tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN April 6, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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there's so much great human potential we're losing to the virus. it was so important to hear the story. so, we remember the need by realizing that people are getting taken so too soon. it's good to be back with you. welcome to "primetime." whether you look to holy week or passover. both are being interrupted by the pandemic present. the message of suffering remains every bit as resinant. a reality that requires as much collective conscience as any article of faith. we're going to see things this week that may suggest we're turning a corner. i argue we have to be vigilant not to play to false hope. we have to look at the reality of where we are in the curve, why does it look this way? can there be something false about flattening? we're seeing it all over this country day and day again.
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personally, you have helped me heal in ways big and small. i will never be able to thank you enough. our way through this remains one way. together, as ever, as one. so, let's get on to it. we keep telling you this virus can take anybody at any time. the u.k. prime minister, boris johnson put prayers out for him. he is in a very bad way. routine tests in london -- remember, this is the prime minister. you would think the most sensitive, the most accountability for his treatment, right? he goes from routine tests to icu in less than 24 hours. the prime minister's condition is said to have gotten worse since entering the hospital. he's in icu in case he needs the ventilator.
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remember, the ventilator does the most to reduce the body's ability to fight the virus. because it's taking away your body's ability to breathe and take in air and bring it back off. a lot of people don't get off. you got to keep an eye on it. the president keeps talking about light at the end of the tunnel, despite the surge still coming. why? the question for us is, is there any strength to optimism? can it sustain hope? and i think the only answer is no. only truth conveys strengths. and what the president is doing again is making us weak. context. a month ago trump told you that there was testing for all. remember this. >> anybody that wants a test can get a test. >> that has never been true. now he says, well, if you are unable to get one, it's not the federal government's problem.
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>> states are supposed to be doing testing. hospitals are supposed to be doing testing. do you understand that? weir tlr federal government. we're the federal government. we're not supposed to stand on street corners doing testing. >> the president of the united states will never be able to escape accountability and responsibility for what happens. he is our leader. kicking it to the states after he told you anyone could get one -- we know what this is about now. and you have to see it for what the is. because isolate the problem and not the politics. woo f we don't have better detection, we will always be behind. and for the growing number of us that are going to face the beast, it doesn't just pass t progresses. it's weeks, not days. it's chronic and humbling. your only chance is not catching it.
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if you want to beat this virus, i've learned a secret i'm going to talk to you about in a few different wasz. this advice to stay in bed and let it pass, no way. you want to beat this virus, you have to fight. that's why i want to bring back dr. sanjay gupta and what i've learned in the last 72 hours. good to have you, doc. >> hey, chris. you look better. glad to see that. >> so, the numbers. did you want to say something, sanjay? >> i want to ask if you felt better as well. >> i feel better than i deserve. and i now know that i can't just take it from this thing. when the fever spikes, you want to curl up in a ball and stay there for the next six or seven hours and you can't. you've got to bundle up your clothes and drown yourself in
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fluids and take tylenol. you've got to force yourself to breathe, force yourself off your as, walk around. it hurts. everything in your body is telling you not to do it. it's lying to you. and i know that now and the more i do, the more i push myself to do, the better i'm getting. so, i'm going to take faith in that for now. i'm not through it but that's good. i'll get back to the collective and then to the chest x-ray. the numbers could be flattening of the curve, my governor of new york said today. how do we destiistinguish the flattening of the curve to the waves? >> you're going to have confirmed infections followed by infections and then by deaths. so, there is the lag and the testing itself is a lag because by the time someone gets tested,
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that's a exposure ten to fifteen days there. i think you got to follow the trend. nobody knows the exact right answer. we haven't seen this before. this virus behaves differently than other viruses we've seen before. i think the trend is starting to look like it is flattening out a bit. it may not be this apex. so, we have a point in time that we go up and then you plateau and come back down. that's possibly what's going to happen here. and it sort of fits the models as well. quickly take a look at the model for new york. you've looked add tons of them. the model is a big shaded area, frankly, that -- there it is. a variety of possibilities there. but near the bottom, the dotted line. the dotted line is what this is looking like it's going to be.
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which is still high. but it's encouraging. as i think your brother put it, chris. sort of redlining here. getting close to using everything they have. but still within the capacity of the health care system. >> one of the sad realities is they're not having as big a crush with ventilators as they're expecting because so many are succumbic. i think we don't figure out how this kills us yet. funky things it does in the lungs and with young people. they're starting to into bait people on their stomachs, which they don't usually do. they try to create more air passage for them. most of our lungs are in our back, not our front. we always think they're here but they're in the back and they're trying to make adjustments now. >> you know, it's interesting. we are getting a better sense of what's happening with this particular infection. but you're right.
