tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN May 10, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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♪ worries that coronavirus could be spreading in the white house as three top-ranking u.s. health officials enter some type of quarantine after potential exposure to the disease. also, as many states ease restrictions, the u.s. caseload continues to grow. total infections here stand at 1.3 million. and british prime minister boris johnson will reveal his road map to exiting the lockdown today. we'll have a live report from london. much news ahead here, we're live from cnn world headquarters
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in atlanta. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen, this is "cnn newsroom." ♪ 5:00 a.m. here on the east coast. thanks so much for joining us. and we begin with another chilling number this hour. well over 4 million people around the world have been infected by the coronavirus since it first appeared in china in december. almost 280,000 have died. it was just five weeks ago that the 1 million milestone was reached. data from johns hopkins university show the number of confirmed infections worldwide has been growing by 1 million cases every 12 days or so. yet more and more countries are looking to end their long
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lockdowns. british prime minister boris johnson will unveil his plan for the uk in the coming hours. johns hopkins has tracked 1.3 million cases the in the u.s. alone, far more than any place else in the world. the virus has even made it into the trump white house and potentially sidelined several key health officials. cnn's jeremy diamond has this. >> reporter: three top doctors on the white house's coronavirus task force are now going to be teleworking, working from home, carrying out some form of self-quarantine for the next two weeks after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus in just the last week. that is dr. robert redfield, the head of the centers for disease control, dr. stephen hahn, the head of the food and drug administration, as well as dr. anthony fauci who has of course become one of the most
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public faces of this white house's response to the coronavirus. all of them announcing they will be working from home for the next two weeks, carrying out some form of self-quarantine. dr. anthony fauci telling jake tapper that he will be undergoing a modified quarantine for the next 14 days, working from home, wearing a mask at all times of the day. though he does note if he's called to the white house or capitol hill, he will go, but will take every precaution necessary. a similar message that we are hearing from a spokesperson from the cdc saying that dr. redfield would go to the white house if he had to fulfill any responsibilities with regard to his role there, but he would be wearing a mask. very notable that we are seeing these three top medical experts on this coronavirus task force, all of which are undergoing some form of self-quarantine. what we have not severe, though, is a kind of unified, centralized approach from the white house as to how to deal
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with this. earlier this week, the vice president's spokeswoman tested positive on friday and a couple days before that, we saw one of the president's personal valets, a navy official, also testing positive. no clear message from the white house whether any individual coming into contact with them should go into self-quarantine. it seems we're learning about this on a piecemeal basis. what is clear, though, as the country begins to reopen, as many workers are being asked to come back to work with far less stringent procedures, even at the white house, where there are the most strict protocols, officials coming into contact with the president being tested daily, temperature checks being conducted for anybody coming onto the white house grounds. even here the coronavirus is seeping in. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. a risky balancing act is under way across the united
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states. more and more communities are trying to reopen without triggering another wave of infections. cnn's natasha chen reports. >> by the end of the weekend, all but three states will have eased quarantine restrictions in some way, even in once hard-hit rhode island where the governor said her state will be the first in the northeast to lift a stay-at-home order. >> we're doing better. so, therefore, we're in a better position so we can start to lift our restrictions a little bit sooner. >> reporter: restrictions are lifting from coast to coast. in north carolina, retail stores have reopened, but at 50% capacity. in delaware, stores can now offer curbside pickup. that goes for california as well. stores can deliver just in time to send flowers for mother's day. >> for me as a small shop, i'm not going to let anybody in. but at least i can operate.
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i cannot open everything, because we will have a second wave and go back to square one. >> reporter: san francisco has decided to keep businesses closed until may 18th, but the rest of the state has some businesses reopening with modifications. >> i stay out of the politics. i need to open. we're ready. >> this is what we have right now for takeout. >> reporter: nevada and alaska have joined more than a dozen states to resume dine-in service in restaurants with restrictions. in arizona, people can get their haircut by appointment only. same for texas with owners eager to open their doors. >> everything is ready and my clients are more than ready. everything, i lost everything. destroy my business, closed my business. that's what it has done. >> reporter: in iowa, people can go back to the dentist, campgrounds and tanning
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facilities. tennessee now joins georgia in allowing people to go to bowling alleys. pennsylvania is taking a county by county approach to reopening. welcome news for this chocolatier. >> we're hoping the people who are under age 60 come out because they -- they need to get out, i think. >> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, atlanta. uk prime minister boris johnson is set to unveil his strategy for reopening the british in a few hours. he'll deliver a televised national address sunday evening. johnson is expected to loosen coronavirus restrictions. he reportedly also will introduce a new covid-19 tracking system that uses local infection data to rank threats. let's go live to london. what message is expected from the prime minister today?
