tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN May 31, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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contact us confidentially today. it's time. this is cnn breaking news. >> hello, and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world, i'm michael holmes. curfews have been imposed in at least 25 cities from coast-to-coast after days of protests marked by violence, arson and looting. it is a boiling of rage over the death of another african-american at the hands of police. we saw building fires as the sun went down. this one in washington blocks from the white house and it was eventually brought under control. it's just one of the multiple
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fears that ha fires that have been breaking out across the country. here a business in flames in los angeles. as police are stretched thin, looters have moved in. here, cleaning out a shoe store. it's the very, that's the very thing protesters fear could be overshadowing their jen wen grievances and message. minnesota's governor said he felt compelled to mobilize all of the state's national guard to prevent more violence and destruction. >> whether it be new york or denver or louisville or las vegas, there is no mayor in america that has the resources to push back on an organized attempt to destabilize society with no regard for life or property. i'm thor iz a i'm authorize eing the full
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activation of the minnesota national guard. >> rate night now we want to shu the late east from minneapolis. that is where the gruesome death of george floyd occurred. miguel marquez is there. >> reporter: we've had to retreat to downtown minneapolis. i want to show you how police have prepared for what they think might be coming. this is the first precinct, which is the biggest precinct in minneapolis. these are barricades along the street here on both sides. but the precinct itself, the building right in the middle of the street with the american flag, they have four levels of cement blocks, 2,000 pounds each, surrounding the entire building to protect it. we were with protesters earlier today. police successfully sort of broke them up, which is what they seem to want to do.
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they weren't arresting people, certainly weren't trying to arrest people, but they did fire lots of tear gas to break them up. i spoke with one young protester, it was a peaceful protest, and he explained why it was so important for him to be out there. >> this is what i gotta say to the people who are destroying things. if you really feel like you have to take an opportunity, like if you're going to be opportunityistic, something is wrong with you. if you cannot stand up and fight the good fight and you want to be a cheater and go ahead and take what we're trying to do something sh wrois wrong with y. we're trying to do it in a peaceful way. we do not want to go through this anymore, okay? i want to be able to go in a white neighborhood and feel safe. when a cop is driving behind me i don't want to clinch and be tense. i want to be able to be free and not worry about every step i take. he end ever thof the day, being
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black is a crime to them. and i don't understand why, because we're all humans, and that's sickening. >> this is downtown minneapolis, and this is what a lot of the city looks like right now, just completely shut down, which is the promise that the governor and mayor made today. there are enormous numbers of national guard troops. they are ramping up to about 10 tro 10,000 to 11,000. the protesters were broken up, and it's disturbing to be in those neighborhoods. because residents now, homeowners have blocked off their neighborhoods, put up barriers along the streets, bright lights at the end of the neighborhoods. and then along each block you have people who are holding clubs, golf clubs, bats. protecting their property, protecting their homes. the same thing with business.
