tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN March 29, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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everyone. we appreciate you joining us this evening. we'll see you soon. thanks for watching. our coverage continues. hello and welcome. i'm anderson cooper in new york. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta. welcome to our fourth coronavirus town hall, facts and fears. tonight dr. anthony fauci will be joining us. we also have bill gates who pledged up to $100 million to fight the coronavirus. >> today was a bad day. more people died today from the virus than any other day and the u.s. leads the world in the number of reported cases of coronavirus. this is our fourth town hall, but this one is very different because we're following the latest safety guidelines from health professionals as always.
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sanjay and i are in separate studios with no crew around us and all the guests are remote as well. >> it's going to look different than other town halls. as we said last week and many times before, we're determined to keep reporting the story and bringing you as much knowledge as we can and also answering as many of your questions as we can. >> we have our social media scroll which you'll see at the bottom of your screen. tweet us your questions with #cnntownhall. you can leave a comment on the cnn facebook page. we'll get to as many video questions as we can. it's a cliché, but we are all in this together. we'll have reports from across the country and around the world including europe and china where our p correspondents are. we start in the u.s. which has seen a significant rise in cases. >> world health organization is now warning that the u.s. could become the next global epicenter for the pandemic. >> yesterday was the deadliest day by far. the death rate is rising here.
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>> the situation so severe the white house is advising people who visit or pass through new york city to self-quarantine themselves for 14 days. >> one week ago there were 8,000 cases in the u.s. now there are more than 80,000. so far in this country more than 1,100 people have died. >> this week it's going to get bad and we really need to come together as a nation. >> at least 177 million americans are under stay-at-home orders which are more than half the population. new york remains the epicenter in the u.s. with more than 30,000 cases in the state. more than 18,000 in new york city alone. enormous javits convention center is being turned into a field hospital with a thousand beds, still not enough according to officials with the number of patients they're expecting. but there is a sign of hope. new york governor andrew cuomo says the stay-at-home measures he enacted seem to be working.
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>> that is almost too good to be true, but the theory is given the density that we're dealing with, it spreads very quickly, but if you reduce the density, you can reduce the spread very quickly. >> 15-day period of social distancing recommended by the white house task force comes to an end early next week. but scientists still can't say when they think the virus might be under control in this country. >> you've got to be realistic, and you've got to understand that you don't make the timeline. the virus makes the timeline. >> the virus makes the timeline. as a mentioned at the top, there were two milestones we reached. the deadliest day on record in the u.s. from the virus. the number of new deaths today now at least 248. that's a record. and in total they have 1,186
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deaths from the pandemic in the country. the second milestone we learned before going on air, the u.s. has surpassed china in coronavirus cases. we have more than any country in the world and sadly rising. with that in mind as we've done right here on each of the town halls, i want to start off by asking you what do you think is the most important thing that you've learned this week. >> we're certainly getting an idea of just how explosive this growth is. we keep anticipating this, but to see the numbers, the first time we did a town hall, 60 people were diagnosed. now close to 90,000. we know that most americans are settling into this new reality, doing their best to stay home as much as possible. we also know and confirm younger people can also be very much at risk. i think for a long time the narrative was this was something that just affected the elderly. but 20% of those hospitalized, anderson, between the ages of 20 and 44.
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something good we learned this week is the virus isn't mutating much. that's good because it's not going to become more lethal and it's good for a vaccine if it doesn't mutate much. we don't know when this is going to end. that's the biggest thing we don't know and exactly the pull back, when people are going to be allowed to go back to work. it's still weeks away. but there is an end in sight. this isn't going to last forever, anderson. >> again, what we just reported a moment ago that the u.s. has now passed china for the most reported coronavirus cases. many believe the epicenter now is new york city. i want to go to erica hill at e elm hurst in new york city. >> reporter: there's been a lot of attention paid to this hospital because what is coming out of this hospital. what we're hearing in terms of accounts, medical professionals
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telling us they're bursting at the seams. one of the er doctors actually shared what she saw and her account of 72 hours in the er here with t"the new york times." here's a little bit of what she had to say. >> i don't have the support that i need and even just the materials that i need physically to take care of my patients. and it's -- it's america. and we're supposed to be a first-world country. >> reporter: part of what she said is we're told it's all going to be fine. it is not fine here. and the emergency management commissioner for new york agreed with her earlier today saying, anderson, that her account was spot on. >> and erica, you and i were emailing earlier today and you pointed out it isn't just this one hospital. you've been talking to er doctors in other hospitals as well, and what are they telling you? >> similar things. and i'm sure you're hearing the same thing too, sanjay.
