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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 4, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. visit today. new guidelines for americans to slow the spread of coronavirus but the u.s. president says he is in the going to comply. also this hour -- >> you think about which patient would benefit the most and that is horrifying place for anyone to be in and a damning indictment for our country. >> life or death? the heart-breaking decision that could be made about your loved one. and life as we now know it may seem out of this world, but matter from an astronaut who knows a thing or two about living in isolation.
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welcome to our viewers here in the united states, coming to you live from atlanta, i'm natalie allen and "newsroom" starts right now. hello, everyone. thanks for joining us. we hope you and your family are safe and sound. it is 4:00 a.m. here on the east coast and the united states has just endured its highest one day death toll yet from the coronavirus. well over 1100 americans died on friday, many of them alone in a hospital bed. their families unable to say good-bye in person. now u.s. health officials are telling everyone to wear a face mask in public. but people looking to the u.s. president to set a an example, well, donald trump says he won't
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be wearing the u.s. president to set a an example, well, donald trump says he won't be wearing one. >> so with the masks, it is going to be really a voluntary thing. i'm choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it, and that is okay. it may be good. probably will. it is only a recommendation. it is volunteer. >> meanwhile patients are pouring into hospitals by the thousands, places like new york are scrounging for life-saving ventilators and other equipment anywhere they can find them. we begin our coverage there in new york which now has more than 100,000 people who have tested positive. many, many more are expected in the days and weeks ahead. and officials there are begging for critical medical equipment. for more now, here is nick watt. >> one patient expired.
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it is very hard to lose a patient that you've been fighting for. >> reporter: and many more will be lost in new york. some perhaps needlessly. the city might run out of vns next week, so the governor will commandeer them from places that don't need them right now. >> i'm not going to let people die because we rediscontribute vechbntilators. >> reporter: only 20 patients on board "comfort." >> the navy position is they don't want to put covid people on the ship because it would be too hard to disinfect the ship afterwards. that is my rough interpretation of what they are saying. >> reporter: and those two crews
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ships with sick and some dead on board, one of them finally allowed to dock in florida. the sick will stay on board for treatment. the walking well given masks and bussed to the airport. there are now more than 1 million confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide according to jon johns hopkins and nearly a quarter of them are here in the u.s. where there is no national stay home order and some states still holding out. >> if you look at what is going on in country, i don't understand why we're not doing that. we really should be. >> reporter: 12 states also exempting religious services from their stay at home orders. >> i don't think the government has the authority to close a church. >> reporter: and here is what can happen. health officials tell cnn that 71 infections and one death are all connected to this one church in california. >> it is essential that we practice physical distancing everywhere, period. >> reporter:o in london, the
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coronavirus positive prime minister posting on facebook. >> i still have a temperature, so in accordance with government advice, i must continue my self-isolation. >> reporter: and the white house announced that anyone coming in close contact with the president or vice president will now be tested first. no one knows how long it will last, but the stores are boarding up their windows and the mayor of washington, d.c. has said they don't expect to see a peak and i pek ipex in in until early july and more than ten states in the u.s. have now closed the schools for the rest of the school year. so kids won't be going back until august at the earliest. nick watt, cnn, los angeles. >> and as we mentioned, new guidelines from the trump administration advise people to wear cloth masks when they are in public.
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they are voluntary and even though mr. trump said he wouldn't be wearing one, there are reasons that health experts recommend them. our dr. sanjay gupta explains. >> if you've been a little confused about the whole mask thing, you are not alone here because the recommendations have been changing and i got to say, this whole situation is obviously evolving. so let me tell you what the current guidelines are and give you a witnebit of an good plaex. the krmcdc says if you have to out this public, you should wear a cloth mask. this is something that my daughter made for me. but the point is, you should not wear a medical mask. you need to save those for health care workers. you may ask why do i have to wear a mask? it is the sort of idea that even if you don't have any symptoms, if you are asymptomatic as you
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have heard this term now, you are not coughing, you are not sneezing, you could still harbor the virus in your nose and mouth and you could still spread the virus that way. that is what asymptomatic spread is. so by wearing even a cloth mask like this, you are decreasing the amount of virus you are putting out into the environment. so when you wear a mask in public, that is to protect other people, not to protect yourself necessarily. so that is an important point that i want to make you sure people understand. the other thing again, it goes without saying that the first recommendation is that you stay home. i mean, this is still about social distancing and a mask should not give you some sort of -- make you feel like you have any sense of comfort about going out. you don't want to have that false sense of security from the mask, nor do you want to lose your discipline about staying home as much as possible. i will say, it is still a controversial recommendation.
