tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 24, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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good evening, again, chris cuomo is off tonight, topping this hour, shortest coronavirus briefing on record, president taking no questions, top science advisers not even there. source close to the white house saying the president is upset about flak about his comments killing the virus inside the body. >> supposing we hit the body with tremendous ultravirus or very powerful light. and i think you said that has an objective, you're going to test it. supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do through the skin or some other way and think you said you're going to test that too, it's very interesting. >> we'll get to people who could. >> and then disinfectant, knocks it out in a minute, is there a
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way to do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and does a tremendous number on the lungs so will be interesting to check that. that you'll have to use medical doctors but it sounds interesting to me. >> as you might imagine the president talking about people being injected with disinfectants prompted the makers of lysol to warn against it and just about every doctor and scientist as well. more than 100 people called into maryland hotline asking about that. this morning the white house saying the president was taken out of context, not true. when asked about it, lied directly to the american people >> i was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen, and asking the gentlemen there, bill, saying when
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something would last three hours but sun out or use disinfectant would go away in minutes, asking very sarcastic question to reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. >> he wasn't talking to reporters, and he wasn't being sarcastic. tonight he took no questions. kaitlan collins, dr. sanjay gupta, and former democratic governor of kansas from the bottom administration. secretary seb illious, the country in health crisis, president suggesting that people be injected with disinfect and lies about it. how dangerous is all this? >> i think it's incredible dangerous. you ended the last segment with a heartbreaking story about a young widow and her two children and beloved husband who just
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died. we ended week with 60,000 deaths, doubled in last ten days and president from the podium is pitching americans to take specific medication that is not proven effective and may indeed cause them harm and now is talking about lighting inside their body, ultraviolet light and maybe injecting people with disinfectant, which is again, dangerous, could kill them. i think it is incredibly harmful and must be shocking to any of the health advisers who try to make some sense out of what's coming out of his mouth. >> kaitlin you were in the briefing room with no questions. vice president didn't take them, dr. birx and dr. fauci not there.
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what are you hearing about this? >> reporter: thinking to one of the first briefings the president came to. was just the vice president and scientists at beginning. he was just so joyous going back and forth with the press, long briefing. rare appearance in the briefing room, i think first time he had taken questions in the briefing room. notable to see how far it's changed from that day to today. took no questions. fda commissioner took only one. and what we've been hearing from aides and allies of the president they don't think he needs to be doing marathon briefings every day, he's obviously exhausted dealing with coronavirus and having meetings every day but also don't think they're helpful to the president. primetime hours, talks about ratings, ad libs from the
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remarks they have prepared for him and people around the president don't think they're helpful to him. could point to yesterday as highlight of the point they're trying to make. of course it's ultimately the president's call whether to come to the briefing. ultimately decides even when they're not scheduled, had one a few weeks ago. >> to help the president but can't help himself, to muse allowed on thoughts about medical issues which he's not qualified to talk about as if they're real suggestions. sanjay, the medical community rejected the ludicrous, dangerous suggestions of injecting disinfectants, cdc put out a statement, lysol had to put out a warning. i still find this unbelievable the greatest country in the world is facing this situation and this is what is being
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discussed from the upper echelons of our government. >> at a time it's critically important for scientists to focus on really important things. there's a little solace in the fact i think the scientific community for the most part spoke with one voice in response to this. not just in public but private sphere. heard a lot of people coming forth and making sure that people understood and that people would be kept safe from this. i find it concerning, as you and i have talked about anderson, great, renowned scientists -- we have some of the greatest scientists in the world in this country and some working on the task force. great leaders in hiv/aids, anthony fauci for 40 years running things and renowned
