tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 18, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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don't forget you can watch out front any time. ac 360 with anderson begins right now. >> good evening. thank you for joining us. we hope tonight's broadcast helps you and your family stay safe and informed. today life in america continues to go in the abnormal. nationwide cases of coronavirus grew by more than 2300 this morning they now top 8500 wi. at least 145 people in america have died of the virus. today president trump invoked emergency wartime authority for ventilators. and adding to the concern about overwhelming the health care system a member of the president's task force, dr. deborah birx warning of reports out of france and italy that more young people are becoming critically ill. young patients may have gotten a
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misleading impression this was a disease mainly of the elderly and people with preexisting conditions informal we'll talk about that in a moment. this video is from italy. it gives you a look at how dire things are there. we'll talk about this video with dr. sanjay gupta coming up and what italy may teach us about what may happen here. on the economic front, more impacts to the auto makers announcing a temporary shut down. and monday the trading floors of the new york stock exchange will be shut down with all transactions taking place electronically. and cnn today learned the federal government is planning for a crisis that could last 18 months in a year and a half or more. we'll talk about that, what that may look like tonight. chuck schumer joins us as well to talk about the relief bill that just passed today and another larger bill now under discussion. we'll also pause for a moment to reconnect if we can with the
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reason why this all matters. because in what's become a daily blizzard of warnings and life changing announcements and numbers, rising case counts, it's easy to lose touch. tonight and as long as we can, we'll try to bring you the stories of those who have lost their lives with this virus. this evening a man in florida, according to local reports, married for 56 years. richard kerrne. also fire marshal john knox who had lost some of the use of his lungs from working ground zero. we'll tell you his story and the way new york is a kind of ground zero again. erica hill joins us. the trading floor of the new york stock exchange is closing monday. that's almost unheard of. >> reporter: it's historic and it's important to point out as you did at the top that while the trading floor will be closed electronic trading will
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continue. we haven't seen it shut down yes, during world war ii and during 9/11 but this is a big moment. the reason the floor is being closed is because two employees tested positive. alisyn kosik saying when she showed up at the exchange where she's been for years, for the first time they started taking their temperature. and they checked her temperature as you were going in and the exchange is telling us some of the tests when there were issues, they sent them for further testing and two employees had tested positive. >> i view it as -- in a sense a wartime president. that's what we're fighting. >> the president and i agree this is a war, and we're in the same trench. >> reporter: as new york announces at least 23 00 confirmed cases, the most in the nation and a jump of 1,000 in just one day, governor cuomo taking new measures to combat the spread. >> i'm asking all businesses to work from home. but today we are announcing a
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mandatory state-wide requirement that no business can have more than 50% of their work force report to work outside of their home. >> the executive order exempts essential services including first responders, health care workers, pharmacies, and food delivery. about 20% of the new york cases require hospitalization making the need for additional beds increasingly urgent. president trump responding today. >> we're sending upon request, the two hospitalships being prepared. >> the navy ships sent to new york and the west coast. and an urgent call for nurses as the variety is confirmed in all 50 states. >> it's the invisible enemy. >> reporter: meantime life continues to change. the border with canada closed to all nonessential travel. across northern california nearly 8 million americans now told to shelter in place.