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the world health organization doesn't necessarily recommend this. i mean obviously culturally there are countries where people are more likely to wear masks and i'm sure that was a big part of the debate as to whether or not to recommend it voluntarily in in counti this country, but are. this is a changing time for everybody in the world. so the current recommendations again recommendations, if you have to go out for some essential reason, to wear a cloth mask, not a medical mask, the reason being to protect others from you possibly spreading the virus to them. hope that helps. >> let's get perspective from someone who studies this. and thank you for talking with it. first your reaction to the cdc recommending the american public wear masks to prevent the spread. what do you make of this change?
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>> matter of the fact is really that the same term cannot be applied for all devices. when we say the drug or vaccine developed for one virus cannot be used for other viruses, that means that every one has to be considered individually. and given the situation of this virus when it is spreading through drop lets oig which can go as far as 18 feet depending on how vigorously one can sneeze and can stay in the air for quite a while, so therefore i think that the decision to wear the mask is absolutely crucial to limit the spread. because that is what we're doing it for, to limit the spread and intervene with the transmission. but one of the thing that is leading to a lot of confusion in the population is really that different authorities offer different recommendation. for cdc, if it is a recommendation for wearing the
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mask and w.h.o. has not passed on any recommendation yet, so this leads to a certain level of confusion. so asking people to follow it is better than not having any advice. i do think that wearing masks does have impact for contagious infection like coronavirus. >> and what about the fact that first when americans were told don't wear masks, and if you do, don't wear it again because you might have gotten a drop let oig on your mask and now we're told wear a mask. can you wear the same mask? do you need to continuously get rid of whatever mask you're fashioning from your home and wear a new one? >> precisely. i think once it becomes clear that wearing masks has some benefit for controlling the infection, the next challenge lies in the education. so it would be very important to make sure that everyone knows
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how to wear the mask and also how to make it safe. for example we do know that we have on an average like every 2 1/2 minutes we touch our face. so masks also protect them for touching the face frequently. but the way it is put on, the way it will be taken out before and after washing your hands and making it really sterile is extremely important. otherwise masks itself could lead to very serious transmission of the infection from one surface to another surface if not properly worn and precautionary measures would not be taken. >> well, thank you for helping us with that one. i want to talk with you and get you to respond to something dr. fauci says, that there is still much about covid-19 that is perplexing, it is a mystery why some people react more severely than others. and we're talking about people of all ages.
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we hear people on the frontlines in new york saying that people are more sick that are in the hospitals this week than last week. there is just so much we don't know about this virus. what is particularly perplexing for you? >> well, this virus has offered so many surprises to the scientific community. for example, if we look at the 3 1/2 month old virus has taken the whole world by storm and over 1 million people have already been infected. the contagiousness is making it very special. and i think that there is a lot more needs to be studied and understood the way it is causincausing the infection in different age groups and different organs and the way that it replicates inside the body which requires of course a bit of time. but still we don't understand that, we won't be able to
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categorize which group is vulnerable in terms of age and what are the underlying causes that are really, really making this virus lethal. and another aspect that is coming up now is not only people that are flail or of older ages, there are people 20 to 40 which are already infected. so really a lot needs to be learned in the near future. >> and one of our anchors chris cuomo has the virus. he has gone on cnn to talk about it. his brother is the governor of new york. but he talked about the effect it has had on him, he is still at home isolating, about being lethargic, the sweats, the inability to focus, of weight. hearing people describe what they are going through is quite frightening. at what point does someone seek
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medical help outside of isolating themselves? >> well, that is really important because now it seems like every country in the world is not in position to tackle the scale of this in-fesks. and here in the uk, recommendations are unless you are really, really in need, contact nhs, otherwise self-isolate and take the rest. so i think that the major challenge really lies on to the health care system and its capabilities. and that is really to the preparedness like two months have been wasted really not only in the americas, but also here in europe, preparations were not really made at the ramping up of the facility in the health care system such that every person who needs it really get it. so the challenge is to help
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everyone who needs it. >> and we know about what is going on in new york and it will get worse of course in the next few days. we really appreciate your time to answer our questions. thanks a lot. well, another story we're following for you, a development on friday, u.s. president trump firing the intelligence community's inspector general. late friday night, he sent a letter informing congress, that letter was obtained by cnn. michael atkinson is a nonpartisan career official. last year he informed congress about the anonymous whistleblower complaint that led to the president's impeachment. atkinson will be placed on administrative leave. here is more from evan perez. >> reporter: michael atkinson the inspector general for the intelligence community is out of a job, the president informing
