tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 1, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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n safely with resources for protective equipment, sanitizing classrooms, and ensuring social distancing. tell lawmakers and governor newsom don't cut our students' future. pass a state budget that protects our public schools. this is cnn breaking news. >> hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world, i'm michael holmes. >> and i'm natalie allen. we begin with the sixth night of demonstrations over the death of an african-american man in police custody. >> those protests once again descending into chaos in some places including the nation's capital. washington now under a curfew like so many other cities in the
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u.s. >> protesters reached the gates of the white house. you can see here how close they are. news emerged sunday that the president and his family went to the white house bunker for a time this weekend. >> many demonstrations, most in fact, were peaceful like this one in new york city. diverse groups coming together to stand for equality and to demand change. >> it has been exactly one week since the incident that started this week of outrage across the country. george floyd was detained by minneapolis officers on may 25th, a week ago today. there were still sizeable crowds on the streets of new york and washington until just a short time ago over all of it. >> in a moment we'll get to the scene in new york with our shimon prokupecz. but first from the nation's capital.
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>> the park has been completely cleared out. and everyone continues to run away from the park as police are advancing with tear gas, with pepper spray. air is very heavy with both. and it clearly seems that as reaction to those fires that were set to the violence that those agitators were stepping up, the various police, federal and local, said enough is enough and had pushed everybody out. and it is just an eerie, eerie scene smoke-filled air with lots of different kind of lights, lights from the sirens, lights from the fires, lights from the flood lamps that the police use to illuminate the protesters. so, the police it appears from here have successfully pushed the protesters out of the park
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away from the immediate vicinity of the white house. we are at the northwest corner, 8th street and connecticut avenue, and the protesters, there are some, as you're seeing before, who are certainly agitating and trying to cause trouble. there are others who want to keep it peaceful and they are putting their hands up staying hands up, don't shoot. >> but this has escalated. this group which was first in the thousands marched from brooklyn over the manhattan bridge. they went through soho park and there were arrests made in soho. it was relatively quiet here. we were here just moments before the crowd showed up and it was very quiet. peaceful. and all of a sudden a group got here and police just rushed in. i just want you to hear here the protesters now chanting shame at
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the police. and the police are just lined up here as you see in their helmets. you know, there are -- it seems that police are trying to push the crowd back. but so far, you know, the chanting. here we see police pushing more people back. so, this is how it works. police will move in and tell them -- >> shimon, i hear you, i hear you. let's just watch the scene for a moment so people can absorb it for themselves. >> reporter: the police are pushing us back. >> want to take you back to portland, oregon, and check in
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on what has been a dramatic last hour or so there. there's a large demonstration in downtown portland, and police were being pelted with -- they said they were being pelted with objects, missiles, they said. and so they then fired off tear gas. a lot of people who were peacefully protesting weren't involved in the throwing of missiles, ended up having to flee across the park and into the streets. the drama is still continuing. in fact, less than 30 seconds ago, portland police tweeting out that people are being advised that the curfew is in effect for the entire city of portland and unlawful assembly has now been declared downtown. and the tweet says leave now, exclamation point. so, portland police obviously taking this very seriously now and moving into a street clearing operation. you can see there's some tear gas there being dispersed as
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well to get this crowd off the streets. keeping an eye on this. and we will continue to and bring you any developments. meanwhile, want to show you some shocking new images coming out of minnesota as well. going to show you large crowds of people scrambling to get out of the way of a truck that drove ed had on into their protest. this was on sunday. obviously hours ago now. the demonstrators then chased the truck down, as you can see there. remarkably cnn understands no one was hurt. want to show you another view of what happened. this is on the ground. and you can see there it was moving at some speed there. get a sense of how fast it was going. obviously people are pretty worried at the time. the 35-year-old driver being held without bail. he's accused of assault. and you know, in this picture here you can see what appeared to be minor injuries on his face that the state governor said could have happened as the crowd
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pulled him out of that vehicle. all right. and we are now coming up on a full week of watching american streets seeth with anger like that. and it was sparked, let's not forget, by the death of george floyd. >> his family was able to hear from the minneapolis police department for the first time right here on cnn on sunday night as our colleagues sarah sidner relayed questions from the family. here it is. >> in my mind this was a violation of humanity. this was the violation of the majority of the men and women that put this uniform on, this goes absolutely against it. it is contrary to what we believe in. it was an absolute truth this was wrong, period. >> the floyd family happens to be on live with us talking to don lemon. is there anything that you would like to say to this family who is in utter despair and grief
