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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 18, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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♪ hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, texas prepares for more reopening measures in the hours ahead despite some grim new figures. plus -- >> the cdc which really had the most trusted brand around the world in this space really let the country down. >> tension between the white house and the cdc over the agency's response to testing. and auto makers prepare to
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restart u.s. operations. we look at the new safety measures they'll use. ♪ good to have you with us. as almost every u.s. state begins to ease covid-19 restrictions, the number of infections is still climbing by thousands every day. johns hopkins university reports more than 1.4 million cases with the number of people killed approaching 90,000. and new hotspots are emerging, especially in the west and south. but despite these sobering figures, the trump administration is pushing ahead with trying to reopen the economy. here was the health and human services secretary on sunday. >> there should not be one size fits all approaches to reopening, but reopen we must
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because it's not health versus the economy. it's actually health versus health. >> azar also said that so far these states reopening haven't seen a spike in cases, but there are still gaps in testing and of course no vaccine. cnn's natasha chan has this look at the difficult road to recovery. >> reporter: at least 48 states will have partially reopened businesses or eased restrictions by tomorrow. and with it comes some familiar sights. nascar held a race with no spectators today. graceland is inviting visitors back. but with it troubling images of crowded bars and boardwalks. >> feels like a regular summer right now. >> tremendous progress is being made. >> reporter: president trump has encouraged reopening the country with or without a vaccine. alex azar explains. >> we're committing to a vaccine. we're going do put the private sector towards getting to a
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vaccine. that's one part of a response program. >> one of the important factors is expanding testing. new york governor andrew cuomo was tested during his live press conference today. >> that's it. >> reporter: new york is now conducting 40,000 per day. cuomo said per capita that's more than other countries. more testing texas says is the reason it saw the highest number of increases since the shutdown began. that has some officials in texas wondering if they're on right to path. >> we know if we're on right to path we're going to be able to react in time to fix it. and if that happens i sure hope the governor's on board with that. >> reporter: georgia one of the most aggressive in opening high contact businesses as early as three weeks ago has not seen a dramatic spike in the number of cases but there hasn't been a dramatic drop either. wanda's family has been watching and didn't go out before this weekend. >> i didn't feel as though we were really ready and i wanted
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to feel that the establishments were really taking the proper precautions. >> it's actually very scary but it's kind of exciting and happy that you get to go outside to some places that you enjoy again, but you also have to be very careful. >> reporter: in new york, the epicenter of the u.s. outbreak a phased reopening didn't begin until friday and only in certain regions. the state's seven day average of daily new cases has been on a downward slide. >> total hospitalization is down. good news. net change is down, intubations is down, and new covid hospitalizations are down. so, it's a good day across the plate. >> california, the first to institute a statewide stay-at-home order is seeing numbers fluctuate in the same zone. but its budget deficit, like in many other states, is skyrocketing due to the pandemic. the house passed a $3 trillion
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aid package friday that senate majority leader mitch mcconnell indicated will not pass the senate. >> the next time they want to salute the first responders, consider they're the first ones that will be laid off by cities and counties. >> reporter: a reality of uncertainty, natasha chan, cnn, atlanta. let's take a closer look at texas which as you just heard had its highest single day bump in positive covid-19 cases since the start of the outbreak. cnn has more now on the reasons why. >> reporter: this weekend, texas reported its most dramatic increase in the number of new coronavirus cases, more than 1,800 cases reported on saturday alone. on sunday, those numbers dropped to 785 new cases, but if you take a closer look, that also came based on less than half the number of tests that were reported on sunday. so, if you do the math, it comes out to about the same percentage. and this really underscores this
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growing concern among especially many big city leaders here in the state of texas as to whether or not the economy here is opening too fast too soon. state health officials say that the reason for the dramatic increase over the weekend was because of testing being done in the texas panhandle area around amarillo where there are a number of meat packing plants and workers who were infected there with the coronavirus. state health officials say that there has been localized and focused testing on those areas and that is in large part why we saw such a dramatic increase. 734 of the 1,800 cases reported on saturday we are told came from that texas panhandle region. but as i mentioned, this is still an area of great concern as the governor here continues to push for the reopening of the economy. and it's hard to imagine, barring any other jarring medical data that would be coming out here, that this plan to reopen the economy will not continue. in fact, the governor has