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not only are businesses boarded up but people in their cars and trucks parked around the business and sitting at the business trying to protect their business from they don't want anything el se o burn. that may be the one bright spot that the authorities have had in getting protests under control, so far tonight, nothing has burned. back to you. >> miguel marr kwquez, thanks. rosa flores reports on the outpouring of pain and anger in south florida. >> reporter: i'm in downtown miami where protests have been going on for hours. take a look behind me. protesters aret we've been seei all around the country. at different times throughout the evening, there have been clashes with police. at one time, both the northbound and the southbound lanes of i-95
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were closed in down dotown miam because protesters overtook the highway. at one point we know that at least two vehicles went up in flames. that, of course, prompted the fire department to rush to those areas to put the fire out. but, again, very tense moments here in miami, as protests continue for hours. the officials in this city and the county have issued a curfew that is mandatory, and so we're going to wait and see what happens with these protesters, because the curfew hours have already started. rosa flores, cnn, miami. protests on the west coast as well in los angeles, amid peaceful marches, there were also fires, damage and looting. the mayor says the national guard being deployed there, and governor newsom just declaring a
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state of emergency in the county. more than 500 people were arrested in l.a. on friday night, and at least six officer injured in clashes. california senator kamala harris spoke with cnn earlier and says unrest can happen if people go too long without equal justice. >> look, this is what happens when whole communities of people have not received justice. and the pain is real. and it's legitimate. you know, in the streets of los angeles, 30 years ago look the same way in terms of the protests around rodney king. nothing much has happened to change the circumstances. it is still a fact in america that we have two systems of justice. you know, when you look at a michael fli michael flynn or roger stone, one plead guilty, the other was convicted and they're basically
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let off. but yet you have a george floyd or ahmaud arbery or brionna taylor. the last big event i attended before the pandemic struck was to be with members of the congressional black congress to walk across the edmond pettis bridge to commemorate the 55 years since bloody sunday where people died for the right for black folks to vote in america. and there's so much about those days, and my parents marched in the civil rights marches, i was a child in the stroller. we row mapt size it, about who dr. king was and his non-violent protest. but the reality is he was fating for the same thing, which is
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equal justice under the law. that has it be acknowledged. that's how i think about this moment. of course i will never conditon violence. but people have a right to feel pain and anger. cheryl doersey dorsey an author joins me from los angeles. let's start with los angeles where you are. looting, fires, what is your sense of where this is all headed headed there? >> obviously, i'm disappointed. i lived through 1992 with the riot the. i understand the frustration
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level. at the end ever the day, i don't know that this is going to accomplish whatever tass that these protesters are seeking to accomplish. destruction of property and injury to others is certainly not the way to go. so i'm just very disappointed. >> as you said, you were a police sergeant. you supervised riot control. when you look at what is happening, what are the cops doing right, and what are they doing wrong in the country in terms of containing the violence, keeping the peace and we are seeing videos of what could be called overreaction. >> we're seeing one end ever of spectrum to the others. officers who are showing restraint, and others who understand why they may not condone some of the foolishness going on they are giving some
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great lat suitude in terms of exercising the right to protest, doing it peacefully. and then we've seen the other end of the spectrum where in new york officers plow through a crowd of protesters with their vehicle. and so, tensions are high on both sides. . >> i think that's probably a good way of putting it. do you think the rage among the protesters can be tamed? people given reasons to that i substantive change will come? because it hasn't in many ways. >> well, no, there hasn't been any change, and i think that's part and parcel of the problem. we've been living this, surely, for at least six years. i mean, it was just barely six years ago that we started on this spate of deadly police uses of force, with mike brown and eric garner and john crawford, tamir rice, iselle ford and
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everything that's happened since then. you know, sandra planned and tatiana jefferson, preahbrionna taylor. the death of the murder of george floyd was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back i believe? i >> i'm wondering whether it bothers you that the president injects politics. he blames what he calls liberal democrat mayors and left wing extremists without any evidence. it's politically clean to blame outside forces rather than acknowledge the home grougrown of the death of a black man. and the deeply held distress.
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>> he's speaking to his base. and in some instances we hear a dog whistle. and in some incidence we hear a foghorn. we see how he refers and almost affectionately lambs ov affectionately laments of the kkk members. these are good people, and men who carry ak-47s to the capital. and so now he wants to label these that are misbehaving, and look, i've seen some white folks carrying copious amounts of proort o property out of businesses. i think there are opportunists of all shapes and stripes. and i think president encourages
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it. to some extent, the protesters are playing into hayis hands. >> one of the most disturbing things was the inaction of the other three officers. what kind of sense of solidarity makes an officer look on in that situation and do nothing? >> it's the police kill tocultu. some of those officers that were on scene, at least one of them, officer thao has been involved in a case that broke a man's teeth. they do it with impunity. there's nothing done to deter the pbad behavior. now since they want to all stand together, i think they should
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all stand together in jail. that, too is part and parcel of why there's so much angst. how can you be a co-conspirator of the murder of someone and you're roaming the streets freely, it's offensive. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. and be sure to tune in, a new cnn special examining race relations and police brutality in america "i can't breathe", black men living and dying in america. that is sunday and monday. even as protests rage across the u.s. the country also struggling with the coronavirus. states are moving ahead with reopening even as the human toll continues to climb. a pandemic update, next. ♪ hey allergy muddlers... achoo! your sneezes turn heads? try zyrtec... starts working hard at hour one...
