tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 30, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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have a good afternoon. please stay safe. there's ground to cover and a herd to feed. >> thank yo so run with us on a john deere gator. . thank you, i am brooke baldw baldwin. because being linked to the land means the work never stops. i got breaking news at this hour. the cdc guidelines the white nothing runs like a deer. house is considering how schools and restaurants and churches moving forward. we'll have more on the potential big changes here in a moment and specifics. many changes you are experiencing right now as a majority of the states are in the process of reopening some businesses by the end of the week. plus, the white house's guidelines to keep gathering under 10 people are expiring. 24 states according to john's hopkins data are trending down. u.s. cases are now surpassing 1,046,000. that is means infection in america surpassed germany, u.k., france and spain combined.
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the number of people losing their lives from the virus is now above 61,000 and then there is this. another 3.8 american filed for unemployment benefits for the first time. all of this, no doubt weighting on health officials when dr. fauci says states that are reopening can't lead over things and trigger a rise in cases. dr. fauci says he's aiming to provide millions of doses of vaccine by january and the president says this moments ago. >> whatever the maximum is and whatever you can humanly do, we'll have and we hope we'll come up with a good vaccine. johnson and johnson and oxford and a lot of different great companies, representatives of our country in some ways and nih
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is working hard. i hope we'll have a vaccine and we are going to fast track it like you have never seen before if we come up with a vaccine. i think we probably will. moments ago the new york governor andrew cuomo is shutting down the subway over night. let's start there with shimon how you watch means tgit does too.r.tops. prokupe prokupe prokupecz, why now? this is xfinity x1, >> reporter: that's a very good featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. question brooke. access to your favorite apps, why now? because this has been going on including netflix, prime video, youtube and hulu. for several weeks, several weeks into this pandemic. all without changing passwords and inputs. the governor is saying starting the most 4k content on may 6th, between the hour of and movies and shows on any screen. 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., they'll the best entertainment experience all in one place. be closing the subways. the largest subway system in the xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. country, unprecedented metrovov xfinity. the future of awesome. the governor here, he's going to do that so they can do the subways and clean all different statio stations. one of the things we have been reporting on is a homeless
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problem within the subway. the subway system have been over run by homeless and a lot of unsan ti unsanitary conditions and transit workers complaining of dealing with unsanitary conditions so they're trying to find a way to deal with this. why is it being done now? this is a way to get the homeless off the subway so the governor is saying they're going to close the subways between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. starting on may 6th. one of the reasons they have been keeping the subway system open was for the front line this is just in, boris workers, nurses and doctors and grocery workers and delivery johns johnson, is facing harsh workers who we all rely on. what they're going to do is those front line workers who criticisms from the coronavirus need transportations, they'll pandemic. boris johnson justrecovered supply them with buses and uber and lifts so at least front line himself from covid-19 and he promised he'll reveal his plan workers are not interrupted. the governor came to a point now
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he knew they'll have to start to stop the virus. cleaning the subwaysubways. he's been talking about it for >> i will reveal our plan to get quite some time and this is one of the ways where we can start seeing them talk about reopening our economy back and how we get new york city and the subway is children back to school. a big component of that, brooke, and how we can travel to work as you know. >> shimon, thank you very much. and make life and workplace may 6th, 1:00 through 5:00 a.m. in the morning. safe. ensure how we can continue to subways are shut. >> look at the red in your suppress the disease and at the screen. same time restart the economy. 31 states will have start reopening some businesses by the end of this week. >> let's go straight to ten some like vermont, allowing curb downing with clarissa ward. side pick up. what has the response been to the prime minister there? georgia are allowing customers >> reporter: well, you know it in side. all are reopening from some kind is interesting, brooke, i think of social distancing in place. people really expected boris johnson to gate grilling from press because of several factors our ed lavandera is in dallas. and a lot of harsh criticisms that's been levelled at the u.k. what's the story there? >> reporter: politicians right