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scheduled a press conference for monday announcing more reopenings on the same day that gyms and workout facilities will be allowed to open for the first time since the pandemic started. and the united states by far remains the pandemic's worst hit country. but president trump insists on touting his administration's response. one of his top advisers is also attacking the centers for disease control as cnn's jeremy diamond reports. >> reporter: well, it would be remarkable at any moment for a top white house official to criticize a government agency, but particularly remarkable when it's a senior white house official who is criticizing the centers for disease control amid a global pandemic. buts that exactly what we heard from peter navarro, president trump's top trade adviser who critici criticized the cdc on sunday for its early testing failures. >> early on in this crisis, the cdc which really the most
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trusted brand around the world in this space, really let the country down with the testing because not only did they keep the testing within the bureaucracy, they had a bad test. and that did set us back. >> now, navarro is actually right in his criticism here that the cdc made critical mistakes early on that delayed the release of accurate testing kits across the country for several weeks. but of course that was just one of several early missteps by the trump administration. so, the question is why is navarro singling out the cdc? and what we do know is that it comes as there are rising tensions between the white house and the centers for disease control. part of that tension stems from some disagreements over how the cdc is tracking data related to this virus. but then there's also those detailed guidelines, 68 pages of guidelines that cdc officials
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compiled for how businesses could be reopened. the white house shelved that, instead releasing 6 pages of far less detailed guidelines last week. as there is internal firing in the trump administration we are hearing criticism from a very prominent voice on the outside from president barack obama who was criticizing president trump's response to the coronavirus as anemic and spotty, calling it an absolute chaotic disaster. he offered more criticism this time during an address to graduates on saturday. >> more than anything the pandemic has torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing. >> president trump over the last week has been repeatedly attacking former president obama, leveling a series of unsubstantiated allegations against him, including suggesting he was part of a conspiracy to undermine his
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presidency. president trump did respond directly to that criticism from president obama on sunday afternoon. jeremy diamond, cnn the the white house. >> joining me now is dr. richard da darrwood. he's the medical director of the fleet street clinic in london. good to have you with us. >> good to be with you. >> we just heard a top white house adviser accuse the cdc on letting down the country on testing. the cdc did send out contaminated tests that resulted in weeks of delays but president trump hasn't shown much interest on widespread testing. so, why would the trump administration turn on its own public health agency? >> well, i don't really know how to answer you. i think that over many, many
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years the cdc has been a highly respected source of medical and infectious leadership globally and has enjoyed the respect from all of us around the globe. i think if one starts getting into a blame game, it would be very reasonable to examine how the trump administration toyed with the funding of the cdc and undermined it perhaps over time perhaps not realizing that global health is really a matter for us all, something that goes on in a distant country eventually comes back to bite us. and it's very important for health agencies in every country to have regard for good science, good infrastructure, good epidemiological intelligence
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that's global and not just focused inwardly. someone could look perhaps at the resources that the cdc had. i think the cdc did a remarkable thing in introducing testing and the infrastructure as quickly as it did. and this is mirrored by what happened in many other countries. they were sent a scientific challenge as soon as the chinese government -- as soon as the chinese scientific researchers released the genome sequence of coronavirus in the very earliest days and translate that directly from a genetic sequence to molecular test is actually a remarkable achievement. and it's astonishing it was done as quickly and as well as it was done. and it's not surprising that there must have been a few hiccups along the way. you can't expect straight line success in every measure that's
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attempted. >> right. >> but i think that leadership, true leadership, involves building a team around you and maximizing the input and the contribution from each member of that team. >> and increased tension between the trump administration and the cdc appears to be due in part to how quickly the u.s. is opening up for business. about 48 states are now partially open without extensive testing and contact tracing in place. and with only 17 states or so actually showing cases decreasing. so, president trump insists the u.s. is back, vaccine or no vaccine. how problematic could all this be with more than 89,000 americans already dead from covid-19? >> there's enormous global pressure to reopen after lockdown, and it's totally understandable. we all want to get back to normality. there's an economic imperative. there's a social imperative.
