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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 17, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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without even saying his name, former u.s. president barack obama teed off on donald trump's coronavirus response. the white house now hitting back. social distancing while catching a suntan. how 48 of america's 50 states are planning to at least partially reopen by memorial day. plus, he is china's version of anthony fauci. the nation's top medical adviser sits down with cnn for an exclusive interview. hear why he says china is still vulnerable to another deadly
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wave of coronavirus. coming to you live from cnn headquarters in atlanta, welcome to our viewers here in the united states and the around the world, i'm natalie allen, this is "cnn newsroom." thank you so much for joining us. while the number of coronavirus cases rises in the u.s. and the world, donald trump is spending the weekend at the presidential retreat in camp david, maryland. he is under fire from his predecessor for his leadership or lack thereof in this crisis. but first, let's take a look at the numbers for you. according to johns hopkins university, almost 1.5 million covid-19 cases have been confirmed in the u.s. that's about one third of all cases worldwide. 88,000 people here in the united
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states have died. meantime, in a virtual commencement message to the class of 2020, former u.s. president, barack obama, said the country's leaders aren't even pretending to be in charge. he never mentioned president trump by name, but it was clear who he was talking about. >> doing what feels good, what's convenient, what's easy, that's how little kids think. unfortunately, a lot of so-called grownups, including some with fancy titles and important jobs still think that way, which is why things are so screwed up. >> obama's former vice president who is trying to replace trump took to twitter, joe biden saying donald trump is, quote, wholly unfit to lead the country. the trump administration is firing back. it is defending the president's handling of the virus, saying that he kept those numbers from being higher. cnn's jeremy diamond has more on the war of words.
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>> reporter: well, for the second time in two weeks, former president obama is speaking out against the trump administration's response to the coronavirus. this time speaking up publicly. >> more than anything, this coronavirus has pulled back the curtain that so many in charge know what they're doing. >> reporter: he called the response an absolute chaotic disaster. we are hearing from kayleigh mcenany. she said president trump's unprecedented kroichbs response has saved lives. his early travel restrictions and quarantines protected the american public while his paycheck protection program and direct assistance to americans.
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now that last line of that statement about a depleted stockpile is something that president trump and his aides have been repeatedly been bringing up as they've been defending their handling of the coronavirus pandemic. while certain items in that national stockpile had not been restocked by the previous administration, it certainly was by no means depleted and president trump had been in office three years before coronavirus arrived in the united states. but president trump, while he has not directly responded to his predecessor, he has been leveling other allegation, something that he's been calling obamagate, making evidence-free claims against his predecessor, suggesting he is trying to discount his presidency. some of his loyal allies trying to find a way to advance that latest conspiracy theory.
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jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. let's talk about the pandemic now and states opening up. it has been three weeks since the state of georgia, right here, began allowing businesses to reopen. it was one of the first states to take that leap. recently, the number of new cases has bounced up and down day to day, but in the big picture has remained relatively steady. natasha chen reports from right here in atlanta. >> reporter: here in atlanta, georgia, a lot of people are starting to come back out to businesses that have been reopening over the past three weeks. what we are seeing is the good news. there hasn't been a major spike in daily new cases, but the bad news is there also hasn't been a decrease in new cases either. there are some places taking advantage of being allowed to reopen their dining rooms. the governor of georgia relaxed some of the rules for restaurants this past week. now ten people can gather at a table instead of just six. but not everyone is taking advantage of opening their
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dining rooms. for example this restaurant is doing take out only at the window with people being able to take their food to a table. so restaurant openers awners ar this very carefully, and there are people who have been observing over the past three weeks being cautious with their families. we met one family that came out for the first time in almost three weeks. >> it's actually really scary. it's not like coronavirus is over. and everybody's saying, i washed my hands, i have hand sanitizer, i'm going to be okay. but you're still going to be around people who cough and touch everything. and like you're actually like very vulnerable. and it's actually very scary, but it's kind of exciting and happy that you get to go outside to some places that you enjoy again, but you also have to be very careful. >> i agree with that. >> reporter: when's the last time you got ice cream? >> 2019. >> reporter: georgia governor brian kemp has it outtouted low
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hospitalization rates. but they still caution people to stay home as much as possible. we're talking to the georgia chamber of commerce. they say it's a mixed bag who is opening and who isn't. this is a long-term change that a lot of businesses have to make. it's not just having the resources and masks and gloves for the next two to three weeks. this is really for the long term. he said no matter what industry they're in, they're now in the business of health and wellness. natasha chen, cnn, atlanta. many in the u.s. are heading out to the beaches this weekend as states reopen and warm weather collides with cabin fever. first, let's begin in california where los angeles county is reopening beaches with restrictions. paul vercammen is in malibu. >> reporter: a major development
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in the easing of social distancing rules in los angeles county. i'm at famed zuma beach, now reopened this weekend. you can see off in the water some new rules. you can use the beach in l.a. county for recreation. you see them wading there. you're to keep moving along. one thing we've noticed. we saw sheriff deputies on atvs, and they would address people who they thought were parking or setting up tents or umbrellas. they want these people to dmeke in motion. if you're going to be on the boardwalk or closer than six feet, you're to be wearing a mask. not everybody has a mask and that has some people concerned. >> i'm glad to come out to the beach and walk my dog, but because people are still disregarding, we're not taking my kids. i don't feel quite comfortable enough bringing them out here.