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now like to stand up there with government of his happenedndlin the microphones of reopening this crisis particularly when it comes to ppe and lack of equipment for healthcare workers their economy. small business owners left to and issues of testing. today is the last day of april. figure out how to make it this is the target that the government had set to be testing happen. here in texas where the stay-at-home order is being lifted tomorrow. restaurants and malls and 100,000 people a day. earlier this week they were businesses can begin to reopen, testing 30,000 people a day but movie theaters up to 25% the prime minister says today capacity. how does this play out? they were at capacity to test some 80,000 people a day which we are at a mexican restaurant is a significant improvement but still not hitting 100,000 a day at trinity grove. you may notice this x on the target. of course, the death toll which ground here. this is a patio usually have you mentioned at 26,000. this is one of the worst in more tables. europe. the owner julian is here, why the death toll basically spiked are you taking the chance of because before they were given reopening? >> it is really because we have death tolls based on people dying at hospitals and not people dying in care homes. family ies to support and not jt i think there was an expectation that the press was going to give my family but my employees' the prime minister a hard time families. some are trying to get their citizenship and that's not actually, they were conciliatory
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available to them and it is really to help them provide for than expected and he in turn was their family and keeping food on positive but would not be drawn their table as well as making on specifics about when the lockdown may be lifted and he those rent and mortgage payments so they're not without a home in the midst of a pandemic. said next week we'll find out more, brooke. >> okay, we'll tune in next >> reporter: you are trying to figure out how to make it work week. clarissa ward, good to see you as safely as possible. in london. back here at home what are the x's on the ground unemployment claims at a historically new high. for? the white house compares the number to a great depression and georgia as the state reopens >> help provide for my family and our staff families. despite warnings, teenagers will we want to make sure we are be allowed to get a driver's keeping everyone safe and we are license without taking a driving providing the best environment for them best possible. these x's where we expect our test. two tech giants facing off, elon staffs and servers stand to communicate within the tables and make sure they are given a musk and zuckerberg calling the good social distance to the guests and staffs. >> reporter: how does the food come out? >> what we decided is because lockdowns fascist. service will be talking to each and every table. 5 we have designated runners and buses delivering to the table with masks and gloves.
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every time they go to the table all rightyeah.'s do it. to bring food on the table the safest way. (laughing) >> reporter: how tough has this been with the guidance? >> it is kind of just at that point you got to do what's best for the customers that have been coming here and sporing us for almost four years that we have been here and employees that are trying to make a living and feeding their family on a day-to-day. that really has been the number one reason why we decided to do this. it is 25% revenue with only 100% of the cost. we are not going to make anything here. it is just for the staff to be able to keep providing for their families on a day-to-day. it only takes a second for >> reporter: good luck tomorrow, an everyday item to become dangerous. stay safe and healthy. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep you can see what many business your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. owners are grappling as they are align, press and unzip. trying to figure out the best way to opening up. tide pods. they're figuring it out on their keep them up. keep them closed. own. this is for only 25% of their keep them safe. if you have a garden you know, weeds are low down little scoundrels. regular business so many cases,
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draw the line with roundup. they're not making money in all of this which is the idea of the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely reopening up is very important here for economically for some and kill them right down to the root. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years. people. >> psychologically and economically for the rest of us. let's get a different perspective in las vegas with kyung lah. >> reporter: i am going to stop for one second, that silence is astonishing because everything here on the strip is closed down. and 24 hour relief from symptoms caused byn. if you have ever been to the over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. like those from buddy. because nothing should come between two best friends. feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. ba
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bila belagio, it is completely empty. some people are exercising and that's all we see. what this sounds like, it is silence to us but the people who work here at the restaurants and casinos in the hotels, all they hear are jobs disappearing. i talked to a number of economists, the state is logging a 25% unemployment figure. they believe it is actually much higher. what that harassment for the first time we have seen food lines at the food bank with cars miles long and middle class people and casino workers who have been furloughed or laid off going to the food bank for the first time. i want you to listen to what this woman told us. >> i never see myself to do this before. what can we do? i said i am not going to go there -- now i have to do it
