tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN March 21, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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next here on cnn, 1 in 5 americans now being told to stay home. as coronavirus cases soar in the u.s. also, an urgent plea from health care workers on the front lines, we don't have what we need. plus, property from the pandemic, two u.s. senators and well-timed stock selloffs raising eyebrows. we're live from cnn world
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headquarters in atlanta. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm natalie allen. and this is "cnn newsroom." >> 5:00 a.m. here on the east coast. and we really appreciate you joining us, as we bring you the very latest developments on the coronavirus as the pandemic surges around the world, the mantra in health officials is loud and clear -- stay home. one day after california ordered its residents not to go out, new york, connecticut and illinois have now fallen suit. that affects some 75 million americans. for now, the rest of the country does not face such restrictions, but people everywhere are urged to stay home as much as
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possible. and the reason, it's simple. testing shows, the virus is spreading quickly everywhere. the number of confirmed cases in the u.s., now approaching 19,000. more than 250 people have died. the global pandemic shows no signs of slowing. johns hopkins university has logged more than a quarter million cases and well over 11,000 deaths. in europe, italy, of course, bearing the brunt of the outbreak now reporting the highest single fatalities in a single day, well over 600 people. and this chart tells the grim story, as the number of cases soar, many hospitals are overwhelmed. supplies are short and health care workers are falling ill. and it's serving trend. french health officials say more than half the patients in intensive care there are 60 years old. that country now reporting more
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than 12,000 cases. and at least 450 deaths. cities like paris and nice are closing public spaces, and imposing curfews. we have correspondents covering the pandemic around the world from tokyo, where there are questions about the summer olympics, to the u.s. west coast. and the length to which hospitals are going to provide care. but we want to begin in europe, and the newest restrictions aimed at keeping people safe there. kathryn norris trent in paris, dillia gallagher in rome for us. the numbers keep adding up, too many to count. it just is getting worse and italy is trying to clamp down. >> reporter: that's right, natalie, 4,032 people have died. that is the latest count from yesterday. a total of 47,000 cases total. on the high death toll, we have
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a report from the ministry of health which gives a kind of picture of those people that have died. that report says the average age is 80 years old and 98% of them are one or more underlying health conditions. that report also says the average age of those who get the disease in italy is 63. and that's compared to 46 years of age in china. so, we have a kind of picture, at least, in this early stage of those patients who have died, the suggestion being, of course, that italy has a large elderly population and that is playing a role in that large death rate. we don't have the answers on it because we're in the midst of the crisis. and the real focus is getting doctors up to the northern regions to help relieve the pressures there. there are 53 doctors flying in from cuba that have experience
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with ebola in africa. the government is allowing 10,000 medical students to go straight out to work. they're bringing in doctors, nurses, all hands on deck, especially in the north where they're under a large amount of pressure. they have to build out tents to put in temporary beds and new icu units to try and help this growing number of cases, natalie. >> can you remember when it was first in milan, and, you know, it was just slowly seeping in, and now this, delia, it is unbelievable. thank you so much for your reporting there in rome. now, we want to turn to paris where kathryn norris trent is reacting. france, obviously clamping down now? >> reporter: yeah, that's right, natalie, the french interior sister says he wants to see the
