tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 22, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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the wave hit me. i'm still standing. beware, because there can be a second wave, or there could be a third wave. so, don't be cocky just because you got hit by a wave and it didn't knock you off your feet. there can be a second wave. and if you're not ready for the second wave, that's the wave that's going to knock you down. because you're not ready for it. so, that's what i'm worried about. and also, to the local officials and the local politicians, i have no problem with them blaming me. it's a very simple answer! say to everyone, whatever they say, i agree with you. it's the governor. because by the way, it is the governor. it is. these are state laws that are in effect. the local official can't do anything about them anyway. because they can't contradict a state law. so, it's true.
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so, the local official can say it's the governor. blame him. it's true. and it will stop us from doing something that's counterproductive, and it will also stop us from getting into a dispute between me and the local government where the net message will be to the people, there's disagreement or confusion among government. and this is not the time for confusion or disagreement among government. so, the state laws govern. i get the local political pressure. blame the governor. it's the truth. and the state laws can't counter -- the local laws can't counteract state laws anyway. add to this political pressure. this is a quote that i think people should take to heart. "when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from
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responsibility, then they ceased to be free." edith hamilton, originally, edward gibbon in "the history of the decline and fall of the roman empire." "when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then they ceased to be free." we have a responsibility today to ourselves and to others. there is a co-dependency and a mutuality among people in society that is more clear and distinct than we have ever seen it. you sneeze, i get sick. you sneeze, i get sick. it is that close a connection. you have a responsibility to act
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prudently, vis-a-vis other people, because you're not just putting your own life at risk, you're risking my life and my children's life and my parents' life, and you don't have that right. you have to act responsibly. and to advocate for total irresponsibility -- let's all be irresponsible. no. not here, not now. any questions? >> governor, what is -- whitmer going to be doing, how that will dove tail with -- >> let's try another new first, then another new normal. we don't have to speak over each other. i will answer your question, so let each person ask a question and then we'll go into the next. >> governor, talk to me specifically, has michael bloomberg provided funding? are you giving him the power to hire people? and mayor bede blazzo this morning talked about the city launching its own effort to do tracing and testing.
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how will the two things overlap? >> they will all be coordinated. city's effort will be coordinated. nassau's effort, suffolk's effort, westchester's effort, they will be hiring people independently. you have city employees that start with the number of employees. those would be westchester employees, state employees, city employees, but it all has to be coordinated. there is no tracing that can work within one jurisdiction. >> so michael bloomberg is leading -- >> let me just finish. >> -- some coordinating -- >> let me just finish. you cannot trace someone within the boundaries of new york city, because once the person goes outside of new york city, well, now that would be a westchester person, right? i live in westchester. take me. i lived in westchester. i worked in new york city. new york city's going to trace me? how? i'm in westchester. that's a different county. you can't trace me. well, we'll go trace people in
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westchester. oh, no, no, then westchester's going to say, that's my resident. don't come in here and trace my resident. all right, let's forget the jurisdictional fight and the political local fight. we'll coordinate everyone. this is a monumental undertaking. who's going to do it? we're all going to do it -- city, state, nassau, suffolk, jersey, connecticut. okay, how do we do it? i don't know. we've never done it before. michael bloomberg will design the program, design the training. he's going to make a financial contribution also. put together an organization that can help hire the people, because we have to expand this number ten-fold. and get this all done like this. this has to happen. you don't have months to plan and do this. you have weeks to get this up and running. super ambitious undertaking.