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right now? >> i would say to the floyd family that i'm absolutely devastatingly sorry for their loss and if i could do anything to bring mr. floyd back, i would move heaven and earth to do that. so, i'm very sorry. >> the floyd family has asked if you are going to get justice for george floyd by making sure that the other officers are arrested and that eventually convicted. they want -- and i know that there are things that you cannot control, but they want to know if the other officers should be arrested in your mind and if you see that they should all four be convicted in this case? >> this is the floyd family right now? >> this is the floyd family. >> to the floyd family, being silent or not intervening, to me, you're complicit. so, i don't see a level of distinction any different. so, obviously the charges and those decisions will have to
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come to our county attorney's office. certainly the fbi is investigating that. to the floyd family i want you to know that my decision to fire all four officers was not based on some sort of hierarchy. mr. floyd died in our hands, and so i see that as being complicit. so, that is about as much as -- i apologize to the floyd family if i'm not more clear. but i don't see a difference in terms of the ultimate outcome is he is not here with us. >> you don't see a difference between what officer chauvin did and the three other officers, some of whom kneeled down as well, some of whom just watched, you see that all as the same act. >> silence and inaction, you're complicit. you're complicit. if there were one solitary voice that would have intervened and act, that's what i would have hoped for. >> what's your response? what's your response?
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>> they arrest guys every day. they had enough evidence to fire them, so they have enough evidence to arrest him. i don't know who he's talking to, but i need him to do it because we all are listening. black lives matter. >> and after george floyd's brother said that statement, he broke down in tears at that moment, a powerful moment to hear from the police chief there and the family of mr. floyd. cnn asked bernice king, the daughter of civil rights leader martin luther king, jr., about her reaction to the events taking place across the united states. here's part of what she said. >> we have some hard choices to make and some quick choices. time is not our ally right now. and i am with the family, that there needs to be arrests made.
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and the charges really need to be first degree. until we have justice in that sense, we're going to have this unrest unfortunately. and so america's choice is that we can keep focusing on these reactions, or we can change the conditions that have led to these kind of actions. black america's choice tonight is that we can focus on those things that can help us right now be more constructive and build the community that we want to see. the fact of the matter is what we are witnessing tonight has been said over and over again. the seeds of violence that this nation has sewn over and over again, the harvest is what we are witnessing tonight. and yet my father spoke to us back in the '50s and '60s about having a revolution of values and focusing more on people rather than things.
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he talked about that we had to change our alliances to be more, talked about wiping out poverty, systemic racism and militarism and we ignored it. and unfortunately his words are coming to pass tonight. my hope and prayer is that somebody will pick up a phone who has influence in this situation who can turn it another way. white people, i say to you, it's time for you to speak up. it's time for you to confront your brothers and sisters. fortunately, i grew up in a house hold with non-violence and i still subscribe to it as the ultimate solution to the way forward. we can't do it any other way. but people have to hear these cries tonight. we need america to answer the cry. >> bernice king, daughter of civil rights leader martin
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luther king, jr., reacting to what is going on. let's talk about it with my guest now from los angeles. she is a black lives matter organizer and a professor of pan-african studies at cal state l.a. thank you so much for joining us, professor. >> thank you for having me. >> bernice king there saying it's time for white people to speak up. it was white police officers in minneapolis that stood and did nothing while this black man died. we see whites and blacks and hispanics on the streets together protesting. but what about leadership moving forward, professor, and black and white leaders coming together to move past the point where we are right now? >> well, i think that you do see solidarity, acts of solidarity in black, brown, indigenous, asian, and white folks all moving together demanding
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justice. i think that one of the things that's most inspiring -- and i know that's a strange term to be using -- but i think that there is some inspiration to be gathered about the will of people to stand up and stand up together. so, i think that you're seeing this as a moment of solidarity where we're all crying out. those of us who are justice minded are all crying out for real justice to be ushered in. >> and all night, well, for many nights, you know, especially tonight on the air at cnn we've seen the clashes with police. how would you characterize -- ice complicated because we're talking about confrontations all across the u.s. but when you see the confrontations with police, what are you feeling about the police response? we know people have been hurt by police and police have been hurt by people. >> i will say i've been out many nights, several of these nights and days. and what i've witnessed is police really underscore how
