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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 3, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm anna coren. ahead on cnn news room. u.s. president trump said china made a horrible mistake in its response to the novel coronavirus. a new report from homeland security adds fuel to the fire. meanwhile, more than half of the united states is slowly opening back up for business. but will social distancing remain the new normal? and despite the opening of the economy, investors have their doubts. what we can expect when wall street beginning its new trading week. ♪ as coronavirus cases surpass
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3.5 million worldwide with nearly a quarter of a million fatalities, more countries are getting ready to reopen. spain, italy, and greece are among those loosening restrictions and more than half of u.s. states are lifting aspects of their stay-at-home orders. donald trump during a fox news town hall admits the u.s. death toll is rising. he's now estimating up to 100,000 deaths. nearly 68,000 people have already died. and he's doubling down on claims the virus came from a chinese lab. >> personally i think they made a horrible mistake and they didn't want to admit. we wanted to go in. they didn't want us there. even world health wanted to go in. they were admitted but much later. my opinion is they made a mistake, they tried to cover it, they tried to put it out. it's really like trying to put out a fire. >> this comes as a new u.s. department of homeland security report accuses china of
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intentionally hiding the severity of covid-19 from the international community. while stock piling imports and decreasing exports. that's according to a source familiar with the report. no response yet from china. president trump also called his predecessors foolish and stupid for allowing so many antiboy yotices to be made in china and abroad. he said his administration is bringing back the supply chain and estimates within two years 94% of antiboy yotices will be made in the u.s. in the absence of a national program in the u.s. acquire needed supplies, several states are banning together to acquire the purchase of protective gear. they're preparing for a second wave of the virus even as more and more states move ahead with reopening. natasha chen has the details. >> reporter: new york governor andrew cuomo appeared in a virtual show of force and unity
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today to make an announce. >> we're going to form a consortium with our seven northeast states for supplies. >> reporter: cuomo cited a cdc report to seemingly pour cold water on president trump's often repeated boast of the china travel ban being critically decisive action. >> what we have seen in new york didn't come from china but actually is a different strain of the virus that came from europe. we were looking at china, and the travel ban on china may have been helpful. but the horse was already out of the barn in china. >> meanwhile as the u.s. heads into another work week, more than half of the states are marching toward reopening. but it doesn't appear any of them have met the white house's guidelines of having a downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period. today the doctor coordinating the administration's coronavirus
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task force once again urged the importance of that downward trend. >> as states reopen, we really want them to follow the criteria. >> remdesivir approved emergency approval. as far as operation warp speed, the trump administration's ambitious plan to make 100 million doses of the vaccine available by november, birx struck a tempered tone. >> on paper it's possible. >> restlessness continues to mount. defying a stay-at-home order, spectators took to the national mall in washington, d.c. for the blue angels flyover. and in new york city many in central park. >> how people cannot wear masks? that to me is even disrespect. it's disrespectful. >> and while governor cuomo offered good news in new york --
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hospitalizations under 10,000 for the first time since march -- he cautioned against a false sense of comfort, especially as more nice days lay ahead. >> my gut says the weather is going to warm, people are bored, people want this over. they see the numbers going down. they can take false comfort. oh, it's going down. that means it's over. no, no. we never said it was over. >> you heard governor cuomo's strong feelings about people wearing face masks in public. but requiring people to wear masks in other parts of the country has been met with backlash. in still water, oklahoma, the city amended its ordinance after store employees were threatened with violence when trying to enforce it. in ohio an order was reversed. governor dewine said that was a bridge too far. store employees will still be wearing face masks. in florida, businesses in
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all but three counties will begin reopening their doors monday. the state's governor says they're taking small deliberate steps to resume normal life. but researchers say there isn't enough data to know whether florida is out of danger yet. randi kaye explains what's going to happen next. >> reporter: today begins phase one in the reopening of florida. that includes state parks. it will also include some of the largest beaches in the state of florida including pensacola, destine, and clear water. they will be open from sunrise to sunset. social distancing of course is encouraged. also open as of today will be restauran restaurants. they will have seating outside. inside people will be allowed up to 25% capacity. retailers also can open their stores up to 25% capacity as well. elective surgeries can resume and golf courses will be open again too. some things that will still be closed will be movie theaters, dog parks, salons and spas. the governor met with salon
