tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 17, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. i'm brianna keilar in washington. and any moment the white house is expected to reveal more details on guidelines to reopen the united states. this is according to a senior administration official. the main focus is how wide spread testing needs to be and how steep the drop in infections must be before it is safe to relax restrictions and this comes as president trump encouraging protests against stay-at-home orders in some of the hardest hit states going against the advice of his own scientific advisers and as the president lashes out on twitter after doesing for more help with testing before reopening. it is the most critical component with nearly 680,000 confirmed cases in the united states and a significant but unknown number of asymptomatic
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patients who were spreading the virus. today the head of the cdc robert redfield addressed concerns about the so-called silent carriers and warned the american public not to let up on mitigation efforts. we are right now monitoring three live events across the country as governors from minnesota, michigan, and california are about to speak or speaking. and we're going to keep an eye on those and we'll bring you any of the new details live. i want to start with our team of reporters. we have cnn nick watt live in los angeles. but we'll start with kaitlan collins who is live from the white house. kaitlan, the president is really lashing out at these governors. this is just hours after he said they could make the decisions about when states would reopen. what happened here. >> and he's singling out the new york governor specifically after talking about the plan that the president unveiled yesterday that many people noted did not include a strategy for installing any kind of a nationwide testing system. and that is been the concern
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that the president has been hearing not only from business executives and lawmakers but also from governors as well about those concerns that they have, if they are going to start reopening their states. governor cuomo spoke about this during his press conference earlier today an the president tweeted while he was still speaking but listen to what it was that cuomo had said. >> first of all, if he's sitting home watching tv, maybe he should get up and go to work, right. how many times do you want me to say thank you. i'm saying thank you for doing your job. this was your role as president, okay. >> reporter: so he's saying he believes he thanked the president enough for the efforts in new york but he shouldn't have to go any further because he is president but he said new york will not fully open without advancing testing and they're not going be able to do that without federal help. so that is the question going forward, how the white house will address those concerns and right now it doesn't seem that the president is registering
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them or believes that the federal government needs to step in and instead saying that states need to be able to do that on their own. >> and, nick, governors are starting to announce plans for reopening, not the timeline but whether this is soon, whether this is going to be sometime in the distant future, and we've seen that at least one governor, cuomo, publicly came out today and he said he's not getting the help that he needs from the federal government as kaitlan mentioned to make this happen. tell us about this. >> reporter: yeah, well the headline on the governors in general is a lot of nem have a lot of very different opinions so we'll see this roll out in different ways across the country. pretty much everybody agrees that testing is the key. so that we could seep eye on outbreaks and to get the phases laid out by the president, that relies on testing data. you have to see a downward trend
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for 14 days into phase one and then phase two. we had the governor of west virginia saying he wants to test every single resident and staff member of nursing homes in the state. and as you mentioned, governor cuomo had some pretty harsh words about the lack of federal help for this testing. take a listen. >> this is mayhem. we need a coordinate add poach between the federal government and the states. the federal government cannot walk -- wipe their hands of this and say oh, the states are responsible for testing. we cannot do it. we cannot do it without federal help. >> reporter: and, you know, state are going to handle this differently, also within some states they handle it differently. so in florida, jacksonville is opening the beach this is evening but southeast florida where they've had more cases may
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be treated differently as we move through reopening. we've heard from texas. so they're going to open state parks on monday with social distancing. they're going to open stores at the end of next week. but for pickup only. but they are going to keep the schools closed for the rest of the school year because the governor said that is what is the medical advice is telling them to do. utah, fewer than 3,000 states -- cases. they will be open quicker. massachusetts more than 32,000 cases, it will take them longer. brianna. >> no doubt. nick, thank you, kaitlan, thank you. and we're following a trio of governors who are talking about their plans moving forward. i want to dip in now to california governor newsom and see what he is saying. >> -- we need to be targeted in our strategy and approaches as we begin to sect oriolely and
