tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 20, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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"newsroom." from jordan to india to the u.s., around the world, lockdowns are being lifted or eased but the warning is the same. get it wrong and brace for a surge in coronavirus. has anyone seen north korea's kim jong un? after missing a major public celebration, now, comes new intelligence suggesting his health is failing. and donald trump says he will step up the fight against the coronavirus with an executive order to suspend all immigration to the u.s. just like almost everything in the united states these days, the decision by governors when to reopen their states and how quickly, seems to come down to partisan politics. the first state to reopen was one of the last to impose a stay-at-home order. the republican governor of georgia, brian kemp, says hair
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and nal salon and nail salons, gyms, tattoo parlors, other businesses, can reopen as soon as this friday. well ahead of even the president's deadline of may 1st. meantime, in states controlled by democrats, protestors have been demanding an end to social distancing and lockdowns. and they have been encouraged by words from the president. it would be easy to forget that, despite all of this, the number of people in the u.s. dying from covid-19 has nearly doubled to 42,000 in just the past week. america's leading infectious disease expert says reopening too soon, without widespread testing, would be a big mistake. >> what you do, if you jump the gun and go into a situation where you have a big spike, you're going to set yourself back. so, as painful as it is to go by the careful guidelines of gradually phasing into a reopening, it's going to backfire. >> the latest opinion polls showed most americans agree,
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according to an nbc news/"wall street journal" survey, 58% are concerned about restrictions being lifted too quickly, and that could mean lives will be lost. a few research center poll puts that much higher at 66%. for the past week, there has been palpable relief in the white house that projections predicted a much -- lower death toll. warns the states move too quickly, the most recent modeling predicts a surge in the number of lives that will be lost. we have more from cnn's nick watt. >> reopening in georgia, gyms, bowly alleys, and some other businesses that can't do work from home. >> this measure will apply statewide, and will be the operational standard in all jurisdictions. >> monday, restaurants will, also, reopen. kemp says all businesses that are reopening must screen employees for illness and
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practice social distancing. >> by taking this measured action, we will get georgians back to work safely. >> south carolina, expected to open stores and beaches tuesday, which were open all weekend in jacksonville, florida, with social distancing rules flagrant flagrantly flouted. >> i think that was reckless. it shows how undisciplined this leadership has been. >> and there are still hotspots. chicago. boston. fi philadelphia. one more pork plant just closed indefinitely in minnesota after an outbreak. nearly 10% of u.s. pork production is now shut down. and cases continue cropping up at nursing homes. the cdc now mandating that residents and their families are informed about outbreaks, along with the cdc. >> and we are also paying for labs to go out to nursing homes to collect samples. >> meanwhile, our leaders
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struggle to balance the pain of the virus. >> i have the sense that i was drowning at certain points. i was unable to even stand. >> with the pain of the shutdown. >> you don't need protests to convince anyone in this country that we have to get back to work, and we have to get the economy going, and we have to get out of our homes. nobody. the question is going to become, how, when, how fast? >> one influential model suggests just these four states can safely open first, on may 4th. still, two weeks from today. >> putting a level that a state can comfortably move to a containment stage. >> that level is one new case, per day, per one million people. so, for example, new york state would need fewer than 20 dacase per day. right now, they're still seeing more than 5,000. all large events in the city,
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concerts, parades, were just cancelled through june. the governor, now wants a bump in pay for essential workers. >> when you were home with your doors locked, dealing with cabin fever, they were out there dealing with the coronavirus. i would say hazard pay, give them a 50% bonus. or, and i would -- and i would >> apparently, at one new case per million per day, a state will have capacity to care for that patient, and also trace and test their contacts. bottom line. >> unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery, economical economically, is not gonna happen. >> wherever and whenever we reopen, we will see a rise in cases in those places. now, the governor of georgia concedes that. he knows that cases will go up. but he says that they have the capacity, and he is confident that they will stay on top of it. nick watt, cnn, los angeles.