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>> we can't assume everybody's totally sat down and read all the county's policies on reopening the beach. so a lot of our job is educating the public out here. >> reporter: los angeles county was the last of the southern california counties to reopen beaches, and in neighboring orange and ventura county, they' they're celebrating, some of the residents were spilling off into the beaches in other counties. it seems it has relieved the pressure point, and now wpt nite new rules, this is still a work in progress, with reopening southern california's very, very beloved beaches. i'm paul vercammen reporting from malibu, back to you. >> reporter: several beach communities reopened saturday as part of a dry run for the jersey shore. the rest are expected to open on memorial day weekend. authorities wanted to see what would happen if they reopened
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boardwalks and parks and asked people to be responsible for social distancing. on saturday, state police reported the experiment reportedly was working. many attractions remained closed. on the beach, drone footage captured groups of people sitting apart from one another. the boardwalk was packed, and most people didn't wear masks, though they were not required to. there's a concern if people don't remain socially distant, the summer seen could ason coul down, creating another blow to the economy. ocean city, new jersey. and we have this for those of you stocking up on disinfectants. the world health organization is offing this new advice. it says spraying disinfect thes outside or ayos broad indoor spaces may not do any good. several governments are fogging streets in efforts to sanitize during the pandemic.
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but the w.h.o. says dirt and other debris render that effort useless. well, let's talk about the latest developments. let's go to an associate professor in england. good to see you again, thanks for coming on. >> hi, natalie. >> let's start with that report i just gave. what do you think about the report on spraying disinfectant and whether it does any good. >> so the complexity of how these particles of disinfectant react is complicated. what we know is effective is disinfectant on surfaces. as the w.h.o. rightly says, if you have dust particles, dusty streets, sand, soil, et cetera, affecting the interaction, then you've got a lot of nooks and
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crannies where in the virus particles can hide and not get accessed by the disinfectant. what they're saying is quite right. the public conzechgts the mode of transition is very sgliefrgetd else, that the virus can live in the air as long as 174 14 minutes. >> there are parts of the virus that can linger for much, much longer in the environment. the effects of social distancing become important when there is also limited crowding even in
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limited spaces and the flow of individuals is limited, and we have earth flow and removal from the environment in a very powerful manner. so if you think of supermarkets, grocery stores, et cetera, if you have a constant traffic of people through there, then the risk of being exposed to the virus increases, because somebody of the people that will be going through there will have likely got the disease and will be shedding at that time. the simulations that show how easy it is with this cloud of virus to spread and maintain itself in such an environment. so we really need those open windows on those air circulation systems, just moving the air and putting it out into the greater environment as much as possible to be really safe. >> well, as you've been seeing, beaches have been opening in the united states, there's a holiday weekend coming up at the end of the month. states have guidelines for social distancing. some ordering mask wearing in
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establishments. are you generally comfortable with the openings we're seeing or is it too soon to tell? >> i'm afraid, i don't, i agree at all with policy adopted by many of the u.s. governors in the united states. i don't agree with the policy of the uk government, and i'm in line with what the british medical association have said with regards to trying to eliminate transmission rather than just trying to reduce the transmission rate. we are starting to see a lot of information about people who have recovered from covid-19, having long-term effects from the disease, even if they haven't ended up in icu. so to assume that just catching it and getting a set immunity is fine, a lot of people have completely debunctioned this.