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there's even a health imperative because we're losing lives not just from coronavirus but from all of the medical conditions that people are holding back from seeking treatment for. so, not just coronavirus deaths, but the year is lost through people failing to report symptoms that they might not think are important initially but that truly are. what we need is for lockdown to be released in a way that allows us to monitor whether there is any increase in the number of cases beyond the ability of a health system to cope. so, it needs to be very carefully monitored with the ability to scale it back a little or to control the rate of release from lockdown so that we don't face a much bigger and more damaging peak that would
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require even more restrictive measures in the future. >> yeah, that is the big fear, isn't it? of course we will all have to learn to live with covid-19 until there's a vaccine. but the uk business secretary and w.h.o. are now saying there may never be a vaccine. but president trump says there could be one by year's end. what do you think? >> i think that there is enormous complexity around creating a vaccine. this is not something that somebody's going to go into a lab with and somebody come out and say, you know, eureka, i discovered it, here it is. the process of developing a vaccine normally requires years of effort to come up with something that is capable of provoking an immune response to test its safety, to understand its effectiveness. no vaccine is going to be 100% effective.
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it may not work in people with a reduced immune system, for example. then to scale up its production, to -- production of a vaccine is an incredibly frail and fragile and vulnerable process. we see this every year. we have problems producing our annual flu vaccine. we see vaccine shortages around the globe where it's more like baking a cake than a chemical process where you can churn out millions of tablets or millions of doses. and it's a fragile process. many different components, the glassware, needles, packaging, each being distributed. temperature needs to be maintained all the way through. it is not a trivial task to administer a new vaccine to
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millions of people. that requires creating infrastructure. it will require massive teamwork across medicine and across many other different disciplines. it'll be important to begin laying that infrastructure. it is an enormous challenge that's going to be difficult do it in an equitable way within each country and between countries. we don't know which countries even have -- we do know many countries do not have vaccine-producing capability. they'll need to be target as well for the vaccine. >> let's hope it happens sooner rather than later. many challenges clearly. doctor thank you so much for talking with us. appreciate it. you're watching "cnn newsroom." britain pledges $100 million to a search for a coronavirus vaccine but also issues a warning. we're live in london.
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hospital workers in belgium turned their backs on the prime minister's car as she arrived for a visit. they're upset with the government's handling of the
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coronavirus as well as budget cuts, personnel shortages, and low salaries. a top british government official says it's possible we may never find a successful coronavirus vaccine. business secretary pledged another $101 million of funding to two uk-based vaccine programs. this as britain's death toll rose by another 170 on sunday. cnn's isa soares joins me now live from london. good to see you isa. the government allocating funds for vaccine but at the same time warning one may never come. what might this lowering of expectations signal? >> good morning to you. that's right. we heard from alex sharma yesterday at the coronavirus press briefing and he said basically the uk is throwing everything it can at trying to find a vaccine for covid-19. two programs are working and some are working better than