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and in kansas, children will be home for the remainder of the school year. >> unprecedented circumstances threaten the safe of our students and the professionals who work with them every day. and we must respond accordingly. >> reporter: more confirmed cases across the sports world. t the senators have a player positive. the entire team asked to identification late. meantime, pressure growing to cancel or postpone the summer olympics games in tokyo. in florida defiant beach goers causing alarm around the country while officials stress this is only the beginning. >> as i hear people say certain age groups are immune, i know this. in michigan we have a five-year-old that has tested positive for coronavirus. this is a situation that impacts everyone and every age group. i implore people to take this seriously. >> erica, have you noticed any
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chan changes in times square? i was surprised how many people were out and about. what's it like right now? >> reporter: i think there are fewer people out and about in ti times square than the neighborhoods. there's a marked difference than monday night. restaurants and bars are closed, stores are closed. it really feels empty. it's a feeling i've never felt in times square before. >> thank you. we've learned mario diaz ball lart tested positive. he urged people to take the virus seriously. the senate passed paid emergency leave with a number of restrictions. lawmakers are working on a phase three, a massive stimulus package. joining us now new yorker chuck schumer. senator schumer, thank you for being with us. can you talk about the tangible
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effects americans might expect to feel from the bill passed? >> yes. there are a number of things. first, we need to have a marshal plan for our hospitals. as the number of illnesses increase, the number of people seriously ill increase, our hospitals are not totally prepared. they need more beds. they need more ventilators. they need more equipment. they need more personnel. some hospitals even report now that they've gotten the tests, they don't have the swabs, the nasal swabs to implement the tests. we need a plan immediately and the ventilators, a few weeks ago some of us were talking about the testing problem. and we fell behind. two weeks from now, the problem of a lack of respirators, a lack of beds will be just as just as crucial. we need that. we need a second thing. we need what we call employment insurance. if you -- right now unemployment insurance is hard to get. you get paid only a fraction of what you'd have at work.
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and many people are not covered. we want to say anyone who loses his or her job because of this crisis will get paid fully by the federal government, it's employment insurance, not unemployment insurance, and that will put money in the pockets of the people who need it most. we need to improve on the bill we passed for paid sick leave and paid family leave. we need it to be extensive covering almost everybody and we need the federal government to step in so businesses aren't hurt, especially small businesses when they're not having any income. and finally, we need to make sure that everybody who has this illness gets treatment for freebasically. if people have it and the beginning signs of it and they don't show up and they walk around and spread the disease because they're afraid it will cost them money through a co-pay or eductible, we have to stop
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that. i think we have come to a bipartisan agreement. i spoke to secretary mnuchin. i know some of the things they're interested in. some of the things we're interested in. a lot of them overlap. the one thing i did tell him as well, though, if there are going to be some of these corporate bailouts, we need to make sure workers and labor come first. that people are not laid off and people's salaries are not cut. if the big companies, many of which did buybacks, the airlines did buybacks, they have to put their workers first if they're going to get this help. >> you talk about a marshal plan for the hospitals. the hospitals are the front line. we don't want medical professionals, nurses, doctors getting sick. you know, they're going to be working around the clock. they already are. that's over a long term, then this may be a long term. that's part of the thing. how likely is it, do you think, that whether it's the national guard or the military is going
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to be needed or the army corps of engineers is going to be needed to build hospitals, taking over convention centers, schools, whatever it may be. >> yesterday we asked the president to use something left over from the korean war called the defense production act which allows us to use the military to both create things and build things like hospital beds and temporary facilities. we've seen how those were built in other countries. it allows mobilization of manufacturing and allows the federal government to tell forev manufacturers what we need, but there's so many different aspects. take many large cities, new york city. how do the workers get to work? right now by the subways. but if the subways aren't used anymore, how are they going to get there? and the subways are a place where people come in close contact. this is a massive problem. it takes bold, strong, immediate action. and we'll have to stay at this
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for a while, because there are so many different problems we have to deal with, but we can't be bipartisan or timid. it's got to be bold and strong and comprehensive. >> how much of the decisions in new york are made by the governor, by the mayor of new york city? how much is it a federal response? obvious it's everybody working together. >> well, it is, and we have good coordination with the state and the city. the federal government's job the mainly to provide the resources. even a city as large as new york, a state as large as new york can't do it on their own. they have good leadership but we need to make sure the money for the people, for the unemployed, for the hospitals, comes from the federal government. we're the only place that can do that and in states not as wealthy as new york all the more reason. >> senator schumer after 9/11, the terrible days right after 9/11, there was an extraordinary
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spirit, not only in the country but in new york city. it was a privilege to be in new york at that time, to stay with the city and to watch the people come together. citizenship seems to be more important now than it has been for a long time in our lives. can you talk to people about what that means? whether it's new york or somewhere else? to be a good citizen right now? >> i have lived through 9/11. i lost three friends that i knew in the towers. i was there through the crash of 2008, but this is the worst of all for a variety of reasons. first, we're uncertain as to what is going to happen. there was some uncertainty after 9/11 in the days after we were worried we might be attacked again, but it's not the same as this. how long is this going to last? who does it effect? we're not even certain when is the -- who it effects. we're just learning that children can be affected by the illness. so there's that. and then there's isolation. what new yorkers -- americans like to come together as we did after 9/11 in times of crisis,
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but here you can't. you're not supposed to be near other people, because obviously it spreads the disease, and i urge people to make sure they keep their distance. but it's much harder. having said that, i believe in the spirit of new yorkers. i've talked to a lot of people on the telephone today, and people are willing to do what it takes and overcome this virus and once again bounce back. after 9/11 a lot of people said new york would never bounce back and we came back bigger and stronger. >> well, we're all in this together. for now than ever before. senator, thank you. i want to get perspective from dr. sanjay gupta as well as dr. peter slaven, president of massachusetts general hospital in boston. situation tonight, the medical situation for the doctors for the nurses, the patients. what is the situation in boston? there's been a cluster of cases nationally. you heard senator schumer saying we need a plan for hospitals.