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one of the doctors i spoke to said basically everybody coming into the er now has some sort of coronavirus-related issue. they are not seeing the heart attacks or people who need stitches, even sniffly noses. they say partially that's because people are scared to come in, worried about overwhelming the er. it's taking a mental and emotional toll on the staff, everything from paramedics all the way through to discharge. he said what's most important is keep repeating the message, social distancing, wash your hands, and take all that seriously. >> thank you very much. i want to go to china, closing its borders to foreigners. david culver is in shanghai for us. i wonder in places like wuhan, restrictions are loose, are there any signs that infected people who are asymptomatic are potentially spreading the virus still? >> reporter: this is a huge concern because when you look at
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the numbers and the numbers have been in question for several weeks now since the reported started because of the source of all this, the numbers being sourced from the national health convention. that is, the chinese government. with regards to potential asymptomatic cases, they do believe those could be pretty active within the wuhan area and even hubei province and even really other parts of mainland china. the issue is those aren't officially counted towards the total number. so, as you start to ease restrictions and you mention in wuhan that's going to happen in about two week's time. already in other parts of hubei, they started to ease what some have described as brutal lockdown conditions. you're going to have people moving around again action starting to resume life. will that cause the numbers to go back up? it's something they're mindful of here. the residents have told us as soon as the gates open, they're in no rush to get out of their homes after 70 plus days of lockdown. >> david, i think the timeline
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is so important here because people are looking to china to get an idea of what it might be like here in the united states. for the first time since the crisis began in hubei, 10 weeks or so of lockdown, some of those restrictions are being lifted whafrmt the authorities expecting to happen here? how is it going to return to normal? >> reporter: i think part of the expectation is to rely on that hesitation from some of the residents, right? they don't want to get complacent. they don't want to think that they've got this beat. and residents we've spoken with, sanjay, have told me quite frankly they're going to watch to see how things unfold. yeah, they want to get back to life. one young woman told me she wants to get to starbucks, she wants to get to mcdonald's. but at the same time she doesn't trust that things are fully under control. that being said, you do see already extreme cleansing of some of the public transit. you see buses being sanitized,ss being taken to prepare for this. and the other big concern is
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imported cases which is why they've band all foreign travellers into china. you go back a few weeks and it was the rest of the world that was really concerned with travellers coming from china. now it's china really worried about travellers coming from every other country. so, that's why they've taken these extreme steps. but at the same time, anderson and sanjay, i think there is some optimism and cautious optimism from people we've talked to that life may be resuming. >> thanks very much. scott mcclain joins us from spain which reached a milestone, more than 4,000 deaths, surpassing china. an ice rink has been converted into a morgue and that's where scott is tonight. are the new cases still rising there as well as the deaths? >> reporter: hey, anderson. the increases here have been really startling. in just the last 24 hours, more than 650 people have died from this coronavirus. the number of confirmed cases has jumped up by more than 8,500
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to. put that in context, that is almost twice as many new cases as were reported in italy. the health minister has said that there are signs that spain is starting to enter this period of stabilization, but officials have been optimistic about seeing the peak of this pandemic for quite some time. it's also important to keep in mind that the true number of cases in spain is likely much, much higher than the official number. and that's because spain has really struggled to get a handle on the amount of testing that it's doing. it's really struggled to expand the testing beyond the 15 or 20,000 tests it's doing per day right now. case and point, officials acknowledged just this morning that a batch of several thousand tests that had been imported from china had to be sent back because they didn't work. >> scott, you know, as anderson mentioned, you're standing in front of this pretty grim scene here, this ice rink, recently converted into a morgue. is that just for people who died of covid-19, or other patients