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>> we should note not everyone in the state of georgia supports the governor's decision for a friday opening. the mayor of historic savannah says he is beyond disturbed. sa says it's a reckless action. atlanta's mayor talking earlier on cnn. >> our metro area, 6 million people, more than half the population in the entire state. but we have less than half of the people who have tested positive. where are our hotspots? our hotspots are in areas like bibb county, around macon, that didn't shut down. when we open up houses of worship, think about albany, georgia, which has had one of the worst outbreaks in the country. that, by and large, came from two funerals. and so i'm -- i'm perplexed that we have opened in this way. and, again, i can't stress enough. i work very well with our governor and i look forward to having a better understanding of
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what his reasoning is. but as i look at the data, and as i talk with our public health officials, i don't see what -- that it's based on anything that's logical. >> you see the entire interview with atlanta's mayor next hour on "cuomo primetime." >> cnn medical analyst is with us now for more on all this. doctor, nice to see you again. >> nice to see you. >> right now, the u.s. state of georgia looks set to be the first to emerge from a lockdown. keeping in mind, this is the same governor who was one of the last to order a stay-in-place order. that was back on april 2nd when he made this public declaration. >> those individuals could've been infecting people before they ever felt bad, but we didn't know that until the last 24 hours. >> that was at the time when he made the decision to order that shelter in place and, of course, you know, that information had been out there for weeks, if not months. i raise that because it doesn't
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seem that the governor is particularly well informed because the businesses which will be allowed to open are hairdressers, nail salons, gyms. and if you look at the timing, it could be coming into the peak of the -- you know, the cases for georgia. which all of it put together, it seems to be the worst possible time and the worst possible businesses to be opening. >> yes. it defies logic. but i think a lot of what this particular governor and, perhaps, other people in the -- in the country have done is to defy any rational approach to this. i do want to say that georgia had a terrible outbreak in a town called albany, georgia. southwest. couple 100,000 people. an enormous, devastating outbreak that arose from people who had gone to a funeral. so he should know how this infection can spread, quickly. why he's doing that is up for grabs. but it's -- it's not reasonable to do. >> and, potentially, one state
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opens too early, and we see a situation where the virus comes surging back. is that a problem just for that state? or does it translate into a much wider, national problem? >> the virus does not respect zip codes or state lines, clearly. so, sure, if i were in a surrounding area or if i were someone who wanted to use the atlanta airport, i would certainly think twice, three times, and four times. i wouldn't go near the place. it's -- it's ridiculous, in so many ways, that it's hard to calm down enough to start to articulate. it's just bad policy, very bad governance, but that may well be the point is to show how useless government is. >> we've been hearing from a lot of the state governors, the more rational ones who listen to science and fact. and they are saying this reopening is to happen with minimal risk and to be successful, then there is one
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key element, which they say, is missing and continues to be missing despite their pleas. here it is. this is what they say. >> more help is needed from the federal government on testing. >> we simply have not had enough test kits. >> we, governors, are doing the best we can with what we've got. >> the president doesn't want to help on testing. >> you know, the white house says the states have the capacity for testing. it kind of seems like -- almost like a weasel word. what's a difference between capacity and real-world capability? >> no one knows. i they don't have the capacity because they don't have the supplies, and the supplies can be procured, at a federal level, much more readily than states arm wrestling each other over limited supplies. there's a -- there's a bipartisan statement called the roadmap to pandemic resilience that was put out today. they're calling for 5 million
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tests, at least, a day. we've been at about 150,000 every day, for the most part, in all of april. so we have -- we jumped up to a little bit. we are so far behind what we need to get to in order to safely start to reopen. everyone is pro-reopen. i thought no one was pro-covid. and this just strikes me as completely, completely irrational. >> thank you, doctor, we appreciate you being with us, sir, thank you. >> we have breaking news this hour from north korea about the wellbeing of leader kim jong un. both the u.s. and south korea have recently received intelligence describing kim as being in poor health. one u.s. official speaking to cnn described his condition at grave after recent surgery. last week, there was no sign of the young dictator during celebrations for north korea's
