tv Smerconish CNN May 2, 2020 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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recent data suggests that the virus is far more widespread than initially believed which means it's far less lethal. that should impact our public policy response. don't misunderstand, the virus has proven deadly. as of this moment, more than 65,000 have died in the united states, due to the pandemic. but the fatality rate is determined by dividing the number who died by the total infected. the larger that denominator, the lower the rate. you might remember dr. jeremy foust, an instructor at harvard medical school who was my guest here seven weeks ago. dr. foust suggested that the diamond princess cruise ship. 13 of the infected passengers and crew died. a fatality rate of 1.8%. one half of the w.h.o. estimate.
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but dr. foust points out there were four times the number of people over 70 on board the ship. so the age-adjusted fatality rate would be around 0.4%. as he wrote a few weeks ago for slate, this all suggests that covid-19 is a relatively benign disease for most young people and potentially devastating one for the young and chronically ill, albeit not as risky as reported. that view was echoed from the doctor from stanford writing for sta sta stanten news saying the fatality rate to be 6.25%, together with colleagues at stanford, the doctor then published a study on covid-19 in santa clara california. they estimated 2.9% and 1.4% of
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the count infected can suggests a fatality rate of 0.12 and 0.2%. much closer than the w.h.o. the university of public health found similar results with anti-bode testing. they estimate the actual luck of covid-19 cases in l.a. county to be 28 to 58 times higher than the number of confirmed cases. these results, they suggest a higher risk of infection and lower risk of death than briefly thought. i should point out that time has not yet allowed for peer reviewed analysis of this information. and there are have been criticisms of the methodology used to gather some of the data. but then on monday, governor andrew cuomo said an expanded number of random antibody tests reveal that more people in the empire state have more than initially believed.
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the results are telling a similar story, one that might enable policymakers to work smaerts, n smarter, not harder. what might that look like? i get to look now to another guest on the program, dr. david katz, long affiliated with yale here a few weeks ago. in "the new york times," quote, more and more data are telling us that covid-19 is two completely different diseases in different populations. it is severe and potentially lethal to the old. the chronically ill and those with pre-existing conditions. it is, however, rarely life-threatening, often mild and asymptomatic among those under 50 or 60 in generally good health. dr. katz believes in what he calls a verdict wall intradiction, quote that means shuttering the vulnerable, while allowing those who can return to the world most safely to do so there be restoring the economy,
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supply chains and services while cultivating herd immunity that leads to the all-clear. and that's how we get our lives back without waiting on the long and uncertain time line of vaccine development. we can't work any harder. maybe it's time to work smaerts. joining me now to discuss is the aforementioned doctor. about epidemiologist who specializes in analyzing data. he's a professor in disease prevention at stanford's university school of medicine. google scholar ranked him among the world's most 100 most cited scientists. doctor, help me out here, i tried to sin thynthesize a lot da data. what is the takeaway that most should know? i don't think the doctor is hearing me? do we not have him? i don't think so. no. how about dr. atlas?
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tell me, guys, where are we going? okay, we're going to dr. at lus. while come back to dr dr. ioannidis. writing for the hill, the data is in, stop the panic and end the total isolation. he's a senior fellow at stanford's institute, former chief of neural radiology at the medical center. why has your essay struck such a chord? there are 15,000 comments appended to it. >> yeah, thanks for having me. i think the answer is, we're in a different position now. we have the evidence, the date did is in on who is the target of this threat. and we've accomplished the goal of the policy which was to flatten the curve. by the curves, we meet flattening the curves on deaths per day and hospitalizations per day. now, we know who the target is,
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we know who to protect, the vulnerable, people with underlying diseases. and we also know we can prevent overcrowding by doing that. but the big picture here we're creating a catastrophic health care situation because of this idea of stopping covid-19 at all costs is not causing people not to seek medical care for serious and often emergency care like cancer, chemotherapy, acute heart attack and stroke. organ transplants. 85% of organ transplants are not getting done. and people are still panicking, they're not even bringing their children in for routine vaccinations. we're creating a catastrophe, even beyond the massive economic tradeoffs that we've made. and then i'd like to echo the other point that you brought up which is in addition, total population isolation is actually preventing the development of herd immunity where the actual network of infection can be blocked protecting the
