tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 17, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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i will call on every person and ask a question and we'll go on so we don't have to to yell at each other. jesse. >> you are talking about additional funding of reopening and restarting the economy. do you have any idea of what that number is? what would you like to see come from washington? >> we know what we propose, right? all the governors are part of a national governor association democratic and republican. chairman larry hogan, republican chairman, i am the vice chairman on the democrat. we have publicly requested 500 billion for states, we have publicly done it. that's the number. that's public and that's put out in the press relief. that's what it is.
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>> for new york specifically. >> we didn't get into the allocation. the allocation should be proportionate to the need, right? how do you allocate the money into the state? allocate the proportion to me. you can look at a map and you see the cases and you know that because you see when the president talks about reopening, different states in different places. allocate the funding where the problem exists. you are trying to solve the covid-19 problem. allocate the problem to where the covid problem exists. we passed the bill where they
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have done healthcare funding for quote on quote "covid." some states got about $200,000 for every covid case. new york got about $300,000 for every covid case. how do you justify that? the senate wants to give governors money. well, if the state did not have ni any covid cases. how much do you give that state of taxpayers money just so the senator can do a press release. give me a break. you don't need billions of dollars to do a press release. >> the president says some state wills start to go into phase one immediately. how far do you think new york is from someone like phase one or phase two?
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>> depending where that state is. the president says it is not up to the states, it is up to the governors. the governors who have states with fewer cases can reopen faster. it had nothing to do with the president or federal policy or anything. all he's saying is up to the states and you are seeing states that have. that's undeniable. it depends on that state and where it is. the governor were relying on numbers. when do we reopen? we are .9 on the infection rate. 1.2 is the tipping scale where the number start to s to go up
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again. your margin of error is between .9 and .2. you had many states when the infection rate is diminished. you are at .9. we are at that line of a possible outbreak. so the states that will open first by the data will have much lower infection rates than we do. we were over the line. we were an outbreak territory, right? we gotten down to .9. your margin of error is between .9 and 1.2. what the expert will tell you is .9 and .92 is right on the line. >> hospitals seemed to be stabilizing.
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is there any thought of upstate areas of reopening hospitals and facilities for workers that's been laid off. we have to reduce ppe standards and laid a bunch of requirements to increase capacity. is there anything concerning particularly ppe may have cause problems among healthcare workers of a lot of infections there. >> the cdc reduced the ppe guidelines. it was the cdc that had federal guidelines on the personal protective equipment. they had different guidelines when you are in a crisis. they went to crisis guidelines. that's what many of the nurses especially are complaining about.
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>> we use the cdc guidelines on these issues. ppe equipment and gowns, we continue to use. the issue is how when can i help the workers to go back to work with masks. >> are we thinking of changing this or do you have any concerns that this may cause higher infections? >> marie. >> you take all these numbers with a grain of salt, right? the caution is you could have a surge or a second wave. look at wuhan and china and italy, it went up and down, be
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careful. i don't believe we are in a place today at risk going -- >> i want to talk about the rate of infection. how do you calculate the rate of infection for new york? >> we have not done those calibrations yet. the rate of infection analysis is very difficult. there are a number of premises that we made in the calculation. >> it appears that we had lower rate in upstate new york and our area made strides in the economy and past few years, it has been
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devastating. we are seeing small businesses going under. is it important to find out what that rate of infection is to try and get parts of upstates open that are not seeing those numbers. >> it is important to get the economy open where ever you can as soon as you can and when ever you can. people had a nice break and they're in their homes. i think everybody is well-passed i had a nice break, i want to get back to work and get out of the house. i love my family but i have to now get out of the house and i need a paycheck and i needed yesterday. everyone is in that same position. at the same time people will say i don't want to go out and get sick and die. death is bad. it is the ying and the yang
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here. as soon as we can lower death rate places are in a better position than places with a higher death rate higher infection rate. yes, calibrating those differences is important and balancing the economic need and the personal need with the public health need and death, that calibration is everything. >> when do you think you will start to make that separation of what's happening? >> i think you will see it clear. we are right on the down now. across the board, you will see clusters in upstate also and nursing homes and upstate. nursing homes are the vulnerable point, the vulnerable population and the vulnerable setting of
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nursing homes. yes everybody wants the economy running but everybody wants to be safe at the same time. that's what we are working on. >> facilities of nursing home staff have outbreaks. we are seeing some up to 55 deaths. my first question is why has it taken so long to inform the public about this, why does the public does not know about all of this.
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the most vulnerable population is our seniors. the most vulnerable places are nursing homes. i think. andrew cuomo is saying he's encouraged that the state is plateauing in terms of coronavirus patients and deaths and intubations but the death toll is on average of 600. it is a sad plateau for the state of new york and talking about the federal government. as the state begins to reopen, new york state is not there yet.
