transparency, going a back to the sars epidemic 17, 18 years ago. how do they evaluate this data coming out of china? is there cause for concern or lack of transparency? >> we are looking for evidence and data on the coronavirus from every country that is dealing with this virus. we are working with all of our member states to make sure that the data that is captured by the country is shared with us. and not only shared with us but
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shared with the global community. we were very hard on china in the beginning as with all countries because with the novel virus it means we don't know much about it. so anything we can learn about this virus needs to be shared not only amongst chinese citizens but to the rest of the world so that we could build the best approach in terms of battling this virus. and so there's a lot of information that has come out of there. you've seen papers that have come out of there. i spent two weeks in china with a mission, w.h.o. china joint mission where we worked with chinese scientists to see what information was there and how that information could be used. we published a report that's online which has been shared with the world, but now we're working also with a number of other countries. the data coming out of korea, there are some papers that have come out of korea recently. there's papers and reports coming out of italy, and we want to see all of this, all of these
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analyses be put forward so that we can see are there differences happening in different countries in terms of the way the virus is behaving? we don't believe so, but we need evidence to be able to show that. so we are an evidence-based organization. and it's important all this evidence is shared so that we have the best approach to tackle this virus. >> i just saw on our facebook wall a question that came in who says is this one and done? if you get infected and get over it can you then get reinfected or is it like having a flu in a season, you're done for the season? >> so that's a good question, too. the answer is we don't know yet. what we are looking at and what scientists are looking at is to see an immune response amongst individuals who are infected with this virus. we don't have robust data on this yet. what could happen is that when someone gets infected that they develop an imine and antibody response, and that that could
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provide some protection going forward. we don't have data to say whether this is possible or not. but these studies are ongoing now across a number of countries, so we'll have to get back to on that when we have some data. >> thank you so much. great information. so important to get factual information right now. thank you. coming up next we're going to check in with a coronavirus patient we spoke last week, see how he is doing. he's been in quarantine. as our cnn facebook town hall continues. t and look great. "guaranteed" we say that too! you've gotta use these because we don't mean it. buy any pair at regular price, get one free. really! visionworks. see the difference. ♪ i see your face looking into mine ♪ ♪ and when you make me smile meet acqua panna with it's unique journey through the nature of tuscany. ♪ i feel much better acqua panna. meet the smoothest taste on earth.
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back with dr. sanjay gupta and dr. lina wynn. first an update on someone we spoke with last week on this town hall. his name is carl goldman. he joins us once again tonight. carl, at this point how long have you now been in quarantine and how are you feeling? you look much better i've got to say. >> thank you. i feel a lot better. i have been in quarantine actually counting the "diamond princess" february 4th and here since february 17th here in omaha first put in the bio containment center in that room for ten days and i've been here waiting for my body to shed
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itself of the virus in a lower level of care. i'm still locked up, can't go outside, can't open a window. but here i sit one day at a time. if i could be anywhere in the entire world it's being here in omaha. and the doctors have been just unbelievable, the full medical team here. this is one of the top facilities in the entire country. they're doing some clinical studies on me as well. everything is hi-tech, but i laugh because my doctor now opens the door. i've been writing a blog on our radio hometown's website, writing the grim reaper approaches each time i take a test and comes out positive. so now he announces himself as the grim reaper and in this hi-tech place he is handing me a post-it note with my results. unfortunately, i'm positive once again. >> you were retested today, is that right? >> i was retested today, still
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came out positive. so it's been a long time. far, far more than the 14 days. in fact it's coming up now on about 28 days since i first came down with the virus. they are -- and i'm not the only one. there's a bunch of us from the "diamond princess" here at travis air force and loughlin air force base in the same boat i'm in. one of the theories is we have dead cells in there from the virus and still testing positive, so the cdc is going to take a sample of ours in the next day or two, take it back to atlanta and put it and grow it in a culture as a different type of test to see how it compares to the tests we've been getting here. >> i've got to say you're so gracious about your time in the hospital. i don't think i've ever heard someone describe it like that, so good for you.
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you're sort of giving us an idea of the protocol here. i think dr. fauci said you had to have two negative tests ultimately? is that the case for you? >> actually here in omaha they are requiring three negative tests in a row. they're being a lot more conservative than some of the other places in the country. and the tests are done with a swab that goes deep up each n nostril for about 5 seconds and then down in the throat. although they're finding the nostril one seems to be much more accurate so they're heading towards the nostril ones for a while. my clinical study, i'm getting a lot of blood tests and then i get swabs under each eye lit for 5 seconds and one up my rear end, so i'm taking one for the team. >> i really appreciate you talking to us. we want to keep checking in with you. i hope you get better and get all clear tests. i know your wife is holding up
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for you back at home. thank you very much. we wish you the best. i want to also bring back in dr. wynn. certainly a great blessing. thank you so much. really appreciate it. back now with dr. wynn, some more questions. a video question from instagram from a viewer in new delhi. let's take a look. >> my question for you is i'm taking a direct flight from delhi to new york city on tuesday. is that a good idea, and also what can i expect when i land at jfk? >> really good questions. and i know the cdc has come out with guidance saying those older, who have chronic medical conditions should avoid small haul flights. and i don't know what medical conditions you might have but i think for everyone who's abroad it's a question of what else is going on in their lives?
