tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 28, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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can you shed any light on this? >> yeah, we're getting more and more information about this disproportionate death rate with covid-19 and what seems to be playing out is that this is not about a race or the part of the gene that makes one darker complexion or textured hair but more about the underlying conditions that one might have. let me give you one of the ones they point out. obesity. we know there's a disproportionate amount of african-americans that have obesity than other populations and when i was studying obesity, it leads to inflammation and to clotting, all before we learned anything about covid-19. now you learn that into the setting of a very aggressive coronavirus and an aggressive response some people are having in their immune system to this response that leads to more inflammation and more clotting and you can see how it compounds the effect. >> yeah, you can.
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thank you so much for joining us, dr. dave montgomery. >> it's my pleasure. this is cnn breaking news. >> it is the top of the hour. i'm brianna keilar and this is cnn special live coverage of two unfolding stories. first, president trump breaking his silence as the coronavirus claims more than 100,000 american lives in just four months and these faces here, these are some of the people, just some of them we have lost. the president tweeting his sympathies to families in this most devastating national tragedy in modern times taking more american lives than any known natural or manmade disaster including any u.s. war since world war ii. we are also watching the outrage and unrest over the death of an unarmed black man in police custody. several demonstrations erupting across the country, included in minneapolis the site of this killing where looting and flames
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marred neighborhoods there. protesters taking to the streets demanding the arrests of four police officers who were just fired after the death of george floyd on memorial day. the minneapolis police chief is apologizing to his grieving city today after the death of floyd. bystander video of his arrest is very graphic. and in it, you can see the police officer is pinning floyd to the ground with his knee on floyd's neck, even as floyd pleads that he cannot breathe. he died shortly after this and we are learning new details about one of these officers and a previous excessive force claim. we'll have more on that in a moment. but first, the fires still smoldering in minneapolis where protesters clashed with police. riots erupting overnight, at least 30 fires reported. some buildings burned to the ground. stores destroyed and looted and at times, police responded by deploying tear gas and rubber bullets.
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demanding the four officers involved be arrested and charged with murder. in the last hour, minneapolis city councilwoman called for a state of emergency. >> as we stand here grieving, yet another loss of black life, a sense leless tragic loss of bk life. i really don't have many words, but i know that something's got to change. and so i am asking my colleag s colleagues, the mayor and anyone else who is concerned about the state of affairs in our community to declare a state of emergency, declaring racism as a
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public health issue. until we name this virus, this disease that has infected america for the past 400 years, we will never, ever resolve this issue. to those who say bringing up racism is racist in and of itself, i say to you, if you don't call cancer what it is, you can never cure that disease. >> cnn's miguel marquez is live in minneapolis and miguel, you have some new reporting about one of the officers who was involved in this incident. tell us.
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>> reporter: a couple of officers, actually. this is the area where anger exploded into rage. this is where the precinct s is one of the officers involved in a 2017 excessive use of force but more on point people paying attention to, that officer derek chauvin who had his knee on the neck of mr. floyd, he had 18 different complaints lodged against him. he was reprimanded for two of them but 18 complaints in his career. all four officers now fired. i want to give you a sense of what's happening right there because the rage we saw last night, this was an auto zone in the shopping area down here. the area behind here was a six story building under construction. that has all now come down. the target and all the shops on this side of the street, these also got destroyed and looted. this is actually the precinct. this is the epicenter of it. you can see the police officer on top of the roof. they've installed these barriers
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this morning and you can see through those barriers with the windows and the spray paint here. it's still a fairly tense situation and i want to show you what's happening right now. this is the backside of the third precinct here in minneapolis. you can see officers there in their riot gear. there's a local community group here that has come around, and i want to chat with them if i can, that's come around. if i could chat with you. they have been trying to block individuals, this group here, from interacting with the police here who are trying to protect the precinct. if i could? you're with a local community group. how difficult is it to bring down that level of anger here? >> it's been a little difficult. it's really not a lot of anger,
