tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 30, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> we'll take you across the country. this is denver right now. it looks the samemiami. many images are coming in. they are faced off against police officers. they are throwing objects. some of them are setting things on fire. they are refusing to disperse and they are daring the police to do something about it. again, we'll take you through
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all of this live as many of these places as we can get to, atlanta, minneapolis, even the white house has a crowd growing of protesters outside again tonight. we'll talk about now why these people are raging tonight in america's cities. what they are sick and tired of? they're sick and tired of seeing on the news and who they blame of misappropriation of justice that far too often unarmed people die at the hands of police officers. these are live pictures you are looking at in atlanta now. not far from the centennial olympic park where residents are under a 9:00 p.m. curfew. >> atlanta is always going to
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look and feel like atlanta to me even on its worst day because on our worst day in the city, i know there is a better day that's coming. that's what it felt like to me. when i saw the people out cleaning up our cities and crews out there. that felt like atlanta to me. we are the city that cities across this country only wish they can be, which is last night i said we are better than this as a city. we are still better than this as a country. >> a very trying time for the city of atlanta and many cities across the country. cnn's correspondent martin savidge is in downtown atlanta, what are you seeing right now? >> reporter: well, it is after
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9:00. the curfew that's ordered by the mayor has gone into effect. authorities began clearing the street. there were firing back and forth and protesters were using fireworks and police were using tear gas. right now they sort of come to a standstill. a number of arrests and people were detained right now they have driven away the main body of protersprotesters from the a outside of cnn. you can see the security cars are pausing and taking them on in assess. they have drones in the air because what they have monitor is where does the crowds go from here? last time people were pushed from one area and went to another. the firework being thrown directly into the police
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officers. there is a huge blast. the officers held their ranks and continued now to block the streets. there are still protesters and we can see about 100 yards away. authorities are holding right here. don. >> martin, there was a scene of chaos last night in atlanta. it appears it it is controlled chaos at this moment. the police department met today and we don't want to have this. they put a curfew in place. what do you feel is going to happen tonight? >> reporter: from a law enforcement's perspective,
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yesterday it escalated slowly. you start with a softer unit then it shifted to a regular police unit and later you saw the riot police coming in. now they started with the riot police and the s.w.a.t. teams given us clear of the arrest they were making earlier and authorities are in no mood to be lenient on protesters tonight. they allowed them to have their say and protest, but once 9:00 came of the curfew, they began moving in, clearing the streets and presenting their shields as protesters melted away. they have not gone away completely. it is going to be a back and forth through the night. >> let's hold it steady there. i want to get to the streets of new york city where we see
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protesters marched in defiance. i want to get to shimon prokupecz in times square, what are you seeing at this hour? >> reporter: protests are gathering at union square here in manhattan. this has been a point where many have gathered and it has been mostly peaceful here. a short time ago there were groups of protesters who have been on bikes and mopeds around the city and setting trash on fire and throwing trash into the streets. the groups that gathered here very upset. we are hearing chants like "i can't breathe," "don't shoot," and george floyd's name mentioned and people who have died during interactions with police. people here continued to express their anger. they are angry and arguing with police officers. police officers are trying to get them out of the streets.
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a lot of protesters were this the street. police are lined up here and as you can see behind me to keep them out of the street. just pushing them back and pushing them back and a lot of people understand they got angry and they were yelling at police. police were successful getting them on sidewalk without making any arrests and without my kinds of confrontations. a lot of people standing around talking the police and yelling at the police and police right now are standing here. there has been 70 arrests we are told so far. probably those numbers are higher now across the city. we see pockets of flare ups in different areas of manhattan. as i said earlier, groups are doing their own thing. there are larger protests and smaller groups and doing their own thing.