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rules in france enforced much more strictly. we've seen police officers out on the street here on the champs-elysees avenue checking cars, checking to make sure everyone has the necessary paperwork, forms filled out, giving them one of the few reasons, one of the few official reasons that they are allowed on the streets such as going to get food, going to the doctor. or perhaps going to look after a child or a vulnerable person. people are not allowed out just for pleasure at the moment. they have been allowed out, natalie, jogging or for stroll to get fresh air. again, french authorities trying to clamp down on that, they are not allowing people to go for a run on the banks of the river seine. and french authorities stepping up checks in train stations and airports. telling people they're not allowed to go on holiday or go
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away for the weekend agency many parisians like to do. we'll see french police on the streets, providing backup for them. dealing with the illness in the eastern portion of the france, the french military is setting up a field hospital because the medical services there are saturated. that's one of the hot spots as is the french island of corsica in the region, helicopters being sent there to take more seriously ill in corsica back to the mainland because there are areas in france where health is struggling to cope, natalie. >> catherine norris-trent in paris, thank you, catherine. as the united states adjusts stay at home orders, medical personnel are scrambling to get the supplies they need while
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unexpected parts of their private sector work to fill in the gaps. as cnn's nick watt reports for us from los angeles, the strain and uncertainty are take a toll. >> this is the day everything changed. >> reporter: californians, new yorkers, the populations of illinois and connecticut all under orders to stay home. that's more than 70 million americans. >> to avoid the loss of potentially tens of thousands of lives, we must enact an immediate stay-at-home order for the state of illinois. >> these provisions will be enforced. this is the most drastic action we can take. >> reporter: people can go to the store and go out for solitary exercise but stop socializing. >> we're going to go visit mom. i'm going to go home to see mom. no, not now. >> reporter: and service workers like health care providers are
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struggling nationwide to find provisions to keep themselves safe and treat the sick. >> we're starting to see those individuals being taken out of the workforce or in some cases become seriously ill so here's where everything can fall apart very quickly. >> reporter: in los angeles, they're erecting tents in hospital parking lots to treat coronavirus patients. distillers now making sanitizers for first responders, nurses making their own masks. >> we absolutely feel like we're in this alone. >> reporter: the u.s. is the biggest economy on earth. and the mayor of our most p populous city saying it's running out of supplies. >> where the hell is the federal government in the middle of the biggest crisis we've seen in generations? >> reporter: the president says he has now fueled the trigger on the defense production act giving himself essentially
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wartime authority over private industry to produce supplies. >> we have a lot of people working very hard to do ventilators and various other things. we have millions of masks which are coming and which will be distribute to the states. >> reporter: goldman sachs estimates 2.25 million filed for fir thirst week of unemployment. if that number is accurate it would be eight times last week's figure and an all-time record. all interest on student loans now suspended. tax deadline day pushed to july 15th. >> this is not a permanent state. this is a moment in time. >> reporter: how long will this last? well, the mayor of los angeles says it's on the books for a month. but he thinks it could extend to two. and friday afternoon, the mayor of new orleans said that city is going under a similar stay at home policy. when new orleanians stop
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partying, we know we've got problems. cnn, nick watt, los angeles. as you just heard, new york city mayor bill de blasio did not mince words. he's been openly critical of president trump's response to the coronavirus and pleading with the federal government for supplies and support. but de blasio is par from everyone sounding the alarm. cnn's sara sidner with more about that. >> reporter: nurses and doctors from coast to woft acoast are a and concerned. >> i've been a registered nurse for over a decade. my hospital is in complete confusion in regards to covid-19. >> reporter: do you feel like they were ready for this when they got to the united states? >> well, absolutely not. they're still scrambling. we just don't have what we need. >> reporter: are you afraid for yourself and your patients? >> well, it's the first time in my entire career that i've ever been afraid and i've heard other physicians say they're afraid.
