tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN May 27, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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their memories be a blessing. to our viewers, thank you very much for watching. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. ♪ >> "outfront" next, 100,000 coronavirus deaths. many, many avoidable. the president's silence so star tonight. and the victims the majority over the age of 65. and one of the places flaring up in the united states, we'll talk to a doctor there who expects the situation to get worse. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, the breaking news. the u.s. just surpassing a death toll, 100,000 lives. we now stand in this country at 100,000. 271 people dead from coronavirus. those are numbers that are hard to grasp. it is a number that is nearly triple the number of deaths in
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the country with the second highest death toll, the united kingdom. and it means that as of now, 1 in every 4 people who have died in the entire world from coronavirus is an american. 100,000 is a number that president trump said at one time the united states would never hit. >> by april, you know, in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. the coronavirus, which is, you know, very well under control in our country. we have very few people with it. the people are getting better, they're all getting better. we're going down, not up. the original 15, as i call them, eight of them have returned to their homes to stay in their homes. when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. that's a pretty good job we've done. it's going to disappear. it's like a miracle, it will
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disappear. we would have lost 2 million if we did it a different way. but you're talking about 100,000 more, who knows? >> well, it's more. you just heard the president, that was as recently as yesterday seeing these grim numbers. a person who said 15 is going to go to zero and it's gone. the relt ality of this, many americans who died did not have to die. if social distancing had been in place seven days earlier, the united states could have prevented 36,000 deaths through early may. the big question here, when you look at this number why is america failing? where korea, japan, thailand, germany, the list goes on and on, have succeeded in preventing such mass death. this is america. the country that the whole world always has and should be looking to as a leader. we are leading now, in deaths. caitlin collins has been traveling with the president and
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is in florida where the president was today for the delayed astronaut launch. any reaction from the president tonight on this grim milestone? >> reporter: not yet, erin. you know, the president came here hoping to hit a much more milestone, talking about what was going to happen with the first american spacecraft to launch in nine years. instead, he's returning back to washington, hitting this very grim and painful milestone for a lot of people of 100,000 deaths here. as you noted, it's not only a number that the president said he didn't think we would hit, he thought it was a death rate of coronavirus would be lower than this. if you look at the president's twitter feed in recent days, he's hardly made mention of the total we were coming close to, except to say and push back on his critics who said he had not done enough soon enough and he was saying if he hadn't done what he did, there would be close to 1.5 million to 2 million deaths in the u.s. that came from a study that said
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if there was zero mitigation efforts. the president has used his twitter feed in recent days to promote conspiracy theorys about certain anchors, to air his grievances with twitter, other claims that he was making. it comes as experts behind the scenes who say this is far from over. you saw dr. fauci on cnn earlier offering a sober analysis of what he says he believes is to come in the next few weeks. and still, so far no mention of the death toll from the president, though he did quote lou dobbs saying he was the greatest president ever. >> all right. thank you very much, kaitlan. "outfront" now, dr. sanjay gupta, and goria borger. sanjay, this is a tragic
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milestone. it is one that was preventable. it is something the president, of course, repeatedly played down in the beginning, i think that sound bite of it's 15 and going to zero will live forever. the seriousness now, though, it is all too clear. and the numbers, of course, are going up. >> yeah. i mean, that's absolutely true. i think there's going to be a lot of people who say was this inevitable, right? it was a virus, was this inevitable? the answer is no, it wasn't inevitable. that's tough for people to hear, because there's a lot of people who are grieving, you know, and i think i read a study today, 1 in 7 americans know someone now who has died of covid disease. i do. i've seen patients in the hospital really struggling, very sick. it hits close to home today. but you're right, this was not inevitable. you look at down throughs around the world. if you think about the united states as a patient, there are
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patients who had the same disease at the same time with a much different outcome. why? they didn't have a magic therapeutic vaccine or things we didn't have. they acted early. took it seriously. and i hope that this is a lesson that we can apply quickly, because this isn't over yet. >> dr. reiner, of course, the president down played the possibility of all these deaths for months and then said the model that assumed there was no mitigation whatsoever said it could be worse, so this is a good scenario, not something to mourn. how damaging was his down playing, his personal down playing? because obviously his medical team was not. how damaging was that personal down playing to the response? >> i'm heart broken at the loss in this country, and so angry. this administration had really two original unforgivable sins. one was our horrible delay in testing. it took almost two months to