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and mayor bloomberg will help coordinate the entire effort. he'll be working with the state. i'm working with the city and the nassau and suffolk and jersey and connecticut. >> how much -- >> i don't know what the financial contribution is. does anybody know? >> it's upwards of $10 million. but what mayor bloomberg is doing is through the program at johns hopkins, which he funds very heavily their public health program, which is preeminent in the country. he's helping us to design the programmatic, operational, and technological components of our contact tracing program. and they in partnership with us are creating an online curriculum to train the tracers to recruit them to interview, to perform the background checks, and then we're going to coordinate all of the counties and also with new jersey and connecticut. >> the state already has 250,000 people infected. are you planning on contact tracing that cohort as well, according to the people that have already been diagnosed? >> you will trace as many
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positives as you can. and as the testing number goes up, that number of possible people to be traced is going up. the implication of your question is right -- won't you be identifying more positive people than you could possibly ever trace? yes. i believe that's true. i don't care how big an army you put together. you now have, let's say, take your number, 250,000 people tested positive. how do you start to trace 250,000 people? how many people do you need to trace 250,000 people? that's why it's an extraordinarily impossible task, and you do the best you can. >> is that a good use of resources considering the state itself is strapped? i mean, $10 billion, $15 billion hole. 250,000 people, exponentially -- just look around this room. there's 30 people in this room. if one of us were infected, the
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contact tracing on that, i mean, it spirals out of control almost immediately. >> yeah. look, contact tracing -- life is options. going forward, how do you educate yourself on reopening? well, we need data. where does the data come from? data comes from testing. now, you have a hard database of hospitalizations. you can look at the hospitalizations, and they will tell you how many people got sick enough to go into the hospital. that's all it tells you. you don't know how many people were infected. you don't know what is happening on the infection rate spread. all you know is the hospitalization rate. so, testing will give you, first of all, more data on how fast the infection is spreading, and how fast it's spreading where. you're going to get a very different number in new york city than you get in buffalo than you get in the north country, than you get in albany. okay, that will inform the regional reopenings.
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then what you're trying to do to the extent possible -- the whole concept of testing, tracing, isolation, not just here, but every state is talking about this. to the extent you can, when you find a positive person, trace it back and isolate. well, if you wind up with a population -- let's say we wind up with a 10% infection rate in the state. or in the city. that's, you know, a million people in new york city infected. how could you possibly trace a million people? you can't. you do the best you can. but for every person you isolate, jesse, that's one less person walking around infecting another ten people. >> but isn't there -- that is endemic already? even if it is just 10%, some estimates have said it might be 50%, might be 60%. like, how much money could this possibly cost and where is the money going to come from? >> if it was 50%, 60%, you'd be at a different point.
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if were you were at 50%, 60%, you would be arguing with herd immunity. that would be, don't do any of this, sort of like sweden and brazil. just let it go and whoever gets infected gets infected, whoever dies, dies. and at one point, everybody, crail mass of the population is infected and then whatever happens happens. it's not going to be 50%/60%. and that strategy some countries have adopted. a lot of people die with that strategy, which is a down side. but it's not going to be 50%/60%. my guess is it's going to be 10% about now in the high infection areas. it's a guess, but i would guess 10% downstate, single digits upstate. >> governor, you never really -- [ inaudible ] with this virus than when you
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have a parent -- [ inaudible ] and i wanted to know what are you doing in terms of convalescent serum? maybe dr. zucker is better to answer this. and myoclone 546, is that in -- >> you're right, dr. zucker is in a better position. >> with the question about the serum, we are working on this. there have been some patients who have received this within our hospital systems. the data, we're still waiting to hear about the clinical results from that. so that's moving forward. the more people that we have that end up positive and recover, the more sero will be available and the more information we'll have on that part. on the antibodies -- so, this regeneron corporation here in new york state has been looking at this issue and we've been speaking with them. there is data to suggest that the use of the antibodies may be beneficial based on how the
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monochromial antibodies have been used in other conditions where they come up with the response with the cytocine storm where their lungs are damaged as a result of infection. so, there may be a relationship here and we're working closely with them on that. >> personal experience, the oxygenation went from the low 70 one day and over mid-90s. i mean, it was a dramatic turn of events. >> that was part -- that's -- >> monoclonal -- >> yeah, the antibodies. >> and it's not in this state, so i just want you to know. i'm not saying anything that -- you shared so i thought i would share -- [ inaudible ] but i wanted to let you know that, you know, is there a shortage of this monoclonal 06? is it something that still has to be developed? is it readily available? >> there are two different companies that have been working on it, and that has been given
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to patients across the state who have this already and the monoclonal antibody, there is a specific therapy for that. that's also in, not really experimental, but has been provided to those who are ill. >> governor -- >> upstate tracing. are you interested at all in moving that upstate to also do tracing? and also, you've said there was going to be an announcement with nursing home inspections possibly today? >> yes, i'm going to make the nursing home announcement tomorrow. it's in the works, though. we wanted to talk about this today. what was the first part of your -- tracing is going to be done statewide and testing has to be done statewide. testing does two things, remember. the rate of viral infection spread, so you have a calibration on the reopening. and second, on the antibody testing, one of the up sides is you find people who have the antibodies, so they can contribute for the convalescent plasma by donating their blood.