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focus on economic growth and that is what i want to now talk about today. is what that looks like and how we could be guided and aids in our effort to fully recover as california economy. by the way, not just as a california economy, as california goes, so goes the nation. i should just note since the great recession california led the nation with 15% of all the american jobs were created since the great recession. were created right here in the state of california. 3.4 million jobs since that recovery began. only to be confronted by this new reality. we ended our streak of 120 consecutive months of net job creation and it ended officially with our march numbers. that said, our consequences of our actions will be felt all across the united states and we recognize our unique responsibility as californians to do our fair share and help
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lead the way in terms of job creation retention and job growth. and so what i have done is i have asked and tasked some of the best and brightest minds that we could source disproportionate number, also exclusively reside here in the state of california, some of the most well-known business leaders in the world happen to reside here in california. some of the great social justice warriors reside here in the state of california. tribal leaders, health care leaders, small business leaders. we are blessed to have the kind of human resources that only a nation state could be afforded. and we have tasked 80 of them to begin to work through each and every sector of our economy to put together tangible, actionable ideas for short-term,
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medium and long-term economic recovery. we have an advisory committee that represents the diversity of our state, geographically and otherwise. and it is an advisory council that also includes, i'm proud to say, all four living former governors of the state of california. two republicans, two democrats. and way to thank governor pete wilson, i want to thank governor arnold schwarzenegger and governor gray davis and governor jerry brown for joining this effort as well. we can't do it without you. this is not a partisan endeavor. this is about california and california first mantra to do everything we can across our differences and across the spectrum of political ideology to -- >> -- the city's first drive-thru test site that opened yesterday for those exhibiting symptoms of covid-19 and all health care providers and first
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responders whether or not they are experiencing symptoms. we want to get more people tested. testing will require an appointment at that particular spot through quest -- my quest online portal and app. and that's the link right there. www test my covid and i want to take a moment to encourage anyone experiencing symptoms to goo online to the michigan website and find out where the closest testing facility is to you. we need to get people tested in michigan. and know we've been unable to meet need for a while and so people aren't as hopeful they would get a test but you can get one and we're encouraging everyone to do that. in order to safely reopen our economy, we've got to know how
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much covid-19 is still present in our state. so the more people that get tested, the better. so i'm encouraging you to go online and find out where your local spot is so we could make smart decisions and keep people safe as be move forward. on the wednesday the madc announced that 12 small businesses and nonprofits around michigan have been awarded a total of $1 million through the peer michigan business connect covid-19 emergency access and retooling grants program. this program is providing funding to small manufacturers so they could retool and produce critical health and human service supplies. with this funding, these businesses will begin to make surgical masks, gowns, medical tents and more. i want to thank gardener white furniture who donated their fleet of trucks to covid-19 relief efforts and partnering
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with the metro detroit diaper bank, lighthouse, united way for southern michigan and the oakland public schools, to collect and transport food and other needed products. i also want to thank walmart salesforce and state farm who have teamed up to donate 500,000 masks, 100,000 gloves and 50,000 shoe covers to michigan. with regard to ppe and what we have received, i can just say that yesterday we did receive another 274,000 face shields, 6,000 canisters of sanitizer wipes, 417,000 gloves, 1.8 million surgical masks, and 360 boxes of n-95 masks. we are working incredibly hard to make sure that whether it is through production inside of our state borders or contracting outside we are getting the ppe that our front line needs.
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and we're hoping to expand. so that everyone who is in a business that is exposed to people can have the protection that they need. i've been meeting and will continue to meet regularly with a group of business and labor leaders -- >> so you're listening to governor whitmer in michigan. this is a very hard-hit state and she's detailing the protective equipment that front line workers are getting there. a lot of it, in fact, just getting yesterday even as they are dealing with so many cases in the state. you heard governor newsom from california talking about how he's banding together with officials and certainly with people who are leaders in technology and business in the big economy of california as they try to move forward in this. we're monitor a trio of governors who detail their plans about what they're doing to fight coronavirus and looking at eventually reopening their economy and what they're doing to do that. we'll keep an eye on that. we'll bring you any headlines in
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the michigan, and california. there is modeling out on the coronavirus. we're going to break this down with the former surgeon general next. and then dozens of cars lined up for hours. 50d food banks have a 100% demand to feed families in the age of coronavirus. >> announcer: "cnn newsroom" brought to you by tractor supply company. (j.k. vo) in 90 years at farmers we thought we'd seen it all.