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the governor says if they beat that virus they can beat racism. >> we beat this damvirun virus. if we can beat this virus, we can beat anything. >> this map shows the coronavirus deaths across the u.s. and, as protests against police brutality also span the country, civic leaders are urging people to wear masks so they don't spread the virus further. that comes as states forge ahead with reopening of their economies. more restrictions are lifted this week despite passing another milestone. nor th more than 4,000 people in california have died with covid-19. peru reporting more than 7,000 new cases confirmed on saturday.
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it is the second-highest number of cases in the region after brazil. now people in england who are extremely vulnerable to the coronavirus will be allowed to go outside beginning monday after ten weeks of isolation. more than 2 million people have had to stay inside this homeir and will now be able to enjoy the outdoors with one other person or members of their household. this comes as vice advisers warn the government about lifting the quarantine too soon. fill us in on the plan. >> so these more than 2 million people in the uk who when lockdown first started were warned by the government don't hea leave your house for anything. this is coming as the rest of the country is slowly starting to come out of this.
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as you said, more than a ten-week lockdown. schools will be reopening. car room shows and june 15th we are expected to see non-essential shops will be allowed to reopen. but this is happening as you noted while some of the government's own scientific advisers are warning that we may be moving too fast here. some of the scientific advisers are saying the incidence rate is too high. if we are getting a death rate of a certain percentage we may be seeing way too many deaths. and it's made for awkward briefings, where you have a scientific adviser on one side saying we're not the most comfortable with this and the economic adviser on the other side saying they need to open up. people want to get back to see sight while also keeping people
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hem thi healthy and safe. premier league football will be appearing on tv which will be a huge morale boost in the united kingdom. let's talk more about the coronavirus and this health crisis. keith neil is in darby, england. specializing in epidemicology. i wanted to start with a big issue in the u.s. this weekend, that is these mass protests all around the u.s. you've got thousands of people in close quarters. what could be the impact of the distinct lack of social distancing. could we be seeing super
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spreader events? >> super spreaders themselves is not a word i like. people are outside. it's quite clear if someone's infectious, they could infect, because of the number of people they're meeting, although the transmission risk per person is i have low because there are lots of possible events it does present a potential problem. there might be an issue of people meeting before they go out to the streets, where they're meeting up in houses might be a more significant problem. >> good point about the outdoors and all. hopefully that is indeed the case. we are seeing a lot of concern as we were just discussing with reopening here in the united states and also in the uk. the london mayor and others worrying it's too soon. how does one make that calculation? i mean, strike that balance between economic necessity, social reality and the risk of resurgence? >> i think we're in a problem where we're in a shortage of data. the models for the uk and i
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suspect many other countries were based on swine flu, which was modeled or mapped. the thing is, that was done without any social distancing whatsoever. and it's very difficult to actually model something you've never actually had before. because you end up having to make informed guessing. so i think the modeling has become probably the best information we have. but it actually is really probably being overplayed by some people. in europe, i'm preferring to hook look at what we're doing in other european countries, particularly, northern europe, which is very certain to great britain. they haven't seen a resurgence of cases. i think that's better evidence than what a model can tell you, where we don't know how the parameters have been estimated. s skm. >> very interesting on the
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modeling. masks have almost become a metaphor for political divide. what do you say to people who think masks are infringing on their rights or freedoms. >> one of the problems is the politicizing of the covid-19 by both the left and right. we haven't gone down that line. in southeast asia, it is different. the wearing of masks when you're generally outside and can socially distance, i think it's probably a waste of time and a false sense of security. i think masks can play a point because they do, you do know you've touched your face when you've got a mask on. and there's certainly a case for inside shops and possibly on public particularly, and more so public transport where you can't socially distance, it mightable reasonable that the operator themselves request this to
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protect their own staff. it takes the freedom element out of it. you do or do not choose to use public transport. and the people running the service have the option to protect their staff. >> finally and quickly, do you worry about complacency? are there signs that people are just sort of over this and dropping their guard, even though it hasn't gone away? >> i think with 100,000 deaths in the united states, i'd be surprised if people are getting very complacent. i think the big issue comes in the very young. people under 45, we've got negative excess mortality in that age group since the beginning of the year, paubecau other causes, mainly accidents, have been reduced. the other issue is that it may come back in the winter months because of less social distancing and all other winter viruses tend to go up. there is one thing people can do about this, and i would suggest