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because i have not gotten i kind of unemployment. >> reporter: you can hear the agony of her voice. she's wanting to work but she's afraid because that woman we spoke with is a cancer survivor. she does not want to get sick. that's what we are hearing of the push/pull of open or don't open. the governor indicated it will be phase three or phase four before casinos are allowed to open. the governor will announce later today phase one which will allow curb side retail so you can go to the store and shop from your car and have it delivered to your trunk. >> still hearing the tremble in that woman's voice and to have to ask for help for the first time and i know she's not alone. kyung la in las vegas. thank you. the white house is reviewing
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recommendations from center of disease control. schools, for example, will be placing desks at least six feet apart and having students eat lunch in the classrooms and avoid non-essential assemblies. restaurants should move towards disposable plates and utensils and install sneeze guards at cash registers and avoid salad next time you make a costco run make sure you bring a face bars at cafes. mask. face masks must be worn all dr. yasmin is with me. what does this guidance amount times unless you have a to? >> what concerns me is the cdc condition presents to wear one. is a public health agency. it formulates its guidance on science and the best available meanwhile starbucks will
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evidence. reopen 90% of its stores by what worries me is we saw a month or so ago early in the pandemic the white house takes june. 3.8 million americans filed official cdc guidance and for unemployment benefits last week. scratching out some parts and so you can do the math. that brings the total number over the last six weeks to 30 even with the rush to reopen states with the issuing of this million. even before these latest figures new guidance i worry about reopening and next step being right now chief powell has a motivated by political agenda grim assessment of where the nation is headed. than booy the science. >> we are seeing the second it is important that we remember with pandemics as bad as the first wave can be, the second or quarter worst than any data the third wave can be deadlier. we'll see in the economy. so as we reopen, we need to be thinking physical distancing >> cnn's julia chatterley is measures that the cdc is outlining here. as i spend more time, i am joining me right now. hoping that i come across >> it tells me he's guidance from the cdc about paid comprehending and what he's seeing here of the six-week sick leave. we can't go back to the old period that we have gone through normal where we had such is worse than any comparable vulnerable systems and people periods in the great depression. are so fragile that they were that's just a fact he said more going to work while they were money is going to be needed and sick. >> we have been covering various
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he's quite right, too. states of reopening and we won't we are talking about one to five know. the impact and the consequences of some of those states workers are at risk now in the reopening for weeks. united states. he said hitting those that are what happens then if there is a spike in cases at that point. the least able to bear the will the pendulum swing back in other directions, may there be hardest. i want to share you a survey another lockdown situation last week. they said over half of the lower again? >> yeah, you think of the income families seen someone containment measure we had in place and shelter in place, all lose a job or someone having a in attempt to flatten the curve. pay cut. once again at the end of the month with bills to pay that the hope is that the money that's provided will help push people and a safe start to reopen those jobs getting added back safely. it is just a lot of uncertainty right now. >> there is, i wanted to ask you about this story of mark even though we are reopening, zuckerberg versing elon musk, you have to keep an eye out for these two are squaring off over spiking cases. the lockdowns. you need testing and folks on what are they saying? >> well, let's be clear both of the ground doing contact tracing. as soon as you see a spike in some places, you can jump on ceos under went fair amount of that so it does not lead to a
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their businesses. elon musk has radical opinion deadly wave. >> dr. seema yasmin, thank you and is not afraid to share them. free americans now, he suggested so much for your expertise. >> we'll talk to a doctor live the shelter in place measures were fascist. who's working on a vaccine who says this fall is too i want to point this tweeted on optimistic. boris johnson was grilled on march 13th. his response to covid-19 in the u.k. the first time he's facing questions since he recovered based on current trends, from getting so sick. probably close to zero new cases and grim new number shows how many americans are out of work. in u.s. too by end of april. numbers are being compared to the great depression. it i am brooke baldwin, you are watching cnn's special live coverage. from all of us at dunkin', zuckerberg said yesterday he to all the heroes keeping everyone running. was concerned reopening too fast we thank you. will risk looiives. that's what i hear from business confident financial plans, leaders and workers. calming financial plans, you know better than those complete financial plans. people it is a punishing virus they're all possible with a cfp® professional. and people are scared.
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baldw baldwin. the search for a vaccine has become one of the fastest in history. dr. fauci says the goal is to have the vaccine in january, he thinks it is possible. >> we are in the early phases of the trial phase one. when we go into the next phase, we'll safely and carefully but as quickly as we can try to get an answer as to whether it works or safe. if so, we'll start ramping up production with the companies involved and you do that at risk, you don't wait until you get an answer before you start manufacturing. you at risk proactively start making it, assuming it is going to work. >> and i know as you have been following this closely with the rest of us dr. fauci when this whole thing started estimated of a year and a half. vaccine professionals telling us in the past it takes years or
