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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 17, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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former u.s. president barack obama not mincing words on the current administration's coronavirus response. the white house has now responded itself. also this hour, covid-19 is cratering economies and had led to depression-era job losses. could it mean the death of the american shopping mall. plus, cnn spoke exclusively with china's top medical adviser who raised the alarm about the
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coronavirus even as officials continued to downplay it. we're live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta. welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm natalie allen. this is "cnn newsroom." thank you for joining us. our top story, amid the crisis, u.s. president number 44 having some harsh words for president number 45. it is extremely rare for a former u.s. president to scold his successor no matter what and barack obama has been mostly silent since leaving the office. but that was before 88,000 people died from coronavirus. an alarming number of them,
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people of color. the former u.s. president would stay silent no longer. >> doing what feels good, what's convenient, easy, that's how little kids think. unfortunately a lot of so-called grown-ups, including some with fancy titles and important jobs still think that way, which is why things are so screwed up. >> to be fair, president trump publicly attacks mr. obama on a regular basis and the former president rarely if ever rises to the bait. so it is noteworthy mr. obama would choose this moment to speak out. we get more about it from cnn's jeremy diamond at the white house. >> reporter: for the second time in two weeks, former president barack obama is speaking out against the trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic. this time, speaking up publicly. >> more than anything, this pandemic is torn back the
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curtain that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing. a lot of them aren't even pretending to be in charge. >> reporter: that criticism came a week after president obama criticized the trump administration's response calling it a chaotic disaster. this time we're hearing from the white house press secretary. she said this in response, president trump's unprecedented coronavirus response has saved lives. his early travel restrictions and quarantines protected the american public while his paycheck protection program got needed economic relief to our country. president trump directed the greatest mobilization of the private sector since world war ii to fill the stockpile left depleted by his predecessor. that last line is something that president trump and his aides have been bringing up as they've defended their handing of the coronavirus pandemic. while certain items had not been
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restocked by the previous administration, it certainly was by no means completely depleted and president trump has been in office three years before the coronavirus arrived in the united states. but, president trump, while he is has not directly responded, criticism of his response to this pandemic, he's been leveling other allegations, something he's been calling obama gate. making evidence-free claims against his predecessor suggesting he's been trying to undermine his presidency. over this weekend, president trump has been at camp david with some conservative fire brands on capitol hill trying to find a way to advance that latest conspiracy theory. let's look at states reopening in the united states right now. it's been three weeks since georgia right here began allowing businesses to reopen. it was one of the first states to take that leap. the move by the governor was
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controversial. since the start of the pandemic, the number of confirmed cases in georgia has risen to more than 36,000. some critics warned the state may be opening too soon. natasha chen has the latest from atlanta. >> reporter: a lot of people are starting to come back out to businesses that have been reopening over the past three weeks. what we're seeing is the good news, there hasn't been a major spike in daily new cases but the bad news is, there also hasn't been a major decrease in cases either. what we're seeing is that there are some places taking advantage of being allowed to reopen their dining rooms. the governor of georgia relaxed some of the rules for restaurants this past week. ten people can gather at a table instead of six. not everyone is taking advantage of opening their dining rooms. this restaurant is doing takeout only at the window with people being able to take their food to a table. some owners are taking this
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carefully and there are people who have been observing this over the past three weeks also be cautious with their families. we met one family who came out today for the first time in almost three weeks. here's what they said. >> it's actually really scary. it's not like coronavirus is over. and, like, everybody is saying, i wash my hands, i have hand sanitizer, i'm going to be okay. but you're around people who cough and touch everything and, like, you -- and you're very vulnerable. and it's actually very scary. it's kind of exciting and happen that you get to go outside to some places that you enjoy again. but you also have to be very careful. >> reporter: what's the last time you got ice cream? >> 2019. >> reporter: the georgia governor has touted lower hospitalization rates and increased testing while some officials in the atlanta area caution people to stay home if possible despite the fact that many things are reopening.