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scientists. i worry they're not speaking as forcefully as they probably should but take solace in the fact they're in the job and want to stay there, this is really important right now. six significant vaccine trials are happening, one we just reported on. many therapeutic trials, not shown results yet but one could be a way out of this mess. we need these scientists in these jobs. hopefully didn't get too sidetracked by this. hopefully the people working in the labs just kept on the work they have to do but it is a huge distraction. number of texts i got from sources today about this issue, i'm asking about medications and whether m-rna is good vaccine candidate or not and we're talking about lysol. maybe we should stop talking about it as well. it's of no use to the american
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public. >> of course the president will talk more about it, stew about it tonight, formulate a new lie and go after it tomorrow. secretary sebelius, in a normal time, shouldn't scientists be able to speak directly to the american people, not filtered through the lens of the white house or vice president's office? shouldn't it be cdc briefings and hhs briefings and directly scientific information and questions asked and answered? >> it would be really helpful if we would have anthony fauci, dr. debbie birx, both of whom are excellent and have incredible reputations, and then whether it's dr. redfield or anchucken, somebody from the cdc should be by their side every day, epidemiologists, who we should be hearing from. periodically you want a government leader to talk about
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logistics, give clear guidance, national guidance on issues like stay-at-home rules and what help can be coming from the federal government. but you want the medical advice to come from scientists, you want people like sanjay gupta talking about medicine, not hearing from the head of lysol. i find it just so troubling. and i really don't -- you know, the president again has touted the fact his uncle was a doctor. my uncle was a doctor. that doesn't make me well equipped to give medical advice, i would never do that. what he's doing is incredibly i dangerous because he's promoting drugs and now potential cures of some kind, which can be very, very harmful to people, and just saying talk to a doctor but i have great ideas, let's follow
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this. as dr. gupta just said, notion that scientists could be misdirected into some errand to follow whatever the president woke up in the morning thinking about is also troubling. 24/7 we need people to be focused on finding a medication and certainly finding a vaccine. those two things will take all the time and energy that we have. >> yeah. kaitlin, play something that dr. birx said on fox news today about the comments from the president. >> when he gets new information, he likes to talk that through out loud and really have that dialogue. that's what dialogue he was having. i think he just saw the information at the time, immediately before the press conference, and he was still digesting that information. >> i mean, yeah. the president is putting the white house task force, public
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health officials, in incredibly difficult positions. she's trying to put best face on it. not sure that's a great explanation, happened to r random randomly hear this and speak about the world. >> reporter: aides have put together carefully prepared remarks and when the president goes offscript moments like this happen. this whole week we've even the president put doctors and scientists into these positions, dr. birx was trying to explain that, that was taped before the president made his comment it was sarcastic to reporters. dr. birx saying he was just digesting that information. multiple times this week, dr. fauci, president disagreed whether or not u.s. had proper amount of testing. contradicted each other about
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coronavirus coming back this fall. cdc director coming out to correct his quote was in the "washington post." he picks them to come out there and ends up with dr. birx trying to explain that comment in an interview. >> i'm glad you mentioned it was before the president then went out and lied about it being sarcastic. it's another example how all those around the president skewer and debase themselves coming up with cover stories for the president not coordinated. kayleigh mcenany said it was taken out of context with media. dr. birx says he was digesting the information and he says no, sarcastic, talking to reporters. everybody comes out with mud on their face trying to cover for the president. sad that our scientists are put
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in this position to try to do this. end on a completely unrelated mildly happy note, nicest thing to happen to me today besides talking to you all and that amazing mom who just lost her husband, sanjay your daughter made me a mask, best i've ever seen. a little -- like cowboys on it. reminds me of pajamas i had from the 1970s and makes me so happy. want to thank you and your daughter for making it. i've gotten two requests from very famous people who are friends of mine who saw that picture and immediately are asking if she can make them masks as well. i'll send you email about it. thank her. if she's watching, thank you. >> she is watching. she'll get to work, anderson, she's a huge fan of yours, what you just did will make her day.
