tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 3, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. visit today. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hello. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john vause live at the cnn center. >> i'm natalie allen. it's now 4:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast, 1:00 in the morning out west. >> demonstrations have continued in towns and cities across the united states for an eighth straight night, with thousands of protesters violating overnight curfew orders. >> take a look at this, massive crowds from washington to new york to los angeles and seattle and many cities in between continuing their cries for equality and justice in what was a night of mostly peaceful
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demonstrations, a much calmer night than ones we've been seeing this week. >> the flashpoint for all the nationwide anger and grief is the death of george floyd, a black man who died in minneapolis just over a week ago after a white police officer pinned him down with his knee on his neck for at least nine minutes. >> not long ago, a big flare-up in washington after what had been a day of peaceful protests. >> take a good look at it right now. we're going to have to be careful. >> yeah, be careful. don't get too good a look it. >> yep. >> there it is. >> press, press, press, press, press! >> are you okay?there. >> reporter: today we saw protesters returning in large numbers. the crowd swelled throughout the course of the day. it was entirely peaceful. people were energized. they were angry. they are passionate because of what had happened the day before, and they stood outside here just north of the white house. this is lafayette park, which is just in front of the white house. they were chanting for george floyd, breonna taylor, chanting "black lives matter" and all of the other chants we have heard
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throughout the course of these protests. there was a curfew that went into effect around 7:00 p.m. the washington, d.c., police decided not to enforce it. there was never really any altercation between law enforcement and protesters, anybody out here, until just after 12:30 a.m. that is when agitators decided to come up to this fencing here. this is new fencing on the edge of lafayette park. they started pushing it, seemingly trying to get through. now, there was a huge contingent of washington, d.c., national guard on the other side. they pressed forward, firing a number of different types of crowd control measures at those agitators, including pepper spray, which hit us, as well as a combination of, we understand, pepper and tear gas pellets, and that drove the crowd back, dispersed them, and now there are really only a few stragglers left. but natalie, i think the really important point is the vast
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majority of the protesters who have been out here for the past few days have been entirely peaceful. but as you know, once these protests get into the evening hours, as they wear on, things can change, and unfortunately, this day did end with violent clashes. >> well, the mayor of seattle has extended the city's curfew through june 6th, as hundreds of protesters demonstrated on tuesday. at least 14,000 complaints have been made about police conduct during protests held over the weekend. on tuesday night, we saw a different tactic with some protesters using umbrellas as protection to avoid police spraying crowd control chemicals. in nearby port reasoned, oregon, protesters lie down on the ground with hands behind their backs like george floyd, a symbolic gesture. a similar story in new york, where there were also a couple hundred arrests across the city, mostly for curfew violations. but overall, it has been relatively calm with far less of the uncontrolled chaos we've seen the past couple of nights. cnn's shimon prokupecz was
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there. >> reporter: at this hour of the night, all we were hearing last night were sirens, police chasing the looters around town. and i want to show you just up the street. i mean, there are police cars that are driving around, you know, their lives on, but look how quiet it is. there is no one outside. and that's how it's been here for the better part of the night. behind me here is union square park, which has been a gathering point here for many of the protesters. there was a lot of looting in this neighborhood. there's a lot of stores now boarded up. there was none of that here tonight. there has been some looting across manhattan, but you know, it's important to say that we're just not seeing what we saw last night. i will tell you, we're told by the nypd, there were about 200 arrests tonight, and that's going to be curfew violations. there was some looting. we and our team witnessed a
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couple of those incidents, but overall -- and i think it's important to note this -- it's now starting to rain, so that's going to help things along as well. things much different here tonight. well, despite a 6:00 a.m. curfew in los angeles, protesters are still on the streets. they've been sitting on the ground, some of them with their hands in the air. police say they will enforce violations along with any looting and criminal acts to the full extent of the law. the lapd says hundreds have been arrested during these protests. police in atlanta, georgia, used tear gas to disperse protesters on tuesday at the 9:00 p.m. curfew. according to police, 400 arrests have been made since friday and curfews have been effective at reducing violence. six atlanta police officers face charges, though, for using excessive force to arrest two college students at a protest saturday night. you see the officers yanking a woman out and tasing the driver.
