tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN March 29, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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warnings the u.s. could eventually see millions of coronavirus cases. overcrowded hospitals in spain as the country records its highest death toll increase. and later, the heavy toll on new york's first responders battling the pandemic. u.s. president donald trump initially tried to down play the severity of covid-19, but he is now being forced to change tactic, extending the the country's social distancing guidelines until the end of next month. that move comes as the u.s. reports more than 139,000 cases, the largest known number of infections anywhere in the world. cnn's evan mcmorris-santoro has more on america's new pandemic reality. >> reporter: for millions self-quarantining to slow the coronavirus pandemic, word tonight that the new normal will
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continue for at least another month. at a press conference sunday, president trump said despite his hope the pandemic will ease by easter. >> we will be extending our guidelines to april 30th to slow the spread. on tuesday, we will be finalizing these plans and providing a summary of our findings, supporting data and strategy to the american people. >> reporter: more tonight, the worst of coronavirus is yet to come. dr. anthony fauci told cnn's jake tapper that based on modeling, 100,000 or more could die. >> the number i gave out is based on modeling. and i think it's entirely conceivable that if we do not mitigate to the extent that we're trying to do that you could reach that number. >> reporter: more states across the country now preparing for a surge in cases. new york remains a national epicenter, 59,313 confirmed
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cases of the coronavirus as of sunday with 965 dead of the disease. governor andrew cuomo says the state has not reached the apex of coronavirus cases, a moment he is planning for by adding medical beds and personnel at a breakneck pace. four new hospitals across new york city helped alleviate the system approved by the federal government over the weekend. even as the pandemic surged spreads to new cities and new states, most of the focus was on sniping between the governors and white house. on saturday, trump caught leaders by surprise when floating a vague quarantine of the new york metropolitan area. >> some people would like to see new york quarantined because it's a hot spot, but there's a possibility that sometime today we'll do a quarantine, short-term, two weeks on new
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york, probably new jersey, certain parts of connecticut. >> before finally revealing new travel restrictions from the cdc warning residents of the new york area to stay home as much as possible and to quarantine themselves for 14 days if they do leave. guidelines that largely echo existing regulations set down by state governments weeks ago. today trump suggested something nefarious behind ongoing demand for more medical supplies. >> it's a client and they're going from 10,000, 20,000 tops to 300,000. and that's a hospital that's always full. so, i think people should check that because there's something going on. i don't think it's hording. i think it's maybe worse than hording. >> florida, trump's official residence since last year, has had all of its requests from the federal government fulfilled. other states continue to beg for
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supplies and equipment. >> florida, look, they're very aggressive in trying to get things and they're doing a very good job. >> reporter: throughout the country, the strain on the health system is beginning to show. nurses in the bronx protest lack of supplies to protect them from the coronavirus as they work on patients with the president telling americans to prepare for a long fight against coronavirus, continuing questions for medical workers about whether they'll get the right equipment they need to get the job done. >> thanks. now, on sunday, the leading u.s. expert on infectious disease suggested 100,000 americans or more could die from the virus. president trump weighing in, taking credit for preventing a disaster of even greater proportions. >> so, you're talking about 2.2 million deaths. 2.2 million people from this. and so, if we could hold that down as we're saying to 100,000, that's a horrible number, maybe
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even less, but to 100,000 so we have between 100,000 and 200,000, we altogether have done a very good job. >> new york state now reporting close to 60,000 cases of the virus. that is the most anywhere in the u.s. but health workers there have been struggling to treat patients largely because they are still low on equipment, staff, and even morale. now some are filming the dreadful conditions they face on the front lines and are sharing their experiences with us. >> hospitals are running out of medications. some hospitals don't have protective gear for staff or family members or patients that come to the hospital. we're running out of medication. we're running out of equipment, and we're even running out of oxygen which is something that patients that have covid-19 need. so, we don't want to test your immune system in this day and age. if you're feeling unwell, stay home. if you're exposed to somebody,
