tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 5, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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can attack anywhere. get fast relief here with primatene mist. available over the counter for mild ashtma. primatene mist. breathe easy again. here in the united states and around the world, i am john king in washington. president trump is about to hit to maine at this hour. some criticisms from members of his own party and members of his one time inner circle. the president made some comments touting new jobs numbers from the government. >> it was incredible in a couple of ways. number one, the numbers are great and this leads us onto a long period of growth, we'll have the greatest and we'll go back to having the greatest economy anywhere in the world, nothing close. i think we'll have a very good upcoming few months. i think you will have a very
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good august, very good july, maybe a spectacular september and november and december. >> that's the president touted the good economic news. john kelly is joining a criticism of the president. kelly having his own criticism. >> we teach our men and women. loyalty to the constitution to the country and to the people. you must tell your boss the truth. >> across the country we continue to see protests including some sad scenes like that one. a demonstration in buffalo where you see police officers right there sending an elderly man tumbling and they left him bleeding on the sidewalk. the police department lied, they said the man tripped and fail. those officers are suspended.
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we heard reactions from the new york governor, andrew cuomo. >> it disturbs your basic sense of decency and humanity. why? why was it necessary? where was the threat? >> you heard john kelly echoing criticism from the former secretary defense james mattis. with us kaitlyn collins, it is one of those days from the trump presidency, he's getting out of the white house and he's going to maine. he's in the rose garden talking about as he should strong economic news, desperately needed strong economic news where his poll numbers are slumping and he goes off several tangents and more in coming from
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the chief of staff john kelly. >> the split screens of the president out there talking about this unexpected dropping unemployment which he was ecstatic about it. to see john kelly on the other side of the screen saying he agrees with that scathing criticism from the former secretary is remarkable. kelly thinks he thinks people need to think harder who they elect and put in office and looking at their characters a a ethics. he agrees with what mattis said saying what happened here on monday night when they clear those protesters was a mockery of the constitution. you got to square that with the president talking about jobs numbers. what we have seen and what's happening is the president's political aides grasping good news for the president to look
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at as he's been dealing with the pandemic and the after math of the death of george floyd and he's own issue. today that change and unemployment number did help the political aides to make those arguments. as we saw in the rose garden, he made several different comments showing he's on several different tangents including one he says george floyd would be looking down and it would be a great day for everyone given the jobs today. that comment is going to draw a lot of scrutiny in the coming days. >> it certainly is. the president has not joined any conversations of police reform. julie the temptation on this oh, it is another trump drama and another day and by tomorrow we'll move onto something else. what happens to former top
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commander including the two who served on the president's side. whether we are talking about jim mattis who's a four-star general came back and served this president and now john kelly. it is rare for men wearing the uniform for so many decades because they follow a code. let's listen to john kelly. jim mattis believes the president is too quick to use the military after the protest. the president should respect the constitution, listen to the point john kelly makes. >> he's quite a man jonah mattis, for him to do that tells him where he is relative to the concerns he has for our country. >> do you agree with him, john? >> i agree with him. i think we need to step back from the politics and look harder at who we elect and we need to start all of us
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regardless of what our views are in politics and look for people who are running for office. what is their character like and what are their ethics? >> remarkable words but to come from a general who served in the west wing with the president of the united states questioning his ethics and character. >> we have all --s can you hear me? >> you are good. >> we can hear you. >> hello? >> can you hear me? >> i can hear you now, julie. >> as you mentioned there has been so many of these moments whether there is going to be a breaking point where people start to go public with some of the concerns they had about the
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president's leadership and what we have seen from the former defense secretary, john kelly t in that sound that you just played. for some people has been this weak. we have seen some initial comments on capitol hill from republicans. you heard lisa murcowski how she agreed with james mattis. for some of these folks and certainly john kelly and jim mattis as well the approach seems to be keep quiet publicly about their concerns and see what they can do internally from the inside to try to affect what the president is doing. the decisions he was making and what he was saying. these people are gone from the
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white house and the administration. it seems they really feel this is the moment they have to sort of come at this and much more in a public way. >> and one of the contrasts we are seeing again, we saw this throughout the coronavirus crisis still early on, we are still on the coronavirus crisis and with the unrest. governor cuomo contrasted what he thought should be done of what should be done in washington. moments ago, we had another example of that. this is cuomo's daily brief, bringing up the issues of justice reform and police reform. >> reforms work for everyone's interests here. stopping police abuse vindicates the overwhelming majority 99.9% of police who are doing the right thing everyday. it restores the confidence,
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respect and the trust that you need to make this relationship work. >> the contrast, kaitlyn, this president of the united states may be listing sessions of the african-american community. he says george floyd is looking down from heaven and this is a great day. he had a photo-op with the secret service and he released a letter from john dowd calling t protesters terrorists. >> we heard from several white house officials last weekend they were planning for some listening sessions. that's what they're going to do. they thought nathat's going to result in an actual change in what we have seen so far and you saw the president coming out that he was not going to be making an address, he made the address where he said he was an
