tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 6, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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viewers here in the united states joining us now. a 12th day of bloat protests is expected saturday in response to the violent death of george floyd. in michnneapolis, protestors chanted his name. floyd was killed after a police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. the city government has decided to ban chokeholds. and in los angeles, there is a growing sense that protestors are on the forefront of a movement. and to that end, a voter registration drive was folded into the demonstration. and this area near the white house has been designated as black lives matter plaza after protestors were pushed out of an
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adjacent public park. for more on what is happening in the nation's capital, here is alex marquardt. >> reporter: protestors are finishing the week in the same place as they began, right here at la fayette park, as close to the white house as they can get. and they are finishing in the same way as they began, entirely peacefully. but now the confrontation is growing between the mayor of washington, d.c. and president trump with the cooperation of the city, black lives matter was written out in huge yellow block letters stretching two city blocks on 16th street. and the mayor commissioned this spot as black lives matter plaza, this is the spot where those protestors were violently pushed back on monday and in fact very quickly this became black lives matter plaza on google maps. these protestors have been pressed up against this fence for much of the week.
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it has been reinforced. but behind it is the least amount of law enforcement that i have seen all week. and that speaks to how peaceful these protestors have been. the mayor of washington has demanded that what she called extraordinary federal and military officers and officials leave washington because of how peaceful it has been. the city is now looking ahead to saturday where they are anticipating a large protest, the biggest since the protests began. alex marquardt, cnn, washington. president trump is giving himself a pat on the back for friday's better than expected unemployment numbers. and while doing so, he made a shocking reference to the man whose death has spurred the unrest gripping the country. jim acosta explains. >> reporter: it could be the most trumpian departure from
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reality yet as the president suggested police killing george floyd is giving a thumbs up to mr. trump. >> hopefully george is looking down and saying this is a great thing happening for our country, this is a great day for him, a great day for everybody. >> reporter: just days after his administration tear gassed and pummeled demonstrators, the president defended his harsh tactics urging other mayors and governors to militarize their response to the protests. >> this was like a piece of cake. i really am suggesting because if you look at minnesota and the great success we had there and other places, you will end up looking much better in the end. call in the national guard, call me, we'll have so many people, more people than you have -- you have to dominate the streets. you can't let what is happening happening. >> reporter: the president pointed to the latest unemployment numbers as a success story comparing the economic hardship during the coronavirus pained ndemic to a hurricane. >> you have a horrible hurricane
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and it is devastating. and then the hurricane goes away and within two hours everybody is rebuilding and cleaning and cutting their grass. i've seen it in texas, i've seen it everywhere. >> reporter: mr. president is also touting the jobless numbers as proof of african-american prosperity, but while the job last rate grdropped to just abo 13% and white unemployment is on the decline as well, black unemployment is not. a reporter tried to ask that but was cut off. >> i'd like to sign this bill. and by the way, what is happening to our country and what you thousand see is the greatest thing that can happen for race relations, for african-americans, for the asian americans, hispanic american community, for women, for everybody. >> reporter: as for the brutal clearing of la fayette park on monday ordered by the trump administration, the u.s. park police is now acknowledging
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protestors were tear gassed. a spokesman told the vox website that it was a mistake on our part for using tear gas because we thought people would think cs or cn, two types of tear gas. he said other agents were using. we use a pepper ball that shoots a powder. tell that to the white house. >> again, no tear gas was used, no rubber bullets were used. >> others say that they were tear gassed in that area. >> no one was tear gassed. >> reporter: the government added black lives matter street signs near the park and the president said the incompetent mayor of washington is constantly coming back to us for handouts. mayor bh
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mayor bowser fired back at the president. >> you know the thing about the pot and the kettle? >> reporter: the president is also getting feedback from john kelly who echoed james mattis who accused mr. trump of died dividing americans. >> i think that we should look harder at who we elect. regardless of our view, i think that we should look at people, what is their character like, what is their -- what are their ethics. >> reporter: white house officials are brushing off public health concerns over the seating arrangement for the news conference in the rose garden. the 150e9 seats were initially apart but at the last minute, they rearranged them making sure the journalists were sitting close together. it appears that the aides were using reporters as props to make a statement about the virus. jim acosta, cnn, the white