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most important national holiday. and as jim reports, that very obvious absence could have been the first public indication that something was up. >> reporter: five days ago, kim was notably absent from a ceremony marking, honoring, his grandfather kim il sung. this is the kind of public ceremony, like the one you are seeing here on the screen that kim jong un traditionally takes part in. he was absent from that ceremony five days ago. it was four days before, when he was last seen in public at a meeting. so during those intervening days, there were questions. why is he absent? and it's more recently that the u.s. has been monitoring intelligence that he had a surgery. that the aftermath of that surgery, there were applicants, and his health is now in grave danger. >> cnn's paula hancock standing by in seoul. will ripley, reported 19 times in the last six years, and will, we'll start with you because the
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problem we have right now, not only is there not enough information but the information we ever is conflicting. the u.s. saying his condition is grave. the south koreans and chinese saying he is not critically ill. what are your sources telling you? >> when i reached out to two highly-placed sources about jim's reporting, they were startled, john. and it's not surprising because any information about kim jong un's health or his movements would be kept incredibly close to the chest by only a very small group of people inside north korea. i've been in the country where he's rumored to be attending an event, and his secret service surrounds the building. and everybody waits for hours, and then he doesn't appear. i mean, they do that deliberately because they don't want too many people knowing, even kim jong un's whereabouts. certainly, information about his medical condition would be kept even more haeskeavily guarded. and so, the reality is, frankly, you know, we don't know whether what the united states is hearing or whether what they're hearing in south korea or china is accurate. and we may not know, frankly, until there's some sort of official announcement by the
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north koreans. if you think back to 2011 when kim jong il passed away, this is something extremely sensitive. the most sensitive topic inside north korea. and so we may continue to hear lots of conflicting stories and rumors until we get facts from the north koreans themselves, or at least their version of the facts. >> will, stay with us. let's go to paula now. just stay with us, will. but, paula, one indication that there could be trouble, uncertainty within north korea, some kind of mobilization of the military. seeing that at this point? or anything which would raise concerns? >> at this point, no, john, we haven't seen anything like that. but it -- it's right. this is one of the first things that the south korean officials look for. defense ministry doesn't have a comment at this point. but the blue hats, the presidential office here in seoul, does say that they have seen no abnormal activity within north korea, at this point. could be referring to military, as well. but they also said they have
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nothing to comment on when it comes to this reporting. but when it comes to the military, it is interesting that we have seen kim jong un quite -- quite present in recent weeks. up until the middle of april. daily nk, an online publication here, did report they believed that surgery was an april the 12th. and we did see a military drill on april 14th. this was when there were cruise missiles, short-range cruise missiles fired. and it is the sort of thing that kim jong un would usually be present at. it was interesting. afterwards, you wait a day or two to get the footage from north korea itself, but there has, to this day, been no images, no footage, reporting of that beyond the facts itself. of course, that is not proof of anything substantial. but it is another interesting point when it comes to the military. that that is something that he would usually be present at. and then, of course the very next day, april 15th, was the day of the son. the birth date of the founding
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father and his grandfather, kim il sung. again, he was not there. but, at this point, south korean officials are not commenting directly on this. they say they are very aware of the reports. but nothing abnormal is being witnessed within north korea at this point. >> and, will, just back to you very quickly. in a country where malnutrition is chronic, food often in short supply, kim does stand out as someone who rarely misses a meal. what is known about his overall health? >> well, i can just tell you from observing him over the last five or so years inside the country, he has noticeably gained weight. he is regularly seen in public with a cigarette in his hand. so it's no secret he is a heavy smoker. and those are certainly risk factors when you are talking about somebody's health. but he's also young. he's in his, you know, mid to late 30s. he was born at some point in the early 1980s. we're not entirely sure exactly how old he is. but, you know, his health is a concern for people who observe him from afar. now, also, we should point out that, in north korea, he is going to have access to the very
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best medical care, the best doctors, that they have to offer. but that is, still, not at the level of the medical care that he could receive in other places because we know north korea has severe limitations in that area. >> will, thank you. will ripley there live in tokyo. also, paula hancocks there for us live in seoul. thanks to you both. >> well, with his back to the war on the pandemic and his eye on the upcoming election, donald trump playing the immigration card. a closer look at why, when we come back. let's be honest. quitting smoking is hard.