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test 20,000 people after the first person tested positive in the united states. maybe the bigger sin was not only did we not embrace universal protection of our population with facemasks but discouraged it. on february 29th, the surgeon general of the united states tweeted out a message that basically said, come on, people, stop buying facemasks. that occurred at the same time that places like taiwan and hong kong were requiring facemasks for their entire population. hong kong is a city almost exactly the same size as new york. and their infection -- the pandemic started about the same time in hong kong. they've had four deaths. new york has 20,000. and much of this could have been prevented by the very simple 50 cent cost of wearing a mask. only about 30% of this country
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now wears a mask when they go out into the public. that's why we failed. and that message has been promulgated by this administration. i find it funny that this president is accusing a journalist of murder, when tens of thousands of people have died needlessly. yeah, i'm really angry. >> i want to talk a lot more about masks, when you say only 30% are wearing them reliably. and many of the people that aren't, they say the reason is the president. gloria, as we sit here with 100,000 deaths, no response yet from the president of the united states. he just tweeted lou dobbs, another anchor on fox, saying he's arguably the greatest president in our history. so that's his response tonight as we pass this milestone. joe biden tweeted out a video, and here's part of that. >> there are moments in our history so grim, so heart
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rending that they're forever fixed in each of our hearts. a shared grief. today is one of those moments. 100,000 lives have now been lost to this virus. >> very stark difference there, gloria. >> totally stark difference. i don't know whether we're going to hear from the president tonight. i certainly think we should hear from the president and not in a statement, but in person. and i don't know whether he will do that. he seems to be occupied with other things. the emotional gulf between joe biden and president trump is so vast, it's almost indescribable, erin. the vice president is sitting there talking directly to people about what it's like to lose someone, which he knows an awful lot about, and how he feels for them. and he says, you know, i understand what you're going through. i know this feels like you've
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been sucked into a black hole, because you couldn't be there when you lost a family member, because they had to die alone. and he talks about how to survive the grief and how to get past it. the president of the united states has apparently moved on from all of this. calls wearing a mask politically correct. tells governors liberate your state. open up more quickly. says he's doing a fabulous job, and doesn't meet, publicly at least that we know of, with members of family who have gone through what joe biden was describing. and that's -- that's kind of stunning to me, actually. >> he's met with some who recovered and none in this horrible category. today, you know, that model, the
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ihme model lowered its forecast for deaths because of mask wearing. they say it's 50% protection against transmission. obviously, dr. reiner pointed out, the vice president said average americans shouldn't be wearing a mask. the surgeon general said this is a message contradictory to a message said before. the president said he won't give the satisfaction to people of wearing a mask. sit the opposite of what dr. fauci has said again and again. here he is. >> i want to protect myself and protect others, and also because i want to make it be a symbol of people to see that that's the kind of thing you should be doing. >> so you have that, sanjay, fauci saying i'm going to lead by example. this is a symbol. the president refusing to send that symbol. and now, you know, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell sending a clear message to the president that he sees fauci as the leader on this and not the president. mitch mcconnell said there's no
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stigma to wearing a mask and went on to say this -- >> you have an obligation to others in case you might be a carrier to take the advice we've all been given by people like dr. birks and dr. fauci, and be responsible. for myself, i try to be a good example. there are photos all over the place of yes with my mask on. >> a loud and clear message to the president. but it still is sort of passive, it's not direct. it's listen to dr. fauci, not, mr. president, shape it up and start doing the right thing. >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, what's so striking is that there's a symbolism of it, which i think people are talking about. but there's also the practicality of the fact that it's effective in terms of curbing the spread of the virus and potentially providing protection to the president, who
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was worried enough about an exposure to this virus that he started take thing unproven medication, hydroxychloroquine. he must have been worried about his own exposure, and if he was, was he not worried about spreading the virus to other people in order to mitigate that? you wear a mask. and the evidence is clear. if there is good news, erin, to your point, the ihme models were worse, as they projected people were moving around, they looked at cell phone data, they saw how much mobility was increasing. then they revised the numbers downward. we'll see how the models shake out. but the reason they revised them downward is the effectiveness of masks, and even though it's a low percentage, the significant percent of people who are wearing masks is making a difference, bringing these projected deaths down. >> hopefully people will listen to what they see from leaders, and of course we know some people said, the president doesn't wear one, i don't need one. what he does matters and he doesn't seem to care.