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joseph? >> governor, you talk a lot about reopening businesses upstate. how about opening schools? it seems like in recent days you suggested that that's becoming increasingly difficult. is it unlikely that schools will open before fall? >> when you say -- my opinion -- when you say you're not going to open schools, you may as well say you're not going to open businesses. because the two are connected. i don't know how you really open businesses without opening schools. you want me to go to work. hallelujah. what do i do with my kids? so, the two to me are very connected. the school year is up in june. to say we're not going to open businesses until june, i'm not there yet. i don't think people are there yet. this is a situation that changes
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week to week, so let's get the information week to week. let's get the data and then we'll make a determination. plus we're trying to coordinate with jersey, connecticut, other states. so, let's get the data. in the meantime, schools will not open until we say schools will open, statewide. period. new paragraph. opening schools is very difficult. i would not open a school unless we knew that the schools were disinfected, that they had a protocol going forward to disinfect the schools, that they had a protocol where there was going to be a certain amount of social distancing and protective personal behavior in the school. that is a very, very big undertaking, joe. >> when you think about schools -- >> you're listening to the governor of new york, andrew cuomo. his state, of course, the epicenter in the coronavirus fight. these briefings are always interesting. today's was remarkable. the governor knows, as the
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epicenter, he has a national platform for these daily briefings. he used it today not only to update us on what he says is progress in his state, but to say it would be reckless, we can't be stupid. the governor lecturing, essentially, the country, offering himself, without mentioning him by name, as a countervoice to the president and to some of his republican gubernatorial colleagues who are saying it's time to go more quickly in the opening debate. when it comes to new york, he said new york is in a better place. we're not home yet, but we're in a better place, noting a drop in hospitalations, in intubations, even what he called a gentle decline in the number of new yorkers dying on a day-to-day basis, but the bigger message was the political message from the governor today. he also announced that former mayor of new york michael bloomberg will help new york ramp up a giant contact tracing army. governor bloomberg will contribute financially but also help coordinate between new york, connecticut and new jersey as they deal with the monumental task of trying to trace new cases, especially after you start to reopen the economy.
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let's continue the conversation. our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta is with us. cnn medical analyst james phillips is an assistant professor of emergency management at george washington university and our chief political correspondent dana bash. dana, i want to start with you. normally, we come out of these briefings and start with the medical news, but what was most interesting was listening to the governor. he knows what's happening. just today, the president tweeting this morning, "states are safely coming back. our country is starting to open for business again. the president leaning forward. the governor of georgia leaning forward. the governor of florida leaning forward. the governor of texas a bit more cautious but beginning to open up. listen to the governor of new york saying be careful. >> i get the pressure, but we can't make a bad decision. frankly, this is no time to act stupidly. period. i don't know how else to say it. and i've said it innumerable times to local officials on the
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phone. i get the pressure. i get the politics. we can't make a bad decision and we can't be stupid about it. >> that's one take of it, dana. he said it over and over and over again in similar words, saying if we are reckless, things will go up. he's not just talking about the state of new york. he knows he has a national platform here. >> mm-hmm, no, absolutely. and there's no question without, as you said, without saying the names or the states. this was a direct contrast, intentional contrast that he was making with the governor of georgia and the governor of florida, who are saying it's okay to open by the end of the week tattoo parlors and nail salons, where it's impossible for anybody to understand how those are doable with social distancing measures in place. and so, he's very keenly aware of, as you said, the platform he has, of the voice he has right now, particularly given how bad it has been in newark, that it has been such a hotspot.