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vulnerable. that's the most immediately available way to do that. we'll need a targeted policy. >> dr. atlas, can we do both at once? can we both protect the most vulnerable, whether that's a subset of 10% whileal allowing the 90% or 80% to re-engage in some society? >> well, absolutely. i mean, the point is, in fact, the most vulnerable, for instance, nursing home residents. we know how to protect them. and we have them already in a sort of a regulated environment. so, we can restrict access to them. we can make sure that people are even tested. those who work in nursing homes. the public understands how to do this new concept of self-isolation, protecting their vulnerable people and their families. but there's absolutely no evidence to do things like keep people in their homes, to keep people -- to keep k through 12 schools closed. the children have virtually no risk of serious illness, let
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alone death. and there's no reason to stop businesses from functioning. we know how to do smart population, you know, isolation by virtue of learning this behavior. there's absolutely no reason to create a catastrophe. and a single-minded focus on all -- you know, stopping covid-19 at all costs. that was never the goal. we've accomplished the goal. >> isn't your outlook dependent upon widespread testing that doesn't yet exist? >> absolutely not. there's a misconception, sort of a mythology now, on about obsession, really with widespread testing. there are three people who need testing. number one, anyone who interacts or walks into a nursing home. number two, health care workers who deal with patients and all patients and the primary responders to this sort of thing because we can't have them infecting other people,
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especially with those with diseases in hospitals. and the third group we must have testing are patients who have any kind of respiratory systems or fever that are in-house because we need to be able to isolate them and protect the people around them and know what to do with them. but there's absolutely no reason to require massive widespread testing when we know that 50% of people are asymptomatic. the vast majority of people are not going to get a serious disease and we're destructive with the policy. the policy was never that no single person should get covid-19. that's not the policy. that was never the goal of the policy. >> your essay which i referenced at the hill which lit a fuse, more than 15,000 comments. it's been their number one item for days, as carried with it a fair amount of criticism. i'll put one on the screen and ask you to respond. someone identifying themselves as poor citizen says, we now know that covid-19 is a lot more deadly and contagious than the flu for which we do have
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vaccines. the fact that in three months, it has killed more americans than died in vietnam is a clear indication it can kill a great many, if we, quote/unquote, open up the economy. and allow the virus to again infect at higher rates. all indications are at least until the vaccine is developed as many as four times the 58,000 plus americans will die per year. your response is what? >> my response is with all due respect, that's really an incorrect interpretation of things. i mean, it's true that many, many people have died. there's no question. it seems deadliest than the flu. but the point is, again, we know the evidence on who to protect.there's absolutely no evidence to think that people who are not going to get sick should be somehow sequestered indoors. no matter what the challenges are of the target, which really isn't that challenging, we can't
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keep dismissing the catastrophe, we're killing people by preventing medical care from people. we even induce an irrational fear in the public. that fear should never have a part of guiding public policy and we're creating catastrophe economically worldwide. >> dr. atlas, thank you for being here. >> okay. thanks for having me. >> let me try again with can ioannidis. he's an epidemiologist who specializes in analyzing data. he's a professor at stanford university school of medicine. google scholar says he's among the 100 most cited scientists in the world. dr. ioannidis, i tried to synthesize data on the outset. some of which is was yours i know you recently updated your data and shared that with a medical journal. what is it that has changed? and what is it that you want the
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audience to know about your reeveryone? >> thank you for the opportunity to discuss that. as you know the study on prevalence is one many of studies to discuss the how freak the frequency of covid-19 is in the general population. we've received an enormous amount, constructive comments from many colleagues, both myself and our team are very grateful nofor that. we have updated the paper with far more data, far more negative controls to minimize the uncertainty of the tests used. and analysis and thinking that might affect the results. and also an improved, enhanced method to try to reduce and calculate the uncertainty around the estimates that we get. there is also still very robust the confusion that is that based on what we see, this infection is very common.
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it's far more common compared to what we saw, based on the documented cases. most likely, most of these people have no symptoms, they do not even recognize it or they have very mild symptoms. and this means that we have a huge iceberg below the tip of the iceberg that we've been documenting until now. i think this is probably good news. it means that for the average person being infected, the risk of having severe disease and the risk of dying is much lower than we thought. so, it is a common and mild infection. at the same time, it can be a devastating infection. there's no doubt about this. but by now, we have learned where exactly it hits. and where it can be devastating. it can be devastating when it hits nursing homes. it can be devastating when it hits hospitals, infects personnel, physicians, staff. and then we have localized patients getting infected. we see that paradox.