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thank you very much. next, we'll take a look at who has been hit hardest by this deadly virus and what can be done to protect those people as the economy reopens. new hot spots in this country. i'll speak to a critical care doctor who warned icu beds were running low and he was seeing a spike in younger people. and nasa scrubbing today's historic launch, but they're getting another chance. who has time for wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair®. we've got the retinol that gives you results in one week. not just any retinol. accelerated retinol sa. one week is all it takes. neutrogena®. why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills?e else. flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief a lot goes through your mind. with fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice
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breaking news. 100,000 deaths in the united states. there are still so many unanswered questions about this virus. we do, though, have some facts about who has been hit the hardest. tom foreman is "outfront." >> we don't want -- >> reporter: beyond the protest, the pleas for masks and social distancing -- >> it's really critically important. >> reporter: and the general pandemonium of the pandemic, the number of americans lost has steadily climbed, enough to fill a stadium. the number of deaths so far have involved people over the age of 65. on the upper end of that age group, facilities for the elderly have tried to -- when it gets in, the close quarters can allow wildfire spreading. >> nursing homes are the prime breeding ground for this killer. >> reporter: a study by kaiser suggests more than a third of all covid deaths are tied to long-term care facilities. yes, they have cut off almost
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all visitors -- >> but something that is much more aggressive should be done. >> reporter: younger people fair better. those a decade or two under retirement account for about 18% of the deaths. people under the age of 45 make up only a tiny sliver of the fatalities. in all age groups, people with other health issues, such as heart or lung conditions, are also more likely to pass on. that may partially explain why african-americans are apparently being struck harder than other ethnic groups, since black communities tend to have more of those conditions. and geographically the toll is uneven, too. new york is the hardest hit state. add new jersey and you have 41% of all fatalities. but other states have been hammered, too. among them, massachusetts, pennsylvania, illinois, california, and michigan. >> go home! >> reporter: where despite loud
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calls to simply slow enthe shops, restaurants, gyms and more, the governor is moving cautiously. >> we're going to follow the science, and we've got to get this right. anything else is putting people in jeopardy, and i'm not willing to do that. >> reporter: it's easy to get lost in all these numbers and statistics, but important to remember for each and every individual, every family, this was a terrible and personal thing. and also worth remembering right at this moment, statistically, there are people watching this show who will not be with us in two more weeks, or three, or four. and will join that dreadful count. erin? >> horrible truth. thank you very much, tom. i want to go now to dr. william schaffner at vanderbilt university medical center, and a former official with the cdc.