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21 past the hour. welcome back, everybody. from the administration which first brought are us the muslim travel ban, and more recently, restrictions on visitors from china, europe, canada, and mexico, in response to the pandemic. now, comes the ultimately play donald trump. a total ban on all immigration to the u.s. in the past few hours, he tweeted, in light of the attack from the invisible enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our great american citizens, i will be signing an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the united states. for more on this, let's bring in our senior political analyst, ron brownstein, in los angeles. ron, do we even know what this ban will look like? has the executive order been written? how long will it be in place? and is it legal? how will it work? >> first of all, we don't know many of the details yet. but we do know from the
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president, the muslim ban took several tries before they got one that would stick with the courts. i think obviously this is going to go to court right away. but it is highly likely, given i think the pattern of rulings that the five republican-appointed justices on the supreme court, will ultimately give the president a lot of leeway here. i mean, the question, of course, you know, what will the details be? but you have to say, based on the precedence that they've established already, they have shown there is a lot of deference among those five republican members to this president on issues of immigration. >> there is also the question of will this work? they restricted travel from china. 40,000 people, american nationals who had been in china, were allowed in. so how will a total ban work? >> yeah, and look, there is another question. how relevant it is at this point, right? certainly, at this point, we are dealing with extensive community spread in the united states. and the president talks, as you noted, always about the ban on china travel. it was very porous. a lot of people continued to come in. there are other countries around
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the world that are limiting immigration in this moment. he would not be alone in that. but you have to have the sense that this is kind of a return to a familiar playbook for him. this is something that, you know, hardliners in the immigration community have been hoping that he would do at various points. people forget he ran -- he gave a speech in september of 2016 in arizona, when he was running for president, saying that we should limit immigration so that the share of the foreign born in the u.s. never rises above a certain percentage of the populations. i mean, it's never been done in american history. limiting all forms of immigration, not only undocumented immigration, has always been a central part of his appeal to his audience. and i think, you know, as they say, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. sooner soonerer sooner or later, it seemed inevitable. >> it's interesting you would say that because what would often happen is there may be a tweet trialing this. this is a suggestion. i'm thinking of doing this. and then finally moving to making announcement but this has
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gone straight to announcement so it came out of nowhere it seems. >> yeah. look. i think the president, whenever he is under political pressure, returns to his core message. and his core message is -- is that, to his audience, you, the real america, the real americans, are under siege from forces, in effect, above and below. you are under siege from con te elites who want to run your life. we eve we have seen it even the medical experts, you know, his fire fauci chants in texas last weekend in the rally. the other part of the message is you are under siege from immigrants and minorities who want to commit crimes against you or take your jobs. and whenever he is under pressure, the president really has only one play. he turns to some version, one -- one prong of that ptwo-prong message and activating his base. what's interesting, john, is under his president in gallup
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polling, the belief that imgrands are a positive force in society has actually been rising to some of the highest in years. so it has the potential to galvanize, certainly the fox audience, talk radio audience. a big portion of his base. but it does carry the risk of further isolating him and making it harder to reach beyond that. >> ron, thank you for being with us. appreciate the insight. the analysis. good to see you. >> john, thanks. >> we'll take a short break. when we come back as we have been reporting, some u.s. states about to reopen for business. but is it too soon to return to the beaches, go back to the parks, even head to the gym or maybe get a haircut? more on the plans reopen to reoa moment. ♪
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just half past the hour. welcome back, everyone. you are watching cnn "newsroom." come friday, entire business sectors shut down by the coronavirus will reopen in georgia, while other states will be opening parks and beaches, as well. so what is the goldy locks approach here? not too soon and not too late. cnn's brian todd has details. >> reporter: in jacksonville, the city's mayor reopens the beach and some parks with limited hours and some strict rules. people are allowed to run, walk, and swim, but not to sunbathe. no chairs, towels, or coolers allowed. despite distancing requirements, many people were, initially, seen in close proximity to each other after the beach first opened. >> there's so many people standing around here. everyone's so close together. i don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. >> but, since friday, city officials say, beach crowds have
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thinned and people seem to be taking distancing more seriously. in north carolina wrightsville beach opened. the governor of south carolina announced it is only allowing beaches to open if local officials want to but is also making plans to allow retail businesses like clothing, furniture, and sporting good stores to open if customers are limited to a few at a time. >> if you can imagine a race, we want to be able to slingshot around the competition, and get back up to full speed as soon as we can. >> despite stay-at-home recommendations, still, in effect. some governors and mayors tonight are allowing their residents to take those baby steps toward reopening, and trusting people to be responsible. texas opened state parks on monday, but people have to social socially distance, wear masks, and make reservations to go to parks. >> i felt like it was a way to feel like we're on the track to being back to normal. to being able to just see that things are going in the right direction.
