tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN June 10, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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protest, at least 10 police officers participated. one of the participants from the police force was the current chief of the camden police. he was holding a banner in support of the cause. i should mention to you that the police provided to the demonstrators ice cream from mr. softy. >> camden new jersey, thanks very much. i want to hand it over to chris for cuomo prime time. >> welcome to prime time. one of the three officers charged with aiding and abetting the alleged murder of george floyd has now made bail. he is thomas lane. his lawyer was on this program monday night, popped some eyeballs, punting blame to bystanders for not stepping in to save george floyd. >> if all these people say why didn't my client intercede, well if the public is there and
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they're in an uproar about this, they didn't intercede either. and my client's down where he can't really see. >> hold on, hold on. counselor, there's a duty to intervene. and if an officer is doing something that's dangerous to a civilian, you have a duty to intervene. he did not intervene. just to be very clear here, civilians did come, okay? they called on police to stop hurting floyd. officers pushed one away. but be very clear, it is always the officer who has a duty to stop, harm, even at the hands or knee of another officer. and none of those present did their duty in that regard. that's not coming from me, that is coming from their chief. >> i helped craft the duty to intervene in 2016. it does not signify if you have
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two days on or 20 years on. we expect you to -- whether it's verbally or physically to call for help and to intervene. mr. floyd at the very least was expecting that. >> george floyd's brother appeared before congress to create a new expectation at least after a killing like this, that pain, like what this family feels will force change. >> i'm tired. i'm tired of pain, pain you feel when you watch something like that, when you watch your big brother, who you looked up to for your whole life die, die begging for his mom. i'm here to ask you to make it stop. stop the pain. >> the floyds are, of course, in profound pain and they are not the first and likely will not be
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the last. our first guest also testified at that house judiciary hearing, convenient eta gupta. the president of the leadership conference on civil and human rights, she's also director of the aclu. >> good to be here. >> i'm not trying to be cynical, but there will be more george floyds. there have been many before, many after. and the question becomes why has change been so difficult. you've spent a lot of time on the government's side, the ngo side, the legal side, why? >> well, look, i think that i was at the department of justice, i went in to head up president obama's civil rights division two months after michael brown had been killed in ferguson. and at that time, black lives matter, the movement for black vivs was gain energy and focusing the country on a whole
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host of policing issues. president obama started the look into policing in 2015, and there were a lot of strides that were made, but it was not enough. there was a lot of backsliding in this administration along the federal efforts to promote best practices, to force the civil rights divisions pattern and practice investigations were halted. >> why? >> help us understand -- past the conclusion, which is, nothing got done, it's hard to understand why, when it seems to so obvious to sew many people. we had former commissioner ramsey on the show many times, he was on obama's council. he said their report was thrown in the garbage and it didn't amount to anything. today you had the president's economic adviser saying there is no systemic racism in america. clearly the obstacles to change
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here have been difficult to sur mount. why do you think that is? >> i can't explain to you why anyone right now could say that systemic racism doesn't exist in america. i don't know what to do with folks who are continuing to talk like that, but what i can say is that there has been change around -- police departments weren't talking about deescalation. they weren't talking about use of force. i was listening to anderson cooper with chief scott thompson in camden, who was one of the pioneers in 2015, forcing a national conversation around what police departments were doing using force, not de-escalating, approaching scenes with a warrior mentality. the problem is, i think that we have to admit this, this is what's going to make this different. police reform alone, and all of the efforts that have been engaged, and i'm putting aside the trump administration's total
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abdication of this work, i think there's 18,000 police departments in this country. policing is inherently local. there are things that the federal government can do to support and push, and the justice department has a big role and it has not been acting to use that role at this time. what i think is really different about this moment is when i was in the protests in washington, d.c., on saturday. legions of people in the street, multiracial, all exclaiming black lives matter, that's a different cultural experience than what we were experiencing in 2015 when that phrase alone was considered controversial. and you now have people saying, it is not enough to do police reform. yes, we have to have police accountability. we have to work on all of the things that are in the justice and policing act that i was testifying for today. but beyond that, we've got to actually have a big reckoning with the incredible criminalization.