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thank you for being back with me. you know, we look at these numbers, there is no way to do anything but think of the great grief that is out there. when we try to understand where the deaths are happening, we see 80% of them are happening to people who are 65 or older. what does that mean in terms of how to protect them from here? >> well, erin, i'm in deep mourning as a person. i'm in deep mourning as a clinician, and also has a person who works in public health. many of these deaths could have been prevented. but going forward, we want to prevent many, many more deaths, right? and for people aged 65 and older, they should please take heed of the guidelines, the recommendations, theed awarning remain home as much as possible. avoid crowds. if you go out, please wear a mask. do a lot of hand hygiene and
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obey that six-foot rule. be careful of yourselves. watch who you allow in your home. do it very judiciously. we want to keep this virus from approaching you, and in order to do that, we have to keep people from approaching you. and i'm afraid those are the kind of interventions we'll have to live with, as comfortable, as socially disturbing as they are for some time. >> doctor, look, you're being very direct about it. you see keep people from approaching you in that older age group. if we do that as a society, does that enable things like kids who obviously when you look at their death rates, essentially zero, they can go back to school, they can go back to things this summer, their parents can go back to work, the economy can start functioning again? i mean, does this concept, as
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people call it of segmentation, is that where we need to be as a society? >> well, segmentation to a degree, yes. but also we're all together. all of us have to help each other and protect each other. that's the whole principle of wearing the mask. i wear it to protect you, you wear it to protect me. we're protecting each other. so if we're all in this together, if we don't flout the guidelines, then we can work together and open up society safely and progressively begin to reestablish these relationships that we treasure and we need. >> and obviously, you're saying by putting them on hold or in a different way, you're able to get back to normal more quickly. what about this issue with nursing homes, long-term care facilities. more than a third of all deaths are tied to them as we heard tom
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report. what do we do to protect people in those facilities? obviously, there is no way to get it right. i spoke to somebody who runs one of them in washington, she had not had a single death in her facility. it can be done, but it's not what we have seen across this country. >> we all have to, in running a nursing home, focus on good infection control. we need to train our personnel. they must be masked. we ought to check their temperatures before they come in and get a symptom check to make sure that no one is ill before they work. and then we can't allow many visitors in for this period of time. we have to semi isolate these patients. because they are the most frail among us. so we have to kind of put a barrier of infection control around these institutions and the people in them. i think it can be done. it may not be able to be done perfectly, but we can do a
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better job than we're currently doing. >> doctor, thank you very much. appreciate the bluntness and the honesty. thank you, sir. and next, cases of coronavirus on the rise in alabama. one doctor there has been warning they're running low on icu beds. tonight, why he fears the situation is about to become much worse. plus, the anger building tonight on the streets of minneapolis after the death of a black man in police custody. we're going to take you there live. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. like way more vanities perfect for you. nice. way more unique fixtures and tiles. pairing. ♪ nice.
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tonight, the expected spike in cases that's come as states reopen won't be visible for weeks. that's the warning issued by dr. fauci, who urged americans not to get overconfident. it comes as 14 states are still seeing a rise in cases. nick watt is "outfront." >> i don't need a bag. >> reporter: in l.a. today, you can walk into any store again after nearly ten weeks. but now, with a mask. >> we're not moving beyond covid-19, but we're learning to live with it. >> reporter: long island also reopening today, just 74 deaths reported in new york state today, down from over 800 a day
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in early april. >> when you've gone through what we have gone through, it's a sign that we're headed in the right direction. >> reporter: new york city still a few weeks away and expect more of this. sidewalk dining this summer. >> even with that, you got a lot to figure out in terms of social distancing, face coverings, protocols. >> reporter: the projected death toll was just dropped by 11,000 by the university of washington modelers, they say because many of us are wearing masks. but not all. >> that's not prudent and inviting a situation that could get out of control. >> reporter: soceasar's in vega will open next week. the ballagio and mgm grand will also open that same day. sea world orlando hopes to open in two weeks. anyone over 2 must be masked. disney world now planning to open about a month later in mid