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house. and president trump's actions and threats are being criticized by high profile former cabinet members and generals. earlier michael holmes spoke with ron brown stesteen about h that criticism could hurt the president. >> you have general mattis, general dempsey, two former senators part of a piece written by 79 former defense department firms, all raising alarms about trump. you could say so what. the so what is that this i think adds to what they often call here in the u.s. the permission structure for former republican voters to say this is just too much. and in particular, college educated white men in the suburbs, we know the women move very sharply against the republican, but the men are a tougher hill for democrats to
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take and you have to think kind of a coalition of generals would have an impact that could move some folks. racism and police topic "a" right now in the world and the united states. and here is a programming note for you. cnn and sesame street are teaming up saturday for a new town hall to help children and families discuss racism and the protests. the hour long special will be hosted by cnn's van jones and eric ca erica hill. that is at 10:00 a.m. eastern on saturday only here on cnn. protests over the death of george floyd now spreading all over the world. glon thdemonstrators are also t aim at rights an bubuses in the
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ywe hwe help you make it.oods: you, the independent restaurants of america... we've always got your back, but through all of this... you made it happen. you made our friday nights. you even made us dessert. ♪ so, to help you get back to full strength, we're giving away free re-opening kits at our website so you can safely re-open your doors. for all you do, from all of us, let us help you make it. ♪ . the death of george floyd
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causes 140k around tshock aroun. and crowds are gathering in several cities in australia, look at the throngs of people. the demonstrations are in support of black lives matter, but also mistreatment of indigenous australians. on the other side of the world, there are protests saturday across europe including germany, portugal and italy. protests also kicking off in france. our senior international correspondent jim bittermann is joining me now live near paris. what is expected today there, jim? >> reporter: in fact there are several demonstrations in paris today and as well as across the country in at least seven or eight other cities. but all have been forbidden by the police because they go against the rules for coming out of the coronavirus and people are not supposed to gather in groups of more than ten people.
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so the police may try to break up some of these demonstrations, the one in paris particularly which is near the american empty bass city, that may be something subject to police interest. in any case, the subject matter hereemptybass city, that may be something subject to police interest. in any case, the subject matter here is of course george floyd, but at wells well a young man wd in police custody back in 2016. there was an investigation back then but now the investigation has been reopened, new witnesses have come forward and there are real questions raised about what led to his death. so that is another thing that has come up here as well as an investigation by the interior ministry everof a facebook paget thousands of police officers and other security but part of that was notably racist and homophobic. >> another angle to this ugly
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chapter to look into. jim bittermann, we know that you will be showing us these rallies as they get under way. thanks. let's talk more about these issues with frankie clarence, he has been participating in protests this week. he is joining me from london. you heard jim bitter man talking about local stories there, cases there that are bringing people out as well. it seems that the george floyd story is a catalyst. is that also what you are he seeing there in london? >> good morning to everyone over there. i want to firstly say that this is not exactly the right time to being doing a comparison of which is worse. injustice has ben doen done and a long time. so the impact globally has proven how awful we have been treated. it has been i want to say
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overwhelming because i think that it is about time that not only the people of block color but people all around have been mistreated and acknowledge that there is something done wrong by authorities and it is up to us as a people to prove how it has been dub. >> are you heartened by what you are seeing there by the rallies and people coming outdub. >> are you heartened by what you are seeing there by the rallies and people coming out and is it a diverse crowd? >> i feel love will always win. unity and togetherness will get us through any scenario. it is very good to know that people -- as i mentioned, not of black culture acknowledge that things are wrong. i would never understand the hardship of being a female and as for you, you would never understand the hardship of being a black person. but we were created with two ears and one mouth. so we need to listen more and
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talk less. we can help each other to reach our aspirations and a goal if we combine each other as opposed to verbally just speaking. >> what is the reaction from officials there that you have been hearing to people on the streets. >> so i have been supporting the black lives matter. my campaign, we are focusing on the injustice of a man that worked in a train station who was forced to work in a position during the pandemic, was spat at by a guest who didn't want to get a ticket, and that person covid-19 and unfortunately, she is no longer with us. and it clearly states that the hard line will be facilitated.