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ally peaceful protest and we saw what that turned into. those listening sessions never materialized. the president has not held any of those. we should know the vice president did have one with several prominent black people. yesterday at the white house it was a time to sit down and talk about the nation moving forward and what it is going to look like. they had the heritage foundation there and candace owens there who has been critical of george floyd saying he's a horrible human being. the vice president has not explained why they thought that's the person to invite to the session. it was not open todd ted to the. they later put up photos on twitter. whether t the vice president is going to meet with leaders today. the president himself has not had any listening plans take
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place in the white house. >> scarramucci and jim mattis and john kelly, and now he's calling them all something different. do they decide and not a surrogate for joe biden but just to keep making their point. the wall street journal touched on this today. mr. trump went through that like assembly line, his thin skin clashed with people who care about larger causes and have strong views. mr. trump blaming others for policies that went wrong and also build resentments. no question about that. it is boomerang. the question is will it continue and how significant may the impact be if you have john kelly, gjim mattis and lisa
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murcowski sending a messag message -- maybe you should not reelect this president? >> the president is focused catering to his base. these are people who'll never desert him no matter how many former officials or military officials or other administration officials or how many people in the republican party criticize the president. the big question and the worry for the president and his campaign advisors is whether those republicans who may have voted for him with some reservations in 2016 whether democrats who crossed party lines to do that whether if they'll be turned off by what they are seeing of what their own eyes or what they are hearing from these former advisers from the president's party that they'll say this is too much and a bridge too far. that's the big anxiety but it is too early to say whether that's going to materialize or not.
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some unexpected economic news today. the economy added 2.5 million jobs last month. this jobs growth coming. joining me now to discuss this is mark sandy from moody analytics. these numbers surprised everybody, what do they tell us and are there any caveats? >> a surprise. the story is the recession is over and the economy is now recovering and this will end up the shortest recession in history, three months, march, april and may.
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it will be if most severe, john. all and all we lost 20 million jobs and unemployment at 15%. these numbers are really good but only in the context of the complete wash out that we saw in the month of april. of course for the million s who are unemploymeed these are not recovery. >> what do they tell us in the future in the sense that some jobs came back in term of tens of millions of people out there waiting. do we see a consistent growth or do we go through this month by month and sort it out. >> the number we got for may i expect it inju june, looks like businesses in different parts of the country reopens quickly and hires back quickly in anticipating of three weeks.
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we'll get some strong numbers in the month of june and july and august. once business is reopening as much as they are going to reopen, keeping social distancing rules, i don't think the economy is going anywhere fast. i think we'll be in a bit of a quick sand until we get vaccines or therapies, something that makes people comfortable that they're not going to get sick when they go out. critical on the other side of business openings whether there are support coming from the federal government. if we don't give support there is not another rescue package and the economy is going to struggle and we may talk about double dips at that and we are way but it is not over. >> if you look around the world it is stunning. as you look at it there
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essentially most of the world is in recession. we had a rebound month last month here in the united states. we are of course dependant on many of those global partners. you discussed the challenges here of trying to build back and how much will all of that be global developments impact that pro or con. >> you got the big part of the world that navigated and reasonably well and leading the global economy out, global engine of growth. china played that role coming out of the financial crisis over a decade ago. if you look at that map, we view every single major economy on the planet during may, it is going to be difficult. it is a little bit of chicken and egg problem. nobody is driving the train forward coming out of this. that's another reason to expect
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that the economic recovery on the other side of this business reopening are going to be slow. we just don't have anyone who's going to be driving the train >> if you are the president of the united states and the incumbent coming up for reelection, you are happy of this report but you need to continue through october and november. >> you mention more federal stimul stimulus. if there is one thing any president should do right now to choose the economy everyone more and keep it going, what would it be? >> state and local government support. we got 2.5 million jobs, state and local government laid out 600,000 people on top of the people. they are in dire straight. the federal government can't go out and borrow money and support things so they are cutting programs and cutting a lot of people. these are people of middle income workers. these are fire, police, teachers
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and emergency responders and social service workers. these are the kinds of people you need on the job on a crisis like that. job number one, the next rescue package coming up with more support for the government. let me throw in one other thing, unemployment is close to double digits on the other side of labor day. that's a lot of unemployed people. they'll need more support. we need to figure out how to give more income support to folks. those two things are critical in the additional rescue package that lawmakers will come up here. >> mark zandi, thank you so much. >> sure, john. >> the lieutenant governor of wiscons wisconsin, both african-american men, their thoughts on this moment of america's racial reckoning. in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks.