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violent they can be, that we are out protesting police violence and police brutality and we are in that moment experiencing police violence and police brutality. most of the time or every time in the marchs that i'm in, the marches are absolutely impassioned, and the people are, of course, outraged, righteously outraged. and still, the demand is one for justice. but when police arrive on the scene, what we see them is using their batons, using rubber bullets, using tear gas on protesters. i witnessed just idea as i was out with my three children one of my oldest daughters who is 16, one of her good friends be shot in the face with a rubber bullet to the point she could have easily died. it was just inches from her eye and it left a gaping hole in her
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forehead. and we witnessed this at the hands of police. if you turn on anybody's live feed, you can see what's happening that police are not giving warnings. they are simply moving into the crowd as if we are enemy combatants, as if we are at war, as if they've declared war upon us. >> that is a tragic story you just told. yes, we had an actor that posted earlier that he was hit by a rubber bullet seven times while he was involved in a peaceful protest. i know that you are a leader in the black lives matter movement. it was so powerful when it started. it had tremendous white support. but then it faded. when did that happen, and why do you think that happened? >> we want to be clear that the work of black lives matter has never faded. we've been on the streets and we've been doing work for the last seven years.
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and i think that that is evidenced by the number of people who are out on the streets and organized protests. that's the work of black lives matter in cities like mine and louisville and indianapolis and d.c., that we are out in the streets and we've been doing this work. what we've seen fading is the amount of coverage that we've experienced at the hands of main stream media. so, just because cnn or msnbc or any of these main stream outlets turn away doesn't mean that we as black people and black organizers and black lives matter have stopped doing the work. the in fact, there are many more of us than there were a few years ago. it's just that america, white america, main stream media seems to have lost its focus on our demands for us j tis. >> all right. thank you for that clarification. and we really appreciate your dedication to the black lives
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matter movement. and we'll talk to you again, we hope, as this moves forward. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> powerful message. you're watching cnn newsroom. coming up on the program, the protests over george floyd's death aren't just confined to the u.s. this was the scene in london over the weekend. we'll be live there next.
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we're keeping our eye on this scene here. this is live in portland, oregon as people remain in the streets following a protest. portland police sent out a tweet that they were going to start moving in and warned people to go home, but we have seen many people still standing on the streets. this is the sean cene in portla. we'll keep an eye on it for you.
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far from portland, oregon, this london. thousands despite lockdown rules over the pandemic to show solidarity with the people of the united states over the death of mr. floyd. >> london's mayor tweeting that the killing has, quote, rightly ignited fury and anguish not just from the u.s. today but around the world. no country, city, police force, or institution can be complicact about racism and the impact this has. >> there were also demonstrations in germany. this is berlin people wearing masks for coronavirus, holding signs saying i can't breathe, and no justice, no peace. >> also a memorial of floyd appearing in the park of the same city. a mural was painted at a site that was once divided by the
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berlin wall. let's go to london. nic robertson is standing by there. what's your take on haawhat's happening in and to the u.s. right now? >> we're concerned. leaders are worried about the impact the pandemic can have on the communities. the police yesterday in london arrested 23 people and some of those people they ared for on the basis of breaking lockdown regulations and rules which say you're not supposed to gather with more than 6 people and keep two meters distance when you do. so, protests clearly fall outside of that. the protesters in london marched from towards the u.s. embassy. all of this is focused around u.s. embassies. we've heard both the australian prime minister, the foreign secretary here in the uk express
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concern about what's happening in the united states, express sympathy with the situation. but there's no doubt if you're in government at the moment one of your concerns is the mood of your population. this is something that will be watched very, very closely. and think about what happened in germany yesterday at a soccer match being played behind closed doors and there's no audience at the game, only on tv, you see him pull up his shirt after scoring a goal, saying justice for george floyd on his under shirt. this is something that's being felt with a great depth of feeling, and many people across many communities in many countries certainly feel the nerve that's been so badly hurt in the united states at the moment. >> yeah, great analysis as always. nic robertson in london. appreciate it, thanks. it has been exactly one week
