tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN March 20, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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another special hour of "prime time." america hunkered down in ways we have never experienced before in our lives. the in your opinions of cases go up they will use the word exponentially. doubling every three to four days. americans ordered to stay home. why? it's a show of force. the only way to starve the virus and reduce the cases as quickly as possible. and the president floated the idea of a drug. that's been unproven as a possible treatment and got push back from the nations top experts today. >> a game changer. we'll know very soon. we have ordered millions of units. >> the information you're referring to specifically. it was not done in a controlled clinical trial. you cannot make a definite statement about it. >> without saying too much i'm probably more of a fan of that
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than maybe than anybody. i'm a big fan. we'll see what happens. >> you are not a fan of a drug. okay? either it has been shown to work or they're not sure. you can be hopeful without being misleading. if you're on a bed on a ventilator, you want to know that something works. not that someone is a fan of it. if you have a loved one who is sick and you are desperate for information about something that may help them, being a fan of a drug is not what we need right now. dr. fauci should not be put in that position. director of the harvard global health institute. when we're talking about this, am i right to say hope is a beautiful thing.
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optimism is empowering. to say you are a fan of a drug that has a little bit of antidote evidence opposed to being approved and having some type of guess at a real protocol is a real difference, is it not? >> good evening. yes, absolutely. optimism is great. hope is great. when it comes to medicine, we rely on science. medicin medicines either work or don't. we have to study and learn and not just leave it at hope. so, dr. fauci is right about this. we're hopeful it might work. we don't have scientific evidence. we're not there. >> let's talk to people about why this drug even make sense. we have been told it's a virus. there's no med sign for it. what are we talking about? once they get in the pneumonia
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phase there are drugs that help that condition? >> there's several drugs we're hopeful could potentially work. we don't know. we have drugs that stop the replication of the virus. stop the virus from reproducing. those are the ones that are most hopeful. because they should work. again we haven't tested them in people. the one that president trump is fan of has been shown in test tubes to work. there are a lot of things that work in test tubes and not humans. >> it worked in the test tube. opposed to in the -- >> yeah. exactly. you mix a little drug in there with a solution of the virus. and it seems to work. that's great. things are very different in the body. the human body is not a test tube. >> what about the idea that the chinese came up with medicine
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and italy came up with medicine. use what they use. is that true? >> look, the chinese and italians haven't come up with new medicine. they have been testing things and doing studies and we'll know the results. if they work we'll use them. what the chinese did was exactly what we're doing now in hospitals across america with covid-19 patients. supporting them and helping them get through the illness. >> the reason there's desperation on this is the unknown the uncertainty has translated into a feeling that this thing kills you. if you get it. and it doesn't matter how often we say the numbers are about 2% and 98% survive. it doesn't feel that way. how do we handle that? >> it makes sense. it's a new virus, most of the viewers probably haven't heard of it a month ago. it does seem scary. of course the pictures out of china and italy are people who
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do die from it. the good news is most people who get it will do okay. some people get sick and go to the hospital and recover. a small percentage around 1% may die from it. our goal is reduce that even further. the virus does scare me. if it kills 1% of people that's a bad thing. most will recover. without too much trouble. >> something else that particularly scary is that it's explained to people it spreads like the common cold. and it hits you like pneumonia. tough combination. easy to spread. everybody gets a cold. noi we're hearing that you and i are together, one of us has it. and then two or three weeks later?