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in many people, for example in children and in young adults, it is less severe than the common flu. in middle aged people, it's about the same. in nursing homes and hospitals that get infected naturally it can be a disaster. so, we can use that knowledge to try to navigate into that spectrum. try to the settings and individuals who are highest risk, same time, probably have some optimism about the prospects of reopening our society before we get many adverse consequences by prolonged longtime measures. >> dr. ioannidis, earlier this week, in "the washington post," four individuals, four of them with harvard affiliations were critical of this analysis. here's what they said, two recent studies from california using antibody tests designed to use immune markers for previous infections seem to suggest that the virus is much less deadly than many previously thought.
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but beware of these findings, they have not been vetted and should be recognized as such. what would it take to vet your findings? >> i think that any single study is a single study. that includes our own. any single study needs to be seen in the context of other pieces of evidence and other investigations that are carried out. i have done multiple studies, not just you know, the l.a. county, we have data from miami. we have data from new york. we have data from the netherlands. from italy, from germany. from switzerland. they all give the same message, more or less. of course, there's differences across locations. and the extent that susceptible populations have been heavily hit. new york is not going to be the same as santa clara. there's no doubt about that. we welcome all constructive criticism. and peer review should be done. this is exactly why we make that
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work available in open public view for everyone to comment. and we're grateful for all of the comments that we receive. i think that the work still holds true. and other studies have shown this is still the same but no study -- >> okay. sum up. what is it that folks most should know? and we're looking at our television screens which are showing us 65,000 plus have died in the united states. now, you're here and you're saying, hey, it's much more widespread. and, therefore, far less fatal. okay, what should policymakers, therefore, do? >> i think that this knowledge gives us some leeway to take some steps towards revisiting our current policy of lockdown. there's no way that we will just move away from lockdown immediately. and this will be in error. my suggestion would be to have a science-based, data-driven approach. try to balance what we know in
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terms of how common the infection is. get some accurate estimates of how active the epidemic wave is at a given moment. and this may vary from one place to another. and also balance our bed reserves and capacity. because we really want to have bed reserves in case we make a step towards reopening and it's not correct. we want to have reserves available. if we do that -- >> thank you. >> i think we are considering relieving some of the draconian measures and very close eyes on what happens as we do that. i'm not sure that's all of the changes, but some will. i think there's plenty of room for optimism. >> dr. ioannidis, thank you, we apologize for the technical issues, but thank you so much. >> thank you again for the kind invitation. have a great day. okay. what are your thoughts? tweet me @smerconish.
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go to my facebook page. let me hear from you about the entire data. i'll share responses throughout the course of the programming. can't get this guy slide. interesting handle. why don't you try telling the 64,000 plus loved ones and relatives how a lower mortality rate is something to highlight. i hear the criticism. and acknowledge the 65,000 figure. said right at the outset, it doesn't mean that the virus isn't lethal but the date is nonetheless interesting and should be used by policymakers so say my guests and i agree with them. it's important to note that the initial projections by the w.h.o. were seemingly widely incorrect. if all of us are at equal amount of risk then should't it impact the way some of we reintegrate into society? it's far more widespread than we believe and far less lethal but
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of course, our hearts break for the 65,000 who perished as a result. no one denies that. up ahead, the accusations of biden staffer tara reade have been finally addressed by the candidate. joe biden said he would not open the are kierchs chives to a sea. should j.b. j.b. allow access to archives at the university of delaware for anything related to tara reade? and to me when mike pence was criticized for not wearing a mask and then wore one on thursday. it's part of the schism of wearing the mask. we have a preview thanks to a berlin branch of madame tussaud. >> and then they take to the
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presumptive democratic presidential nominee joe biden has finally broken his silence and denied a farmer aide's claims that he sexually assaulted her. tara reed said in 1993, biden had pinned her to a wall in a building, reached underneath her clothing and penetrated her with his finger. a couple of friends say that reade did describe this. biden saying it's not happened.
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and call for a search of his national archives. but on friday, mika brzezinski pressured why he wouldn't do it, in spite that they don't contain personnel records? >> personnel records aside, are you certain there was nothing about tara reade in those records? >> i'm absolutely certain. >> and if so, why not approve a search of her name in the records? >> approve a search of her name? >> yes, i think that might be related to her record in the university of delaware records? >> there is nothing. they're not there. >> those files are meant to be sealed until two years after biden leaves public life. but what should we make of his decision not to allow a search of her name which leads me to this week's survey question at, should joe biden allow access to the archives at the university of delaware for anything related to tara reade?