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owners over the weekend and they were pleading with him to allow them to open. but he said he's going to have to take that under consideration. he said they can text customers, whatever it takes. but he did not commit. also still closed are three major counties in southern florida that are hardest hit, miami-dade, broward, and palm beach. on a bright note, the governor plans increase testing in the state. right now the state is testing about 15,000 people a day. he hopes to ramp that up to 20,000 people a day by may 15th and 30,000 people a day by june 15th. also walgreens will be opening drive through testing areas at nine locations and the national guard will continue to ramp up testing in nursing homes. randi kaye, cnn, west palm beach, florida. joining me now is a board certified emergency physician. doctor, great to have you with
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us. the u.s. president donald trump has just admitted that the virus proved more lethal than he expected and that the death toll in the u.s. could reach 100,000. it stands at 67,000. do you think the president's figure is conservative considering this highly contagious virus is still spreading? >> i think the numbers could be far greater. i wish i was saying something different right now compared to what my thoughts were a few weeks ago, a month ago. but you look at a thousand people dying a day in the united states and this is with social distancing. take that away. open the gates. this virus makes no discrimination to any human being on the planet. perhaps not even animals. i see this number soars past 100,000 and we still don't have any good cure or any mitigation from a pharmaceutical that would help us in the hospital system. >> you mentioned that social distancing is still in place yet
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many countries and at least half of america have eased restrictions or in the process of easing restrictions. are you concerned? >> i am. i'm also concerned about an economy that's crumbling and as people starve, literally, there's other medical problems. and me as a doctor, i worry about people in starvation and succumbing to social chaos and injures associated with that and neglect from the community because they can't afford to live. but also worried about this virus, just completely continuing to infect the entire population without any means of us having really dealt with it other than keeping people inside their home. >> what should people consider when venturing outside into public places where businesses are reopening, where the economies are reopening? >> i think that's a great question. the way i look at it, i look at the data. the data says that the more
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medical problems you have and the older you are, in particular past the paage of 55, you're particularly vulnerable. look at the new york city data with 4,000 patients, they surveyed and people with multiple medical problems and over the age of 55 were most likely to have a terrible course in the hospital and even die. those people should be particularly careful about venturing out, and if they do venture out they need to adhere to the masks, the protocols of hand hygiene and everything in terms of distancing. people that are younger may want to move forward a bit faster than them, and i think it might be a bit more reasonable. they're the ones if they get covid are likely to survive it or maybe have a milder illness. >> and then of course if they come into contact with those people in that high-risk group, that is -- that's always the concern. with the easing of restrictions, doctor, do you anticipate another surge in two, three, four weeks' time?
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>> i see multiple apex or our term is appices. this apex we're talking about now is only one statistical curve and plateau in time. when you release social distancing there will be another surge because everybody will surge as patient zero again and start reinfecting or infecting people who have never had covid and you'll see other apex and it'll go down again and we'll see another apex as we go back and forth between social distancing as we see the fatality rate going up unfortunately. >> doctor, you work in a chicago hospital. you are on the front lines. how are you coping and are you seeing improvements where you are? >> it's -- i'm emotionally and physically exhausted. and it went -- when i'm not working, my mother is a mother/baby/nurse taking care of covid positive mothers, some of
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which are critically ill. and the numbers in chicago continue to go up. in the inner city, we're seeing complete hospitals full with all their vents taken up, all their ventilators taken up, and many, many people on this type of ec nichl called ecmo which is basically heart and lung bypass which is the last thing they can do before pronouncing someone dead. and in our own suburban chicago community hospitals where i work, four different ones, one of my institutions were full of vents with 80 people in the house positive with covid. multiple nurses or colleagues are at home or admitted at home with covid. >> these are challenging times to say the least. we commend you for your work and everything you do. thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks for having me. after being shut down for two months, this week spain begins to try to reach what it's
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calling a new normality. spaniards were out and about over the weekend amid news that the number of new coronavirus cases is tapering off. the government plans to reopen through a set of phases starting monday. the primary focus is on making sure there are enough hospital beds available. spain has the second highest number of confirmed virus cases in the world after the united states. on sunday, france reported its lowest daily death toll from the coronavirus since late march, 135. still the government is set to extend its state of emergency through july 24th. fran's health minister said easing restrictions too soon would waste the efforts made by the french people. authorities there tell cnn travellers from the uk, spain, italy, and germany are free to move about the country, but visitors from abroad could be asked to quarantine. russia is struggling to contain the virus.