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stay home. >> there's a misconception going on that it's only elderly people in the population being affected. this is simply untrue. every day we are having people, younger adults come in who have very little comorbidities or other illness going on who are being seriously affected by the virus to the point where they have to be put on a ventilator just to breathe. >> like the one that's beeping in the background. >> exactly. the one beeping in the background was a young patient who was presumably healthy before they came in. this is not something that's isolated to the old. please hear this warning and do whatever necessary to prevent this from spreading. >> all right. we love you. we want you to stay healthy. >> let's talk more about how the u.s. is handling this pandemic or perhaps more relevantly has handled it. senior fellow for the center for global development, also the
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former head of u.s. disaster resistance. good to see you. you were quoted in a recent article saying, quote, we are witnessing in the united states one of the greatest failures of basic governance and basic leadership in modern times. explain why that is so. >> well, because we had a six-week period between when we saw the explosion of cases in wuhan, china in mid- to late-january until we began seeing case counts really begin to mount here in the early middle of march. we had a six-week period when we could have been preparing. during most of that time, the federal government rather than taking that threat seriously, acknowledging the threat it posed, and doing something about it, was instead telling the country that the risk was low, down playing the threat, and focusing mainly on keeping chinese travellers out of this country rather than preparing our own domestic hospitals.
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>> to that point, it was on january 30th the world health organization declared a global emergency and had donald trump saying we only have five people, hopefully everything's going to be great. the interesting thing is the u.s. and south korea got their first cases on precisely the same day and then proceeded to handle it very differently. don't want to particularly play a specific blame game per se, but do you see negligence in the u.s. response? >> i think there was a certain arrogance? i think there was a sense this was happening in china but it was unlikely to happen here. and through the month of february, what you heard over and over from the white house and from federal health officials was that the risk was low and the situation was under control. and we know now of course that neither of those things were true. we also know that they were made -- those statements were made from a position of blindness because of the testing failures in this country. i think going back to that date of january 20th and comparing
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what south korea did was very instructive. south korea because of the experience of sars and mers and other infectious disease problems took this seriously and began scaling up large-scaling testing in the country so they would know when they were facing problems. we did not do the here. >> why do you think u.s. leadership played down the threat in those early days? the reporting is u.s. intelligence saw what was happening in wuhan, china and warned the administration of the potential we have since seen fulfilled. when you say that statements were made that weren't true, do you think it was knowingly? >> i don't think they knew that there were more cases than they were seeing. i think they were making statements that were not supported by the evidence they had available to them. i don't think there was willful deception there. but i think they were blind to what was going on in the country, and that is not quite as bad as deception. but it's certainly a degree of
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governing negligence. >> asked my jake tapper if she believes donald trump is playing down that it costs american lives, house speaker nancy pelosi says yes, i am being blunt. far? >> no. the president sent a clear signal to the entire federal government that he did not want this risk played up. he did not want to alarm the public and more importantly perhaps for him, he did not want to alarm the market. so, the sort of measures we should have been taking at that time signaling to our hospitals that it was time to prepare for surges in cases beginning to establish nationwide surveillance for this disease, hard measures that would have alarmed people and preparing the public for the sort of social distancing we're seeing now. none of those things were done. none of those things were done proactively. south korea, singapore did those things proactively and they're