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criminalization of the homelessness of the mental health, school discipline that is infusing and so deeply invested in certain communities in this country. mainly black, mainly of color. and coupled with the systematic disinvestment from health care, schools, jobs, public education. when i would open up investigations in the justice department for policing issues, policing issues were often the tip of the speer around major growth disinvestment, that our leaders had made to adopt a criminalization model that increased police resident contact in a way that just doesn't exist in affluent communities. >> that is true. >> we have to have this conversation. >> that's why things haven't changed. your description of the prescription of change is exactly why you haven't had change. a lot of what you're asking for today at the hearing sounds like the commission in 1967, which is that poverty is the poison.
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if you look at poverty in white communities, you see the same problem, but they're magnified in minority communities. having policing, you have so many interactions in these minority communities. you have more crime because you have more poverty. i wonder if you're right that this time is different. you have a different coalition of the willing coming. we'll see in november, if people aren't voted in on the basis of what they'll say they'll do on this, i think that the question of whether or not things change becomes harder to answer. >> well, i think that's actually -- that's totally right, i'm not going to let congress off the hook right now. there's a moment, and you're seeing conversations in minneapolis, all over the country that are local conversations about budgets -- budget the are moral documents, they express a set of
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priorities. >> that's local. >> that's local. >> congress now, the reason i was testifying is that two weeks ago, the leadership conference, big coalition presented congress with a police accountability framework with eight specific proposals. there are things that should be so basic, why don't we have a national use of force standard? why isn't there a ban on choke holds? these are some of the things we're asking for, we're asking for a national police misconduct -- >> you think with the senate in control of trump they won't even talk about his tweets he won't legitimize the pain of this family as symptomatic of injustice that is systemic in this country, and you think the senate that is under his thumb is going to pass anything like that? >> i am hardly pollyanna or
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naive about what we're facing in the senate. this is a moral issue. i know all too well that he is sitting atop a bunch of bills that frankly are stalling the business of the american people. on this, i will say that we -- i am not going to let congress off the hook or mitch mcconnell off the hook and none of us should. he should have to watch that video of george floyd with derek chauvin's knee on his neck for over 8:40 and look at the american public in the eye and say, yeah, i'm not going to do anything. >> he's going to say, it's a state issue, it was a one off, it's terrible. the system works, he's getting prosecuted. let's see what happens. >> i don't think he's going to do that. he's going to try to pull some kind of mele mouthed proposal, maybe something on data, maybe
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something on training and say, okay, i'm getting something passed, there, i did the business. that is not going to be the answer. the justice and policing act that was proposed by members of the house and of the senate is a really reasonable, really important set of proposals. i read you a couple creating the national use of force standard. banning choke holds, profiling, establishing a national police misconduct registry, so officers can't go from one department to another. we need to expand the justice department's jurisdiction to prosecute police officers for misconduct. it is a too high bar. this law does that, prohibiting no knock warrants for drug offenses. brianna taylor was killed on a no knock warrant. there are so many incident. it is time for a national ban. and qualified immunity.
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qualified immunity is a court created doctrine that has gutted the ability of people to have any kind of accountability in our courts, because it's created a total shield for police officers, and that creates impunity in and of itself. and ending the transfer of military equipment. so we don't see what we saw in the streets in d.c. last week, we have the military coming in to take over and with this -- we saw this after ferguson. these are eight really significant proposals, but ones that even with this koeng with mitch mcconnell, given that was a moral issue, he should have been in that room today. i hope he meets with filinese floyd, his testimony was powerful. george floyd has changed this world, but it will only amount to something if congress takes
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action and does something meaningful and substantial. >> i'm no cynic, i come from a family of politicians. politicians act out of a fear of consequence more than they do out of good conscience. if you do not show this country has put together a coalition of the willing that goes just beyond minorities, they will never do anything. i'm not being a cynic, i'm being a realist. but veneta, i have to go. i agree with your suggestions. >> i've been doing this work for too long to be naive about this, but i will say look at the washington post, the polling today. >> i know, but polling is not voting. i get it, attitudes are changing. if you can't say right now with a straight face that black lives matter. they're just asking to matter. they're not asking to matter more than you, or more than me or more than anybody else, they just want to matter, they want to be seen and heard and felt. it is a basic bottom standard we're talking about.