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but the other thing that i found interesting in his presentation and in the temperament of andrew cuomo is that he takes people along and allows people to see that it isn't easy. he's not just saying, no, we're not going to do this. he did say it's stupid and you should be careful, but he's also being very transparent in how difficult it is. and when it comes to leadership, that makes it easier to digest for people. if you see that he, even he is struggling, that it is a hard decision to keep things in place, you know, it's a tactic that certainly could work for him and maybe it could be emulated by people in the white house. even if it's not the president, perhaps his top medical people who are asked questions and were very diplomatic, almost to a fault, when asked about these states yesterday. >> and sanjay, to that point,
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you live in georgia, where the governor's been quite aggressive. he says he's going to put his foot on the pedal to reopen. the governor of florida moving forward, as dana said, some others a bit more slowly. even as governor cuomo was speaking, he's a politician, so maybe people are watching saying he's a democrat, just wants to pick a fight with republican governors. as he was speaking, one of the modelers out of the university of washington, cited by the white house, came out with a new analysis that essentially says, like governor cuomo, governors, you'd better be careful here, right? >> yes, very much so. these are models, so you know, we dig into these models and the models do change. but what they're saying, for example, for georgia, is that it really needs to -- the reopening really can't be considered until the middle of june, and it's actually four days later now than it was before. and again, these models do bounce around. but the point is that it's nowhere close, you know. in the past, it was the beginning of june, perhaps, end of may, but now it's even further along. and frankly, as you look at this map here, a lot of places around
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the country, the models suggesting, should be delayed in terms of the reopening. i should emphasis this point, john, because whenever we look at the data and we say, well, the downward trajectory or whatever's happening, you know, it gives us some comfort in starting to think about reopening it. the models also say, yes, but the reason we can say that these numbers are going down and what the assumption is, is that the stay-at-home orders will stay in place to a certain time. there's always that assumption that you will continue to have the stay-at-home orders and the belief that if you start to reduce them, the numbers will go up. and john, one more point. this is a little bit more of a subjective thing, but when the stay-at-home orders start to get opened up, like for example, if they start to happen here in georgia on friday, there are people who are going to become infected. the governor has acknowledged this. but we may not recognize those infections for a period of time because, you know, as you know,
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the incubation period can be a couple of weeks, sometimes shorter. but the point is that for a while, for a couple of weeks, people may say, hey, look, we're fine, georgia's fine. we don't see any impact from having reopened. and then you wait a couple of weeks and you start to see people starting to become symptomatic. you wait a week after that, people start coming to the hospital. and sadly, a week after that, if people are going to die, it happens then. so you're talking about a month down the line. you have to have the patience here. we closed late and now we're thinking about reopening early. that's a problem here in georgia. >> right. it will be two, three weeks, maybe even more, before we begin to see, and maybe they pull it off and maybe they handle it right. and if so, we'll give them credit. if the case numbers go up, we'll have more political controversy. dr. phil yips, i want you to come into the conversation. to the point dana was making, sanjay too, about the complexity of this. you have to do this with your patients every day. they come in with certain conditions and you need to talk them through it. here's option "a," here's how long it will take. here's option "b," here's how long it will take. here are the potential side
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effects and the course ahead. governor cuomo's talking about all aof these challenges, including the complexity of this contact tracing army. he says they have hundreds now, looking at new york city and the surrounding counties, but they need thousands. he's grateful for the new help of mayor bloomberg. but when you hear him talk this through, do you get a sense that we're having that -- again, he has a national platform, but when you listen to the white house, the president often says, america was not meant to be closed, we must reopen. he does not get into the nuance, the complexity, the months-long challenge and then the manpower, the coordination, all of the things necessary to pull this off. >> it's the problem with us not having a national strategy set by the white house. you allude to the contact tracing, which has been made readily apparent its importance. you know, the center for health security at the johns hopkins school of public health released those guidelines last week that had recommended 100,000 people might be needed in the public health service to be able to do the level of contact tracing
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that's necessary. and i think that served as a primer for the conversation that we're having now. you know, mr. bloomberg is a part of that school and his idea of funding it i think is very important. we're not going to be able to get the majority of the country back open in any safe way without expanding testing, and in particular, contact tracing. and notably, amongst the lack of planning from the white house, even their guidelines and their gateways to reopen the country leave out contact tracing as a requirement for states. and what we're seeing from some of the southern states and, gosh, in particular, the mayor of las vegas in her words, i find it frightening. i mean, medically, it's maddening to see this sort of counterproductive movement towards opening the country up without truly considering the medical problems that may come from that. so i'm wondering who's advising them from a medical standpoint, or are telethe just not taking
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that advice from physicians and epidemiologists? >> it is a fascinating question because we're at a crossroads moment. like it or not, with your mayor, your governor, you are starting to see this in pockets of the country. but we will track it and see if they can pull this off successfully or whether there are major setbacks. dr. phillips, dr. gupta, dana bash, thank you. it's a competition. governor cuomo taking a lead role in the go slow debate as the president and others are in the go debate. we will watch this play out. up next for us, twitter diplomacy. president trump tweets he will soon sign a new immigration executive order, after announcing that plan earlier also in a tweet. we'll look at what's inside in a minute. evere plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin ♪ yeah that's all me. ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ nothing is everything.