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>> reporter: well, he's expected to start this gradual ease of coronavirus restrictions and as you mentioned, he will probably launch this coronavirus alert system that will track the danger of the virus according to data on a scale of one to five. it will initially be happening only in england. what we're also expecting is that that famous slogan, stay home, save lives, it will probably be revised. we're also expecting that that rule which is in place, that you can only go out once a day, will probably be dropped. we're also expecting possibly some further guidance when it comes to the use of face coverings. so far the british government has said they provide little benefit, but there have been some grumbles that they may recommend the use in small space and is that's what the scottish government has already done last week. any changes that are made this
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evening by boris johnson will be small and incremental. boris johnson's foreign secretary has stressed that this week and he and other government officials have dampened down these expectations that on monday britain will be returning back to normal. they say that will not happen because social distancing will remain core of the strategy of dealing with this outbreak and those people who have perhaps opened that boris johnson will give them the license to have a drink after so many weeks will be disappointed. reopening pub and is restaurants will not be on the agenda anytime soon, natalie. >> thank you so much. again, he speaks in a few hours. with us from oxford england is dr. sean griffith. she led hong kong's inquiry into the sars epidemic of 2003. thank you so much for joining
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us. clearly the prime minister is going to give a stark warning that people must proceed carefully as the country comes out of its peak. why is post peak such a dangerous time? >> the reason post peak is dangerous, you risk the resurgence of the virus. we have -- at the current time, we are using the "r" number. and the "r" number needs to be one. it's calculated based on the prevalence of the disease and other factors, the "r" number in the uk is between .5 and .9 depending on your locality. it's quite near to 1. if you get over 1, you start the risk of having an increase in the disease again and you have to go into more lockdown measures. i think the government -- or the governments in the uk are very cautious and don't want everybody to sort of think that they can go rushing back to
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seeing friends and family and going to the pub and kids will go to school. it won't be like that. it will be a very measured release of the measure of what's in place at the moment and when i say measured, i mean, they'll be looking for the prevalence, the number of tests, they're doing surveillance studies of tests around the country to see the spread of the disease. they'll look at the people who present with the disease and doing calculations based on those numbers. testing becomes our number one approach to trying to make sure that the lockdown release is a success. >> right. and he's expected to talk about a tracking system, a warning system. what do you expect on that regard? >> i think we expect something -- france went to red, green and amber, and then went to red and green. we're going on a scale of one to five, i believe, and we're thought to be on a scale of number four at the present time. but i'm not clear how it will
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work, how it will work in different parts of the country because we know the rates are higher in the cities. we know the rates are higher among hospital and health care workers. we know some of these facts already. so i don't quite know how it applies, whether it's geographical. it probably is. it's part of an approach. because they will start to, for example, open garden centers, gua garden centers are having important this time of year. they will be open to social distancing measures. when things do reopen, it won't be -- it won't just be sort of here you go, any rush. it will be very much with precautions. and we have yet to hear about schools. it seems to have been a lot of resistance about reopening the schools to all children. we think it may be for younger children only and we have of course had schools open for children of health care workers. but at the same time some
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parents are quite anxious. >> i can understand. it's got to be very, very challenging. i want to talk about the u.s. for the moment. the virus has come into the white house which is now stepping up its prevention efforts. and now this has come frightingly close to the u.s. president. what does that say about the enforcement of strict safety measures. white house personnel haven't been wearing masks. >> well, as you know, the uk line on wearing masks is that the evidence is inconclusive and we have yet to have any official guidance on wearing masks. wearing masks may not be the most important thing. the most important thing is hand hygiene, social distancing, and obviously you can pick up the virus anywhere. you may not be passing it on in the white house. however, it means within the white house there needs to be strict measures, social distancing, two meters apart, good hygiene, wiping down of the
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surfaces. in the uk we've had a lot of our top advisers as well as our prime minister have had covid. and our health secretary had covid. it's easy for it to be picked up. fortunately they have all survived and fortunately those who went into isolation have been able to come back and provide advice. >> that is good news. it shows that this virus can go certainly anywhere. we appreciate your expertise. thank you so much. >> thanks. lockdown relief for most of spain is coming. the new freedoms that await as the country prepares to easy restrictions. we'll talk about that next here. also the pandemic is devastating ecuador's second largest city. we'll talk about that coming up here. - [spokeswoman] meet the ninja foodi grill.