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the person will be prosecuted and banned. and since then, no justice has been served and the british police say they won't take the allegations any further. that speaks volumes of what is going on in the world right now. if you cannot be obliged to follow your own protocol, how will we help the treatment by authorities. >> and there is a discussion in the united states about rethinking the whole concept of policing, the structure of policing. what are your thoughts on that? >> that is a very tricky question to ask me my thoughts on that in north america because i cannot be the person that speaks for the whole bloe glioblasto global table. but if the system that was created to bring done repressed, not just areas of color, but
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females, perceived as a terrorist, the system from the top downbeen -- what i'm trying to say, everyone has acknowledged that there is a problem. now let's take it to the next step. fixing the economy, fixing the solution, and most importantly is ignorance is being tackled a lot because people are not educated. it is up to us and many in the news, many thoughts in my news. if you watch the news, some people say they are misinformed. if you don't watch, you are uninformed. so you in the media, you can educate people and acknowledge that what is necessary done and how we can better ourselves. but i don't want people the next generation to be having the same discussion that we are having here because we all have a heart. >> we like what you say. frankie, we really appreciate
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it. wish you all the best, sir. thank you. >> peaceful, love and happiness. >> and to you. we have seen the death of george floyd inspire protests around the world. people like frankie feel the importance to speak out and look for change. at least one global leader took a knee to show his solidarity with protestors. paula knnewton has that from c n canada. >> reporter: people took to the streets in multiple cities denouncing racism, systemic racism that they say exists right here in canada. canadian prime minister justin trudeau made an unexpected visit to a protest, even taking a knee which was a very powerful image on the streets even as some people denounced his actions earlier in the week when it took him 21 seconds to decide whether
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or not he would denounce the actions of u.s. president trump. but at the prime minister's side was one of his cabinet ministers, who has spoken so force fli and he wi forcefully and eloquently. take a listen. >> it is powerful when you have the head of government coming and listening and taking a knee and being there and applauding when people say black lives matter. and i agree with him completely. all lives will not matter until black lives matter. it is just that simple. and people need to understand that. when people say black lives matter, they are not saying that other livers dons matter. >> and many are demanding that they get the systemic change that they have been asking for. and not just with the black community, but with indigenous people. two shocking events this week in
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canada between law enforcement and indigenous people have shocked the country. and for that reason, they are looking to the trudeau government to make the systemic changes that have been promised for so long. paula newton, cnn, ottawa. u.s. experts warn of a possible spike in coronavirus cases. when we return, how these protests could be playing a part in the spread. also a new tone from the top of the nfl. the national football league on racism. we'll tell you what the commissioner did and did not say. companion.
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welcome back. i'm natalie allen. you're watching "cnn newsroom" live from atlanta. protests in the united states following the death of george floyd are showing no signs of letting up. and that has health officials concerned that the number of dron dron coronavirus infections could surge more. and here is more about it from erica hill. >> reporter: peaceful protests across the country have health experts worried. >> there is a potential unfortunately for this to be a seeding event. >> reporter: new york streets filled with demonstrators just days before the city's planned reopening. >> i understand still this painful real moment in history, but i want to keep reminding people it is dangerous to be
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close together. if you have been at a protest, i strongly urge you to get tested. >> reporter: minnesota's governor encouraging the same as officials sound the alarm again about the need to wear masks. >> we're very concerned that our public health message isn't resonating. >> reporter: the world health organization is expanding its covering of masks for those over 60 or with under lying conditions. 26 states say 50% or more of their covid-19 related deaths were in long term care facilities according to a new report. and minnesota and rhode island posting the highest numbers, 81%, followed by connecticut and new hampshire. meantime the number of new cases in the past week is up in 21 states. testing is also on the rise. florida saw its biggest one day jump in weeks adding more than
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1400 new cases on thursday. much of the state is now in phase two of reopening. universal orlando welcoming guests friday morning. >> i felt very safe in bringing my family here. >> reporter: the nba looking to bring its players to orlando using disney world as home base. 22 teams added safety measures and regular testing parltd of that plan. >> the belief is that we would not have to shut down if a single player tested positive. >> reporter: major league baseball officer still on hold. after the players association rejected the league's call for further pay cuts. the cdc saying that as many of a third of americans have engaged in risky behavior with disinfectants to stop the spread of covid-19. online survey found that some admitted to putting bleechl on their food, washing their bodies with disinfect tantss, none of
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that is recommended by the cdc or the companies that make those products. they should only be used for their intended purposes. back to you. >> one of sweden's top scientists admit the country's covid-19 strategy could have been better. sweden relied on its citizens sense evf of civic duty, but th had one of the highest per capita death rates from the virus in the world. phil black has that from london. >> reporter: even in a country that has shown a light touch for dealing with covid-19, this is against the rules. there is a 50 person limit on groups in sweden. it didn't stop thousands to protest against racism. there is no lockdown in sweden. never has been. a radically different approach