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presence of the national guard. >> in the u.s. capital, the entire d.c. national guard has been called out to assist police with demonstrations that have gotten very close to the white house. earlier, police fired tear gas near the white house to disperse protesters who started fires, set fire to some buildings. >> in new york, thousands of protesters have been marching, the vast majority peacefully. but there have been reports of some clashes between protesters and law enforcements in some parts of the city. here in the city of atlanta, police deployed tear gas at crowds of demonstrators, not far from where we sit. these protesters remember sparked of course by the death of george floyd. >> who was killed after a white police officer in minneapolis
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kneeled on his neck. that officer, derek chauvin is scheduled to appear in court later today. >> minneapolis has been front and center in the protest. the national guard is on the streets there as well. >> cnn legal analyst laura coates, you've probably seen her on our air often -- is from minneapolis. when she went back home, she found a town she barely recognized. >> reporter: i'm from here. seeing this in person is almost disorienting. seeing the police precinct burned down, seeing the target that i used to shop at, the grocery store i used to go to. i am looking at the train station that i used to go before i would go downtown to my law firm when i graduated law school here. i'm looking down the street from the apartment i had, down the street from the first home i
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ever had the chance to own. and it's disorienting to see this here so close to home. it's disorienting because it doesn't even look like a place in the united states, let alone in my own town. but what i do recognize is the community coming out to clean up, to protect one another, and to ask what's happening. but it's not a place i recognize right now. what began as a protest, seeking justice not only for george floyd but for what his killing represents has devolved into violent chaos that some are blaming on opportunists, violent looters, not those seeking justice in george floyd's name. >> this is not us and it wasn't our people and it wasn't the
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people who lived there that did that and it wasn't the protesters and i know that because i stood right here two nights in a row and i talked to them. >> reporter: arrest records suggest that many of the initial arrests were from minnesota but some are refusing to let their message get hijacked. >> this was not all about black or white or any color. this is about humanity. we didn't come to destroy. we came to protest. that's why we woke up from there this morning to come and clean our city. >> reporter: not everyone felt a responsibility to a community they no longer recognize or feel a part of. >> we grew up here. we have ties here. we're loyal here. that's the reason it does hurt us. but at the same time, look around, i mean, this is not our city. >> reporter: across the city we saw peaceful protests. community members trying to
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support one another and even cleaning up the extensive damage from the night before. at a makeshift memorial where george floyd and bystanders begged for his life, protesters tried to make sure his memory and their cause doesn't disappear. i can't believe that this is the street i used to live on. it's only four blocks away from where george floyd was killed. this neighborhood usually has children playing and dogs being walked. and today a blackhawk helicopter went overhead and a few blocks away the national guard has been mobilized. is this really my hometown? and how many others are in this country like this right now? >> now the unrest in america's cities is happening of course as the country continues to struggle with the coronavirus pandemic. we have seen obvious signs of progress, but south of the border in latin america, the virus surging. we'll discuss when we come back. [♪] think you need to buy expensive skincare products
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welcome back. the protests in the u.s. are unfolding of course in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic. new york, the hardest hit state making some progress fighting covid-19. >> governor andrew cuomo says the number of daily deaths is still dropping, with 56 deaths reported sunday. intubations and hospitalizations are also down. meanwhile, the u.s. sending a thousand ventilators and 2 million doses of the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine to brazil, the new epicenter of the pandemic, this despite the world health organization and the u.s.'s own food and drug administration expressing concerns about the drug's safety. brazil now has more than half a million cases. that's second only to the u.s. and spain may need more time under lockdown to tackle the virus. the country's prime minister
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saying he will ask parliament to extend the lockdown one last time until january 21st. >> well, nic robertson has been looking at how certain perceived strong men have been handling the virus. >> the united states, brazil, and russia have an uninveryable lead. gold, silver, bronze respectively in the pandemic. the presidents all populists. suffering the highest number of covid-19 infections. inaction and ineptitude key factors, but each leader earning their podium placing. russia coming in third. early march, state media portrays covid-19 as not a russia problem. late march, putin pulls on a hazmat suit in a hospital,
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signals he has the situation under control. the next day he announces paid vacation which effectively begins a lockdown. but soon day to day responsibilities. [ speaking foreign language ] >> in later meetings he seemed distracted. problem is in russia when the boss doesn't take a grip, the local officials slack. just what the virus needs. [ speaking foreign language ] >> jair bolsonaro recognized the pandemic's danger but began early prioritizing the economy over health concerns. [ speaking foreign language ] >> he sticks to his damaging message. even joins rallies protesting