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his aides offguard and led to quite the policy scramble. cnn's kaitlan collins live for us at the white house. so the president tweets and his aides say, "uh-oh," and get to work. >> reporter: yeah, this is a pattern we've seen throughout the trump presidency, but it did happen just again strikingly in the last few days, because this has been something that the president and his aides started discussing last week that he wanted to go after this broader immigration band, but it was still very much in the works when the president announced it in that late-night tweet on monday. and basically, what we've gathered since then is that it sent people who were working on this scrambling. so the legal team was going over this yesterday, basically looking at what legal authority the president can use to do this, because while he does have broad immigration power, the questions are, what can he use at the time of this pandemic as he's tried that time and time again. and even the scope has changed where the president was now clarifying yesterday at that briefing that it was only going to go after people seeking permanent residency, not those with temporary visas, which was
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a cause of concern. but also the scope of it and how long it was going to last. initially, they had been talking about having this go in place for 90 days. the president said yesterday he was settling on 60, but we're really waiting to see what the final text of this executive order that we're expecting to get today is going to look like, because you really don't know until the president has signed it and you've seen the final copy. >> until the president has signed it and seen the final copy and until the lawyers tell the president, sir, you can't do that. kaitlan collins at the white house. appreciate it very much. we'll see the fine print later today. coming up, big new questions today about the drug the president repeatedly promoted as a coronavirus game changer. because being healthy...
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red flags now for the malaria drug president trump has repeatedly touted to treat the coronavirus. a new study linking that drug, hydroxychloroquine, to a higher death rate among patients. the drug has been approved for coronavirus in limited cases. medical professionals have repeatedly urged caution, saying let's wait for more studies, more data, but the president and his allies at fox news aren't known for patience or for caution. >> the fda also gave emergency authorization for hydroxychloroquine. we're having some very good things happening with it.
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it's shown very encouraging, very, very encouraging early results. >> this drug that you and i have talked about, hydroxychloroquine, talked about it with dr. grace. it's already being used. and one patient was described as lazarus, getting up after he was like on death's door, and they started getting a protocol of hydroxychloroquine at lenox hill, and it suddenly, like lazarus up from the grave. i mean, that's an actual case. >> watching people in the media talk down a potentially life-saving medicine because a politician they don't like has endorsed it is probably the most shameful thing i as someone who's done this for 20 years have ever seen. >> hydroxychloroquine is a very safe drug. it has been given to tens of millions of individuals in the world since its approval. >> we have purchased and we have stockpiled 29 million pills of the hydroxychloroquine. 29 million. a lot of drugstores have them by
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prescription. and also, and they're not expensive, also we're sending them to various labs, our military. we're sending them to the hospitals. we're sending them all over. >> in their protocols, doctors have protocols for doing certain things, they don't even mention complications from hydroxychloroquine because they're so uncommon. >> on the web page, the fda is offering a generic guidance to manufacturers on how to produce hydroxychloroquine. >> so, the hydroxychloroquine is something that i have been pushing very hard. i got the very early approval from the fda. if things don't go as planned, it's not going to kill anybody. it will be wonderful. it will be so beautiful. it will be a gift from heaven, if it works. if some other person put it forward, they'd say, oh, let's go with it, you know, what do you have to lose? >> there's a lot of stuff
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flowing about about the hydroxychloroquine -- >> very good. >> and the media seems to be almost rooting for it not to work. >> things are happening. i haven't seen bad. i have not seen bad. one thing that we do see is that people are not going to die from it. so, if somebody's in trouble, you take it, i think. i would. >> and it's being used worldwide. >> this study done by reputable center, double-eye blind randomized trial showed an improvement in outcomes in patients that took the hydroxychloroquine. it's not a panacea, but you have to respect data. >> in my open, i put in a sound of the woman who was a democrat from detroit, a michigan representative who said, you know, thank god for donald trump even mentioning this. once i got on the hydroxychloroquine -- the hydroxy, i was fine. >> well, your open was spot on. >> is there something else -- >> it's politicized. no. come on. it's like never trumpers. it's like, oh, if he's for it, we've got to be against it.