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>> reporter: they are worrying about their hospitals and governments are falling short. experts warn we around even experiencing the rest of the pandemic yet. >> reporter: this physician asked us to obscure her voice because she says she believes she'll be fired for speaking out. >> we don't have enough staff, we don't have enough protective equipment and we have too many patients. >> reporter: she works in georgia. health care workers are being asked to do things they haven't done before. >> we're asked to use these things used for a onetime use and then reuse them the next day. >> reporter: if you're being asked to reuse something over and over going to different patients, aren't you putting patients and yourself at risk? >> absolutely. >> reporter: in roseville, california, kathryn kennedy has been a nurse for years. >> if we go down, and we're
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furlou furloughed, who is going to take care of these patients? >> reporter: they have never talked but they both agree their hospitals and government didn't quite prepare for a pandemic. some of the hospitals say, look, we don't know what this is either. this is new to us. what do you expect us to do to prepare. what do you say to that? >> well, we were here before with ebola. we had a protocol. various hospitals were are the to utilize that same protocol for ebola. but the hospital said, no, they didn't want to do that. >> reporter: kaiser permanente, the hospital system kennedy works for the procedure used and suspected or confirmed to have covid-19 are aligned from the latest science from public health authorities. these protocols and personal protective equipment have been reviewed and approved by their
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infectious disease experts and are in hughes. they said they're committed to making sure health care workers have the right level of equipment. >> i think the deadlines are irresponsible. and i think they're playing with human lives knowingly. >> reporter: you don't believe that it's now okay to use different masks? >> no. i mean, the dmask is not known for parcels of the environment. it's not meant to protect from potentially lethal disease. >> reporter: and then there are the fight over testing at some hospitals. consuelo vargas is a registered nurse in an emergency room. she said that she and other nurses were exposed to a potential covid-19 worker at work. and days later they've not been tested and they've not been told if the patient has tested positive. >> so, i'm supposed to return to
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work tomorrow. i don't know if i need to be swabbed. i don't know if i need to be off until we get the patient's test results back. i'm left wondering what to do. >> reporter: say ara sidner. >> to talk about this problem, a director at the fleet street clinic. thank you, doctor. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's start right there with the story we just heard. this virus is exploding across the u.s. what is your reaction to the fact that there are not facilities, there's not equipment, and medical personnel are disguising their voices to talk about the fact of -- that the united states is not on top of this. and not ready to handle what's coming? >> this does show evidence, there's not any precedent that we've had.
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and even your course into ebola, that was on a much smaller scale. there is a concern, you know, a very serious disease only on the timing scale of the country. no health system has the capacity to cope fully with the surging cases that is expected. and that's why health clinics are taking means to limit transmission. to limit person-to-person spread of the virus, by locking down, by restricting movement. in the early stages, we watched this happen in china, and couldn't really believe that this might happen on home turf and thought that it not impossible do control it just by restricting entry and by tracing contacts. but that's not now the case. and until -- the only way to
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take the pressure off the health system now is what governments and public health shorts have been doing increasingly. that's been happening. that's been happening in italy. but it really scaled up the isolation and distancing and that's now being implemented in other countries. they were a bit slow to wise up to that in the united states kingdom. i can see that's happening on a big scale in the united states. so, the only way to take the pressure off the system is to reduce the number of cases and prevent the person-to-person spread if you can. and to use that time to build up more capacity and resilience in the health system and support the people working in the health systems as best we can. with testing and facilities and resources. and doing things like mobilizing additional staffs, so, for example, in the uk, there's a program to re-license recently retired physicians and nursing,
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getting them back in the workforce in the united states. i've heard of plans to try and increase state-to-state recognition of licensing. things like that to absolutely build the workforce and scale up things very quickly. >> you talk about the fact that the uk, the u.s., they were caught off guard. health experts say the u.s. was two months late in preparing. that's why we are where we are today. that found unbelievable that these countries weren't prepared. >> no. well, i didn't say that they were totally caught off guard, because, clearly, it was being watched from afar. i hope that time is being used productively. i know that the cdc, it was helping to develop tests. and there must have been some escalation in preparedness. i think that it was hoped at the
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beginning that it would be impossible to delay the most draconian measures necessary until we've reached the peak of the outbreak. but it's become clear that those measures need to be put in place for a much earlier stage. so, we're having to adapt to the situation we find ourselves in. i think at least if we can put in these extreme measures now, they can be fine-tuned as more knowledge emerges about the infection and what can be done to mitigate its effects. >> yeah. as you say, united states, the uk, italy, all trying to bring back doctors who have retired and put new doctors, who are just finishing med school on the front lines. it is surreal. we thank you so much for your input, dr. richard dawood, thank you. the streets across spain are empty amid the fears of the
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virus, while in the uk, tough new closures of people's places to congregate. you can imagine we're talking about pubs. we'll get to that report. plus, reports of insider trading of high-ranking senators who perhaps knew that coronavirus was coming and didn't communicate that to the public. details, just ahead. dad, i'm scared. ♪ it's only human to care for those we love. and also help light their way. it's why last year chevron invested over $10 billion to bring affordable, reliable, ever cleaner energy to america. ♪ washed up? never. sometimes. l'oreal age perfect rosy tone moisturizer. increases cell renewal.
