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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  June 13, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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or, the xfinity voice remote will find exactly that. happy stuff. if the groups happy, i'm happy. you can even say a famous movie quote and it will know the right movie. that'll do, donkey! you're expecting prince charming? you can learn something new any time. education. and if you're not sure what you're looking for, say... surprise me. just ask "what can i say?" to find more of what you love with the xfinity voice remote.
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for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. visit today. welcome to our viewers, now, joining us in the united states. our top story, u.s. president donald trump has delayed the restart of his re-election campaign rallies by one day. he was planning to hold a rally next day in tulsa, oklahoma, but that date is june 19th, when african-americans celebrate the end of slooifry in the u.s. now, president trump says he
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will hold his really out of suspect, on the third day. we're entering the third week of the quilling of george floyd. seattle, washington, is one area mr. trump has fixated on. he tweeted on friday that the mayor, quote, must end the seattle takeover, now. but the president says he is seeing a problem where one doesn't exist. president trump sat down to talk about the forecast with harris faulkner he was unsheer if some demonstrators were consider kring. >> you have protesters just didn't know. i witched. i witched closely. why are you here?
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they weren't able to say. >> most of the people in the streets would probably disagree with that p. here's one from minneapolis, where george floyd landed most month. the president also said he generally opposes police using chokeholds but suggested they might be necessary sometimes. >> you get everybody in a chokehold and say, let's go? it's a tough situation. >> many american communities don't see it as a tough call at all. police have beened from use some of the places in the country. they include the leverages
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cities in the united states. president trump abham tooked a little pushback from the person interviewing. >> i think i've done more for the blaz community. let's take a question. the ebldz result -- >> we are tree. he did pretty well. >> i'm going to take a floyd at honest abe, as we call them. lawicers, police officers and other videos are looking at encounters between police and african-americans. he want to caution some of our viewers, they are characterly with illustration. why so many americans say they have seen enough.
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>> get on the ground. >> in oklahoma, police pursue of a gun drawing the man with another man. within seconds, his mom is issued. >> get your ahands behind your back, after the protesters diskoodi discrossed it. at one point, eric scott was unresponsive. the medical examer said that shot died of a collapse lung. but that physical restrapt, along with methamphetamine use was a distributie ining factor.
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from that ace from austin, a is under xegs. chavier was told he has congestive herald family. hi ruled in custody. 220, along with large solid's ferc son have law enforcement concerns about why these encounters keep happening. one offal apple can spoil the madle. and the few decide the bill gi. and we have to do anything that is acts of misconduct or neglect their study.
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chicago police officers, recent in recent days, languages, when choosers were going on what's going on. >> i want to apool jazz for the city of new york. for the retreat in the midst offal the assault. >> reporter: and in buffalo, new york, says his client's say that they make a difference. depending on the particular department is in crisis. and we have to oord is it. there is training that never tack place. he said it's obviously not enough.
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he said police officers have to do a better job of vetting offerers teaching them about police trbrutality. i'm joined by dr. police charges. we want to welcome you, mrs. dorsey. >> thaumnk you for having me. i'd like to hear what we heard from the former california police chuck. any officer engages in this conduct, as well. and having flyeres to see if they are doing that? >> of course, we're not doing with that we do that.
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this those back many, many years. and was exwaif having member of the black community. was able to rain down on them with immunitimmunity. he douglas his nifrson in 1992, why? because he was a black man and he could. in 2015, he couldn't breathe. and the members of the plaintiff department said "f" your health. you'd cow feel if i have to explain his mother that's a enough. justice i could not.
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you have access to the police department. are theyle protected by the police unions? >> the hole has a loy to play. they are a lobbying arm of a police department. they haven't seen a murdz of a dark man, woman or child. when they are ghyred they have n police. and sheltered and making sure because siflt ability will benefit. how do you allow someone to maintain their police officer as a me in an. something happened in the ground check. they were able to police departments are not evaluating officeeres periodically. you wind up by officers who
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haven't been deterred to the bad example. >> those are examples of where there must be chajs. as far as changing the makeup of police departments, that many people are demandzing, we would see, perhaps, first responders other than police if, making emergency calls. i know you worked for vice. is that an idea that might work? is that you support? >> it's in a min health check. but what about if you stop someone and you don't have the professional there. you have to see because some, everyone will have it. what do you do in those instances.