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we're talking to the georgia chamber of commerce as well. their president says it's really a mixed bag, who is opening and who isn't. this is a long-term change that a lot of businesses have to make. it's not just having the resources and masks and gloves for the next two to three weeks. this is really for the long term. he said no matter what industry they're in, they're in the business of health and wellness. natasha chen, cnn, atlanta. don't spray disinfectants to stop the virus. an advisory says a sprays large areas can do more harm than good. it could cause eye irritation. some governments are fogging streets to sanitize them during the pandemic. let's talk about the latest development. joining us from oxford, england,
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is dr. sean griffith. she's led hong kong's investigation into the 2003 sars epidemic. it's good to see you, thanks so much for joining us, professor. i want to talk to you about the united states beaches reopening, restaurants across the united states, all kinds of establishments. what is key right now to ensure there is not an uptick in the spread due to all of this reopening? >> the key, i think, is to view this as a marathon, not a sprint. by that i mean, we need to think to the long term because what we really need to avoid is an exponential increase. in georgia, for example, although there hasn't been an upturn, there hasn't been a downturn. there's still a level of disease in the community. what's going to be key for controlling the environment is contact tracing, when we know there's a case, what we're going to need to do is to make sure that we follow up that case,
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that that case is isolated, and that the contacts of that case are also told, please, self-isolate for a period of time and that will break the chain of transmission of the virus. that's what we're all aiming approximate for. we want to see the virus contained. we would love to see the virus disappear. but we don't want it to create a second, big spike. >> let's talk about contact tracing. it seems like a monumental task. we learned more than 1,100 people including students, epidemiologists from the florida department of health are involved with it in washington state. they're planning to use hundreds of national guardsmen for help in contact tracing. is this a good idea, all hands on deck, in this effort? >> every country is facing the same challenge, in fact. we in the uk are facing the same
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challenge to find enough people to make sure that as a case occurs, we're able to trace and find out who they might have been in touch with so that we can alert them that they potentially have the disease. you do need large numbers of people. if you have training, then it's possible to do this. i think that the use of apps in some countries is proving very useful. it's a combination of having a workforce and the use of apps and essential system that can identify a cluster, if you identify a cluster, you need to focus on that cluster and make sure that the disease doesn't go any further into the population. >> when do you think we will see the effects of the states opening up? we have a holiday weekend coming up when people usually go to the beach en masse? >> i don't know what regulations
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are being put in place in different states. but if you look around at other countries where beaches are opening up, some beaches use a ticket system to limit the number of people. some beaches in china i see, you reserve your spot for the day. and in general, i think what we need to do is to remind the public that social distancing is necessary to make sure that the disease doesn't spread any further and rely on not just measures taken by the state but on people's individual behavior. if people can keep social distance, it's good that they get out to exercise and good that they're able to actually feel freer than when locked up at home. >> right. and it's not asking too much during these challenging times to continue to utilize social distancing either. we always appreciate your insights. thanks for your time. thank you. >> thank you.
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in the united states, two states on opposite coasts are experimenting with reopening beaches before the summer tourism season begins. new jersey and california are looking to see if people will follow social distancing rules and other guidelines meant to stop the spread. here are the details from the jersey shore. >> reporter: several beach communities in new jersey opened saturday as part of a dry run for the larger jersey shore economic engine. the rest are expected to open on memorial day weekend. authorities wanted to see what would happen if they reopen boardwalks and parks and ask people to be responsible for social distancing. on saturday, state police reported the experiment seemed to be working. there was a low volume of people. here in ocean city, many attractions remain closed. on the beach, cnn drone footage
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captured groups of people sitting apart from one another. most people didn't wear masks, though they were not required too. there's a concern if people don't remain socially distant, the summer season could be shut down, creating another below to the economy. cnn, ocean city, new jersey. >> reporter: a major development in the easing of social distancing rules in los angeles county. i'm at famed zuma beach. reopened this weekend. you can see new rules. you can use the beach in l.a. county for recreation. you see them waiting there. you're to keep moving along. one thing we noticed, we saw sheriff's deputies on atvs and they would address people who they felt were parking or setting up tents or umbrellas. that was was a red flag. they're telling people on these l.a. county beaches if you're going to be on the boardwalk, you should wear a mask.
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that has had mixed results. not everybody seems to be putting on that mask and that has some beach goers concerned. >> i'm glad that i'm able to come out to this beach and walk my dog. but because people are still disregarding, we're not bringing our kids. our kids are staying with our mom right now. i don't feel comfortable enough bringing them out here yet. >> we can't assume everybody has read the policies on reopening the beach. a lot of our job is educating the public out here. >> reporter: los angeles county was the last of the southern california counties to reopen its beaches and in neighboring counties, they're celebrating, that's because l.a. county has 10 million residence, and some of those residents were spilling off into other beaches in other counties. this has relieved the pressure point. and now with the new rules, this is all an experiment. this is still a work in progress with reopening southern
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california's very, very beloved beaches. reporting from malibu, back to you. big department stores were losing ground to online retailers before this pandemic hit. next here, will shopping malls survive the current economic upheaval? we'll talk with an author who wrote about the death of malls. cnn's exclusive interview with china's top medical adviser. why he's sounding an alarm once again. take in fragrance inspired by nature... ...with air wick essential mist. with kits starting at just ten dollars you can transform natural essential oils into mist at a price that is just right.