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the prime minister is touting the progress made so far, but urging people to remain cautious. journalist al goodman joins me from madrid. do you get a sense from where you are that people are heeding what the president is saying? >> reporter: generally heeding the call across the country according to officials and police. the whole country has been on this confinement order for eight weeks, the state of emergency which continues. and the prime minister has said repeatedly that the opening up is not going to be all at the same time, not across the entire territory. on monday, more than 50% of the population that is going to get into phase one is going there, the government says, because the health indicators in those regions are better, lower infection rates, better capacity for the hospitals and health services to respond to a potential second wave. just 40 minutes drive from where i'm standing in the spanish capital, they will go to phase
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one. on monday, people will be able to go out to a restaurant like that, where there will be outdoor tables. they'll sit around with friends and family members. there will be a series of other openings up. but in madrid, people are able to go out as you can see for a walk, a short limited walk once a day near their home or do some exercise in the city where they live. but this -- the restaurants remain closed. there are no outdoor tables here. restaurants open for takeaway food only. stores open by appointment only. i ewent to the hardware store, had to make an appointment. these are the kinds of things that many did and barcelona are going to have to wait on a little bit longer. the whole point is to try to make sure there's not a second wave, people keep their social distancing and spain keeps going forward slowly rather than fall backward, quickly. natalie?
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>> making an appointment makes sense. no one wants to go back. hopefully they'll take the precautions. al goodman in madrid, thanks. brazil has reached a dire marker in the pandemic. the country's health minister reports 10,000 people have died from the virus. the ministry recorded new cases bringing the nationwide total to more than 150,000 people infected. brazil is the only country in latin america with more than 100,000 known cases. according to johns hopkins university, peru, chile, columbia and ecuador have 10,000 each. ecuador's second-largest city has lived through one of the most horrific outbreaks of the coronavirus anywhere in the world. a cnn analysis shows the virus death toll could be 17 times
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higher than official data suggests and that staggering death toll has ravaged a city roughly the size of chicago. cnn's matt rivers spoke with one young man about how he lost his father to the disease and the morgue lost his father's remains. the video is graphic and difficult to watch, but we choose to air it because it is the start reality of the outbreak. here is our story. >> reporter: these are bodies piled in open shipping containers outside a hospital in ecuador, the country's second-largest city. the person who shot this video shared it with cnn. if watching the video is difficult, imagine going through those containers in person looking for your dad's body. that's what this man says he had to do. >> one on top of each other.
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it's really devastating. >> reporter: on march 31st, his dad couldn't breathe after being turned away at ten different hospitals because they were full. his dad was finally admitted at the 11th. he was placed in a wheelchair like this one and taken to a room with no bed. there were two dead bodies already inside. >> it was like a war zone. a lot of people dying and nobody is taking care of them. >> reporter: he died the next day. on his death certificate, it says he died of acute respiratory failure due to covid-19. but he was never tested because the health care system has all but collapsed. the hospital wouldn't comment on his case, but cnn has spoken to multiple doctors who say in march and april, hospitals citywide buckled under the weight of the pandemic. their facilities were overwhelmed almost immediately after the outbreak began, doomed by a lack of staff and supplies.
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the three doctors we spoke to suggested dozens of patients simply died in their cars outside of hospitals awaiting treatment. in this video obtained by cnn, a man, dead in his car, was pulled out and laid in a hospital parking lot by his family. the group unsure what to do next. the federal government has apologized for its pandemic response and stating the obvious said they weren't ready for an outbreak with a staggering death toll. in march and april combined, in 2018 and 2019, an average 2,799 people died in guayaquil. this year, that number spiked to 2,350. of those, the government has confirmed, 533 were due to covid-19. what explains the fact that thousands more died over the same two-month period this year? >> there's no doubt that the
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additional thousands and thousands of deaths are covid-related. >> totally. for me, our covid unless proven otherwise. >> reporter: three epidemiologists said the death toll could be higher than 9,000. the government has acknowledged the virus death toll is far higher than what they officially report. but say its lack of ability to test more means we'll never know the exact figure. when he went to collect his father's remains, hospital officials couldn't find them. he says he had to search on his own both in the morgue and in these shipping containers. after five days of looking through hundreds of bodies, he says he never found his dad. >> i couldn't go anymore. mentally, i wasn't like 100%. >> reporter: the government didn't respond but say many families are still missing dead loved ones.