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british authorities have faced criticism for not imposing tougher measures, restricting movement, amid the coronavirus pandemic. well, that's changing. on friday, the prime minister said all pubs, gyms and cinemas must close. meantime, in madrid, they are building a massive temporary hospital, 60% of spain's fatalities have occurred in the spanish capital. but people are heeding the warnings now. we are told spanish streets are nearly empty. we're about to get a first hand look, because we're joined by anna stewart in london for developments there. and al goodman in spain, capital, madrid. al, let's start with you, you're right there. and as we can see, you're one of the only people out right now. and i guess that's good.
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>> reporter: that's right, natalie. the state of emergency in spain has been in effect for one week, and really, you can see on this shopping street, it's about 10:30 in the morning on a saturday here in madrid. this would normally be packed with shoppers. we've seen just a couple people come by while we're waiting to go live. these measures, the government announcing that innercity train traffic, the bullet trains from madrid to the south to barcelona, running at 2% of normal traffic. the bus traffic which is still very important, taking people around spain, running at 9%. so, people seem to be heeding the call. not just because they want to, but because the police are enforcing it, issuing 75 fines across the country, starting at $100 to get people off the streets. very limited activities. you can go to work, food shop, just a handful of activities. now, all of that because the cases are going up. nearly 20,000 cases across the
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country. about 10,000 of those people in hospitals, madrid having a huge number of those cases and the deaths. so, as you just mentioned a field hospital is being put up in the sprawling madrid convention center out by the airport by the military to accommodate 5,500 hospital beds. and a couple of big hotels in town that are closed because they have no clients are also providing about 1200 other beds. that will be staffed by doctors. 50,000 nurses and doctors mobilizing, especially young doctors just finishing med school or a couple years into their practice, into residency, the country trying to ramp up and take care of those sick. natalie. >> and looking for creative way to create beds. that's really important right now. you told us about the hotels as well saying, look, we're here. you can use us as well. al, thanks so much. we want to turn now to anna stewart joining us from london.
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anna, the uk a little bit behind others and started to clamp down on people's movements. >> reporter: yeah, a huge rampup in containment measures, bars, restaurants asked to close down. people have been urged not to congregate in these businesses but they haven't really closed them down. really, the reaction is this is what was going to happen. people expected it. the businesses, of course, it's very sad in time. along with these measures were actually a huge fiscal policy. big injection of money. salaries of those workers who cannot work will be provided largely by the government. they'll foot the bill of 80% of salaries. speaking to business leaders yesterday. that being the biggest concern, how do they pay their workers. to the states, of course, they don't want their people losing their jobs and relied on the welfare state as well. a huge amount of money.
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in march, people who lost their jobs may regain their employment now. and it will continue for as long as it's needed. this is in addition to $400 billion worth of grants, loans. two emergency rate cuts by the bank of england. the government has thrown everything at hem. and i feel like the british people are now on board. people are at home and just embracing what is happening next. natalie. >> yes, embracing is important. and nice to see that people are adhering to this. thank you so much anna stewart. and again to al goodman for us in spain. keep us posted on the developments, anna. next here, calls are growing to postpone the olympic games. how the coronavirus is casting a cloud over tokyo 2020. also ahead, the singer-songwriter jewel is live streaming a concert. and there is a purpose behind it. we'll talk to her about it. as we continue here on "cnn newsroom."