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which was to help other veterans. i think there's like 180 books in my, in my library now. it changes your perspective; it makes you a different person. it's true, it's so true. to start your free 30-day trial, just text listen25 to 500500. residents of wuhan, china, where the covid-19 pandemic began lined up saturday for a massive virus screening effort. health officials aim to test all of the city's 11 much more residence within ten days. authorities say the program is necessary to track cases and prevent a resurgence. the effort began after new locally transmitted cases were reported in wuhan and two other provinces. china's top coronavirus adviser who saw the country through the sars epidemic is criticizing the early response
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to the pandemic and sounding at alarm. he said china could get a second wave of infections, especially if there isn't a vaccine. cnn's david culver sat down with him for this exclusive interview. >> reporter: this is an interview that we have been working to get for months. a conversation with the dr. fauci of china. and in our exclusive enter, he spoke about what he believes are the concerns still on the horizon for china even though things are starting to open up and may feel safer. he says they're not in the clear and warns of a second wave. he is also highly critical of how things were handled early on, particularly within wuhan. >> the answer is no. >> reporter: in the u.s., many have turned to dr. anthony fauci as that medical voice of reason. in china, it's this doctor, the well-known respiratory expert
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speaking exclusively with cnn. >> i cannot compare with fauci who is the adviser of the president. always been standing beside the president. >> reporter: he has the trust of china's central government. his advice sparks immediate action. take, for example, wuhan's unprecedented lockdown. on january 18th, five days before the city was shut down, he traveled to the original epicenter of the outbreak, he questioned the local health officials. >> in the very beginning they kept silent. >> reporter: he gained international praise for his work on sars believed this rapidly spreading novel coronavirus was far more devastating than being portrayed by wuhan health officials. >> i suppose they are very reluctant to answer my question. the local authorities didn't like to tell the truth at that time. >> publicly health officials as
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late as january 19th, labeled the virus as preventable and controllable. later, the city's mayor acknowledged not releasing information in a timely fashion. >> zhong pressed harder for the actual numbers. he briefed the central government and he was addressing the nation in his live interview on state-run cc tv. he revealed that human-to-human transmission was likely and he said the virus had already infected multiple medical personnel. >> that's a very dangerous signal showing this kind of disease is very contagious. so i suppose at that time the central government listened to our advice. >> reporter: within three days, wuhan went into a harsh lockdown. even with china's central government taking the lead, there's still skepticism over the official numbers.
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zhong believes it's partly political. >> the government had the lesson from sars 17 years ago. all the cities, all the government departments should report the true number of diseases. so if you do not do that, you will be punished. >> what do you believe to be the origin of this virus in particular? >> i think the origin is very difficult to draw any conclusion at the moment. but i believe this kind of disease is originated from animals. >> reporter: u.s. president donald trump and secretary of state mike pompeo have said they have evidence that it leaked from a lab. namely the wuhan institute of virologist, a theory that medical experts and u.s. intelligence say is highly
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unlikely. now it seems more and more medical experts do not believe that it originated there. do you feel that with certainly? >> took two weeks to make -- proved nothing about that. >> reporter: his focus is on preparing china for a second wave of the outbreak. over the past few weeks, new clusters of cases have surfaced in several cities, including wuhan. >> we are facing a big challenge. it's not better than the foreign countries, i think, at the moment. >> reporter: the doctor has achieved a celebrity status in china. many are impressed with his physical drive. >> what is it that you have been doing during this period to stay mentally sane? how do you conduct your days? >> i still keep exercising and sport and all the things and
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keep an open mind and eat not too much every time. that's why -- it seems to be i still can do things at my age of 84. >> reporter: he spoke about the collaboration that he says is ongoing with his medical counterparts in the united states, particularly with harvard university. he suggests that despite things getting politicized and tensions between the u.s. and china heightened, the conversations and the collaboration is still under way, at least among certain medical professionals. david culver, cnn, china. we are tracking a developing story out of the middle east. china's ambassador to israel has been found dead at his residence north of tel aviv. police are on the scene but have not issued an official statement. he's been the ambassador to israel for only about three months. we'll track this developing story and bring you more
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information as we get it. it is the top five list no country wants to be on. coming up here, we tell you which nation has passed italy as spain to become the pandemic's fourth worst-hit country. many of us are doing our shopping online these days. it's easy, it reduces the risk of virus exposure. but that spells trouble for shopping malls and major department stores. i talked with the author of "death of the mall" coming up next.