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two of the six officers have already been fired from the department for that. they all have until friday to turn themselves in. and in the city where george floyd was killed, thousands gathered peacefully in front of the state capitol in minnesota, still demanding justice. only one person charged in floyd's death, the police officer whose knee was on floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes. three other officers who were on the scene, and despite widespread demands for their arrest, they still have not been charged. minnesota's attorney general says everyone will be held accountable. >> already these people have been fired. i know that that is not enough to restore faith, but what we're doing is looking at the charges, looking at the behavior. and when we are ready, and that won't be long from now, we plan on taking the proper and deliberate action. >> and those who knew and loved george floyd are calling for justice. the mother of his 6-year-old daughter spoke tuesday about the
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pain and loss the family is now feeling. >> i wanted everybody to know that this is what those officers took from. and then the other d-- the end f the day, they get to go home and with their family. she does not have a father. i'm here for my baby and i'm here for george, because i want justice for him. >> with a closer look now at how the police have been dealing with this crisis, jim beerman is a former president of the police foundation and former police chief of redlands in california. chief, thank you so much for being with us. these protests, they began with the death of one man, but since, they've obviously grown in size
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and have taken on a much bigger issue of police brutality and social justice. by my count, at least four protesters have died, hundreds have been hurt to various degrees, at least one police officer has been killed. does that indicate to you that in some places, at least, police departments need to review the way they deal with protests that are on this scale? >> i think all police departments need to review how they deal with protests, what has worked for them so far, what has clearly not worked for them. police departments in the united states -- you know, there's about 18,000 of them -- are different, every one. they're like individuals. some police departments do this really well, understand the community dynamics and how to interact with people, and some police departments, quite frankly, just don't do a good job with that. >> a writer for a magazine posted this observation on twitter. just want to point out that in demonstrations against police brutality, police, not law enforcement, they're counter protesters. so, police are not law enforcement, they're counter
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protesters, according to writers of "new york" magazine. can some aggressive moves by law enforcement officials be explained by saying in many ways they're taking the protests personally? >> well, there's probably some truth to that. but remember that police departments are the arm of local government or federal government, depending what level you're talking about, whose mandate is to try to keep the peace. the dynamics that occur in a mass demonstration like this, especially these that have been going on and on and on, are very complicated and they're very stressful for both protesters and the police officers. you'll see behind the skirmish line of officers, there are other officers. those are frequently supervisors. and part of their job is to try to keep the officers on the front line calm, because they're being in many instances, not all, but in many instances, they're being insulted, being spit on. there are a lot of things that are going on there that are increasing their agitation and their emotions, and sometimes
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they are human beings, and sometimes those emotions get out of control and they go off the rails a bit. >> and with that in mind, listen to the police chief in las vegas talking about the situation there, because there have been some high levels of violence directed towards police officers. here he is. >> the incredible levels of violence that we saw last night are remarkable and should be unsettling to everyone that calls this place home. >> so, that's st. louis, not las vegas, but you get the point. is there an easy explanation here for what's behind this sort of increased level of violence to the police? >> well, i think, you know, a high-level explanation is people are just outraged and people have just had it. st. louis county has a history. this is where ferguson, missouri, is located, and that area has a long history of problems with race relations and problems in the relationship between community and the police. and as i said, that's where ferguson was. and the st. louis county police
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department was the major police department involved in that incident after the michael brown shooting. so, there's a history there that is unique and different in many ways from history in other communities. four st. louis officers have been shot during this period, so that's probably what the sergeant was referring to in some regard. i don't know that we know exactly why there's violence in one place and there isn't violence in another. some of it has to do with the way police are handling things, but it also has to do with the local community dynamics and some of the players there. >> the owner of the store where the employee actually made that initial call to police because george floyd had allegedly passed a counterfeit bill, they've been left shaken by how all this played out. they're vowing in the future they do things differently. listen to this. >> on behalf of cup foods staff, we're not going to call the police unless it's an act of violence going on. we feel like we can police our own matters. and unless there's a violent