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to the rest of the world. it is driven by the state epidemiologist who throughout the pandemic has proudly argue that had sweden has found the right balance by focusing on voluntary social distancing. >> one of the strong reasons why we're doing what we're doing, we feel that this is very sustainable, we can't keep doing it for months. it would be a marm harm to soci. >> reporter: more than 4500 death toll is disturbingly so high, and still no evidence to support the claims that his policies allowed widespread immunity to build. neighbors locked down and suffered relatively few deaths and are now refusing to open their borders with sweden. fact have triggered scathing assessments from other scientists. >> there is no willingness to change a failed policy and proof
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is in the pudding. the death numbers are staggering. >> reporter: and now admitting for the first time with today's knowledge he'd have done things a little differently. he is still no fan of lockdowns, but with hindsight sweden should have gone for a plan somewhere in the middle. he's not saying he got it wrong, he just warrasn't right about everything. >> and we somewhere thw have th death toll and we wish we could have avoided more of. but the rest has worked very well. >> reporter: traditionally public officials enjoy significant autonomy and high public strus. but miss pohis policies will no examined closely. while most are still happily enjoying the freedoms that come with keeping the country open, there is growing pressure to
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determine if the cost in lives has been too high. phil black, cnn, london. u.s. health officials say the chances of developing a successful coronavirus vaccine by january is extremely ambitious but possible. so how close are scientists to the finish line? elizabeth cohen tells us. >> reporter: there is a race on to get a vaccine for covid-19. and scientists are working faster than they ever have before. it is really unprecedented. let's take a look at some of the progress thus far. there are 133 teams worldwide that are developing a vaccine. 10 are in human clinical trials, 123 are at pre-clinical stages manying they are working with animals or in the lab. let's take a look at where these ten teams are that are in clinical trials. three in the u.s., there is one that is in the u.s. and germany,
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one in the united kingdom, and there are five in china. it is unclear which of these is going to finish first. and more importantly, it is unclear which of these are going to work. we know that some of them won't work, that is why we hahave so many shots on goal. let's take a listen to what dr. fauci had to say about this. >> it means at risk for the investment. so we'll start manufacturing doses of the vaccines way before we even know that the vaccine works. we may know whether it is effective -- efficacious or not by maybe november/december, which means that by that time, we hopefully would have close to 100 million doses. >> reporter: by manufacturing while they are doing research,
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so if a vaccine works, there should be a supply ready to go immediately and if they don't work, they will have been produced basically for nothing. but it has been decided that that is worth is to try to have a vaccine as soon as possible. and there is also progress in treatments of various kinds. there is some news out this week about pepcid. it is a common heartburn recommend dremedy. and what researchers found is that ten patients who took it when they were home sick with covid did find some relief. now, that doesn't mean that the drug did it, it may have been in a that they were just naturally going to get better anyways, but it could be that it played a real.
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so they are going to have a large clinical trial where half of the patients will get the drug and half a placebo and we'll see who does better. >> let's talk more about this with sean griffith in ox ford for us. she was chair of the hong kong's government inquiry into the sars outbreak in 2003. thanks for coming on again. >> good morning. >> and we just heard our reporter talk about all the different trials across the world and that there seems to be a glimmer of hope that there could be a vaccine is at year's end. are you in agreement with that possibility? >> scientists tell us that things are progressing amazingly rapidly and they are hopeful and we should all be hopeful because they have gone into production at the same time as continuing to do the trials.
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so oxford is combining with astrazeneca and they are aiming to have a vaccine by the end of the year. and in the past we've always said it takes about ten years to make a vaccine and that sort of has been thought of as quite good. so what covid-19 has managed t is produce rapid developments in science. they have been using the experience they have had from other vaccine platforms and push forward new techniques and the trials in humans as you said are on into ogoing. and you only expect about 6% of your initial platforms to actually produce a vaccine which could be used in humans. >> it is extraordinary how quickly this is happening when you consider aids came about in
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the '80s and there is still not a vaccine for aids. but i want to talk with you about a recent poll by the "washington post" showing 7 in 10 americans say that they would get the vaccine, however an early associated press poll said that just 49% would consider. what would it mean if a vaccine is developed and people opt out? >> it would mean eventually that you don't get in a herd imt communimu immunity that you need to suppress a second spike. if the vaccine is ineffective or if the advantaging se vaccine i enough, it won't be helpful to produce the immunity that we need. so i think that as long as the vaccine is shown to be efficacious and safe, then there should be a big push that at
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least the vulnerable groups be imiz immunized and that should help. >> and as people are in the streets over the death of george floyd, try to find a city or country that doesn't have people out engaging in rallies. they try to social distance. you see a lot of masks. but there is the concern that this could lead to a spike in cases. are you concerned about that. >> >> yes, i'm obviously concerned because any gh demonstration means that it is hard. in the uk, we try keep 2 meters apart is and having a demonstration with 2 meters apart is pretty difficult. our politicians are all asking people saying we sympathize with
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why you want to go out to demonstrate because we couldn't want you to because of the risk of a second spike. so there is a lot of emphasis if you do go, wear a mask, keep socially distanced, wash your hands when you come in, all those protective measures. underlying it, there is a risk of a second spike of the disease. >> and we also hear that using tear gas on protestors doesn't help. >> because it affects the lungs. of course we haven't done a trial on tear gas and covid. but it is increased risk. so we hope that the protests are peaceful and you didnon't need r gas, but there are risks if you demonstrate. >> we appreciate your expert as always, thank you so much. >> thanks.