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others. the first one is the oxford university one. that's progressing well. clinical trials have started. over 1,000 participants have gotten their vaccine a week ago or so. that's going well. the same time we have imperial college london who's also doing well in trying to find a vaccine here. their clinical trials expected to start around june. now, the oxford university trials, they have signed agreement with the government as well as with the as tra accident ka, the huge pharmaceutical giant, licensing agreement, if a vaccine is successful then the uk will get 30 million doses of the vaccine by september. now, some of the newspapers here are already running with that, getting peoples' expectations up. 30 million by september with agreed plan for 100 million
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doses. the ceo has said that they should know by june/july whether these trials have been successful. but like said, alex sharma tried to taper down expectations that while they're throwing everything they can at this that they may not find a vaccine. this is very important because people need -- of course they need to tell people, show people that they are pushing hard on trying to find a vaccine in every way possible. the uk is doing everything it can. but it also -- of course the government doesn't want people to get too relaxed and just believe they have a cure up their sleeve. and so people ignore some of the measures put in place. >> i would have thought the response would be opposite to that, but that's just me. isa, also a new survey says that half of the doctors in the uk are concerned about catching covid-19. what else are you learning about that? >> yes, this is a survey from the royal college of physicians
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here in the uk. more than 25,000 doctors were questioned/surveyed here over the last several weeks. and they found that half of them, almost half of them, 48% -- i think we've got a bracket to show you -- 48% were concerned or very concerned about contracting covid-19. that number rose quite significant, rosie, when you're talking about those of black, asian, or ethnic minority. 16.5% of doctors have found themselvess in a situation where they haven't been able to get access to ppe. now, the ceo, the president of the royal if i suggestions basically said while people believe that things are doing well in the front line, morale is good, this shows this isn't the case. yes, testing has improved, but they're still taking time to get access, to get results to testing. so, a way to go, but clearly huge concerns for those still on the front line, worth reminding
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everyone, more than 100 medical staff in that nhs have died from covid-19. >> sobering numbers. isa suarez joining us live from london. italy is slowly emerging from more than two months in lockdown. shops, restaurants, and hair salons can reopen today. but they have to maintain strict sanitary protocols and enforce social distancing. on sunday, italy recorded its lowest daily increase in death since early march. the number of active cases is down too. even so, the prime minister warns reopening is a, quote, calculated risk. let's get the latest from bobby nadeau. what is the mood there as people prepare for their new normal? >> well, i moan there aean ther
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of people in movement, a lot of people on the streets. we're not seeing a huge rush to start right away. you know, the shops will be opening here in the next hour or so. the coffee bars now you can go inside and take your coffee. tonight restaurants will be able to serve at tables. all those sorts of things which are very, very normal in this country are so daunting right now. people are so concerned about going back to where we were, about a second wave, about contagion. italians are very, very aware of what they've just been through and the sacrifices so many have made economically, with the 31,000 deaths, and nobody wants to go back to that place. everybody's very cautious, very excited. but it's a daunting thing to start over like this and everyone's taking it very, very seriously so far rosemary. >> it is smart to be cautious. bobby nadeau, many thanks. car makers have taken a big hit from the coronavirus pandemic but now u.s. auto plants are beginning to crank back up. the measures in place as
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thousands are set to return to work. back with that in just a moment. ? unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference.
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"the retur"drafting"ing" "the return of the slide job" "ripping the wall" "gas-n-go" "bump-n-run" "the return of loud" "nascar is back, and xfinity is bringing you the best seat in the house."