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as in if their whole families are here and if their medical care is in the u.s., even if they have these chronic medical conditions they may still want to fly back and be with their family. >> also for travel stuff it's not just the question of is this safe for me to fly? if by flying am i endangering anybody else, it's also just logistically might i get caught somewhere that suddenly goes into a lock down and then i can't get back to my home country, or i can't get back to, you know, the country i work in. so it's not just a health question, although that's obviously the most important thing. it's also a logistics question. you don't want to get caught someplace you then can't get back. >> that's right. and if you may need medications when you're abroad, if you may need medical care, for example? what happens if you're somewhere else and you need to stay there for months? >> if we talk about mass gatherings and things like that, obviously health is the number one concern here.
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but if you end up at one of these mass gatherings might be a conference or something like that, and someone subsequently tests positive there, you might get wrapped up into a significant contact tracing. if you had direct contact with that person you might need to be isolated in your own home for a pete. it's the social part as well. >> we saw a picture of the president next to i think it was the chief of staff, the president of brazil. and that man has now tested positive for the coronavirus from all the reporting. and the picture was taken at mar-a-lago. is there -- i mean, shouldn't the president be tested? >> i think the president should be worried. >> just if this was a ceo of a company with somebody, an employee who they were meeting with, you would -- i would think for contact tracing they would be tested. >> so the person who he met with did test positive, is that what you said? >> yeah.
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and in fact bolsanaro is now being monitored. >> yeah, i mean in public health contact tracing we would be tracing the contacts of each person that they met, and that they had face-to-face contact with. and so the president would be one of individuals that would certainly be asked to monitor his symptoms and i would imagine be tested, too. and he should be tested regardless of whether he's the president. he should be tested because that's the normal procedure. >> so before when he met with a congressman who had been in contact with someone who tested positive that was different. but now because he came in direct contact with someone who tested positive, that changes the equation. >> the question in new delhi was asking about what happens at the airport when he she arrives what can she expect? that's a good question and there's been conflicting reports about this. jason, what could she expect? do we know? >> look, it really depends on what your status is and where you're coming from.
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look, if you're a citizen citizen or you have a green card and it turns out you visited one wf those 20 european countries within the past few days you will be allowed in the united states. but if you're a foreign national and you visited one of these european countries in the past 14 days you will not be allowed into the united states full stop. having said that, tonight, anderson, i've spoken to a number of travelers out here, u.s. citizens who were in europe and they said, look, that simply was not made clear. story after story for people who canceled tickets, bought new tickets to try to get here ahead of that friday midnight deadline tomorrow. so a lot of confusion. one man put it this way. he said once he found out u.s. citizen in europe he freaked out, got here and got a ticket as soon as he could. as for that indian viewer with that question, she'll be allowed into the united states. however, if that person has visited any of those 26 european
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countries within the past 14 days she should seek other travel plans. anderson? >> we have an online submission in washington state. mora writes why hasn't the health care center in washington been evacuated? shouldn't the staff be self-quarantined and it appears the government is just leaving these people to die. >> this is tough question, and, you know, obviously these types of situations may come up, again, because this is where these vulnerable populations live. dr. wynn and i were talking about this before. unlike school closings where there's someplace clear for the kids, the students to go, it's challenging with extended care facilities. you've got to really understand what is the next plan? >> so there's the question medically taking somebody to a hospital, does that make sense
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the risk of moving them? >> that's right. the risk of moving them, the amount of resources that it takes alt the hospital, can you provide that same sort of care? i understand what has happened there, but can you disinfect, clean the area, reduce the risk and still provide care there? my guess is that might be a more desirable option if it's possible. >> in italy they're already talking about making difficult decision, doctors and i do want to check in with sarah snider standing by at the life care center in kirkland, washington. sarah, has there been any talk about that why the folks there many of whom hadn't been tested, at least yesterday that was the case -- why they're still there? >> reporter: look, it's a great question, anderson. we have asked the cdc, the county health department and we asked a representative from the life care center here, the nursing home here that now has 22 deaths associated with coronavirus that are linked to
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this facility. the life care center answered it this way. number one the reason is this nursing facility didn't evacuate and just move patients out and get rid of the staff was there was no one that was willing to take these patients in what had really become a petri dish of the coronavirus here. the center said hospitals absolutely did not want these patients unless they had very acute and severe life threatening symptoms, because of course the hospitals didn't want to infect anyone else who was already sick in the hospital. other nursing home facilities would not take these patients. families could not care for their medical needs. that's why they're here at the facility in the first place. and on top of that with some of the patients testing positive for coronavirus, they didn't want to infect their families and their communities. there was nowhere else really for these patients to go. but i do want to mention this. one of the heart breaking things here for a lot of people is we are watching people walk up to these windows and talk to their
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parents through a window, unable to touch them, unable to comfort them with their touch. it's been really, really difficult for these families who have family members, moms, dads, grandparents inside. >> sara, snider, glad you're there. and dr. wynn, really appreciate it. more questions answered by our experts when the cnn facebook global town hall continues.