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as well? >> reporter: only coronavirus patients here, sanjay. the reason that this ice rink started to be used in the first place is because the city's state-run funeral service stopped picking up the bodies of coronavirus patients because they said they didn't have enough protective equipment. now the issue is more that there simply isn't enough space in the city morgues to store all these bodies given the backlog of bodies waiting to be buried or to be cremated. so, they have so come somewhere, and obviously this ice rink is a suitable place for them. the problem is particularly acute here because more than half of the coronavirus cases in this country have been here in madrid. >> that's terrible. stay with us. we're going to take a quick break. later tonight bill gates joins us. after the break, dr. anthony fauci joins us. t-mobile has the first and only,
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welcome back to the cnn global town hall. our next guest is dr. anthony fauci. he's a member of the president's coronavirus task force and the director of the institute of allergy and infectious diseases. >> he is here to answer your questions about the coronavirus. dr. fauci, welcome. >> good to be with you. >> thank you very much for your service. i know you're pulling in very long hours. we appreciate it. let me get right to it. you've been saying we should wait for the data to decide whether or not to start pulling back on some of these recommendations and allowing people to go to work. it seems pretty clear that the
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numbers are not only increasing, but accelerating in places that had no cases or very few cases last week are now in the thousands. so, why raise the idea that a pull back is even close, dr. fauci? >> well, i think what the president was trying to do, he was making an aspirational projection to give people hope. but he's listening to us when we say we've got to re-evaluate it in real time and any decision we make has to be based on the data. i mean, you know, the numbers that you showed, when you have a situation when the cases today compared to tomorrow is increased dramatically and then the next day is increased dramatically, that's no time to pull back. that's when you've got to hunker down, nail down, mitigate, mitigate, mitigate, get the people taken care of. that's what you've got to concentrate on. you have to go with the data. >> you mentioned the virus makes the timeline. the notion, though, of people getting back to work in some
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places is sort of based on the idea that there's hotspots in new york city, california. we've seen washington, new orleans seems to be in trouble. and some other places seem to be coming up in terms of cases. but there's places where they haven't seen so much. are you confident that the places that haven't had a lot of reported cases, that that's just not a question of testing? is it a question of the virus simply isn't there? >> well, it's probably a combination of both. but i think it's more that they have not yet had that kind of escalation that we've seen in cities like new york. and just a point about those areas that have low levels like about 19 out of 50 states have 200 cases or less. that's the time if you're going to do anything in those places, you've got to be very aggressive in identification, isolation, contact tracing. when people are infected, get
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them out of society. put them in a way where they're isolated and trace the others. that's all containment. you don't want to get to the point where you have to start mitigating. so, what we're talking about is trying to get to the point where we don't allow these issues to come up to the point of needing mitigation. but in order to do that, as i've said and as dr. birx have said, you need to get the data and you need to act on the data. because if it's escalating, there's no way you want to tone down. you want to be able to suppress what's there while it's at a low level. >> so, you want to see more testing, especially in places where, you know, they have low numbers of cases in order to gather data? are there people gathering that data? are they doing the contact tracing in states that have less than 200 cases? >> well, you know, today the president wrote a letter to the governors talking about sort of a new approach to this kind of
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county-by-county -- not mitigation, but contact tracing where what you actually do is you do testing there. now, that's going to be through the public health apparatus which the cdc has networks that are really for flu surveillance. and you could adapt those networks to be coronavirus surveillance. when you do that, then you could plug in the identification, %-po do that. i hope they'll be successful. but that's what the plan is, to use that network to do the kind of surveillance we've done with flu. >> dr. fauci, we have sort of three month's worth of data now, 150 or so countries, i think, where this virus has been present. at what point do you say we have enough data, that we really can start to set a timeline? i know you said the virus will dictate the timeline. but we must know a lot more now than we did even a couple weeks