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. dr. walthom, you look at new york, again there is no good news here. you see the plateau at the top and the governor making the case that he can see the beginning of a decline perhaps. i had to deal with the spike as well and issue statewide. where are you today? >> thank you for having me john. i appreciate the opportunity. it is a great question and i don't want to go above -- i think for my first appearance at the icu, at times we had encouragement in terms of the
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trends of the pace of admissions and we hadwi wins and losses. that's my one experience where i personally work and i know it is very much places in detroit specifically but the whole state that are in the full throw of this and the encouraging sign is great. i think it is good that we are being cautious. >> cautious is a good word. you begin to see what looks like a downward tren. the question is will we get a spike. we'll look at michigan as one of the many states. the govern you wrote a moving piece of what you are learning as a doctor. you are giving medical care but you are learning a lot of things. this is governor of
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massachusetts, charlie baker, raising a point that you have been poignant about. >> it was an extraordinary painful process for families to go through this. loss of a critical ritual that people believe in and hold onto to say a changood-bye. >> the governor there is choking up. covid-19 is the isolation and separation for everybody and those who had loved ones who's dying in the hospital. >> that's heartbreaking. that was the crux of the piece that i, my coauthor wrote. one of the experience i had was taking care of a patient with a
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terrible prognosis. during the time i spoke with a family member and it struck me that he was not able to see her before she died. it was jarring and not to touch on how dramatic it was for her. it really resonated with people. no one can imagine the pain of not being able to see a loved one that's dying. >> there could be some more presence. that's an important piece and i hope people read it. dr. wakam, thank you for your perspective and the work you are doing everyday. >> thank you, john for having me
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if i can thank the nursing staff and icu and respiratory therapists and everyone is doing hard work everyday. i appreciate the opportunity. thank you for having me. >> amen. thank you for writing that in not only for your colleagues there but across the state and country. you can't say thank you enough at this moment. dr. wakam. the president puts out his new guidelines telling states here is a road map to reopening. how will they follow it? that's next. quality ingredient. like our sambucus - made from elderberries grown and picked at their prime. choose the way to quality immune support, choose nature's way sambucus.
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m president, yes, we do decide but not because the president says so. >> we need to support the states because the states who are the ones doing this. reopening is up to the states, right? that's the federal decree. it is up to the governors, the governor will decide. the states have to decide. everyone is in a different position and it is up to the states which i agree. that happens to be in the constitution. with me sharing their reporting and insights our cakaitlan colls and josh dawson from "the washington post". this came a few minutes after the president also tweeting in the last hour liberate virginia and liberate michigan and liberate minnesota.
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there is this segment on fox news. a global pandemic that's paralyzing the economy. there are a lot of questions on testings. >> the president has been anti. on monday he says i have total authority to make the decision and now he backed away from that and now he's saying up to the states to decide. he's putting pressure on the states behind the scene. testing is totally up to you and you have total leeway. and a lot of republicans and senators, allies say we can't have opening with more mass testings. people are going back to work and back to libraries and everything. the president was agitating more so and more so for a return to a normal economy.
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>> more so. kaitlan, you can take those tweets as the president encouraging protests. we see a protest for the government to reopen. that would be an easy inference if you read his tweets. no states can do this. everyo even a big state like new york can't ramp up testing at the scale. this is an interesting ripple. lindsey graham, listen to the republican senator. the key to opening up the economy is mass testing. the real key is mass testing. you have to have mass testing and it has to be science-based. t >> the president of the united states says no, you have to have some testing but not
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mass-testing. the president taken severe weather efforts and a lot of them did not pan out to ramp up testing efforts. that public private partnership that he touted in the rose garden that resulted in a handful of test sites. the president is putting it back on states. it is not like a team work type of things like what you are hearing from dr. birx, this comes as the president is hearing from concerns, not just from his critics but his closest allies. business and executives of the day before. it does not appear this is registering with the president. he's not talking about a partnership with the federal government and that's likely where this tweet about governor cuomo came from because the president has been watching these press conferences almost
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daily. he watches it closely. governor cuomo is saying it is going and requiring help from the federal government to ramp up testing in new york. the president's tweet, he talks about the assistance that new york has gotten because it has the most cases anywhere else in the united states. it is up there with washington and seattle. new york has had the most issues. that's why they received the most funding and most federal assistance. >> the governor thanked for those help. this creates a fascinating moment. this is the way it is supposed to be, kaitlan, we have a 50-state republic, the states make most of the decision. the governors have to go through this. as we look at the guidelines, there are other standards as well. that's the first one. are you go i thiing down after 14-day period. delaware is down three and main is down four.