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in much better shape than we are. we're doing it reactively and it's hard to catch up when the virus has a six-week head start. >> part of your job is mapping out to stop the virus from spreading. the u.s. is playing catch up. given where we're at, what can be done or needs to be done now or done better? >> the tragic thing is because we lost so much time we now have a dramatically larger and more difficult job than we would have had and we're going to lose a lot more people very sadly than had to be the case. i think we will get through this. i think the social distancing measures that are underway now will be helpful. what worries me is that i think we're only learning half the lesson from countries like singapore, south korea, and china. all of those countries, yes they did social distancing but they also put in place very robust public health interventions, targeted testing, isolation, and quarantine so that they had
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those two protections at once. we're doing half of that. we're not doing nearly the level of testing we need to and our public health capacity at a local level in this country is far weaker than those countries. so, we need a major surge there and it's not happening. >> thank you so much. really appreciate your expertise on this. >> my pleasure, thank you. the spanish health ministry now reporting 838 new deaths, the country's highest to date in the pandemic. that brings the overall death toll in spain to more than 6,500 people with one of the highest rates of infection in the world. spain's hospitals and morgues quickly becoming overcrowded. here to tell us more is al goodwin in madrid for us. two weeks in to the state of emergency lockdown. what's been the impact so far? >> reporter: well, the impact is what you've been talking about on the program, michael, that
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health authorities say there's a lag time between the time you tell people to stay home and social distance and when we see really the difficult times. and that's what's happened here in madrid and in spain. when this -- when the lockdown order went into effect two weekends ago there were just 65 deaths. this is a case and point in what the authorities are trying to do to get enough intensive care unit beds available for this influx of the covid-19 patients. so, this day the military is setting up a field hospital inside this sprawling complex. it goes for various city blocks, a big square occupying various city blocks. there's plenty of space in there -- i've been in there many times -- to set up a field hospital. this is after about ten days ago they set up some hotels that
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were empty because of no clients. they moved hundreds of beds, hospital beds, into these empty hotels to provide capacity specifically for this hospital. several hotels near here are taking patients who are milder coronavirus patients out of this hospital so they can get the more serious patients in here. this has been the scramble and this is why the spanish authorities further restricted this lockdown or it's going to go another two weeks at least telling non-essential workers like construction workers stay off the job. you'll get paid. you'll make up the hours later, but we need to reduce number of people on the streets. there's a relatively large amount of movement on the street because of the people in and around this massive hospital. but clearly they're trying like so many other hospitals in madrid and barcelona, the two hardest-hit spots in spain, they're trying to get enough intensive care beds available for this influx of patients. >> and hopefully in two more
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weeks the trend will be in the other direction. we shall see. allgoodman in madrid. as always, thank you. italy is seeing a slight decline in coronavirus deaths. that might be a sign that the nationwide lockdown there is working. we'll have a live report from rome when we come back. i thought, i'm not letting anything take me away from my family without a fight. at cancer treatment centers of america, i had six, seven doctors that work together to take me through this journey. they're not just treating the cancer, they're treating me as a whole person. and that's why i think am where i am today. get care like no other at cancer treatment centers of america. but when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. lavender baths always calmed him. e turned bath time his into a business...ocus.
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♪ you're watching tla priest in naples leading sunday mass from a rooftop. worshippers pray from their balconies so they wouldn't violate the lockdown that is still very much in effect in italy. the country reporting 756 new deaths on sunday, a slight decline from previous days. let's go live to rome now with cnn contributor bobby men doe. the death rate's slightly down, still overall shockingly high. how precarious are the coming days and how are italians handling the lockdown? >> this is such a critical week. we're just going into the fourth week of the lockdown and authorities are telling us which is when we should start to see tangible results. but it's the first of the month this week. people have to come up with the rent money. people have bills to pay.