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and what do you do with spokes who radio habdzling dp situation. >> it's complicated on two views we may be seeing with police work in view vill will be taken. it's being looked at, nationwide, as well. what are your thoughts? >> i think the ban lives matter is very difference. officers are coming inning with whatever else think use to blow up front doors. we saw eric goraner prohibited told to be that wasn't union
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official. that was a zelt upper body restrap. restraint. we tell a thing and we know what's what we saw . >> the egregious stories. m thank you so much. we turn to the coronavirus. certainly, the epidemic is not over. far from it, ahead how states are reckoning with a surge of new cases and the pressure to get back to business. audible is my road-trip companion. it's kind of my quiet, alone time. audible is a routine for me.
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we all do want to reopen the country for a number of different reasons. but we have to do that in a way that is reasonable and prudent. the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention has prevented the spread of covid-19. practice social distancing, wear
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a covering and share not to subject objects. joh johns hopkins is seeing the numbers of hospitalizations. so far, nearly 115,000 people in the u.s. have died from the virus. here's nick watt in los angeles. >> reporter: in houston, they are prepper to reopen not much building but maybe if field hospital. co-sid rate nicing welled in texas may be approaching. >> reporter: the united states and co-friday stalled.
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>> i'm not sure we can say it's stalled. we're seeing something disturbing. >> florida's average uni1st since 200 versuses. there are outbreaks in small, tomorrowing communities. and part of that is because people are too close without added angs. the health minister receivered him and wye et lead ises. making masks worn teen prevented 66,000 infections.
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his campaign doesn't rate, but the saver says, they won't see. >> wear a mask, wear a avoid to crowded areas. as of of friday, they're all back. but the mayor says they will watch if numbers, they might ask questions, are we doing well enough with the masks. professor from the eye gent medical live right now. thank you so much for coming on. >> reporter: welcome to yell know one, this morning.
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we haerdz from dr. fauci there. what do you make of it? >> well, the first counts on case on their own. i robe a leash out of reaches, in the direction of case covers. unless the waives have dra mock uniting, there is a huge drift in the case, probably needs that. it will be good to keep another diterization as the koez o's up. >> maybe it's happening because there's more testing.
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officials say states were opening behind what healthy officials behind it? >> there are a number of indicate everies in the last time? if not, it will jump we wouldn't have been expecting this cage probability of hd-4. and also, trucksees, they are going from a snowball signal. the amount of transition in the xhau goynes up, his is a social dins cans.
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see if the wait staff is doing that. we've seen people doing that. and the london police are ordering a foy solid rj movement, they will have a sur cue because of the threat of the spread of coronavirus. what do you think of that minute? >> i would say behind the masks in reducing transition is increasing. it will never do a krod cal projects. but the w.h.o. have all recommend ending mant toir in
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places. >> it's as getting as close as it is probably get. on the issue of demonstrations and ramlies, there will be a risk. i think there's a political decision whether in terms of advancing if niche officials, versus the hot hikers. let's talk about tweetment months of march and april, when hospitals were overwemted. did doctorses and hurss know how to treat people?
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>> there is no license against covid-19. we haven't really proversed that much. in terms of case champion rager major in the loud of what is going to happen. we know that fppe, helping him get to the hospital. it will be crucial. we do not know a bit more than having a roomy. we don't have the magic bullet yet. >> thank you so much for your inbuttes and experts tease. you are watching cnn newsroom live from atlanta. next, champion changes his mind
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b about the campaign rally? we'll leaving social justice.