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joining me patty solis doyle, the onetime campaign manager for hillary clinton. patty, should there now be a search for anything related to tara reade at the university of delaware? >> no, i don't think so. look, i understand as a former campaign manager and actually a former chief of staff of joe biden that until he releases absolutely everything, he's going to continue to get these questions. but these are personal files. not his personnel files. these are things like ode speech drafts, right? where he writes personal notations. you know, correspondence between he and president obama or hillary clinton. or any foreign leader. personal schedules with personal notations. these are not staff or personnel file. and they're meant to be closed until whatever, you know, politician or public figure has either left public life.
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or has passed away. these are for historians to sort of comb through and get a better look at what history has to offer. >> i understand that his conservative critics will never be satisfied with whatever access might be granted at the university of delaware. but i think the dynamics changed today, when the lead editorial of "the new york times" says he's not going far enough. and i'll put up on the screen part of what they said should be done at the university of delaware. any inventory should be strictly limited to information about ms. reade and conducted by an unbiased apolitical panel put together by the dnc and chosen to foster as much findings as possible. admittedly, it would be a major undertaking. he served for 36 years. there are more than 400 gigabytes of data to the university of delaware. do you think that time on the side is go together turn up the heat such that he'll have no
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alternative? >> we're in a political campaign and the heat is always going to be turned up. but what joe biden did yesterday was basically come out strong, forth right, defiant, that these things did not happen. he did so without ever disparaging miss reade, in fact, he said she deserves to be heard. and that the records should be released. and he wrote a letter to the secretary of the senate last night, asking that all records or any complaints dealing with tara reade be released. in addition, you know, i had the privilege of working for him in '08. i was hired by the obama compare to be the chief of staff for whoever the vp nominee was going to be. and i was hired before joe biden was selected. when i was hired, they had narrowed down to four people. joe biden was among those four, obviously. and the selection committee had done a thorough vet of all of
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those four people. and if anything like a sexual assault or a sexual allegation had come up, certainly, i would have been given the heads-up on it. and nothing like that ever came up. so, i think there already has been a thorough search. and joe biden is being very, very transparent in terms of those actual documents that would pertain to miss reade's allegations. >> i think that he's correctly articulated the way in which a me too case, for lack of a better description should be evaluated. i'm paraphrasing but what i heard him say is we've got to give platform and ample airing to whomever makes such a charge. but it doesn't mean that we surrender our scrutiny, which i think is the proper way to take a look at these sort of things. however in the past, let me put up on the screen what he said yesterday. what he said yesterday in his written statement was, one, is women deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and when
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they step forward they should be heard, not silenced. and the second is their stories should be subject to public and appropriate scrutiny and scrutiny. then in 2016, with the situation, in order for a women to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, you've got to start off with what is at least the essence of what she's talking about is real. do you see a disconnect in those two? >> i do not. in the kavanaugh situation, it wasn't say -- the fbi did a phenomenal they didn't talk to you aof the people, mcconnell tried to shut that down. that's not what joe biden is doing. joe biden is saying let me give
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you all of the records. let me show you if something is there, and if something is that's go ahead. that's what he's saying. >> patti solis doyle, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> from my facebook page, do you not appreciate the absurdity of what you're advocating? you're asking biden to prove the nonexistence of a daument that was never filed concerning an event that never happen how do you know it never happened? i don't know it never happened. that's the same drip, drip, criminal from clinton emails. it seems there should be a search related to tara at the university of delaware. frankly, forget what i say, forget what you hear at the conservative outlets the fact that "the new york times" is now saying, hey, it's something he's got to do. i think it leaves him little choice to do a search for something related to her name at
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the university of delaware in his archives. but that then should not be a slippery slope that allows for his thought process and work product to be exposed to frankly where it should be until such sometime as he's left public life. this will be interesting. answer the question at smerconi should joe biden allow access to his archives at the university of delaware for anything related to tara reade? up ahead, what should be a united search for the pandemic, how ready are americans ready to return to work? depends on their party affiliation. and even the decision to wear a mask may descend on your politics. >> but the masks, they're a constant reminder. you see the masks, and you're saying you're not safe.