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from fires and hurricanes to animal antics we could laugh about later. but we haven't seen this. so, farmers is reducing auto premiums by 25%, extending payment due dates, and expanding coverage for the delivery drivers who are carrying us through. and then we'll do the next thing, and the thing after that, until this is another thing we've seen and done.
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we have some breaking news. modeling on the spread of the coronavirus is out and this shows the peak in the u.s. happened two days ago. and the estimated projected death toll has dropped to about 60,000. this is according to the institute for health metrics and evaluation and said some states may be able to relax restrictions and reopen economy by may 4th as long as they maintain robust containment strategies in order to prevent a second wave. so let's talk about all of this very interesting information with dr. vivek murthy who served understand president obama. >> thanks, brianna, good to be with you. >> >> this is interesting this model and what it said. that as early as may 4th you could see the states release aspects of social distancing
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measures but they have to continue with robust containment and we're talking montana, west virginia and hawaii first and what does that mean if they're relaxing social distancing? >> i'm glad that you asked. because it is important with not just the ihme model to recognize that these are imperfect systems based on the set of assumptions and the message of the models that we could rely on is that social distancing is working. the reason you see improvement in the model is that people are staying at home and reducing the transmission of the infection. but beyond that, there is a lot that you have to take with a grain of salt. for example, understanding whether a state is actually ready to start relaxing restrictions, depending on part on knowing what is happening with the cases there. if you can't testedaquatly, then how do you know for sure that you don't have more cases than
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you think and going in the right direction and the wrong direction. you don't. and the second point is that imhe clearly states the recommendations are based on states being able to put in the appropriate mitigation measures, that means the ability to test broadly, the ability to trace cases when you find a positive case, trace contacts, and then also to quarantine and isolate people who may be infected. right now we are really struggling to ensure that we have adequate capacity to either test, trace or quarantine. we've been struggling with this for months. and without that in place, then relaxing restrictions means that you put a state or a region at risk for another spike in infections. and that is why you find so many public health experts as well as so many business leaders and governors saying, hold on, we need to focus on hitting the testing goals mbefore we move t relax restrictions. >> okay. so you could relax restrictions but you have to test, you have
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to trace, you have to quarantine and that is no small lift, i think we should say. part of the reason it is so important to be testing and tracing is because of what we've been learning about asymptomatic patients. in fact, there is a study released on friday and this showed that between 50 and 85 times more people may have been infected with covid-19 than have been confirmed by health officials. this is in santa clara county, california and this is something that the cdc director has addressed. this concern that there is all people who are silent carriers. what -- where do you see this as a problem? because 50 to 85 times more people having it. that is a stunning number. >> well, it is a stunning number, brianna. and what it reflects is statements and concerns that have been raised for frankly months by public health experts who have said, number one, we know many people who have this infection don't have symptoms
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and the number of infected is larger than we think and number two even the people who do have symptoms, a majority of them aren't able to get tested right now so the real number that we're seeing tallied every day on your tv screens and in our newspapers is a small fraction of the cases that we have. the way to think about testing is to think about it like your eyes. they would allow to you see clearly what is happening in a community. if you don't have adequate testing it is hard to imagine that you could feel comfortable relaxing restrictions without putting the community at significant risk. what we really need to hear at this point from our elected leaders on the federal side is we need to hear clearly what the target is for testing, what the plan is to ensure that we close a gap between where we are now, which is doing under 150,000 tests a day compared to where we need to be which is about a million tests a day. far too many people are waiting
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three, four, five days to get a test result. we need to close that gap. >> no doubt. dr. murthi, thank you so much for your insights. >> no worries. take care. stay safe. >> you too. stay healthy. so what is amazon doing when it comes to testing? and what does this mean for the men and the women who deliver your packages? we're going to discuss this next. this is our home. we've never seen it look quite like this, but there's no mistaking it. and it's our job to protect it... because the best people to fight for our communities are those within them. so, if you've just bought a volkswagen or were thinking of buying sometime soon, we're here to help with the community driven promise.