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how bad is it? what do we need to make it better? >> well, clearly the situation is heating up here in boston. a week ago we had no cases in any of our hospitals across our health system. and tonight we have 13 patients with clear disease and another 150 who were suspicious have the disease in the process of testing. so the numbers are going up dramatically. we are concerned about where this is ultimately going to head. we certainly can expand our capacity dramatically, but if this gets as bad as it was in certain parts of italy, this could be an overwhelming problem. we've been preparing for things like this for years. we've been preparing for this particular disaster for a couple of months. and we're as ready as we can be, and our staff is energized to try to do their best to take the best care possible of our
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patients. >> can you say how many icu beds you have? do you have enough? it's hard to model out and project. we don't know because of the testing problem, how many people have it or even have been able to do tracing on all the people who may have it. >> at best we have over 100 icu beds and have some up with a plan to potentially double that number and we think we have the space in our operating rooms, recovery rooms and the ventilators to be able to accommodate that. we also have been setting up outpatient spaces for patients with acute respiratory illness to be seen and treated, and tested, and fortunately in boston the testing capacity is ramping up very dramatically. >> sanjay, there's a study from the journal of pediatrics that say while children in china showed less severe symptoms infants and toddlers were vulnerable to severe infection.
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do you have any sense of what they might mean here or -- obviously that's an extraordinarily different focus than we have been hearing so far. >> yeah. i mean, i think what we've been hearing, what the narrative has been is that kids are basically sort of protected from this because that's what some of the early data has shown. it is true that they are still far less likely to become infected or seriously sick from this, but i saw the same study. it was a study of about 2200 patients, and there was a 14-year-old boy, one child who died. they found while 20 % of adults will develop critical illness, what kids it was about 6%. and as you mention with infants and toddlers, about 11% of infants and toddlers who got the infection became seriously or critically ill. they're at risk. i think we need to remember that. one of the other studies also
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anderson showed this, and i think it's important in the context of all going on, that four out of five people confirmed to have the coronavirus contracted it from someone who didn't know they had it. four out of five people gotd it from someone who didn't know they had it. we have to behave like we have the virus. that's the whole point i think we're learning from the studies. >> let me repeat that. we all have to behave as if we have the virus. can you explain that? >> you know, people keep saying, asking how are we supposed to conduct our lives? what are we supposed to do differently? we give these recommendations about washing hands, wiping surfaces and all that. those are all good recommendations but i was thinking to myself over the last week, anderson, how best to convey how to live your life. i don't want this to be alarmist. i think we're both intent on not alarming people, but if you believe that you might have the virus, could be something through your hands, it could be something you're carrying in some way, how would you not infect someone around you. what would you do to reduce the
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chance of making it happen? making sure surfaces are klincl isolating yourself. all those things. you have to behave like you have it. it will change how you interact with people and how you interact with your environment. >> dr. slaven can you explain for people who should and shouldn't be showing up at a hospital right now, trying to get a test? i had a doctor offer me a test because i had a slight cough. i don't have a fever. i said no because i think only tests should go for people who really show signs and symptoms. >> i think the only people who should be coming to hospitals are those who may need to be hospitalized. people with high fevers, developing early signs of the breathing difficulty. mild symptoms should stay at home and be in touch with their doctor and there's no reason at this point to test them. we need to direct the limited number of tests to people who need to be admitted to hospitals so we know how best to care for
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them and cohort them and we need the tests for health care workers and other first responders so they are not making a bad situation even worse. >> yeah. >> we need to employ technologies like telemedicine so we can continue to provide care to patients, particularly vulnerable patients from home. telemedicine can continue care for individuals and do it in a way that doesn't expose them to being around other people. >> yeah. dr. slaven, thank you so much for what you and all your nurses and doctors and technicians and everybody are doing. and thank you for helping save people. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> up next, bill de blasio, what the next steps are here, what needs to happen here and in the city where you may live. we'll be right back. life isn't a straight line.