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the house and senate that he has lost confidence in atkinson. atkinson is the one who forwarded to the intelligence committees the whistleblower complaint that said that the president was trying to pressure the ukranian government into announcing investigations into joe biden and his son. we've been hearing for some time that atkinson might be out of a job and it appears that the president has decided that now is the tirm to get rid of the inspector general for the intelligence community. >> and throughout the next two hour, we'll continue to look at all the areas of the world where this virus is taking place. the number of cases has surged in brazil for example making it the worst hit country in south america so far. next here, how the most vulnerable communities are coming together. it may seem like things all around us are
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going in the wrong direction. we have a choice.
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we can choose to fear, or we can choose to have hope. both have something in common. they ask us to believe something is going to happen that we can not see. we can either believe that god is in control and good things are still in store. or we can believe the fear that says it's only going to get worse from here. fear says there's no answer. fear says the problem is too big. but hope says the best is yet to come. hope says there is light on the other side. hope doesn't give up. no matter what is going on around us, we can have the hope knowing that god is for us and what he's destined for our lives will come to pass. so when you have the choice of fear or hope, choose hope. may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope.
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national day of mourning in china where covid-19 first began.
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beingacross the country, activi came to a standstill saturday as three minutes of silence were observed to honor the dead. johns hodgksp ki hop kins unive over 3,000 deaths are reported. china appears to be cause slusly open back up while more scrutiny is being placed on the wet markets where the virus is believed to have originated. krc cnn's will ripley has been monitoring the governments. >> reporter: and it is important to differentiate between the wet markets that are so common and so necessary for tense of millions of chinese who rely on them as the only affordable source of fresh meat and seafoo are currently illegal and difficult to control because of the fact that china does have an
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appetite for exotic meat. so it is not uncommon to see dog, cats and snakes and endangered animals for sale. of course in the wuhan market where wild animals are for sale and are believed to have transmitted the novel coronavirus to humans, that is why you have dr. fauci basically condemning this and saying that countries like china and others in asia can that have this sort of practice need to shut these markets down. but it is not quite so simple and we have to be careful because sometimes people use these wet markets and the kinds of meats that are very unusual for people in the west but very common here in asia, they use them to launch these kind of racist attacks. like senator lindsey graham rantsi i ranting about chinese people eating bats. it is not necessarily the meats that is the problem, it is the unsanitary conditions that are
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in these markets. >> and that is what started it all. our own reporter was there to show that the problem was the way that they house these animal, the way they are kept in close proximity, these animals are under duress, things like that. >> reporter: literally crammed into cages right next to each other. and for animal rights activists, it is a heartbreaking situation. and china has been encouraging consumers to shop at supermarket, but a lot resist that because again super mar receipts are overplized, overprocessed foods that are less healthy than these fresh items where people can talk with the vendors. i would compare to a famper's mark farmer's market in the u.s. but there is this underbelly that is continuing to operate despite the strict ban and potentially putting lives in danger. even though the regulations in
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china are far less strict for domestic consumptionconsumptione can fly very easily country to country. and so dr. fauci and others are warning that these wildlife markets are petri dish for the next pandemic. >> and many rights advocates have called for them to shut down. thank you. and the virus is spreading through presumptive nominee so far th president zelens brazil so fast that they say they are bracing for the worst. confirmed coronavirus cases in brazil are growing by more than 1,000 daily. the news has brazilians and their leaders concerned with total confirmed cases now
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topping 9,000, brazil also has the highest number of reported cases. brazilian authorities saying the pandemic is far from peaking. the death toll is more than 350 and climbing. sao paulo's largest cemetery shows a grim scene of what is to come. rows upon rows of graves freshly dug. many of which will be filled by those who died because of the virus according to cemetery workers. and a discouraging announcement by brazilian health minister, hospitals in the state might collapse in just days. as authorities work on controlling the crisis, they are met with another challenge. the lack of key supplies. a multimillion-dollar purchase medical supplies that included mask and protective equipment fell through according to the health minister. he said that they were redirected to the u.s.