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is the virus itself that's replicating over and over again and eventually overwhelmed the body, leading to multiple system organ failure? or is the body's reaction to the virus itself? somebody young and healthy, as you point out, they should be able to fight the virus, typically. but the body reacts so strongly, that it'ser the inflammation that ends up being the problem for the person and what the clinitions are trying to treat. quickly, this raises the whole issue about hydroxychloroquin. it's used for things like lupus. it's to dampen down someone's immune system that is hyperreactive. that could work well if the problem is a hyperreactive immune system. but what about someone whose is weak? then you might harm the person.
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that's the challenge. that's why you study these things, chris. >> i know the president says it doesn't make the post policy, necessarily but deflecting response blts for testing doesn't have a hand in what do you take from the president saying, not only something raw in its complete contradiction of what he said a month ago, but basically absenting the fedseral government from having a hand in testing and saying it's hospitals and states? >> look, this is one of these things i think you and i have been talking about for so long now. i mean, a couple of months at least where we said we see this coming. we know exactly what needs be done. not just us. they say in order to basically understand this virus and how widespread it is, you've got to test.
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and the paolicies that were put in place early on, diminish testing. don't test unless they return from china, unless they are in direct contact with someone who has coronavirus. we were never set up to have surveillance on this. by the way, there were countries around the world that did do this. south korea, they give that as an example. they had good surveillance. germany had good surveillance. you can see they have much better results and because of th that, it is a bad disease no matter what. but in order to do the best you can, we needed to be doing more advanced testing earlier on and that was some of the directives from the federal government. now public health laboratories, now university hoss, private laboratories needed to come on board and they are. this isn't something you can
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catch up on, like sleep. we're behind and stay behind, as you pointed out, even in new york. >> and you need guiding hand. and the only reason i harp on it is not because i want to keep going backwards. if you don't learn the lessons of the past, you will repeat them. if the politics allows this to become about nonaccountability. if they get -- we'll wind up in the same place. in terms of where we don't want to go. if you have coronavirus, your big fear is it's going to get your lungs. that's what the wants. it wants your lungs, this thing. this weekend i had the fever start to go down. i want you to see this, so you can see what we're looking for enough. now, doc, you understand this. what we're looking for in the lungs are big white areas.
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whatera are the terms people wi hear? and what do you see in this mighty expansive chest in front? >> i mean, you're right. one of the things you'll hear is infiltrate. do you have an infiltrate in your chest or lungs? and that's a collection of inflammatory fluid. i would look for those in -- the black areas are the air in your lungs. i would look for those to be fi filled with white spots. i'm not diagnosing from afar or via television. and i talked about this earlier today. in the middle of the chest x-ray, you have a little bit of inful traits. this is the side view. you'll see in the middle of the film is your spine. you see the domino-looking bones. awfully small for a big guy like you in the middle of the spine
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and in front of that is the x-ray of your lungs. it looks pretty good. maybe a little bit of fluid but not something i would definitively call pneumonia. pneumonia is not just diagnosed by a chest x-ray. it's one of the tools to diagnose it. make it clear, i'm not diagnosing chris via television but that looks pretty good. and i looked at it more closely on my computer today. >> and i have different pulmonary people look at it. it really is pneumonia or isn't. they expect me to have infiltrate because i have the virus. i have to tell you it is scary to have your lungs go up there and see that stuff and be like what is that? what is that smoke in there? and thankey tell you that's the virus. you have to fight to keep it out. i don't have pneumonia. but if i stay that way, i got to
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have some things fall in my favor. >> i think you make a good point. obviously, you're getting doctors who tell you you should make it easy. i was at counseling. why don't you take time off. i think you make good point you're doing pulmonary exercises, breathing exercises. >> no real exercise, no high heart rate or strenuous anything. but getting my lungs and doing the breathing is more than i can handle right now. but i believe tin as a discipline, that if you want this out of your lungs, you're going to have to keep it out. and if you lay on your as, you're going to get it. i believe it. the longer people lay down, the more trouble they have. >> it's a balance, i know, for people. this wipes people out. i know it wiped you out. you were taking three hour naps in the day.