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it might affect the capacity of these individuals to live and perform at the top of their game for the rest of their lives. if you're in your 70s, maybe you're not quite so concerned about your performance, but if you're starting your career in your 20s, 30s or you're a child, what does that do for the rest of your life? >> very good point there. the u.s. has not seen the spikes that were predicted. here in georgia, they were criticized fo criticized for opening early, cases are down. is this a calm before the next storm? >> you will help me a little bit, because i'm not following the date for opening around the world. when exactly did georgia open? >> the very first week of may. >> the very first week of may. so we will see the peak, if we're going to see one, in the next week. that's where it will happen. now one has to bear in mind that people are going to be afraid
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and cautious. so they're going to try to reduce, do as much as they can to reduce the transmission. hough, so however, some of the events happening worldwide with regards to sustaining the lockdowns don't fill me with confidence that we're not going to see continued uptick of the transmission and a return of transmission. >> well, and there is a prediction that there could be 10,000 more deaths in the u.s. by june 1. so these next two weeks will be something to pay close attention to, and hopefully we'll talk to you again. always appreciate your expertise. thank you. >> you're very welcome. well, many countries in europe seem to have flattened their curve of infections, but the uk doesn't seem to have hit its peak just yet. and it is easing restrictions anyway as we just heard from our guests. we'll see if it's proving to be a safe bet, coming up here also. cnn's exclusive interview with
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china's top medical vierz. and we'll tell you why he is sounding the alarm once again. so i listen to audible almost any time that i can. it's my own thing that i can do for me. since i don't have time to read, i mean i might as well listen. if i want to catch up on the news, or history, or learn what's going on in the world, i can download a book and listen to it. i listen to spanish lessons sometimes to and from work. yea, it makes me want to be better. audible reintroduced this whole world to me. it changes your perspective. it makes you a different person. see what listening to audible can do for you.
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we've been talking about the u.s., but let's look at countries around the world right now. in greece, as you can see, hundreds of beaches have opened up again. authorities had to speed things up since temperatures above 100 degrees fahrenheit are forecast this weekend. expect many people out at the beach, but to keep covid-19 infections low, there are a few social distancing rules, beach umbrellas have to be four yards apart. and no more than 30 people per 1200 square yards. >> on monday, some limited regulated forms of social interaction will be allowed, opening up public spaces, hotels and commerce. ed international travel is set to resume at some airports with more details later today. spain is reopening in phases, with gatherings of ten people to be permitted in most of the
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country. madrid and barcelona will remain in the more stringent phase zero for now. italy has recorded the fewest number of daily deaths since its lockdown began in march. its 153 deaths raised the fatality rate to more than 31,700. measures will be further relaxed monday. the prime minister calls it a calculated risk that has to be done with prudence. london police tell cnn that about one dozen protesters have been arrested after an anti-lockdown demonstration. people who gathered in hyde park, some chanted "shame on you" as police officers without masks asked them to move along. meantime, more than 241,000 people in the country have tested positive so far. that's according to johns
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hopkins university. but there is a deadline that's fast approaching regardless of this pandemic. the one for the uk to reach a trade deal with brussels. the eu and the uk are negotiating their future relationship once the brexit transition period expires at the end of the year. and the eu's chief brexit negotiator says he's bracing for the worst. nina del santos is standing by for us in london. i would never say that brexit is a nice, something to do other than pandemic. but, brexit must be done, you know? it is a nice break from the usual. >> it must be done. it must also be talked about on a sunday morning as well. because it's so important. but it's also another one of those never-ending sagas that probably the british people and people on the other side of the channel as well will be rolling their eyes at when they see
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these headlines in the newspaper over the course of the weekend. essentially what we have is the uk negotiator david frost and the negotiator on behalf of the european commission coming out of their latest round of talks saying this isn't an abject failure, but we're extremely far apart on a number of things and there are red lines and positions that are becoming entrenched. these negotiations aren't taking place in a face-to-face manner over a cup of coffee. that's not really what's happening with these virtual meetings that are taking place in a time of covid-19, natalie. the evideu is stick being ting mantra, that the eu wants some ambitious free-trade agreement, like a canada-style deal as it's