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july at reduced capacity and none of those crowd magnet parades or fireworks. >> the best news of public health is that we are seeing in certain areas a significant plateauing plateauing, but other areas we are seeing uptick. >> reporter: new case counts are falling in the likes of texas, michigan, and those hard-hit northeastern states. but steeply up in alabama, arkansas, and west virginia. also still creeping up in california, which just joined new york, new jersey, and illinois as the states with over 100,000 cases each. and where l.a. county just unveiled a possible plan for schools come the fall, staggered start times, everyone masked, and teachers, not students, moving between classrooms. >> living in the in between is not where anyone wants to be. but it's better than living in
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the shadows or running too fast simply to the light. >> reporter: and here is a little interesting nugget we got from l.a. county today. they estimate that there are now 2 million more people moving around with houses of worship, offices and stores open. and if let's say 2% of them are infected, that is an extra 40,000 people walking around los angeles county, potentially spreading the virus, which is why those who are in the know keep on going on about the masks and the distance. erin? >> all right. thank you very much, nick. in the south, cases in eight states are trending higher, including alabama, where our next guest says cases have come back with a vengeance. he's dr. david thrasher who specializes in lung diseases. dr. thrasher, you know, thank you for coming back. i'm sorry that urbach, given what's happening and what you're seeing. when we talked a week ago, you
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said icu beds in montgomery were luni rubbi running low. what are you seeing today? >> well, in the last one week, alabama had more cases than 46 other states. montgomery in the last 30 days has tripled the number of cases. hospitals are -- were able to handle the number of patients but it's tight. we have three icu beds available in the entire city and we have four patients in the emergency room on ventilators. >> so three beds available in the entire city, as cases are continuing to go up, correct? >> yes. that's three icu beds. like i said, you give me a good nurse, a ventilator and put them in a parking lot and we've got an icu. icu beds per se, only three available in the city.
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we have to reserve some of these for strokes, heart attacks and other stuff. >> when we spoke last time, you said ages 25 to 40 were 25% of the cases. are you seeing this large group of young people coming to the hospital? >> not necessarily the hospitals. but the cases in alabama, age 25 to 50 years old, 40% of the cases are that. but, they only account for around -- the biggest deaths are over the age of 65. 81%. but they only account for 23% of the cases. but it's the younger people who get the disease, they tend to fair better with it. but the young -- excuse me, the older people over 65 are the ones that are dying from it. having said that, we've lost a couple of 30-year-olds and a 20-year-old.
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26-year-old. >> so, you know, i know states like alabama have been easing restrictions for a while, and we have seen people relaxing social distancing measures in many places around the country as if the virus is no longer a threat. your concern that june could be even worse than what you're seeing now in your state. why is that, dr. thrasher? >> it's possible. the ppe money has on the spent by the end of june, and there could be more layoffs at that time and more people coming into the up employment ranks. that means more people out. having said that, i strongly believe that we've got to open up society. we can't bankrupt america. we have to get back to work, because we can lose more people from unemployment. i was county coroner for 13 years, and i saw a lot of suicides because of financial reasons. we know that 81% increase in unemployment, there's a 1%
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increase in suicide and 3% increase in overdoses from drugs and alcohols. we can lose 70,000, 100,000 people because of the economic ramifications. so we have to work, but we have to do it safely, wear masks and do the things we have been talking about. >> dr. thrasher, i thank you, sir. >> thank you. and "outfront" next, the rising death toll creating uncertainty and concern tonight in a crucial swing state. >> people are not being respectful of other people. we're all in the same storm, different boats. >> protestors gathering after the death of a black man in police custody. we're live in minneapolis tonight. indistinct talking on tv ] hey. you fell asleep with your sign again.
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>> reporter: some here are unsure how they'll make it through the summer. >> i still owe for rent here. i owe for relate at my home, so i'm behind two months there, two months here. thank god that i have lovely people who i lease from here and there. >> reporter: lori, owner of this salon, says she still hasn't received her $1200 stimulus check and she ihas applied for small business loan but no answer. >> we defend on every bit of money. when we were shut down, we got nothing. we were promised things and never got it. so i just would like to see everything get back to normal. >> reporter: one small business owner feeling forgotten. the experience so frustrating, she's upset at the handling of the crisis and not sure she'll vote for donald trump again. >> i take it completely apart. >> reporter: shawn schmidt restores muscle cars.