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you were tired. i don't want to minimize that part of it. but you're right. as much as you can keep your lungs moving, do these breathing exercises, there's these machines that allow people to breathe in and out. it helps. and we're all learning together here. but there are truisms when it. >>s to preventing lung infections or diminishing them and that's one of them. you have a little bit of the white spots in there. luckily it's not a big infiltrate anywhere. you can see, as your doctors tell you, what the virus is possibly done to your lungs there. >> and the question is what happens afterwards? they're having anecdotal reports of lasting lung damage from this. you don't know. got to fight every day. i want you to stay with me. i'm going to talk to the governor of connecticut next and
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then have you come back and talk to people in the fight of it right now. i am the lucky one. imagine you're sick, your husband is sick. he has to go to the hospital. you have four kids, 17, 15, 7, and 5. and they start to get sick and you wind up with your 15-year-old having to take care of your kids because you can't get out of bed. er for that's the nightmare so many are living around the country. i want you to see what this has meant for her family. i want you to bring back one of the earlier guests. i want sanjay to guide us through and thank you for not billing me. i don't know if there was a bill involved. i felt the assessment was just average. just so you know.
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listen. everybody loves sanjay. it makes me unique i'm the only one who doesn't like sanjay gupta. connecticut gets cold. that's a savvy thing and a warning from the governor of connecticut. being right next to the epicenter has big problems. we're seeing something different in connecticut in terms of its density, as a state, verses the number of cases. have they figured something out in connecticut? i'm going to find out next. and we're here for you - especially now, doing everything possible to keep you connected. through the resilience of our network and people... we can keep learning, keep sharing, keep watching, and most of all, keep together. it's the job we've always done... it is the job we will always do.
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a very interesting factor with connecticut. it is our fourth dense states and only the 14th largest number of cases. why? let's bring in the governor to discuss. i know you are seeing movements in your numbers and it's a fluid situation. appreciate you taking the time. do you think you learned something sooner, perhaps, than
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other states, that has allowed you to stay away from the steeper curve in cases. >> we're all cheering you on every single day and dr. sanjay gupta, we just passed no surprise billing here in connecticut. so, you'd be safe here. you didn't have to be a psychic to know what was going on. we could look overseas, see what was going on in wuhan, italy, seattle, washington. and i could look at new york city, where they had a one or two-week head start. and that gave us the opportunity to hit the ball a little earlier in the game and i think that make as big difference. we are dense but weir r're a suburban state.
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there's no downtown queens. so, we've avoided a lot of the worst of the hot zones. >> what does it mean to you as governor of connecticut to hear the president say we're really not in the testing business. it's really about states and hospitals. frr a month ago he said anyone who wanted a test would get one through the federal government. now he says it's not his business. >> i think he should roll out a national testing strategy, just as he should be the one buying the ppe and ventilators and distributing that. but i'm not going to sit around complaining about that. i'm working with your brother, phil murphy in new jersey. i want to get together with them and ficcier out our testing strategy. what we do afterwards in terms of some of the anybody testing so we can prepare for what
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happens afterwards. and let my blood be something we can help. i'm looking forward to it. in terms of the road forward, where is your head in terms of states getting together and creating a buying consorgsism? you can't keep competing against one another this way. i know it's in good faith. i've been dealing with your state and new jersey and what happens with new york with ppe. it's like an impossible system. what's the chance to think it chachks? >> look, there's a supply chain out there. it's been corrupted. the black market, grey market is taking over the supply chain. they're picking up a lot of commercial product and reselling it at a premium.
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the last moment they don't make it there, certain pricing it takes off. and it then goes somewhere else. there's no way to do it. >> nursing homes. obviously, there's an acute vulnerability here. is it true the state is not tracking how many nursing home employees test positive? and if so, what do you need to do about that? >> we're testing the nursing homes more vigorously. they're going to a separate wing or a separate nursing home. we're doing everything we can to get more protective gear for our folks. first-line responders going to the nursing home president. we do not want a kirkland, washington incident happening here. we were the first to say no guests in a nursing home. and that was hard. i got calls from people who said you won't let me see my brother.
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this is a time to teach her facingtime. >> it's so hard for them, especially if so many not being with loved ones when they pass. but you have inbenefit of giving people the most chance to live. i know it's a struggle for you. i appreciate you taking the time. you will always have a place on this show to make your case the audience. >> thank you very much. and year cheering you on every day. >> i'm one of the lucky ones. all right. we saw so much bad news out of the nursing home in kirkland the governor just referred to in waux. washington. but there is good news that got delivered to one family on a stretcher. watch this. >> my mom is coming home. yay, we're survivors. >> praise the lord. >> survivors. >> now, we have been following
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this story for weeks. that is the mom of karen, the nurse who i met on the show, introduced you to her. she wound up getting a nasty case of covid. she went to the hospital, came back out and couldn't see her mother. now she's getting to a better place. so, it's great. karen's going to be back for an update and we're going to take you through live thk hard way. this family that is the post card for the pain covid can cause. stay with us.