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and welcome back. to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world, you're watching "cnn newsroom" from atlanta, i'm natalie allen. one day after california ordered the state residents to stay home in attempt to contain the coronavirus, new york, illinois and connecticut have issued similar edicts. all told, that's 75 million people. the u.s. is approaching 19,000 confirmed cases with 258 deaths now. italy's death toll climbed by 627 people in just 24 hours friday. that's the largest single-day jump anywhere in the world,
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since this outbreak began. the government is now asking the military to help enforce lockdowns as italy closes parks and pub gualic gardens and rests jogging. in france, covid-19 virus claiming 450 deaths. in public spaces like parks, being closed in paris and nice, in attempt to limit the spread of the virus. and we have this just into cnn. germany's centers for disease control says the number of cases there has risen by 2700 to 16,662. that an increase of 20% in the past 24 hours. the institute says there have also been 16 new coronavirus-related fatality, bringing the total there to 47. well, more calls are coming
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in to delay the 2020 tokyo olympics over the coronavirus. the head of usa swimming say the games should be postponed until next year. and in a letter to the u.s. olympic and paralympic committee, tim hinty asked the organization to advocate for a drastic change saying the right and responsible thing to do is to prioritize everyone's health and safety. and to recognize the to this global pandemic is taking on athletic preparations. he's not alone. the virus is casting doubts over the future of the tokyo games. japan very much wanting the games to go on. but will they. cnn's will ripley reports for us, he's in tokyo. >> reporter: this is not what japan is hoping for a scaled down ceremony, at the air base. no crowds just a few officials. two of japan's most famous
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olympians lighting the tokyo 2020 torch. the games are still set to begin in late july. in just over four months. japan is hoping for a comeback from the catastrophic earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown at fukushima, nine years ago this month. japan's spirit and economy desperately needed a revival. tokyo 2020 was on track to be just that. the novel coronavirus pandemic changed everything. >> translator: it's possible the olympic games will be cancelled, despite japan's best efforts says japanese lawmaker ishiba. >> reporter: telling thomas bach the summer games will not be cancelled for the first time since world war ii but he now admits postponing the games is on the table. last week, the prime minister
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quickly shot down president trump's idea to postpone the games for a year. but a recent poll says 70% of japanese have doubts that the games can go on. do you think it's capable to host the olympics in july? under the circumstances, i don't think it's safe says this resident. as an athlete, i really want to post the olympics in tokyo, this man says. but thinking of athletes and their families, i'm not sure it's a good idea. japanese prime minister shinzo abe and organizers are doing all possible to host the games. inside japan's olympic committee signs of dissent. 1998 bronze medalist yamaguchi told the newspaper that the games should be postponed because the athletes can't train. and much will depend on how the virus will evolve. >> obviously, the government is behind the scenes but they will
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not make a decision to go ahead if there's danger to athletes, danger to spectators. >> reporter: japan was expecting to host 90 million visitors this year. that was before global travel ground to a halt. analyst keith henry says the economic damage could be devastating. the emotional toll could be worse. >> in some ways, there's a dark cloud over the whole world. and japan is a part of that. wherever that torch goes is not going to be necessarily a happy occasion. >> let's talk about it with ed hula, he's the editor and founder of "around the rings" which specializes in business news about the olympics. ed, thanks for coming on here. should japan be continuing to push for these olympics to happen? >> well, it's a very difficult situation they're in right now. they've got so many invested in it, whether it's capital building facilities or preparing people for the games.
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but it's just getting much, much more difficult to bring these games to tokyo. the longer this pandemic goes on, so they've got four months before the games. but in reality, that time is an illusion, because athletes are not able to train. they're not able to qualify for the olympics. and without the athletes, there can be no games. >> well, there you go. where is the international olympic committee on this? >> they're still waiting, waiting, waiting, to get some kind of definite word that the coronavirus would interrupt the july timing of the olympic games. again, they have no deadline set for a decision. it's open-ended, and that's causing a great deal of anxiety on the part of athletes, in particular, who are trying to get to tokyo for the games. >> yeah.