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♪ the u.s. federal reserve chairman is giving a sobering reality check on the health of the u.s. economy. here's what he said in an interview with cbs's "60 minutes." >> this economy will recover. it may take a while. it may take a period of time. it could stretch through the end of next year. we really don't know. >> can there be a recovery without a reasonably effective vaccine? >> assuming there's not a second wave of the coronavirus, i think
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you'll see the economy recover steadily through the second half of this year. for the economy to fully recover, people will have to be fully confident. and that may have to await the arrival of a vaccine. >> on monday, u.s. president donald trump is set to meet with leaders of the restaurant industry which has been one of the hardest hit sectors of the u.s. economy. among other things, they're expected to talk about government stimulus efforts. mr. trump is also expected to travel to swing state michigan this week to visit a ford manufacturing plant. the company is among several major auto makers reopening u.s. facilities today. new safety measures are being put in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. anna stuart joins me now. it's been tough for car makers. now some are reopening. how are they doing this? >> very slowly and very
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carefully, rosemary. so, we won't see everyone returning to work at the same time. about 80% of ford's workers will be back to work today and about a third of the fiat motors and general chrysler. these will be very time consuming. they will slow down production. you can't have as many shifts working at the same time. there has to be time for deep cleaning between teams working. it goes through to the production process even to the canteens. you can't have everyone arriving to lunch. it needs to be staggered. people need to be set further apart. there has to be a huge impact. it will taek a few weeks to get back to normal. >> that means factory won't be running full capacity. even if they could, would they be able to sell enough cars? >> such an interesting question. and even if you could get everyone back in those factories and even if you could sell as many cars as you would like to,
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you face problems with supply chain, suppliers aren't open yet in the united states but also mexico which is a crucial market. there's the demand side of things. do people want to buy cars? new carousels are down 50% in april according to some estimates. not as bad in europe. but the recovery will be slow. you've got to take into account the huge surge in unemployment at the risk of prolonged recession people will be unwilling to spend on big ticket items in the foreseeable future. it's unlikely we'll see demand recover for some time. this could linger long beyond lockdown. >>s th it is tough. meanwhile, japan is also facing a harsh economic rey'all i the. first quarter gdp data shows the country has fallen into a recession. for more on that, i'm joined by carrie inj
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carrie carrie enjoji. >> the first three quarters of this year, the economy was contracting at a pace of 0.9% on the quarter. annualized that's a drop of 3.4%. the news is going to get worse. economists are saying that in this quarter, the one we're in right now, the economy would tank 20%, 25% from some research houses. and that hasn't happened since the end of the second world war. and the government is responding and saying look we're going throw $1.1 trillion worth of stimulus. they've already announced that and they're probably going to top it up over the next two weeks because they know it's not just the small retailers hurting. the restaurants and so forth have been forced to close. but the big manufacturers as well. the numbers are fairly obvious. when you look at manufacturing, when you look at exports, took a hit because the supply chains
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were being disrupted all around the world. in an effort to try to address a little bit of that, there's been a fine print in the stimulus that says the japanese government is willing to spend billions of dollars to pay for the cost of moving production out of china and back into japan. i think rosemary normal times there would be a lot of criticism about that kind of news saying it's naturalistic, it's protectionist. but right now we're in a very unusual times and they're arking this is for the sake of national security. i think this is an interesting development given we're hearing similar rhetoric from the u.s. trying to reduce dependency on china. decoupling is a dream but as you know diversification might be on the cards. >> as you say the u.s. has been talking about reducing dependency on china. japan has voiced that but how viable is it really?
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>> i mean, it's made it very clear that they want manufacturing. so manufacturing to come home. i think talking about auto industry and bringing those factories here is very unrealistic. i mean, you'll never be able to do that kind of thing. but for specific industries like ai for example or 3d printing or robotics, these are areas that there's a lot of technical expertise here in japan and you don't need a huge facility to make some of those products. so, that could be a probability. i'm already hearing some large companies take up the government on this scheme. so, i think an entire decoupling is really not what we're talking about right now, but diversification i think definitely could be encouraged when japanese companies are faced with this kind of situation rosemary. >> pandemic has certainly made a number of countries rethink their dependence on china. har kaori enjoji, appreciate it.