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when our next guest said he was considering a shelter in place order. mayor de blasio. what's the most important thing you want people to know right now? >> anderson, i'm trying to help new yorkers recognize it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. and i definitely want to talk to you about that shelter in place idea. it's basically the model you see in san francisco right now. but even beyond that, what i really deeply am concerned about is medical supplies and then beyond that, even other basic supplies that people need in their life. the medical supply situation, anderson, you're talking about ventilators, surgical masks and gowns. really basic stuff that we're deeply concerned about where
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we're going to be in a few weeks and here's the problem. the federal government is absent in this discussion right now. president trump at this point is the herbert hoover of his generation. there's a massive national crisis going on, and he is consistently late and very marginal in what he does. he's taking actions behind the curve and not addressing the core concerns and talking about massive number of new cases we expect of coronavirus. we're almost to 2000 cases right now in new york city alone. that's going to cause a surge into our hospitals. they are going to be using up their supplies rapidly in an unprecedented manner. we've been appealing to the federal government to get us a resupply, and president trump has not done anything to maximize the amount of medical supplies being produced and to ensure they're distributed where they're needed the most in the united states. >> you've talked to the
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hospitals in new york city, the health care system in new york city, and they're going to run out in a matter of weeks you're saying or be -- >> there are some products i'm worried about that it could be as soon as that. and looking at this surge, i mean, anderson, yesterday we saw a jump of 100 cases. today we saw a jump of hundreds of cases. almost a doubling overnight over 1800 now pushing 2000 cases in just this city, and where this rate is going to keep increasing. i talked to the head of our public health seasonal, dr. mitch kats. he's got enough supplies for the immediate future, but you're talking about a massive surge in demand. and we have been appealing constantly to the federal government to start a supply system that will help our hospitals survive an unprecedented surge in cases. this is the problem. hospitals are going to have
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massive new demands, and things like surgical masks, you burn through those in a normal day, let alone an emergency. >> the shelter in place, what is the current thinking? you spoke to the governor about it. last night he was indicating he doesn't think it works because other areas aren't doing it. some people from here go somewhere else. >> yeah. i want to answer that, and the governor and i spoke a few hours ago. one more point on the supplies and i want to emphasize trump has to mobilize the united states military to fully act in the coronavirus situation. >> you want the military in new york city setting up hospitals and centers? >> i want their medical teams and logistical support and ability to get stuff from factories from around the country. the only force in america that can do that effectively and quickly is the united states military, and they're being sidelined right now by donald trump when he should be calling them to the front. >> and you're talking u.s. military? >> i am talking about the united states military going where they
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can save the most lives of americans and that's places like new york and seattle and california and soon it's going to be a lot of other places. why are they building a wall and why are they at their bases when they're needed right now? they're ready to go. the military is ready to go. the president needs to give the order. >> shelter in place, should people shelter in place? >> what it means, look, the best example is san francisco right now. that area of california. millions of people. that's a smart order. i urge every american to look at what san francisco is doing. i think that's where it's going to be going for a lot of us. it's very clear rules about staying home with only minimal activity. get rid of all nonessential work and -- i mean, again, horrible human consequences in terms of people's livelihoods, but necessary to slow down the growth of this disease. it's a smart plan. that's where i think we should go. i talked to the governor a couple hours ago. we had a good conversation. we're going to have a further