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also financial. so, living with this virus is a real check on many levels. more when you have to take care of your kids and you have a spouse up against it and you're up against it. there's semany that fall in this category. the people i want to introduce you to right now have battled uniquely. first, lauren thomas mandel. mother of four. 17, 15, 7, and 5. we really could end the story right there. that is an amazing task to take on by itself, let alone battling covid. her husband and she are both positive. he kept working. he's a doctor and eventually he collapsed and went in with double pneumonia. now, a cupople of the older kids helping with the younger kids are showing symptoms. so, we have her with us also. with her is karen goheen of
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washington state. of everything that was going on with her mother and brother and her father, they all had coronavirus. and now we're getting some great resolves out of their situation and it boosts your spirit, you know. and dr. sanjay gupta is with us as well. i want to make this a big conversation and anybody who has something they want to say, should say it. i want to start with you, lauren and give this state of how you guys are doing and the family. you are really up against it. >> today we got hit with my 15-year-old when she definitely came down with it. so, i've been trying to deal with the 5 and 7 year old. they don't understand what's happening and they want to be with mommy. they brought in tables and chairs and i've had to feed meals and had to get out of bed and try and be a parent. >> how are your symptoms? >> besides the breathing, i
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still get short of breath. thank goodness, i sourced my husband before this came through to bring us a pulse ox machine. i test that and it gives me peace of mind. friends are sending me millions of things to keep me calm. i listen to as little as possible about my husband but the more i get upset and i cry and i'm stuffy. my taste came back. that's fabulous. if the fever and cough could go away -- so, the fever. i don't know what your fever is like but you think you're fine and better and then boom, at night you have a fever and the thermometer tells you and you want to cry because you know you're not better. fever has been upper 90s and 100 at the highest. that's since day one, pretty much on and off.
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>> and what day are you on now? >> tonight starts day 12. >> and look, that is really the norm. this idea people are going to get through it in a few days. yes, some are blessed with that path. but most of us it's weeks, let alone when you're going to have to deal with all these offsetting pressures. with us here, lauren, i have karen, a nurse, who also battled through this. she had to go to the hospital and she came back out. what let you know, karen, that you were really going to be on the other side? how long did it take before you felt like okay, the beast is at bay for real now? >> um, it was about 15 days before my fever -- i stopped having headaches and fevers. i was in the hospital and i started getting my appetite back and -- but i still needed to
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oxygen for another four or five days. but after about 15 days, that's when my fever stopped and i started to have any appetite at all. >> and in terms of what made the difference for you do you believe in terms of what got you past it? what do you think helped most? >> you know, in the beginning, i think i was so caught up in this being the epicenter of the pandemic and being so anxious about family members, i didn't rest very well. i think if i could have rested and shut up my brain in the early days, maybe i wouldn't have gotten so sick. but when i was in the hospital, i started listening to music that kaurm calmed me down at night and helped me sleep and relax. that was really helpful to me. and then i started getting
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better. >> have you tried that? music at night? you have real concerns, as did karen. her mother was stuck in the nursing home. her father was in the hospitals, her brother was sick. but you got to worry about the little ones and i understand that. what about that? a little therapeutic music at night? >> i've been doing that during my panic attacks. they're regular. she's laughing so she must have had them too. they're very regular and you don't know if it's covid or panic attacks and then i run to the pulse ox and it calms me down for about ten seconds. >> so, i had my monitor on when i was getting the chest x-ray. i put any paranoid person to shame in terms of what a hypocond reac i can be.
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when i saw the x-ray i showed to people earlier, the second i looked at it, i saw infiltrate on it, even though i don't know what it means, kpoept as a verb and i panicked. god love them, they've been so good and supportive. they're saying holy cow, your really sick. i see the infiltrate in there. will you explain how having some infiltrate doesn't mean you're in a bad way. >> right. infiltrate, for the purposes of diagnosing this, usually means -- when you put up the x-ray again, i can show you. you're looking at the chest from the front. there it is. that's the right lung and left lung and the black areas are the air-filled spaces in your lungs. the sharp edges at the bottom of each lung.