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five years to make the vaccine. let's go to elizabeth cohen owners say companies and explains what dr. fauci is livelihoods are simply becoming hoping for. what does he mean when he says unsustainable. that more than ever is about they are manufacturing it at staying above water. risk? >> what he means i think although he did not elaborate and he has not explained. juan demarius is with me right what we think he means, we are going to pick whatever number, a handful of vaccine that we think now. he owns three barber shops in that's going to work out and california. thank you for staying with me. we'll start manufacturing them you are opening one of your now even though they may not shops tomorrow. first, sir, welcome. work out. they may not work or may not be >> great to be here. safe or one of the others or >> you have been cutting hair both. you may make dozens and waste and you are opening all of your that and spend money on it. shops tomorrow. you are declining the state's if you want to have it ready the order to stay home. minute the fda says yes, you tell me why? >> there is a couple of reasons why, i have a family and i have want to sell it, you want a lot invested a lot of money in these made. dr. fauci's timeline has not three shops the last three years changed. the first time he said 12 to 18 and i feel it is our
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constitutional rights as well as months was back in january. if we are going to have vaccines american's constitutional rights. it is pretty clear. ready at the end of the year >> i hear you citing the constitution but what about that's 12 months. we were looking for the world citing the state of california and the white house's guidelines health organization website and it is interesting in just four that says california needs to see a 14-day decline before reopening. california has not seen that days there are 13 companies yet. working on vaccines. i know haircutting is a hands-on most of these are going to turn out not to work, only about 7 job. >> it is a very hands-on job. that are in human clinical trials. we'll have to see how they do. >> elizabeth, thank you for that. let's get some perspective, dr. >> we are definitely giving a peter hotez, he's an expert at college of medicine and part of ton of instructions how we the group developing coronavirus sanitize and clean. vaccine. dr. hotez, nice to see you again. >> thanks for having me. so -- >> ru tyou are the pro here. what's your reaction when you >> so how do you maintain being hear dr. fauci say there is a
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potential for vaccine in january? >> we are working day and night sanitary having your hands in and hopefully by the summer we'll have that so we have a someone's hair and having fepeoe in a confined space of barber prote vaccine of the same one that's shop, how will it work? >> we'll take one-on-one and used to make the hepatitis we'll be wearing gloves and masks and we'll reach out to all videocasset vaccine. we are excited about this. the big question is whether we can meet that goal by the end of the year to have enough data of our clients and sanitizing and we'll call them in one at a with respect whether the vaccine time. we are ready to get back to work actually works or is it safe to and that's what we'll do. no one is going to bail us out lead to license insurance. and my barbers and as well as my we have never done it before and own livelihoodlivelihood. it is unprecedented. we are working day and night as >> your barbers are on the same are the other groups. one of the problems that i see is the early vaccine started page and they want you to reopen as well? clinical trials are using a >> they are hurting a lot more technology that have never than i am. before resulted in a license they are all young men and young vaccine. that is doubly hard, not only it f families and we are ready to get back is very tight and aggressive
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timeline but technologies that and fix this economy. we have not yet seen resulted in >> we all want the economy reopened. i was reading the story about, actual vaccines before are always does. what was it, 30 million we'll see how it goes. americans filed for unemployment >> i appreciate the dose of the last six weeks. i read something you told my realism. how about when ever someone producer where you basically said, i don't care if i get it. meaning, covid-19. because maybe it will be you, do you still feel that way? dr. hotez, when someone develops >> absolutely. i mean, a lot of us are going to get it. this vaccine and it works. the statistical data is that can you imagine people will be clambering for that vaccine. we're not likely going to die. explain how it will be prioritized and who gets it and 79% chance of living whether we contract it or not. when? >> hang on, hang on, juan. >> i think likely that that let me jump in because i think we'll be in the 2021 will ever neither of us are doctors and there's a lot of numbers being we have such a vaccine and scale thrown out. i've had it. up and that's optimistic. it was not fun, and i had it way and remember we may have more better than a lot of the folks on ventilators and half of the than one vaccine. you got 20 or 30 that are going folks put on ventilators don't make it out of the hospital. through the pipeline and 80% or so just, i don't think you want to say, maybe, it's okay if i 90% will drop off. get it.