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issue? what washington, d.c. says or does if it can get the political will to do it applies differently in different parts even at complicated state like yours. >> we have our police chiefs and mayors have to act at the state level. hands off responsibilities to our attorney general across the country to respond to these instances. we need federal oversight. there is no one way to combat this. we have to approach this at every level because the systematic failures are visible at every level. >> here in washington, joaquin
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je jeffries have been pushing a band on choking. >> prohibiting the choke holed s a policy. the knee to the neck that we saw in minneapolis. that's why we want to prohibited as a matter of law. >> when you go through the names of the last eight through ten years whether we are talking about mr. castillo and mr. brown and now mr. floyd. why is it critical? >> the nation needs to respond to this in a comprehensive way. in michigan we are trying to take the lead on that. we are starting at the beginning, at how officers are recruited and how they are trained and how we are setting
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policies on use of force and deescalation. they need to change the literal interactions but even going beyond that the fact that we are seeing black communities, under the threat of the coronavirus, we need to make comprehensive solutions that responds to our communities so that we can do both. >> i want to ask you both starting with governor barnes, is this a tipping point? we ask this question after every single one of these events and we finally reach to the point where people will stick to it if you will and not move onto the next cycle. this is after george floyd, is this part of a broader problem? 74% say it is part of a broader problem. 26% says it was a isolated
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incident. back in ferguson, 43% thought it was a problem and 51% of isolated incident. the question is how do you grab it and seize it and get something done before it merced may dissipate. >> it has to be a tipping point but we say that after every incident. now given the numbers that you showed and people see and response to brutality, people are being brutalized on the streets and police hitting people with batons. until the whole system is reformed, you are going to continue these mass protests and before people had jobs to go back to and schools. that's not the case right now. both are willing to tough it out as long as they take until justice is one. that's the way it should be because these are new issues, they have been brought up time
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and time again. they brought up for generations, these issues of long existed and there has to be a want and desire for them to change and if it is not it is going to take the public pressure we are seeing and people are not ready to led up because they should not. >> the president may have some listening sessions at some point on these issues. two african-american men who understand this issue in a way that i can't and i know the president of the united states can't. any instinct reflexes that the white house is reaching out to reaching members of the community. not just in politics but you want to reach to the streets as well. anything that can help to educate the president? >> i have never seen any genuine effort to reach out? they used rhetoric but it has been failed. this morning when the president
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sa said of these unemployment numbers. this president has shown that he'll use military force to brutalize people speaking up for racial injustice. that's the kind of leadership that we don't need. it is part of his dangerous agenda and how that has left body in this wake in the black community, not just george floyd but brianna taylor and awe ahma arbery. people are not going to rest. people make sure to vote to get the change that we need across the country. >> lieutenant governor barnes, i
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am guessing your phones are not ringing either? >> the president can't have conversations with the black people he's comfortable with. he has to have conversations to the people who have been dedicated with this work and people who don't always agree with him and just not there for the photo-op opportunity. that's what donald trump prides on, the people that's going to be his yes man. that is movement and has to be respected. until then the president again is feeding the american people lies. >> lieutenant barnes and lieutenant government of gilchris. >> thank you for joining us. >> coming up, we'll switch over to sports. unhelpful help centers. and saved the stuff that was working. like verizon's 4g lte network.