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that people discuss having the flu vaccine with their doctor, because at least that takes out one wintry respiratory virus. >> interesting. appreciate it. thanks so much. all right, another volatile night in the u.s. you're looking at sacramento, california. live pictures coming to you there, and we can see gathering down there, there's anger of course over this unarmed african-american man's death, and it has descended into violence, destruction and still a hot of sadness. still ahead, how a civil rights icon is urging people not to let social justice get lost in the chaos. also the world came to know george floyd through that horrific video shot just before his death. coming up, we'll hear from some of the people who personally knew and loved him in hive. we'll be right back. you doing okay?
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes, you're watch being "cnn newsroom." millions of americans under curfew right know as pane and fury over an african-american man's death has brought violence and protests across the country. there are some snapshots across your screen there from new york, philadelphia, los angeles and washington. but fires, clashes with police and arrests are happening in many more cities across the country. more than two dozen cities under curfew in all, and several states calling in their national guard to help with law enforcement. people who fear the demand for social justice will be lost in the chaos are pleading for
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peace. george floyd was yet another unarmed black man to die in police custody. the list is tragically long. saturday the civil rights icon john lewis tweeting, quote, i know your pain, your rage, your sense of despair and hopelessness. justice has indeed been denied for far too long. rioting, looting and personing burning is not the way he said. organize, sit in, stand up, vote, be constructive, not dee dee strucktive. one officer is charged with murder, three others could face charges as well. in larnos angeles, the national guard stepping in. a cnn crew not video of this group robbing a shoe store pretty openly. and now the governor has declared a state of emergency.
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>> i'm standing on fairfax avenue, a major north-south artery in los angeles. and you can see over here we have mass arrests. this is past the curfew, and everywhere you look, it seems, there are people in some sort of handcuffs. flexio flexicuffs as they're often called. we can't say if they've been arrested for looting, violating curfew, or what. all of this started in los angeles not far from near a park. it was a peaceful protest. and after a while the protesters went down the street, and there was a confrontation at third and fairfax. that's where we saw police cars vandalized, damaged, set on fire, that's where we saw police push back, swing batons at
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protesters, and it devolved into utter kay yos. you may know there is a curfew in place, but the national guard is being called in. you can hear fireworks in the distance all because of what happened in this area of los angeles when it got completely out of hand, the tense between police and protesters. reporting from los angeles, paul vercammen, back to you. ? pau >> paul, thank you. as we cover the protests we want to remember what's at the root of the protests. i spoke to van jones to get his thoughts on what's happening right now around the nation. . >> here's what i see. 40 million african-americans in the united states. all of us are heartbroken. all of us are disgusted. many of us depressed in ways we've never been. this is the first time that you literally, you cannot tell your
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children how they are supposed to survive that cakind of brutality. you always have this imagination that somehow you can say speak properly, don't run, don't have drugs, don't have weapons, pull your pants up. this was a complete disaster. and so every african-american in the country, 40 million heartbroken, and there's some tiny, minuscule number of people out there breaking windows and doing stuff, some of them may well be provocateurs. so it's important for us to have perspective here. the big lawlessness is when you have law enforcement not yoe paying the law. that is the big threat to a democratic republic. and the secondary threat when you have citizens not obeying the law. you have law enforcement now
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from coast-to-coast, all too often not obeying the law and paying no price. and the 40 million african-americans showing restraint should get more attention than the few who are not. >> and the full interview is on my twitter at holmescnn if you want to watch it all. now the graphic video of derek chauvin leaning on the neck of george floyd depicts something that many have probably rarely seen before. a question some might have, is that a technique commonly used by law enforcement? randi kaye with the answer e the video you are about to see is disturbing. >> reporter: is this what officers around the country are trained to do? force their knee into the neck of the suspect? >> putting the knee on the neck. >> reporter: charles ramsey says of the 18,000 police departments
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around the country, he doesn't know of a single one where officers are trained to use the knee to neck techniq. >> it would be a violation of training. >> reporter: police officer turned law professor, seth stotten has written a book. he says the knee to neck technique doesn't have an official name because it's simply not something departments teach. >> i'm not aware of a single agency in the country that trains officers to put body weight on a subject's neck. it's simply too dangerous. >> reporter: so dangerous that departments who employed the technique before no longer do. >> medical experts and policing as an industry realized that was a very risky thing. it could relate to asphyxia. and training devolved to change.