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crime taking place, we think it's for the best interests of our staff and patrons that the police should not be called. >> i'm just wondering, is that just one small example of how over a period of time and a series of incidents that a community loses faith and confidence in the police? >> well, that's certainly an example. the issue of police legitimacy is a compelling issue that the police have been focusing on for a while. some places very successfully, some places not so successfully. look it, the issue of trust and confidence, the people that are protected by public servants like the police is the number one issue that is, i think, at the center of all of the tension that we have. when people don't have a sense of confidence in police, they don't trust them, they're not going to call them. this gentleman, obviously, has some regrets about calling the police, because it ultimately resulted in mr. floyd's death. and when you see that happen repeatedly in many instances, in
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cases that are less serious than this, i mean, personally, it breaks my heart, because the police are supposed to be problem-solvers. things that people forget is that in most states, especially my home state, california, police officers by statute are called peace officers, and we should be focusing -- and this is part of the problem, right? the culture is not necessarily framed entirely around this notion that people we call cops or police officers are really peace officers, and they should be effecting the peace when they are perceived to do just the opposite of that. then you get responses like this gentleman who says i'm not calling the cops unless i absolutely have to. >> chief bueermann, good talking to you. i've learned a lot, so i'd like you to come back. >> any time, thank you. one of the most controversial members of the congress will not be back next year. iowa republican steve king has lost his primary race to a state senator, according to cnn's projection. king was stripped of his committee assignments last year
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when he questioned how the terms white nationalist and white supremacist became offensive. the nine-term congressman has a history of other racist remarks. he was even banned from air force one when president trump visited iowa. still ahead here, if a picture is worth 1,000 words, then what about a white house photo op where security forces used tear gas and flashbangs to clear out peaceful protesters? we'll hear some of the outraged words when we come back. also ahead here, protests heard around the world are turning their attention to issues of racism and police violence in their own countries. the message from the streets of paris. that's coming right up. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus,
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>> we've also seen tear gas being used. here we go. they're moving through again. this is exactly what it looks like, exactly what it looks like. >> oh! >> whoa! >> 7 news u.s. correspondent amelia brace and photojournalist tim myers were cracked against a wall when police attempted to move protesters on. an officer was struck in the eyes and his cam was while another camera appeared to hit brace with a baton. >> the committee to protect journalists says at least 125 press freedom violations have been reported in the u.s. by journalists covering these protests. we continue to see examples of solidarity all around the world. crowds in sydney here joining the protest movement tuesday. protesters taking a knee outside the u.s. consulate there. for more on the international reaction to the killing of george floyd, let's bring in cnn's nic robertson in london. it seems like the protests to
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support the united states and what it's going through just keep growing. >> reporter: and we've just heard from the pope as well in his prayers this morning talking about the killing being tragic, being disturbing, talking about the protesters, while we can't tolerate in our societies racism, but he goes on to say that the violence that we're seeing in the protests, that's self-destructive, but you very clearly hear the pope taking a position on this issue, as he does, that what the world is witnessing happening in the united states is not right. so, this is a very, very senior figure making a very, very strong point here. we've also heard from the european union foreign policy chief saying that this is inexcusable and that this must stop, also saying that people's rights, dignities and
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democracies must be upheld. so, there's a very clear sense here in europe that what's being witnessed in the united states is not right, that people don't want to see it, and the protests in support of george floyd, black lives matter movement as well, have been very strong, in germany in particular, in ireland, both north and south of the border, here in the uk, another protest planned this afternoon. we've seen protesters in the netherlands. and it's not just europe. new zealand, australia, for example, kenya, in the philippines, greece. there was a protest there as well, the black lives matter protest there yesterday. so, this is something that is absolutely resonating across the world, and no greater demonstration of that, if you will, than the leader of the catholic faith putting his words to this issue as well. >> right. and you know, we saw earlier the prime minister of canada, justin trudeau, have an awkward
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20-second silence after being asked about the white house clearing peaceful protesters for that awkward photo op for president trump. you mentioned the pope and you mentioned the european union official. what about leaders of countries in europe. have they had something to say? >> reporter: you know, we heard from the foreign secretary in the uk saying that, essentially, that you know, the world is watching and that he hopes for stability to be restored to the united states and that the events that have been witnessed are tragic and unnecessary. i think what we heard from justin trudeau goes beyond what i've heard so far, at least from other leaders, to admitting that there is a problem in his own country. we haven't heard european leaders stand up and say that. we haven't heard boris johnson, for example, say that racism is an issue in the uk in the same way that justin trudeau did. justin trudeau, obviously, you know, has his own checkered past