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you want to make sure they stay sharp. again, it's hard to tell on television there. it is hazy in some of the areas and more center of your lungs. it may be infiltrate in that area. but not significant. nothing accumulated there. you look at that and say maybe this is somebody who's dealing with the respunoirfection. and the other x-ray you showed was looking at the same, obviously, picture from the side and confirms the same thing. >> right. again -- so, that's why it looks like that? >> yeah. exactly. >> it doesn't mean you'rin you' to have pneumonia. if i'm okay, you should be okay. i'm going to take a quick break and talk about where we all want to get. karen's going to show us what this means and what she sees in
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the future and there's so many families like hers in the country right now. i believe if you talk about it, it makes it more likely it happens. let's take a break. we'll come back. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424.
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all right. god willing, none of what we're talking about applies to you but so many are up against it. i want to give you a cross section of what we're able to deal with. she has the vivs. her husband is a doctor and he as the virus. they have four kids and the kids have been picking up the virus. she's having to deal with all of this at once and we have karen who dealt with the virus early on and she has a beautiful story i want to start with.
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karen, i want to play that video of what brought you to us in the first place is your mom was in the nursing home where they had all the cases in washington. and it was about and will you see her and is she okay and does she have it? and finally, many weeks later, what is the scene we're looking at? >> that's the scene of her be dg livered to my house in an ambulance. because she's going to come live with me where we can keep her safe at our house and reunite her with my dad. >> such an amazing ending to such a really tortured story. i know you wanted to know from sanjay, as a nurse. you had a question from him about what your risk profile is and when. what's your question? >> so, i was wondering, if, as a recovered covid-19 person, can i safely assume that i'm immune to the virus and that i'm not able
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to -- i'm not contagious? that i'm not going to transmit it to anybody? if i say, go shopping at the grocery store? >> i'm glad you're doing better and that's a sweet video of your mom. that's very nice to see. we don't do know the answer to your question. that's not a dodge. you got to remember, as a you know, as a nurse, we're early days into this. i'm learning listening to you guys talk about what you are experiencing. i think we're all learning a little bit. i think it's safely to say you're likely immune. i've asked lots infectious disease doctors about this. there's no reason to think after you've gone through this and recovered, you should have an immunity and it's unlikely you get infected again. people think even days before
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they develop symptoms and weeks after, they could be transmitting the virus and stay at home as much as possible. if you do go out and you're going to an area you can't reasonably social distance. and the advice is to wear some sort of face covering. the reason you're wearing a face covering is because if you are still harboring the virus, it will decrease the likelihood of transmiting it to someone else. it's good to see someone like you recover. we see the numbers on the screen all the time. remember people have been hospitalized, etc. i think we should start showing. maybe your show should start the number who have recovered from this as well. talk about optimism.
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statistically, most are likely to recover. >> it's about how you want to count that? people who exit the hospital? do you count it on people who wind up reporting they're symptom free? it takes us back to testic. and watching karen and sanjay talk, the difference between yours and eyes and lauren's. lauren and i are getting visited by the beast right now. the fever comes at night, as you'll remember, karen. and i'm seeic it in lauren's eyes, where your face starts to get hot and i saw you grabbing for the water. i know where you are and i feel so much. the kids, as an element. are you able to do what you need to for them right now? is there any help you need? >> my 7-year-old puts herself to bed around 1:00 in the morning, i think. i have a makeshift play room in
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her room and she's calling my mom at 11:30 at night, 12:00 at night, coming to check on my. and finally, i don't know what happens. i fall asleep and have no idea what she's doing. the other ones, thank goodness, go to sleep. and my house will need some infestation repair. thank goodness my husband is not here, because he would not get better look athwhat my house looks like right now in any way shape or form. >> i'm going to stay in touch with you and see how your family is going through it. karen says it would be hard and she went through a lot herself. that's why i take so seriously trying to do what i can for people up against it. lauren, i'm going to stay in touch with you every day and what you need. obviously, when you're not feeling it, don't answer. that's fine. i just want you to know we're here. and karen, same for you. we're all the family we choose
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now. in this situation. eevrbody matters. and we know it. sanjay, thank you for being the best of us. >> thanks, chris. you guys take care. >> i love you guys. thank you so much. thank you so much. i appreciate all of you. >> stay better. >> lauren most of all. most of all, boy, am i impressed by her. i'm telling you, i can barely put a shirt on. she's got four kids. her husband's in the hospital she's making her way through. that's the resilience i'm talking about. it is awe inspiring to me. something else, what does love and respect sound like? it's like this. this is tonight's daily dose of gratitude for health care workers in new york city, our heros. listen to this. [ sirens ] [ cheers and applause ] >> this happens in the city
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every night. a citywide clap at 7:00 p.m. eastern. i'm going to play it for you every damn night because this is what's going to get us through. is collective conscience that we know what you're doing for us, our brothers and sisters. we think about you. we care about you. we're here for you, just the way they are here for us. that's the beauty of it, the mutualality. the possibilities for all of us together, as ever, as one. what have i learned over these last 72 hours and what do i know is coming next? that's the argument.