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thank you for that. >> thank you sanjay, secretary sebelius and kaitlan collins as well. president went out of his way to offer this ridiculous medical advice, don't want to spend much time on this, there's more important things to talk about. as governor of a state, do you worry about people in your state hearing this, thinking in desperate situation let's try this? >> i worry about people taking him literally and how dangerous that is. but struck by last segment. they met in danbury, connecticut, a frontline worker and put himself at risk even though he had a kid at home in some risk as well. they are essential workers. i think every day about essential workers, no
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correlation how much you're paid and how essential you are, that's what that story reminds me of. talking about president bleach, i'm not there right now. >> governor lamont we're going to take a break to get your shot up and see you and continue this conversation. be right back. you know, new customers save over $1,000 on average when they bundle home and auto with progressive. wow, that's... and now the progressive commercial halftime show, featuring smash mouth. ♪ hey now, you're an all star ♪ get your game on, go play thank you! goodnight! [ cheers and applause ] now enjoy the second half of the commercial!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> captain crozier! >> acting navy secretary at the time, who tired him, was subsequently fired himself, now the chief is recommending to mark esper that his command be reinstated. secretary esper is not immediately set to recommend so. secretary of the navy in the obama administration, you were critical of the navy's decision to fire captain crozier. what do you make of their recommendation and what do you think secretary esper's calculus is on this? >> this is what should have happened in the first place, do investigation and find the facts. i said last time it's inconceivable that somebody like captain crozier, first thing he
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would have done is send out memo like this. specs that came out says he didn't. went through chain of command and only a last desperate act that he did. he was proven correct. 856 sailors have tested positive, lost one sailor chief that died. and what this shows is the danger of putting politics into what ought to be a purely military decision. acting secretary said he fired captain crozier because he quote wanted to get out ahead of the president and didn't want to get crossways with trump. and i hope that what secretary esper is doing is reading that report and deferring to the navy leadership, cno, to the chain of command in the navy. what i think would be incredibly dangerous is if he's checking with the white house to see if
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this is okay to once more put a political spin or political element into something that ought to be purely, totally, absolutely military decision. >> when you hear 856 sailors aboard the "roosevelt" testing positive and one chief dying, captain crozier himself in quarantine testing positive, certainly sounds like the alarm was warranted. also gives you a sense of the danger to our military personnel of this virus. beyond just the personal danger to each individual sailor, the main thing, also just from national security standpoint, there's concerns about that. >> it's a tremendous national security risk in so many ways but to our military and our navy in particular because these ships, you cannot isolate people on a navy ship, you cannot have
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social distancing, there literally, we've talked about before, they're on top of each other, sleeping in bunks three high, eating together every day, passageways and all compartments very small. you're beginning to see -- there are three more carriers that have announced that sailors have tested positive, "uss kidd" a destroyer has somewhere in mid-teens, people that have tested positive. this is going to seriously weaken our navy if a lot of proactive steps aren't taken. if we don't proactively bring ships in, test people, clean the ships, we're going to have dip in readiness when that happens, won't be as ready, but will be much more ready in a very short term than if we keep doing this
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piecemeal stuff. then we're going to have issues whether the navy, entire military, can do their jobs long into the future. >> and again it highlights the need for more testing, which in a -- and a national strategy for testing. if it becomes a national security issue, if a ship can't even come into port to have testing on board the ship and be able to figure out who is positive, who is not, who is asymptomatic, who has antibodies to try to get a handle on it before it becomes something you do need to bring the ship back in for. >> i think that's absolutely right. i understand a navy medical unit flew out to the "kidd" to do exactly that. you can't wait until the virus is spreading throughout the crew, you've got to have these tests and navy is microcosm of
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what's happening in the country. can't do it piecemeal but service wide or military wide or you're going to have real national security issues with the military not able to do all the things expected. >> thank you. >> thank you, anderson. we think we have the problem solved so talk to governor lamont of connecticut when we come back. ♪
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well, i wouldn't have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn't have to... and, we're going to need some help with the rest. you've worked so hard to achieve so much. perhaps it's time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. we've reconnected with connecticut's governor ned lamont, joining us by phone. right before we had technical problems, you were talking about katie coelho, who lost her program unexpectedly, intubated, thought he was going to get off, she has two kids, he was a state employee in connecticut? >> he was.