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nevada is down 4. there are places to look at as states walk through this. most of those states are looking at a week or longer away assuming your trajectory stays on. listen to the governor of west virginia, how quickly do i reopen? >> i want to get us back to work and get us back to a life where we are closer before. here is the but and this is the but, and but, but. my number one job is to protect all of you the best i possibly can. i don't like the fact that we have 13 deaths. >> i bet every governor in the country would agree with that. >> he was talking about concerns
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of retesting. they all want to reopen. they all have the same goal as the president. the question is the timeline and how you see these states play out. that was interesting of what josh talking about. how the president goes back and forth whether he has the authority or states making these decisions. you see the governors where he issi wrestling with this. the president kind of hedged on it. liberate these states. of course, that's what these governors like to do as well. that's seemingly the goal of the phases of the president putting out yesterday. they're saying it is going to take a lot more time. his own health advisers are saying we put out these guidelines so these states can do testing. contact tracing is another massive effort they'll have to er under take here. the president seems to be trying
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to speed that timeline up. >> and it is a fact that we are in april now and in election year. a large number of americans think the president is too slow or too late to react to this. we c cnn polls, president's current approval rating is 45% and disapprove number is up a little bit. when you do the reporting inside the white house, how much of a factor is this and the president's decision making that you can't separate the two. he's an incumbent who had his economy going from boom to bust like that.
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>> 401-k and stock market is being higher. now they have projections from inside voting where they can get double digits and how things remaining and a lot of work. t you can guess as an economic come back story for the president. there are different ways to run. it complicates and making it far more difficult. you also seen a ferocious effort to try to recraft the narrative that the president was absolutely responsible for. cnn and others going to detail how there were not enough testing decisions made and other things done to get ready for this. the administration is really trying to push hard back on that because they know economic and coupling with not enough done
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early onto stop this from happening. to stop all of the repercussions from happening. >> josh and kaitlan collins. appreciate your perspective. next for us we take a closer look at florida. they're ramping up testings with two new walk-up sites. every financial plan needs a cfp® professional -- confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at
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a dire message today from governor desantis. he says his state is in an economic crisis. rosa flores tell us about the governor's message. >> reporter: so many people are out of work and unemployment. the system here has been overwhelmed. we have seen videos of long line and we are trying to get paper application. it is a dire situation. what you see is the national guards have been setting up two sites for walk-up covid-19 testing. this is an effort to expand testing in the states anyone with symptoms at fort lauderdale and pompono beach to get tested. governor desantis plans to announce next week what the
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steps will be to reopen florida but jacksonville beat them to the bunch. the mayor announced that beaches and parks will be opened today. social distancing will be enfor enforced. the mayor made that decision there. they cited the governor's st stay-at-home order. recreational activities like walking and jogging and swimming are essential activities. the florida department of health updated the number a while ago, duval reported of 790 plus cases of the state. deaths in that county at 4. the state death toll is at 680. you remember this clearly. it was controversial, governor ron desantis letting localities decide what to do when it comes to opening and closing beaches.
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we know we saw all that video in tampa bay of a lot of beach goers crowding beaches, well, jacksonville exercised that power today and reopening beaches and parks in florida. >> rosa flores, appreciate that live report. we'll see as more people get out and more people start to move around, will the state count go up. rosa flores, appreciate it. how facebook is responding to coronavirus misinformation posted on their platform. with everything going on, we've had to alter our classroom settings. we have to transition into virtual learning. on the network, we can have teachers face-to-face with a student in live-time. they can raise their hand and ask questions. they can type questions. we just need to make sure that the education is continuing. (vo) at verizon, we're here and we're ready to keep students and teachers connected to the world. that's why verizon and "the new york times" are offering 14 million students free digital access
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the coronavirus is no different, any big events of plenty of misinformation. facebook came under fire for russia of false stories. >> we work with independent fact-checkers and so far during this crisis, those fact checkers have marked 4,000 pieces of content, individual articles false which led to us showing a warning label. the warning labels work. 95% of the time when someone sues a piece of information that has a fact-check on it, they don't go through and consume that information. >> mark zuckerberg made those comment last night. the warning labels stop 95% of users to stop clicking on
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articles. >> # there are so many unknowns and information is changing everyday. they have anxious nation that are looking for answers. we can show you what facebook is doing there placing these labels about information about the virus that are misleading and false. in march alone just to give you a sense of the scale of the problem, they put it on this label on 14 million facebook posts. zuckerberg says last night in the town hall that of course 95% of people don't click on it once they see the label. they are still seeing the content and the misinformation. facebook is leading a lot of information up on the platform and people are seeing those headlines and information they are removing is what they classify as dangerous information. there are false claims out there saying that you drink bleach, it is a cure for the virus.
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that's false information. they're still leaving these stuff up there. they have come along way from 2016 and hired fact-checkers but still quite a long way to go. >> thanks for your reporting. it is a shame we have to keep an eye on it but we will. >> thank you very much. >> wuhan officials say their death toll increases by 50%.