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been dubbed. the eu says it will not compromise on subjects like social, environmental and labor laws and so on and so forth. the uk says why would we sign a deal that lets us have more flexible stances on countries outside the eu. fishing apparently appears to be something that the eu is indicated it has some wiggle room on. it's a huge subject. for a long time, some people in the country have felt that the country as an island hasn't had enough jurisdiction over the waters, and they want a bigger share of the pie there from here on. so why is this important? well, there will be negotiations
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taking place on the first of june again. that's when the next round will set up. in about six weeks time, there's going to be another deadline by which the eu and uk will have to agree whether to extend the deadline. both sides yet again, i know we have heard it before are saying we could end up with another no deal by the end of next year. >> my goodness, nina del santos, thank you. could dogs sniff out coronavirus? british researchers suspect the dogs you see here just might be able to. trials are set to begin in london to find out whether dogs can detect the coronavirus in people even before symptoms appear. look at that one. he's cute. the trials will look at six dogs dubbed the super six. a mix of labradors and cocker spaniels. respiratory diseases are known to change body odor in humans. and there's been success
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training dogs to detect other diseases, including malaria, cancer and parkinson's disease. yes. they can sniff it out. what can't dogs do? next, some people call him china's dr. fauci. cnn's exclusive interview with him next. also, a minnesota police officer wins praise for going beyond the call of duty. what he did instead of giving a front line doctor a speeding ticket. you'll like this one. "the return of drifting"
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"drafting" "the return of the slide job" "ripping the wall" "gas-n-go"
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"bump-n-run" "the return of loud" "nascar is back, and xfinity is bringing you the best seat in the house."
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen, you're watching cnn. barack obama says the coronavirus crisis has torn back the curtain on america's leaders, and many aren't even pretending to be in charge. the former u.s. president spoke in a virtual commencement address saturday. the white house says its response has saved lives. let's take a look at the human toll here in the u.s. so far there have been more than 1.4 million cases of coronavirus in the country, according to johns hopkins university. the death toll nearing 89,000. that's almost a third of all the known covid-related deaths worldwide. residents at wuhan, china lined up in a massive coronavirus screening effort. officials announced they would
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test all 11 million residents within ten days. they say the program is necessary to track the scope of the epidemic. the expert who saw china through the sars epidemic is criticizing his country's early response to the coronavirus and sounding yet another alarm. he says china could get a second wave of infections, especially if there isn't a vaccine. cnn's david culver sat down with him for this exclusive interview. >> this is an interview that we have been working to get for months, a conversation with the dr. fauci of china. his name is dr. zhong. and he spoke about what he believes are the concerns still on the horizon for china, even though things here are starting to open up and may feel safer, i says they are not in the clear and warns of a second wave. he also is highly critical of how things were handled early on, particularly through wuhan.
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in the u.s., many have turned to dr. fauci as the medical voice of reason. in china, it's dr. zhong. the well-known respiratory expert speaking exclusively with cnn. >> i cannot compare with fauci, who is the adviser of the president. always been standing in beside the president. >> perhaps he does not physically stand next to president xi jinping, but he has the trust of the central government. his advice sparks nearly immediate action. on january 18th, five days before the city was shut down, zhong traveled to the original epicenter of the outbreak and questioned the local health officials. zhong, who gained international praise for his work on sars 17 years ago, believed this rapidly-spreading coronavirus was far more devastating than
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being portrayed by wuhan health officials. >> i suppose they are very reluctant to answer my question. the local authorities didn't like to tell the truth at that time. >> publicly, wuhan health officials labeled the virus as preventible and controllable. and later, the city's mayor even acknowledged not releasing information in a timely fashion. zhong pressed harder for the actual numbers and when he got them, he headed to beijing and briefed the central government and within hours was addressing the nation on state-run cctv. he said human transmission was likely and it had already affected medical personnel e. >> very contagious. so i suppose at that time, the central government listened to our comments and advice.
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>> within three days, wuhan went into a harsh lockdown that lasted 76 days. even with china's central government now taking the lead, there is still skepticism over the numbers. zhong believes it's partly political and that the government would not benefit from underreporting. >> the government has got the lesson from the outbreak of sars 17 years ago. they have announced one of the stat, all the government department should report the true number of diseases. so if they, if you do not do that, you will be punished. >> what do you believe to be the origin of this virus in particular? >> i think the origin is very difficult to draw any conclusion at the moment. but i believe this kind of disease is originated from animals.