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more to comenow in our cnn global facebook town hall. we've been partnering with facebook on this. getting a lot of questions on facebook and instagram as well. how public officials communicate with the public and in this crisis we've already learned it can be vital. the president said a lot of
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stuff which frankly september true. thankfully there's the coronavirus task force which has been more fact based and facts are critical. joining us now is jewulian kayy. >> today was a big tay and we had anticipated a day like today, which is when containment was no longer viable. you knew you had sort of community contagion so to speak. and governors and leers woke up to the fear they would hit capacity very soon. >> but in new york there's a move right now to try to pressure -- there's some advocacy groups trying to pressure the mayor to institute more social distancing in public areas. >> you know, i defer to the doctors on this, but you want to have a staged isolation or
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social isolation program. you don't want to go to quarantining immediately. first of all, because we don't have that many deaths. we need to pace this out, extend the runway. but we have to tell people honestly if you flatten the curve, you're extending the runway. >> so explain flattening the curve. >> you just don't want to hit capacity for our hospitals and health workers. you want to make sure if people get sick with this disease, they get sick over time. and the fear i think a lot of governors and mayors were worried about is you're going to have a massive demand relatively soon. this gets back to the kits issue. >> the testing kits. >> yeah, it's the original sin. because if you're a governor or mayor or a planner like me i don't know what my number is, so i have to plan around a worst-case scenario. >> because you don't have testing kits. >> i don't know what my denominator is. are 10 people dying out of 10, or are 10 people dying out of
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10,000? that's a very different number for a planner. it goes back to that number. they don't have a reliable number so they're getting what seems to the american public very extreme measures very quickly because they have to plan for the worst and then you sort of work for the best. >> and you have to assume i think it's much higher -- >> no number i've seen is close to the flu. 0.5 to 3.5. >> i'm curious you were there during ebola. >> i was there during h1n1. >> we see changes all of a sudden. there's a shift. >> you had localized fears with ebola. h1n1 you had a much more border state focused fear so when we got the vaccine you could essentially send it to the right state. so you didn't have i'd say
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nationwide social distancing. and i think that's what nerve-wracking for the governors and mayors i've talked to. often their plan "b" is if i'm in louisiana i'll call mississippi. if i've had a hurricane i'll ask mississippi for their national guard or assets. when you have 50 states dealing with the potential where they don't have any surge capacity this is when sort of federal assets and gaming come in, right? that's what we're thinking about. always good news. >> wow. but information. facts are good. still ahead the physical toll of the coronavirus is one thing but what about the mental health effect? we'll discuss when our cnn global town hall continues. pick up a 6-pack of michelob ultra pure gold, we'll help transition 6 square feet of farmland to organic. so, if all these sun-seekers, riders and dancers get a 6-pack... this, this and that can go organic.
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and it's why comcast spotlight is changing its name to effectv. because being effective means getting results. a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! questions continue to come in to our cnn facebook global town hall. we spoke about this in particular before the break and we're all now seeing the effects. the social distancing. big changes in our everyday lives. and where we go, what we do, how we go about date-day life really. right now we want to look closer at the stress that can come with it. joining us is dr. christine
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moutier, a psychiatrist we've often turned to in difficult situations before. there's a lot of fear out there and it's understandable. it's not something you can just say oh, there's no reason to not be concerned. to me what's empowering is there are things we can do that can actually bring us closer together as a community while we are social distancing, which is looking out for one another and looking after our own health and washing our hands and being responsible. >> exactly right, anderson. it's -- when we look at the data and actually past events, what we see is during times of stress, even wartime or natural disasters, there is a tendency, we're social creatures, we come together. and that can introduce an incredibly protective effect. now, because this has this social distancing piece and the infectious disease contagion piece to it, i think we have to really think thoughtfully about are we connecting with our loved ones? are we checking in? are we using technology if we
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need to? this is a time when we really can use that for good. >> there are so many questions coming in on facebook about this. and to sort of summarize them, i mean, there's something that's happening obviously with regard to this virus. and it's a potentially problematic virus for a significant percentage of the population. that is true. but how do you convey that honesty while also trying to allay, you know, the anxiety that comes with it? they're opposing forces in some ways it seems. >> that's right. i think it's such sort of a challenge and exercise in managing uncertainty because you look at it and you try to gauge, should i be incredibly concerned? is this life-threatening? or is this simply a new and unfamiliar threat which always will have an exaggerated sort of anxiety and stress response? we live with risk and health threats every day, and we have an incredible ability actually
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to cope with that, to make rational choices about how we manage all of that and take care of our health. the other thing i think is really important about this issue of that tension of uncertainty and the anxiety that it creates is that remember that the brain is a part of our body and so taking care of our stress, our mental health, our well-being, staying connected to ourselves and being center and encouraging others to do the same and really connecting is actually a way to boost your immune system. the brain is connected to the bod qi in that way. >> also to me what makes me feel better is we have been to places where societies have fall anne part. i spent time in sarajevo during the war in bosnia and rwanda after the genocide. this is not that. this is not the water's not going to shut down, the