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on sunday, it reported more than 10,000 new cases. that's the fourth record single-day increase there in a row. last week president vladimir putin extended russia's isolation period through may 11th, warning the peak is not behind us. investors get the jitters as washington and beijing ramp up the rhetoric. we'll take a look on the impact on the markets. beach goers are steamed at california's governor. why they say he's crossed the line. our family is now more important than ever. that's why we're offering our best unlimited deal. switch and get four lines of unlimited for just $100 a month. that's right - four lines, for $100 bucks! if that's not enough, we're throwing in four samsung galaxy phones... on us. and now, sprint customers enjoy expanded roaming access on the t-mobile network. shop from the comfort of your home at or come see us in our stores.
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it's what makes subaru, subaru. let's take a look at business. with the opening bell on wall street about nine hours away, u.s. futures are down right now. investors are worried about the reopening of the u.s. economy and the blame game between washington and beijing. for more on that, let's turn to joan from tokyo. obvious obviously how is the asian working? >> the futures market looks very, very fragile in this trading on monday. that is because of the comments of u.s. president trump hinting
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at possible retaliation and bringing up the possibility of more tariffs against chinese products. and i think this reminds everyone of the situation we've read before of this pandemic in the final three months of 2019 where the trade sanctions and the tit for tat between the two nations really put the global economies in precarious situation. it's why they were so weak going into this pandemic. futures down by 0.6%. earlier in the day it was down 1.5%. april was a phenomenal month for stocks globally and globally was up 10%. but you know what the saying is. the saying is sell in may and go away. it's a different situation we're in right now but the futures wi are pointing to a start. hong kong selling off sharply today. we're seaieing weakness in seou
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with the troops firing across the demilitarized zone and the reports from north korea of resurfacing by kim jong-un. all of that is bringing tension in that area. i think going into the open for the full trading week of may is looking very weak for the futures right now. >> where you are in tokyo, japan is being very slow to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. but the state of emergency is now had being extended. tell us more. >> you know, the state of emergency has been in place. it was going to expire on the 6th. the prime minister has made it clear he's going to extend that. probably we'll get the confirmation later on tonight by a couple of weeks to the end of the month. it's a soft lockdown to an ambiguous situation where people are allowed to go out and some areas are still full. so i think they're going to take a two-pronged approach to get
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people over this coronavirus pa teak after weeks of being clustered up into their homes. but that doesn't mean that businesses are going to be back to normal. a lot of companies, 400 companies in japan, have delayed their forecast because they don't know what business is going to be like. so, i think it's going to be far from back to normal. but we probably will get an official announcement, anna, from the government that they are going to extend this nationwide state of emergency. >> we appreciate the update. many thanks. well, south korea will start to relax social distancing orders this week. the guidelines people must follow to keep the virus at bay. after the break.
