tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 30, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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angeles. two-story businesses. last night it was downtown. it was more compressed. here it is a sprawl of alley and stores. so when police control one block, they have to move because the protesters will move through the alleys and reform in another area and then there could be looting in that area they reform. it has been a challenge for the police to try to keep people -- so what we have been seeing is a lot of passion on the streets again, but a lot of violence. just watch this, don. you can see what the police are carrying there.
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jordan. >> you are a residence of los angeles, kyung. you have probably gotten a public safety alert that is saying the city of los angeles is dou is doueclaring a curfew from 8: p.m. to 5:30 a.m. additional information is on the city's website. it is 8:00 p.m. central in los angeles, 8:01. we are watching the scenes unfold all over the country. you can see her on the streets of los angeles and being moved
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back by what appears to be lapd. she will correct me as soon as i reset. >> that is the lapd. >> we have been watching it play out in los angeles, in atlanta, philadelphia, new york city, minneapolis, washington, d.c., miami, seattle, salt lake city, all over. the pictures we are at is los angeles. a curfew went into effect two minutes ago. it doesn't appear that the protesters on the street are abiding by the curfew. kyung reporting from the streets. as you observe lapd, take us to the streets. >> what you are looking at -- we were unbeknownst to us squeezed in with the protesters.
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the line of police came in. i am standing to the north of where the protesters are and to the south a second lapd police line formed. what you are looking at is a group of protesters squeezed into the center. they are sitting. you can see they are sitting and their hands are up. at this point it is peaceful. as you rightfully point out, there is now a curfew in effect throughout the city of los to arrest per that order so we are awaiting to see what happens. you can see the lapd officer -- jordan, if you can take a look at that -- you can see there are a bunch of zip ties so it looks like the lapd are prepared to take people into custody. the reason why the police are, as they back up.
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the reason why the police are here is this particular block just in the moments before we saw the police arrive, store after store was being looted with wild abandon. protesters were lifting the gates on the front of the stores, breaking locks, smashing through the glass, setting fires on the streak and running in and out with their arms full of designer clothes and handbags. it was bizarre. the police have now responded. we can see that the advancement of the police from the south and the advancement of the police from the north. and they are going to try to stop some of what has been happening for hours on the streets of los angeles. >> right now you can stay behind
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us, okay? don't go in front of us because we don't know what they will be doing. >> the police officer told us to stay behind hthem and the reaso why, a snapshot of what we have been seeing from our advantage point. we have not been all over the city of los angeles. we are going to move over there. what we have been seeing the police go through -- he said we could be here. we are negotiating where we can stand to watch this so we can bring this to you safely. what law enforcement is going through -- just holding up my cnn badge. what law enforcement has been going through here, beyond just trying to tell the press where to stand -- you just saw us
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negotiate where we would be able to stand without being an impediment to the police or danger to ourselves. everywhere we have been the police officers have had water bottles thrown at them, rocks, trash cans. i saw a dumpster on fire being whir whirled down to police cars. there have been projectiles thrown at police cars. it has been a challenging day for police officers as they try to allow peaceful protests. earlier in the day we saw peaceful protests or at least peaceful gatherings. but here was not peaceful. it was damage to property. we are watching to see how this
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plays out. you are looking at curfew. this curfew was set all across the city. police to the north and south of the protesters are now sitting. there appears to be a leader with a bull horn walking amid this crowd instructing them. i can't quite here what he's saying. i don't know if there is any negotiation happening between the police and these protesters. it is a sizable group. there are several dozen here that i am looking at, don. >> kyung, i am hearing from some of my friends in los angeles, that they have had to evacuate their home because it is getting way too close to them and they are afraid.
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not to mention that all of this is going on in the middle of a pandemic when people are still under stay-at-home orders and still having to socially distance themselves from other people, to add insult to injury. if you will stand by. many in our country and across the world have to be wondering who will step into the void, into the breach and show some leadership or calm. this is really a tale of two styles here. the president of the united states tweeting out the national guard has been released to do the job the democrat mayor couldn't do. should have been used two days ago. there would not have been damage
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and police headquarters would not have been taken over and ruined. tweeting again let new york's finest be new york's finest. no one better, but they must be allowed to do their job. no call for calm or message to the nation. one divisive message that the democrat mayor couldn't do. and then we have john lewis who is a legend when it comes to civil rights and a congressman. part of his message says i know your pain, rage, sense of despair and hopelessness. justice has indeed been denied for far too long. rioting looting, burning is not the way. stand in, organize, vote, be
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constructive, not destructive. history has proven time and again that none violent, peaceful protest is the way to achieve the justice and equality that we all deserve. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. yes. neutrogena® ultra sheer. superior protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. it's the one. the best for your skin. ultra sheer. neutrogena®.