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i can get sick from this. that's logically inconsistent. why does it take so long to get sick? >> let's talk about that. basically what happens is right, we give each other a hug which we shouldn't be doing. >> not right now. >> at some point that will be fine. not right now. let's say we did that and i spread a virus to you. it got into your body, it will take the virus time to replicate and grow. you'd feel fine walking around. you had a tiny bit of virus. it would grow and grow and get big enough and effect enough of your tissue that you start having symptoms. that's why it takes a while. we think it takes about a week to ten days for the symptoms to really come on. >> that's why the social isolation is so formidable. because that lag time means if you're staying away from other
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people and keeping distance during that time, you really starve off the virus ability to do that slow replication in others. the idea of what happens over time in a second wave. that is the new paranoia. how does the second wave work? if we're flattening the curve and treating cases what's the second wave about? >> this is something people worry about. this happened with the 1918 flu. it hit the world millions died in the spring. and faded in the summer. everybody relaxed. the flu is over. in the fall it came back with a ve vengeance and killed tens of millions chl people worry about that with covid-19 and think it might happen. we don't know. new virus. we worry that we'll starve the virus and fade and we'll get
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relaxed and everybody will go back to normal. and it will come back in the fall. and come back much worse and shut everything down. i think there's a plan for that. we can avoid that. we can get ready for the fall. it will take work. we can avoid that second wave. >> how? >> if we do nothing there's a risk. we have to go on war footing. that's what it is. imagine that it fade out over the summer. we have to build tests and make sure we have tests. so when it comes back in the fall we can test. we have to get hospitals ready and make sure doctors and nurses are ready and protected. we have to have enough hospital beds and ventilators. there's a ton of work ahead. here's the bottom line, this virus is not going away any time soon. not until we have a vaccine. life will not go back to normal tomorrow or next week or next month. we don't have to be on lock down. we can make that better.
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if we commit to working together all of us as a country, we can defeat this. not if we're fighting over what we're calling the virus and who started it. we have to focus on moving forward and defeating this. this is the common enemy. >> are we going to have to do this all over again? >> it's up to us. if we don't use the time between now and fall to really get ready. yeah, we may have to do it again. or longer. and more painful. it's up to us. the reason we're in lock down now is we wasted two months. everybody knew it was coming. we did nothing about it. we down played it. we're now suffering through the pain of that. if we after this pain of social distancing, if we go back to normal and act like nothing will happen, we'll suffer again. i think we'll be smarter the second time. we'll get ready and be much better prepared for round two.
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>> thank you for the perspective on this. i can't wait to see you and give you a hug. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> now, we're trying to figure out how to target the concerns. you have the elderly, the low income, you know who we haven't been hearing about? veterans. why? aren't the best of us? many of them -- more than half are over the age of 60. the va they have been controversial. in general good care. but they didn't ask for a ramp up in help. ea early on. but now, can they handle it? how are their resources? how are they doing? the angry american just like the name of the pod cast is next with perspective on what we need
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cost support options. the va provides healthcare services to more than 9 million veterans. it also serves as the nations back up health system. so you have a big question here. how ready is the va if the out break grows worse and specifically will they be able to take care of our veterans many of whom are over 60 making them particularly vulnerable to this virus. perspective for iraq war vet and veterans advocate. the man behind the angry american pod cast. how are you, my brother? >> i'm good, chris. excellent work. i want to start by thanking you for leadership. you have been stepping up and answering the call. people have been inspired by you and your brother. >> when i have friend like you i
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learn to do the right thipg. you flagged this to me that the va has been offered help and they didn't take it. now they're worried about resources. what's the situation? >> bottom line we're facing unprecedented -- we talk about this being war footing. we need to mobilize the entire country around this threat and in a way we never have before. it's one team one fight. understand the va can be reenforcement. you mentioned it, the key part of the mission is be the backstop. they can be a tremendous of tremendous reenforcement. they have doctors and facilities. hundreds of billions of dollars in funding. they have to be called upon to do it. until recently you aren't hearing from the secretary of veterans affairs. you're hearing from walmart and
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cvs. the entoire agency only tested about 1,100 veterans. we have tested more professional athletes than veterans. that's a problem if to stay ahead of the curve. >> why haven't they been called? is the political optics of militarization. >> it comes down to loeeadershi. acrossed board it will be the factor. he finally is and add tremendous resources and be a two prong attack in serving americans. the helpers can come in the form of veterans sp military. they have scale and scope in logistics and medical personnel no agencies have in the federal
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government. and rivals anywhere else in the word. the president has to ask the secretary of defense to step up. and they have been to be honest. he told congress he has everything he needs and then asked for $16 billion. now he's saying everything we need simultaneously issuing an order to call up reserve folks who are retired to serve. there's mixed messages. we want the secretary to succeed and be a lead element and help. he has to ask for the help. he asked for retired medical personnel who worked at the va. you can step up now and help. you can be a part of this fight. it's a patriotic thing to do serve your country in a way you have done before. >> help me understand this, you have governors all over the place worrying about capacity. doctors don't have enough to protective wear and they'll get sick and run out of the first
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responders. you would think you would jump to the military immediately. so let's think about what we're missing. i accept your answer not just because you are twice my size. it's a question of leadership. we have to be missing something. they haven't made that move yet. they keep getting asked about the army core of engineers and my brother says that he has been in touch. with the army core of engineers and there's so much more capability that hasn't been tapped. why? >> that's the question for the president. the press core should be asking him every day and daily briefings from the pentagon from the secretary of defense. and daily briefings from the secretary of veterans affairs. we haven't gotten that. it's been a black hole of information flt the department of defense should be fully mobilized to attack this threat. the same way we were 17 years ago today to invade iraq.