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and people are frustrated. we see it over and over again. people aren't singing from their windows like they did in the beginning but we have seen a slight decline in the number of positive cases on a daily basis. they say the beginning of the flattening of the curve. what we are expecting to see this week is that that curve starting to go down. that's going to give people the hope and strength to carry on, stay inside, keep up this lockdown as hard as it is on so many people psychologically and economically. >> hopefully we see that turn around in rome. good to see you. india's prime minister narendra modi is asking for forgiveness from the poor after locking the country down for 21 days. that decision leaving tens of thousands of migrant laborers scrambling to return to their hometowns after losing their means of income. the prime minister says the strong measures were, quote, absolutely necessary and the only option, calling the coronavirus a battle of life and
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death. the number of cases reported topping 1,000 on monday. so, i'm sorry, how likely is that to be well received? how concerned are indians? are they adhering to the lockdown? >> that is the view from the prime minister yesterday. look at the visions we have for you. one thought a lockdown in india would be the biggest challenge. clearly that isn't the case. this is the biggest challenge. you have at least 45 million migrant workers in india. this is just a fraction of them that you're seeing on your screens. this is the biggest challenge, michael, because they're altogether walking on foot, whether or not, because of course transport has been locked down across the nation. they don't know where to go. salaries aren't coming in. some of them on as much as 5 to
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7 u.s. dollars a day. their land lords are asking them to leave their homes. they're walking on foot for miles, hundreds of miles, to get to their homes to be safer. i did speak to one of the top doctors in india. here's what he had to say about the migrant movement. this is his concern. >> the problem at the border i think is a big mistake. they're all packed together. it would be impossible to control. >> so, this is the a time, michael, when you have one bed for at least 1,844 patients in india. just imagine if any of them have contracted the virus, what is it for? this remains the big concern even though the government has come out and they have $22 billion package for migrant workers which of course has been
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announced. what does one do? this is the situation you see at the delhi border but see it across india as we speak. >> that seems extraordinary and the opposite of what needs to happen. when you cram that many people and send them on their way to other places around the country. extraordinary. thanks so much. appreciate you reporting there. their job is to protect the public from the pandemic, but as the virus spreads new york's first responders are struggling to protect themselves. we'll have details on the growing risks they face when we come back. you've got it all. all this grass. all this mulch. all these projects to do. you need a tractor that can do it all right. mowing. hauling. mulching. trenching. if it's on the to-do list, the #1 selling sub-compact tractor in the u.s. can do it. versatile performance-matched attachments. legendary durability. affordably priced. the kubota bx series.
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in the the u.s. the pandemic taking a toll on the first responders. new york city lost a detective to served 22 years on the force. >> reporter: to see the toll the pandemic is taking on first responders in new york city, one need only to look at these police officers standing at full attention in the rain as one of their own, detective cedric dixon, takes his final journey. >> he is going to be sorely missed. it is just a very, very difficult time for the 32nd precinct and the department as a whole. >> dixon had been on the force for 23 years. he's the first sworn member of the nypd to die from covid-19 and the third member from the department to die in a little over 48 hours. the first two were civilian employees. >> as i stand here, i cannot
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begin to describe what we are feeling, what the families of these three heroes are feeling. we are hurting. we are crying. and we continue to fight. we simply have no other choice. it is in our heart and it is in our soul to sacrifice, to serve, to fight for you. >> nearly 5,000 of the department's uniformed employees have called out sick. that's about 12% of the nypd, the largest police force in the country. the department says there would be nearly 900 positive coronavirus cases by morning. at least 29 are hospitalized, one in critical condition. new york's governor acknowledging the department and the risk all first responders are facing. >> you think these police officers are not afraid to leave their house? you think these nurses are notp?
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they're afraid. but something is more important than their fear which is their passion, their commitment for public service and helping others. >> the impact of the pandemic being felt across the country. on friday, more than 400 members of the detroit police department in quarantine, 39 tested positive including the chief. >> we are going to continue to ramp up the protection of our police officers. it is right now our highest priority. >> in chicago at least 21 police department employees infected, the lapd now reporting a total of at least 24 employees with confirmed cases of covid-19 while in wisconsin officers there, like in many cities, adopting new ways to protect themselves. >> we may ask you to step out of the car. we may ask you to step out of
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your home on a routine call. it's in an effort for us to stay safe. it's an effort to keep you safe. >> it's the same in hartford, connecticut, police giving patrol cars added wipedowns. >> reduce contact with others. >> the city's fire department said its members tested positive for covid-19. ems had its businessest four days last week. the governor praising all first responders saying their ability to overcome fear makes them great human beings. jason carol, cnn, new york. now, the japanese comedian ken chimera has died after contracting the coronavirus, one of japan's best-known comedians and the first japanese celebrity to fall victim to the pandemic. obviously a big shock to japanese people.