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>> in addition to opening state parks, texas governor greg abbott says restrictions for some nonessential surgeries will be loosened on wednesday. on friday, retail stores can operate to-go services, but customers still can't go inside. and, next monday, texas officials will let people know about the next steps of reopening. >> they will consider the possibility of opening more venues. venues like restaurants, movie theaters, and other gathering places, that can provide safe-distancing practices. >> the governor of georgia has announced places like gyms and hair and nail salons can open this friday. and some restaurants and theaters can open next monday, but with restrictions. but health experts have a warning about opening venues, even to a slow trickle. >> what we don't want to do is recreate the conditions that led us to all having to stay home in the first place, and having our healthcare systems be overwhelmed. and so that's why it's so important that we move cautiously and thoughtfully about how and when to reopen.
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>> some states and cities, moving more cautiously. new york mayor bill de blasio says temperature checks in the workplace could play a key role in reopening some places. >> the temperature checks are a great way to see if someone might be starting to show symptoms. >> but mayor de blasio says, right now, the city doesn't have enough thermometers for effective temperature checks, and groups representing medical manufacturers and foo manufacturers food production companies are sounding similar warnings. saying if all these openings happen too quickly, in too many places, there could be a wild west-like run on things like face masks and thermometers and those items would be in desperately short supply. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> a handful of states and territories in india with few or no cases of the coronavirus are starting to relax their restrictions. prime minister narendra modi is allowing that to happen, under certain conditions. but the rest of the country will remain under lockdown until may 3rd. the goal is to reopen the agriculture sector, a lifeline
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for thousands of farmers and fishermen. india has more than 18,000 cases, and nearly 600 deaths so far according to johns hopkins university. >> right now, as many countries begin to ease restrictions on lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, it might seem the worst will, soon, be in the rearview mirror. not only is that wrong, it's dangerously wrong. and officials are warning this moment is not even the end of the beginning. especially, since this pandemic is yet to take hold in many developing countries in the southern hemisphere. and, on monday, the director general of the world health organization, made an emotional plea for global unity in the face of this ongoing global crisis.
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incubating human tragedy of potentially cataclysmic scale. if the w.h.o. is sort of dealing with this crisis on this scale, almost alone, not just u.s. leadership but potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in funding, put all this together, and it seems almost like a perfect storm. >> well, it's -- it's an extraordinarily bad gesture on the part of the united states and certainly president trump.
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the resources that the u.s. puts into w.h.o. is for a broad range of issues. and the very fact that he would put, at jeopardy, the ability of w.h.o. not only to respond to the covid-19 crisis, but the longstanding challenging of polio, tuberculosis, hiv-aids, malaria, w.h.o. is our against these issues. and it's unconscionable for the president to hold these political hostage in the midst of a global pandemic. i would hope other nations stand beside w.h.o. and reassert their commitment to the leadership role w.h.o. has in the world today. >> there's not a lot of empathy in this current administration in washington when it comes to the fate of other nations, especially when the leader of
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that country may not be on friendly terms with donald trump. but there is no shortage of self-interest in the white house. so wouldn't that be enough motivation for the united states, as well as other nations, to step up and assist these developing countries to minimize the impact there, so it minimizes the impact here later? >> well, let's remember, first and foremost, the -- the covid-19 is a global event. and any place on the planet earth that is threatened by covid-19, also, represents a threat everywhere on the planet. and if we are not able to work as a global community, to bring this virus under control everywhere, not just within our own borders, then no country is going to be safe. so it's imperative that nations provide the kind of leadership that will unify the global community to take on what is