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in that regard, and perhaps feels this and the issue more keenly. but it was interesting. you know, when we were talking, when cnn and other journalists were talking to reporters just outside downing street at a protest there over the weekend, they made it very plain that there is racism here in the uk, and that will be certainly felt in many other european countries, absolutely, without a doubt, but we haven't had leaders there yet stand up and say this is an issue that we also must address and must face. >> all right. nic robertson for us in london. thank you, nic. john? natalie, thousands took to the streets of the french capital on tuesday, but this protest was over another case of police brutality with striking parallels to the george floyd case. we get details now from cnn's melissa bell reporting in from paris. >> reporter: for a while, paris looked like an american city. protesters tear gassed as they
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demonstrated against police brutality, but here, their focus was on the death of a 24-year-old frenchman who died nearly four years ago, just after he was taken into police custody for failing an identity check. his sister, who called for the protest, believes the similarities with the george floyd case are striking. >> translator: they died in the exact same way. they carried the weight of three police officers, three cops on them. they had the same words -- "i can't breathe, i can't breathe," and that was the end for george floyd and that was the end for adama traore. >> reporter: a report blamed the death on underlying health conditions that his family says he doesn't have. their lawyer believes they should now be cleared. >> translator: the traore family are suffering in a wave of approximations and lies and true comparison does not stand up. the floyd case has absolutely nothing to do with the case of adama traore.
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>> reporter: but many of the protesters who came here today clearly were inspired by events over in the united states. you can see it on some of the signs. you can see it on their t-shirts and in many of the chants. also, by this sense that here in france, too, all too often, allegations of police brutality have gone unpunished. >> we have too few cases proving that policemen can be brought to court and can be sentenced to jail and not simply a suspended sentence, but that's what brings also outrage. >> reporter: outrage that turned to violence on tuesday evening as police struggled to contain the anger unleashed against them. melissa bell, cnn, paris. a moment ago when i was talking with nic robertson, i referenced the awkward silence from the canadian prime minister when asked about a particular protest in the u.s. we'll show that to you right after this. i got an oriole here.
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♪ thanks for staying with us, everybody. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm john vause. good morning to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> and i'm natalie allen. thanks so much for being with us. let's give you the latest on the protests that are sweeping across the united states for the eighth straight night. demonstrators and police are still out in full force in a number of cities, although protests have been largely peaceful. >> in new york, protesters ignored an earlier 8:00 p.m. curfew. police made at least 40 arrests. and in washington, what started out as a peaceful demonstration
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turned relatively tense as the national guard used pepper spray on protesters not far from the white house. also in seattle, protesters there used umbrellas to try and block chemicals which are being sprayed as a form of crowd control by security officials. and crowds of people dressed in black stood on the steps of the state capitol in boise, idaho. they held a candlelight vigil for george floyd, whose tragic death triggered all of these nationwide protests. more details now on what happened on monday night, when there was an event just -- oh, good. here we are. this is what happened monday night, not far from the white house. the attorney general, turns out, bill barr, ordered the security forces there, the police, other law enforcement, to use tear gas to clear these, what were peaceful protesters, away from a church so that the president, donald trump, could actually hold a photo op at that church, a sign that he was actually
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getting out of the white house and was not couped up inside and was not scared in any way, i guess, of being amongst the protesters. now, it was all for a tv moment at the end of the day. and a former minister of the church was among the crowd that night. she spoke to cnn's jake tapper. >> i was already stunned and shocked and deeply, deeply offended that they had taken what had become holy ground and had been holy ground for 200 years and literally desecrated it, turned it into not a metaphorical battleground but a literal battleground with those officers and those heavy, heavily armed and just the aggression and the hostility and the innocent protesters, driving them off of church property, for whatever reason. at the time, i didn't even know why! that already desecrated that, already turned holy ground into
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a literal battleground. i could not believe, literally, what people were texting me as i was going back to my car, saying "is the president really there?" and i could still hear the flashbangs and people were texting me saying, "he's walking across the park." i could not believe it. i was saying, no, no, that must be sort of stock photos. no, i'm sure that's not happening. i couldn't believe it. and when i realized that people had been hurt and terrified for a political stunt, i -- like, offended hardly begins to describe how i feel. >> strong criticism also coming from the bishop of the d.c. episcopal diocese, who said the president's actions appeared to be a stunt. >> it didn't seem to be an
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expression of faith or of solidarity with faith. it seemed to be, as we've said before, an opportunity to clothe himself in the mantle of spiritual symbols and locations to, in some way, bolster or reinforce his own authority and message. >> and harsh words from the presumptive democratic nominee for president, former vice president joe biden, who spoke on tuesday. >> the president held up the bible at st. john's church yesterday. i just wish he opened it once in a while, instead of brandishing it. if he opened it, he could have learned something. we're all called to love one another as we love ourselves. >> and cnn's senior political analyst ron brownstein is joining us this hour from los angeles. ron, good to see you. >> reporter: another busy day, john. good to see you. >> they're all busy days.