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>> u.s. president donald trump and secretary of state mike pompeo say they have evidence it leaked from a lab, an origin theory many international medical experts and u.s. intelligence say is highly unlikely. now it seems more and more medical experts do not believe that it originated there. do you feel that with certainty? >> it took two weeks to prove nothing about it. no. i don't think so. >> zhong's focus now is on preparing china for second wave of the outbreak. new clusters have surfaced in several cities, including wuhan. >> we are facing a big challenge. it's not better than the foreign countries, i think. it's at the moment. >> zhong, like dr. fauci, has achieved celebrity status in china. his scientific expertise aside, many are impressed with his
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physical drive. what is it that you have been doing during this period to stay mentally sane, physically fit. how does dr. zhong conduct his days? >> i still keep exercising and sport and all the things, keep an open mind and eat not too much every time. so that's why seems to be still can do something in my age of 84. >> dr. zhong spoke about the collaboration ongoing with medical counterparts in the u.s. he said die spiespit despite th plit side, the collaboration is still under way at least amongst certain medical professionals. they say hard times can bring out the best in people. we've seen a lot of that during this pandemic. imagine you're a doctor about to
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get a speeding ticket when something amazing happens. amara walker tells us about the minnesota state trooper who went beyond the call of duty. >> reporter: if you listen carefully, you can hear the driver of this white suv crying as she talks with the minnesota state trooper. >> you're going way too fast. i don't want you to get hurt. >> it was a very emotional moment. >> reporter: emotional, because instead of getting slapped with a speeding ticket, she was offered a fist full of n95 masks by this trooper, a complete stran stranger. >> they gave us some n95 masks, do you want five of them? >> the mask was one i'd seen on the seat that were in such demand, we had been issued a number of masks and i felt like i had probably more than i
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needed. when i went back up and told her that she had been going too fast and should slow down, asked if she wanted some of my masks, at that point she started crying, i took that as a yes. >> reporter: the doctor had just finished seeing suspected coronavirus patients at st. mary's medical center in duluth where she regularly fills in for other physicians. she admits she was concerned about the shortage of personal protective equipment for health care workers. >> if i did contract the coronavirus u i wouldn't be able to get on a flight to come back home. >> reporter: the protective masks from the trooper lasted her two weeks, which meant she didn't have to tap into the hospital's limited supply of ppe during that time. >> i think i'd only have to use a couple of masks out of the hospital supply. so we end the up preserving a lot of protective equipment, so, you know, this ended up
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benefitting a lot more people directly than just me. >> reporter: since their march 21st encounter, the doctor says she reached out to trooper schwartz to express her gratitude and how his act of kindness benefitted the health care workers at her hospital. >> the virus is not specific to any group of people. we're aall in this together, and we all have to band together to, to defeat it. >> it reminds me every time there's something ugly happening that there's people like him out there. >> okay. how much do you love that story? more of that. coming up here, president trump's firing of another government watchdog ignites a political firestorm in congress and u.s. lawmakers are now demanding answers after a fourth u.s. official responsible for keeping the government honest is abruptly dismissed. also, demonstrators demand
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u.s. democratic lawmakers say they'll open a congress at investigation into president trump's latist firing of a government watchdog. u.s. state department inspector general steve linick is the fourth dismissed by the president in recent weeks. republican senator mitt romney, a frequent critic of mr. trump blasted the president on twitter. the firings of multiple inspectors general is unprecedented, he wrote, doing so without good cause chills the independence essential to their purpose. it is a threat to accountable democracy and a fissure in the constitutional balance of power. we get more on this story from cnn's alex marquardt.