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inherently a global threat. it's not a threat specific to the united states. it's not a threat, specific, to hooin china. it is a threat that is impacting on every community, every household in the world today. requires a global response. >> and the reason why this funding has been at least put on hold, the president says that the w.h.o. was too trusting of the information coming from beijing. you know, participated in a coverup. and believed the w.h.o. is not without problems. back in january '14, they were quoting officials in beijing saying there was no clear evidence of human-to-human transfer. just a week later came official statement saying, yes, human to human transfer was possible. all countries to prepare for containment as well as early detection. then, on monday, the director general made it clear that the white house was informed of all of this, the good and the bad information, every step of the way. here he is. >> having cdc staff means there
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is nothing hidden from the u.s. from day one. because these are americans working with us and just comes naturally. and they just tell what they're doing. and, for w.h.o., it's open. we don't hide anything. it's open. >> just from your experience, how these things work, does that just ring true that's how the process is? >> well, i think, first off, w.h.o. is not without criticism. they're -- they are not a flawless organization. they performed well, in many regards, with respect to covid-19. but any response of this type is subject to legitimate concerns and legitimate criticism. this is not the time, in the midst of a global pandemic, to take the kind of actions that
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undercut the world's leading authority and voice on global health. to undercut their ability to continue to lead is, quite frankly, it's -- the consequences are -- reach far beyond, you know, this the singular criticisms that might be brought against w.h.o. it's bad timing. every event provides an after-action moment where you can critically evaluate, review, and understand the evidence for what the performance looked like. that is the time to have these discussions, not in the midst of a global pandemic. >> just picking up on that, though. especially when it seems the reason given by the president of the united states, that the u.s. was not informed of everything the w.h.o. knew. just doesn't seem to hold up. even the reason behind the funding, the timing is awful and the reason doesn't make sense. >> no. there's been nothing about what
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w.h.o. has said that suggests that there's been any restriction on information flow. but, also, i mean, i think we need to be very frank. the president of the united states did not really begin taking this issue about covid-19 pandemic serious -- seriously well into march. a month and a half after it was declared a pandemic. whatever delays might have been in terms of information sharing, they were not ones that, in any way, derailed the president of the united states from making early decisions. he was late to the party, and he's late to the action. and he is, quite frankly, i think, trying to turn attention away from his own failure to provide early intervention. and bring it back to w.h.o. it's a long tradition, i think,
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within his own political practices. >> yeah. a lot of people to blame it seems. no one taking responsibility in the white house, at this point. good to see you in d.c. appreciate you. thank you. >> more, now, on the breaking news from north korea. according to recent u.s. intelligence, kim jong un underwent a surgery last week and has since been in a life-threatening grave condition. he was notably absent last wednesday during celebrations for the birthday of his grandfather, kim il sung, one of the founding fathers of north korea. cnn global affairs analyst joseph yeun is with us from portland, oregon. he is special u.s. representative for north korea policy. joseph, thank you for taking the time. the reporting we have right now on kim's condition can vary anywhere from brain dead on one extreme, to nothing at all to see here. all okay. how do you assess what's happening? >> well, i think, you know, it is very, very difficult to know what is going on. but, certainly, there are
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indications that he has been sick. he's had a heart surgery. and that whether the heart surgery went well or not, we don't know. as you mentioned, the most telling sign is that he missed the april 15th commemoration of his grandfather's death. the founder of north korea. and that is very unusual. and, also, of course, we know he's had a issue of health issues. he's quite overweight. he spokes, by all smokes, by all accounts, about four or five packs a day. and few years ago, he missed about a month or so because of gout issues. so, certainly, when i was in the government, it was a papass timr us to skek lapeculate how good health. and his family, you know, his
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grar father and his grandfather both died quite young. so to me, we don't know yet. we need to have further information. if the past is any guide, when kim jong il's father got a stroke, we only found out about it months later. so it may be a while. >> i think kim jong un was in his 60s when he had that stroke so relatively young i guess. all this raises the question, if kim is incapacitated, what's the chain of command here? who takes over? do we know? >> because he's so young, there is no succession prepared. at least when his father was sick, he had anointed his son, kim jong un, to be the successor. right now, my best guess is that his sister, kim il jong, who is always around him, kind of acts as his chief of staff and was recently promoted.