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>> i've seen things that i sort of like. so, what do i know? i'm not a doctor. i'm not a doctor. but i have common sense. >> joining me now to discuss, cnn chief media correspondent brian stelter and cardiologist dr. jonathan rider. doctor, i want to start with you and about this study. now, this is one study, and if my understanding is right, it has not been peer reviewed, but if nothing else, it should tell us, we should not try to play doctor on tv, whether we're the president of the united states or we work at another network, that we should wait and study data. bhas your takeaway from what you have seen? >> well, the problem is that we don't have randomized clinical trial data. this country has a long history of approving drugs only when the data that comes from trials which are designed in very careful ways to provide reliable information show that there is substantial evidence of both safety and efficacy. and we don't have it for this drug.
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look, i desperately want this drug to work. it would be fabulous. and the president, obviously, is interested in a quick fix here. but medicine doesn't lend itself to quick fixes. we rely on data. and data where we randomize people to either receive a placebo or the active drug, and we don't have that. the va study's a small study. it does suggest harm in one of the hydroxychloroquine arms, and really, no evidence of benefit, but it's not randomized. it only had men. relatively older age group. so it's not a great study. but none of the studies are great. so we really have no significant data set that really shows us whether this drug is effective. and quite a bit of circumstantial data that points in the opposite direction. >> points in the opposite direction. and brian stelter, that's the point about the responsibility of our business and the president, but we can only speak for our business. i don't speak for him in that. as the doctor notes, we need more data, we need more evidence. but in anxious times, people do
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sometimes look to people they trust for guidance, and we know there was a run on this drug. >> yes, and the millions of americans who use this drug for approved purposes, including my wife, people who have autoimmune issues and need this drug became worried they wouldn't be able to get it because of the drug pushing that was happening on fox news and from the white house podium. you know, the president yesterday was asked about this new study, and he said he hadn't seen the report. and that may be because fox news is barely talking about it because it doesn't fit the narrative that was being promoted in late march and early april. but recently, fox has moved on. they've stopped talking about this drug and the hope that it could be beneficial. they have moved on to other quick fixes and other pro-trump narratives. you know, this network, these stars, they think they're helping the president, but they're actually hurting him when they push these narratives. and ultimately, they're misleading their viewers, and that's why it is so troubling. why would we ever think a fox news star or any president
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should be promoting a drug? it's outlandish. >> it is outlandish. to be fair, though, dr. reiner, the governor of new york, andrew cuomo, a democrat, did say let's give this a try. the federal government sent him an inventory of hydroxychloroquine, and new york did a limited study, and then they had sent the results now of some patients, like compassionate care i think, if a doctor is having trouble with a patient, you ask the patient, nothing else is working, do you want to try this? and it's up to the patient to do this. and they have sent data to the fda now and the cdc. because that was taxpayer funded, eventually we have to see that, right? >> yeah, and we will see it. there are several really good clinical trials that will answer the question, and probably pretty quickly. but there are all kinds of ways to use the drug. do you use it early on in the disease? do you wait until people get sick? do you use it in young people or old people? which patients can't you use it in? so, these are answers that we have to have. and we'll have them eventually, but we need the data before we
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recommend the use of this drug widely. >> we'll have them eventually, but stick with the medical part for a second. doctor, so, in a situation like this, a lot of things are being tested. how long? it takes months, correct, to know? >> yeah, absolutely. look, i have a colleague who spoke to me from new york last week, and he told me about a patient who was sick, actually another physician who was treated with hydroxychloroquine as well as rim disveer and convalescent plasma and the patient pulled through, which is fabulous, but how do you know which agents were responsible? the only way to know that is to trial them, and we have to do that. this virus is going to come back, and we want to be armed with weapons that we know work. now is the time to get that data. >> now is the time to get that data. to your point, did the patients just recover? did the drugs help them? was it one or the other? brian, as we know, in the
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president's case, sometimes he says things and fox picks up the ball, but often it's fox says things and then the president picks up the ball. >> yeah, that's absolutely right. we've seen that several times during this coronavirus crisis. the idea about the cure being worse than the disease, we need to reopen right away. these are narratives that have mostly started in right-wing media and then made their way to the president. and he was certainly influenced by all of the talk about this drug on fox news as well. but like i said, they then move on to different narratives on different days, just trying to keep the audience's attention for one more day, i suppose. what would be more responsible is for fox news stars and for the president and other media allies to emphasize what our doctor here is saying -- this is going to take time. we all have to be patient, no matter how hard that is. >> i hope as quickly as they can they release the data that new york sent them. it's a bigger group. we'll see if we get that. dr. reiner, brian stelter, appreciate your insights. moving to the international focus now on coronavirus, the uk today kicking off its attempt at digital democracy.