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>> reporter: in the trump administration, it is the watchdogs who are being watched closely, with suspicion and disdain, now being dismissed at a growing pace. friday night, with no warning, the inspector general for the state department was suddenly fired. president trump informing the house speaker in a letter it is vital that i have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as inspectors general. that is no longer the case with this inspector general. steve linick was charged with oversight, keeping watch for any wrongdoing and reporting it. according to the democratic chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, linick had launched an investigation into secretary of state mike pompeo and whether, according to a congressional aide, pompeo and his wife had misused a political appointee for personal tasks. the state department has not responded to that accusation. linick had a small but important
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role in the impeachment inquiry and had issued previous damning reports about the department under pompeo. it was pompeo, according to a senior official that linick be fired. the president has repeatedly shown and voiced opposition to his agency's watchdogs, fixated on getting rid of those he sees as obama loyalists who aren't sufficiently loyal to his administration. >> did i hear the word inspector general? it's wrong. >> it was the intelligence community's michael atkinson whose actions sparked what became the ukraine investigation and impeachment proceedings of the president. last month, atkinson, too, was fired. last month, the pentagon's acting inspector general, glen fine who was overseeing spending on coronavirus response was removed from the top job. and two weeks ago, the official serving as watchdog of health
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and human services was replaced after investigators found shortages of testing kits and masks and delays in test results. >> where did he come from? >> three of the four were dismissed late friday nights. the trump administration has named a new inspector jemg, his name is steven ak ard. he worked closely with mike pence when he was governor there. he has served in number of diplomatic postes arous around world. but the anger is growing among democrats with the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee calling the firing outrageous. alex marquardt, cnn, washington. protesters rallied in south georgia, demanding just physical for ahmaud arbery.
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they also want accountability for two local district attorneys who failed to file charges in the shooting that took place in february. a rally was held in front of the glynn county courthouse, followed by a march through the streets of brunswick. some demonstrators drove more than four hours from atlanta at. barack obama mentioned the case as part of his speech. >> a disease like this spotlights the inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country. we see it in the disproportionate impact of covid-19 on our communities. just as we see it when a black man goes for a jog and some folks feel like they can stop and question and shoot him if he doesn't submit to their questioning. >> our martin savage is in glynn
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county and has more on what the demonstrators want and why. >> reporter: several hundred protesters ma protesters made the roughly 300-mile trek from atlanta. remember, arbery died on february 23rd. on the very same day, authorities had in their hands the graphic video that depicted the way in which he died. yet, for two months, the case was virtually stagnant. there were no arrests. and it wasn't until the video leaked out, was made public and the public was horrified by what they saw that things began to change. that's when you saw the georgia bureau of investigation take over the case. and in less than two days you saw two arrests. travis and gregory mcmichael. many believe that the reason there was no action on that case for two months was the fact that gregory mcmichael is former law enforcement and that the
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district attorneys gave him favored treatment, at least that's what a lot of people suspect who were protesting today. they want the das to step down. and an investigation, actually two of them, are under way. one on the state level, one on the federal level looking into whether the cases were in fact mishandled. martin savage, glynn county, georgia. coming up next, football is back in germany. the seats were empty, but there was plenty to cheer about. we'll have that story. can my side be firm?
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the german bunbundesliga returned for the first time since march. does this mean other leagues will follow? we're all missing our sports. here's cnn's "world sports" don riddell. >> football is back, and it looks very, very different, but football fans will tell you it's a lot better than nothing. and germany's bundesliga could pave the way for others to escape their coronavirus
12:55 am
lockdown. six games were played. the scene was the same. empty stadiums. players walking out separately, coaches and substitutes wearing masks. the bundesliga is known for the spectacular, the fans, the intensity of the noise. this was the closest any of it came to that. the young star was having a breakout year before the lockdown and it's definitely now a season he'll never forget. another historic achievement here, he weighs tas the first t on the bundesliga return. and look closely, no touching. some teams were perhaps still in quarantine. nobody has played for two months. athletes, fans and sports administrators all over the world were paying very close attention.
12:56 am
the bundesliga was the first major sports league returning to action. but in germany, it's more than just an experiment, it's serious business. 75% of the games have already been played, the title race is tight. bayern munich will play on saturday. they absoluted the yellow wall. it is too soon to say if this was a success. but it is a model for other teams and leagues to follow. england has been debating how they can restart. and all the teams in the united states are all keen to find a way back to action. in the meantime, the bundesliga has a stage all to itself, even if it isn't quite the type of product they would want the world to be watching, back to
12:57 am
you. >> we will be watching. two more hours of "cnn newsroom" is just ahead. please stay with me. the biggest week in television is here.
12:58 am
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1:00 am
former u.s. president barack obama not mincing words on the current administration's coronavirus response. the white house has now responded itself. also this hour, covid-19 is cratering economies and had led to depression-era job losses. could it mean the death of the american shopping mall. plus, cnn spoke exclusively with china's t


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