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welcome back. i'm natalie allen. this is cnn newsroom from atlanta. president trump has changed his mind about restarting his campaign rallies in the u.s. late friday, he released this. we had targeted our maga rally for june 14th, a big deal.
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this would fall on the juneteenth sol lay. i have therefore decided to move our rally to saturday, june 20th, in order to honor their requests. mr. trump was criticized for scheduling the rally while so many americans are right now, protesting racism. >> reporter: defending his response to the protest, following the death of george floyd, president trump is founding like the divider in chief. the president is phrasing his photo op in washington after demonstrators were demled near the white house. >> reporter: as he is discussing comments from pentagon officials who say they regretting wi bein
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parttive up that. >> reporter: in seattle, he is warning city leaders. must end the seattle takeover, now. as for floyd, if president danced around whether it was continue were choke holds. >> it sounds so different, so perfect. if it's two-on-one, it's a different story. it's a good thing he should be mentioned. >> the president told xax he should be named more than abrah abraham lincoln. >> i think i've done more than any other president. lett's take a pass on abraham
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lincoln. ted cruz said his wife urged u.s. to ask questions about the white house. >> she said, mr. president, it is really, really important for you to speak out to the racial injustice is speaking for this one. >> reporter: where is trump? too scare to falk the people. >> reporter: also, pormer national security adviser, john bo bolten. i'm hard-pressed to recognize any election. with top advisers insisting there won't be a second wave of
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the coronavirus, contrary what health experts were doing. >> they were saying, there is no second spike. >> reporter: the president was no does on friday, and will deliver the event at west point inclu include social distancing. let's story about the doctor of inntsteybob. we know that president trump was moving his valley, one day later.
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woo do you think of choosing tulsa, and then, the violence in this country? >> i think the one thing he was trying to do was choose oklahoma. this is a state that would open up social distancing early. and he wants to have a huge crowd. but he doesn't have any standing or knowledge of u.s. history. he didn't understand the significance of the state. he didn't understand the significance of tulsa. he's so out of step with some of these key historical moments. he decided to change the state because he was under so much pressure. by playing to the base, he is out of the step of majority of
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most americans. and in the past, he could get away with it because people weren't activated. now, we see hugize mick shifts. >> his rally seems more than what this country is going through. >> i would expect him to back down a little bit. he tends to trouble down and public more to the pace. we see that he is pushing for the con sumts to be coming down town. forts that were named after confederate historics.
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he's out of what people think in this particular of history. but the way that americans heat to the police. 57% of all americans and 49 of whites, believe that the united states will use force to get african-americans. this is a big change from when garnic felt that way. we see two-thirds of george floit's killing was tszyu to police brutality. he will have to consider meez things moving forward, if he has any chance of winning in 2020. >> right. some of the president's advisers are telling him, you have to
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ad ad ad adam. at any point, do you see him engaging with protesters, that he needs to consider that. >> i don't see him making a huge change here and at the end of the day it's about him and the yal i-sans to do so. we're seeing democrats are trying to offer alternative plans by trying to push through of banning choke olds. trying to make federal a general crime to make sufsers able to
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get away with the prosecution. and we're seeing the bigger momentum, including defunding the police and allocating elsewhere. we are seeing him going car sher and a militaryize. he doesn't realize that is not in take with the upcoming election. are views when it comes to reports, will be the litmus best for each party. are republicans across the board likely to be behind backing instead of progressivism m?