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rest of us who get this are going to have an experience unlike anything they've had, days and waves. the old notion of get in bed and stay there when you get sick, it sounds great. if you're really up against it, you need to do as little as possible. i've been there. trust me, i know, but you can't stay there. now i'm wise to the beast and its ways. it changes. the fever's just softening us up. it's making your body hurt so you don't want to move your body. what it wants to do is get in your lungs. that's what it wants to do. i fool it constricting my chest. when i saw that chest x-ray, i saw that infiltrate right away. now, i also have something else i haven't told you. i have a low ign level, which is the primary immune response antibody. i've always had a low level, okay? it's not something recent. could be genetic, could be cultural, i don't know, but it makes me susceptible to thinks like bronchitis and crap like that. so there i was on friday night, okay?
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i was not going to do the show tonight. i was done. i was in a pool of sweat. 12 hours later i was in the same damn place. i hadn't slept a minute. i was just soaked and scared. honest to god. so then i get a call from a friend of a friend of a friend. now, this keeps happening to me now. this new reality of how much people just care. i have this new network of not just sources but really good people. they all come this way, friend of a friend of a friend. why? because we're all battling this all over the country and the world and people want to boat the boast. beast. this doctor calls me up and asks me about my symptoms. he's a pulmonary expert. can you get up? yeah, i can get up. do it. can you stretch your torso? what do you mean. put my arms like this. no, it doesn't feel that good. he said, do it. he said, can you hold your breath for ten seconds? i said probably not, to be honest. he said, do it.
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and then he gave me the key. he said he heard me say that i wanted to keep this out of my lungs. i saw your x-raies, it's in your lungs. you got the right fear and the wrong approach. you can't wait it out. he said you have to fight. not in some silly get followmet way. this isn't like channelling "rocky" or "eye of the tiger." you've got to do things to beat this virus. you've got to breathe deep when it hurts, and i know it hurts. i'm not trying to minimize anybody's pain. when you get a fever spike, you can't take confidence it's going to go down. there are going to be spikes for at least ten days when you got a fever. you got to layer up. you got to drink. you got to take tylenol and you've got to fight back. you've got to make that fever go down any way you can. the chest gets you. it makes you small. it's really what defines this covid. and the covid is banking on you doing nothing.
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it wants us passive on our backs. it wants us to do nothing. the answer has to be to do everything. i lie on my side, i lie on my stomach, i'm up, i'm doing my breathing. i know i've got that stuff in my lungs. i'm not going to lose to that thing this way. no way. no way i'm going to do that to my wife and my kids and all the people that care about me. i'm not going to the hospital for something that i can avoid it, if i can avoid it. that's it, all day, all night, 100%. i have to keep working. first of all, because i can. if i can, i should. and because it's a way for me to help. there has to be a purpose to this. you know, i'm not just going to go through the suck here for some sense of self-satisfaction to make it through. i want to write this all up. i want to get it out to you guys afterwards so you have a better chance against this than i did. i'll show you the x-raies, the good and the bad, the blood work hopefully to come. the supplements, my diet. why? i want you to have it easier than i did. that's part of my job.
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and to return the favor for you guys being so incredible with your love and attention. that's why i come to the government specifically in the prism of the president when he specifically says things that play to our weaknesses. it's not his job to test. really? he doesn't want the federal government to test? what the hell is his job? personally as a function of community and in terms of our leadership, we have to be desperate to beat this. that is the way we will all get better, okay? it's time for a lot of news, and that means "cnn tonight" with d. lemon. >> hello. how are you doing? >> better than i deserve. >> your stock answer. so let's have a -- let's talk like we talk to each other rather than on tv, which we always do. and you know how -- so, first of all, i think you're absolutely right that that works for you. but you know i'm
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