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take a peek. the first virtual parliament session. only 50 members of the house of commons allowed in the chamber because of social distancing rules. up to 120 mps can take part in the debate. you see them there using the zoom app in monitors in the chamber. our international correspondents now with more on some of today's big global developments. >> reporter: here in london, the government is coming under fire for its mishandling of the coronavirus crisis, and particularly the lack of ppe for health care workers and the failure to significantly boost the amount of testing being done daily. foreign secretary dominic raab, who is currently deputizing for prime minister boris johnson, faced some tough questions today. he said that the government will meet its target of testing 100,000 people every day by the end of the month. currently, though, as of tuesday, fewer than 20,000 people were being tested per
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day. in the meantime, tomorrow, human trials begin on a vaccine that is being developed by oxford university against the coronavirus. also, across the globe, more than 70 other vaccines currently under development. clarissa ward, cnn, london. >> reporter: here in tokyo, eight infants have tested positive for novel coronavirus, all of them orphans being cared for by a nurse who also tested positive. there was a group of 29 infants that this nurse was looking after. and the hospital tells cnn in a statement that 21 of those infants did test negative. the other eight are positive and they're in good condition right now, but they are being monitored for covid-19 symptoms. meantime, the number of cases continues to climb here in japan. it has now exceeded 12,000 nationwide. that is counting passengers from the "diamond princess" cruise ship. despite increasingly dire warnings from the government that hundreds of thousands of
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people could die without social distancing measures, some people are ignoring the state of emergency nationwide, still packing public transportation, even going to gambling parlors or the beach, despite warnings that if they don't change their behavior, a lot of people could end up in the hospitals that are already being pushed to the brink. will ripley, cnn, tokyo. here in mexico, president lopez obrador has chastised drug gangs in the country, saying they should stop handing out aid packages and instead should stop their criminal activity. there have been reports for weeks now seemingly confirmed by the president that drug gang members in states like hal senk nk co andsen loa are handing out care packages to citizens filled with food to cleaning supplies. but the president, who has taken a less combative approach during his tenure against drug cartels said, "these criminal organizations that have been seen distributing the packages, this isn't helpful.
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what helps is them stopping their bad deeds. but what is clear is that ordinary citizens in mexico are going to need help during this pandemic, as mexico's already struggling economy is expected to take a major hit during this outbreak. matt rivers, cnn, mexico city. >> reporter: here in germany, european automakers are once again ramping up their production. now volkswagen, which is europe's largest automaker, is leading the charge. the plant here in kassel is one of the ones that are being ramped up just this week alone. now, the workers who come here have to work under extremely strict health and hygiene regulations to make sure that the coronavirus does not spread here. germany says that it managed to get the pandemic under control through very early and very extensive testing. and over the past couple of days, the number of new infections in this country has remained fairly low. however, chancellor angela merkel has warned people to adhere to the physical distancing measures or risk a spike in new cases.