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tell us about him and how revered he was. >> reporter: absolutely, michael. the news of the kegt of ken shimura is shocking the nation, particularly tokyo where he's from, especially since he succumbed to covid-19 just one week after testing positive. he was a beloved comedian and there's been an outpouring of grief on the streets of tokyo, on social media, and even from top government officials which shows how far reaching his popularity was crossing generations. you mention just the word drifters to any japanese person who was the name of his first comedy group back in the '70s and it would have brought a file -- it brings a smile to everyone's face in japan. he started off in a rock group that opened up for the beetles back in the 1960s and he's been going strong ever since. so, the death of ken sihimura
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has been a shock to the nation and a turning point. >> when you hear of people of that stature, it real will you brings it home to people who weren't taking it seriously. what is the state of the virus in japan? how widespread the testing? how serious is the government taking keeping people off the streets? >> it does bring it home, and i think people until this weekend, around saturday, people weren't really taking covid-19 as seriously as the government would have liked. people were out and about enjoying the cherry blossoms. and there was a plea, basically, from the tokyo governor and the government to please, please stay at home unless you have to go out. try to work from home. and i think the death of ken shimura changes the dynamics of the way society looks at the coronavirus. right now people are on tanter
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hooks as to whether the government will announce a state of emergency and whether tokyo too will face a lockdown in the days ahead. the number of cases in tokyo, in particular, has been increasing, hitting record levels for about a week now. 68 new cases on sunday alone. and that may not seem like much in the grand scheme of schemes, but there has been a steady increase, particularly after last tuesday whrks t, when the government decided to postpone the olympics. i think the tone from the government has changed dramatically since this. in the run up to this they were criticized for being slow to respond with travel restrictions, slow to test, but i think that mood has changed dramatically other the last two to three days. michael. >> thanks. covid-19 also hitting the opera world. the famous spanish tenor hospitalized in mexico with complications related to the
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virus. his spokesperson says he's doing well, responding to treatment. he is 79. he announced a week ago he tested positive and encouraged fans to take precautions. he is now in the hospital. we're going to take short break. when we come back, boris johnson knows first hand what it's like to test positive for coronavirus. why that's not stopping criticism of his government's handling of it. that's when we come back. ♪ hey you, yeah you. i opened a sofi money account and it was the first time that i realized that i could be earning interest back on my money. this is amazing. i just discovered sofi, and i'm an investor with a diversified portfolio. who am i?
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welcome back. broader than the uk, more generous than new zealand, that's how australia's government is describing its new economic stimulus plan to safeguard jobs from the coronavirus. scott morrison committing $80 billion over the next several months towards job keeper payments. let's bring in mcintosh.
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the government stepping up its response. >> the prime minister making the case today, michael, that this is an unprecedented level of spending that we have seen by our federal government here. $130 billion spent by the australian government in just one day to underwrite the wages of millions of workers across the country. there is pressure for making sure australians can stay and work. lots of questions why australia hasn't followed uk in wage subsidies. $1,500 in australian terms, 900 or so american dollars paid to businesses for workers stood aside. this is about trying to support them to get to the other side of this crisis. this is about the bren ch to the other side of this. they want to see workers not getting welfare payments,
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instead saying connected to the businesses they work for. >> tell me about the public reaction to how it's being handled there. there are images of crowds on beaches in melbourne. has the threat become real to australians near? >> it's been certainly increasing as time goes on. there's been a strong reaction from government leaders. the pictures we've seen on the beach and just on the weekend, thousands of young australians seemingly ignoring the mess sanls about social ydistancing. now you'll only be able to leave the house and gather with one other person unless they're a member of your house hold. the government is not afraid to step up measures as they have other places around the world. the prime minister stressed they don't want to rush to a total lockdown, that this is being done in stages even as we see some people ignoring the advice. >> appreciate it, trudy. thanks so much. well, it has been a couple of days now since we learned
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british prime minister boris johnson tested positive for the coronavirus. but the response to his government's handling of the pandemic turning increasingly negative. international diplomatic editor nick robinson with more from london. >> i'd taken a test that has come out positive. >> uk prime minister boris johnson, the first world leader to get covid-19. his health secretary and several top officials all have the symptoms, all self-isolating. the message from government, keep calm. we are carrying on. >> there are no gaps in the government. >> as emergency hospitals are hastily constructed, masks and other vital protect equipment, ppe, belatedly rushed to the pandemics lines, hospitals by soldiers. there is also another message from government. >> the situation will get worse before it gets better. >> what to believe?