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sound lockdowns advocated by regional leaders. and reacts angrily when confronted by brazilians about the spiraling infections. his countermessage cost him two health secretaries, left an open door for the pandemic. >> now the democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. >> president trump, who leads the u.s., the tragic top spot of infections, combines putin's and bolsinaro's failings. >> this is the new hoax. >> first denial of impending pandemic late february, even after restricting some travel from china a month earlier. >> i see the disinfectant knocks it out in a minute. >> he becomes both distraction and divider in chief. >> the president of the united states calls the shots.
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>> fractious with some governors, fine with others, failing to unite and lead the country. >> two months ago we had the greatest economy in the history of the world. we're going to build the greatest economy in the world again and it's going to happy pretty fast. >> like bolsinaro, trump pushing to prioritize the economy despite covid-19 dangers. >> now the death of george floyd was of course not an isolated incident. anger has been building for years over the killing of african-americans by police and security forces. ahead we take a look back at the sequence of events, horrific killings that led to this breaking point. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference.
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time acts of violence against african-americans have sparked mass protests. in fact it has been happening for many, many years. >> it's all too familiar. ryan young is going to take a look back for us at some of these events. a warning, this story contains graphic images, you may find them disturbing. it is a powerful report though. urge you to watch. >> black america knows the pain well, and the pain runs deep as cameras capture viral moments that raise questions about policing and race, the deaths of black people, the justice, the names that spark movements. in 2012, 17-year-old trayvon martin walked into a seven 11 in florida, grabs a bag of skittles and a can of arizona iced tea
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wearing a dark gray hoodie that would become a symbol to many. he encounters george zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer who has already called 911 to report martin's movements even though the teen had done nothing wrong. >> something's wrong with him. he's coming to check me out. he's got something in his hands. >> minutes later after the fight between the two, george zimmerman shoots and kills trayvon martin. a jury finds him not guilty. his death and acquittal spark national outrage and a movement is born. >> trayvon say peoples' person. he didn't deserve to die. i pledge i will not let my son die in vain. >> july 2014, 43-year-old eric garner, father of 6, is allegedly selling loose
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cigarettes illegally on staten island. officers surround him to make an arrest. officer daniel pont lantaleo is forcing garner's head into the sidewalk, garner is saying -- >> i can't breathe. >> he dies shortly afterward. five years later pantaleo is fired after it is determined he used a choke hold banned by the nypd. but long before that day, garner's last words become a national cry for hope and social justice. august 2014, 18-year-old michael brown is shot by a police officer. his death sparks days of protests and riots in the city of ferguson, missouri. while the city burns, two narratives emerge, one that brown was unarmed and surrendering when he was shot. the other story from officer
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darren wilson was that brown was told to get out of the street and during the confrontation the teen tried taking his gun. the officer says he feared for his life. this time is cry is the chant "hands up, don't cheat." as thousands pour into the streets to demand justice, the officer is not charged. >> we have had enough of all of this and this change must come. >> in october 2014, laquan mcdonald, a black teenager is killed by police in chicago, not 16 times by an officer who arrived at the scene seconds before. though the officer claims self-defense since mcdonald had a knife, an autopsy shows some of the shots entered mcdonald's back while he was turned away. the incident sparks protests when police dash cam video is released a year later. the officer is found guilty of
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murder. november 2014, 12-year-old tamir rice is playing with a toy gun at a park in cleveland, ohio. an officer shoots rice seconds after arriving. grand jury declines to indict the officer, prosecutors saying the evidence did not indicate criminal misconduct by police. in april of 2015, north charleston, south carolina, walter scott was pulled over for a broken brake light. [ sound of gunfire ] an eyewitness captured the tragic outcome. walter scott was shot and killed by officer michael slager who was later convicted and sentenced to 20 years for murder. later in april of 2015, the city of baltimore is rocked when freddie gray dies in police custody. the 25-year-old black man's
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arrest is caught on video. the baltimore police department charge gray for possessing a knife after being transported in a police van. gray falls into a coma and is taken to the hospital where he dies later of a spinal injury. over the next few days the city is brought to its knees with residents demanding to know what happened to gray. none of the officers were convicted. in 2015, sandra bland is pulled over for a minor traffic violation by state trouper brian encino. >> do you mind putting your cigarette? >> their exchange escalates. the video shows how quickly the interaction turns. >> get out of the car! i will light you up. >> bland is found dead in her cell days later, her death ruled a suicide.