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm anna coren. you're watching cnn newsroom. california is one u.s. state that's been standing firm on its stay-at-home orders. and there's been push back. friday, more than 2,000 people gathered at huntington beach to protest the governor's order to close all the beaches in orange county. our paul burke hammen was back in huntington beach to take a look. >> reporter: another day of the hard shutdown in orange county and another day where police seem to be looking the other way when it comes to surfers. what we saw was some of the surfers got out early in the morning and rode the waves and then the officers got on bull horns and told them to exit the water. these surfers did. all this in orange county with a
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population of 3 million and many people would argue here that is not a staggering number and that would include surfers we talked to who feel this beach shutdown is just overreaching. >> a governor wasting all these resources on putting cones up, putting caution tape up and driving down a cop at every light is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen. >> i think it's ridiculous. there's other things you can be doing in terms of having people saying keep moving but don't stop people from enjoying this. >> those images are an example of what not to do, people, what not to do. this virus doesn't take the weekends off. and that's why i cannot impress upon you more to those californians watching that we can't see the images like we saw particularly on saturday, new port beach and elsewhere in the
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state of california. >> governor newsom stressing social distancing is important and didn't like the idea of people stacked up on the beaches. newsom also said this week we're going to be able to make announcements announcements that will give some people more ability to get back on their economic feet. that will be welcomed here in all of orange county as well as the rural counties where there are zero covid-19 cases. reporting from huntington beach, i'm paul vercammen. back to you. american leaders are under pressure to ease restrictions and let people go back to work. tens of millions are unemployed and on sunday the trump administration released results from its small business loan program. jeremy diamond has the details. >> reporter: will millions of americans struggling financial across the united states, president trump's larry kudlow said the trump administration is
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going to take a couple of weeks to decide if additional stimulus is needed and what form that will take. kudlow says the white house needs to assess what kind of impact the current financial stimulus is having on the economy and how the economy begins to rebound as some of these states begin to reopen their economies. kudlow indeed describing this as a pause. >> there may well will additional legislation, this kind of pause period right now. it's what i would say to you at this particular juncture, let's execute the continuation of what we've already done. let's see what the results are. the outlook in the weeks and months ahead directly is not positive, as you noted. the unemployment is very, very high. almost 30 million people. we are covering them with generous relief packages, just trying to stabilize things and get folks through this. and then we will see. >> while kudlow says the white house is making that assessment, here's what we already know. 30 million americans have filed
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for unemployment since mid-march. and that small business loan program that was approved just over a week ago in just the last week already, more than $175 billion of that $310 billion of additional funding for that payroll protection program for small businesses, it's already been used up. that's more than half of those additional funds that were already sent out. so, clearly there is a serious need in the united states for economic stimulus. while the white house works to figure out what kind of additional financial stimulus it needs, we've heard from the house speaker nancy pelosi. she is urging $1 trillion for state and local economies. regardless of what form the stimulus takes we did hear earlier in the week from the federal reserve chairman jerome powell, he said direct financial relief for americans is needed right now. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. let's talk more about the impact the coronavirus is having on the u.s. economy.