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i think my iphone was broken up hearing that story. jonathan worked for the state over ten years, frontline first responder taking care of folks. everybody knocks state employees but then you remember these guys are on the front lines taking care of people, putting themselves at some risk. heartbreaking hearing that story. >> and reminder, for all of the talk about reopening, incredibly important to get the economy back, there are people dying. this was two days ago, more than 400 people died in new york last 24 hours, this is still early in all of this. >> we're still early in all of this, anderson. and i had the governor's residence at hartford, protesters circling around, beeping horns, liberate connecticut, give me liberty or
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give me death, wish they knew the story of jonathan, went to icu units to be reminded what the disease is doing. as governor i feel it every day, responsibility to keep every future jonathan safe. >> in terms of testing, we were talking about navy ships and need for testing there. in terms of connecticut, testing, contact tracing, where are you with that? what do you -- where do you hope to be with that? you know, down the road. >> we're going to ramp up testing big-time, double the amount of testing in the next week or two. great relationship with cvs, head of quest diagnostics grew up in turnbull. thez big companies have access to the swabs and reagents that we knees. that need. that's going to allow us to ramp
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up, as soon as i can do testing, see how severe it is, sooner i can get people back to work safely. >> i'm sure you have folks thinking about that, trying to figure out when that may be, is it -- do you have a calendar date in mind? a goal? >> i've told people of connecticut may 20th we'll be able to give you a road map how we slowly get back to normalcy. between now and then i'm going to have a lot more protective gear, masks and lot more testing so we know what the nature of the pandemic is. at that point we can build on what type of small businesses, retail businesses we might be able to reopen. probably with a mask, maybe with a fever test, make sure we move forward cautiously. >> you were on a task force call today with vice president pence. can you say what was being discussed? how you left that call feeling? >> yeah, i'd say the task
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force -- whatever rhetoric you hear from the oval office, the task force is constructive. dr. birx, dr. fauci, a lot of governors compare notes in terms of tracing, what type of testing is going on. obviously from frustration from the governors in yet another supplemental there was maybe money for airlines but not frontline workers, state employees in state and local government. our revenues have been devastated, income and sales tax. point was made clear you have to remember state government or we'll never get the economy back on track. >> talk about double testing, that requires money. is that something you need from the federal government? >> well, you know the last supplemental, $350 billion for the states, allows us to reimburse for covid related
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expenses just like testing. i think we're in pretty good shape there. but what worries me deficit related to income tax and sales tax revenues eviscerated in last 90 days. >> so many frontline workers, not just hospitals but grocery stores in connecticut -- the grocery score i go to in connecticut, they've instituted social distancing, regulating how many people are in the store at one time. but talked to other grocery store workers from other places weren't even given hand sanitizer until a couple of weeks ago. just found that startling. do you feel there's enough in the businesses that are open, do they have access to what they need in terms of personal protective equipment? >> i think increasingly they really do. we've mandated that you've got
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to wear a mask. if you're employee in the grocery store, wear a mask, customer going in, wear a mask. we're getting a supply of masks, your employers are obligated to get a mask. if you can't get either, wear a scarf. i think that's going to keep us safer and tamp down this virus. >> governor ned lamont, appreciate your efforts. >> thanks anderson. >> we were talking to katie coelho, who lost her husband, has child with medical issues. relief. it's on the screen and we'll tweet it from the show account. appreciate anything you can do for them. i'll be donating as well.
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governor lamont, thank you very much. more ahead. we'll be right back. hey mama, what's up? i'm confused. confused about what, everything ok? yeah, i only see one price on my phone bill. that doesn't sound confusing mama. you're on t-mobile, taxes and fees are included. oh come on, there's always extra fees! not on t-mobile mama. why can't all my bills be like this? i don't know mama. bye mama, love you. anthony? umph! with t-mobile, taxes and fees are included. that's right. no extra taxes & fees, so what you see is what you pay.