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whether to wear a mask or shelter in place or stay socially distant based on party politics? consider the results of new gallup survey about readiness to return to normalcy. 44% of republicans want to do so right now. twice as many as independents. 22%. it's 11 times as high of democrats, only 4% of whom feel ready to return. but also look at this change from few weeks prior. the gop number has jumped 19 points while the democratic number actually ticked down. in public appearances this week, the leadership of the two parties visibly differed in their modeling. while congressman jim clyburn, speaker nancy pelosi have been wearing face coverings, vice president mike pence notably has not been doing so, in a recent
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trip to the mayo clinic. after blowback, he donned a mask to tour a gm plant in northern indiana. the president was asked would he be wearing a mask at his speech in arizona next week? >> i'm going to have to look at the climate. i have no problem wearing a mask. i don't if i'm supposed to make a speech, i just don't know, should i speak in a mask? you're going to have to tell me if that's politically correct. >> joining me from politico, where he co-authored this piece, wearing a mask is for smug liberals. refusing to is for reckless republicans. ryan, i saw this coming three weeks ago on cnn. i made the following observation about the handshake. >> here's my prediction. i -- i think it's going to become a red state/blue state kind of thing. i may be wrong. but i can see the tradition of
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handshaking continually more in red states like yeah, we're going to continue to shake hands. i mean, we used to look at your car. if you were a volvo, you were presumed -- volvo driver, you were presumed to be a democrat. ful you're a hummer driver, you're a republican. now, do we look at whether you're wearing a mask? >> a little bit. i mean, this is sort of the first symbol, i think, of the pandemic that is -- has been sort of politicized. and where voters are taking, you know, ideological clues from prominent people on the right. the president, the vice president. there's a lot of survey data that suggests when a new issue comes on the scene and the parties don't really know what they think about it, the way that it gets settled is people look to prepare a political leader to decide what is the red position on this, what is the blue position on this. and i think that period in february or march, there wasn't
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a lot of political fire. i mean, ideological fire on many of these issues. but gradually, this is polarizing. and, you know, the mask has become sort of one of first issues here where people are taking an ideological view of it. not completely. but, you know, to a certain extent. and, you know, what's strange about that, of course, it should just be a science-based decision, right? there shouldn't really be a big political debate about this. >> i wonder if it's politically driven or geographically driven, right? i mean, in urban areas which tend to vote democratic, you've got a higher concentration. people, therefore, they are much more susceptible to the spread of this virus. might be a reflection of where you live? not necessarily the politics of that area? >> absolutely. if you live in a big apartment
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building in new york city where you're constantly in close contact with other people, you will -- you want to wear a mask, right? and other people around you want you to wear a mask. remember, the mask is about you not -- preventing you from spreading. there's no science that it will actually help from you getting the virus if you're near it. and the mask is just for situations where you can't maintain six feet social distancing, right? so, this example with trump making this speech, i don't see why, frankly, he should wear a mask, right? if he's not going to be in close contact with other humans, when he's up there at the podium, there's no -- the guidelines don't say that he should be wearing a mask, right? the reason to wear it would be as a symbol, as a statement, to say, hey, everyone, this is what we should be doing to stay healthy and safe. but, remember, it is -- the point of it is, when you can't
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do the social distancing, that's had you turn to the masks. you know, there is some science behind it. so the debate can get a little silly, oh, why isn't trump wearing a mask when he's 20 feet from another human? he doesn't have to. >> ryan, many americans beginning the process of returning to work. let's talk about your reflection of one particular workplace that would be 1600 pennsylvania avenue where you observed the following. visiting the white house, you say, it's striking how many people don't wear masks. very few secret service agents have them on. some days even the staff member performing the temperature check on the reporter doesn't wear one. in contrast, most though, certainly not all members of the media wear some face covering while in the presence of the work space but very few keep them on during the televised briefings. i wonder if that's a microcosm of what we're about to see in the weeks ahead, wherever it is
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that we work? >> obviously, washington. every time i go to the grocery store, the rule here is you have to wear a mask. >> me, too. >> it's right here at home. so the only place i go, grocery store and occasionally to the white house. and it is kind of jarring when you're at least walking around your neighborhood. everyone is staying very far apart. you're going to the store and everyone has a mask. people look at you a scant where you have to leave the store or you don't. and then you're in the white house, in the west wing, and learning that people who are in kind of close quarters where the guidelines are voluntary aren't wearing masks. and there are people coming in and out of the white house, of course, every day, likely being around other people. and then going to the white house. so i do find that a little jarring that the culture of the workplace of the white house where there's a lot of occasion where is you're not able to be six feet from another person, that -- it say maskless culture.