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amazon has announced that it is developing its own lab to start testing front line employees of the company for coronavirus. and this is coming as the company has been facing on going criticism it is not going enough to address the cases that have been reported at amazon facilities in washington, california and new york as well as others. let's speak now with jay carney, the senior vice president for amazon, a senior vice president for amazon and the former press conference for barack obama and you'll certainly recognize him as that. and jay, tell us about this. because you have hundreds of thousands of employees. you've been hiring more and more. and you can't be fully operational as a huge company without knowing who has this
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virus. tell us about your timeline for testing your employees. >> well, thank you, brianna. and you're absolutely right, the answer i think that we've reached, the conclusion that we've reached and a lot of leaders and the public and private sector have reached is that the way to get the economy going again is to have testing, plentiful and scaleable around the country and the world. because there is a scarcity still, we are developing our own first lab at amazon where hopefully we'll be able to test some of our front line employees and our distribution centers and fulfillment centers relatively soon. this is not -- nobody would say that amazon has a lot of experience in the business of building medical testing labs. but we're putting resources on it. and we'll begin to build that
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capacity. i think we're under no illusion that we can do this all by ourselves. obviously be can't. this is the kind of thing that requires everybody's involvement and i think across the public and private sector. if we could get the kind of testing availability that i think we need, we could really begin to return to a somewhat normal economy. >> so have you thought about if you get this going for amazon, is this something then you could share more broadly in the economy with other companies? would you sell this test to other companies? >> well, we're certainly not looking to make a business out of it. again, we're starting from scratch. we haven't finish the first lab yet. to get to anything like the kind of scale that we would need and then we could make available to others, will take a fair amount of time and hopefully in that time frame they'll be greater and greater building of capacity
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by others across the states and the world. so, but as we have in terms with medical supplies and others, we would make our capacity available to certainly those in urgent need when that became necessary. but again i don't want to get ahead of ourselves here. we're being very humble about this. we're just getting started. >> do you know how many amazon front line workers are covid positive or have been positive or presumed positive? >> i don't have a specific number. we have a situation like a lot of people do where we, for example, ask people to go self-quarantine and give them two weeks of paid time off. if they think -- >> -- that is what i'm asking. >> if they think they have covid, because maybe they can't get a test or having to take care of a family member who may or may not have it.
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so what we're doing, when somebody is diagnosed with a positive diagnosis of covid in a fulfillment center, everybody is informed and steps are taken to clooerve cle -- to clean the facility and help the personal involved and self-quarantine and that information is shared widely. i don't have an overall number because it is pretty imprecise -- >> "the washington post" said there are 74 confirmed but that seems extraordinarily low. it seems like it is higher than that. do you know? >> yeah, i don't have -- again, i don't have it. because we're focusing our resources on helping our workers and giving them protective gear and paid time off, increasing their pay as you know now we're up to $17 an hour minimum and over time is now $34 is a minimum which is substantial compared to the federal minimum
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wage. and when there is so much uncertainty about diagnosis itself, we're focused on helping the people that know they have covid and helping the workers and amazonians continuing to work at our fulfillment centers. our infection rates are -- they are lower than what you see generally in various parts of the country. and we monitor it very closely and take the steps that we've taken to ensure the safety of our workers. >> jay carney, thank you so much with amazon. we appreciate you coming on. >> thanks for having me. well you could call it the modern day bread line. cars backed up for miles across the country with people who need food. but in some places there is stimly not enough. it's only human to find inspiration in nature.
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there are lines for local food banks that are wrapping around blocks right now. it is something that is mazing to see. you're seeing more and more americans who are finding themselves in desperate situations and the food supply chain, it really is under extraordinary strain at this point in time. as cnn's jason carroll reports. >> reporter: it is now a common sight for food bank and pantry, whether it is across the state of texas, in los angeles, or a food distribution center near pittsburgh. all have seen a surge in demand with more and more people lining up for help. in new york city, food pantries are in a state of emergency. after seeing a huge increase of people needing food assistance. the need is to great the community food bank in egg harbor, new jersey, can barely keep up. >> while we see an average of a
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thousand families per month in our pantry, that number has tripled. >> tripled? >> tripled. just with our one-time clients that have never been served before are coming to our doors for help. >> reporter: such as shannon rua needing help. she relied on school breakfast and lunches and once schools closed she soon ran out of money and options. >> i decided to come out on the first time available because i have heard on the news that food banks are running out of food. so that was definitely a concern. >> reporter: feeding america, the nation's largest group of food banks, said some of the locations are seeing as much as 100% increase in demand. it is also projected a $20 million shortfall in new jersey. nationwide they're look at a $1.4 billion shortfall if things continue over the next six months. >> we start off the week with a lot of food but then as we get
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toward the end, we don't have as much to give out. >> reporter: less to give out because in some cases food banks are receiving fewer donations from supermarkets, trying to meet their own demands. >> we're not getting the food in as we need it. and so we're hoping to get a handle on that and this week hopefully and in the coming weeks, but until then we'll just keep putting out whatever we could get our hands on so that folks could make do. >> reporter: here at the community food bank of new jersey's 285,000 square feet warehouse, the civil air patrol stepped in to fill the gap left by a shortage of volunteers. still the immediate concern is meeting the spike in demand. >> even the product prior which was much smaller amount, what we're purchasing now is 15% more because there is a supply issue down to the manufacturer. >> reporter: the community food bank of new jersey is the primary food supplier for table of hope.