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we should be domestically. they're great about logistically. we can move people and feed people. we have manpower. they can be the lead element on helicopters to hospitals. that will start with your brother with the national guard deployed. governors can deploy the national guard and they're doing that in 22 states. if the president is smart he will reenforce them with federal assets. navy ships. we need a full mobilization of the military. >> we must be missing something. there must be a political optic in play. i don't mean it as a criticism. there must be something. they are so desperate for resources and i have one guy saying it's a national security issue. that you have to make sure the country is kept safe and you don't have the military working on hospitals in a way that makes us vulnerable. that assumes that with think we'll get attacked in the homeland during this time.
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because we're vulnerable. everybody else is getting beat by the virus too. it's not like anybody is in full strength. >> the military is testing across the force worldwide. i talk this week the lead spokesman in iraq and everybody in syria and around the globe is getting tested. we have to keep them safe where ever they are. they have tremendous resources here at home that should be mobilized. there should be no opposition. this is a question of leadership. and we have to adapt and over come it. and nobody does that better than department of defense. you have people who know how to handle adversity and follow orders and get together and work together. it's a tremendous source of resource. it can be a source of hope. a million of us served over seas since 17 years ago. we're home. we can be a part of the lead
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force many helping. in national level or community helping your neighbors and friends. we want to be a part of that reenforcement that happens. the president has to lead the fight and ask for it. this is a time for a national call to action. every day the president talks to america he should be telling us what we can do. that's a mistake after 9/11. we never enlisted the american people. we can do that now. it starts with the american people. we have to do that our ourselves if he doesn't do it. >> be well. stay healthy. the angry american is his pod cast. it's not an angry thing he's super-concerned ant things approximate talks to players. it's a great pod cast. if you are feeling overwhelmed, scared, lonely, stressed out. you know what that is? normal. because this is really scary, frightening, destabilizing stuff.
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it doesn't just affect your body on the outside. it's about mental health. we talk about this a lot on the show. we'll live it now. just because you're not sick with the virus doesn't mean you're not sick with worry. emotional stress is every bit as taxing as physical stress. think about it. we have somebody who is an authority on wellness to steer us through the tough times. you know that face. joining us next. (whistling) (whistling)
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ithat car is one of mine. and soon, it's going to be one of theirs. but they would have never even known it existed. if it weren't for the power of targeted tv advertising. it's smart. it grabs people's attention. it works. it's why comcast spotlight is changing its name to effectv. because being effective means getting results. fear is a specific response to danger. anxiety is what so many of us
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have here. fear of something uncertain. you don't know what it is that has you scared. that's what we're dealing with with the virus. there are ways to cope and get your mind right about this and help yourself with emotions. emotional wellness and mental health. you know who knows? what a gift to have you. it's good to see you. >> thank you. you're right. emotions can compromise your immune system. emotions can also enhance your immune system. there are three levels of turbulence right now. fear. and fear can be erased. and you feel the fear in your body. that is one way to embrace it. disconnect the sensations in your body from the thought your mind. if you don't control fear it
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leads to stress. chronic stress is very dangerous because it compromises the immune system. it raises blood pressure, adrenaline levels. it leads to panic. which leads to ir rational behavior. which we are seeing now. and the cycle perpetuates. we are compromising immune systems with unprovoked or unmanaged stress. >> we can call it the cycle the toilet paper cycle. that's what we saw people run out to do. here's the response to deal with -- >> people rush to look for the color quinn. >> we have to let the doctors use it. >> people will hear this. and based on what i'm getting so much they'll say this.