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what to think? questions everyone is asking with some calling unfavorably against the government. the presidented medical journal "the lancet" describing the government's response so far as a national scandal. the secretary in chief says the government has failed to follow the world health organization guidelines. a thoracic leads a union representing doctors. >> it's a snapshot about members into the ppe and preparedness for the onslaught. and 80% of our members said they were fearful. they were anxious. >> our action plan as you know sets up four phases of our approach to attacking the virus: contain, delay, research, and mitigate. >> just three weeks ago,
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johnson's plan sounded solid. no one mentions it now. back then, the former top government official was urging faster action, now reluctantly accepts defeat this government has delivered. >> i think it's difficult to criticize the government in these circumstances. they're trying to do their best in very, very difficult circumstances. i think when we look back at it, when the inquiry happens, people may say it was a bit late to move because usually my experience in government is you have to move quickly if you have a crisis like this. >> reporter: that question will need to be raised is not in doubt. the priority for now, keeping her doctors' spirits up. >> the questions will have to come afterwards. it's not something that is particularly useful right now to decide whether that's the right thing or the wrong thing because we can't judge it because we don't know what the end result is. >> reporter: a result that depends not just on government but on everyone in the country doing their bit staying home,
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social distancing. >> and nic robertson joins us now live in london. it's interesting as you reported there, it was a turn around after a sluggish start and going the wrong way by the look of it. how likely is it that the lockdown could be extended even further? >> i think that's what people are preparing for at the moment. like so many countries initially given a number of weeks to expect this, but i think everyone expects that to be extended. the deputy chief medical officer under isolation at the moment, he has the covid symptoms, yesterday essentially said don't expect life to go back to normal for at least six months, and the current social distancing rules, if you will, to call them anything else would be silly at the moment. the current social distancing rules are expected to stay in place for perhaps three months,
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she said. you know, the details we don't know and that's not -- that's not been the officially articulated policy, plan of the government so far. but those are the indications. so i think everyone is being prepared for that. the prime minister in his second video from isolation recorded last night praised everything that's happening in the country, 20,000 retired national health service workers have come back to work. the government put out a call for them. there was an estimated 6 # athousand available. so, a third of those are coming back. a volunteer force to help all those people told to maintain shelter in place essentially. 1.5 million vulnerable people asked to stay at home for 12 weeks. and the prime minister saying now there are 3/4 of a million volunteers to temperature help them. while questions are being raised, i think one really has to say and the prime minister referenced this in his video last night that, you know,
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people really are rallying. they might be frustrated. they might be anxious. but they're trying to do their best. i believe it's hugely important for the country as well. the prime minister almost contradicted what the former prime minister margaret thatcher had said. we talked about there really is a society in this country, and certainly the country's describing that. >> if there was ever a time for the proverbial stiff upper lip. you think about the shortages in the u.s. of everything, basically, that front line health care workers need, what is the situation in the uk? are there those sorts of shortages in beds or masks or gowns or ventilators? >> there is news this morning that there is sort of an
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upgraded version on the way could be sort of being delivered within weeks of a not full ventilator system but a system that keeps the airways open, the lungs up through a sort of pressure system, if you will. that's something that's coming. the government is working with a number of industry companies to deliver additional ventilators. there are about 8,000 available at the moment. they have as many as perhaps 20,000 being talked about. but these can't be delivered until perhaps later in april. and the reality is the real spike is going to happen before then. there are things like surgical masks, gowns, and such like being delivered in profusion by the army here to the hospital, 170 million face masks delivered, 40 million gloves being delivered. but the way that these are