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the u.s. secretary of state is backing away from the virus he and president trump pushed that the virus may have come from a lab in wuhan china. he's certain it began in the city but doesn't know where it started or from whom. steven jiang has more details. >> the chinese government are going to seize as latest remarks that he is a pathological liar who is trying to smear china and shift blame away from the u.s. gormt. now, this particular claim that this virus was leaked from a wuhan lab has been disputed by experts and scientists from around the world. there's not a great amount of consensus among u.s. intelligence officials itself or those from its closest allies. these are the points the chinese government has been trying to highlight but increasingly they're trying to turn the tables on the u.s. pointing to the u.s. own past lapses in
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biosafety sometimes going all the way back to the korean war saying it's the u.s. government that should investigated by the international community especially with reports emerging from the u.s. and europe about first coronavirus cases in these places may have occurred even before wuhan. this kind of rhetoric comes amid growing international calls for independent inquiry on the origin of the pandemic and move very much interpreted here as a move against china. that's why chinese officials have been pushing back very strongly saying this is not a time to do so as most governments are still fighting this pandemic. they say the appropriate time for such an investigation is after the pandemic is over. that's when the international community can sit down to review their experiences and shortcomings as well as discuss ways for more international cooperation and to enhance the roel of the w.h.o. now, all this of course as china continues to report small increase of cases on a daily bases. on monday, they announced 7 more
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cases in the previous 24 hour cycle, three of which were locally transmitted not in wuhan though. two of which were in the northeastern province of jillen where we have seen a new cluster of cases as well as a mystery patient zero in addition to very draconian lockdown measures now. but the third locally transmitted cases happened in shanghai involving someone from wuhan. that's why the wuhan authorities are continuing their ambitious endeavor of testing the city's 11 million residents with a bit more clarity on the process saying this is not mandatory but everyone above the age oof 6 is strongly encouraged to be tested. and if you don't hear from the government you're fine. and if you are positive, you will be hearing from the authorities. although they still haven't said how they are going to announce citywide results and what time frame and what manner. this is b something obviously the whole world is watching very closely. steven jiang, cnn, beijing.
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>> thanks steven. crowded cities aren't the only coronavirus hotspots. in the south western united states, the navajo nation is dealing with infection rates that rival new york's. that story after the break. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free.
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because they never quit. the navajo nation in the south western united states has been hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak. after a dramatic spike in infection rates, tribal authorities have posed a strict lockdown in an attempt to control the virus. >> reporter: here in the navajo nation, masks are required when you're in public and they now have some of the strictest stay-at-home rules in america. they are just finishing a 57-hour lockdown. that means no one was supposed to go anywhere. stores were closed including grocery stores and gas stations. why is that?
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because they are having a serious bout with covid-19. they had a spike this weekend. more than a dozen people reported dead and they are now 3,900 people who have tested positive here. that means that their rate per capita is now higher than new york and new jersey. but there is another reason for that. >> we do have to leave our homestead to get food and supplies and then come back home. so, that's one of the reasons why this virus is spreading like wild fire here on the navajo nation. >> so, the navajo nation is aggressively testing, and they are telling people to stay home as much as possible. but it is very difficult because the entire navajo nation spans about 27,000 square miles. while it might seem easy for people to self-isolate or self-distance, it isn't because they all have to go shopping at many of the same stores. the resources here are few and far between. and there's the issue of
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resources at home where 30 to 40% of the population does not have running water. and if someone does get coronavirus in the family, they often live families, generations of families live in one house hold. so, very difficult to self-isolate. that is what's causing some of the problem with the spread of the virus here. the president has asked citizens to take on these very rigid measures every night during the week at 8:00 there is a curfew. and on the weekends they are now doing full on lockdowns. about 80% of the population is complying. he's hoping many more will to stop the spread of the virus. cnn in the navajo nation. it has taken three elections and a year of political paralysis, but israel finally has a new government. the question now, will this unity coalition hold? we will discuss that right after a short break. muddlers... achoo! your sneezes turn heads? try zyrtec... starts working hard at hour one...