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ago. >> yeah, we do now a lot more now than we did a couple of weeks ago. one thing that's still a little bit of a black box and that's the thing that influences the modeling that we do is that what is the relative percentage of really asymptomatic infection? that influences everything. that influences transmission. that influences contact tracing. and that certainly influences the diameter of the models that you use. so, if you're going to model how you do things, you really have to have the data to know what you're dealing with. that's why it's so important to do that. now that we have so many tests available, we've got to get out there and do that. >> i want to get to a viewer question but i want to follow up on the question we were talking about before which is in those states where it's low, you talk about the plan for contact tracing, the idea that is it actually being done now or is that still something that needs to be increased? >> it needs to be ratcheted up,
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anderson. we've got to do it better than we are now, not that we're at fault, that no one's made any mistakes, but they've got to elevate it to the point where when you have someone in society who is infected, you've got to not only identify them but you've got to be able to isolate them very quickly, not five days later after they've wound up potentially infecting individuals. so we've got to get that system where you identify somebody and as quickly as possible get them out of a situation where they may infect other people. that's what's called strict containment and that's what we've got to do. >> dr. fauci, we've got a lot of questions from viewers. edward sabatini sent in this video. >> hi. i have lupus. i've been talking hydroxychloroquine for three years now. it's the only drug that can help me focus on a daily basis. my 90 day supply is up in less than ten days. my farmipharmacist called to te
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they can no longer fill the medication. they went on to say they don't expect to get any more medication for the time being. what am i supposed to do when i run out of my medication less than ten days from now? >> dr. fauci? >> yes, that individual has a very good point. and that's the reason why i have said so often that we should be giving drugs for people for diseases that we know it works. that's one of those unintended consequences that's a negative consequence is that when you use the drug for something for which it's not a proven benefit, those individuals who need the drug for a disease for which there is a proven benefit could potentially suffer, the same way of the individual you just put on the program. >> dr. fauci, i don't want to make this political, but this drug was sort of described as a game changer. you understand why people may go out and want to get this drug.
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pharmacies i've been talking to say they've run out in all their pharmacies. was that just a mistake or too premature to present it that way? >> sanjay, i'm not going to pass judgment on that. you know that. that's not really helpful. i can just tell you what i have said all along and i'll say it again. the evidence that that works is anecdotal. it is not a definitive proof that that drug works, period. >> let's get to another viewer question. >> go ahead. >> monica in houston, texas sent in this video. take a look. >> is a sudden loss of smell and taste a symptom of coronavirus? and if so and the person hasn't experienced any other symptoms, what actions would you recommend they take? >> dr. fauci? >> well, you know, the idea of having an impediment of the sense of smell is not really
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unique to any particular viral disease. there are a number of upper respiratory viral diseases in which that occurs. there have been reports that there's an early sign. there really isn't much you can do about it, but it could be a red flag that if you have other symptoms that you're not sure what they are and you have a decrease in the sense of smell, you might want to think that's a possibility that it's an early sign of coronavirus disease. so, that's something that's been well-recognized with other viruses. >> this next question comes from larry in charlotte, north carolina. >> is there any mounting data on the effects of spring and summer temperatures and its expected impact on coronavirus and its transmission? thank you. >> dr. fauci -- >> there's no mounting data. yeah, yeah. well, right now -- i mean, the idea -- the concept that when you're dealing with a
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respiratory-born virus that when you get from the cold to the warm weather there's a diminution in spread, that's not unreasonable because we see that with the influenza and some of the coronaviruses, not obviously the novel coronavirus. we are hoping, though it may not happen, that we will see that impact of warmer weather on bringing the infection rate down. but you can't kwarn tee it because this is a brand-new virus and it may not act like some of the other respiratory viruses in which often you do see a diminution as the weather gets warmer. there's no guarantee we're going to see that right now. >> if we do, that means as the weather gets cooler again in the fall and winter, it could come back. is that right, dr. fauci? >> that's exactly right, anderson. that's why at the white house press conference today i emphasized the importance to push ahead with the development of a vaccine and the development of drugs proven by randomized