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last month the attorney general launched an investigation into the mismanagement of remains at hospital morgues and anyone can go to this government website and type in the name to see if there's any news. more than a month after he died, a search for him ends in no results found. he grieves for his dad alone these days. he's separated from his family because last week he tested positive for coronavirus. the overall case number is dropping, but for so many, the worst parts of this outbreak will never really end. the government says it has a better handle on this outbreak at the moment and as a result, this week, they have started to slowly easy off some of the quarantine measures that had been put into place. but the people that we're speaking to simply say they do not trust the ecuadorian government to handle any reopening and they're scared that if this isn't done right,
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they could end up where they were when things were so bad in the months of march and april. natalie? >> matt rivers, an amazing report. so, so very horrific. thank you. well, next here we have new research out of the uk about people's drinking habits during this lockdown. we'll talk about that. plus, we will talk to with a mental health expert and hopefully help you cope through all of this with his advice. stay with us. here's a razor that works differently. the gillette skinguard it has a guard between the blades that helps protect skin. the gillette skinguard.
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here in the u.s. and around the world. happy mother's day. you're watching "cnn newsroom." a new program designed to provide relief to farmers and ranchers is set to begin next week. the rollout was announced on twitter writing that the u.s. will purchase $3 billion worth of their goods and give them to food banks. many farmers have had to destroy crops and dump milk due to disruptions in the distribution chain. the president of the national farmers union says the new program is a step in the right direction. >> we're certainly encouraged. there's a lot of attention being given right now to not only get the bottlenecks in the system flowing, but also to buy a product where possible so that those who are hungry right now and needing food and certainly get it. those issues are going to be done, we have plenty of food. it's this conundrum making sure
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we can connect to food to the people who need it. it's going to take a herculean effort. it's going to take a lot of help. >> we hope they get it for sure. california is dealing with a ballooning economic crisis. the state's governor said friday, the unemployment rate is more than 20%. now the governor is allowing some businesses to reopen this weekend. we're in los angeles. >> reporter: california jumping right into phase two. the rule now for hikers, you have to wear masks, they want you to bring hand sanitizer and water. and golf also opening up in the city of los angeles. on the public courses there, we saw people out, also required to wear masks, told not to pay in cash. also don't touch the flagstick
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and try to stay six feet apart. golfers welcoming the chance to go out and play with their friends, but also proceeding with caution. >> i want myself and all my friends around me to be healthy and stay healthy. so that's the trepidation. i tell you what, i feel a lot safer coming here under the guidelining that we're doing than i do going to the grocery store. you have four guys walking down the space that's several football fields long. we can stay 10, 15, 20 feet apart all day long. i feel safe for that. >> i'm happy because all my friends here, we're doing this for the last 30 years. >> reporter: in the city of los angeles, 850,000 rounds per year played on those city courses alone. some other developments in california, the governor announcing that people will be allowed to vote by mail in
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november. that's come as welcome news to people we spoke with. they will also allow for voting in person, but there will be extreme social distancing rules, those yet to be announced by governor newsom. reporting from las vegas, back to you. we're going to talk about how people are or aren't coping through all of this. a leading alcohol charity commissioned research into how the pandemic might be changing drinking habits. alcohol change uk found that more than 1 in 3 of drinkers stopped or cut back. it also found that 1 in 5 were also consuming more. here's more. >> i first took a drink when i was in my early teens and, you know, i remember the feeling of that. >> reporter: this 21-year-old student who we're calling david, doesn't want you to know his
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real name or see his face. like an estimated half a million britains, he's battling an addiction to alcohol and a fight that's getting tougher the longer the lockdown lasts. >> it's going to be a very, very difficult one. >> reporter: with his meetings having moved online, he's missing the emotional support of those who have kept him dry. >> one of the important things for me was actually having room for the people who treated me as a human being. now that room full of people is not there anymore. >> reporter: it took david years to admit he had a problem. but millions of britains could be heading down the same path using alcohol as a distraction and developing a dependency. >> it's like a ratchet. it can go up easily, but it can
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be very hard to bring down. if home is a place that you associate with drinksiing and n you're in it, that has a risk. >> reporter: the commission surveyed habits after seeing a fivefold increase of appeals for help. it found that 1 in 5 brits are drinking more often. for instance, sales of alcohol at uk liquor stores was 30% higher than usual for the month of march before people rushed to stockpile. among those most at risk, says this london doctor, senior citizens who are also more vulnerable to coronavirus. >> i'm concerned about the baby boomer population. we're seeing a hidden problem in older people who were drinking behind closed doors.