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world. i'm natalie allen. you're watching "cnn newsroom." former u.s. president barack obama publicly slammed the trump white house saturday for its response to the coronavirus pandemic. mr. obama in an online address to graduating high school students said, things are so screwed up, his words there, because the people in charge don't know what they're doing and are behaving like children. the white house responded that mr. trump has saved lives with his actions. let's take a look at the human toll in the u.s. so far there have been more than 1.4 million cases of the coronavirus in the country, according to johns hopkins. that's more than any in the world and the death toll is nearing 89,000. that's almost a third of all the known covid-related deaths worldwide. by monday, 48 of 50 states will have started reopening or loosening coronavirus restrictions. you can see plenty of people here at the new jersey shore
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which opened for a dry run saturday ahead of the crucial busy summer season. across the country, los angeles county reopened its beaches this weekend with the key stipulation that visitors keep moving. sunbathing and picnics remain prohibited. parts of the u.s. are trying to reopen, but that doesn't automatically provide jobs to the millions of americans who now are out of work. in the eight weeks since mid-march, 36 and a half million unemployment claims have been filed. more than 20 million jobs were lost in april alone. but the u.s. labor secretary says he thinks many of those jobs are going to come back. >> there are tens of millions of americans that have been put out of work and it's a great hardship for them. but many of those jobs are not lost yet. and i've seen three different
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surveys showing that 90% of americans on unemployment think it's temporary, think they're going back to those jobs. what we want to do now is get them back there safely. >> retail giants are reeling from this pandemic. once mighty jcpenney filed for bankruptcy protection on friday. the company has been struggling for years but blamed coronavirus for the filing. dallas-based neiman marcus declared bankruptcy earlier in may. like jcpenney, many of its problems preceded the pandemic. j.crew's bankruptcy filing came a few days before neiman marcus. all three companies said they intend to stay in business. of course when large retail stores struggle, the malls they anchor struggle too. and then there are questions about how the pandemic will change the way we all shop. for more on these issues, i'm
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joined by vicky brown. she's also the author of "from main street to mall: the rise and fall of the american department store." welcome to you, thank you so much for joining us. >> you're welcome. >> j.crew and neiman marcus and just this week jcpenney. some of our international viewers may not know it, but most of us who grew up here know jcpenney very well. what do losses like this signal for the future of department stores? >> well, jcpenney, it's in every shopping mall across the united states and it's a company that has a long history. it's an over 100-year history like sears which has faced troubles. besides the fact that it employs tens of thousands of people, it
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anchors these shopping malls. and so if it closes down stores, which it will do or liquid -- liquidates, and that's going to have an impact on the shopping malls and it will need to be filled and the malls themselves might lose tenants. sometimes they have contracts that are dependent upon their being a big department store anchor for them to continue staying. so maybe some of the chains that people rely on in shopping malls might leave, leaving further gaps. >> you write that even before this pandemic things were not looking good for big department stores. talk about that. >> yes. this predates the pandemic. as everyone is well aware, it's
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been in the news, sears closing stores, macy's feeling the effects. people changing shopping habits. but i even look further back beyond the rise of e-commerce and, you know, department stores are a 19th century urban institution and going forward nobody knew that they were going to end up in what we now know as the shopping center which emerged after world war ii. i think looking forward, we don't know what's going to happen. there could be some other way of doing shopping in the future that lies ahead that we don't know about. but i think it's fair to say that, you know, they were in bad shape going into this pandemic and it certainly is going to be emerging from it in a much weaker position. >> shopping online is certainly convenient. what about shopping for a social