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love you, love the book. love the glasses. but there's a virus hunting me like a savage. and i don't know what to do. i'll get it. everybody is getting it. society is shutting down. this is real. it's not in my head. there's nothing i can do. how do i not lose it? >> so, here's two things. follow everything that has been suggested. social isolation, distancing. physical distancing. all the hygienic measures. wash hand and everything. that is mitigating the risk of mortality. which is right now around 1%. having said that it's important to practice mental hygiene. meaning you have the ability to slow your mind down. quiet your mind down. one of the ways you can do that
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even right now as people are watching us, inhale to the count of six. pause. to the count of two. exhale to four. they will slow down their breathing by about half. from 14 to eight. and you can watch your heart rate also go down. at the same time. heart rate goes down and breathing slows down. your thoughts settle down. and what happens in your body immediately is self-regulation. and decrease in inflammation. >> what do we do at home? we're home. we'll be home allot. you don't have to be alone when you're isolated. what are ideas for people to use the time in way that isn't just them thinking about the worst? how can you use the time? >> emotions do not respect boundaries. and even physical boundaries the
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internet is spreading emotions like the con ta general. we have a pandemic of anxiety, fear and stress. what i'm doing every day is offering meditation. i have created a web site for people to help each other. it's called never many other things we're doing collectively. to help people give each other attention which means dope listening. affection. let them know you care for them. appreciation. notice the good qualities and strength they have. compliment strengths. and acceptance of the present situation. having said that, employ every possible technique. positive thinking. and positive mind can be a turbulent mind. a quiet mind is a healing mind.
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that there are many ways to do that. mindful awareness of observing thoughts and emotions. sensations in your body. images in your consciousness. sensations, perception. image, feelings and thoughts are entangled as bodily sensations. feel your body. silence your mind. focus on your breath. or repeating a mantra or saying a prayer. there's no substitute for quieting the mind and encouraging each other in these best practices. for what can only be called mental high general. practice mental hygiene. as well as physical hygiene. the body mind are not separate things. whatever happens in the mind is reflected in the body. whatever happens in the body is reflected in the mind. whatever happens in social media is collective mind and
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collective brain. we can start setting each other dope mean hits. whatever you call it. just tell each other we are there for them. and for the elderly we should be there for them through technology. and we can also provide help through technology. financial help and food services. and many other services. all this is being galvanized. not necessarily by the government or industry. by people across the board. all over the country. engage with them and i know what's happening. a lot of people are doing amazingly things to help each other calm down. reassure each other that this too shall pass. >> you know, we fight all the time on this show for people to recognize mental health and mental illness is as real as physical illness. and should be treated with respect.
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instead of crazy vs. having cancer. no matter who you have it's crazy. this is a lesson. there are many people in the country who are learning that the mind and your emotions can mess with you every bit as much as any kind of virus. of course you know i'm a big fan. and i appreciate everything you have to say. and i hope people go to the web site and check it out. >> thank you. dee pack chop ra. so calm. he knows something we don't. he tricks us. makes me anxious. just kidding. that's exactly wa you shouldn't do. quiet the mind we'll get through this. the one and only jewel is here. you know why? because i'm a fan. if you're stuck inside and it doesn't mean that you have to miss her next show. she is going to help those in need and you can too. what a better way to spend our time. finding a way to help others and
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hear from jewel. what's better than that? nothing. we're finally back out in our yard, but so are they. dandelions, lurking crabgrass and weak, thin grass. but scotts turf builder triple action changes everything. it kills weeds, prevents crabgrass for up to four months and feeds so grass can thrive, all guaranteed, only from scotts. our backyard is back. this is a scotts yard. download the scotts my lawn app for your personalized plan. you met on an app. why? delete it. he's the one. gesundheit.