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controlled trial. if that happens, you will likely see a seasonal cycling. i would not be surprised given the efficiency with which this virus spreads that we will see a cycle. >> let's get to another viewer question, dr. fauci. lewis carson in texas sent in this video. take a look. >> would, should, or could blood transfusions from recovered coronavirus patients be used to potentially aid in the recovery of currently-known coronavirus patients? thank you. >> dr. fauci i think that's a serum i think he's talking about, asking about. >> right, right, that's exactly correct. and in fact it would not be the first disease in which you've actually had some success with this. there are a couple of studies going on. one is convalescence, the other is the immunoglobulin and the
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other is the antibodies from an individual who recovered where you can clone the b cells and get unlimited amount of supply. the concept of passive transfer of antibodies is a sound concept that deserves a serious clinical trial. >> this next one is from emily mitchell in charlotte, north carolina. >> i live in north carolina. my parents are in their 60s and live in virginia. i recently flew on a plane and am still getting over a sinus infection i had. they are really insistent on me going home to be with them during this quarantine. what advise do you have about me going home and talking to older individuals who don't think they're at such a risk? >> well, there are a couple of questions there. first of all, if you have reason to believe that you've been exposed to someone who is infected, then you really should do what we recommend of
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virtually anybody. what you should do is that you should isolate yourself for up to 14 days, call a physician, see if you want to get tested. and if testing is available, get tested. it sounds like you are at a low risk from what i just heard, but again i would want to hear a little bit more about it. with regard to elderly parents, i think you've got to emphasize we have a responsibility in society to protect the vulnerable. and those are the elderly, particularly those with underlying conditions. so, if you go home and you have any idea that you might have been exposed, you've got to isolate yourself from your parents. and in fact the recommendations now, particularly in areas where there's a lot of infection, that individuals who are elderly or with chronic conditions that are compromising them, that they should self-isolate and get them away from any possible exposure to someone who might be infected. >> so, regardless of whether she was sick or not, probably at this time at least for the next
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few weeks not visit, you're saying. a lot of people thinking about visiting their parents -- >> exactly. that's exactly what i meant. i mean, we have -- you're getting on a plane right now depending upon where you are, you're getting on a plane -- i don't want to worry a lot of people who get on planes. but to the extent possible, you should avoid anything but necessary travel. now, obviously you love your parents and you want to be with your parents, but just think it might be better now to separate yourself from your parents so you don't put them at risk. >> good point, dr. fauci. got another question. >> hi. i'm a senior high school student from new jersey. my school campus has recently closed and moved to online learning because of the current coronavirus pandemic. i wish to become a physician when i'm older. i was wondering what i and others like me could do to help
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medical personnel and others working tirelessly to save others from this virus. >> need some help, dr. fauci? >> i sure can. i'll give you some work so i can get some more sleep. no, i think there are many ways in which people like yourself who are altruistic and want to be part of the solution, that you can volunteer. whether you do that from faith-based services or what you do, i believe there's a lot of opportunity for people like yourself who want to contribute to volunteer. i mean, the easiest way to do that, i could see it through community services or even faith-based services. >> dr. fauci, as always, we appreciate your time. we know how busy you are. please keep doing what you're doing. >> get some rest. >> thank you, anderson and sanjay. just ahead what the chairman of the federal reserve says about a recession and your questions about the frightening economic impact of the pandemic. you doing okay?
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and welcome back to our fourth coronavirus town hall. you can tweet your questions with #cnntownhall or leave a comment on the cnn facebook page. the economic impact came when claims of unemployment bloomed to more than 3 million, the highest in the history of the country. in a week's time the chairman of the federal reserve says the united states may already be in recession. joining us now, richard quest. he's ready to answer your questions. so, richard, hard to underscore the economic fall out that's occurred because of this. >> absolutely.