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as you can see, everybody is nice and calm and cool. we just want to make sure we keep it peaceful, that's all. >> you had 100 people from the community trying to diffuse the situation and bring things down now. what exactly, how will you do that? you weren't able to back the crowd off from the police. >> we communicate with the community and we let them know we stand with them. period. we stand with them, but it's not what you do, it's how you do it. we don't need to be standing face-to-face with law enforcement right now, so we're asking them to stepba back and stay peaceful. >> reporter: how concerned are you that more african-american men are going to die in the days ahead if this sort of protest continues? >> we're scared. it's going to be a lot. it's going to be a lot. >> reporter: and how long will you be out here tonight? >> as long as it takes. as long as it takes, man. like i said, man, it's a bunch of us that got together, man, this is my brother, marlin, and we want them to have a space to
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speak how they feel and say how they feel. we are just trying to make sure we reiterate to them that burning buildings down is not the answer to what we're trying to get a solution to, and one of the things i stated to all of my white brothers and sisters is like, we appreciate you being out here and supporting this rally, but this is not your space. you're here to support us. that's what you need to do. >> reporter: you could not be here last night all night. you're trying to be here all night? >> i was out here all day yesterday. my point is, caucasians start doing that and then it start escalating. so we deescalating when it's like that. >> reporter: this is the sense of things right now, you have people trying to bring down that level of anger. you have a lot of people showing up here wanting to scream, yell, shout and throw things at police, and they are hoping that tonight, things will calm down a
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little bit and they can start to rebuild this area and hopefully get some real answers from downtown. what they really want are charges for those four officers and just a wholesale change at that time way the department treats the african-american community in minneapolis. back to you. >> all right, miguel, thank you for that report from minneapolis. and the death of george floyd is evoking a familiar pain and exhaustion with many in the black community. here's how cnn political commentator bakari sellers responded this morning. >> the killing of black men, black mother's sons become as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white mother's son. we who believe in freedom cannot rest until this happens. said that in 1964 and we're still echoing the same cries today. it was hard to listen to that interview.
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it's just so much pain. you get so tired. we have black children. i have a 15-year-old daughter. i mean, what do i tell her? i'm raising a son. i have no idea what to tell him. it's just, it's hard being black in this country when your life is not valued, and people are worried about the protesters and looters and it's just people who are frustrated for far too long who have not had their voices heard, and so you put me on after a brother and i feel like i lost my brother, and nobody cares about the video. they had a video, and two
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different solicitors looked at that video and declined to press charges. and to so for those of us who have had a mistrust of the system, it's very hard for us to do anything else other than just to cry this morning. and then hope and pray that we are not sitting next to ben crump that day. that's about all we can do. >> moments ago, the minneapolis police chief issued an apology. >> i'm absolutely sorry for the pain, the devastation and the trauma that mr. floyd's death has left on his family, his loved ones, our community here in minneapolis, and certainly across the country and the world. >> much more on this as we watch what's happening on the ground in minneapolis. plus, just in on the coronavirus pandemic, the governor of new york making a move involving masks, the
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complete opposite of the president's actions. also, a senator who attended the hearing into the u.s. response said he just tested positive for antibodies. what that signals. johnny cash's daughter slams ignorance over not wearing masks as she said her daughter was heckled for wearing one. hey! lily from at&t here. i'm back and while most stores are open, i'm working from home and here to help. here's a tip: get half-off the amazing iphone 11 on at&t, america's fastest network for iphones. second tip: you can put googly eyes on your stuff to keep yourself company. uh for example, that's heraldo. he's my best friend. oh, sorry nancy, i forgot you were there. get the amazing iphone 11 for half-off on at&t, america's fastest network for iphones.