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>> david has his whole life to look forward to. by the end of this month, he will be have been sober for two years. after this is over, others will be left with serious, long lasting consequences. >> a u.s. public health group warns that the isolation and uncertainty created by the pandemic could cause tens of thousands of additional deaths. they say stress from financial problems and isolation can lead to drug or alcohol abuse and even suicide. the group calls them deaths of despair and says there could be as many as 75,000. they want officials to boost mental health services for people experiencing difficulties and so many are. let's get some perspective on this from a mental health expert. i'm joined by professor rory o'connor. thanks so much for coming on.
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>> good morning. >> good morning to you. evening saying deaths of despair is something horrific. what is your reaction to this report about the dangers for many people? >> i welcome the report. i think we've known from other economic shocks, we look back to the recession ten or so years ago, that following that economic shock, there was huge deaths of despair. these deaths of despair are deaths associated with drug and alcohol abuse. and the concern i have is the pandemic represents a perfect storm of risk factors which includes financial uncertainty, this unbearable isolation. if you got pre-existing mental health problems or you're in a situation where you're experiencing domestic violence or abuse and you don't see a future, and your future -- it looks bleak and uncertain. it's not surprising for many that alcohol and drugs are part of the way in which you manage
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that distress, that uncertainty. i support the calls in this support which is we have to ensure that there are access to mental health services. but not only are they accessible, they have to be accessible here and now. when you look at what are the ways forward now in this new world where face to face support is going to be less, less common. i'm concerned that the people who are most vulnerable are those who have been left behind. we look at the virus deaths so far, the virus deaths so far have affected the most disadvantaged and in the next phase of the pandemic, my concern is the most disadvantaged are going to be further at risk. >> absolutely. there's -- like you say, so many issues. fear of dying, no financial security, isolation. it goes on and on. the world just celebrated this 75th year of the end of world war ii this weekend. people have endured wars, mr. o'connor, 9/11, climate
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disasters, refugees are living in tents. where do you put this pandemic as far as challenges to people's endurance and ability to cope through it? >> well, the short answer is we don't know yet. this is an unprecedented experience because maybe if you look back to 9/11 or to the economic shock 10 or 12 years ago, that affected the world globally in terms of its impact. but we have a situation in which you have economic insecurity, personal insecurity and social insecurity. and they're all coming together and none of us know what the future will hold and we know what's for certain, it will not be the same as the past. and how we deal with that uncertainty, we protect who is most vulnerable. that's the biggest challenge we have. i think all of us have a role to play. what's been remarkable across the world is there's been an outpouring of community support. but alongside that community
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support, we need government leadership, government resources and all of us have a role to play to protect the most vulnerable. if we look back, we can say to our children and grandchildren, we did the best we could to protect those people who needed our support and care. those who self-isolated, those who had mental health problems, those who lost their jobs out of no fault of their own. that's the challenge for us internationally as well as in our own countries. >> right. and the challenge will also be to reach out digitally and remotely and that will be troubling as well. but i guess the upside to this is that in these instances, neighbors always help neighbors and community support is so important. >> absolutely. and i think that has been so heartwarming to witness that sense of community support. that coming together. recognizing that we're all human beings together and reaching out. that uniqueness of reaching out
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and supporting another person, it's so, so -- it's been so incredibly important. and as we move forward, we need to harness that. you mentioned the digital support and remote support. we published a report a couple of weeks ago in which we're calling internationally to devote more resources to understand what is the research that needs to be done, what types of interventions or remote support we need and can deliver to the most vulnerable, and really we need to invest in that. >> absolutely. very good advice. it's so important right now to stay connected somehow. and thank you so much. roy o'connor, we appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up here, we think of health care professionals as the pandemic's heroes. what about funeral directors? we'll hear the stories of some of these forgotten frontline workers next. meet the ninja foodi grill. get the perfectly grilled flavors of an outdoor grill indoors, and because it's a ninja foodi, it can do even more,
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like transform into an air fryer. the ninja foodi grill, the grill that sears, sizzles, and air fry crisps. ♪ here's a razor that works differently. the gillette skinguard it has a guard between the blades that helps protect skin. the gillette skinguard. working on the front lines, and here's one small way that you can help them in return.