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electricity's not going to go off, the grid is not going to go offline. people will die, people get sick, the vast majority will recover. and it won't be a death -- you know, a deadly illness. and we know how to treat this. it's just it's going to be unpleasant, uncomfortable, difficult, but it is not an alien life form coming from another planet that is going to destroy the universe. i mean, it's something that is manageable and doctors know how to deal with it. it's going to be tough but we'll get through that. >> yes. i think that's exactly right. and having that grounded reminder in what it is and what it isn't and reminding the youth in our lives about that as well, that's very important. you know, i think that will help counter the sort of day-to-day changes of the impact that it is having. i think that disruption in routine and that sense of uncertainty is just elevating
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anxiety. for people who have mental health conditions it's all the more important to really go into a very proactive mode about managing mental health and well-being. >> one of the things i was saying today, we were saying social distancing does not have to mean social isolation. in fact, it can mean the opposite. reach out more. i've been reaching out to my parents a lot. worried about them feeling that they're disconnected. >> with something like this people do come together. even if it's not physically coming together it's checking in with people and we are all in this together. and there really is a community in that. and that can be a beautiful thing. >> that's exactly right. and i just want to say that when you check in with your loved one and you take the time to listen to what their concerns really are, what's on their mind, there is -- we underestimate the power that comes with that level of processing. both for us and for our loved one. so it's absolutely a time to do that. >> christine moutier, thank you so much. i appreciate it. i want to thank all our guests
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and all those who asked questions on facebook and instagram, everyone at facebook and instagram for partnering with us. thanks to everyone for watching the cnn facebook global town hall. we'll continue doing these. the news continues the here on cnn. we made usaa insurance for members like kate. a former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa
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for just $0 a month. it's 5g ready! for people with hearing loss, visit good evening. i'm dr. sanjay gupta. tonight on cnn we want to share with you a documentary that will change the way you think about this global pandemic we are now experiencing. "unseen enemy" is the story of the doctors, the scientists, and the public health officials who saw this crisis coming and tried to stop it. their discoveries are vitally important, and it's not too late to use their knowledge to contain the coronavirus. we want to be clear. this documentary is not specifically about coronavirus.
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but even though this film originally aired on cnn three years ago, it's actually more relevant now than ever. if we can harness the power of the public and private sectors and then work with governments across the globe, we can still save millions of lives. this is how. >> hello. good morning. this is -- >> 5:00 a.m. here in the east. let's get -- >> good morning, everyone. welcome to early start. >> [ speaking foreign language ]. >> [ speaking foreign language ]. >> the centers for disease control today issued a health warning following a worldwide outbreak of a mysterious form of pneumonia. >> the highly contagious virus, sars killed nearly 300 people -- >> 8,500 people around the world have come down with sars. >> [ speaking foreign
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language ]. >> the world health organization has declared a swine flu pandemic. >> spread of the h1n1 swine through. >> the outbreak has spread widely and cannot be contained. >> i think we can contain -- >> influenza pandemics must be taken seriously. >> a wig obig outbreak of the d ebola virus has -- >> the ablea outbreak has now spread -- >> there's no cure. >> they don't have the resources to actually -- >> governments around the world are considering new measures -- >> now calling from the new york city health department. >> temperature reading from last night. >> the u.s. department of agriculture confirmed another case of bird flu. >> 1.5 million state turkeys have been killed to prevent the spread of -- >> it is very critical that they control -- >> you have to respond to the challenge. >> three latest victims of the new respiratory virus calls mers
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have come from middle eastern countries. they believe it originated in bats or camels. >> causes rapid kidney failure. >> as the zika virus continues to infect people across the globe -- >> the outbreak started in brazil. a suspected link to severe birth defects. >> typically transmitted by mosquitos. >> when the weather starts to warm up more of those mosquitos could -- >> i believe there's such a thing as being too late. >> there's a growing concern -- ♪ our home. you can almost hear the biological chatter. >> ebola. zika virus. >> how contagious -- >> just when technology and
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science were supposed to make us safer, we suddenly seem more vulnerable to outbreaks. >> whether we like it or not, our world is globalizing ever more. that's not only true for markets and production, but it's also true for behaviors, for diseases. so we're more vulnerable because of our mobility and we're living in crowded cities. that's fantastic from the perspective of a virus because in no time it can infect hundreds of thousands of people. >> over the last three decades there have been about 30 newly emerging disease that have the potential to be pandemics. if we do nothing, it's not a matter of if there will be a global pandemic. it's just a matter of when.
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and which virus and how bad. >> the world changes around us at increasing speed. we cause a lot of that change. migrating to cities, stripping the earth of its resources and altering primeval jungle. >> we are seeing whole entire ecologies, that which you can see with your eye and that which you can see only with a microscope. >> one system after another completely reshaped. >> is there a sense -- >> in every case this affords opportunities for viruses and bacteria to seek out new homes, cause new havoc, including disease for human beings. >> when contagion happens, life altars in an instant. we don't feel safe. we lose trust.