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that 3.3 million number tells its own tale. it could get a great deal worse as this rolls across the country. i was looking at economic forecast. jpmorgan think unemployment will top out at 8.5%. we ended last year at 3.5%. oxford economics say it could be 10% unemployed. although this is horrific, you have to remember why it's happened. it's because the economy has been artificially paused. so, a lot of these jobs will come back when the economy gets going again. the issue of course is that the economy needs to stay paused while the virus dissipates and is got rid of. if the virus is allowed to incubate and continues and you were saying, sanjay, it's called the virus economy. the significance here is that the social distancing must be maintained. and even though the economic numbers may look dreadful bordering on disastrous, they
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will repair and recover quicker as a result of what's being done. >> and we'll get to ask bill gates as well, richard, a little bit about some of these things, his perspective. i'll preface this question by saying as doctors we know nothing about money. i'll put that out there. but fed chief jerome powell did say, quote, we may well be in a recession. how long do you see the economy being affected. >> he was being polite. he knows full well the economy is in recession in the sense -- how long it will be? go back to 2008 and it was four quarters that the economy was in recession. but we don't expect anything like that this time around for the simple reason the economy has been artificially stopped and it will be started up again hopefully in the second quarter at some point. and that's the point. by q3, you should be seeing a recovery. by q4, according to ben bernanke
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and jay powell, the recovery could be robust. that seams heartless when you think about many businesses will fail as a result of all this, tens of thousands. but for most people in work when the companies restart, they will be taken back in again, the economy will get up and running again. i think by the beginning of next year, you'll be looking at good growth. >> as you said, it all depends on the medical front. we just heard from dr. fauci this could become a seasonal thing. we don't know the impact of that. >> completely. >> we have a lot of questions have fruers. se cheryl wants to know is there relief for independent contractors. because of the shutdown, i cannot receive any work. >> i spent a good half hour going through the stimulus package to find chapter and verse for you cheryl. yes, in general, during the period individuals who operate
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under a sole partnership or independent contractor shall be eligible for a covered loan. it's not a grant. it's going to be a loan. from what i've been hearing from people trying to get in touch with authorities, there's a lot of bureaucracy getting through. yes, cheryl, independent contractors are covered as if they were employees. >> and richard, james has another question for you. says for those of us who will be receiving a government stimulus check but are less affected by the virus, where can we donate the checks in order to support national efforts. fantastic question. >> besides normal faith-based organizations in your own area which would take the money because they're helping local. spotify has said it will match up to 10 million, facebook will match, yelp will match.
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impact your world. cnn compiled a list of places where you can find details of where you can help. from the big to the small down to the church synagogue or temple on the corner, they'll take your money. >> richard, internationally, what are the countries doing for the fallout in the countries? are there lessons we can take? >> every country is doing something of a major proportion. germany is near the top by the sheer amount of percentage of gdp. the united kingdom has agreed to pay 80% of wages for employees that will be laid off. and today said it would do the same for the self-employed. the u.s. at 10% of gdp is on the low side for the moment. but nobody expects it will remain there overall. the bigger strategy of all is that there's no coordination, and that's because the g20 continues to just talk about what it should be doing and says
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something should be done but doesn't seem quick to be able to do it. governments around the world are responding. it's an average, an average of between say 8 and 12% of gdp at the moment. there's more to come. >> richard quest, thanks very much. want to bring in dr. lena wynn for more of your questions. she's an emergency room physician, baltimore health commissioner, and veteran of our town hall. at this moment what's the biggest point you want all the people watching tonight to be aware of? >> i want everyone to know that there is something that we can do right now to slow the spread of coronavirus,that we're not powerless as we've been talking about. we're not powerless against this virus. we can reduce the spread of covid-19 by taking simple steps, physical distancing, social distancing, and staying at home as much as we can, taking care of ourselves, taking care of our loved ones is also our best defense to protect the community as well. >> let's get viewer questions.