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tonight there is a crisis in america and chaos in america. >> less than an hour ago, and this was the night that the governor, officials and law enforcement saying they were going to stop the rioting and looting that we had seen play out the night before. you see that. there is so much gas that has been launched in the past two minutes or so that you can barely see the line of officers. >> this is minneapolis, a short time ago.
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our cnn crew running for safety as police and angry protesters clash for the fifth straight day. also in atlanta and philadelphia and chicago protesters and police clarshing at times like this after the death of george floyd. this anger is not localized. it's nationwide. protests are unfolding on the streets again tonight. miguel, what is going on? >> these are the same protesters we were with about a mile away down at the lake street mitchell bridge. we have arrived at the third precinct. this precinct burned two nights
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ago, the area hardest hit. police have come up to the front of the protesters. give us a look. jump on up there, pete. you can see them with their heads up. they have been completely peaceful. they want to have their voices heard. clearly they have had fair warning. they knew if they were out tonight they would face police. they have prepared for this. they are very organized. young people put this scene together and they want to walk the streets of minneapolis and have their voices heard. clearly police -- i don't see where the police have gone. it looks like they have moved off. down the side streets we see no police. it was stunning there was such a heavy presence on that side of the bridge and they fired huge volleys of tear gas canisters to
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move the protesters off the bridge and allowed them to walk down lake street. that is the burned out remnants of the third precinct that was the initial focal point of so much rage here. the fifth precinct is the one that last night was the focal point and today there was a big protest as well where omar jimenez was. pete, watch your back. there were just two or three squad cars. it looked like there might be another confrontation, but they have gone away. what is your name? >> s.j. >> what is your real name? >> i can't tell you that. >> why not? >> because i heard it is not safe. >> why are you out here? >> black lives matter.
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>> why did you say oh, boy? >> because why won't he say his name? >> i have to protect my family. >> because of cnn? >> no, because there are people out there preying on the downfall of all of us. >> what are you willing to risk tonight, arrest? >> if it happens, it happens. we are out here, front line, front line. >> this is not the group conscious of the rest of the people in this presence, just so you know. >> i know you were one of the organizers of this thing. how concerned are you about how things are going? >> i am concerned about the morale and direction of the leadership. some people speaking in voices i don't know have thought things
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through. i don't know. i am not sure i am happy with the direction. >> i assure you everyone has been well-spoken. what is the plan? you have been pushed back from the bridge. >> i am not sure. our goal is to state togethy tod stay safe. >> you knew you would face police presence if you came out tonight. is arrest the likely end? >> we don't know the likely end because we are not the one playing that hand. last night we were successful in keeping peace in the protests we had. i hope we can maintain that kind of mentality tonight. we had good interaction with police tonight. if he would keep that morale, i think we will be okay. >> i saw you exhorting people all throughout the day yesterday and it was peaceful until it got
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to the fifth precinct. what do you say to people not just here but across the country who in george floyd's name committing violence and looting. >> the violence and looting is not being done in george floyd's name. i don't think the looting and rioting is being done in george floyd's name. what is being done in his name is keep the morale high and intensity up. >> that is the sensibility. turn around this way. they are marching back toward the area they came, don. it is not clear how far they are going to go. he said the goal was to keep
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moving so the police couldn't directly engage the police and they couldn't engage them and stay on the streets and make their voices heard. it is not clear the police are going to allow that. now they are moving back toward the bridge and moving back to the very spot where george floyd had that knee to the neck for so many minutes. they do this until they collect themselves. they will go on one knee and get instructions and decide what to do as a group. >> they are tenacious. i am sure there are different groups going around, but they are staying together and continuing to walk. we will see how this continues to transpire. miguel is reporting for us in minneapolis. a black man dies at the
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this intersection. this was another one of these flash points and these demonstrators are sealed in. we are now, after the curfew here in los angeles so they are in violation of it. if we look to the right and down the street, you can see the police cars. it is not an easy shot to see from here, but there are at least i would say a dozen people. you can see them being led off in those white police flex cuffs. he said every one of these people will be booked and arrested. last night they were extremely lenient and let a lot of people go. not tonight. they say they are going downtown and will have a bus waiting for them. in this intersection they were having a difficult time clearing