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tragic events have taught us that you should not do that anymore. >> reporter: not only do police departments around the country train officers not to use the knee to neck technique but train them other techniques. >> a knee to the small of the back or between the shoulder blades when you're trying to put handcuffs on an individual but not the neck. head and neck are off limits. ? the individual may be able to gather enough breath to speak or gasp but is not drawing enough oxygen to maintain basic life functions. >> reporter: even the minneapolis mayor pointed out the technique is not thor eyed in his city. >> it is not something that officers are trained in on. and should not be used, period. >> reporter: still, a closer look at the minneapolis police department's procedural manual
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shows they do allow for two types of neck restraint. light pressure on the subject's neck with an arm or leg so they don't cut off the airway and another method that allows for enough pressure for a person to lose consciousness without killing them. both are only to be used if the subject is resisting arrest or for life-saving purposes. seth stotten says it doesn't fit in either category. randi kaye, cnn, west palm beach, florida. now of course i didn't know george floyd personally, or most certainly you didn't either. we do know some of his last words, though. "i can't breathe." in minneapolis near the store where that now infamous video of his arrest was taken, protesters
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created a memorial of flowers and candles in his honor. george floyd was a father, a son and brother and friend. those who knew him best paying tribute to his life. ♪ >> i love my brother. everybody loved my brother. knowing my brother is to love my brother. ? he was just a great dude, man, somebody who supported me genuinely, somebody who wanted to be a protector for everyone. everybody gets along with him. that was floyd, and i'm going to miss my friend, man. >> he loved his kids. his family. i mean, he was a real great man. ? he was kind. he was helpful. >> just a great guy. >> he liked to chat with the ladies and very charismatic. >> faith is something that knee and my brother always talked about, because he was a god fearing man, regardless of what
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he done. ? i just want to get on the phone and call my baby and hear his voice. he cannot die in vain. can't. >> he was a very loving person, and he didn't deserve what happened to him. >> he loved my mom. that was my mom's freak of nature. she would say that all the time. i want to see my freak of nature. he's a gentle giant. achoo! your sneezes turn heads? ♪ try zyrtec... ...zyrtec starts working hard at hour one... and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. zyrtec muddle no more. and try children's zyrtec for consistently powerful relief of your kid's allergies.