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for now police here allowing folks to express their anger and having kofrconversations with t and you can hear chants here and police are standing around. the key right now is they want to keep people out of the streets and an the sidewaon the. that's what we are seeing. >> shimon, i want you to standby, we have crews all over the country. i want to get to cnn's correspondent omar jimenez on the ground for us. you have been on the scene in minneapolis, part of something that happened disturbing being detained and taken by police. i want you to give us a sense of what's going on on the ground in minneapolis right now, please. >> reporter: the curfew that's instituted by governor tim walz
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started nine minutes ago. people are still out and they defied that order. good news in this location of the course of the day, this is what protests are looking like of peaceful gathering. as you look over the left, this is all happening right across the street, the fifth police precinct main minneapolis. part of the things we are trying to prevent is what the governor described as 48 hours anarchy yesterday continued into a a third day. now, they're adding a few things hoping will make a difference. they tripled the amount of law enforcement resources here to address what they are calling a sophisticated network of urban warfare and they are deploying their largest national guard of
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minnesota. walz is saying don't go outside today and he signed an executive order to pull near by states and counties and resources to address the mayhem they have seen over the past few nights. his words, it has to stop. they have not been able to stop just yet. a new attempt to try to do so. they have add resources trying to bring in the plate. the first thing, the first barrier they tried to put in place is a curfew. we'll see what comes next later into the evening. during the day is peaceful and during the night, things turn into rioting and looting. >> omar jimenez, we'll check in with you as well as the rest of our correspondents. thank you very much for that.
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i want to go now to senator kamala harris. i appreciate your time, thank you so much. >> of course. these times are times that are challen challenging to define who we say we are and in particular to prove whether we are committed to the ideal of who we say we are. >> let me ask you because you see a lot of anger out there tonight. i know you are watching the pictures coming in from los angeles, what is your message to the crowds of protesters on the streets of los angeles? >> look, this is what happens when the whole community of people have not received justice. the pain is real and legitimate. if the streets of los angeles looked the same way during rodney king and not much as
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happened since that really changed the circumstances, it is still a fact in america that we have two systems of justice. when you look at a michael flynn or a roger stone who once pleaded guilty and others was convicted and yet they are led off? yet you have a george floyd or a armaud arbery not receiving justice? the last big event i attended before the pandemic struck was to be with members of the congressional black caucus and some of the members to walk across the bridge to commemorate the 55 years of bloody sunday when people shed their blood and people die for the rights for black folks to vote in america.
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we talked about it and we rom romaticised it. the reason is dr. martin luther king fought for the same thing which is equal justice under the l the same law. that's how i think about it. of course i will never condone vandalism and violence in these protests. you got to recognize and appreciate that people have a right to feel pain and to feel anger. >> here is the question -- >> this is still happening. >> here is the question though that everyone wants the answer to and we don't know what it is,
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perhaps you as a legislature can tell us. what happens now? what's the solution? how do we fix this? as we know the third rail races to american of society, how do we fix this? >> we have to have all people regardless of race and gender. i was out there at the protest today in d.c. in front of the white house and there were people of every gender of every race unified and standing the significance of this and the importance of fighting for the ideals of our country. making real equal justice under the law. i said it before, bad cops need go to jail. bad cops are bad for good cops. what do we need to do to bring more integrity to the criminal
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justice system. we need to have an independent investigation. i strongly believe it should not be the da's office that are joining the investigation of police conduct. we need to have the united states to reinvoke under the obama administration of what's happening around investigations of patterns and practice. we need to have a system where we are enforcing a decree and oversees of what should be a reform. these are specific things that need to happen. i have to tell you, don, today we all were really excited and many of us watched the spacex launch. i don't know if you saw that. the commentator were talking about the 2 minutes and 30
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seconds needed to pursue its issue. it was a clock that nasa had on the projection of that launch, 2 minutes and 38 seconds. george floyd, 2 minutes and 53 seconds had a knee on his neck when he shows no signs of life. this is why people are marching and protesting. why should there be two of justice or two definitions of the passage of time in america? >> the question is why is that? it is interesting to me. we have lived in two separate realities in america: one black and one white. for one segment of america, this is a reality that people know
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happens all the time and for another there appears to be an awakening. why is that senator? >> the fact that this is america. you and i talked about this. russia interview fear f interfe elections of 2016, that's a fact. they targeted black voters, they targeted misinformation campa n campaign, taken advantage of the legitimate distrust that folks have in their government and its systems, right? this is real. we have to be honest about it. >> i hate to cut you off.