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cindy williams said on one stop last week he to turn families away after running out of food. >> we just didn't anticipate the demand. so this week we decided to go from one or two pickups to three. to make sure we got enough supply to meet the demand. >> reporter: and when it comes to volunteers, a key point here is that many of the food banks are experiencing a shortage of volunteers and that is simply because many folks who used to come in and offer time now are just too afraid. going forward, not only are some of the food banks going to need more volunteers, but if the demand is what it is now, they're also going to need more donations. brianna. >> jason carroll, thank you for that very important report. let's talk about this now with the vice president of the american farm bureau federation, scott vanderwall. you represent a number of farmers, ranchers and we're
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looking at -- you see the shortage. the shortage at food banks and then you're very well aware of the surplus of food that farmers are destroying or just throwing out. i mean, 2.7 to 3.7 million gallons of milk dumped each day and there is a missing link between getting food to people, not by restaurants or schools any more, who is retooling the supply chain to get food to people? >> well, thank you, brianna, for having me on this afternoon. i'm a farmer too. i've got almost a thousand head of beef cattle outside of the office here so this really hits me at home personally as well. nobody hates to see their food and produce wasted more than farmers do. because we put our hearts and souls into that. we have a lot of expenses into it and even if we have to sell at a loss, we're willing to do that. but so having said that, it really isn't the supply situation.
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we've got the animals out here and the food is here. we're not being able to process it right now in the form that it needs to be, to go to the grocery stores or the amounts needed. that is why farm bureau started a program and went to usda and proposed a voucher system with feeding america who was mentioned just a bit ago to put together a a system to let them source produce from local farmers and wherever they could get it, the food that doesn't have a home to go to, basically. so it is a win-win for both sides. >> when is that operational to the point where you're not throwing out food that people could be consuming? >> well, we're doing the best we can and hopefully working with usda to get that started. i'm not sure what the exact status of it is, but we're trying to make that as expeditious as possible because we know there are a lot of hungry people out there and produce are being thrown away
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and both situations are very, very bad. >> what do you need and who do you need it from? is it the state or the federal government. >> it is basically the federal government. it is going to have to come from usd in voucher form and i'm not sure whether that will come from, whether it is the disaster bill or where that funding comes from but it is a big issue. this whole thing is such a big issue. everybody is affected and through no fault of anybody in the united states and we're all suffering together. >> okay, and this is your chance to speak to the folks here in washington. do you feel like they understand the issue and what they need to do? >> well, i think there is some miscommunication or wrong ideas out there. first of all, this whole covid-19 thing with the packing plants and we have a packing plant here in south dakota that shut down probably for about two weeks. >> smithfield. >> yes. smithfield. and i know there is say perception that the covid-19
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virus could be transmitted through meat. there is absolutely no evidence that that is a possibility. i talked with our state veterinarian a couple of days ago and he said that is just not the case. so this is not a food safety issue. the food is safe and very plentiful and it is not an animal health issue. it is just that the virus spreads between people in close contact. and i want to stress again this is not a supply issue. the food is here but the case is that these food companies have had their business plans completely turned upside down in the last three weeks to a month. they're used to putting out a food product probably more than 50% food service. schools and restaurants and those kind of things and now they've had to go put it all through the grocery stores and that is a totally different packaging method and totally different amounts. >> yeah. and scott, that is something that the government has to confront as you said. scott vanderwall, thank you very
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much with the american farm bureau federation. we appreciate it. one florida city is set to reopen beaches and parks in just hours so are they prepared to avoid scenes like this one? but first a look at our cnn heroes during the coronavirus pandemic. team rubicon was found the by a u.s. marine and 2012 cnn hero jake wood, a group of volunteers who respond to disasters across the country to step up to help during this pandemic. >> team rubicon has launched a nationwide neighbors helping neighbors campaign. our volunteers are engaged in hundreds of communities across the united states. ranging from helping to establish testing and screening sites and collaboration with major health care systems to assisting organizations like feeding america and meals on wheels. veterans may have taken the uniform off but they still have service in their hearts and those incredible skills and in times like this we should be turning to the veterans in our