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>> i told you not to reach. i told you to get your hand out. >> in july 2016 philando castile gets pulled over. his girlfriend starts using her phone to live stream the interaction. the officer opens fire killing philando. >> oh my god, please don't tell me he's dead. >> the community rallies behind the castile family. the officer is charged but later found not guilty. >> he was no criminal. my baby was a good man, a good hardworking man. >> then another tragedy in september 2018 unfolds in dallas. >> no justice, no peace. no justice, no peace. >> 26-year-old botham john is shot and killed by dallas police officer amber guyger while sitting in his own home. >> i'm calling on the dallas officials please come clean, give me justice for my son.
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>> a jury later found geiger guilty. he was sentenced to ten years for murder. in march of 2020, breonna taylor, an emt and her boyfriend kenneth walker are in her apartment when just before 1:00 a.m. three plain clothed officers arrived to execute a search warrant in a drug case. taylor and her boyfriend thing someone is broking in. kenneth walker grabs his legal firearm and starts shooting, hitting one officer in the leg. officers return more than 20 rounds killing breonna taylor. incident after incident, year after year. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> tearing at the hearts of black people. >> i can't breathe. i can't breathe. >> as they look for a balance from the justice system. >> no justice, no peace.
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>> the stories, the names well known, the pain runs deep. brian young, cnn, chicago. >> just incredible when you see it put together like that. >> i know. it is very hard to see but we must continue to look. >> absolutely. yeah, and every one of those familiar, but when they're put together like that, wow. >> chilling. >> indeed we have been seeing disturbing scenes of violence in the streets across the u.s. between police and some protesters. but we are also seeing dialogue in places like what we're going to show you now between demonstrator and an officer in charlotte, north carolina. >> as i was mentioning, i can't speak for those officers and that officer, i can only do what i can do and what i can say and how i feel. i'm hurting the same way you hurting, like you hurting, like everybody out here is hurting. we all feel the same thing. obviously system of our pain is deeper, deeper rooted just because of the color of our
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skin. i understand that. i understand your pain. i do my best to hold my brothers and sisters in blue accountable. and i can speak for myself in the situations i've been in where i've had to say ease up where somebody's had to tell me ease up. i'm confused as to why that didn't happen. >> police in charlotte did arrest nine protesters sunday night. the city is not under a curfew and says it has no plans to deploy the national guard. i'm natalie allen. we thank you for watching. but before we go, historic note about us. ted turner launched cnn, as you know, michael 40rks years ago. just want to give a shoutout. hats off to our tireless reporters on the scene of all these protests around the country. >> couldn't agree mfrmt doing incredible and brave work covering some brave people. thanks natalie. nice to see you. we're in separate studios. that's coronavirus. i'm michael holmes. early start next. >> thanks for watching everyone.
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now that's simple, easy, awesome. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. visit today. this is cnn breaking news. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. monday, june 1st. it's 4 a.m. here in new york. the sun will rise this morning on a very dark reality after video foot take of a police officer pressing a knee into george floyd's neck touched off nights of demonstration in minneapolis. video footage over the weekend showed aggressive police tactics, rubber
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