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extraordinary in the extraordinary people doing even more. you know why? we get through it tomorrow. that includes grammy mom nated artist jewel. putting on a digital concert tomorrow to help those stuck in quarantine and others in need of aide. i love it. i'm not surprised. not by jewel. she's been doing this for a listening time. welcome to "prime time." >> thanks for having me. >> thank you for being here and why you're doing this. not just to help us and calm us and gi us enjoyment in a time we need that. what motivates that. the idea that you have and you have worked on for so long that helps you in your own life when times were hard. what to tell yourself in your mind. how to deal with mindfulness and awareness of the situation. put out a film about this. tell people where they should be in terms of how to see the situation and where we're
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headed. >> as everybody knows this is unprecedented time. we're being asked to evolve and at a rapid pace. that's painful. this is a painful, scary time. we're more than up to the challenge. we're capable of doipg this. our children will remember the attitudes that we have in our homes more than all of the details. and so maintaining what he called our mental hygiene is critical. social distancing as social caring. and look at connection. we have been a connected society. the quality of that connection hasn't always been amazing. this is an amazing opportunity for us to have a deeper approximate more connective experience and realize thoughts and feelings. what we put in our mouth is important and our ears and eyes is important. it affects our chemical reactions tremendously ask helps the immune system. >> people are saying i'd love to
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connect. i'm stuck inside and i can't go out i can't go anywhere. i'm using up my available free time panicking. how am i supposed to connect right now when i'm waiting to get a knock on the door and see the grim reaper which is a virus destroy my life? >> we have a choice every second with what we do with our thoughts and feelings. we can panic or we can decide what can we do that's productive. it's a choice every person has to make. we teach children to try and make the choices every day and every second. if they need to they call friends. there's only two states of being. dielated and contracted. anxiety and fear and depression. anger and jealousy contract you. it's a chemical response. joy, gratitude, thoughtfulness. generosity. are dielating. you can't be in two states at once. i realized when i was homeless and having panic attacks if i
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was contracted i had to die late. that meant being grateful. there's so much to be grateful for. we're not being bombed with rations. we're up against horrible things. we are capable of handling this and in control of the feelings and thoughts. that's something the virus can't take from us. no one can. when you're in a contracted state, think of what you're grateful for. there's a lot. we live in a country where there's plenty of food and toilet paper. there's still plenty of people that are wanting to reach out. my youth community started a twitch inspire house. where they study together. there's big communities when they get sad and depressed. they reach out. they are there for each other. they are finding that's a more profound connection than before they had this taken away.
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>> inspire house on twitch. it's interesting that you know this is one of the things here that we have to digest. what's really scary about this is that the destiny is in your own hands. most bad things are in somebody els hands. will the military save us? will the politicians figure it out. the election. this is if you do what we're asking you to do, things will be much more manageable. so you have to put it on yourself. you don't want to because it's inconvenient and scary. and you have to expect everybody else to and you're not sure they'll do it. you don't know you should do it. it's hard. and yet, we make all the crazy connections on social media skb take the silly things so seriously. now we're faced with something so serious and people are worried about connecting over it. you are helping do that with your concert. how does it work how do people
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watch? >> i have a youth foundation we have been going and working with at risk youth for 18 years. we give them mindfulness tools and we're doing a concert 90% of the kids parents lst jobs and been laid off. the economic crisis that is ensuing is very worrisome to me. suicide tends to double during recessions. and you add isolation. there is 1.2 suicide attempts last year in america. if that's doubling that's a frightening number. i'm very concerned about mental health and getting them practical doable steps. i built a web site called jewel never easy three minute exercises that prove to work. to wire your brain. anybody can go there. it's free. >> what's the web site? >> jewel never mindfulness tools.