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i am enjoying having this conversation with you. i urge all americans to have this conversation and we need to continue it. of course we'll have you back. senator kamala harris, senator of california. please be safe, i have to get to the breaking news. >> of course. i want to get to chicago right now with ryan young, take it away, what are we seeing on our screen right now? >> reporter: they are pepper spraying several protesters. we saw fireworks exploded right in front of us.
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we are talking about 20 minutes or so each block of where the officers have been have been firing and making loud explosions. we have seen several police cars that were set on fire. this is what pepper spray to do. the irritant gets into your lungs and people have trouble time to breathe. they are trying to get it out of her eyes. we heard several people talking about they have asthma. when it gets into their chest, that's the other part of it. you have people who are protesting. they came here with shots. there are other people who don't care about the protest at all. they are here for something different. again, this is fwoing going to
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and you can hear the cars here and we see people with atvs and people going down in the middle of the street into the nike store looting. i want to make sure we get it in the middle of the streets. i want to walk us back to where the officers are standing, this is the largest group of officers we have seen and seems like protester haves bes have been gr this em. this is corner suspici them. this is the corner where officers are lined up. two blocks down, you can see more officers are set. i can hear some of the protesters trying to threaten some of the officers as we
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speak. here it goes. this is sort of what's happening. >> reporter: these young men are calling the officers her here -- that's all about again a difficult situation as this is sort of unfolding here in chicago. no one is leading these groups. they are all marching along and that's what's going on at this point right now. the fireworks really got scary in the middle of the streets at this hour. >> okay, ryan. maybe it is because of my ear
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piece that i have. when you are wearing that mask, i need you to get the mic closer. i am so glad, ryan, that you are bringing up the fact that many of these people are just rousers and they're not apart of the legitimate protesters who are in these groups. they came there to cause trouble. some of them are doing it on purpose because what we have all been out on the scenes. there were people who are out there doing it and in some instances to make protesters look bad. let's be honest. they're there just because they want to cause trouble. >> reporter: that's a great point. look at this happening in the middle of the street. this is what we have seen over and over here, one of the things
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that stood stepping in. that was apart of that situation here. there are clearly people here who do not care about policing or black people issues. they are here to deface and they are here to loot. they do not care about the issues of black america or anything like that. there is another group here that's passionate about the idea of all the issues that's happening. chicago police department is on the way. there has been issues within the police department especially when it comes to the south, west side of chicago. we know there are two sides of the city. we are here and people on the other side of town, there are people struggling and they are tired of dealing with issues when it comes to police officers
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in this city. >> ryan, you can go to just about every major city -- >> reporter: walk this way. >> what happened, ryan? >> reporter: they were not us. someone threw a wine bottle, they were aiminficers. we should move out a little bit. go ahead and say what you want to say, don. >> just about mevery major city or smaller city there is a george floyd's story. this is about george floyd but it goes beyond that. tonight in america you are watching this scene from chicago. you are watching this scene from atlanta, standby, ryan. you are watching this scene from los angeles, new york city, washington, d.c., philadelphia,
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miami, all over this country, 40 millions people out of work. 132,000 americans died from the coronavirus and the fifth night, images of american cities, some of them burning a country in chaos. we'll continue to report, a quick break. ♪ (vo) at sprint, we understand saving money for your family is now more important than ever. that's why we're offering our best unlimited deal. switch and get four lines of unlimited for just $100 a month. that's right - four lines, for $100 bucks! if that's not enough, we're throwing in four samsung galaxy phones...on us. and now, sprint customers enjoy access to expanded coverage on the t-mobile network. shop from the comfort of your home at or come see us in our stores. for people with hearing loss, visit can match the power of energizer. because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world.
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tonight as we take a look at these pictures coming in from los angeles, you can see the country is clearly in chaos. we have 2,000 americans who have lost their lives from the pandemic and you have people who have taken to the street of major cities. this is los angeles. a major city in california. and now it is gripped with chaos.
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an emergency is gripping this country right now. at this hour protesters are facing off with police. can we go back to that picture? i want our viewer to hear from the ground how police are reacting what protesters are saying. let's go back to the ground. >> reporter: bottles are being thrown here on third and gilmore. >> paul, can you hear me? >> reporter: right now police are moving down. this is 3rd street and they're telling all these demonstrators that they are to clear this area. what that you are hearing was the popping of rubber bullets.