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>> right. we're seeing this more so than ever before. we'll see the issues rising with the economy and the health care. democrats are sitting and eng e engageoengag endijous with the republicans stay healthy about this. they conceive themselves to being a low and address rl party. they are engaging on subtle reforms. that could have an impact. for the democrats, they will continue to need to clarify what the message is, and what they're trying to pursue. i would let the democrats do the taking and he should focus on show i showing capacity across the ration, with race relations and
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inpud. >> we appreciate your time and your input. thanks so much. you're watching cnn newsroom. straight ahead, the death of this man in a struggle with police is now getting a second look. why did the grand jury in the case never see the video? we'll show it to yu coming up. your heart loves megared omega-3s but did you know your eyes, brain, and joints love them too? megared 4in1
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1in the state of tennessee, there is clear video of an incident. but a jury that investigated it, never saw the tape. senior investigative
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correspondent, drew griffin, reports. >> reporter: sterling higgins appeared high, hallucinating and paranoid last march, when police arrested him for trespassing. it's what happened next to the 37-year-olds, that resulted in another claim that a black man was killed in custody as cameras rolled. >> it shows mr. higgins stopping all movement wh the area of mr. higgins' throat. >> reporter: they are suing the county, and officers involved. accusing jailers of excessive use of force, failing to provide adequate care. the city, county and plea people deny. the video shows
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minute-by-minute, where he is struggling and jakers take up top. here, enhanced journey, to see one of the jailers gripping his face and neck. he said, higgins was spitting and under his hand under his chin. >> that doesn't explain why an officer would keep their hands or throat around for two additional minutes, from the point that the person stops moving. >> the video shows two others applying shackles to the leng and the aingles. minutes pass, and higgins body goes limp. and yet, it remain on his face and at 246 minutes.
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they do not go for help at this point. instead, they wheel his chair into number 15. >> why they should strap him in a restraint cell and put him in a cell by himself, when apair mettics arrive. >> reporter: the ems team finds no pulse, no breath, but it's too late. an autopsy report shows a tear in higgins muss wrestle. it's a controversial term to bribe accidental drug death. >> do i think the officials handled this situation popperly? no, i don't.
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>> tommy thomas understands that not will all agree with his temperatures in the law enforcements. he never showed the go ahead what it was taken a kwouple of hourties. to show the video of the grand jury. i had insided to case was not as try as nice. baulz the brutal recurrency is bigger than suits, go to rocky mountains. if it goes to a junior, too
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but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. visit today. ♪ since the death of george floyd while in police custody, there's been an uproar in the u.s. to address racial injustices. cnn's tom foreman giff gives u overview of many of the changes rippling through this country. >> reporter: the roiling, relentless weah of protests, is hitting home. >> if we want change. our generation has to step up and demand that change. >> reporter: state and city leaders are moving rules on fights systemic krasism, following the death at the end of george floyd. >> we have oppression, just in a
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different form. there are desperate demands for making changes, to you, too. to the colors ringing out across the world. >> with election train running hot -- the people can hear the crowd. they know. >> reporter: and less than two weeks ago, when peaceful protesters seemed out of a protest. his approval rating has mrumtded. and joe biden adding another player, to pick a female and
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date. >> there's multiple an can americans are singing worth. >> with nike, twitter and other companies are recognizing juneteenth, a holiday. tv shows are under impress pressure to review how to show their tack vicks. what do you take "cops" started video. >> some were kneeling the protest of colin kaepernick, the league commissioner responded. we the national football league admit we were wrong for not listening to nfl players earlier. >> the nascar remains some of
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its bases, despite the vow to oppose such a move. and more confederate statues are falling. some people say taking down the history is an attack on their history. some people say leaving them up is worse. >> former secretary of homeland security, jay johnson. >> the confederate flag to me exprszs to viewpoint that she should have been there for 20 years life. >> "gone with the wind" is back with streaming services. it is a measure of how fraught the debate remains that the movie shot up on amazon's best seller list. it's enough to spur barack obama
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have gone through. >> the changes are as profound as anything i've seen in my lifetime. >> reporter: in so many ways this moment does feel different than all the calls before for these hypes of changes. it still remains to be seen if that will play out and the changes will come through. tom foreman, cnn, bethesda. i'm natalie allen. i invite you to follow me on twitter. i'll be back for another hour here on "cnn news justiceroom."
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live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. thank you for joining us. the united states is now heading into its third straight weekend of protest, demanding police reform and racial justice. it was 19 days ago that george floyd was killed after a police officer kneeled on his neck. demonstrations rallied the marches hav


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