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during our coverage of the protests other the death of george floyd, much of our focus has been on the massive sgl demonstrations happening in large cities, but in small cities there are also americans who want to stand up and say black lives matter. tom foreman has that story. >> reporter: they are raising a ruckus on the quiet streets of biloxi, mississippi, protestors crying out for change. >> we've live d with racism our
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whole lives and it has to stop. >> reporter: they are battling for rights in boise, idaho. they are taking a stand in tulsa, oklahoma. indeed beyond the roar of the big city protests, which have drawn enough people to be towns of their own, the map is steady feeling in with smaller communities making themselves heard coast to coast come what may. in huntsville, alabama, tear gas flew after police say some people refused to leave after the protest. >> i don't want grandchildren brought in to this. if this means i never have a grand kid, i'm okay with that. >> reporter: the sentiment was the same in auburn and tuesd tuscaloo tuscaloosa. >> i hope it sends a message that people need to stop racism. >> you cannot leave here today
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and be quiet about what is happening to black and brown people across this country. >> reporter: in brockton, massachusetts where more than 40% of the population is black, the call went up -- >> all lives can't matter until black lives matter. >> reporter: -- but it happened in made zmde made liezoo la, to. >> reporter: and on it goes. sure, they know the big cities will get most of the attention, but smaller towns are having their say. >> seeing the injustice over and over again, at some pint it gets hard and time to speak up and do something. in a related story the nfl commissioner has issued an
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apology for how the league has handled race relations and yet no mention of the particular athlete, colliin kaepernick, wh has been at the center of this issue for years. we'll have a report next. was that your grandfather, leading armies to battle? was that your great-aunt, keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members? who flew. who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them most. (♪) find and honor your ancestors who servered in world war ii. their stories live on at ancestry.
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roger goodell posted a video admit beiting the league was wr for not listening to the players' concerns about racism but did not address colin kaepernick and the controversy of taking a knee during the national anthem. patrick snell has our story. >> we at the league condemn racism and the systemic oppression of black people. we the national football league admit we were wrong for not listening to nfl players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. >> reporter: commissioner goodell is speaking out with a full admission on what he called a difficult time for the country
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and in particular black americans. >> we the national football league believe black lives matter. i personally protested with you and want to be part of the much needed change in this country. without black players, there would be no national football league. and the protests around the country are emblem attatic of t centuries of inequality and oppression of black players, coaches, fans and staff. >> reporter: it comes after a video featuring over a dozen of the league's stars challenged the nfl to take a strong stance following the death of george floyd in minneapolis. >> we need to ask you to listen to your players. >> what would it happen? >> we will not the be silent. >> we assert our right to protest. >> it shouldn't take this long to admit. >> reporter: racism has been a big issue in the nfl since colin
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kaepernick faced a backlash for kneeling during the national anthem. and in fact no team has offered a contract to kaepernick since 2017 and tellingly he wasn't even mentioned in that video from the commissioner. roger goodell says that he will be reaching out to players individually. whether that includes kaepernick remains to be seen. patrick snell, cnn, atlanta. a huge athlete is offering support, michael jordan and his brand of apparel are donating $100 million to assume the black community in the u.s. in a joint statement they said in part, quote, black lives matter, this isn't a controversial statement. they will pay the money over the next ten years to organizations dedicated to racial equality, social be justice and education. parent company nike has pledged $40 million. thank you for watching.
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what's his name? >> george floyd! >> what's his name? >> we're tired of it here. we are tired, and we want to see change. >> no justice! >> reporter: peaceful protests across the country have health experts worried. >> there is a potential unfortunately for this to be an event. >> i want to keep reminding people it is drousz to be close together. >> reporter: another shocker on the economy, only this time a good one. >> today is probably if you think of it, the greatest comeback in er
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