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a number of important global developments of the fight of coronavirus. we are getting a revised death toll number from places like wuhan, china. our international krcorrespondes show us this pandemic around the world far from over. >> reporter: here in china are revising the death. wuhan officials added 9200 death cases. other countries including the u.s. see their number far exceeds those from this, the original eppie kernicenterepice. cnn reported extensively of
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cover up and under reporting. they were instead marked as severe pneumonia cases and revising their numbers on friday. wuhan officials say they did so showing accountability and history to the people and victims and as well as to ensure open and transparent data of accuracy. the new figures are met with skepticism given the distrust of china early handling of this outbreak. shanghai, cnn. here in south korea, the number of patients recovered from coronavirus only to test positive once again is still rising. 163 so far according to korea's cdc. they retested positive on average they say just under two weeks after being given the all clear. the range is wide, anything from
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one day to 35 days. i spoke to the department director of the cdc, there is so much they still don't know. there are six cases they fully investigated at this point. there is no evidence of live virus within the body which means it could be one of three other things according to the cdc. it could be weaken immunity of the individual or a testing error or it could be the remanence of tl virus are testing positive once again. the kcdc is investigating and hoping to have more in about two weeks. paula hancocks, cnn, seoul. here in france, the president emanuel macron added his voice to a growing course of world leaders of critical china for its lack of errreporting of coronavirus. there are things that happen in china we don't know about.
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it is up to china to say them. the u.s. and the u.k. were saying similar things this week with the u.s. foreign secretary mike pompeo calling on china to come clean. china was going to have to answer some hard questions on the or gin igin of the outbreak. mr. macron concluded you can't compare crisis management in an open society like france out of china where there is not enough freedom of information. cyril vanier. cnn, paris. in london, officials are pushing people to wear face masks. people see how social distancing can be sustained in the longer term as people are trying to get back to work. it is not current in the u.k. to
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make people wear masks. masks are under a shortage for health workers. the government says they'll extend the lockdown for another three weeks. they want to be sure they don't lift restrictions until another peak. infection rate is down and daily death rate is down and they have enough equipment for all health workers. big challengers here, some of the numbers improving. the government does not take the risk of letting people out just yet. nick paton walsh. >> president trump treated this to the governor, stop complaining. >> moments ago governor cuomo responded. how many times do you want me to say thank you? i am saying thank you for doing
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your job. this is your role as a president. that's the honest statement of fact without politics. i am not running for anything. i have no agenda but delivering for the people of this state. you want me to say thank you? thank you for doing your job and helping us build javits and sending u.s. navy comfort. thank you for participating in a federal responsibility in a national crisis. >> pay attention there. >> up next for us. the struggle of remote learning in the age of coronavirus.
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teachers are finding unique ways to ease the transitions for students. >> today is friday and i am still in this beautiful garden. good morning ladies. today is monday, the first day of spring break. look at where i am. let's talk about fears. what are some things you are afraid of in online teaching, i was nervous to try it or not knowing when i will see my students again or what's going to happen in the future. those kinds of things can worry me. >> she's joining me now. i don't say and i appreciate the laugh. at this time of crisis, i assume the best thing for your students is to see that smile as you try to help them get through this. you also mention the fears.
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you can't get up close to your students and you can't put your hand on their backs and tell me about this and let me talk you through it. how do you deal from that distance when you can send some feedback from the child they're having some issues. >> hi, so the challenge before us was very huge. although the spaces were virtual, we had to make sure the connections were not that we were creating spaces that maybe the spaces in the physical classrooms where students feel safe and happy and love and able to thrive and be themselves. >> 15% of u.s. households from school age kids don't have high-speed internet. are you dealing with this in your personal divide of our teaching? >> yes, i work in the bronx. the make up of my classroom is very much reflects the statistics in the country.
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we have a lot of students that did not have access to virtual devices and wi-fi. they did not have parents who were able to stay and be home all day. a lot of the in equities that our society has seen and emphasized were very much already in place in my classroom so we had to lean on our leaders and the community to reach out and get these kids wi-fi and get them set up with devices and try to bridge that gap so they can access education even during this different cuicult time. >> miss tauheed, i want to keep in touch as we go forward. thank you for what you are doing. i have a third grader at home. >> thank you. >> the teachers are just like
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our healthcare workers. >> we miss them so much and love them so much, district 11 in the bronx, thank you for having me >> appreciate your work. thank you for joining me, have a great weekend. anderson cooper picks up our coverage right now. take care. i am anderson cooper. the deadliest day since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. the country is not ready to reopen yet despite the pressure from the trump administration. the president unveiling his road map from trying to reopen the economy. that plan does not include what the do of widespread testing. we are told tonight the white house is revealing more details on plans for more testing. meantime after the president told the governor told governors to call the shot in their own states and telling
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