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before it causes an outbreak even bigger. and the answer might be in your feces. cnn's fred pleitgen explains. >> reporter: believe it or not, our excrement might be one of our best hopes to quickly detect coronavirus outbreaks. that's because the disease can be detected if feces, even before people get coronavirus tests. german research institutes and public works like here in this city are right in the middle of a massive trial. the hope, locating new outbreaks fast by finding the virus in wastewater. >> if it won't be possible to have an idea of the concentration of coronavirus in the wastewater, we can calculate the number of infected people, and this would be very interesting in the coronavirus strategies. >> reporter: germany is among several countries experimenting
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to see whether sewage could be a covid-19 early warning system. researchers found out very early on during the pandemic that indeed covid-19 can be traced in feces. but now the big question is, can that be done on a regular, automated basis, and can it be done in a large area, like for instance an entire country. the biggest problem, finding even small traces of the virus in a lot of sludge like this. at the renowned center for environmental studies, virologist is trying to do just that, trying to extract parts of the genome from sewage. >> we have a high, high volume of wastewaters. and i think it's a challenge to find traces of the virus in wastewaters. so we have to scale it down to get a sufficient amount for our
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extraction. i think that's a challenge here. >> reporter: if they succeed, in the future, sudden spikes of coronavirus in samples from certain sewage plants could tell authorities where new outbreaks are happening and allow them to quickly react. one of the heads of the study tells me. >> it would be the first test line, actually. and start with our measurement, and then you would know where to go to look for it for the reasons. >> reporter: with that knowledge, authorities could then initiate targeted testing for those areas to quickly contain outbreaks. the scientists say their model could be ready for deployment if and when the next wave of the novel coronavirus hits. ? i think we can offer something before the next wave, actually. so if the next wave is coming in fall or early winter or also we should have something. >> reporter: the scientists acknowledge they still have a long and difficult way to go,
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but they are confident they might indeed find a way to make feces into a natural coronavirus alarm. fred pleitgen, cnn, germany. an uplifting moment during a weekend of chaos. just ahead, we'll explain how america is making history with its return to space. we'll be right back. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money.
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five, four, three, two, one. zero. ignition. liftoff! the falcon nine and crew dragon, go nasa, go spacex. godspeed bob and doug. >> america's long out of space drought is over. spacex's rocket soaring into orbit launching two astronauts on their way to the international space station. this is the first time since the shuttle program ended that an american rocket has sent u.s. astronauts into space from u.s. soil. the space pioneers spoke earlier about the mission. >> as an american, i'm just proud of what we'll be able to accomplish and fly again on an american rocket from american soil. this is something that we'll have achieved and as an american
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i'll be proud of it when we've accomplished it >> it's certainly a huge honor to get to fly to space one time, but to get to be on the last shuttle flight and on the first flight since then, it is a, you know, only in america i guess i would say. >> for almost a decade, nasa has relied on russia's soyuz program. this is the first time a commercial aerospace company has carried humans into orbit at all. a former astronaut himself splans why the launch was so important. >> you're about to climb into this rocket and blast off the face of the planet earth, right? that's kind of crazy. this is a big deal, you know, and it's something that we've been working up to for a very long time this is not just a normal launch.
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you have all this buzz going on. the significance, nasa returning and the united states returning to the act bility to fly people into space. now here we are today and it's surreal. when i joined the company in 2010 we already had the intention of flying people. the stakes have kept getting higher, and the consequences of flailure got higher and higher and now we are at a whole new elf will. a l a lot of what we did is, the computers on the space shuttle were relics of the 1970s. dragon does all that in software, hey, by the way, the pump broke and i turned on the other one, it's all good. your car does stuff hilike that. there's no reason the spaceship shouldn't. dragon could be operated by a single person. and, you know, it took four of us to fly the space shuttle.
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all the comparison between what's happening now and what happened in the '60s. the country was split in two between the people who supported the war in vietnam and the people against it. so we were really cut in half politically, culturally. and then they went around the moon. and everybody lifted up their eyes and saw some hope. and what's happening now in the country with this pandemic, our country is a house divided right now. i hope with all this bad news that constantly comes, hopefully something that happened like apollo eight will give a future to look forward to. s . >> we can only hope. stay with us, the coverage continues with natalie allen after the break you doing okay?
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this is cnn breaking news. hello. welcome to viewers in the united states and all around the world, i'm natalie allen live from cnn center in atlanta. curfews are in effect in at least 25 u.s. cities from coast to coast after days of protests marred by violence, arson and looting. it's a collective outpouring of rage over the death of another african-american at the hands of police. more than one dozen states have called up the national guard, that includes washington, d.c. troops there will assist with security near the white house because of large
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