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condolences of the 100,000 people who died from coronavirus, he sent tweets in opposition of the use of masks, defying his own administration's guidance but the governor of new york taking a different route, allowing businesses to deny entry to anyone not wearing one. >> we're talking about reopening
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stores in places of business. we are giving the store owners the right to say, if you're not wearing a mask, you can't come in. that store owner has a right to protect himself. that store owner has a right to protect the other patrons in that store. you don't want to wear a mask, fine, but you don't have to right to then go into that store if that store owner doesn't want you to. >> cnn's jason carroll is in new york. jason, tell us more about this executive order that the governor's going to sign. >> reporter: yeah, well, unlike the president, brianna, as you know, new york's governor repeatedly has talked about the importance of wearing masks. he's also said when new york city opens, it's got to be done in the smartest way possible and that's part of the reason why he's issued this executive order. all of this as the city, the state and the country still trying to come to terms with all
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of the people who lost their lives because of this virus. more than 100,000 lives lost, a painful milestone and reminder of the deadly impact of covid-19 over the past few months in the united states. the front page of the "washington post" showing an image each death representing a ray of light. that number as grim as it is may not account for more victims who died from the virus, but were never counted because they died at home and may not have been tested. >> we've taken a terrible hit, 100,000 people is really historic in the public health impact it's had on us. >> reporter: the economic impact continues to take its toll on the country as well. another 2.1 million americans filed for jobless benefits last week. that means one in four american workers, more than 40 million, now furloughed or laid off in the last ten weeks. hard hit new york city with a
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stay at home order. billboards went dark for one minute to draw attention to businesses on the edge of closing for good. the city's mayor said the way to reopen will be over soon. >> we're now actually in a position to start talking about opening things up, step by step, phase by phase. >> reporter: new york is one of nearly two dozen states seeing a decrease in cases but the centers for disease control said there could be a second peak in the country over the summer. this as more than a dozen states are still seeing an increase in cases. in the last week, alabama had a higher case rate than 46 other states. one doctor there said the number of cases in montgomery has tripled in the last month, and he worries about having enough hospital beds. >> we can handle the number of patients but it's tight. three icu beds available in the entire city. four patients we know of in the emergency room on ventilators. >> reporter: reopening moving
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forward in las vegas. caesar's and mgm resorts say some of their casinos will open next week are with restrictions. disney and some of the surrounding theme parks set to reopen in july. many businesses planning to practice social distancing as they move forward, but is the world health organization's recommended 6 feet far enough? maybe not, says the general science which released new findings that say, increasing evidence for the coronavirus suggests the 6 foot w.h.o. recommendation is likely not enough, under many indoor conditions where aerosols can remain airborne for hours, accumulate over time, and follow air flows over distances further than 6 feet. dr. gene agrees with the findings and said when it comes to so-called safe spaces, one should consider two things. density and time. >> if you're in an area where you're really close with people and that virus is not in air that's circulating well, it's
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going to be easier for you to breathe it. and the rule is 15 minutes, so closer than 6 feet for longer than 15 minutes. that's the threshold we have been using. >> reporter: health experts say when it comes to interacting in the age of coronavirus, people should not only wear masks but should socialize outdoors as much as possible. >> there was just some data that came out earlier this week that said the risk is increased 18 fold being indoors in exactly the same situation as you would be outdoors, so going inside is much more risky for the chances of infection. >> reporter: and brianna, still a lot of questions about specifically when new york city will begin phase one of reopening. it's the last region in the state that has started into phase one and when pressed on that, new york city's mayor bill de blasio basically said it's going to be soon, probably some time in early june.
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brianna? >> early june. okay, jason, thank you for that report and you know, in moments of crisis, americans look to their leaders for guidance and for reassurance. right now, president trump's focus seems to be elsewhere. he has been egging on protests of stay at home orders. he's refusing to wear a mask. he's mocking those who do wear a mask and placing doubt on one of the fundamental tenets of american democracy, free and fair elections. as we passed the milestone, the president again on twitter sharing conspiracy theories about the russia investigation and spreading fears about a rigged election. a day passing before president trump finally tweeted this. to all of the families and friends of those who have passed, i want to extend my heartfelt sympathy and love for everything these great people stood for and represents. god be with you! at southern methodist university, thank you so much for joining us. tell us what you make to overall