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basketball could be back soon, i may lot may look a litt different. cnn's coy wire is joining us now. >> they are trusting that the league will keep them safe. the board of governors approving a plan yesterday restarting the season july 31st. the player union still needs to approve this plan. the plan to play at disney complex florida without fans. certain coaches may not be on
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the bench come game time due to their age. overall the games will go on even if players test positive for covid-19. here he is. >> if we are testing everyday and we are able to trace the contact that player has had, we are able to contain that player and separate him from his team and we are continue to test everyday. the belief is we would not have to shutdown in a player is tested positive. >> more about racial inequality. >> this is what we, the players. >> we the national football league. >> we, the national football
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league peacefully protesting. >> we, the national football league, believe in black lives matter. >> the players say the nfl must condemn racism and the systematic of black people and ending the video by insisting they'll not be silent. the league put out they have donated 44 millions to hundreds of organizations combatting racism and committing $20 million this year, ending with "we stand with the black community because black lives matter." finally here in atlanta, matt ryan, is tired of saying racial injustice. he wants to act. he kicked off $500,000 himself, he'll talk to local leaders and activists and businesses to do his homework and direct those funds to help improve the
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community of people of color. we need leaders to step up and bringing people together. matt is there to help lead the way. >> fascinating conversations beginning. we'll see where it takes us. coy wire, appreciate the update from the nba and nfl. joining us now is dr. marlin. you just heard voices of some of your former colleagues here, nfl players are saying black lives matter and promising to be voices at this moment. what do you see as the role as to try to hopefully seize the momentum you see in the protest on the streets and get action from it. >> thank you for having me mr. king. i think that video is powerful
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and poignant. it reminds me of muhammad ali and some of these amazing stars back in the day. they are amazing athlete as and dominated their sports. they're redirecting on issues that are pertinent to them. scoring touchdown from sunday from somebody like trayvon martin and george floyd. there is not a huge separation between these two individuals. maybe one decision here or there. the fact that he's plan to step up, it means a lot. i hope the nfl listens. now is the time to make changes. when you have athletes that are representing this fight and push and this momentum, it matters. >> a lot of players said if you
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did not understand colin kaepernick, now you should. he was taking a knee to draw attention to these issues, police violence. drew brees had to apologize. he does not respect that because people in his family served in the military, he's now apologizing. let's listen to him. >> i no there is not much i can say to make things better. i want you to see my eyes how sorry i am. i am sorry and i will do better and i will be better and be part of the solution. i'm your ally. >> should he be part of the solution or welcome to be apart of the solution? >> he should and we hope that he r reform and rectify his way of thinking. he has an amazing opportunity to be an ally.
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he's got cultural capital not only his city new orleans and around the league. people who look up to him are black people. he represents their favorite sports teams and what's good about the nfl. when he comes out and say insensitive comments like you i did, you really miss the chance. if he's reformed and thought about his trangression, he's aligned with us and that would be helpful. >> i want to ask you about coronavirus, as sport leagues are getting back to work, we are seeing something up close and personal. mike tomlin, the coach of pittsburgh steelers getting back to work wearing a mask. i know you have some work you are doing right now trying to get masks out into the
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community. explain >> yes, my foundation, we donated 500 masks in different locations, tallahassee and florida and jersey and boston. covid-19 although is slowing down a little bit but we need to be aware and vigilant that the risk factors are here. i am in the house everyday and i see it still plays out. we have to continue. even though the people in the frontline are doing their job but we still need to prepare. just trying to be serving the community and doing the best i can from this. >> dr. myron rolle, appreciate your time and all the work you are doing. >> thank you. >> when we come back, alexander
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debate. you post to her what i would call the pelosi question. let's listen. >> miss alexandria ocasio-cortez, if reelected, would you have nancy pelosi to continue on your behalf? >> that's subject to conning dynami dynamics. i support her, yes, maybe? if she wants it, she also indicated that she may or may not run again. >> yes, maybe, yes, errol? >> interesting. although she's a freshman, she's learning the art of saying a few things at the same time. that was our lightning round where we are supposed to give a brief response and we are looking for a yes or no or maybe. we kind of got a yes and maybe there suggesting the whole issue would go away. it is an important question for
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a lot of members, the democratic conferen conference. they had sort of a not quite trouble but kind of a texture relationship to the demographic leadership and in this case, you don't want to cross nancy pelosi. you don't want to write her off. she may be back looking for another term as speaker but she may not. >> let's listen to a little bit more. >> the reduction of our nypd and defunding $6 billion nypd budget, that costs u.s. books in the hands of children. >> how are they protecting is the question? they need to be more trained and
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in stoeending more military equipment which i do not agree with. >> just a snippet there. this is an interesting laboratory, this issue will be front and center. >> 7:00 p.m. we'll have it on our facebook page and twitter page and ny streaming live. i urge everyone to take a look. these are huge issues whether or not to take money from police and put it into social services. >> i hope they'll watch the debate tonight. errol, thank you. when we come back, the tsa says travel is up. the grass, navigators of the turf and keepers of the green. to the rural ramblers, back to the landers, head turners and stripe burners. run with us on a john deere mower. because this is more than just grass.
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washington. the nation is watching minneapolis where the city council is considering a temporary restraining order to address police brutality. the 46 years old father who died at the hands of police when an officer put his knee on floyd's neck for 8 minutes. protesters are expected continuing throughout the nation in his name. demonstration call force an end of police abuse, there are a troubling number of new cases where officers are accused of doing just that. police pushing a 75-year-old man to the ground in buffalo. police slamming --
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