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he supports the president and thinks he's doing a fine job. but is still concerned the states may be reopening too quickly. >> in fact, this past weekend the town was just flooded with people that aren't from here. southern wisconsin, illinois, chicago, you know. >> reporter: you think they could bring it here? >> absolutely, yep. and i think they probably will. >> reporter: it was just about two weeks ago that wisconsin's highest court invalidated the state-wide stay at home order, creating a rush to reopen for some, hesitation for others. yvonne was just about to open her second business when the pandemic struck. >> one minute i was in business, and the next i had to shut my doors. >> reporter: she laid off two employees and has since hired them back. she hopes to hire a third soon, but is concerned for their safety, since everyone seems to be playing by different rules. >> this past weekend, i was a
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little concerned with memorial weekend. >> reporter: why the concern? >> that just people not being respectful of other people. everybody has their -- it's going through the -- we're all in the same storm, different boats. >> reporter: for businesses opening up here, the biggest concern, avoiding a second wave of infections that could shut them down again. >> some people are ready to go gang busters. they're just very nervous on the future, because they keep saying a second wave is coming, and what is that going to do to us? >> reporter: now, a couple of things to keep in mind. the death rate here and the overall number of cases is ticking upwards. they're also testing a lot more. as we travel across the state, and retail shops, some are requiring masks, others are not. some restaurants are packed and full, others aren't even open yet. it's a real mismash.
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the only thing the government can do is urge people to stay home and keep social distancing rules in place. >> thank you very much, miguel. next, protests in minneapolis after the death of a black man in police custody. why is the mayor asking why the officer is not in jail? >> if you had done it, or i had done it, we would be behind bars right now. >> plus, as the nation mourns the 100,000 lives lost to coronavirus, we remember one of the victims. a husband, a father, popular leader of his school. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief
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police. tonight, the city's mayor is joining on calls to file charges against the prosecutor. he's seen in a video putting a knee on floyd's neck while floyd is yelling he couldn't breathe. >> why is the man who killed george floyd not in jail? if you had done it, or i had done it, we would be behind bars right now. and i cannot come up with a good answer to that question. >> sara sidner is out front. this is incredible how this is escalating. what are you seeing? >> reporter: yeah, it is -- it is pictures that we haven't seen for a long time, partly because of coronavirus, partly because of this video that has come out, unprecedented display, and you are hearing from police chiefs across the country, basically say thing is not the way that we are supposed to perform our jobs. this is being condemned by the
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mayor of this city saying he believes that the prosecutor needs to go after these four officers, especially the officer who put his knee on george floyd's neck. and you are seeing reaction in the streets. this isn't just anger. this is pain people are feeling, frustration that people are feeling as they see this video and imagine their own family members, and seeing their friend and their neighbor end up dying in the streets. i do want to give you a look. we're outside the third precinct here where police have decided to flank the entire block around of the precinct before where you're seeing that open space outside the minihaha lake wine and spirits. that's where protesters were quite sometime. there were water bottles throne at the officers, the precinct itself. windows busted out and officers responded with bean bags, they responded with tear gas. they then started responding with numbers of officers coming out of the department and they brought in horses as well.