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i'm sure the polls will reflect that, it will move in that direction. will it become purposeful within our power structure? that's about fear of consequence. i got to jump. we have to promise each other to keep talking about it, because time -- >> i would love to. >> -- will reduce the emotion and increase the urgency for action. i will not leave it alone. i pronls you that. i want to see change, i know the polls are showing that more of you and i, we get, the key is the we. if you don't have those in power reflected. it won't happen. another thing for us to take on is a slice of reality. summer gatheringings? reopenings? protests? they all increase the chance of more coronavirus cases in america. i know too many eyes are starting to glaze over when you hear numbers like, we're closing in on 2 million cases. more than 100,000 dead. yeah, i've heard it, what if i
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told you the death toll may double between now and the fall? how? a leading scientist says he fears that is all too likely. why? next. at t-mobile, we know that connection is more important than ever. for customers 55 and up, we want you to get the value and service you need to stay connected. that's why we have a plan built just for you. saving 50% vs. other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for only $55. and we're here to help when you're ready to switch. visit a store or go to
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because of coronavirus. nearly double where we are tonight. almost impossible to believe for many many people watching right now. . let's bring in a doctor from the harvard global health institute. always good to see you. justify this very frightening analysis. is this just a guess? how did you get there? >> thanks for having me on. it's not just a guess, right now we have between 800 and 100,000 people dying every single day in america. and all of the models, all of the data suggests that things are going to get worse, we're going to have increases, even if we assume it's going to be flat all summer, that nothing is going to get worse, we're going to stay flat all summer. even if we pick that low number of 800 a day. that's 25,000 a month. in 3 1/2 months we're going to have another 87,000 people, and we will hit 200,000 sometime in september. >> but it's getting better,
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that's what -- here's the push back, numbers are are going down, new york's doing better, the state's going up, they don't have a lot of cases, so we don't have the same kinds of problems we did in the beginning. you're trying to scare us into staying home. i'm dumping you in with the rest of them. you want to keep us at home and scared until the election. >> i don't want people to stay home, that's not what i'm trying to do. let's be clear where the country is. new jersey, new york, connecticut, massachusetts are coming down. arizona, florida, texas, the carolinas are going up, and the country is pretty flat. and i'm not trying to scare people to stay at home, what i want is for people to wear masks, i want them to do social distancing. what i want, what i've always wanted was for us to ramp up a testing and tracing infrastructure, so we could get back outside safely and suppress the virus. we're not doing that. we're going to have another 25,000 deaths a month until
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september, and then it will keep going. it's not going to magically disappear then. we've got to turn this around, this is not the future i want. >> a data point that is interesting for people to understand. is hospitalizations. the people operating a camera, we're in these flash cameras, i move around way too much for an anchor. hospitalizations matter, why? you know you're dealing with really sick people, okay? it's not people who say they're sick. they're asymptomatic, hospitalizations since memorial day, in at least a dozen states moving up. some people will say, you know, a dozen out of 50, not so bad, how do you see it? >> hospitalizations are an important measure, some people have said well, you're seeing more cases because we're doing more testing. we are doing a little more testing are that's true, hospitalizations are not from testing, hospitalizations are from people getting sick, the fact that they've gone up so much in 12 it is as in the last
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couple weeks. summer was supposed to be our better months, warmer weather, people outside, a little less transmission. this is not the time i was expecting a lot more cases. we're seeing a lot more cases, especially in states like arizona, where the numbers look really scary. >> i was thinking there would be more cases. you have more people doing more things, so even if they're not locked in buildings together, school, workplaces, et cetera. i thought that we'd see this, you have more reopenings, less people doing restrictions. masks are helpful, but they're not a complete prophylactirophy. >> i did expect some, but the early data from georgia was that you could open up and be outside and it's not too bad. that's what we saw in georgia, i was hopeful that maybe the summer months would give us more of a break, i think i may have been too optimistic on that, you
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may have been right, that's what the data suggests so far, we'll see what the next few weeks bring, anyone who's expecting a dramatic decrease in cases is almost surely engaging in wishful thinking, if it stays just flat over the next three months, we're going to hit 200,000 deaths sometime in september. and that is just awful. >> now, the last word is the one we're going to have to watch most carefully. awful is subjective to how people feel in terms of perspective on the number. the concern for me has been all along, people will get fatigue on their fear. and 200,000 people dead won't mean what it did when we were at 115 people. and 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, people were scared, we're all going to die, we're all going to get sick. they don't feel that any more, so much so that they'll subscribe to political fantasy of this being a concoction of