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we should say that we see them mainly firing these protesters. we see arrests going downright here. this is what started was a peaceful rally at pan pacific park near here and later in the day, we saw the burning of police vehicles of vandalization and police squaring off with protesters and right now trying to clear this area. moments ago you saw it was rather heated as they were firing rubber bullets at the feet of demonstrators. >> paul, what happened that this blew up in los angeles? we have been seeing it in other cities and all of a sudden here we go with los angeles today. what happened? >> reporter: don, it is difficult to pinpoint what happened today and last night. you see bottles flying this way.
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i was at the protest earlier and it was so calm and tranquil. they were in the park. people were saying they were just sick of what happened to george floyd and sick to their stomachs and disgusted seeing these images and they want to see something to happen to those officers. at some point at fairfax and 3rd, the demonstrators and officers were nose to face shields if you want to lack ook it that way and there were shoving of batons or what no. the demonstrators are trying to continue their demonstration so it is like a stalemate. we saw at least four police vehicles set on fire. another ten damaged. as we head into the night, the
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mayor invoke a curfew starting at 8:00 p.m. local time and 11:00 p.m. pacific time. >> where exactly are you paul? >> reporter: i am in what's called the miracle mile district. we'll show you an interesting shot. go all the way down, chris. that's the famous farmer's market there. police were concerned of those people standing on top of the farmer's market building. here we are again with bottles flying and rubber bullets. >> standby paul.
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what you heard is the officer exhorting and asking protests to leave the area. you see this line of officers walking down the street and say hold and regaining ground as you will as they attempt to clear this area after this protest that started not far from here at noon local time, don. and paul, how long has this been going on, did this start earlier peacefully and escalate?
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we saw tensions rise at the intersection of fairfax and third. we saw this got more and more heated. we saw protesters jumped on a bus. we saw police retreat and then we saw police cars stomped on by protesters and now we are seeing re-enforcement coming in anywhere we looked. these officers are jumping in. l.a. county sheriffs now are also involved. those deputies with their helmets on and ready to flip their visors on.
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>> paul vercamman is on the scene for us. there is a protest getting out of control. there is a curfew set and one set in atlanta and minneapolis. we'll see in nof any of those w hold. many of our cities are in chaos and unrests in the cities. no calling from the president of the united states for calm. we are waiting for some leadership instead of division. so far, silence. a quick break. at visionworks, we know there's lots of things you've been avoiding. like people... and pants. but don't avoid taking care of your eyes, because we're here to safely serve you with new procedures
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so we watched minneapolis burned for a couple of nights here. you see omar jimenez is on the ground here. what's happening? >> reporter: we have peaceful protesting throughout the day but you see this line of police made a huge advantage down the road here outside the fifth police precinct here in minneapolis. that whole intersection was filled with hundreds of people until one minute ago as these vehicles and police officers advanced throwing tear gas as you see them in there filling that entire intersection and
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everybody running towards it. you can see how many people actually were inside as they are raising their hands there. look curfew started less than an hour ago at this point. this was the night that the governor officials and law enforcement say they're going to stop the rye rioting and looting we have seen play out over night before. you see launching whatever law enforcement thrown back in here. there is so much gas launched back again in the past two-minutes or so you can barely see that line of officers right there, looks to be state patrol officers right now. i can't emphasize enough that intersection was literally filled with hundreds of people until literally a minute and a half ago. now we are at a standoff. we have a line of police right at the fifth district here in minneapolis. you have protesters that again literally where they met the
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intersection just a few minutes ago don. this is a scene we expect to see in some ways. we have not seen any sort of law enforcement present until they came a matter of moment. >> omar, we see police and tactical gear on the other side of this fence right here and protesters on your side of the fence. talk to me about what's going on. this is chaotic, the most chaotic that we have seen since the night before last. so here we go. we got a little bit of a fire breaking out to the left here as people are being forced by the police. you see these police officers and patrol officers are dancing slowly through the intersections as gas is proceeding their steps as they are walking.