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>> fear spreads very quickly when you have an infectious disease outbreak. communication is so much more pervasive. people know what's happening in another part of the world so much more quickly, so much more vividly than ever before, so the contagion of fear moves faster than the contagion of the disease itself and the fabric of society starts to deteriorate. >> there's something that destroys the soul of a community that happens when an epidemic is out of control. it's not just the large number of casualties and the deaths, which are itself unthinkable, but it's what it does to the social fabric of a community, our nation. >> the war lasted for 14 years.
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i was quite little but i still remember vividly everything i saw. sometimes in a place where it is dark, you can see the bullets flying, like bolts of lightning across the sky. a fire will bundle all of us and we head the opposite direction. huh? you know the bullets are coming from this way because you hear the soind coming. mm? and you see the soldiers going that way to go and fight it, so you know you have to go the
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other way. a look at ebola. how you going to protect yourself? you have an enemy you cannot hide from. you cannot run from ebola. where are you going to go? who are you going to run to? >> i got information yesterday that the ebola virus is here. >> ebola is transmitted through bodily fluids. saliva, blood, urine, feces. this is an invisible foe. >> ebola first surfaced in west
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africa in a remote rural community. but in our increasingly connected world this ebola outbreak didn't stay in the countryside. the virus quickly found its way to the region's largest cities and health systems that were completely unprepared. >> i graduated from nurse school two years ago. the reason why i'm here is quite different because i was the only one available. >> i'm a general practitioner and i got one day training to get prepared for this. ♪
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we started our mission on august 17. the following morning there were ambulances lined up at our gates. and we were not prepared. before we even knew it, we already were overwhelmed with so many patients. >> have a nice visit. i will take one or two. >> i got that impression i was in haiti, because it was a makeshift structure. the patients are vomiting, bleeding and having diarrhea on the floor and two or three patients have already died and their bodies are still there
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awaiting removal. in three days time, the entire unit was full. meanwhile, there was still patients, and they are begging every time. every time you go to the gate they are begging to come in. >> we have 35 beds -- >> you don't have beds but you facing a group of people who are dying. you know they're dying. you see they're very sick. they are so weak. what if they go home? what if a taxicab these patients are going to go home to die. every one of the taxicabs are infected. and what about the home? the community these people are going to. soon we should just open the gate and let them come in and lie on the floor to die. so we just open the gate and
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just let them in, sometimes 16 persons, sometimes 20 persons. and they will be there for three, four, five hours trying to give them fluids, antibiotics and other medicines. and then it never ends. as you are walking out a new patient is walking in. and then when you go home and come back the following morning. there are seven, eight deaths overnight. >> i think we all underestimated. i know that one case of ebola is
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an emergency. every new case can give rise to more cases. so it's really act now or pay later. >> right now, the world health organization and other doctors are saying it is out of control in this area of west africa. it's the worst outbreak ever they've recorded in this part of the world. >> it's unprecedented for several reasons, one, it's the first in west africa. second, it's the first time that three countries are involved. thirdly, it's first time we have outbreaks in capital city. >> this could explode into a mega crisis. >> i think so. >> i really thought how can this epidemic be controlled in the usual way when there are so many outbreaks different places? the three countries in west africa that are affected by the ebola outbreak have some of the
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worst health indicators in the world. there are not enough doctors. there are not enough nurses. it is a system that is understaffed, underfunded, and where the infrastructure is very, very old. >> let's go back to 1976 when you were a younger man and you actually co-discovered this virus. it was in zaire. >> yes. >> now the democratic republic of the congo. >> and they said it was a mystic mysterious epidemic, it was very lethal, high mortality. there were nuns who had died. a small group would go to the mission where the epidemic had started, apparently. they asked for volunteers and i think i was about the first one to raise my hand. although i had absolutely zero experience in doing this.
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>> [ speaking foreign language ]. >> our mission was to -- one, to put in place some basic measures to contain it and using quarantine. that's what we thought. and, two, to find out how is this transmitted. because that's the key to stop epidemics, to know exactly what the risk is, how is it transmitted. it's really detective work. so we tested whole villages, talked to the population, and then have a very primitive questionnaire. how old, where have they been. have they traveled. and what we found was that there were very few survivors. very few. and that indeed what we call case fatality rate was over 90%.
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nearly all new viruses come from animals. we're human primates. during the outbreak we started collecting samples from all kinds of animals. i even took blood from pigs because a number of pigs had died at the beginning of the epidemic. so we said you never know. but we didn't find any trace of ebola. my boss at the time had always told me, watch out for the bats. and it became a bit of a joke, but the old man was right, because the only reservoir that
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we think were ebola is hiding are some kind of fruit-eating bats. >> when i was a child i really liked to read all these science fictions. i realized science really fantastic. you can't find something new. this is why i'm working on the emerging or re-emerging bacteria and viruses. i think from ebola, when you put all the data together, transmission rules or cycle, it's clear. so definitely, it's from bats. and then you have intermediate hosts. it could be some mammals, in the africa region. and then to the human beings. it could also be directed from bats to humans. you can see.