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>> translator: the same thing had happened with respirators he also said. we had bought them, they delivered the first part. the second even with a contract signed, they said they no longer had them, we can't make that delivery. >> reporter: authorities now are scrambling to make up for the loss. meanwhile those living in the most vulnerable areas, brazil's notorious slums, are often left to manage the covid-19 crisis on their own. more than 40 neighbors in one of brazil's sprawling areas worry that the coronavirus pandemic could be disastrous for their community. they have come together to organize what they have been able to get through donations. >> translator: we get detergent, hand soap, sponges. >> reporter: in hopes of stopping this virus in its tracks.
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shasta darlington, cnn. states across the united states are fighting to get more life-saving ventilators. just ahead, what is at stake if they don't get them. also, deaths in the era of coronavirus, a young mother and wife shares her heartache over losing her husband and not being able to be with him at the end.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm natalie allen. here are our to stories for you.
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the united states reported its highest one day death toll friday from the coronavirus, more than 1100 people dying. government health officials are now urging americans to wear face masks in public. but president trump said it is only a recommendation, one he does not intend to follow. state officials in new york say they are rapidly running out of ventilators and other medical gear as coronavirus patients flood the hospitals. the governor has ordered the national guard to round up as much equipment as they can find in the state. of the nearly 280,000 confirmed cases in the united states, more than 100,000 are in new york. president trump has fired the intelligence community's inspector general. michael atkinson is a nonpartisan career official, last year he is the one who informed congress about the anonymous whistleblower complaint that led to the
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president's impeachment. while cases of coronavirus keep rising in the u.s., medical workers are frustrated of course by the lack of ventilators which breathe oxygen into the lungs of patients. and soon health professionals may have to decide who gets the devices. cnn's drew griffin looked into that. >> reporter: the horrifying pictures from inside new york hospitals show patients hooked up to the only machines keeping them alive. when the virus takes over the lungs, ventilators take over the breathing. without them, immediately when needed, the prognosis is dim. >> it is bad. you can watch a patient go from breathing room air to 72 hours later needing to be endue ba in. >> reporter: the situation so bleak, the u.s. government put out a video on treating two patients with one ventilator. >> you obviously wouldn't do it
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unless you are in dire circumstances. >> reporter: but the dire circumstances are here. states and the federal government are in a bidding war for ventilators made in chiin c. and it is time to prepare for what may be the inevitable. this article in the new england journal of medicine was written to prepare doctors in the events they must choose who gets a life saving ventilator and who does not. robert is one of the authors. >> i worked all weekend on helping on a number of them and hospitals now, many hospitals have these in place. so i think that it is going to be extremely difficult. >> unbelievably difficult for those physicians who have to make the call. >> that's right. and of course the families and patients as well. these are life and death decisions. and it is going to cause a tremendous amount of suffering if we get there. >> reporter: the decision who lives, who dies, would come down
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to a point system. elderly, patients diagnosed with cancer, copd, diabetes, any terminal illness would be eligible for care but score lower than those otherwise healthy with a potential longer life to live. the points would determine what is in the best interests of the society, not just the individual. >> and everybody is eligible, but yochbeyond that point, it d come down to giving to those people where we save the number of lives or the number of life years. yes, it means that people with other severe illnesses would receive a lower priority score. >> reporter: in new orleans where the virus is predicted to get even worse, there are enough ventilators now. but within days, they could be out. >> and after that, you begin having very challenging conversations about how you allocate the vents and you think about which patient would benl if it's t benefit the most. and that is a horrifying place
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for anyone to be in and a damning indictment of our country. >> reporter: and cnn has found ten different government reports from 2003 to 2015 which all predicted if we were to have a pandemic like this, the united states would run out of ventilators. and here we are. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. >> stay at home orders and social distancing are tough enough, but for families whose loved ones are dying in a hospital of coronavirus, the separation is unbearable. joe was a healthy father and husband and assistant high school principal in new york and coach of his school's basketball team. at first, his symptoms were mild. but in march his fever spiked. last weekend the hospital informed his wife that he was not going to make it. mara spoke with erin burnett about the agony of saying
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good-bye from afar. >> his words were we have thrown the crispkitchen sin at him and afraid he doesn't have anymore time. and i said then i need to be on thanked him. i thanked him for being the most amazing husband, to making me feel cherished and loved every single day. every single day my husband wrote me beautiful love letters for my lunch box. just beautiful letters about what i meant to him and our plans for the weekend maybe if it was friday or just about, you know -- he always took care of me, always got me my coffee and just wanted to help me in every way. and so i thanked him, i thanked