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the president's response to this crisis. >> you know, it's been remarkable for its lack of empathy and i say that because one of the key roles of a president aside from formulating policy is contributing to the national mood and typically, we've seen in crises before a president try to set a tone of unity, whether it's abraham lincoln in the civil war or whether it's franklin roosevelt during the great depression or even something more recent such as bill clinton or george w. bush during the oklahoma city bombing and 9/11. the idea is the president typically goes out and tries to say, we're all in this together and let's come together and the way to do that is to say, basically, i feel your pain and we're not hearing president trump say that hardly at all. >> new york ci >>, no and the former presumptive nominee has weighed? >> for those wei, i'm sorry forr
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loss. nothing i can say or do to dull the sharpness of the pain you feel right now. i can promise you from experience, the day will come when the memory of your loved one will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes. my prayer for all of you is that they will come sooner rather than later, but i promise you, it will come when it does and know you can make it. >> he's obviously speaking from the heart. he's someone who as a young senator lost his daughter and wife and lost his grown son, bo biden. what do you make of his approach? >> as you said, he's a person who speaks from personal experience and it's remarkable to see vice president biden, essentially, taking up the role of empathizer in chief, of trying to explain to the nation, not so much why it is that we're in pain. we all know why we're in pain,
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but we need to know the pain has some purpose. this is why it's really interesting that the president has fallen back on the analogy of war saying we're at war with the virus. that's all well and good, but traditionally, when we're at war, that requires some sort of sacrifice, some greater tax or burden for the american people. it means the american people are going to suffer together. we're willing to suffer as long as we're in it together and seeing progress. and frankly, the president hasn't really told us a lot of what we all need to do. especially since he seems to be undermining his entire administration's own plans for how to deal with the virus. >> yeah, it's remarkable how he's been doing that, and even poking fun at people for taking his own administration's advice. jeffrey eng l, thank you. cnn will honor the victims of coronavirus this weekend in a special hosted by jake tapper. join us as families share personal stories about loved
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ones they have lost and faith leaders offer words of comfort and prayer. we remember a national memorial will start sunday at noon eastern. a stunning figure today that one in four american workers has now lost their jobs as a result of this pandemic. so how many of those jobs will come back after this has passed? i'll be asking one of president trump's top economic advisers. plus, senior rosanne cash shares the vile things that were said to her daughter simply because she wore a mask.
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nearly one in four american workers has filed for unemployment benefits since the coronavirus pandemic began. new figures released this morning showing 2.1 million people filed jobless claims last week and that brings the total to more than 40 million since mid march. this was the tenth straight week with unemployment figures in the millions, something that had never been seen in the u.s. before this crisis. with me now is senior economic adviser to president trump, kevin haas ssset. i want to discuss what you said on state of the union that you called american workers human capital stock. you received a lot of criticism for this. do you stand by what you said? >> that phrase was used over and over by every economist who's ever trained in labor economics
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or macro economics, it was used over and over by the obama administration. i think the attacks are just baseless and you could see there's a lot of twitter defense by economists, so yes, i stand by it. >> okay. nearly one in four americans is unemployed. that's a huge, devastating number. how many of these job losses are permanent? how many do you think may not come back? >> right, well, i think what we're seeing is things are starting to come back. for every two people that went on unemployment insurance, three people came off. there's starting to be positive signs because the economy is opening up again. back a week, no states in the country had less than 10% of the people on unemployment insurance and now 20 states. so the opening up is beginning to occur and then the question is, how successful will it be? how widespread will it be? we see a lot of variation across states, a lot of states that are
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opening up and things are really getting back to normal relatively quicker than i expected, but then other states that aren't doing so well. some of those are states that basically just rely on things that are going slow. so for example, hawaii, it depends a lot on travel and leisure and people aren't traveling to hawaii right now and the economy there and the initial claims there are really, really unfortunately high but other places that are starting to get open again like georgia, for example, are actually seeing claims decline and people get back to work. >> i think that's confusing to people when you say that, for every two people who went on, three came off, when they look at 2.1 million more filing for unemployment last week. >> so what happens, there are new people who filed for claims and then there are people that filed for claims a few weeks ago and either still getting insurance, unemployment insurance or going back to work. so we keep track of both, like
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the continuing claims, people who get unemployment insurance because they've got unemployed a few weeks ago and then the new people this week. so there's definitely still a number that's way too high in terms of people having separation from their jobs this week and filing for new unemployment insurance but it is actually somewhat, i think, confidence building to notice that people who were unemploy aed a week ago or two weeks ago are starting to get back to work. >> as you see states reopen, are you seeing evidence that people are going out and spending money? >> yeah, absolutely, and one of the metrics we have of that is just the percentage of businesses that are open. and that was in the low 50% in april for the country as a whole, and really, for most states. there are some states right now where you're getting up to as many as 90% of the businesses open. so we're seeing businesses open, you know, sales are not back to