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communities. >> announcer: cnn heroes brought to you by -- (dad) alright, let's get going! (hero girl) and you want to make sure to aim it. (everyone) ohhhhhhh! (hero girl) i ordered it for everyone. i think i have the exact amount. (dad vo) we got the biggest subaru to help bring our family together. (hero girl) i'm just resting my eyes. (dad vo) even though we're generations apart. (hero girl older) what a day. i just love those kids. (avo male) the three-row subaru ascent. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. (avo female) get 0% apr financing for 63 months on the 2020 subaru ascent and other select models. i'm max, i was diagnosed with aplastic anemia and if i didn't find a donor, i probably wouldn't be here right now. be the match uses the power of the cisco network to match donors with patients faster than ever, saving lives like max's. me and dylan are dna twins.
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thinks that the tests have become more available, thanks to the national guard in the city. he also thinks the number of positive cases is hovering at around 5% which he considers low for a metropolitan area here in florida. that's part of it. he's opening the beaches at 5:00 today, they've been closed for a month. they'll open from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and again from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. you remember what it was like during spring break, these beaches were packed. this is jacksonville beach, you can see there's absolutely nobody here. that's part of the reason people are worried about the beaches reopening here, they're worried we'll have another scene like the spring break scene and they'll carry the virus elsewhere. there will be tight restrictions on what you can do on the beaches, surf, swim, hike, walk your dog, go fishing. but you can't congregate, you can't hang out with a cooler,
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you have to keep a six-foot social distance. it will be very interesting to see what happens come 5:00 p.m. today, brianna, and certainly over the weekend. >> we'll be watching. ban the tan but take a jog, we'll see how that goes. randi, thanks so much. today in our home front digital column where we tell the story of military families, we want to remember the first active duty service member who died of the coronavirus. the navy released his name, the first active duty service member on the "uss theodore roosevelt," i should say, that is docked in guam. he was 41 years old, from ft. smith, arkansas. he worked in aviation ordnance. his wife is also active duty military. the navy flew her to guam as he was ailing and she was at her
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husband's side when he passed away on monday. his death coming as more than 660 sailors on that same ship also have tested positive for coronavirus. one sailor remains now in the icu. ♪ in nearly 100 years serving the military community, we've seen you go through tough times and every time, you've shown us, you're much tougher your heart, courage and commitment has always inspired us and now it's no different so, we're here with financial strength, stability and experience you can depend on and the online tools you need because you have always set the highest standard and reaching that standard is what we're made for ♪
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this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper in washington. the number of coronavirus cases in the united states is approaching 679,000. the death toll has more than doubled in the last week in the u.s. to more than 34,000, in part that's because probable coronavirus deaths are now included in some state totals. across the globe, more than 2.2 million people have contracted the virus with nearly 151,000 dead. today, governors in a few states are announcing they are taking small steps towards beginning to reopen their societies and their economies. we have some brand-new models just in to cnn that suggest some
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states may be able to relax some restrictions as soon as may 4th, although other states may need to wait until june or july. we'll discuss that more with dr. sanjay gupta coming up. we're also getting brand-new details from a disastrous call with vice president pence where senate democrats pressed him on testing. democratic sources say there were no clear answers. multiple governors from both parties say they still do not have the necessary supplies to conduct as much testing as they need or equipment, and they're in desperate need of more federal help. but today president trump tweeted, the states need to step up their testing. the buck stops there, suggests president trump. the president lashed out at family targets ranging from democratic congressional leaders to president obama and vice president biden, after governors across the nation
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