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conversation. he's trying to think about the needs of the whole state and how to balance the strategy. i respect that. i think we share urgency and we're working together on a common approach. >> mayor, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. scenes like this prove not everyone is heeding the guidance that could save lives. that's not folks sheltering in place. your questions about social distancing and more about the coronavirus? two of our medical experts when we return. two of our medical ex we return. two of our medical experts when we return. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) once-weekly ozempic® is
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island off the georgia coast. it's not just college students. families and the elderly as well. many still at the beaches or in bars, still in groups of clearly more than ten. that's the limit the white house suggests in the guidelines on monday. for more on that, dr. sanjay gup gupta. sanjay, you hear dr. birx saying they're seeing concerning numbers from france and italy about young people getting seriously ill from coronavirus. how possible is it that young people are more at risk than previously thought? i remember you talked i don't know if it was two weeks ago about even in what are considering some moderate cases overseas, some of those people who were young people have scarring of the lungs that -- >> yeah. >> it goes on for the rest of their lives. >> yeah. there's two things that jumped out at me. as you start to look at the patients in china especially who have recovered. they had the infection and
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recovered. they're listed as recovered. you're finding maybe the illness had more of an impact than we realized. this is new for all of us. they found some of them had 20 % to 30% performance in lung function. harder running down the street or up the stairs. that was one thing. but also they found that in kids that they typically while adults are hid harder, in adults about 20% have serious or critical disease. in kids it was close to o6%. not as much as adults. protected compared to adults but something worth considering and remembering. >> dr. wynn, all of us being responsible, you know, for ourselves, our families, our friends, that's good science. it's good citizenship because we're not putting somebody else at risk let alone ourselves, but something like shelter in place.
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you see the pictures of the people on the beach. people think it's fresh air, get exercise. i mean, is that okay for a large group -- i mean, this picture just -- if you believe in social distancing, that's just the an th at this time sis of it. is going out running by yourself, is that okay? is going for a walk with your partner okay? >> so much of social distancing, anderson, is common sense. it's not common sense to be sitting at a beach with tons of people around. it's not common sense to go play basketball. that's not social distancing. but going out for a walk alone or with your partner with your household who you live with, going out for a hike and making sure you stay six feet away from other people, that's fine. and, in fact, that's good. it's good for your physical well being. it's good for your emotional well being. but looking at the pictures here, i mean, that's being on vacation. that's not social distancing. and i keep coming back to how this is such an extraordinary
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time, and so many people are making so many sacrifices. health care workers on the front lines putting their own lives at risk. kids not being able to go to school. people not being able to earn wages. it's a time for us to think about all the other people around us giving up so much more, and all these other people we're trying to protect. this is our shared responsibility. it's not that we're trying to take the fun out of everybody's lives but it's use your common sense and please, please, do not congregate. this is not a vacation. >> also, sanjay, it's important to point out, we can all make decisions but you don't have to wait for the government to say you should not congregate in groups of more than ten. you should stay at home as much as possible. we can do this ourselves. it's a choice. and you can make that decision. you don't have to wait to be told to do it. >> absolutely, anderson. i think what layna is saying is
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we're in this together. there are recommendations. here's something that struck me today, anderson. this idea that uncertainty should not lead to inaction. i think a lot of people are saying until we're more certain about this, you know, we're not going to take action. i'm not going to believe it. we may not be certain about these things until things get a lot worse. that's too late. uncertainty should not lead to inaction. i think to your point, we need to be acting now if we're going to try to get ahead of this. >> yeah. doctors, stick around. we'll take questions from viewers in a moment. also want to talk about what we're seeing in italy and what it may mean for here. u.s. officials are hoping with our current guidelines this may not become our future. but the mayor of new york just said they are running out of supplies fast. ♪ dad, i'm scared. ♪ it's only human to care for those we love.