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ebola, sars and mers are all from bats. so bats is a very serious problem. >> if we look around the world, we can see that bat populations are being severely stressed by climate change. some of them because they live in the upper tiers of rainforests and feed on wild fruit, but the upper tiers of rainforests are getting the biggest impact of this heat increase and increase of uv radiation. add to that that humans are encroaching into the forests. bats are very shy creatures. they do not seek you out, no matter what vampire movies you ever saw. as humans encroach we see more and more bat populations
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starving and coming into human habitation areas to feed on agriculture production. in the process they're passing their virus on to other animals and to humans. we are imposing changes in the microbial world willy-nilly, thoughtlessly, and we do so at our peril. >> we have dramatically increased our contact with animals in a variety of ways. through deforestation, industrialization of agriculture, and vastly increased consumption of animals. hiv spread out of africa from a he few monkeys and chimpanzees to affect millions of people on every continent. sars jumped from a bat to a civet cat to a villager in china to more than 30 countries in a matter of weeks.
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animal and human health are completely linked. in the 21st century 75% of all infectious diseases have come from animals. sometimes directly. in other cases through intermediaries like mosquitos. if anyone had sat down and done a fantasy hit parade of emerging diseases that might come to the americas from africa or from asia, zika would never have even been on the list. >> the zika virus originated in africa and had never been off the african continent until it started making its way across asia and south pacific, ending up in french polynesia and yap. yap is a small place that most people have never heard of but when zika hit it, 70% of the
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population got infected. that was really quite startling. if anybody had been paying attention. >> but they weren't. zika jumped from the south pacific to brazil in 2013, two years before it was identified there. the timeline corresponds to an increase in travel between the south pacific and brazil, including visitors who attended a pre-world cup soccer tournament, the confederation cup. >> goooal! >> someone was carrying the zika virus and some mosquitos bit that individual, absorbed the virus, and that's the beginning of this saga. and then undoubtedly, the el nino weather event provided the necessary ingredients, rainfall and drought, that fundamentally changed the conditions on the
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ground and allowed for the spread of this virus. i saw how d devastate entire populations. i also saw how the first responders, doctors, nurses, o'
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♪ >> come, come, come.
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>> [ speaking foreign language ]
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[ crying ] [ rattle ]
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♪ >> in 2015 the zika virus suddenly spread across brazil, primarily through the bite of one type of mosquito. the medical establishment only began to comprehend zika's danger as the number of babies born with the birth defect microcephaly started to dramatically increase. >> [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> since the alarm went sounding around the world from brazil, we have seen almost every day another revelation about this virus. what we now know is that this is a very dangerous virus. we grossly underestimated it. >> the zika virus affects its victims in a completely different way from the ebola virus. what they share in common is how fast they can move. randomly attacking some while
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sparing others. some epidemics grab our attention while others, in spite of the larger number of victims, remain more hidden. ♪ >> some holiday music. the flu shot. you can still get them -- >> owatonna, minnesota. it's a beautiful town. to me it's like mayberry. >> the name owatonna comes from an indian princess. she was sig. and the chief brought her here because of the healing waters.
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>> when we moved here, it just felt like home. i think we got lucky. the good lord gave us great kids. sarah was always the princess. and shannon was opposite. she was a tomboy. she loved skateboarding. and she loved video games. >> shannon was a complete surprise. sarah was almost 16, and i was 40. she was a joy right from the get-go. she was a joy. for everybody. >> we're a tight, tight family. >> first time out by herself. oh, my gosh! >> i remember when she got her permit. she was just so tickled. >> she goes by herself. >> i was so proud of her. >> oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. somebody's driving.
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>> that a girl. oh. hi. >> shannon was in her senior year of high school. she came home wednesday night, said i think i got the flu at school. that was wednesday. and thursday she just seemed to be, you know, baseline for being sick. but she wasn't getting better. and that's when terry and i agreed that we've got to take her. >> when i took her that sunday to go to the hospital, we waited two hours. it was that packed. that's when i knew there was a big epidemic of flu going on. and she's sitting next to me and she's got her head on me. and i took a selfie, sent it to her mom saying we're still waiting. >> the doctor said it was just the flu, that it had to run its course. they gave her some cough
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medicine, just for comfort. and terry went and got it while i got her back up in her bed. [ texting sounds ] >> it's about 5:00 in the morning. i was sitting in the living room and i heard her moving around upstairs. i thought, wow, she's getting out of bed. i got up and i went to the coffee maker and i saw in my peripheral that she got up and went to the bathroom. she tapped on the shower curtain and i said you want to take a shower and she nodded yes. i said okay. i was filling the water and it got so full.