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the president seemed to frame the way he wants to run for re-election during that national address on monday. here's part of it. >> i am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters, but in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, antifa, and others. >> an ally of peaceful protesters, unless they get in the way of a photo op. nonetheless, nixon ran and won on a law and order agenda in 1968, a period of unrest. nixon was not the incumbent. trump is. and after a disastrous response to the pandemic, economic collapse, we've got a country now more vulnerable than at any time in living memory, has trump got anything else to run on, apart from the imaginary american carnage out there? >> you know, i was thinking last night that there isn't a lot of nixon nostalgia in america, but certainly, the president is one of the americans who is expressing a kind of nostalgia
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for 1968, as you suggest. in fact, kind of underlining the point this morning when he tweeted out "silent majority," which is the phrase nixon used for his political coalition in 1968 that was meant to kind of portray white mid-america. this is a very different country than it was in 1968. for one thing, as you mentioned, the president is the incumbent, and so, it's kind of hard for him to run against the forces of chaos that have emerged during his presidency. but even more fundamentally, it is a demographically and culturally very different place. when nixon ran on the silent majority and law and order in 1968, 80% of our voters were white people without a college degree, who were the core audience for the trumpian messages. today they're about half as big a share of the vote, about 40%, and the president is suffering from significant, you know, alienation among both minority voters and white-collar white voters in the big metro areas that have been hit hardest by
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the pandemic and also by the protests over the murder in minneapolis. >> yeah. you asked trump on sunday about his plans to deal with the unrest, which has paralyzed parts of the country. here's his answer -- i'm going to win the election easily. the economy is going to start to get good, then great, better than ever before. i'm getting more judges appointed by the week, including two supreme court justices, close to 300 judges by the end of the year." you know, among other things, it would indicate he either does not want or does not have, or both, have any clue about how to end the unrest because he just doesn't want to. >> i also think, as i've said to you before, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. and every time the president is under pressure politically, he returns to kind of the core tool in his toolbox, which is cultural and racial polarization. there were some notes early on of sympathy toward mr. floyd. and occasionally, he still kind of mouths some of those words, but the core of it is i am your
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latch and order president, i am going to crack down on thugs. very different message from when right-wing protesters were mobbing the michigan state capitol with automatic weapons and he was telling the democratic governor to make a deal with them. now he is saying democrats are weak, the cities are being overrun. that is his message, you know, to his voters, that he, i alone can protect you against all of these dangerous and dark forces that are collecting in the cities and also against the elites who he says looks down on you. so, he always comes back to this place. but when you see the real-world consequences of this politics, both in the extraordinary price we are paying on the pandemic and then in the violence that he has kind of put gasoline on the fire, i think the audience is shrinking somewhat. it's not that there's no audience for it, but it's clear he's having hard moving support beyond 45% of the country. >> with the law and order strategy, it's to appeal to
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religious supporters, but using tear gas and flashbangs to move peaceful protesters away from a church for a photo op, that's not seen favorably by many religious leaders. listen. >> mr. president? i know you stood right here and held the bible in your hand. >> upside down! >> but it is clear you don't have the bible in your heart. >> in your heart. >> for him to turn that book into a prop, for him to turn that holy ground into a battleground, for him to turn that holy ground into a photo op is a sacrelig. >> is this one incident of significant support or is it just part of a sort of toxic build-up? >> no, i don't think he loses any of his support amongst white evangelicals, because he is kind of their sword against all of the changes in american life that they feel are marginalizing their position. but what i do think this