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him. and then i prayed. and then the the doctr doctor t phone and he said i'm sorry, but there is no more pulse. and then i played our wedding song for him. and then that was it. so i was with him when he passed. but i don't want anybody else to experience this. this morning i woke up to a notification on my phone that 43 in nassau county overnight died. because people are just not being careful, people are just being so invincible feeling, they think that it can't happen to them. and maybe it won't happen to them. but maybe they are carrying it and they don't know it. and from my cousin today, i heard that their 11-year-old daughter had to yell at her
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11-year-old friends for inviting her to the park. why are you inviting me? you're supposed to be home. parents, you have to not care in your kids hate you right now. they will hate you no matter what because everything about it is awful. but you cannot be with people that are not in your house. as sad and lonely and everything that is, you must, must stay with only on the people in your house. >> so many stories like hers. her husband's death still hasn't hit her because she couldn't be there when it happened. it is a tragic circumstance becoming all-too familiar. and joe was just 42 years old. if you want to find out how you can help protect health professionals and refugees and support service workers trying to save lives during this pandemic, you can always go to our website
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in europe the coronavirus has definivastated italy. johns hopkins university is reporting more than 14,000 deaths in this country, among those almost 100 doctors and nurses. but despite the personal risk, thousands continue to volunteer to reinforce the front lilines. ben wedeman shares their stories. >> reporter: the hospitals in nofrn northern italy are overwhelmed, intensive care units overrun with coronavirus patients. doctors and nurses pushed to the limits of endurance. the italian government recently called for 300 volunteer doctors
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to help their beleaguered colleagues, nearly 7,000 responded. among them is a young doctor now working in a hospital in a badly hit northern town. >> there were several times this week where i felt that i should cry or i should scream. the situation made us living in a sort of illusion, a bad dream, a nightmare actually. >> reporter: and a night maisch f note may nightmare for his parents knowing where he is. >> and i can see when i call my parents for example that they are scared of course. >> reporter: at a military airport outside rome, a group of doctors prepares to fly north. more doctors and nurses are desperately needed in the effort to stop the spread of
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coronavirus. at this point, dozens of doctors have died from the disease. more than 10,000 medical personnel have tested positive. the youngest doctor on the flight, 29-year-old julia de'angelo, didn't hesitate to volunteer. she said i felt i had to help out and not think about me and my concerns. but rather to be useful to others. 31-year-old dr. julianna recalls that her parents were alarmed when she told them she had signed up. they didn't react well, she says. they were worried. they tried to dissuade me. but they saw i was motivated and determined, so they accepted it and supported me. friends and family are worried. yet this cardiologist is stoic
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about the risks. it is our work, he says. if not now, when. and now is when the need is greatest. ben wedeman, cnn, rome. >> such a heartening story there. we want to get a view on the ground in italy where the country continues to be under lockdown. tia duncan is joining us from milan where she has a tour company there. tia, good morning. how are you holding up in all of this? >> good morning. i have to say i'm doing very well. my immediate family is well. i'm well. i feel to be in lockdown like i'm doing my part and i think that is the only thing or the best thing that we can be doing right now. >> and people in the united states are learning that a little bit too late. how long have you been like
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this, how long have you been in your place? >> well, let's see. i was actually in the u.s. when all of this started happening. i was there for work. so i came back to italy and i think i've been here about three weeks, maybe four weeks now. my husband has been here on lockdown from i guess the very beginning obviously. >> but you know what the u.s. is going through now, an unbelievable epidemic here. what would you say to people in the united states that might not still be adhering to safety measures and understanding what they could go through or what could happen to them? we've certainly seen how italy has been devastated. >> in fact i think interestingly enough even though i live here in italy, the majority of the people that i do know who has been infected by the virus is in the united states. my uncle passed away a few days
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ago and he was in the u.s. he was not well, he was in an assisted living facility, so of course he was a very high risk patient. i think what comes to mind to say is that we have to all do our part. i think what is going on in the world right now is a classic example that we're all interconnected and that we have the for power to move the world for good and for bad. and so as an individual, i feel that i can do my part by staying at home and staying positive and reaching out to family and friends. and my message i guess to the people in the united states is that we can do what we can do, whether you're working in a hospital, whether just staying at home to take care of ourselves and to take care of others. >> and you have a wonderful attitude. i'm so sorry about your loss. you own a tour company.