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where they were before the crisis began but some states, we see sales down relative to a year ago. the economy is turn back on and i think there's cause for optimism in the realtime data and seeing so many people go back to work and come off of continuing claims is a positive sign. >> sounds like there's a supply but so far, there's not a demand and the bright spot is the demand is not as much of a deficit as you hoped. so if we go back to that, if you build it, they will come, so far, it's maybe being built but they're not showing up yet. >> yeah, i think that's fair to say, they are showing up but the sales are still down significantly from january, but this goes back to your first question for me. the productive capacity of the country is ready to get going. the workers are going back to work. the businesses are still in
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place, so therefore, the capital that's required to do the supply for the country is there. now we just got to get the demand to line up with that and i think that's happening faster than i expected, in part, because there's pent up demand for things that people spend time sitting at home, not necessarily going out and doing the things that they're used to doing or shopping for the things they needed and now that the economies are turning back on, they're going out and beginning to do that. >> there's two officials, kevin, who are familiar with the matter, and they tell cnn that the white house is not going to issue economic projections this summer, which is breaking with nearly 50 years of precedent. is that true? >> you know, right now i can't confirm or deny that. the group of people that makes that decision includes the treasury secretary and the omb director. the only thing i can say, i remember when president obama's team came in. they received a lot of unfair
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criticism because their budget had to finalize the economic forecast late in the year like maybe december and then the budget came out months later -- let me finish. >> we're talking about the trump administration and the -- >> you're not letting me finish, come on. i know -- what i'm saying, a high uncertainty like the great depression, there's uncertainty about the number and this number would have had to have been buttoned down weeks and weeks ago when there was an enormous amount of certainty about where the economy is going to go, and so i think there will be more news to come out about that, but right now, if you go back weeks, and then think about what is the economy going to look like in july, there's just an enormous amount of uncertainty about that. we look at a second quarter that's likely to be the biggest decline since world war ii and the third quarter about to be the biggest increase and the changes in those numbers are going to be a factor bigger than normal changes so the uncertainty right now is the
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highest that we've seen since world war ii. >> okay, i'm going to interject just because you're repeating yourself, but are you then going to issue the economic projection then later, once you have a better sense of the certainty or just being scrapped? you can see why people would be concerned, kevin because they understand there may be some uncertainty, but numbers are numbers and they want a transparent assessment of the economy. why can't you commit to doing what has been done for 50 years? >> listen, larry kudlow and i have been on tv practically every day for months giving an accurate assessment of what we think the state of the economy is. you and i just did it. i said over and over, even on cnn that we think the cdo forecast looks about right to us, so we're absolutely every day transparent about what we think about the economy. the question is, if you're going to commit months and months
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ahead of time to a number, is that absolutely helpful for people trying to understand what's going on, and with the review coming up mid summer, i could see why people think we should hold off a little bit. in fact, that's precedent. people came out in the past later. >> how much later? >> i can remember it leaking into the fall in the past, but -- >> so -- >> we're extremely transparent. every day we talk about what we think the economy is going to be doing. i think the second quarter is negative 40%. >> it could go into the -- >> you already said that. so this could go into the fall. >> we'll see what people decide, but there is a high time of uncertainty. >> okay, so governor cuomo today announced he's signing an executive order authorizing businesses to deny entry to anyone that doesn't wear a mask. what's your reaction to that?
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>> i think that our position, since the task force put out guidelines for opening up is that it's a decision that each state needs to make, and if governor cuomo thinks that's the right call for him, then i think that we support that, and i personally have a mask in my pocket and i think it is prudent to wear a mask very often if you're going to be less than 6 feet from people. >> all right, kevin hassett, thank you. tim caine tested positive for coronavirus antibodies. and the hot spots in this global pandemic continue to pop up in latin america. when you shop with wayfair, you spend less
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country singer rosanne cash said her daughter was accosted in a grocery store over her mask that she was wearing. cnn's chloe melas with more on what cash has to say. >> brianna, rosanne cash, the eldest daughter of johnny cash took to twitter earlier this week to discuss an incident involving one of her daughters at a local kroger's grocery store in tennessee. one of her daughters had gone to by buy groceries and a man started yelling hateful slurs because of her mask due to coronavirus. her daughter nearly died from h1n1 and on a ventilator for three days. she also stated, quote, the ignorance and hatred is so hateful, trying to survive. no word from kroger on the incident. >> thank you for that report. senator tim kaine and his wife have tested positive for coronavirus antibodies.