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she laid back. but her knees kept buckling. you know, she kept pushing on the end of the tub to keep herself from sliding under it. and then i saw her eyes and -- [ sighs ] i hammered on the wall and woke terry up. >> she said she's not breathing. and i come running down. and i still remember her on the floor, her mom giving her cpr. >> i'd never had to do that before, and it's nothing like they teach you in class. [ crying ] >> all i could do is dial 911. [ telephone ringing ] >> 911. what's going on there? >> my daughter's 17 years old. >> she's not breathing! >> she's not breathing. >> she's not breathing? >> not breathing.
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>> okay. i'm sending the paramedics. just stay on the line with me. okay? >> please! oh, lord. come on in. she's right in there. go ahead. >> i don't remember any kind of time passing. i just remember a pair of blue pants that kneeled down on the other side of her and they told me they'd take over. and i stepped away. >> even when they said we're flying her to rochester, i waved at the helicopter, you know, thinking everything's fine. i had no clue. [ machines beeping ] [ steady tone ] >> you know, when they told us that she didn't make it and i
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said i want to see her and they said you'd never recognize her from what we've had to do to her. because the flu actually killed all of her organs long before she actually died. i still think she ought to be coming home. >> the biggest pain in the world as a parent is losing their child. this is the most unnatural thing to happen to a human being. and you stand next to them and you think my goodness, i am there to prevent this from happening and sometimes i cannot. and sometimes i don't know why i cannot. >> [ speaking foreign
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language ]. >> the question of how and why one particular person may die from influenza is the million-dollar question that we absolutely need to tackle. >> it is surprising how much we still need to learn about flu, a disease which causes worldwide epidemics every year. >> she had a little raspiness in her chest. >> the flu test came back positive. >> i actually remember saying okay, it's just the flu. like it was no big deal. >> it spreads across the globe, hospitalizing 3 to 5 million. >> within 24 hours she was intubated. >> killing at least 200,000 every year. >> we went in as they were coding her. >> my baby girl scarlett pronounced dead. >> the majority of adult influenza patients have should
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go called a risk factor. they have very weak immune system or they have diabetes. pregnant women have a risk for both themselves as well as the child. we know these factors. but this is a virus that can mess up your body to a degree that even the most healthy young and happy playful person is taken away from this planet within a couple of days. >> every year we struggle to fight seasonal flu. but what experts are really afraid of is a new strain of flu, one that the human population hasn't been exposed to before. one that almost no one will have any immunity against. (paul) do you get confused by wireless network claims?
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when you think about the threat of a disease spreading around the world as a pandemic threat, obviously airborne infections are at the very top. things like sars and flu are something that we know is difficult to control because of the way it spreads through
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aerosols. >> most people become infectious with the flu before they even have symptoms. anybody can travel clearly across the world with an infectious disease incubating in them without them even knowing that they're sick yet. >> in 2009 a new flu emerged, h1n1. also known as swine flu. we now know it first appeared in the u.s. in the pig industry, initially infecting people at state and county fairs. in a little over a year swine flu infected around 1.3 billion people. it was the most common shared experience on earth. flu poses a great pandemic threat because it has the ability to be both very
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contagious and very deadly. >> what we're most worried about right now is this bird flu that we know is highly pathogenic. >> kills between 50% and 60% of the people that it infects. >> currently, this deadly new bird flu doesn't spread easily between people. but it is spreading rapidly among wild birds and poultry. experts are afraid this could be a pandemic threat. >> it's a live poultry market, so the birds are alive. and when they're sold they're sold alive because people value the fact that it's very fresh meat.
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so you buy your chicken or your duck alive and then it is killed and cleaned, emptied, of course. eviscerated. the viscera go into some of these buckets here and then the birds are put in hot water and then put in these drums where these little plastic tubings help get rid of the feathers. and then when the birds have been defeathered, eviscerated and cleaned, they're cut up and given back to the person who bought it. the issue here is that the water is the same to clean all the ducks and chickens. the other issue is that these people are wading in viscera, feathers and the water that
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serves to clean them. so there's really a lot -- a lot of virus here. >> in 2011 when the pasteur institute started monitoring the wash water, 18% of the water samples were positive for h5n1. four years later, 66% of samples were positive. >> we know that bird flu is very, very deadly. and we know swine flu spreads very quickly. what we worry about is that if those two reassort and then we could have a new strain that could spread literally as quickly as the swine flu did but have the mortality rate of bird flu. that's the big fear. that we have now literally created a petri dish we all worried about and both those viruses are sitting in there at the same time. >> pandemics are one of the
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biggest risks we face. this is an issue of human lives. it should be thought of in the same way that we think of terrorism, protection against natural disasters, against national defense. this is a human security issue and it is also an economic security issue. >> the outbreak of sars could trigger a global downturn. >> fear of the sars virus has caused serious financial damage to businesses, cities, even entire countries. >> at the height of sars, nobody was going to restaurants. people didn't want to go shopping. at one point at the peak of the sars crisis air travel into hong kong was down by 80% and retail sales were down by 50%. businesses began to run out of money. estimates of the impact of sars have been an economic impact of around 40 billion or so. >> if a global pandemic took place, you're looking at an economic impact measured in the
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trillions of dollars, not tens or hundreds of billions. it has such a big impact on business and life. >> you hope the world has the capacity to see an outbreak, mobilize forces, and contain it. right? unfortunately, we rarely do that. especially if the outbreak occurs in a poor country. >> well, here we are in liberia. that's sierra leone and this is the border crossing. do you see security? do you see any military? do you see anyone who would stop someone coming across this border? >> and then not only does it spread beyond the borders of the original country as occurred with ebola in west africa, but it crosses seas.