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>> and it is called doing italy. >> well, we hope everyone will be doing italy after all is said and done for sure. tia, tell us about your business and what are your hopes? how are you going to bring it black? >> well, i think that it is obviously that the tour industry was one of the first industries to be affected by all of this. i have a book that i wrote called discover milan and it is available for free for everybody that just wants to download it for inspiration of what we can do when things are better. if they decide to purchase the book on amazon, all the proceeds will go to the red cross. so i'm like the back level just doing what i can. so when all of this is over, my business will be up and running and able to assist people. >> and what is the name of the book? >> called discover milan.
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where to eat -- actually, i'm all confused and a little nervous. it is called discover milan, what do and eat in milan. >> and a again, tgen again, the this came on so quickly there, a place that you obviously love, it has to be very difficult what has happened to this city. >> i think the general feeling is obviously a little surprised, a little shock. i know me personally in the beginning, it was a little hard. after the weeks have gone on, it has become easier. that is how i'm feeling. i feel like this is a small price to pay to be on lockdown for the better good of the world. i mean, that 1 juis just how i right now. so while i'm home, i have food, i have shelter, my immediate
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family is okay like i said. my un. >> caller: kell uncle passed away, but if me staying indoors l. sta will save lives, that is nothing. >> well, we wish you all the best. and that is a wonderful country. >> it is a gorgeous country and i think the world knows that. so we're just looking forward to when all this is over and life is good again. >> all right. i enjoyed talking with you. thank you for your time, tia. >> thank you. well, of course people around the world have been living under lockdown for weeks, some months. after the break, we'll hear a message of hope from a man who understands isolation like few others. [ indistinct talking ] a new kind of investor is changing things up.
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for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. visit today. a consequence of this pandemic is the struggle for many of living in isolation, but there is still a way to thrive. just ask retired astronaut scott
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kelly. he spent nearly a year on the international space station from 2015 to 2016, separated from friends and family. the earth in view but untouchable. cnn's dr. sanjay gupta invited him on his mod cast podcast. here it is. >> when you look at this earth from space, it doesn't look all that big. you don't see political borders. it makes you think we are all part of the same team. and now, you know, with this pandemic, you realize we are all interconnected for better or for worse in this case. and our species is capable of doing amazing things. we can put people on the moon, people living in space for a year, everything we have done in the last 100 years, we can beat this absolutely. i'm convinced. but it will take an effort on all of our part working together as a team. >> in the midst of the grim headlines from the pandemic, there are bright spots. you've seen a lot on social
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media thank goodness for those including here is one, a chance to reuse that halloween costume. cnn's anna stewart shows us the good stuff. >> reporter: another round of applause for health workers in the uk. the british navy joined in, as did police up and down the country. emergency services on the other side of the atlantic showed their appreciation for health workers too, this in new york. in australia, taking out the bins has become a weekly opportunity,en a opportunity for a performance and a special outfit. hawaiian dancer, iron man or even a dinosaur. the movement was inspired by the bin isolation government, that says the bin goes out more than us, so let's dress up for the occasion. and for those parents working 9
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to 5, each week dolly parton will be reading a bedtime story li online. and i'll be right back with another hour of our top stories right after this.
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2:00 am
the cdc now recommending all americans wear face masks to slow the spread of coronavirus, but at least one person is not convinced. >> i don't think i'm going


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