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fairfax. we understand that some of these stores were looted. this is not far from where we were before where nordstrom's was looted as well as the ray ban glasses place. >> in relation to where you were and kyung is, how far apart are you guys? in the same neighborhood, near each other? >> we are near each other, but this is a vast expanse of a protest demonstration and we will call it arrest area. i think it is for an entire square mile. this went from fairfax back to third street, beverly, all of these streets in los angeles. when you walk around here, don,
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it is surreal. you see these different skirmishes or places where there has been mass arrests or looting or whatever it is. you see someone else being led off. they have not flat stated it this way, but it seems that once that curfew hit, they came out with an attitude of we are not going to play. if you look across the other way, the officers blocking the people sitting down, they will arrest everybody. we have seen in other actions like this where there has been violent protests the lapd do this. they deliberately pen them in and make mass arrests and that's the intent on this corner. >> did that seem to put a damper on the protesters at all? >> well, a multilayered answer
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here. there were also people in this crowd who were trying to calm down the protesters who didn't want to see it get violent, who if they saw somebody pick up a rock, they would say don't do it, please. i am not seeing the protesters' spirits dampened really. they are sitting down. nobody is chanting let us go. some of them knew they were going to be arrested and figured this was their statement, their civil disobedience saying we stand in solidarity with the people of minnesota. we want george floyd's dead not to be in vain. the echos on this night in los angeles is they don't just want one officer charged, but four
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officers charged with the most severe penalties possible. sfoo the folks here appear to be peaceful protesters sitting or kneeling. why are they arresting these people and not arresting the actual people who have been doing the looting and who raided the stores? do you understand what i am saying? >> i know what you are asking, but it is not an easy answer because i was not here when the actual looting was going on so it's possible that some people could have been looters. i don't want to call anybody who was not a ooter,one. it happened so quickly. they ran down the street smashing windows. we saw people running from
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nordstrom's and ray ban with bags. i don't know if any of these people were part of that. it's hard to say. >> these are pictures we are looking at live. stand by, paul. these are live pictures on the left side of your screen. it appears to be looting at the moscot. i believe it is an eye store in los angeles. you see someone entering and exiting and now someone trying to break the window. there you go. i don't know if you know where there is a moscot score in los angeles.
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is it beverly hills? >> i can only make an educated guess by catching a snippet of some of these officer's scanners, we have heard there is looting going on on mel rose. >> melrose near fairfax? >> that stands to reason. that's to the north. we are sealed off. we might try to make a move in that direction. we are hearing the pop, pop, pop of rubber bullets being fired. >> so it is 8:33 in los angeles tonight. we have been watching some looting live happening at melrose and fairfax just a couple blocks west of where kyung was, and not far from
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where paul is now. there are peaceful protesters sitting on the street, and i want to get to governor walz of minnesota. >> we are in a position of strength, significantly greater in minneapolis and st. paul than last night. we have the national guard with another ten in planned stages and preexecution. we are coordinating with fire, law enforcement to ensure the safety of the people of st. paul and minneapolis. know your soldiers stand fast with the people of minneapolis and st. paul.
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paul? >> i am the commissioner for the department of corrections. i am currently assisting commissioner harrington who is actively overseeing this. i am here assisting tonight. a briefing as to what is happening in the field. as you know slightly before 8:45 officers went out and began to enforce the curfew that had been put in place by executive order and by mayoral order. that was decisive and strong and will continue through the evening. that's what was committed to as this operation began. there is a large presence of law enforcement from throughout minnesota. they are being supported by the minnesota national guard.
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it's very early. we know that some of the groups that are here are in this for the long haul. based on that we know it's early. we don't want to get to a point where we are overly confident. we feel like we had a good start to this operation, but the ultimate goal as was mentioned was to preserve life, property and restore order in the city. there are a number of groups. it started out with one concentrated group in the area of the fifth precinct. that group was approached by law enforcement and resulted in some splintering of those groups which was intended -- >> an update on the chaos we saw
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play out earlier. just before we came you, governor walz was at the podium and stepped away and turned it over to both gentlemen you saw speaking. we are going to stay in minnesota. we go back to miguel who has been walking with the protesters who have been walking for hours. has the situation changed? >> entirely. we are pushed back on to railroad tracks. there are protesters up on the side -- this is an entrance to a freeway closed down. watch your back, watch your back. tracks, tracks. this way.