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this one is sent in from lynn in ohio. she wants to know a family of four, myself and two children staying home. my husband is going to work, he showers when he comes home from work. is it safe for him to hug our children? >> a lot of families are in this position where somebody does have to go to work. maybe they're a health care worker, police officer. they're around a lot of people and don't have the option of staying at home. we can reduce our risk. we can't eliminate every risk, but i would recommend that while the husband is at work that he takes every precaution, staying away from people when possible, washing hands, practicing good hand and face hygiene when coming home. definitely take off clothes, shower, et cetera, and then go hug and play with the kids. i think it's another reminder for all of us who can stay at home that we should stay at home because there are so many who cannot. >> sanjay, this is a question that charles sent in from hawaii.
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it reads for those who contract but do not get ill from the virus, will tests show you were once exposed to it? >> that's an important question. it's called serology testing or antibody testing. it's what dr. fauci was talking about. after you have the infection, your body reacts to it, makes antibodies, and those antibodies can be a signature that you were previously infected. you can test for that. and maybe you could even use some of the plasma from somebody who has these antibodies and inject that into somebody else to help treat their coronavirus infection. so, that's all sort of sometime away still but yes, you can test for that sort of thing. >> if you get the virus, recover from it, don't go to the hospital, don't get tested, will you -- and assuming there is immunity to this, that you are then immune, is there any way to know if you had the virus and you are therefore immune just
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for the future, down the road? >> that's such a great question, and i -- this is what we want to get to. we don't have that test yet. it's being developed. but that would be great. it would be so helpful for people to know whether they have immunity. >> do we know how long immunity lasts for? >> we don't know yet. we -- there are some people who speculate that one might have immunity for a long time, even forever, but we just don't know that yet. >> dr. wynn and sanjay, this is a question from shar main in jacksonville, florida, can plain soap and water be as effective. >> this is a good question. just soap and water can be very effective, even more effective than the hand sanitizers. you do it for a certain technique. there's been all kinds of studies on this. in the midst of a pandemic, it sounds silly to keep talking about hand washing, but it makes a difference and it's really withstood the test of time.
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>> along those lines, we've got tons of questions on the proper way to wash your hands. and we convinced you to do a tutorial on exactly that because you have changed the way i wash my hands. i never knew the back of the hand, in between the fingers, and the thumb thing. let's take a look at your tutorial. >> i'm going to show you how to wash your hands. most people know how to do this, but always worth remembering. just going to wet my hands here, get plenty of soap and just start rubbing your hands. make sure you really interlace your fingers like this and also turn your hands over. don't forget the backs of your hands. people often forget that. both sides. get it really well. and i'll get underneath the fingertips here and even the nails a little bit to make sure you clean underneath there. and then you've got to get the thumbs. thumbs are really important. sing the "happy birthday" song twice to yourself and that usually will do it. i just get the soap off my hands here and there. and then here's the key.
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before you turn the water off, dry your hands and use the same paper towel to turn off the water. you don't contaminate yourself. >> classic. >> i think i first taught you that in central africa. >> you did, you did. "happy birthday" song which i sang several times during your demonstration. every time i wash my hands i think of you. >> i do want to point out that typically faucets nowadays, the water comes on and off. so, i wouldn't typically waste that much water but for the demonstration i wanted to show people. i hope that's helpful. it's really important. >> it is. >> let's get to another question. this is sent from julia from virginia asking does past history of pneumonia and lung scarring put me at high risk of severe covid illness? >> a lot of people are asking
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questions about this because the studies show that those who are more likely to have severe infections are those who are older or have chronic medical conditions. it's unclear what counts as a chronic medical condition. some things are very clear but some things are not. and having pneumonia earlier and having some scarring, unclear whether that's something that predisposes you to having worse coronavirus. ut bits good to act out of abundance of caution and using sanjay's great hand washing video. >> sanjay, grace burke in oklahoma sent in this video. take a look. >> my mom is 91 years old and lives in her own home and is isolated. how long do i have to self-quarantine, and what does that self-quarantine look like in order to visit her and assist her in her home? >> this is a tough question, right? dr. fauci talked about this. we want to visit our parents. we want to spend time with them.