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incident exemplifies is what i called a few months ago the trump treadmill, and i wrote that when he told the four democratic women of color in congress to go back where they came from, even though they were all, you know, american citizens. and what i mean by that is that he constantly feels the need, as i said, to stir up these cultural confrontations to energize and mobilize his base, but he's on a treadmill, because each time he does this, he reinforces the doubts among many previously republican-leaning white-collar voters about whether he is personally fit to be president. and you know, i think there's -- i'm sure there's going to be polling coming out in the next few days reaffirming what we've seen in earlier polls, that a majority of americans believe he is a racist, particularly a majority of college-educated white voters. as an extraordinary statement about an american president, and one i think, again, the consequences of which are becoming more tangible to voters. that does not mean there's infinite tolerance for disorder in cities and breaking windows and looting, and there is, you
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know, the potential of a backlash if that goes on for very long. americans want order. but i don't think that most americans at this point believe that trump is making the situation better. in fact, i think most think he's making it worse. >> just been told to wrap, ron, but just to your point that most americans believe he's a racist, but yet still has a 40% approval rating. >> 45%, absolutely. look, there is a coalition that is open to his message that the changes in american life, economic, cultural, and demographic, are marginalizing them, but it is not a majority of the country. and if he wins, he's going to have to find a way to squeeze through, despite that again. >> we've got to go. ron, good to see you. thanks so much. >> thanks, john. canadian prime minister justin trudeau appeared lost for words during a news conference when asked about president trump's handling of the u.s. protests. here he is. >> we do have donald trump now calling for military action against protesters. we saw protesters tear-gassed yesterday to make way for a presidential photo op. i'd like to ask you what you think about that?
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and if you don't want to comment, what message do you think you're sending? >> we all watch in horror, in consternation, what's going on in the united states. it is a time to pull people together, but it is a time to listen. it is a time to learn what injustices continue, despite progress over years and decades. but it is a time for us, as canadians, to recognize that we, too, have our challenges. >> several canadian cities have staged demonstrations over the last several days, chanting "black lives matter" and calling
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on leaders to acknowledge that racism is still a problem in canada. >> as it is in so many other places. we'll take a short break. coming up, we'll hear from the nfl coach who says, when it comes to the national football league, there's no discrimination! that's ahead. we have a saying at us foods: we help you make it. you, the independent restaurants of america... we've always got your back, but through all of this... you made it happen. you made our friday nights. you even made us dessert. ♪ so, to help you get back to full strength, we're giving away free re-opening kits at our website so you can safely re-open your doors. for all you do, from all of us, let us help you make it. ♪
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nfl. i don't see discrimination in the nfl. you know, we relative in a great atmosphere, like i alluded to earlier. we're lucky. we all live together, joined as one, for one common goal, and we all intermingle and mix tremendously. you know, if society reflected an nfl team, we'd all be great. >> just four teams in the nfl have nonwhite head coaches. last month, the organization announced an expansion of the rooney rule, intended to address racial disparities in hiring. and as many in the nfl call for unity amid the protests, the debate over colin kaepernick has resurfaced. he is the san francisco quarterback, right there, who knelt to raise awareness of police brutality back in 2016. many argue his silent campaign led him to lose his nfl career.