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so police are up on the freeway firing tear gas on protesters and pepper balls. they are also down here. they moved in in force just as the protesters were starting to move again as they were over here. so police up along the freeway here, under the overpass there. they are basically split. they were down on a bridge. came this way. maybe a third went one direction, a third another direction and a third up on the freeway. the police split them up. the protesters wanted to stay together. there is great frustration. they want to have their voices
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heard, but they were given fair warning and they understand if they were out, this would be the result and here we are. don? >> how far away are these officers doing this? are they on the other side of the wall? >> yeah. that wall -- stay back because they are still firing stuff. that's not a wall. it's a bridge of one of the freeways they have blocked off. police are on top of that freeway and the under past, lake streak where the camera is being pointed at. police came in force and they jumped out and started firing immediately. protesters tried to stay with
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it, put their hands up and begged them they were peaceful, but they persisted and they fired tear gas on them and that broke them up. they are moving from two different directions to try to keep them from reforming their group and get them to go home. it is surprising they didn't try to effect any arrests. they just tried to break up the group and keep it splintered. don? >> miguel marquez reporting from minneapolis. we are covering these scenes from cities across the united states. the scene calms down, it's peaceful and then something flares up. there are curfew orders in place in many cities across america. the protesters are not heeding
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the orders and they are being taken into custody in philadelphia and los angeles. let's go to brian todd. there were scenes of protest and looting. you are in center city, philadelphia. what is the scene now? what is happening? >> a massive police sweep. three young men are being arrested for violating curfew. they are moving to get people out of here. they violated curfew. there are other people walking loosely around. you are not sure why they are picking some people out for arrest. it is in effect from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. a police officer in philadelphia was injured.
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a bicycle officer was injured when this officer tried to stop a vehicle involved in a looting incident earlier. that vehicle ran over the officer. the officer is okay, suffering a broken arm and injuries but will be okay we are told. look, they are going after these people for violating curfew. they are chasing these people down the street. they have their bicycles. they just tackled somebody here. we are on broad street. let's just walk over here and see what we can see. they tackled this individual here at the corner of broad street. we are about a block away from city hall. this is part of the sweep. they are being very aggressive moving people out of this area. they want to get people away from the areas of looting.
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we are just away from areas that were the scene of carnage. don, this gentleman was among some people down here just walking. maybe they were trying to get home. they weren't causing trouble we saw, but this is part of a sweep of center city. they are aggressively moving to get people away from this part of the city. a gentleman over there being put in zip ties as we speak. this just happened. a police officer was hurt trying to stop people from looting. he will be okay. suffering a broken arm and other injuries. this man they chased down here. there were other people with him i believe may have gotten away. they did chase people down this
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street. we are on broad and samson street. we can't see anything. they have chased people down that way. don, we happened to see it unfolding in front of us. aggressive moves by the police. they took several people into custody. we did not see them do anything dangerous or destructive. >> brian todd, stand by. i want to get to washington, d.c. we have seen the pictures next to brian on the left of the screen as brian was speaking. can we listen in to one of our aaffiliates. >> that is one to two blocks --
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>> in front of the building on fire and to the left of it is the adams hotel, one of the most historic hotels in d.c. to the right of it, i am not sure what it is, but it is being renovated. the one that is on fire. i think police are about to move us back. here comes the fire department in the distance. they need to get here because it looks serious. one of the older hotels. that is the hey adams, right? the fire department on scene. they are within a block. the fire appears to have started well above street level. >> graffiti on the building.
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>> the fire department has a job ahead of them. it's unclear how they started that fire because it appears to have started well above street level. >> we just had more firefighters pull up. the fire seems to be getting more intense. whatever building that is, the fire appears to have gone up in that building. >> you are listening to our affiliate wjla in washington, d.c. according to the reporter there
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on the scene, they believe it is the hey adams or close to the hey adams historic hotel in washington, d.c. we will confirm that for you. that's our affiliate. that building has gone up in flames. you can see the fire department is on the scene. several fire departments on the scene and folks are standing around watching. another city in flames, washington, d.c. this time playing out very close to the white house. we have minneapolis on fire last night and tonight we have washington, d.c. los angeles is being looted as well as other cities around this country. this is a country that is in chaos right now. no one knows what is going to happen. this is unfolding right in front
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of our very eyes. we are getting this live. you are seeing the pictures for the first time as i am seeing them for the first time. i am talking you through this as i am seeing it. this is an unusual and unprecedented time for our country. i came on air at 9:00 p.m. eastern. there are 40 million americans out of work, more than 100,000 americans who have lost their lives to covid-19. there are people upset about the death -- millions of americans around the world seeing the death of a man at the hands of a police officer on videotape. we don't know what is happening in this country right now. perhaps this is some sort of mechanism for a restructure in
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our country or for some sort of change in our country for us to deal with whatever we need to deal with in this country. as we look at pictures on the right of burning and pictures on the left of looting in los angeles. i actually don't know -- i am at a loss for words as a person sitting here guiding you through this. i really don't know what to say at this moment except for this is america. this is where our country -- this is what it has come to right now. and i am wondering who is going to step into the void and call for some calm and try to pull us altogether instead of dividing us. this is a deep division in our
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country. how a propos it is as i am watching this from east to west -- or west to east on our tv screen, it spans the entire country, from los angeles to washington, d.c., from the from the entertainment capital of the world to the seat of political power in the world. and you're looking at all different demographics on the left hand of your screen going into that store. and taking things out. i haven't seen this since rodney king to be frank with you. and no one condones what's happening. in this video, or in these live pictures that are coming into us from los angeles. this is actually quite sad to watch. and it's indicative of the pain and sadness in this country.