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now you're seeing a line of officers standing along that street there near east lake street. and on the other side of them are protesters. you can still hear those bean bags being fired time and time again. and every now and then you'll get a blast of tear gas that you'll see sort of pop up. people are angry, but they started with being extremely distraught seeing this video. it was very hard to watch for anyone who doesn't know george floyd. for those who do, this has been a horrific, horrific time for them to have to get through. erin? >> all right, sarah, thank you very much. and i want to go now to joey jackson, criminal defense attorney and cnn legal analyst. so, joey, i guess just the bottom line question here from looking at this, should the officer face charges? >> erin, i don't think there is any question about that, and i think if you look at it, under any reasonable measure there needs to be a prosecution. you know, when you look at issues of excessive force -- and i know this comes with a lot of
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emotion, and it should because of the blatant nature of what occurred. but if you even look at it legally and forget about the emotion, you look and you see, was there an imminent fear that the officer was facing when he had his knee in the neck of mr. floyd? and the answer is resoundingly no. you look at the force he used, that is the officer, and you say is it proportionate to whatever threat was posed. the answer is no, you don't see any threat. you see a person detained and really not resisting at all. and then you get to the third question, erin, that's the reason nab reasonably ti of the officer's actions. there are split second decisions. i don't see anything split second. a lot of times you don't see federal prosecutions. it's called willful behavior. you have to establish it was a willful violation. i don't know anything more willful than putting your knee on someone's neck for several minutes until they die, so i do think there should be a prosecution here and very thorough. >> and so the police report that was filed, they said that floyd -- there was physically
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resisted officers after he got out of the car. so then you can look at surveillance video, which we have obtained from a nearby restaurant and it shows an officer escorting floyd out of the car in handcuffs, floyd sitting on the sidewalk. so obviously there's no physical resistance in this video whatsoever. i mean, what do you make of that discrepancy? we just don't see what they put in the report. >> i make it not true. call it what it is. oftentimes we say we don't want to rush to any judgments, we want to let the investigation unfold, yada yada, that's true. i know as a person who stands in court for people all the time we want the facts to come out. but we have a videotape which is clearly evidencing a criminal act. you have bystanders, erin, saying remove your knee from his neck. he can't breathe. he's saying he can't breathe. the people are pleading with the officers and it's almost as if they're just so indifferent or at least the individual was. when i say "they" the others around are equally as
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responsible. shouldn't you act in the face of that? so i think based on that discrepancy, based on the failure of the other officers to act, based upon his misconduct, there needs to be a prosecution here. and i think based upon what i see here, it would be a very successful prosecution at that. >> joey jackson, thank you. >> thank you. >> and next the heartbreaking story of just one of the 100,271 americans who have lost their lives to coronavirus. it's best we stay apart for a bit, but you're not alone. we're automatically refunding our customers a portion of their personal auto premiums. learn more at [ piano playing ] what are you doing wwith your life?l dead. i want to become a real tattoo artist. your work is mad inconsistent. obama ain't right. [ giggling ] you don't get to act crazy your whole life just 'cause dad died, ok. your dad was a hero. and hero's are necessary. [ cheering ]
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tonight the united states reaching a once unthinkable milestone, 100,000 lives have now been lost in this country to coronavirus. and those numbers are going higher every day. as we mourn the staggering loss and try to absorb the enormity of this number, there are so many lives to remember, just individual families across this country who have forever been changed. one of them is joe. joe left behind three children and his wife maura. he was a healthy vibrant 42 years old. he spent 22 years dedicated to his career. he worked with kids at a catholic high school in long island new york, assistant principal, coach of the basketball team. i spoke to joe's wife, to maura, after he died. >> he just gave every part of him to every part of his life, his family, his friends. that was joe. i mean, everybody meant the
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world to him. he never complains about anything. he just did it. he's just such a giver, such a giver in every respect of the word. just loved to make people happy. he loves to make people feel loved. i thanked him. i thanked him for being the most amazing husband and for making me feel cherished and loved every single day. every single day my husband wrote me beautiful love letters in my you lunch box, not just have a great day, but beautiful letters about what i meant to him and our plans for the weekend, maybe if it was friday, or just about, you know, maybe the nice morning -- we always had a beautiful morning. he always took care of me. he got me my coffee and just wanted to help me get out of the house and help me in every way. and so i thanked him. i thanked him. and then i prayed. and then the doctor took the
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phone. and he said, i'm sorry, but there's no more pulse. and then i played our wedding song for him. and then, um -- and then that was it. so, i was, i was with him when he passed. >> maura's bravery and her love for joe has forever touched me and i know many of you. it has been nearly two months since joe died, and i'm going to be speaking with maura tomorrow night. i thank all of you for joining us. anderson starts now. >> it is hard to say good evening tonight. 100 now people in th 100,000 people have now died. grand mothers, friends and neighbors. the president has yet to say anything about the milestone, the 100,000
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