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you know, three people, daniel lipmann and i talked to three staffers in the white house about this, also it's same thing, almost no one wears a mask while working in the west wing. and i think that does get at some of the machismo around this, maybe, that pence didn't wear one. that trump himself has pooh-poohed the idea of wearing a mask. that gets to the ideological debate here. and a little bit of not necessarily wanting to set an example. there are exceptions, melania trump has tweeted a picture of herself wearing a mask. ivanka has. they've recommended. but i think there's a little signalling to certain elements in the right in the maskless part of some of the republicans. >> ryan, thank you, it's a good piece that you co-authored. appreciate it.
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let's check in on your tweets and facebook comments. this comes from facebook, let's see. there is a large far right extremist group here in texas advocating boycotting businesses big and small if they require masks. fantastic way to restart. well, that's just a bunch of knuckleheads. i wear a mask. people around me wear masks. then i think about where i live in the philly 'burbs which had been historically red and now much more blue. i think it's a reflection on the relative risk where you are. make sure you answer the survey question. i have no idea how this is going to turn out. should joe bidenal allow access to his archives at the university of delaware for anything related to tara reade? still to come, if you live in baltimore, if you live in washington, d.c., if you live in atlanta, keep your eyes in the skies in the next hours. the joint tribute for the
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flyover from the blue angels and the thunder birds. i'm not a fan. i know somebody is. and then you're wondering how much does it really cost? like transform into an air fryer. the ninja foodi grill, the grill that sears, sizzles, and air fry crisps. why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills?e else. flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief when bugs move in we stress out and spray... and spray... and spray.
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cushioning technology. choose new poligrip cushion and comfort. in tight formation will be soaring over baltimore, washington d.c. and atlanta in tribute to health care and other essential workers like the one i witnessed firsthand earlier this week, philly, trenton, new york were on the first of president trump's operation america strong salute. 18 faa hornets and six air force thunder birds. later we got to see footage from inside the jets to see what the pilot -- look at that. to see what they experienced. that is awesome. although officials urge people to watch from the safety of their homes, crowds gathered in
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all three cities. in here in philly, i maintained safe social distancing. that's me watching with one of my sons. that tells you what i think. i broadcast via facebook live. and the online reaction was as divided as much else these days. some loved it saying things like the presentaticision is heart s, spectacular, very cool, shouldn't they be 6 feet apart. others complained about the cost and diverted resources as they saw it. i'm sure all of our health care workers in the hospitals has time to see this or even care about this. by the way they flew over a hospital in my neighborhood or can't get ppe for health care workers but trump doesn't mind spending millions of tax dollars to show off. we're fed if you're impressed by
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this. but let's not do what's necessary first. why do people get amped about planes flying overhead? what's the cost, based on a management report, the combined per hour total cost could be around $120,000. but in a joint statement the navy and air force point out the exercise fulfills critical training requirements for both teams and incurs no cost to taxpaye taxpayers. the air force has responded in the past that the only additional cost is that of the fuel. if that's the case, as oil prices have been plummeting, these flyovers become increasingly affordable. which leads me to an idea i tweeted earlier to the president, at real donald trump why not do it again on july 4th, only this time fly the coasts, miami to maine and san diego to
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seattle. so far no response but then again i predicted he would want to put his signatures on those relief checks. time to see how you responded to the survey question at should joe biden allow access to his archives at the university of delaware for anything related to tara reade? survey says -- 55% -- wow, we've got 14000 -- let's call it 500 votes, 55% say yes, 45% say no. as i said to patty doyle earlier in the program, it's one thing if fox and bright bart and conservative outlets are glamouring for access but it's different when the editorial page of the "new york times," which i'm sure the former vice president pays attention to, if
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they say you have to let this happen that will be a tipping point. here's what else we have, no, the files were donated by biden to the university. if he were trying to hide information, why would he donate it? i doubt joe biden knows what's in 2,000 cartons he donated to the university of delaware. i'm not into this turning into a slippery slope where his work product is examined, we can look at his votes, we shouldn't see his deliberative process. so i'm not supportive of this turning into a hunt for whatever it is they can find. one more please, quickly, real quick. smerconish, show us his maga ass tattoo. no, it's on the inside of my thigh. we are out of time. what a show, see you next week. how do you get skin happy 24/7?
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so glad to have you with us here. we want to welcome you here in the united states, wherever you might be in the world. it's saturday, may 2nd, i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. you are in the cnn "newsroom." so this is the first weekend of these loosened coronavirus rules for more than half the country at this point. most
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