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fred pleitgen, cnn, kassel, germany. coming up for us, a warning from the fbi to police around the country -- be on the lookout for coronavirus hate crimes. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. align, press and unzip. tide pods. keep them up. keep them closed. keep them safe. and let me tell you something, rodeo... i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. it's just a loan designed for older homeowners, and,
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sent to law enforcement agencies around the country warning the coronavirus pandemic could lead to hate crimes against minorities, and there's evidence this is already happening. researchers at the network contagion research institute say there has been a surge in xenophobic or anti-chinese sentiments, especially online. cnn security responsibility josh gambale has been reporting for us. what exactly does fbi director christopher ray outline in this memo and what are police departments around the country supposed to do with this information? >> reporter: hi, john. well, as public officials focus on stopping the spread of the deadly coronavirus, law enforcement officers are focusing on stopping the spread of hate. in this letter that was sent to political officials around the country, the fbi director laying out a number of priorities for his agency, including cybercrime and fraud schemes, but also focusing on an issue that has targeted asian americans in the united states, and that is a rise in abusive rhetoric associated with the coronavirus pandemic. the fbi director writing in this letter that he remains concerned
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about the potential for hate crimes by individuals and groups targeting minority populations in the united states who they believe are responsible for the spread of the virus. now, this comes as we've seen in the recent weeks a number of incidents where asian americans were targeted by, let's not mince words, suspected racists in new york city. four people were charged after assaulting a woman on a bus. it's alleged that they made anti-asian statements towards her, blamed her for the spread of the pandemic, and assaulted her, hitting her on the head. that injury requiring stitches. here in los angeles, a woman was berated on a subway by a man who singled her out, allegedly because she appears asian. he indicated that the spread started in china, that all diseases start in china. and his words to this woman, saying the chinese people are disgusting, just truly despicable incidents that are occurring across the country, john. and as you mentioned, this comes as outside experts are looking at the rise in online hate speech and rhetoric targeting asian americans as well. one institute writing that one
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conspiracy theory that has been gaining steam on online forums is the notion that the pandemic, the coronavirus, was a bioweapon created by the chinese government and then spread by chinese people. for law enforcement, john, for public outside experts as well looking at this issue, this remains a critical concern. in their words, they're concerned that these conspiracy theories are now becoming mainstream. >> josh campbell, appreciate that. crisis bring out the best, and in some of us, bring out the worst. josh campbell, appreciate that reporting for us from california. checking a couple other top stories today. in the first of its kind lawsuit, the state of missouri suing china for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. the suit is filed by missouri's republican attorney general. it says chinese officials did not do enough to stop the spread of the virus, despite having knowledge of its disastrous consequences. the state is asking for civil penalties, restitution, punitive damages and more. china, of course, is protected by sovereign immunity, so it's not clear if this lawsuit will have any standing or impact. the most vulnerable and
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honorable population is being hard hit by this coronavirus pandemic. now a massachusetts veterans home under investigation after 16 residents died from the virus in just the last few days. the total number of soldier deaths in just that home now at 63. and in a neighboring soldier home and long-term facility, an additional 16 veterans dying from the coronavirus. according to state officials, between the two homes, there are also 133 staff members who have tested positive. and amid some sustained tensions with iran, president trump announcing on twitter -- we don't know if this is an official order -- the president instructing the u.s. navy to, quote, shoot down and destroy any and all iranian gun boats that harass u.s. ships. you may remember last week the navy released this video. it says it's an iranian boat conducting harassing, dangerous approaches against u.s. vessels. again, it's unclear if the president's tweet is an official standing order and whether the u.s. central command would fire upon an iranian vote.
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cnn has reached out to the pentagon and white house for more context and information. circle may 1st on your political calendar. by that date, the democratic presidential candidate, joe biden, says he expects to announce the formation of his vice presidential selection panel. biden adds, it is his, quote, guess that the field will be narrowed by some time in july. biden has previously promised his vice presidential choice will be a woman. a number of women likely to be considered, including minnesota senator amy klobuchar, massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, california senator kamala harris as well. big news in the sports world we will close with. the staff making me do this one because it's painful to me. former new england patriots tight end rob gronkowski is coming out of retirement to play for the tampa bay buccaneers. the move will reunite the three-time super bowl winner with quarterback tom brady, who also left the patriots to sign with the bucs after playing 20 seasons in new england. gronkowski last played in the nfl during the 2018 season. staff every now and then gets to
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cause me pain. good luck to the gronk. good luck to the g.o.a.t. in tampa. we wish you the best. thanks for joining us today. anderson cooper picks up our coverage right now. have a good afternoon and stay safe. i'm anderson cooper. thanks for joining me for this special coverage of the global coronavirus pandemic. at a time when the nation needs clarity from its leaders, arguably more than ever before, with more than 37,000 new cases and more than 2,700 deaths just reported in a single day, there is new confusion and contradiction coming from the white house. the president is announcing his cdc director will be putting out a new statement after he warned of a potential second wave of the pandemic to the "washington post." dr. robert redfield said, quote, there's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through. we're going to have the flu epidemic
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