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i'm joined now by megan green. she's a global economist and a senior fellow at the harvard kennedy school of business. megan great to have you with us. let's start with the stock market. it bounced in april despite unemployment in the u.s. hitting 30 million claims. is there a disconnect between the market and the real economy? >> there's clearly a disconnect between the market and the real economy. that happens often actually where economic fundamentals can be terrible and markets can soar. i think this time around it's been led by tech stocks. i don't think we've seen the worst of it for the stock mar t market. just because we're in the eye of the storm, i think the may k macrofundamentals are terrible. >> what are your thoughts? >> i think v-shape recovery is pretty much off the table at this point, particularly as we're talking about reopening
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the economy and some states have gone ahead and already done that. i think there's a great chance that we could end upbringing on a second wave of this virus as economy dos open up in which case we'll have to shut back down and open back up and sut back down so it'll be a zigzag recovery. i think if you open up the economy, that doesn't mean people are going to go out and spend. a recent spend if people could go out to restaurants and bars, 70% of respondents wouldn't do it. 85% wouldn't get on a plane. 80% wouldn't go to a large event. unless there's confidence that comes back, spending isn't going to rebound and we can't have a v-shaped recovery. >> you mentioned that second wave and experts are talking about third, fourth waves into the future. is that going to hurt the economy even more so than locking it down for the appropriate amount of time? >> so, it really depends on how
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severe other waves are. we saw what the spanish influenza, that it wasn't the first wave that was the most deadly. we had subsequent waves and mutations that were more deadly. so, that could happen here. but even if it doesn't, you see riots around the u.s. and also other countries like italy there are protests against these lockdown measures. if you let people out and then try to lock them down again, i think that will be more difficult than having locked them down to begin with. in term of social unrest it becomes much more difficult as well. >> i just want to talk to you about the news that clothing giant j crew has filed for bankruptcy. do you think this is the first of many companies that will make these filings? >> so, i do. analysts have been calling for the death of retail for about a decade now and it hasn't happened. but i think there's a good chance that now it might. we already saw kind of a migration from buying retail and
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bricks and mortar shops to online shops. and that's been massively accelerated by this crisis. i think it's going to be hard for a lot of bricks and mortar retailers to come back after this. i think we're seeing a lot of them who were in financial trouble beforehand. macy's is an example -- who are in even more trouble now. it's not clear they're going to rebound the same way or even come back. i think j. crew is the first in a line of retailers who are going to have trouble opening their doors and may file for bankruptcy. >> great to have you with us and your perspective. many thanks. beginning monday, south korea's providing emergency relief grants to citizens impacted by the coronavirus. those living off basic expenses are eligible to receive cash while others will be able to apply online for assistance next week. the country will also begin to relax its social distancing
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orders on wednesday. as the number of new cases of the virus has stayed relatively load. joins us now from seoul. paula, south korea, as you well know has done an exceptional job of getting on top of this virus. how are people feeling about the easing of social distancing? >> well, anna, certainly on some streets of seoul it appears as though the social distancing is a thing of the past anyway. there's certainly a lot more people out and about, but the vast majority of them wearing masks. so, what we have this week from wednesday the prime minister has said that there will be a loosening of the social distancing rules. so, things like national parks, museums, art galleries, sporting facilities, they will start to be opening up. that would all be done on wednesday. that would be a gradual process. it will be a phased process. but it is a step in the right direction to show that officials are acknowledging that the cases are particularly low. and giving the officials within
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these facilities as well notice that they do have to continue disinfection and that people should still keep their distance from each other and be sensible about it. but it really shows that what the policy here in korea has been this test-trace-treat has done well. it has been successful considering just a couple of months ago there were a remarkable amount of new cases on a daily basis being reported here. but what we are seeing is that people are starting to come out a lot more. there was never an official lockdown. there was never a mandated work-from-home policy for south koreans. it was all recommended. but certainly that is being loosened. also the disaster relief fund that the government has approved. this could in theory go to every single house hold in the country. it would be $320 for a single person or more than $800 for a family of four just to help people along. now, from today it will go to
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the most needy people, those most urgent cases, those who rely on benefits, those who have been hit the hardest, potentially lost their jobs, being furloughed. that's about 13% of the population, almost 3 million people should be having the amounts processed from today. anna. >> paula, i just want to turn to north korea. obviously kim jong-un was missing in action for three weeks. he reappeared. south korean authorities, they have spoken out about the state of his health. what do they say? >> that's right, anna. they've had a consistent line all along saying that they didn't believe there was anything unusual. one of the senior advisers to president moon jae-in saying he was alive and well when the speculation was swirling around the world. what we've heard from the south korean side is that they also don't believe he has undergone any surgery. that was from an official from the blue house, the south korean presidential office, and they
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have acknowledged there are still reports out there suggesting that maybe he had had surgery, and they're saying they simply don't believe that is true. they say that is based on their assessments, but they can't clarify what assessment that is because they can't give that kind of information to the public. so, suggesting they're basing it on something more concrete than just a hunch. but this is something we've seen from the south koreans consistently from when the speculations first started on april 15th and south korea has consistently said they believe everything is normal in north korea. >> paula hancocks, as always, great to see you. many thanks for the update. rio gentleman nare row christ the redeemer statue was lit up.