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facebook's ceo is now trying to ease outrage among his own employees. mark zuckerberg held a companywide town hall tuesday to defend his decision not to take down president trump's inflammatory posts. zuckerberg said he's committed to free expression. one employee told cnn that zuckerberg's remarks were, quote, lacking, and that he risked alienating more of his staff, rather than addressing their concerns. cnn's john defterios is with me now from abu dhabi, looking at this story for us. you know, zuckerberg is trying to strike a balance to protect free speech and also be active against posts that incite violence, but apparently, some facebook employees aren't having his stance. >> reporter: yeah, this is a heck of a global story as well, natalie, because of the 2.6 billion active users on facebook. zuckerberg called this town hall to try to create some unity amongst the 48,000 staff
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members. nearly half tuned into this town hall. and you heard some of the comments here. zuckerberg said he took a tough decision after being pretty thorough about the process going forward, why not to take down the content, in particular from president trump, even though he thought it incited violence. this is particularly sensitive, because six months ago, zuckerberg was on capitol hill and said that facebook would take a much more stern stance against these sort of postings and something that crosses the line in the future. and also, there's the perception of influence from the president, because zuckerberg had a call with president trump on friday. we didn't get a readout from that call, but again, the employees are saying, okay, you had the call friday. we had a blackout on monday. and on tuesday, you made your case. but it wasn't crystal clear. and they have a stark contrast again here with another silicon valley company, twitter, which the president uses regularly, of course, with his 80 million followers. and he is suggesting now, jack dorsey, that he wants to
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fact-check the president. he didn't back down from that position, and mark zuckerberg's saying i'm doing this in the case of free expression, as you noted here. but it's not going down well with all his employees, that's for sure. >> yeah, absolutely. let's talk about the market, john. that's one area of your expertise as well. we're seeing nationwide protests in this country, record unemployment with 40 million people filing for claims during this pandemic, but wall street keeps moving higher. how so? >> reporter: well, investors try to put these buckets of riots and protests and unrest into a certain category of short-term risk. they don't think it's going to derail growth going forward in the united states or hurt its standing internationally. and people here are watching that closely, obviously, in india and china at the same time. this may be different, though, natalie, because of that unemployment could rise to 20% in the next month with 40 million people filing for benefits. but all of the forecasts, whether it's in the united
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states or china, india, in europe, they see a v-shaped recovery. i'm not so clear that's going to come to the fore. if you look at u.s. futures, again, we're on the up side here. three days of gains. at a three-month high for the s&p 500. if you look at asian markets here, seoul hitting a three-month high as well. there's a belief that the stimulus on the table worldwide of $7 trillion, $3 trillion of that coming from the united states, will be enough. by the way, before we go, we should point out a case study for the work-from-home attitude here from one company, zoom. it put out its first-quarter results. it had, get this, net income of $200,000 in the first quarter of 2019. that zoomed up to $27 million, and they were suggesting in the month of april to have a common platform of 300 million participants in a single day. that's not the traffic of facebook, but it's growing pretty rapidly, natalie. >> my goodness, yes. we're all zooming these days, aren't we?
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you and i aren't right now, but that's where. john defterios, always a pleasure. thank you, john. okay, one man in washington, d.c., opened his home to dozens of protesters to shield them from arrests as police swarmed outside. we'll have this remarkable story, next. want to brain bett? unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again!
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visit today. okay, one more for you, and we like this one. it's the story of one man doing good for his fellow americans. >> dozens of protesters in washington spent monday night hanging out at ray's. he took them in so they would not be arrested by police for curfew violations. >> this is how many people he took in, about 70 protesters. >> ray's place! >> as police swarmed the streets outside. they were hold up for hours. dubay tells cnn he was just trying to help his community. >> they're not strangers. they're my community members. they're my brothers and sisters, and they were getting brutalized out there on the street in front of me and my neighbors and everyone else. and they had nowhere to go. they were pinned in.
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and it wasn't -- it's not something i thought of, okay? i appreciate the question very much, but you know, opening up my house to strangers, i truly feel that there is a moment in this country where i know that 95% of the people in that situation would absolutely have done exactly what i did and wouldn't have questioned it and would be beaming all day from the love that's been pouring in, coming out of a very awful situation of just police attacking innocent protesters. >> many, many hours later, as the sun was rising, they all safely left. there they are. bye-bye. the man who took them? >> how do you like that one? >> it's like the end of the night when you were younger and you were leaving the bars and the sun was up. >> that's the difference between john -- >> thank you. i'm john vause. >> i'm natalie allen. "new day" is next. we'll see you around.
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[ crowd chanting ] this early curfew's been a big difference. we've limited traffic belong 96th street manhattan and knocked the looters off their game. >> bottles started flying after police officers and other debris. they've made several arrests. >> there have been some individuals who have attempted to basically usurp the movement. >> they are sitting. they have their hands up. they are being taken into custody for violating los angeles' curfew. >> now that we have the national guard in our city, we can't control what these other agencies do. some of the protesters being gassed today. >> i won't traffic in fear and division. the country is cry
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