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well, i wouldn't have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn't have to... and, we're going to need some help with the rest. you've worked so hard to achieve so much. perhaps it's time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. with u.s. officials combatting the coronavirus to trying to prevent scenes like this italy. these pictures are from rome. today italy announced the biggest single day jump in new coronavirus cases. just 24 hours italy recorded 4207 new cases in 24 hours. again, more than 4200 new cases in just 24 hours. doctors and nurses have been working around the clock and many times being infected.
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over 400 people died in the same 24 hour period. there are no funerals. families can't bury their dead. there have been more than 35,000 cases in italy and almost 3,000 dead. dr. wynn, the pictures from italy, we haven't seen pictures from inside hospitals where right in the midst of thin sanjay got a look and talking to doctors in the hospital the other day. but we really haven't seen the images and we don't have pictures of funerals and things that normally make people kind of pay attention in a way. when you see what's happening in italy, when you hear the stories of there, is that the way -- is that the track that we are on? just behind? >> it is if we -- yeah, it is. if we don't do anything. which is not what's happening. we are doing something. we're actually putting all the other measures in place, but i think that this should be a stark warning to us that this is
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what could happen in the u.s. we're not talking about months away. we're talking about in a couple of weeks this is what the u.s. could look like, and i think it underscores why all these social distancing measures we're trying to put into place now as draconian and uncomfortable as they may be, this is what we're trying to avoid. >> sanjay, you heard the mayor saying he wants to see the military called in in new york and other cities. gayle asked a question for you, we have a strategic oil reserve to help keep our country prepared for disaster. why don't we have a strategic health reserve to be prepared for a health crisis? there is a reserve, but what do we know about it? >> yeah. there's a stockpile, and it does have a certain amount of these supplies in there. for example, breathing machines we keep talking about. there's around 10,000 of these ventilators. there's about 62,000 being used in the country at any given time. but that's not enough. i think there's going to be
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lessons learned from this. i think the bigger question now, though, regardless of whether you say we need a bigger stockpile sitting there, is that we had a bunch of time. we really have had since the beginning of the year to think about it and based on the federal government's own modelling, we knew what was going to be necessary and now mid march we're finally talking about buying the supplies. and when everyone keeps saying it's late in the game, that's what they mean. >> and also other people, countries want supplies too. >> everybody on the globe wants the supplies now. >> yeah. dr. wynn, can the virus can carried into a home on shoes? >> it's possible. but this is certainly not the primary way that people are going to be infected with the new coronavirus. i would say, though, that if you work in a health care setting or if you're around people who have coronavirus, it's probably a good idea to take off your shoes before you enter the house, and then even more importantly once you come in to make sure you wash your hands.
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still the most likely place you could have gotten exposed is through touching hard nonporous surfaces with your hands. >> dr. wynn, thank you so much. sanjay, we'll see you and i'll see you tomorrow night, sanjay, for our cnn facebook global town hall, facts and fears to our international event from 8:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. eastern. going to answer a lot of your questions. another chance to get questions answered from our medical experts about the pandemic. again, cnn facebook global town hall tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. eastern. remembering a life lost to the virus and all the people who owed their life to the sacrifices this manmade, still ahead. made, still ahead. 5g will change business in america. t-mobile has the first and only,
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we want to focus on those who have lost their lives. so far there have been 145 deaths in the united states. 145 families changed forever. we're starting to learn about some of the lives lost. tonight we want to tell you about two people. first we remember 4-year-old john knox. a retired fire marshal.
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he investigated hundreds of new york city fires with his four decades with the fire department. after 9/11 he came out of retirement. he didn't have to. he grabbed his gear and went down to ground zero to help find his fallen comrades at the world trade center. he worked two years with the nypd, served as a u.s. marine in korea. he was devoted to his country, city and family. he's survived by his wife and four children and six grandchildren. his son zach joins me right now in self-isolation. jack, i'm sorry for your loss and your family's loss. your dad sounds like an extraordinary guy. thank you, anderson. he was, hef was. talk about a living legend. some of the stories you hear about him, unless they were verified, you wouldn't believe they were true. >> funny. was i right that 9/11 happened.