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brazil's president bolsinaro attended a rally on sunday where there was no social distancing. the president helped down play the coronavirus comparing it to a little flu. brazil has reported more than 101,000 cases and upwards of 7,000 deaths. as coronavirus cases spike in india, the country finds a unique way for one of those on the front lines, sharing them with roses. the latest from india ahead. plus what you need to know about the new workout etiquette as gyms and fitness centers begin to reopen. we could never do what they do. but what we can do it be a partner that never quits. verizon is the most reliable network in america. built for interoperability and puts first responders first, giving their calls priority, 24/7. we do what we do best so they can too.
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rose petals fell from the sky in india on sunday. military helicopters showering front line workers with flowers. the gesture of gratitude was one of many tributes over the weekend. thanking health care workers for their grace and grit during the
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coronavirus pandemic. well, the act of kindness comes as cases continue to spike in india, new infections jumping by several thousand in the past 48 hours. with the peak yet to be declared, india's government has extended the restrictions for another fortnight. the city is frozen not only in fear but also in time. joins us via skype, jeffrey, great to have you with us. tell us about that fare that indians are feeling in the face of covid-19. >> well, i was surprised when this lockdown first started about six weeks ago how rigorously people were following it. there was basically nobody on the streets. the parks were empty. nobody was sneaking around trying to exercise or get out like we've seen in many other places. and so i began to look into why was it that so many indians have
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been following these lockdown rules and in some cases even going far beyond them. and the answer i kept getting was that people were scared. they were scared of getting sick. they were scared of ending up in a public hospital that's underresourced and doesn't have a level of care that many people need. and they were scared for being able to afford for the medicine they might have to take. so, that fear was felt across all sector of society. it wasn't just in the lower income neighborhoods or among poor people. even in fancy neighborhoods like where i live everybody was staying inside. i think that sense of we need to take care of ourselves, we really don't want to get sick at all costs explains why this lockdown has been thoroughly and rigorously enforced and obeyed. >> so, you would saiy majority f
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indians are obeying the rules? >> that's what we've reserved. here there's a clear economic cost. there are millions of people out of woshlg. there are millions of people who are going hungry and the government's aware of that. they know about the trade off between public health and economy. in the last couple of weeks we've seen efforts to open up the economy in certain sector, certain part of manufacturing, agriculture, other industries. but in many areas, people don't want to go back to work. they say they're scared of getting coronavirus or they communicate this pure pressure that they feel that their neighbors and other people around them are going to feel like they're risking everybodies' health by going back to work. >> jeffrey, how would you describe the way that prime minister modi and his government have handled this pandemic to date? >> i think a lot of indians are very happy with the way they've handled it. in the beginning modi himself was out front speak to the public holding these television
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announcements. the last one he appeared with a scarf over his face. and people seem to really be paying attention. and from our information, his approval ratings were increasing. in the last week or so, he's stepped back a bit. he's left it to other arms of the government to communicate the fact that the lockdown is being extended. and now the thought is maybe there's less enthusiasm for this lockdown, that as the weeks grind on, as more people are out of work, as more people are getting hungry, as the temperatures increase, it's around 40 degrees here now in new delhi, and it's hard to stay indoors when it's that hot. so, as the mood is beginning to shift and maybe there's a little less enthusiasm for following the lockdown, modi has played more of a backstage role. maybe because he's aware that people aren't so happy with us anymore. but overall, you know, indians
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are still following the rules much better than in many other parts of the world. >> well, the fear, of course, is that if first world countries like the united states can't get on top of the coronavirus, what hope do third world countries like india have? do you think that calamity may be on the horizon in india despite the fact that everyone is abiding by the rules for now? >> it's really hard to tell. and you know, none of us want to kind of be spreading any more doom and gloom and making people depressed than we have to. so far india has not reported that many cases per capita. there's something around 40 to 45,000 cases right now in a country of 1.3 billion people. that's nowhere close to what spain or italy or the uk or the u.s. has reported per capita. there's fewer tests though done in india, so we don't really know the situation out there, how pervasive this various has