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my friend andy cohen was diagnosed with coronavirus, he's now recovered, feeling pretty much fine. last night however he spoke about what happened next when he tried to help because he had emerged with a clean bill of health. >> i signed up to arefor a progr covid-19 survivors where you could donate plasma, rich in antibodies, to those infected by the virus. told due to antiquated guidelines by fda to prevent hiv i'm ineligible to donate blood as a gay man. >> any gay man who has had sex with another man in past three months be not allowed to donate
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blood. andy joins me now. what exactly happened here? >> i recovered from coronavirus, and read in the paper and all over the place in new york city that mt. sinai hospital put out an urgent call for donors who had survived coronavirus. they were looking for plasma for antibody trials. they were using it from people who recovered from coronavirus to treat people who had coronavirus and to study it. from what i gathered. >> and obviously numbers of people who have the antibodies is relatively small so eager to get as many people as possible to donate plasma to help others. >> exactly. they put out call in early april. i immediately responded. took a bit for them to get pack to me, then when they did, they were going through a questionnaire for me, and i said
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to them -- they said you sound like a perfect candidate. i said listen, i'm a gay man, i know some of the rules have been relaxed because i know that gay men can't typically give blood, i tried to donate blood before. and they said, you actually can't be a part of this. the new rules are relaxed so if you have abstained from sex over the last three months, any kind of sexual conduct, you can give blood. >> right. used to be -- before you couldn't do it at all, had to abstain for a year from having sex. now because of covid and need, urgent need, they say three months. you're not able to give your very valuable blood that has antibodies because of this. >> exactly. and i understand the concerns about gay men being higher risk
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for carrying hiv but there are hiv tests that can be administrated in 20 minutes. so i could go, take hiv test, could tell me in 20 minutes, then retest your blood, from what i understand, another hiv test of your blood. >> blood supply is tested for hiv. this is ane antiquated law that is just -- they're not stopping people who are heterosexual from giving blood if they've had sex within three months. >> could be sexually promiscuous heterosexuals who had plenty of sex last three months, can go in no questions asked and give blood. my feeling is we've been asked to change our way of life because we're at war with this virus, and we've been able to adapt to a whole lot of things
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we weren't used to two months ago, wearing masks, quarantined. it's time for fda to look at this antiquated rule and say this is ridiculous. i think that the plasma in my body can absolutely help someone or possibly cure someone. >> also, frankly these laws were made at a time there was huge fear about hiv/aids and huge stigma against gay people just as this was time when gay people were hiv positive and not allowed to come into the united states. which was a law on the books until a couple of years ago. by the way, just in general, how you doing? in terms of coronavirus, any lingering feelings? >> great. you know, something that lingers, felt great all week, woke up this morning with tightness here in my chest which
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i know i've complained to you about before. and it went away and it's back. i'm great, and you know, i'm grateful that this worked its way through my body and that i'm past it. i'm just looking to see who is going to play the mayor of las vegas on "snl" this weekend. any bets? >> you think she should -- she's a character worthy of that? >> oh, yes. i would hope that kate mckinnon is brushing up on her las vegas mayor routine right now. >> andy cohen, appreciate it. thank you. >> thanks. coming up, something we hope is going to make you smile at end of a very difficult week -- it's a surprise. we'll be right back. ♪
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brought me great joy over the last several weeks is discovering an instagram account of an actor who i've always admired, i've always thought was very funny. he's known for his economic supporter roles for shows like "will & grace." leslie jordan's instagram, i don't know, i think he has 2 million followers suddenly and he's an instagram store. here is some of the reason why. here are some of his postings. >> so, it has come to this. ironing to pass the time and watching a murder program on television. honey, she killed him. and then she fed him to the tigers. i'm talking to my friends, mama! quit bothering me! how much more of this can i take? are y'all watching netflix? honey, i conquered netflix. i've watched them all.
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i watched the one about the tigers. i watched the one about the boy who tortured kittens. i watched the one about the nun that got killed in 1969. i watched the one about ivan the terrible. there is nothing left for me to watch. but i'm not about to turn on the news. they want to make you think it's like the end of the world. they don't know [ bleep ]. i will turn on anderson cooper. because people have said that we resemble. we both have white hair. >> leslie jordan joins us now. god bless you. i am so thrilled that you're here. you give me such joy. i'm so honored that people say we resemble. i can't tell you how many people come up to me and say, leslie, is that you? well, okay, i made that up, but, you know, you're making up stories all the time and you confess them on instagram.