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outlet, strolling to stores and being with friends, shopping is fun and we need some socializing these days. its community, it's where you go. will a new kind of mall re-emerge? >> well, i can't predict the future. but i do think that once this is over, people are going to be very hungry to go into public places to -- once the fear of catching a disease is lessened, they're going to be anxious to join their friends, to go out in public, to just partake in ordinary civic life on the streets and shopping malls. and so, that shopping malls and stores like jcpenney offer something that e-commerce, which we've been relying on now, can't offer and that is that sense of place, sense of connection to your town, your city, your suburb, the people that you meet
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there. we've lost that sense of place. and i think people are really anxious to get back to that. >> for department stores that do survive, and no one is saying that we will no longer have some of these retail giants, what will change, what do you think they'll learn from all of this? >> department stores specifically have gone through disasters in the past and gone through the great depression, wars, and they've always managed to re-emerge in maybe a leaner form, but they've survived. i'm not sure if we're in the same situation now. but just look back at the great depression, a lot of stores closed. they were urban institutions then. they lined towns across the united states and many of them closed. and they did emerge and no one knew that they were going to end up being the suburban anchor of these decentralized shopping
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centers that sort of emerged across the landscape in the 1950s and '60s. i can't say what will happen, but i'm guessing that people's desire to be with other people, to engage in trade in public places, which is an age-old activity, will survive. >> we really appreciate this very interesting. your book from main street to mall, vicky howard, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. italy has recorded the fewest number of daily deaths since its lockdown in march. it's fatality count is 31,700. once the center of the pandemic, confinement measures will be further relaxed on monday. the prime minister calls it a calculated risk that had to be done with prudence. as italy looks to recover, it's
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been surpassed by brazil. according to johns hopkins, brazil now has the fourth highest number of cases and those cases still surging. all this as brazil's president has continued to downplay the covid-19 threat. cnn's matt rivers has more from mexico city. >> reporter: as each day passes, the news out of brazil continues to seemingly get worse and worse and it is without question now that what is going on in brazil is truly one of the worst outbreaks in the world. new data released by the brazilian government shows the death toll in that country tops 15,000 after an additional 816 deaths were reported on saturday. the total number of cases also continues to go up. the government there reporting just under 15,000 newly confirmed cases of the virus. those new cases push the total amount to more than 233,000
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cases countrywide. that amount is good enough for fourth highest in the world. brazil trails only the united states, russia, and the united kingdom in terms of the total amount of confirmed cases in the country. and because brazil continues to record more daily case total increases than most other countries around the world, it wouldn't be a surprise if at all if brazil passes the united kingdom for number three on that list. meanwhile, there continues to be controversy among the leadership in brazil, among the people responsible for responding to this outbreak. the health minister resigned this week. he is the second health minister to resign from the bolsonaro administration since this outbreak began. the president himself continues to say that the greatest threat facing his country is the threat to the economy overall as a result of certain quarantine measures and shutting down the economy. but the numbers speak for
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themselves here, the number of cases, the number of deaths continue to go up in brazil at a dramatic rate and there is no end in sight. matt rivers, cnn, mexico city. other stories ahead here on cnn, after decades on the run, one of the world's most wanted fugitives has been captured. what his arrest means for victims of the genocide. authorities issue a mayday call after explosion and flames injury firefighters in downtown los angeles. we'll show you the massive effort to put out the flames. and then my kids asked me why my body was rocking back and forth. my doctor said i have tardive dyskinesia, which may be related to important medications i take for my schizophrenia. i also felt my tongue darting and pushing against my cheeks. i was worried what others would think.