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it crosses continents. and that constitutes a pandemic. endemic is your worst-case scenario. so you fail to control the outbreak, you fail to control and you fail to control the pandemic. and now that microbe is a permanent feature in the biological landscape that humans are living in. the worst example of that is hiv. we started off with tiny outbreaks in a handful of places, and the world responded completely incorrectly. it became pandemic. and now endemic. so we have 37 million people living infected with hiv, and there is no country on the planet without this virus. i think you really need a dedication to
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understand things. to solve things, to make it work. because otherwise, i'm afraid that at 5 o'clock in the afternoon i will think, "well now i've, i've, i've done enough for humankind," you know, "i, i should go home and, and, and, and eat something or sleep." but only when you are, i think when you really want to know. when you're so fascinated by, uh, the virus or by a problem, only then you, you just forget about everything and you, you just continue. the goal is, we want to make a vaccine to prevent hiv. to prevent hiv infection. to prevent aids. we have, uh, uh, people, uh, uh, in different european countries. people in us and people in, uh, in africa.
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and in asia also, collaborating with us. hundreds and hundreds. hundreds of people. sometimes i am afraid. things can go faster. infectious diseases travel. they take the plane. they, they are everywhere. you really want to surprise, uh, yeah. create a surprise so that it cannot be transmitted anymore. we need to be more smart than nature to, to beat it. i definitely would like a better world. and i want try to do something useful for it. so, that's what i think. and i think it's also impacted by, uh, um, by having kids. so more and more that's something you, you want to give them something better, at the end of the day.
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when the murray's go to work... michelangelo goes to work, too. good thing they use new gain ultra flings with two times the oxi boost, and febreze. fresh again...
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i'm dr. sanjay gupta. you're watching "unseen enemy", a documentary about what is being done by doctors, scientists and researchers working around the world to mits
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gate the impact of a global pandemic like the one we are experiencing now. this film originally aired on cnn three years ago, but it is more relevant now than ever. we're re-airing it, because if we can harness the power of private and public sectors, tens of thousands of lives could be saved or more. this is how. >> before the devastation of aids, there was smallpox. smallpox killed 500 million people in the 20th century alone. more than all the wars in that century combined. whenever a infectious truly catches hold it forces health workers to make decisions about freedom and righting. >> i was the only person in the
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history of the united nations recruited from the neem krolly ashram. we had eradicated smallpox. this big state in the middle of india, and we were about to do our victory dance. and then suddenly from across the border we started getting new outbreaks. and they all came from one place, a place called tatanager. the first place we went to was a railway station. and it was a scene from the worst nightmare you ever had in your life. there were dozens of people stretched out near the tracks on the waiting room, on the cement, dead from smallpox. it smelled of death. the tatanager was the home of
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the oil and steel company. i went to the company's house. it was almost midnight when i got there. i said i need jeeps. i need managers. i need doctors, i need vaccines. the next day i had 100 jeeps. we set up training programs. we used maps to develop a strategy, and we took the 100 jeeps, and we built our little army. we were doing great. we found 2,000 cases of smallpox. we were stopping the disease in tatanager, but still, as we're vaccinating everybody, the trains were carrying people away. it was still exporting smallpox. we closed the railway station. we closed the buses. we quarantined the city of 600,000 people. nobody could leave the city unless they were vaccinated. we eliminated smallpox in that
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entire area around tatanager in less than six months, but it kept coming back. we traced it to a tribal group called the ho tribe. so i went and visited the members of that tribe and said you've got to take smallpox vaccine, you've got to stop this transmission. and he said i won't take it. i do whatever god's will is. if i'm to get smallpox, i'll get it. after a while, more cases kept coming out from the ho community, and we all agreed we were going to have to forcibly vaccinate these ho tribes men. in the middle of the night we went out into the villages, into the jungle, and we surrounded them and pulled them out of their houses and vaccinated
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them. then after we had broken into their house, pulled them out of bed, forcibly vaccinated them, this dignified tribal elder looked at me and reached over to the vine, and there was one fruit, a kucucumber, a kind of gord, and he cut it and offered it to us to eat. he said i don't like what you did. i think you're wrong, but that's over now. now i see that you are a guest in my house. the only thing i have to often is this cucumber. and so you ask yourself, were we right? we did a lot of things that, in
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their individual isolation, if i put the harshest light of truth on it right now i would be begging to find an alternative way to do it. and i asked myself, did i exaggerate the importance of what i did? did i place myself above some kind of moral compass? did i, did i quit too early trying to find a way to accomplish the same thing. but, but that's sort of right now between me and god and me and my conscious. smallpox has been eradicated, and i'm thrilled about that.


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