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>> who'll get to it first >> half the people on though? >> what you will see is certain ventilators don't get out of the vaccine may be better than hospital either. >> i know that. certain population. one vaccine may benefit older >> you're a healthy young lady and you recovered from it. i'm a healthy young man. americans for instance. i'll recover from it. some may work better for those i have no underlying risks. under lining disorders and some may be a pediatric vaccine or any clients are welcome to not one that'll work quickly for come to the shop, as long as healthcare workers. they feel necessary for the loved ones or themselves. i think we should not expect i'm not going to force any of my clients to come to my shop. just to see one single vaccine at the end of this and several >> i'm just, listen, again, i different vaccines and each with feel for you. i feel for all of these different shreds of weaknesses and sorting it out of who gets americans who want to get back vaccinated first. to work and eager to but as we know healthcare providers you're sitting here and talking, there are numbers, i'm pointing need that protection so they can feel safe going to work. to data, to facts on the side of the screen and you can see how many total cases globally, the they would be prioritize. deaths and specifically, in the >> dr. hotez, keep going and united states. so i just want to point that out keep at it, we need you and and i know you care abtd yoout thank you for your work. customers and want to keep them we appreciate you. >> let me remind all of you do safe but i'm pointing out the reality of this virus. not forget to tune in, bill are you willing, i don't know gates joins dr. sanjay gupta how much you charge for a
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live for a new cnn's haircut, but if we're talking about thousand dollar fines, how does that work out in terms of "coronavirus:facts and fears." it is tonight at 8:00 p.m. pennies, nickles and dimes because if they come knock on your door and charge you this fine, how are you going to be eastern. boris johnson is grilled providing for your families if with questions about his you end up paying up? response in his first news >> well, listen. conference since recovering from the coronavirus. i'm not going to live in fear. we'll take you there and american universities across the it's not american. i was a law enforcement officer south revealed when they'll for over a decade, a marine. >> and we're grateful to you for reopen and costco will force your service. >> right, and so, anyone who's customers will wear masks. is this the future of retail? ♪ going to tell me to walk away from my huge investment and -- >> no one is telling you to walk it's velveeta shells & cheese versus the other guys. away, i'm just offering a ♪ different perspective. clearly, velveeta melts creamier. >> they are telling me to walk away. >> who's the they? >> six months, possibly. >> the government. governor newsom. he's telling us that we're third how do you gaveeno® happy 24/7? phase, which, let's just pretend with prebiotic oat. that we're going to open on june it hydrates and softens skin. 1st, which we're probably not. so it looks like this. that means we're up to 45 days and you feel like this. after we open, going to be aveeno® daily moisturizer allowed to enter our shops.
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get skin healthy™ that's going to be six months plus, that i have to pay my landlords, my water, i paid my city licenses to work. so you're telling me to invest in an opportunity that i made for myself but not be able to work and return that investment. and that's just unacceptable. it won't wait for a convenient time. >> i hear you loud and clear, juan, and i also know you're not or for hospitals to get back to normal again. alone. that's why, at cancer treatment centers of america, you're not the only small business owner who wants to reopen. >> i'm definitely not. we aren't waiting. >> i'm sure you have friends, we're right here, i'm sure you have small business owner friends. still focused on the only thing we do, are they saying the same thing providing world-class cancer care, all under one roof. as you are? >> absolutely. more than not. because cancer isn't just what we do, it's all we do. now, this great thing that gets to drive this pandemic is fear. cancer treatment centers of america. and so there are among the people i talk to are fearful. call now for an appointment. they're fearful of citations and fearful. here's one small way you can help them in return. i'd rather get citations, do as complete your 2020 census today. much as i can, work and hustle, census data helps communities plan funding for hospitals not ask the government for a single penny and if i flop, i'd and emergency services. rather flop working than flop respond now at
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just sitting there letting them take away my rights, take away my businesses and the legacy i'm going to leave my children. >> so you're reopening tomorrow. let's say they come knock on your door, because obviously, you're not, this isn't a secret you're reopening. they come knock on your door. but they fine you the thousand dollars. do you, and tomorrow's friday, do you then on saturday reopen? >> absolutely, i'll keep rolling. they're letting criminals out of jail left and right. the courts are all shut down. how long do you think it will be before we're even -- >> juan, nobody is letting criminals out of jail left and right. let's stay on topic. >> they are absolutely letting criminals out of jail left and right. >> what does that have to do with coronavirus, sir? >> you're asking about the citation. >> i'm just asking if you defy. >> i'll defy to the end, if i
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end up with 20 tickets in the superior court, six months from now, that's a risk i'm willing to take. >> so that's $20,000 and if you want to have your other barbers provide for their families, how did that math work out? >> that means i'll have to shut down my shops and i guess someone will take my harley or i might get time in the county jail. for me, the trade-off -- >> i hope that doesn't happen. i hope that doesn't happen. >> me too, trust me. >> i wish you well. it's just tough all the way around. juan, good luck, sir. >> we just need to get back to work. >> i understand, i hear you. thank you, thank you. just in to cnn, we have learned from world health officialles, there are more than 100 potential vaccines in the works around the world. we'll talk about that. who gets what when. plus, the cdc set to issue new guidelines that will dramatically change american life for all of us, schools,
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a dramatic impact on our schools and restaurants and churches and mass transit. specifics for you, which i'll pass along in just a second. two of the changes many of you are experiencing currently as a majority of states are in the process of reopening some businesses by the end of the week. the nation's leading infectious disease expert cautioning states not to move too quickly. but dr. anthony fauci also optimistic millions of doses of a vaccine could be ready by january, and just a short time ago, the president added this. >> i don't know who said it, but whatever the maximum is, whatever you can humanly do, we're going to have, and we hope we're going to come up with a good vaccine. johnson & johnson and oxford, lot of different great
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