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consumed in a health service of this scale and capacity in a country of this size is very, very quick and the material and the protective equipment has been short of being delivered, is still falling short in some places. an area in london this morning in the southeast of london was reporting that it didn't receive any gloves in those supplies that came out. so, there are holes in the system. >> yeah. nic, good to have you there covering that for us. nic robertson in london. in other european news, the european airline familiar to everyone in europe, easy jet, is going to ground its entire fleet given, quote, the unprecedented travel restrictions put in place because of the coronavirus. easy jet grounding the whole fleet. nigeria's president has called for a 14-day, quote cessation of movement to help
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stop the spread of the virus there. 2,600 cases and 49 deaths on the continent, but there isn't a whole lot of testing. here to discuss more is cnn's david mckinsey. he is in johannesburg for us. let's start where you are. strict lockdown in south africa and other parts of the continent for that matter. is a lockdown even realistic? >> well, many parts of the continent it's not realistic. you just look at nigeria like you mentioned shutting down a massive city in nigeria as well as the capital and one state starting late tonight. they're shutting down zimbabwe for 21 days, the neighbor of south africa. and many people all across zimbabwe survive by being on the street. so, i don't know how they're going to really enforce that effectively. we'll have to wait and see. here in south africa, we're on day four of a strict welcolockd.
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only essential services including journalists are allowed out. it's a challenging scenario. millions of people throughout south africa are trying to get their social grants, the money that comes from the government to more than 10 million people at least once a month. images of people jammed in lines waiting for that money. the army was on the street trying to clear homeless out. in my neighborhood and other neighborhoods very quiet over the weekend. hardly anyone moving. and a disturbing development that is worth noting that is going to happen across this continent, one of the largest formal settlements in south africa that had their first positive case, people living in shacks. it's hard just to be under lockdown for your normal life, let alone if the virus starts spreading through those regions. they are making that public because it's clear that in
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places like that and other settlements across the continent it's going to exceedingly difficult to stop the virus. contact tracing and trying to isolate people if they are sick is critical in the next few days %-po there in parts of africa with the health infrastructure and the like in the crowds. oh, my goodness. david, thank you. i appreciate it. david mckinsey there. we'll take a break here on the program. when we come back, with churches now closed during the coronavirus pandemic, one priest has found a way to hold confessions and practice social distancing at the same time. we'll be right back. i always dreamed of teaching kids and having kids of my own. i didn't realize that having kids would be the hard part. so we planned to start ivf treatments. ♪
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>> who would have thought that people would be comfortable pouring their hearts out in the parking lot? and this is our confessional actually. this is where you would come in here for confession, but that's just not possible now. so, instead we're bringing it outdoors. >> i try to come to confession during lent. with the coronavirus shutting everything down, i figured that wasn't going to happen this year. i think it's great that they're making this available to people. >> it was important for people to know how much their priests love them and care about them and we'll go to any lengths we
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can safely and prudently to reach them. >> just don't say it too loudly. every day our cnn heroes are making a difference. and during a crisis, they're among the first to step up. here's anderson cooper with a look at three cnn heroes on the front lines of the pandemic. >> these cnn heroes are on the front lines of the pandemic bringing medical care and supplies to those in need. they're er doctors putting their lives on the line. >> i have never been part of a pandemic. we're seeing widespread illness. it's organized chaos, organized confusion, but we're there for a purpose. >> bringing covid-19 testing to the homeless. >> it's important in these times to remember we're all in this together. these are our brothers and sisters out here. >> and putting life saving soap in the hands that need it most. >> in the last 2.5 months we have provided over 375,000 bars of soap to people in affected
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countries. >> acts of selflessness and unwaivering courage from everyday heroes reminding us all that we're not in this alone. >> and to see anderson cooper's full story, do just go to thanks for spending part of your day with me. i'm michael holmes. you've been watching cnn newsroom. do stick around. rosemary church up next with more cfn newsroom. [ "one more time" by daft punk ]
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