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the virginia democrat who has been seen in the halls of congress wearing a mask said he had been treated for the flu earlier this year but experienced onset of new symptoms in late march. his wife fell ill shortly thereafter. kaine, 62, he and his wife did not get tested due to the national shortage of tests but they were symptom-free by mid april. elizabeth cohen, these antibody tests are becoming more widely available. there's still some questions about their efficacy, but there are a lot of people who are going to be in the kaine situation. >> tricky. the cdc saying the results up to half the time might be wrong and that you're actually more likely to get a false positive meaning you're told you have antibodies when you don't. that is problematic, then people might think, oh, i have
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antibodies. i'm okay, i can't get reinfected or anyone else sick. senator kaine is doing the right thing. he said he and his wife are behaving as if they basically never knew they had the antibodies. they're wearing a mask, doing all of the social distancing one is supposed to do. these tests are very ricky. of course, it's easy to see why someone would want them. you want to know, did i have coronavirus or not, in a situation like his where you just don't know but the answer is not clear, just because you get a positive result does not necessarily mean that result is correct. >> elizabeth, we have just gotten word that boston has cancelled the marathon this year. i wonder what you think about that and also, the expectation for other events as well that this is certainly, i mean, this is huge, right? this is a big, big event and it's not going to be happening. >> as a native bostonian, it makes me sad to hear that because it is an important event the whole world watches and brings the community together but i understand why they did that, not just for the safety of
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the runners who, of course, are very close to one another but because it draws large crowds. i remember getting off of school every marathon day in order to go join the crowds watching the marathon pass by. it seems like a prudent move, you don't want to be creating crowds. that's the last thing we want to be doing right now. >> yeah, it is a bummer though, right? life is not as we know it, elizabeth cohen, thank you so much for your insight. we're keeping an eye right now on minneapolis where the death of the unarmed black man at the hands of police has sparked protests and very raw emotions. moments ago, the white house saying that president trump was, quote, very upset after seeing the video of george floyd's final moments. plus, brazil's president telling people to, quote, go back to work or die of hunger, as the pandemic pushes that country into recession. some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data. entering data. changing data. more and more sensitive, personal data.
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latin america is quickly emerging as one of the areas where the rate of new infections continues to accelerate. let's check in with our cnn correspondents around the globe. >> i'm matt rivers in mexico ski. once again officials announced the largest single day increase in newly confirmed cases. that's the second day in a row that the record has been broken here and fourth time in the last week. the death toll continues to go up as the w.h.o. is now calling latin america the new epicenter of the global outbreak because of the rise in both cases and deaths that we are seeing in places like mexico, like brazil, and like peru.
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the economy is collapsing as the number of infections in brazil tops 400,000. while governors urge social isolation, president jair bolsonaro says people should go back to work or die of hunger. many blame bolsonaro's response to the epidemic for the country's dismal outlook. the imf sees gdp sinking as the economy heads into one of the worst recessions on record. i'm clarissa ward in london where the closure of schools due to the coronavirus here in the uk has led to "shocking levels of childhood hunger." a study in may found some 200,000 children had been forced to skip meals. the government has adapted a voucher system to prevent that from happening, but human rights
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watch said that the system was riddled with problems with some families waiting weeks for vouchers to come in. they said the government needs to urgently address this problem. president trump is sending condolences for the first time as more than 100,000 families grieve their loved ones. and as riots erupt in minneapolis over the death of george floyd, his brother is calling for action. >> we need justice. those people need to be arrested. they executed my brother in broad daylight. ce. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference.
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12:00 pm
. hi there, i'm brooke baldwin. thank you for being with me. you're watching cnn this thursday afternoon. today millions of americans are feeling grief, outrage and frustration as two tragedies leave the nation reeling. more than 100,000 americans have now died from coronavirus. president trump marking the moment in a tweet saying he extended his heart felt sympathy to the loved ones who passed. and in minneapolis, a city on edge now after the killing of 46-year-old george floyd, the unarmed black man who died in police custody after being pinned down to the ground by a poce
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