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you made up a story that you've been telling apparently for years. you told linda thomas some story about a poor lady in your church who had a baby and you said the baby looked like, what was it, a big? >> a little bitty tiny baby big and she'd hold it out for everyone to look at. it had bows in its hair and little frilly socks. the story kept getting bigger. linda thomas wrote it in, and they hired deborah joe rupp to play the woman. i had to tell them the story and i thought to myself, i made that up. i made that up. that's kind of, like a lot of it is, you know, you just make little stories up. that's a very southern thing. >> oh, my god. my dad was from mississippi, and one time my mom called him up and was like, i've been trying to get through to you on the phone for hours. the line was busy. who were you talking to? oh, it was the wrong number. he would talk to anybody. this is before instagram.
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every time i hear you i think so many of my mississippi relatives. what do you think of your, like, your instagram fame? it's got to be, you know -- it's -- to know that you're giving such joy to so many people. >> it started, you know, i've had a long career in hollywood, and i thought, you know, well, i've gotten a lot of fans, but never like this. it's like 3.8 million followers. it's gotten just -- >> that's -- wow. >> out of control. and so now, you know, i just make stuff up off the cuff, you know? so i've never sat and thought and planned it out at all. but i'll get up, something will happen and i'll film it. but i think what's happening, which is fun, is that people have known me for years for all these characters, but i thought they knew me knew me. i'm just the funny guy that comes in with the zinger. all of a sudden at 65 years of age people are, like, meeting me and they really, really -- >> what is so great about it is
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it's so intimate. you start it out. you're in your bed just looking. i love the way you start out so many of your videos. you're like, what you doing? what y'all doing? it's like somebody calls you up, hey, you hunker downers, what you doing? it's so great. >> and i decided early on i'm not gonna try to make money at this. i'm just going to have a lot of fun. and then, you know, people started tiptoeing around offering things, and i thought, well, i've got to stick with what i said, so, you know -- >> do you? oh, come on. >> until we no longer have to hunker down and then i'm going to be the -- >> you can hunker down with, like, you know, some product and be like, hey, hunker downers, oh, look, it's my new sit and spin. i love sit and spin. >> i'm going to be the biggest whore in hollywood when this is all over. $100 a day. i'm going to sell out. but right now -- the original thing that i said. >> you've also been coming up with all these life hacks.
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i want to play a quick video you posted where you discovered something pretty amazing. take a look. >> sometimes i just stun myself with my original thinking. i should be an inventor or something. okay, so you got a bag of chips and you've got no clips. you know, so what on earth do you do? oh, well, let's take magnets off the refrigerator. job done. watch out, rachael ray. i'll take my 3 million followers. i'll start me a little home channel. >> and so you're, like, you live in l.a., but you're hunkering down in tennessee. how's your mom doing? >> she's doing really, really well. i hit the jackpot. for mom. she's the most beautiful woman in the world. she really is. >> if she -- if she is -- you must get a lot of it from her. she's got to be a character,
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too. >> well, you know, she really isn't. it's funny how she's just so normal and she was such a good mom. when i was young, i thought she was a fairy princess because she's blonde and bashful. people talk about fairy princesses. but my mother's very, you know, private. people have said to me, you know, why don't you drag your mother out. ooh, lord, no, she'd die. >> leslie, i got to go because i'm cutting into chris' show. i know chris is a huge fan of yours, too. wish you the best. reach out to you on instagram. thank you so much. you're welcome back here any time. >> thank you so much for having me. >> all right. you should follow leslie. it's awesome. news continues. chris cuomo is here. let's turn things over to him. chris, hey. >> after that interview, i asked him to come do the next two hours, leslie -- i mean coop. that is just what we needed right now, by the way. thank you for that gift.
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