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agendas. i wonder if people will care about the numbers. the ex-factor is, what does it mean for kids and the vulnerable in schools in the fall. if that changes the dynamic can change. we will stay on it, i will need you to do that, thank you for being with me tonight. scary prediction, i hope you're wrong, but i hope you're wrong because we do the right thing, be well my brother. guess what the president has planned next week, apropos of exactly what we were talking about. his first maga rally since this virus exploded. guess where he wants to have them? in states where covid cases are spiking especially. is that a coincidence? well, he's certainly not about to let a pandemic get in the way of his re-election bid, right? he's very worried, people keep saying he's down in the polls, so much so, that he has his campaign threatening our network with legal action to remove one of our polls because he doesn't like the numbers.
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here's another one for the can't make it up category. the president's campaign demanded that cnn retract and apologize for a recent poll because it showed him well behind presumptive democratic nominee joe biden. our network's message is this. no. this is america. you don't control what a free press says. that's the free part. the polls showed that the president is trailing the former vp by 14 points. well outside the margin of error, and by the way, it's not like this is the only poll to suggest something like this, several others released over the
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past few weeks, abc news, even a fox news poll have shown biden well ahead of trump. it also showed his approval rating sinking to 38%. that's the worst since last january, roughly on march with the approval ratings of other one term presidents. now, the interesting part to me is that to push back on the cnn poll, trump hired one of the least accurate pollsters in the industry. mcloughlin and associates to make more incorrect and misleading claims. cnn's executive vice president and general council responded with this, i want to read it to you in full. to my knowledge, this is the first time in its 40 year history that cnn had been threatened with legal action because an politician or campaign did not like cnn's polling results. to the extent we've received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they've typically come from countries
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like venezuela or ora geems where there's little or no respect for free and independent media. cnn is well aware of the reputation of john mcloughlin and mcloughlin and associates. eric cantor was leading his primary challenger by 34 points. he lost by 11. that's a 45 point swing. the firm currently has a c/d rating from 538. mcloughlin was able to criticize cnn's most recent poll because cnn is transparent and publishes its methodology along with its results. because of this, mcloughlin was able to print his own critique of the analysis. that's because we in america embrace free speech. we don't like the analysis, we don't agree with the analysis, we don't think there's a good basis for the analysis, but you get to say it here, because it's
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america. and we hope that you as americans can discern fact from fiction. so your letter is factually and legally baseless. it's another bad faith attempt by the campaign to threaten litigation to muzzle speech. it does not want voters to read and hear. your allegations and demands are rejected in their entirety. if there's any doubt that the president's allegations are baseless, you just need to look at this tweet. can you believe that we have to have these conversations? can you believe this? i mean, literally, it would not make it through a screenplay treatment. it just won the. a week ago he called on state tv over at fox, they're his puppets over there at night. to put up a cnn poll. why am i laughing?
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because i don't want to cry. i'm telling you, that's why. i don't want to cry. it is so sick and sad and obvious, lie, deny, defy. divide, divide, divide. divide and concur. that's what this president is about. and it worked for him, it got him here. will it keep him here? that's up to you, okay? because here's another part of it? play with the media, make you hate the media, a rejection of calls to rename military bases with confederate names attached to them. why would he refuse that? why? did you hear his answer? there is some big news on a related front when it comes to major sporting events attended by many in the trump base. nascar, you hear what they said? we'll take you through all of it next. did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn
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sign of the times, nascar announced today no more displaying the confederate flag at events. trump adamantly opposed saying it's part of a great american heritage and we should respect our military. the confederate military is not our military. they fought to keep slavery. they lost, okay? that's exactly why house speaker nancy pelosi is renewing a call to remove statues in the u.s. capitol. among them stands alexander stevens. he was the vice president of the confederacy, later charged with treason. just to remind you what this is about, and what kind of history
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we don't want to reinforce. you don't want to forget, because you may repeat it. you don't want to glamorize it either if it sends ugly messages. our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea of slavery opponents. it's foundations are laid, it's cornerstone rests upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man, that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. this our new government is the first in the history of the world, based upon this physical and moral truth. we have come to see that in today's america as what we call bullshit. we don't want to be about it, we don't want to own it, we don't want to glamorize, and that's why you take down the statues that promote that as an ideal.