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this is los angeles, a large fire and explosion injured at least 11 firefighters saturday in downtown l.a. the fire department says there was a blast just as crews were entering the commercial building
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triggering a mayday call. it took more than 230 firefighters to extinguish the flames. we're waiting for word on the condition of the injured firefighters. it has been 26 years since the rwandan genocide when extremists massacred as many as 1 million people. one of the alleged leaders of that slaughter may finally face justice. his name, felicien kabuga, and the u.n. says he was arrested saturday in paris. kabuga has been indicted by the international criminal tribunal on several counts of genocide. now in his 80s, he's expected to be moved to the hague before standing trial. let's go to david makenzie. he's live with more about it. this is an incredible breakthrough, david. >> reporter: it is. and felicien kabuga was one of the biggest perpetratored of the
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rwandan genocide. you have to look at the memorials in rwanda to look at the terror and the pain that men like this caused. kabuga was a very rich businessman at the time of the lead-up to the genocide where more than 800,000 people were killed in the span of under 100 days. he's accused of multiple counts of genocide and crimes against humanity. but the specifics are horrifying. it's alleged that kabuga helped push the propaganda that incited people's hatred for the people. he brought in hundreds of thousands of machetes that were just used to perpetrate the crimes. his businesses, according to the indictments, were used to transport the militia group that were the main perpetrators and
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instigators of this genocide. he's been on the run for more than two decades. it was clear at times, rumors were swirling that he was living in kenya for some time, parts of europe, and sheltered potentially by allies and others. the fact that he was found in a suburb of paris is pretty significant. french police were aided, according to the u.n., by multiple different agencies. he had a $5 million bounty on his head in terms of his capture from the u.s. government and in the early 2000s i remember quite clearly there was a moment where they believed they would lure him out of hiding in kenya. that never happened. so i think what will be crucial in the coming days, natalie, is just how they manage to find him, did some of his protection finally evaporate and most crucially for the victims of the genocide, will he successfully be transferred to the hague and
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prosecuted for these crimes, crimes that he's been wanted for for all this time. natalie? >> an incredible breakthrough. it will be interesting to see how this played out when they finally caught up with him. i was in the anchor chair during that massacre, one of the most horrific stories i've ever covered. david makenzie, thank you, david. we'll be right back. ain bet? unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference.
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♪ the first named storm of the 2020 atlantic hurricane season is churning off the coast of florida right now. it's packing winds of 40 miles per hour. it's expected to remain well off florida's east coast and move near or east of the north carolina coast on monday. for more on this, i'm joined by my pal, derek van dam. it's good to see you. >> good to see you too. here we go again for all of our viewers at home. late last night, the national hurricane center determined that
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the first named tropical system of the year formed just off the coast of florida, this is tropical storm arthur. we say hello and welcome. you can see it's becoming a bit organized, 40-mile-per-hour sustained winds. would you believe me if i told you that this is the sixth consecutive season where a named tropical system formed before the official start of the season which is june 1st. this is incredible that this is actually taking place. this is the official forecast track from the national hurricane center, keeping it offshore from florida, georgia, and south carolina. but by monday, the potential exists for it to scrape the north carolina storm. we have tropical storm watches in those areas. here's the latest forecast radar imagery on top of tropical-storm-force winds. we'll get brief heavy downpours
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along the coastal areas of north carolina. and just how quickly this storm exits off the east coast will be determined by this upper level low-pressure system, something that the metrologists here at the cnn weather team will monitor closely. that will factor in how far west the storm travels. and another storm on the other side of the world, it's off the east coast of india. 120-mile-per-hour sustained winds. that is t the forecast track for this storm brings it into the coastline of bangladesh. by the time it reaches the region, it could strengthen to a category three hurricane. lots of hazards associated with this system, to say the least. back to you in the studio. >> all right. keep us posted. hope to see you again soon,
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thank you, derek. >> i will. graduating high school students had their senior year derailed by the pandemic. that's not stopping the class of 2020 by celebrating with a virtual graduation, including a commencement speech from a famous guest speaker. >> just as you've been looking forward to proms and senior nights, graduation ceremonies, and, let's face it, a bunch of parties, the world has turned upside down by a global pandemic. and as much as i'm sure you love your parents, i bet being stuck at home with them and playing board games or watching tiger king on tv is not how you envisioned the last few months of your senior year. >> former u.s. president barack obama there. he encouraged graduates to shape the future, saying if the world is going to get better, it's going to be up to you. another former u.s. president also offered some words of wisdom.
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bill clinton to urged graduates to keep an open mind and a caring heart. >> congratulations to the class of 2020 and all the educators, parents, friends and mentors who helped you reach this milestone. the coronavirus has given you a graduation you will never forget and it's released you into an uncertain future. i urge you to embrace the challenge. the world needs you. your country needs you. >> clinton also thanked health care workers and first responders for risking their lives during the coronavirus pandemic. i'm natalie allen. thanks for watching. i'll have another hour of news right after this. these folks don't have time to go to the post office they use all the services of the post office only cheaper
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2:00 am
♪ in an open attack on the trump administration, former president barack obama says the u.s. lacks leadership on the pandemic. this as u.s. states slowly reopen, some more cautiously than others. we'll ask if authorities are doing enough to protect against a second wave. also this hour -- >> the local authorities didn't like to tell the truth at that time. >> a cnn exclusive with china's go-to man on the coronavirus. his take on how the outbreak unfolded, the future and comparisons to america's dr.


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