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of people who feel they have no other alternative but to exhibit this behavior in our country. no other option. when you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to lose. and then on the right side of our screen in the seat of political power not far from the white house a fire raging. firefighters on the scene. and we have since this all i should say -- and i want to make sure that is clear. since all of this chaos broke out this evening, no call for calm, americans coming together, we are all one. not that i have heard of. i sure would like to hear that. i sure would like to hear that we are all americans and we all need to stick together.
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we all need to come together. because if we can't live together as americans, then what do we have? do we even have a country anymore? this is unbelievable what is happening here. unbelievable. from west to east. east to west. i have shown you pictures of just about every major city in this country, from los angeles to new york to washington to seattle to philadelphia to chicago, to minneapolis, miami. all over. when did this country get out of control? when did we lose control of this country? when did we cease to be a country -- a group of people who
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wanted to at least live together in spite of the differences? because of our differences. isn't that the whole reason for the thing? that we are here because we want -- because we are different. that we're supposed to try this grand experiment. and let's not forget, if anyone is judging this, i'm not judging this. i'm just wondering what is going on. because we were supposed to figure out this experiment a long time ago. our country was started because -- the boston tea party. rioting. so don't -- do not get it twisted and think oh, this is something that has not -- never happened before and this is so terrible and where are we and
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these savages and all of that. this is how this country was started. but we thought that we had at least figured it out and gotten beyond that, where we could live together in some sort of democracy. but this is not democracy. this is quite frankly anarchy. and so far silence. i've heard from the great john lewis tonight. i've heard from some of the leaders who've called in. hey, listen. i've heard from senator kamala harris. i've heard from ilhan omar. i've heard from some democratic leaders. i would love to hear from some republican leaders. please call in and talk to me. i want to hear what you have to say about this. i really do. i want to hear what the president has to say. i really do. i want to hear from everyone.
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but so far i have heard nothing. and you know who i also want to hear from? i want to hear from -- this is who i want to hear from. and i'm going to call people out. because a lot of these young people, not all young people are out there looting and rioting. we heard from young people who were out there because they were upset about what's happening in their country. and they are taking the leader, stepping into the void, and fighting for what's right. they're stick and tired. but yet the people who have made it, many of them who are of color, and white folks as well, they are -- these young people have put themselves on the line. they have nothing. they're not wealthy. they're poor kids, a lot of them who are out there. but a lot of people i asked to come on the show to talk about
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this, wealthy celebrities, wealthy political people, i can't do it, i'm mad, i don't want people to see me mad, it might hurt my business or i'm so upset that i have to go to my country house and i just can't do it. where are you? why aren't you fighting for these young people? if you don't do it now, when are you going to do it? if you are a millionaire or a gazillionaire or a movie star or a politician and you don't step up now, when the hell are you going to do it? stop making excuses. what are you worried about if you have made gazillions of dollars and you are rich and you have established -- why are you afraid of what someone else is going to think about you and your anger? that it's going to hurt your business or your reputation or your -- i hate this word. this drives me crazy. your brand, quote unquote. i hate that. you are your brand.
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step up, people. step up, black hollywood. come on. get out there. come on cnn or wherever. i don't care where you go. you can go on fox news. you can go on msnbc. you can go on abc, cbs. i don't care where you go. but get out there and talk about this. get on social media. beyonce released a message. you can't? you can't step up and talk about the injustices? you can't step up for these young people who are out there who are mad? if you don't do it now, when are you going to do it? where's the black leadership? i want to hear from everyone. i want to hear from the former president. i want to hear from the former first lady. and i already said i want to hear from the current president. i want to hear from the current president. i want to hear a message of hope. what do we do? i am a cable news anchor and i am trying to figure out what we do. i cannot be the only person, the
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