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after three elections in the span of 12 months, israel finally has a new government. on sunday benjamin netanyahu was sworn in for the fifth time as israel's prime minister. the vote of confidence for his coalition government ended more than a year of political
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deadlock. his rival turned partner, blue and white party leader benny gantz was sworn in as alternate prime minister. let's get to oren from jerusalem. how is this arrangement going to work? >> the idea is that prime minister benjamin netanyahu will lead the country for the next 18 months and he'll become alternate prime minister and that's when benny gantz will take over. there are many analysts who don't believe netanyahu will give up his seat, but for netanyahu, he has 18 months to figure that out. and it depends on what the political situation is at the time. this is the largest and perhaps most bloated government in israel's history with 34 ministers and deputy ministers and that's set to go up to 36 fairly soon. this has become an ongoing joke
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in israel where the new ministry of higher education and water, with one joking they should make it of hot water and cold water. so, not israelis happy with the formation and look of the new government now especially as there's double digit unemployment here. >> it's been a long time coming of course and it comes a week before mr. netanyahu is set to appear in supreme court for his trial on breech of trust charges. what impact could that have on the new government? >> so, if the trial goes very poorly for netanyahu, it could create political pressure to topple netanyahu. he knew this trial was coming. of course he's had years to prepare for it and the trial itself is expected to last years. he has written into the coalition agreement a number of protections with himself in this case.
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so, he is quite stable even with the start of the trial less than a week away. and even if day one is next sunday, this trial is expected to take years and all of that works to netanyahu's advantage in this case. >> we'll see what happens. many thanks. well, cyclone is getting bigger and tracking north through the bay of bengal. the massive storm is now packing winds of nearly 150-miles-per-hour or 240 kilometers-per-hour. according to the latest update from the joint typhoon warning center, am fan is now equivalent to a supertyphoon in the west pacific or a strong category 4 atlantic hurricane. and cnn's pedram javaheri is tracking the storm. he joins us with the latest. how bad could this be pedram? >> rosemary, you said it very well when it comes to the sheer size of this particular storm
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system. i was just looking at the some of the observations across the bay of bengal. maximum wave heights with this storm at 51 feet. if you can imagine a wave five stories high or 15 meters high, this storm system is as menacing as they come across the bay of bengal. the cloud field stretches about twice the size of the state of texas, so it really speaks to the voracity of a storm system of this equivalent. want to show you where the storm system is headed. when you look ahead over the next 24 or so hours, the model shows the storm migrates to the north, only 5-miles-per-hour progressions, very slow moving system in which and of itself is a dangerous track for a storm. wednesday night approaches the west bengal region, areas of bangladesh, calcutta, home to 14 million people and extremely
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vulnerable when it comes to infrastructure tuberculosis able to take on a storm of any magnitude, especially one as menacing at this is at this hour. want to talk about the density of bangladesh. 328 million people in the u.s., 170 million in the bangladesh. bangladesh roughly the size of the u.s. state of iowa. so, it speaks to how densely packed the storm is. when you bring a storm of this magnitude, it has whatneeds. 700 rivers and tributary, 24,000 kilometers of waterways. home of the seven top ten deadliest cyclones on record have occurred in bangladesh or myanmar. the most deadliest observed on the planet was a storm by the
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name of bhola in 1970, took half a million lives in one night. you think that was too long ago. go back to 12 years ago, nargis in 2008 in one night took 138,000 lives. that storm came ashore. certainly a story worth following over the next several days. want to show you what's happening across the united states. by contrast a small system here. tropical storm by the name of r arthur. season starts in a few weeks. sixth consecutive year we've had storms move in before hurricane season arrives. the models suggest this will push offshore and away from the united states. heavy rainfall, dangerous rip currents across the coast, but that is about it looks to be the case for arthur across the united states. >> that ends well, doesn't it.
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pedram j pedram javaheri. thank you for joining us. i'm rosemary church. i'll be back with more news in a moment. "the return of drifting"
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"drafting" "the return of the slide job" "ripping the wall" "gas-n-go" "bump-n-run" "the return of loud" "nascar is back, and xfinity is bringing you the best seat in the house."
1:00 am
hello, and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, as the u.s. nears 90,000 coronavirus deaths, the trump administration resorts to the blame game, pointing the finger to the cdc, the w.h.o., barack obama and even the health of its own people. cases in texas mount. regardless, the state is set to op


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