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for right now someone who's 91 years old, if they have any pre-existing conditions, i think it's best to probably give some time. now, if you are living with the person, establishing a sort of space within the home where someone can quarantine themselves or sort of be away and really be able to keep that six feet distance, use your own utensils, try to have your own space as much as possible. i say that someone can. >> and ols, there are other considerations too. if you have 91-year-old mothers living alone, there is a danger to her in general if she is going out grocery shopping by herself, all those things. >> that's right. it's weighing a lot of risks. it has to depend on the health of everyone involved. the likely exposured and there is a human element too. we want to be with our families.
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it's a tiough decision. >> i have to say as well. i was close to visiting my parents in their late 70s in end of february, early march and decided not to do that. and you know, they really wanted us, my kids to come visit. we couldn't do that. we have been calling a lot and face timing a lot. and social distancing doesn't have to mean social isolation. it's not ideal but technology can keep you connected. >> it's so hard. it's such a difficult thing to try to weigh, all the competing nonfactors. sanj sanjay, this video, take a look. >> what should parents look for in babies? h because they cannot explain what is happening to them. thank you. >> it's a good point. i will give you data. keep in mind, it's very
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individualized. and elderly and critical ill partials are the ones who can be ill. younger people, to it's a lot lower. it's closer to 5% or 6%. interestingly, babies 0 to 11-year-ol1 1-year-old, it's one in ten. and babies can't talk. you have to nmonitor things. check a fever, if there are questions, call your doctor and make sure you call ahead before showing up a the e.r. >> bill gates is coming up in a few minutes. we will talk to him for an is undered peri-- extended period time. dr. nyugen, you talked about it on the air. i'm not the revealing anything
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that saying you are pregnant. what kind of precautions are you taking now? a lot of hospitals in new york and i assume elsewhere, in new york, are not allowing loved ones inside the delivery room out of concern for the mother and health care workers and obviously for the baby as well. >> that's right. i'm 39 weeks pregnant. i'm on baby watch. it could happen any day now. i think about it a lot. the potential risk of contracting coronavirus and what it may look like in pregnancy. it does not appear there is an elevated risk in pregnant women of having severe effects because of pregnancy. that is good news. but there is so much that is not known about the coronavirus in pregnant women. and pregnant women should take extra precautions because we are
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vulnerable. my hospital used to welcome the entire family in the delivery room. now there is one person allowed. and new york hospitals not allowing any visitors at all. i cannot imagine not having my husband or any support system. but this is such an extraordinary time for all of us and we are all living through this level of uncertainty. i think of the sacrifices that so many are making and something i have to deal with myself. instead of having -- instead of face to face time, including with my loved ones afterwards with the the baby, having face time instead. >> the bottom of the screen, one of the questions that tweeted in, is it safe to ride the subway in new york if the car isn't very crowded in. >> you know, it's challenging. if you're very careful and can really maintain social distance and be careful of surfaces?
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>> that is the problem. you hold on to the handles and stuff in the subway. >> yeah, if it's e e essential. i know this is essential. i don't want to be dismisal. but it's challenging. it has created a significant awareness for everybody how you live your life. i just notice myself moving much more slowly. more mindful as i touch surfaces around me. if you can do that, i think it's possible. you know, we're still in this very much, so a few weeks from now, the answer may be different. >> dr. nyugen, thanks very much. sanjay andry sticking around. our conversation with bill gates is coming around. the bill and melinda gates foundation early on gave $100 million to coronavirus release. he sounded the relief about a pandemic. his thought had on how to stop it. flonase relieves your worst symptoms
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hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes. as the coronavirus spreads through the u.s., president trump is calling for more social distancing than ever. he wants several weeks of it now, and he is backing away from the statement that parts of the country can reopen by easter. the u.s. is home to the most cases of any where in the w
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