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the reason i say trump and not president increasingly is because i personally am trying to insulate the presidency from some of what he says and often what he does. because i think that that office has to be kept uncontaminated from what he is doing. angela wry joins me now. we know why this is happening, we know why he does it. there are people who support the confederacy and the flag and see it as a heritage symbol. and much more often than not, they support president trump. >> yes, chris. we could wrap this segment up, you said everything that needs to be said on this, the reality of it is, is donald trump in so many ways, chris is the president of the confederate states of america, he really is. he speaks regularly to that base, he pumps hatred on to twitter feeds like nobody's business. he is addicted to sending those treacherous signals over and
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over again. not just to the base, and to the worst among us in our humanity. but he also tries to -- he tries to dig up something very ugly and so many. like in the middle of protests, right now where people are fighting to just ensure that black people can breathe, donald trump is sending signals that say that confederate statues named after confederate heroes should remain on military bases. opposing the things that symbolically say that it's okay to believe that black people are inferior, he is -- he doesn't understand how oppressive the confederate flag is, how oppressive confederate statues are. yes they are symbols and yes we need to address things like our economics and the disparities that exist there, and things like health care, things like
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being able to breathe and the issues that exist around policing and criminal justice reform. but symbols matter too, and i think that he's woefully mistaken. if he believes that we think that donald trump cares about black people. that he loves the blacks, what the hell do you have to loose, and all the rest of that, if he continues to be a proponent of the confederacy. >> two more things. point of push back, didn't you see the black leaders sur rounding him at the table today, saying he he's doing a great job and his economy is better for african-americans than obama and he could be a transcendent leader? >> chris, can i let you in on a secret? >> please. >> it is one of the ugly secrets of our time, and it plagues both parties. in too many instances we're desperate to get a base. you write checks. i guarantee you every one of
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those people have been paid off in some way, and it's disgusting, because the price of their souls should be worth a lot more. i guarantee you those people got a little check. that's what it is. >> you don't think it's good conscience? >> conscience for -- no, they don't have any consciences. if they can back up donald trump in an era like this, when he's yet to say anything meaningful about george floyd to george floyd where he's lifting up conspiracy theories for people who are protesting. oh, no, they don't have any conscience, they lost that a long time ago along with their souls. >> give me a reason to believe this time is going to be different. that is the best cold face that an lael has ever given me. we lost her signal. do you have her back? let them reset it, it's worth it to give her a chance to answer
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that. angela can be outraged and almost with good reason. the question is, what is the point of the outrage if it doesn't find its purpose. i'm sure she'll put it out on twitter, she has twice the reach that i do on this show. i'll make sure i'll echo it. and you know she'll be back on this show. let's try to end with some good news. there was a major scare, i'm not in the business of scaring you. i'm not about hype, i'm -- look, i had the virus, i'm worried about the virus, i wants us to be safe, that's all. i'm not going to overplay it either. there was a really good example of how effective we can be in staving off big infection. there was something that everybody watched. everybody was worried about, the results were better than expected. what am i talking about? next. chances are you know us.