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as coronavirus deaths rise, there are some frontline workers you might not think about during this pandemic, the funeral directors and the body collectors. phil black follows some of these unsung heroes as they try to cope during this difficult time. >> reporter: we all know this is a time of death, of loss so great it's difficult to comprehend. but tony knows what it really means. >> i was called out last night to -- it was his wife of many years who had passed away. >> reporter: tony's job is collecting and moving bodies. he's never been busier. >> i haven't had a day off since it started. >> reporter: tony works at a patch of territory along
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england's southern coast. around the world, chasing covid-19's relentless body count. >> collected an elderly lady from a nursing home and brought her here. i'm moving to another nursing home where somebody else has passed away. >> reporter: but it's not only the vast numbers challenging those who are trying to ensure digniti dignity in death. these funeral workers follow muslim tradition. it's an intimate process, washing and wrapping his each before burial. but safety is a key concern. every body must be treated as a potential covid-19 risk. this man has been a funeral director for 25 years. this day brings him a new challenge. >> there's a request of a very small baby passing away.
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i need some paperwork from him. >> reporter: a small, stillborn baby, and the baby's mother, both victims of covid-19. once collected, they lie side by side in the van. the baby in the adult-sized coffin. >> very sad. >> isa wasn't prepared for this. >> it's a tough challenge. it's a tough one. even for me. it's very, very tough. very painful. >> later isa arranges another special request. his hearse is driving by a hospital so the staff can honor one of their own. they're clapping for an ambulance care assistant, another covid-19 victim. only a close few can attend his funeral. they must stand apart to pray and can only approach his grave
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one at a time. when the ambulance came from abdul, his family didn't know it was the last time they would see him. >> tell me what it's like to lose a brother this way. >> it's like to lose a brother, it's like you lose half of you. >> reporter: in this time of death, most of us are shielded from its awful reality. a committed few know what the terrible numbers really mean. phil black, cnn, london. and we'll be right back.
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it is hard to imagine what music would be like today without the influence of little richard. the flamboyant singer died saturday at 87. george howell looks back at his life and legacy. ♪ >> reporter: little richard changed the course of rock 'n' roll history with that iconic song. he sang "tutti fruiti" and it became a hit. >> when i started in the business, i never heard rock 'n' roll music before. >> reporter: the singer who inspired the revolution of rock
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'n' roll was born richard wayne penniman. little richard signed with specialty records in 1955 and began his incredible journey to becoming a rock 'n' roll icon. ♪ >> reporter: during the '50s. he made several more hit songs including "good golly miss molly" and "lucille." >> i always felt i would be a star. >> reporter: a star he certainly was. he landed a part in the musical comedy "the girl can't help it." his soulful voice made him a household name. however, at the height of his stardom, the self-proclaimed architect of rock 'n' roll quit the music business. he became an ordained minister
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and traveled across the country as an e evangelist and recorded gospel music. >> i went through those different periods, but i've always loved rock 'n' roll. >> reporter: during the late '60s and '70s, little richard returned to the spot light and recorded rock 'n' roll once again. his influence proved to be invaluable. >> the beatles were with me, jimi hendrix was my guitar player. >> reporter: little richard lived the wildlife life of a r. the singer was involved in a car accident in los angeles and thanked god for saving his life. >> everything else is secondary. to have god, glory to god. >> reporter: then little richard
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became one of the first icons to be inducted in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame in 1986. >> i'm just glad to be alive at this time. i'm glad to be in cleveland. i'm glad that i am the architect of rock 'n' roll. ♪ >> reporter: in 1993, the national academy of recording arts and science awarded the performer with the lifetime achievement award. ♪ >> the tremendous, tremendous performer. i'm natalie allen. thanks for watching. and happy mother's day. stay safe. i'll see you next weekend. "new day" is next. ♪ 49...50!
2:59 am
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3:00 am
♪ the nation's top infectious disease expert, dr. anthony fauci, will be doing what some described as a modified quarantine for two weeks. >> the second top official on the white house's coronavirus task force now announcing they will be self-quarantining. dr. redfield will be teleworking for the next two weeks. mili, the vice president's spokeswoman tested positive yesterday, which prompted dr. stephen hahn to announce later that day that he was also going to be self-quarantining. i want to congratulate dana white and the ufc. they're going to have a big match. we love it. we think it's important.
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