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>> you're doing a concert. >> thank you so much. i'm doing a concert to raise funds for the children. we're trying to keep them home and keep them fed. the people being displaced and losing jobs. it's saturday night tomorrow at 5:00 pacific. on my instagram. @jewel. >> i'm too contracted to hear you. >> facebook page. >> if you want to know what completely contracted looks like. >> they can watch the concert at 5:00 pacific time. and go to -- >> also streaming on facebook. which is jewel jk. a free concert. i'll talk about mindfulness and
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taking questions that people are concerned about. and singing. i have so many songs i'll be debuting. >> great. you are incredible talent. i have followed your entire career. i was blown away about what you overcame to become an artist and what you channelled through your music. and through your voice. that is meant so much to so many. and it is great to see you now. giving back to so many. i can't wait to hear from you again and let us know how to help the cause. we'll be in this for a while. >> the benefit concert is called live from san quarantine. jewel said find it on instagram. and facebook. tomorrow. at jewel and jewel jk. the time 8:00 p.m. eastern. 5:00 pacific. jewel doing her part she always
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has. she's in the alone. let's end the weekend on a positive note. it's a factual note. americans. not everybody is like this. not everybody is afraid. so many of you are saying we got this. i'll show you how. what they do. at tecovas, that's hand-crafted, high-quality western boots at a fair price. because netsuite shows me all my financials in one place, we stay focused on what we do best. (announcer) with netsuite by oracle, you get a full picture of your business. finance, inventory, hr, customers, and more. it's everything you need to grow, all in one place. netsuite is the world's number one cloud business system. schedule your free product tour right now at johnsbut we're also a cancer fighting, hiv controlling, joint replacing, and depression relieving company. from the day you're born we never stop taking care of you.
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my bladder leak underwear.orried someone might see so, i switched. to always discreet boutique. its shape-hugging threads smooth out the back. so it fits better than depend. and no one notices. always discreet. first, i feel every piece of your concern. i know you're living it because i am, too. i got worries about my team. i'm drowning in information from all these different sources. i got to figure out what to tell you and how. i got worries about my own
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family. my mother. am i exposing her and my kids because of how much i'm working? now, we're all trying to figure out what to do. and the fear is haunting. and, yet, my faith is constantly boosted by who we call americans. people who are recognizing the same things that are stressing us out and doing something about it like fashion designer christian siriano. so he tweets an offer today, my brother, the governor of new york. he says i've got people who can sew. we're ready to go. we'll make masks using the full team. and the governor's office hears about it. takes him up on that. and look at this. siriano posted this photo tonight of a prototype. he didn't wait to jump in. he saw an opportunity and he is helping where he is needed because he knows that he can. thank you for being an american. more of our best. you hear about the distilleries switching to producing hand sanitizer? their main ingredient, alcohol,
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right? no brainer. so they are using their stock, adding inactive ingredients, churning out the recipe that will help save lives. that's what i'm talking about. that's who we are when things get tough. we can all be part of the solution. little things. doing what we're asked to do. ordering restaurant takeout or delivery. tip generously. give blood. this is, truly, a roll-up-your-sleeves moment. together, as always, as one. that's all for us. d. lemon's going to be back sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern with a special edition of cnn tonight with the latest, of course, on the crisis. we have the news. we're here for you. stay with cnn. . we've got the retinol that gives you results in one week. not just any retinol. accelerated retinol sa. for not only smoother skin in one day,
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get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! good evening. tens of millions more americans saw their world shrink to four walls or the walls of their homes. myself, included. someone on my team believes they may be positive for the coronavirus. and so out of an abundance of caution, i'm going to be broadcasting, tonight, from -- from my house in new york city. i don't have any symptoms. i feel fine. it's just an abundance of caution to keep everybody around me and all -- everybody on our staff is going to be staying out of the office for a while. people are now being asked to stay at home, here in new york city. that was the big news in new york today. also, in connecticut, in california, and in illinois. cases topped 18,000. a staffer for vice president pence, testing
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