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at this point we are trying to stay out of their way. we'll be on the side here. you see what's in front of them. all protesters that are slowly being pushed back further and further methodically. you have canisters exploding on the ground here. you see as they're rolling into the ground and as gas is coming up as well. they're methodically trying to move this group of protesters out of the street and trying to enforce this curfew forcefully as we are seeing right now and protesters are continuing to backup. this is a scene that's developing so quickly. the course of the day we have seen here largely what officials wanted to see. that's peaceful protested and trying to stick to the message. we'll backup a little bit here. our producer got hit. all right, our producer got hit from some sort of projectile
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right there. let's backup right here. >> we'll get to a safe spot here. we got to move fast, fella, come on, come on. let's move. we have some tear gas in the air here. we are getting away from the patrol officers there, they're making their way up the streets. i can't emphasize enough, this is the strictest enforcement we have seen of any sort of law enforcement directives through out this entire week of protests. there are times where they allowed protests to continue and in the evenings it gets out of control and buildings are set on fire. that did not seem like it is going to be the case here tonight. this is a neighborhood that's been ravaged over the course of last night and the night before as the police precinct here
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trying to scale and do the same thing they did to the third precinct but they were not quite successful. they did burn out that wells fargo as you see them walking pass it right now. you see how -- >> omar. >> you can see these officers are moving through the streets here. >> let me jump in here, you are in the strip mall, right? this is the shopping center and -- is there any where to go here? you guys are not blocked in, are you? >> reporter: we are not. we are off to the right side here. we are trying to stay as close as possible to give you a view but far enough away so that we don't get a little dust of tear gas like we did a few moment ago. there are people ducking behind bicycles as stuff is tossed back over. this is a scene that people have
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been shooting over. they're shooting people that were on bicycles. we are dipping back to our safe spot us. again, we have been here over the course of the night, we have seen the clashes between law enforcement and protesters over the course of the night. this is the most methodical and forceful from police officers. look at how protesters are pushed. literally here law enforcement came in and advanced together and forced them back into a parking lot about a block away, don. >> this is the same strip mall that they showed a video of residents kreenicleaning up andt
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is police had basically retreated and you didn't see much presence. now you're seeing a presence. it appears police have gotten their acts together. does this all appear to be minneapolis police? are there national guard in this? what's the presence here, omar? >> reporter: it seems right now, based on their uniforms -- we haven't gotten close enough to fully read it, but i believe they are space police officers based on the ones i have seen earlier in the week. and national guard uniform. a grouch them together supported by minneapolis police as well. in regards to specific things the governor said we would see he said they would be -- they said this would be the largest
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deployment of national guard in their state's history. he said they were going to authorize the use of state resources to include resources from cities and counties and i think we're seeing the manifestation of those orders where at least in this part of minneapolis, right outside the fifth precinct, they do not seem to be playing games. they seem to be trying to make a statement. again we are 50 minutes into the curfew here in minneapolis. hundreds have not adhered to the curfew. we see that camera person just got shot. >> she just shot the press. >> they shot at that man who clearly has press on his helmet there. we have seen that multiple times over the course of protests nationwide. but even as they have been pushed back, there are people that are still advancing now towards that line of officers. oh, another shot right there. back up, back up behind this corner. we are going around the corner
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because they do not seem to be -- >> and omar -- they're not discriminating at who they're shooting. right, so they're not discriminating here. so, who's shooting and what are they shooting, omar? >> it appears they seem to be -- let's look around the corner. they are moving around and securing this area on the left side. they seem to be shooting -- bill, how would you -- i'm talking to my producer here. how would you describe what you got hit with? >> something hit me on my back right shoulder, hit me down. i kcouldn't even see it coming t me. >> that's my producer. as we were walking away from that area. a guy standing next to us just got hit by one of those pellets.