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spread. but the risks here are really high. there are very densely populated urban areas where people who live face to face, they can't do social distancing. the public hospitals and the amount of money spent on health care here per person is way less than in many countries around the world. so, the stakes here are higher. and i think people are aware of that and that goes back to this lockdown is that many people in india know that this country could get hit really hard. so, they're doing their best as individuals to prevent that from happening. >> is there talk of reopening the economy and what that will look like? >> well, funny that you ask that. just today we're beginning to see some relaxations. so, today for the first time, domestic help is allowed to work in new delhi. before maids, drivers, there's a large informal work force that helps people out in their homes here, they had been banned from
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going to work. today for the first time they're allowed to work. liquor shops are reopening. that had been closed for a few weeks. other pieces of the economy are slowly beginning to turn. there's traffic on the roads today for the first time in a long time. so, we'll see how this plays out. i think in a place like india, this calculation of the economic cost versus the public health benefit is really intense because people, many people here, live hand-to-mouth. they're a rickshaw driver. they work during the day. they make a few dollars a day and use money to buy food for their family that day. if they can't work, they have no savings. they have no cushion. they're trying to open the economy bit by bit. but at the same time we're seeing increase in cases just in the last couple of days. the percentage has gone up. it's a real quandary the government is facing, but i
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think most people feel the government has everyboserved th in this crisis. you're not hearing too many complaints so far. >> jeffrey some people are about to beat lock down fatigue by going back to the gym. the rules have changed. why your work out routine might never be the same. so what you see is what you pay every month. check it out at out "show me what you're made of." so we showed it our people, sourcing and distributing more fresh food than anyone... our drivers helping grocers restock their shelves. how we're helping restaurants open pop-up markets. and encouraging all americans to take out to give back. adversity came to town.
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for some of us one of the worst things not being able to pump iron or get a burn. georgia is allowing gyms to open. but many are staying home. keeping weekend warriors safe. >> they will officially are open on monday. and when it does, it will look very different. >> this is a ten by ten box. it follows the guidelines of the state. six feet apart. this could be a garage. and the idea of being can they come in the door, can they stay in the box. everything is here. they have minimal contact with
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people. and other equipment. and they can clean their stuff and leave with really a seamless experience. >> the owner is has spent hours on creating a plan to make his gym as safe as possible. >> every station we have here has its own bucket. disinfectant. cleaning wipes. not only can the members clean their own equipment before and after. which are important. the coaches in between classes will be staggering classes 30 minutes to give us time to get the ten person crew out. but to give coaches time to make sure everything is clean. bathroom ands floors. from top to bottom. >> he said an oncologist and member says he feels safe returning to the gym. >> we look at an environment like this. well ventilated and safety measures are in place. in terms of social distancing. we consider this environment to be a low risk. >> other members are not ready just yet. >> i do want to see the day.
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and i want to feel that it's safe to come back. that this for my family to come back. it's not really about me. i am concerned about getting sick. but i'm concerned about my high risk family members. >> they will be following guidelines set by georgia when they reopen and hope by reopening they can bring back joy to those who return. >> it's can we take the experience that was safe and in our house and bring it back here to get all the culture and the music. ask seeing each others faces. that makes this special. can we inject it in to the work outs. that's what we're trying to achieve. >> time! good job guys. nice work. thanks so much for your company. thank you for watching "newsroom."
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tonight we look to the time line for the truth. we think we have it very a public health emergency. >> what did the president do about the coronavirus? >> i issued a travel restriction from china. >> public health experts say he bought himself time and squandered it. >> what did the president say? >> it's going to disappear. it's hilike a miracle. >> did it match reality? >> an official said publicly


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