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how challenging would it be for a postponement, until there is the all-clear with this virus? >> it would be a big challenge. but it's a big challenge for all of the major sports events. sports bodies. which have had to blow up their schedules, tear up their calendar for this year because of coronavirus. and i think in solidarity, the ioc might want to stand with some of these other important sporting bodies and sports organizations. and work together, to try to find a way to fit the olympics, perhaps, into a revised schedule for it later on this year. where there's even talk of moving them to 2021. >> as you talk, we're looking at the big news there in tokyo. it is heartbreaking how these countries prepare and build stadiums and seeing them empty. you mentioned athletes, and even
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qualifying meets have been cancelled. not enough athletes to participate. what do you think is it doing those world class athletes? i can't imagine the anxiety that they're having to deal with right now. >> yesterday, we had a press teleconference with the leadership of the u.s. olympic committee. and they stressed that the number one priority is the safety of athletes, the safety and health and welfare of the communities. that -- where they live. and included in that, they mentioned mental health. they have mental health services available for athletes who need counseling. there's a great deal of pressure that these athletes face. think about it. not only training for the olympics, trying to perform at their top level, to qualify for the olympics. but at the same time, worrying about their own health, and the
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health of their families. they have no place to go to train. many of the training centers have been shut down. travel restrictions are in place so they can't go to the swimming pools that they use, or the tracks that they use for training. so the regime of preparation for an olympics that ordinarily follows a trusted cadence has been totally disrupted by this coronavirus pandemic. forget july. >> right. >> right now, when these athletes need to be tuning up and getting ready to compete in the olympics games. and they just don't have that opportunity. >> and when it's all said and done with the virus, the world will certainly need the olympics. it's always wonderful when the world comes together. ed hula, we got to leave it there. thanks so much for talking with us, as this decision is made. perhaps we'll talk again. >> a pleasure. questions over members of the congress who sold stocks,
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critics are going after the chairman of the senate intelligence committee in the u.s. for stock trades that saved him a lot of money. at issue, his timing. as cnn's tom foreman reports, he's just one of several members of congress now in the spotlight for selling stocks before the plunge. >> reporter: up to $1.7 million in stock, that's how much republican senator richard burr and his wife pulled out of the market on february 13th, just before it started crashing, losing 31% in ten days. at the time of burr's selloff, the public did not know the seriousness of the virus. >> it's going to disappear. one day it's like a miracle. it will disappear. >> reporter: but burr, as the powerful chairman of the intelligence committee of russia probe fame was getting updates.
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>> it's much more aggressive in its transmission than anything we've seen in recent history. >> reporter: just after burr sold those stocks, he even told a gathering at the capitol hill club in d.c. the virus could be very bad, according to a reporting obtained by npr. >> it's more akin to the 1918 pandemic. >> reporter: burr said it was a hit piece that knowing misredded his comments. he did not use information to protect his bank account. former presidential contender andrew yang tweeted if you hear about a pandemic and your first move is to adjust your stock portfolio you should probably not be in a job that serves the public interests. democrat dianne feinstein and jim inhofe both say their trades were initiated by others and were not privy to the updates. >> i do want to set the report
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set. >> reporter: republican kelly l11 loeffler tweeting to keep our country health. she and her husband sold stock. >> i'm only informed of my transactions after they occurred, several weeks, certainly, those transactions, at least on my behalf were a mix of buys and sells, very routine. >> reporter: still there's no proof that anyone traded on inside information and the president's assessment -- >> they said they did nothing wrong. i find the whole group very honorable people. >> reporter: tom foreman, cnn, washington. singer-songwriter jewel is resilient. the coronavirus forced her to cancel a big concert but the show will go. and we'll talk with her, next. it finally matches me. i'm denise bidot, and my skin is powerful.