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he was ri tietired a couple yea. and he just did what he felt he had to do? >> correct. correct. correct. the way the story went is he took his vehicle and all the gear that he still had remaining from his time with the fdny and drove down to the battery, and made the trek from there all the way to ground zero, and he was down there for several weeks after. >> now, is it true you're supposed to return your gear but your dad was like bill me? i'm not going to give it back. this is who i am? >> pretty much. he was like i -- with all his investigations and he said that the coat, the helmet, he's like i'm keeping it. he said yeah, please, you can bill me for it. >> good for him. when did you -- did you know what he had? how did this hit? >> well, one thing is that he actually -- i got the call from my younger sister. he went to the hospital. he wasn't feeling well for a few
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days prior. and what happened was he was a little bit dehydrated. he collapsed, and then my younger sister took him to the hospital at south nassau, and i saw him the following day. i was actually about to leave for a work-related trip. i was like i'm dropping by the hont, spending time with him, and he was -- he looked normal, like someone who maybe had a light flu. as i was returning home, i hear that he's not doing so well. and that his breathing was impaired. he wasn't downhill from there. >> from the time he started feeling sick to the time that he passed, how long was that? >> he almost spent about three weeks in the hospital. >> wow. >> and how old was he? >> he was 84 years old. young, i should say. >> yeah. well, he looked in better shape than i am and i'm 52. >> yes. he was a very vibrant
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84-year-old. i think people decades younger than him had trouble keeping im. >> he'd been going to the gym until a couple weeks ago? >> he used to make a joke he started going to the gym at the age of 16 and through basic training at paris island and he never stopped. >> wow. how do you want folks to remember your dad? i mean, obviously those who knew him and loved him are never going to forget him. he sounds like the kind of guy who always made a huge impact wherever he was. how would you like the rest of us, what else should we know? >> well, a lot of things about him. i mean, he always kind of -- he was a very -- they always not let his resume talk for him, but he was always very committed to being just a very -- just a man full of integrity. he lived and died by his word. that's the way he always was, and people loved him for it. and everybody love or hate him, always respected him. not only that, it's just his
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career was just amazing. not only being a korean war veteran. he also served in the force recon as well, too, in a reserve capacity. he was also with the pd, and then even his time as a fireman and fire marshal dealing with groups with the faln network in 1975. he also, i think someone mentioned he also arrested abbie hoffman. he also was with people on the weatherman underground. >> that's really interesting. >> he had all these stories to tell. it was amazing to hear him. he was a kind, sweet man. all the people -- he always looked out for his men and the people around him. if you needed him, he was there in a heart ground. >> the underground, they blew up a building near where i live. i read up in it.
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i bet your dad was involved in the investigation on that. zach knox, i'm sorry for your family, but what a blessing to have had this man if your life for so long. i appreciate you talking to us about him. >> thank you very much. it's an honor to be on the show, and also for all the press, because unfortunately, everything going on with the coronavirus, you know, like he was not going to be able to receive the sendoff that i believe he deserves. so this is a way to get his story out there. and let them know about a life of very cherished new yorker, basically a new york icon. >> yeah. he protected us all. thank you. your dad, john knox. he shall be missed. thank you, zach. >> thank you very much, anderson. tonight i want to tell you about richard kern. a husband of 56 years. his widow sheila tells our affiliate he was perfect. they lived together in an assisted living facility until he suddenly fell ill late last week. according to the family the
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retired magician died early tuesday morning of a respiratory infection tied to coronavirus. it's unclear how he got coronavirus. they suspect community spread. they're urging everyone to take the virus seriously. richard kern was 77 years old. we'll be right back. i always dreamed of teaching kids and having kids of my own. i didn't realize that having kids would be the hard part. so we planned to start ivf treatments. ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me "mom." at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at nm dot com.
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