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we are standing behind cover for that same reason. they seem to be pellets of some sort that give off a green gas. i'm looking from my photographer's camera, around the corner so we don't get hit ourselves. this is the enforcement they promised the last few nights. one of the things the minneapolis mayor talked about was trying to even the ratio of law enforcement too protesters. he says they have been severely outmatched the last couple of days. the ratio seems to be off, but the power and the methods they seem to be using, without question and without hesitation and the main difference than what we have seen over the course of the past few days, don. >> omar, hold on. have your photographer hold that shot of the parking lot. and stand by. america, you're watching -- hold
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this shot. america, you're watching this. it is coming up on 9:00 p.m. in minneapolis. snoo this looks like a war zone. america is in chaos right now. this is minneapolis, minnesota, and police are in a face-off with protesters. they are shooting what appears to be pellets of rubber bullets of some sort. at protesters. and at the media. they're not discriminating. and they're trying to get hold of this major city in america tonight in chaos. we are covering this for you live. we don't know what is going to happen, and similar scenes are playing out in cities all across this country. but right now, at this vantage point in minneapolis, our omar jimenez is covering this for us. he has been on top of this when it started to get out of control
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minutes ago, and he is reporting it now. omar, what are you seeing and hearing? >> reporter: well, right now, this person who's walking seems to be in the exact zone where they had been shooting moments ago. looks to be grabbing something he can maybe use as a shield as he walks back tours what's maybe 100 protesters. before, when they were in the intersection was swelling. you can see how scattered it is now as people decide how much they want to be out here and how much they want to break the curfew. in regards to the different we're seeing tonight versus previous nights, governor walz said he did not want to see the 48 hours of anarchy that played out over the course of the previous two days. then last night, what happened? we saw more anarchy. tonight he added extra resources
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along with the city and other adjoining agencies to try to stop the looting, to try to stop things going on fire. let's be clear -- officials here have drawn the line at protesting versus throwing a molotov cocktail into an open business, for example. they are advancing up, so we're going to back up some more. risk moving back a little more. okay, yeah. >> they don't want you in this area. >> that is very clear. >> what is the game plan here? is this to enforce the curfew? to get you away from the police station, to get you away from the bank? what is the game plan? do you have any idea? >> it's unclear right now what the exact game plan is. what we have seen is at the very least they are pushing us away from the police precinct, which they may have made an operational priority in this.
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we had seen the third precinct go up in flames a few nights ago. that could be the emphasis of the moment, but also the major faction of the crowd gathered in that intersection. could be an effort to disperse people and try to stop the hap you have large groups together. we have advanced up a block and over to the right behind some cover of an office depot here. as we look the opposite way in the direction of a police department, we don't see any police, so they seem to be moving methodically up the street for now. and beforehand they were flying helicopters, circling this area, potentially trying to see how or what spots had the most amount of people to decide where they were going to start their advancement, but it could be because they're trying to
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protect the fifth precinct of minneapolis police. again, i talked about how few the numbers were just a minute ago. you see right now, you can see space in between people, as we still see flash bangs go off, tear gas fired in the intersection of protesters, when minutes ago, that intersection was packed, filled with hundreds of people, and here we are, close to an hour into that curfew, and that enforcement didn't begin until an hour into the curfew. the conversations we were having -- you see them advance past our cover now, people trying to throw -- you see them as people, as protesters are advance -- or retreating i should say. let's see how they line up here. they're moving in a circular fashion to create a line there,
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but they are scaling the fence, the barrier. >> get down, taka. >> reporter: i would move back, taka. talking to one of our crew members. >> omar, when you look at the difference in police presence ago, where police had basically retreated, obviously this is reenforcement. this is what minneapolis needed when they brought in the national guard and the national police and so forth, when they set fire to the police department the other night. perhaps if they had the reinforcements the other night, perhaps the police department may not have been burned. >> well, and i think there may have been in at least the beginning stages an underestimation of how many people would show up, how much damage would be caused to the city, and how it would influence some of the next nights we have
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seen. some of the images that come out of the first night you have to think would inspire others to do more of the same the next one. and governor tim walz laid out basically a three-step process, a long three-step process that they're going to have to undergo to get back to some sense of normalcy and the first is trying to restore order in the city, when we have seen images of buildings on fire, images of buildings being broken into and looted, when we have seen a devolvement of what they wanted to see -- peaceful protests over the death of george floyd, and how that death was subsequently handled. you see them getting hit from behind as well, is what it looks like, as they are now scattering to our right here. trying to see if there's another unit advancing from behind them. may be they're trying to squeeze them out of here. i can't quite see it. but rather than running back and continuing to retreat backn
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