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>> the grammy nominated artist is putting on a digital concert saturday to help those in quarantine. called live stand quarantine, inspiring children's foundation as it's called helps children in need with housing, food, clothes and many other things. my colleague michael holmes spoke with jewel a short time ago and she talked about the mission of her foundation. >> i have a youth foundation for the last 18 years we work with at-risk youth and we give the mindfulness tools and entrepreneurial skills to build their lives. and i wasn't able to do the annual two fundraising concerts due to the epidemic. we decided to pivot and be resilient ourselves. i decided to do a concert live. i call it live from san quarantine because i'm a big johnny cash fan and hopefully to
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raise money. >> hopefully, you will. we've got it up on the screen for people to see. tell me more about the organization the inspiring foundation. >> yes, i grew up very poor. i moved out at 15. i was raised in an abusive household. i ended up homeless at 18 because i wouldn't sleep with the boss. i had a lot of adversity to overcome. i refused to believe that i would be a statistic. i always wanted to try to figure out how to be happier and it wasn't taught in my household. and i wanted to understand if it was a learnable skill. if knew nurturing was bad, could i still get to know my true nature. so, i started developing a set of tools for myself out of sheer survival while i was homeless. and a neuroscientist actually moved by this science works. i'm into meditation it's great like put do a biceps curl. but if you don't put that muscle to work throughout the day it's
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not going to do you much good. i started doing tools putting mindfulness to work. mindfulness means being consciously present. you can start rewiring your brain. it's very possible. so, i started taking these tools and giving it to the youth and the foundation. one of the fundamental flaws in philanthropy in my opinion is it makes the person feel bad about themselves. we don't want it that way. it's a side effect of it. we temperatuach them entreprene skills, mindfulness skills. these are children who are highly at risk. 90% of these kids have earned their own college scholarships. 90% are ivy league. it's incredible, these tools work. now starting to scale these tools and make them, offer them to everybody. i've developed the website
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called it's free to everybody. in times like these, these are tools that people will adopt to help deal with our mental hygiene as we face mental times. >> it's so important with mixing of music with mental health. as you say, these are difficult times. i wonder if you could share with us what message you would send to your fans, and anyone watch right now, about, you know, keeping the faith, staying positive, working together on this? >> humanity has faced epidemics, and horrors since the beginning of time. we haven't had to face one in quite a while. but we are built for this. it is frightening. you know, it would be crazy not to be scared right now. so, we have to look at the things that we can do that are within our control. and then we really have to let go of the rest. because stress and anxiety affects our immine systune syst. and our children will remember the mood we have in the house much more than the other
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details. so getting excited about realize not every fear is a fact. not getting involved in fear porn which is social media. stay away from things that fill your eyes and ears with too much fear. and take this opportunity to think how can we affect ourselves in a profound way. >> the coronavirus has shut down the live music entry. a lot of musicians are streaming online these days. what is your message to singer-songwriters about how to carry on? >> we can all adapt. you know, music is going -- people need music. we'll find a way to get it to people. we'll find a way to be supported by people. >> jewel's concert airs live on her instagram page 8:00 p.m. saturday. that's jewel on instagram. what a wise woman she is. i'm natalie allen. stay with us, "newsroom" is just
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ahead. on it! dimitri thinks he's doing all he can to manage his type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is his treatment doing enough to lower his heart risk? maybe not jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c! jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection... the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction and don't take it if you're on dialysis or have... ...severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c... ...and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it with jardiance. -ask your doctor about jardiance. on it with jardiance. in the 2020 census guyisn't complicated.o counts
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i'm victor blackwell. >> i'm christi paul. so glad to have you with us as we look at american lives turning upside down this morning. the nation's health care system at a tipping point. critical supplies running dangerously low. >> three more states join california ordering people to stay home. 75 million people across the country on lockdown. the number of confirmed coronavirus case in the u.s. has surged to more than 18,000 now. 249 people have died. >> medical professionals across the country are really sounding the alarm here,
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