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more than 140 customers of a hair salon in missouri were contacted by officials because two of the stylists tested positive. at least one had symptoms while working. everyone exposed was offered a free coronavirus test. 46 people took one and now we have the results. zero were positive. the question is why and what does it mean. let's bring in jeremy. why didn't everyone get sick? >> we can't fully know, but one thing -- a couple things we do know, both of the stylists who were infected were wearing masks. all of the clients were wearing masks. they were doing other distancing measures in the salon, spacing chairs, staggering appointments. we don't know what of those things contributed. we don't know how infectious the stylists were. some people tend to spread to a lot of others, it could be a lot of those different things. it's certainly another data point to suggest that masks can
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have a positive protective impact. >> why did only 46 take the test that was offered out of 140? >> i don't know. i understand it was offered to all of them. i think it was their choice whether or not to pursue that. >> the number of deaths between now and september. >> i think all scenarios are on the table. one of the things that is concerns to me is that in really just the past week there's been a significant speak in cases in quite a few states. texas has taken a sharp upwards. north carolina and arizona. >> what's going on if arizona? why arizona? >> well, again i think we don't know because the reporting out of the state is not stellar. the data is not fantastic. when you're not doing sufficient contact tracing. it's hard to be certain where
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your cases are coming from or spread is happening. one of the reasons why tracing is so important is not just because you identify the people who have it and stop them from spreading. you understand where the spread is happening. >> hospitalizations rise in 12 states. that's not about testing. that's actual people getting sick. we want to rely on that. >> yeah. hospitalizations is a one of the metrics can't really be fudged. no matter how good or bad testing is. or other data reporting is. if people show up in the hospital that tell you you have a problem. the challenge is that's a lagging indicator. by the time someone is showing up in the hospital they were infected probable weeks ago. it doesn't really tell you where you are now. it tells you where you were twoish weeks ago. that's a frightening thing. if you have hospitalizations going up quickly you have had a problem already for several
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week. >> do we have to look at the protest data in they were huge groups. it may reflect on the rest of the campaign. when will we know whether or not the protests were a problem? >> i expect if there is a signal in the data related to the protest we'll see that in about two weeks. or within two to three weeks. the jury is out on how big a spike we might see as a result of that. the protests were outside. that reduces risk. all the protests that i saw people were almost everyone was wearing masks. that should reduce risk. these were large crowds and some instances particularly where it was stationary. or sit in. there were a will the of people closed in pack together for prolonged periods. >> if tear gas kills coronavirus we're in good shape. they were using it all over the place. i'm kidding. we don't know anything about it.
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there's a lot of behavior going on in the country that is regrettable. hopefully it will lead to change of a much more healthy country on several levels. thank you for interpreting the data. appreciate it. look, this is a virus. racism is a virus. it acts the act same way. we're equally not immune to it. we don't have a cure for it. no vaccine for it. not yet. what you're about to see maybe the most sad video since floyd was killed. a hate parade. got to expose it, see it for what it is. it's what we're up against. it only takes a second
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here's proof of why things have stayed the same. protestors chantsing black lives matter through the streets of new jersey. ran into trump supporters. look at this. >> yep. that's what you think it is. another angle. i want to be very clear. about what this is. what they were doing. and why. they were yelling things like you don't comply that's what happens. all lives matter. and black lives matter to no one. see the trump sign? why would people with this kind of ignorance, arrogance and hatred find such an attachment to trump? he will say nothing about them in all likelihood. fed exdid.
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put oult a statement about the video. why? one of the people work for them. not anymore. they fired him. another works for you. on your tax dollars as a state corrections officer. his boss governor murphy called the video repugnant. the officer is suspended. his union put out a statement condemning his actions. why do i show this? you have to understand that this is the reality and it's a big reason things don't change. a lot of people resistant to change. the question is how many of you are willing to triumph against this intolerance? how many in the majority because that's what they represent, sadly, are willing to become part of a consensus of good conscience that will force people in power to make this a more perfect union. there will enough americans to
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drown out the american thes. they act out of fear of consequence. that i can them do the right thing. come together. the key is the we. thank you for watching. "cnn tonight" right now. >> so disgusting. that photograph. really? come on. it's really gross. it shows the worst. the worst of america. the worst o people. those people should be embarrassed. everybody watching should be embarrassed by those people. i have a lot of names i could use but -- come on. who does that? >> those guys. and a lot of ore people like them. people who want the confederate flag to keep flying. who see it as heritage. who somehow cultivated an au audience with the president and
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