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i would say she could become a good figure, smart money bet on that. but, then, there are others. i think it is clear, at least if the past is any guide, you got to have the blood of what they call -- the -- the mountain where this family is supposed to have come from. that is descendants of kim il sung. but there are quite few of them around, john. >> one of the military leaders could decide it's time for a new regime, new family, new blood line, who knows. all this is speculation at this point. so far, one thing we do know at least according to the south koreans, no unusual military activity. no unusual activity, period, within north korea. from your experience, what would you be looking for as the first sign that there has been some kind of upheaval? >> i think upheavals are very difficult to know. interestingly, you mentioned border area. certainly, chinese have a lot of troops there.
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if there is any changes in their readiness, that's a sign. now, for me, of course, when i was in the government, we used to hear lot of these rumors. each time this happened, we would, of course, be on alert ourselves. watch for any signs. so, again, we should look for any signs coming from u.s. forces in korea. what kind of informations are being sent -- shared between americans and south koreans? all those will kind of give us a sign that there is some movement going on. but, so far, as you mentioned, certainly, i have not heard any tr troop movements or unusual movements on the border. >> okay. that's a very good tip. the troops on the chinese side, when they change their posture, you know something is up. joseph yun, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> history making selloff in u.s. oil futures. the price of a barrel of u.s. crude, negative territory. the impact on the markets in a
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for the first time ever, u.s. crude futures plummeted into negative pricing on monday, in other words they couldn't give the stuff away. limiting its limit and a supply glut as traders essentially pay others to take it off their hands. just hold it for a while. here is john defterios live at abu dhabi. there seems to be a bit of an aberration that even in a way that says a lot about where the oil industry is right now and the impact that the coronavirus is having. >> it's a perfect way to say it, because this is a perfect storm. i know that sounds cliche, but it is a once in a lifetime flash crash if you will, based on a contract that is expiring today, for the month of may. and all of the forces came together. so if you take a look at the prices, we were down negative $38, we climbed back and gone back into positive territory, but not by much, right? we were trading at $20 a barrel when we had this conversation the day before.
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and there's three forces that have come together at the same time. there's a lack of storage, as you're suggesting, particularly in cushing, oklahoma, they think there will be no vacancies for this oil in three to four weeks so that is a crisis. where do you put it? an that's why people are willing to pay people to take it. number two, we know the coronavirus has wiped out demand by nearly 30% this month, but what happens in may, and june, it is a key question. and during this period of time in the financial crisis, due to the virus, we see the dollar rising, putting pressure on the petro states like russia, venezuela, and all suffering in this process. so this is a crucial window. it happens once in a lifetime. if you have a price at one dollar a barrel, you will have an absolute collapse in the u.s. industry. but if you look at the june contract, john, for around $20 a barrel, and brent is trading about $25, the international bench mark, it's more normal but again an industry can't survive on $20. the brack break-even price in
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the united states is about $35 a barrel so it is a crisis. >> and back in the day, it would translate into economic stimulus, and it means cheap gas but record low oil prices, it signals a whole lot of concern. >> a lot of concern, and you won't see because of taxes at the pump, an immediate reaction, particularly outside the united states. number two, we have about ten million jobs linked to the oil industry. and all of the different energy basins. about ten states, as a matter of fact. so if you don't have a reasonable break-even price, and we did get ahead of ourselves, at 13 million barrels, we're probably going to wipe out four to five million barrels a day. and we see surveys that show we'll have maybe 500 bankruptcies, between this year, and next, as a result. so we have this opec, the u.s. said it was cutting over time, and the iea suggesting that the g-20 countries would buy oil.
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none of that is happening quick enough. and that's why you saw this amazing crash, for once in a lifetime, and we don't have the full stability back into the market yet. >> too much of a good thing, i guess, at the end of the day. john, thank you. john defterios, live for nus abu dhabi. >> thank you for watching. stay with us. more cnn newsroom in about an hour from now. but up next, cuomo prime time. you're watching cnn. ♪
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we mark five weeks of covid now. we may well learn that this virus has been around even longer than that. let's stick with the bigger point. are you proud of what the greatest country in the world has managed during this time? for all the talk about testing, we still don't have enough. i don't care what the white house is telling you, the reality comes from the ground and the governors, and you know what they're telling you. they're not ready. so how do we reopen if we don't have the right tools? and more directly, about those tools, how can america, the east
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