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tv   1968  CNN  June 13, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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we see that now. just want to make sure it doesn't spread. it is frustrating to see. there is a prioritization at this stage which is to protect the community and to protect the free expression, the protests against another police shooting. >> stand by. the top of the hour, 11:00 p.m. here on the east coast. we welcome our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. this is a special edition of the situation room. we're following the breaking news out of atlanta. it's been one site of the nationwide protests for 19 days now following the killing of george floyd but tonight a new name is chanted there, rayshard brooks. right now deep anger and frustration have erupted. protesters have set fire to the wendy's where police shot and killed brooks last night after an altercation in the parking lot there. the georgia bureau of investigation says police were called in around 10:30 p.m., about a man simply sleeping in a
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car in a wendy's drive through. police say brooks field a field sobriety test then resisted arrest. we have videos of what ensued. i'll try to walk you through those videos. i want to warn all of our viewers these videos are disturbing. look at this. in this video taken by a bystander you can see a struggle. the yellow object in the officer's hand is a taser. eventually brooks appears to swing it at the officer before taking off with his taser. let's watch together. surveillance video picked up where the video ends and again i want to warn our viewers this is also disturbing. you can see brooks running from the police. at one point he appears to turn back toward the police officer and discharge the taser before
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turning back around and continuing to run. you then see him fall to the ground. here is the moment brooks appears to discharge the taser and the officer fires once more in slow motion. here's what the attorney representing the brooks family said happened next. >> we talked to some witnesses today who said that the officers went and put on plastic gloves and picked up their shell casings after they killed him. before rendering aid. we counted two minutes and 16 seconds before they even checked his pulse. some people wonder why -- just watch the video as he lays there
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dying. the officers stand around. one kicks him and flips him over. and then the witnesses tell us that what we can't see on camera but they filmed it, they went and picked up the shell casings. i wonder why. so that all of you can't know how far away he was when they shot? so you can't find their positions when they used that weapon? but they appear to be caring more about covering their tracks than providing aid. let's go to atlanta right now. natasha chen is on the scene. update our viewers on what you're seeing. >> reporter: wolf, we had to leave the scene. i will show you here the cell phone video, the very last video that i was able to get before we had to leave. and those were the moments when people started attacking the wendy's building essentially. we saw people throwing things through the windows, breaking the glass.
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at one point seeing some people go in there. another person starting to set fire to an umbrella on the patio outside. we understand from my conversation in the last 30 minutes that the fire is inside the dining room spreading through the drive through, that the fire department right now cannot access the building because of the number of people in the streets. they would need assistance. they would need backup to be able to do that. right now because there are no reports of people inside that building, nor does it seem like the fire is spreading to other structures at this time, they are on stand by watching this monitoring to make sure it doesn't get even worse. i also want to show you a little bit of video from earlier in the evening, a moment when tear gas was deployed and this came right after a crowd was gathered around a squad car trying to block the police car in and shortly after that is when we saw that the tear gas and
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actually a flash bang. it was really just in the moments right after that that i ran into the cousins of rayshard brooks, people i had met earlier in the day when protests were very peaceful. here's what one of the cousins said to me in that moment reacting to that tear gas and to the protest. >> ignorance doesn't have a color. it doesn't have a white or a black. you either have sense or you don't. we all are people. but because you have a badge it doesn't say i do what i want to do. it says you are supposed to uphold the law for people that cannot. that is what we pay taxes for. and for so many dumb reasons this shouldn't be happening. >> this right here talking about the -- >> i mean, i understand the anger. i understand the hurt. but how does this help?
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>> another cousin walked up while we were talking and he made sure to tell me he wanted the message to be, please, keep it peaceful. of course just an hour or so later we saw people getting on to the interstate and then of course when they started moving the crowd toward the wendy's and we were recording, both with my cell phone and with our cnn camera, there were a couple protesters not the ones actually breaking into the wendy's but on the sidewalk people trying to block our view, stop us from recording and were very angry we were recording this and during the scuffle our cnn camera broke and our crew decided given what was happening around us it was best for us to back out of there, wolf. >> just to remind our viewers you and your colleagues the photo journalists as well as the security personnel there with you, our producer, everybody
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okay? >> yes. thank you for asking. everybody is okay. we've reconvened in another part of atlanta at cnn center. >> the part of atlanta where this is taking place, you know this area well, not too far i'm told from turner field where the atlanta braves used to play baseball, right? >> yes, and it is south of downtown and very close to the interstate. that is why people were easily able to climb up the hill side there just half a block up from the wendy's. now, the state troopers, the officers, they have lined up their squad cars and themselves to block the base of those ramps for those protesters not to be able to walk up the ramps but the people went around them and up the grassy hillside to the interstate itself. >> we are seeing police en masse arriving now at the scene. some of the protesters beginning to disperse as a result. you see the long line of police
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officers getting closer and closer. we did see some firefighters beginning their process of trying to stop the fire from expanding from that wendy's. this is an awful situation unfolding in atlanta right now. natasha, is i-75, very close to where these police officers are right now, is that open or still partially blocked? >> reporter: i don't know the exact status at this moment but as we were leaving the scene, i did notice that the freeway was completely blocked with cars at a standstill so i think they were really trying to get traffic moving again. i know that was a difficult thing for them to try to navigate. >> all right. natasha, i'm glad you and your colleagues are okay. we'll stay in very close touch with you. charles ramsey is still with us, cnn law enforcement analyst and former d.c. police chief, former philadelphia police commissioner. so, chief ramsey, you see the police officers moving in a long line toward that area where the
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blaze is coming from. you see some firefighters. the truck there on the scene. they're trying to get in place to deal with this and trying to disperse the protesters. looks like most of those protesters have in fact dispersed but tell us what your understanding is. this is still an extremely dangerous situation especially with the fire erupting the way it has. >> it is. you know, my biggest concern with the fire is the fact you have a gas station right across the street there and those embers the way they blow could actually cause more of a problem. but i think as far as protesters go, i mean, i just don't think they'll bother the firefighters. so you have to move them back for their own safety, and i think that is what you're seeing now. so the firemen can get in there and do what they do and that is put out the fire and secure that particular structure.
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>> because as you know, chief ramsey, if there are any gas tanks or anything like that, there could be explosions which could be very dangerous. >> exactly right. and that is why i think it was some urgency to try to get that fire under control, not so much because of wendy's burning but the fact of what is nearby that could cause an even larger problem. and of course with all the people out there standing around, you're putting them at risk as well. i think they are doing the right thing to clear that area, let the firemen do what they do, and the whole area will be more secure. >> let me get our guest, retired lapd sergeant in this conversation. what is your analysis right now of what you're seeing? >> well, i would just say that the chief is correct in that the officers are going to create a path and safe way for the firefighters to come in and do
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what they need to do. let me double back to the conversations we were having about what needs to happen and say another name i think a lot of people have forgotten about. there's been much said about walter scott but there is another young black man who fell asleep at a drive through, willy mccoy killed by vallejo police department. what i know, wolf, is as a patrol officer and patrol supervisor the things that are being talked about and bantamweight erd around about what should be changed in the ivory tower over on the a.t.l. police department means nothing to patrol officers. unless and until you hold officers personally accountable for the bad doing this is going to continue to happen. it is a real easy fix. officers who commit policy violations, criminal acts, need to be removed from the department. they should probably be stripped of their post, peace officer standard and trainings certification so they can't go to another department, and criminally charged. once that starts happening then we'll train officers that when you do bad deeds, bad things happen. >> that is an important point.
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cedric alexander is with us as well the former president of the national organization of black law enforcement executives. you were, cedric was also the public safety director of dekalb county right near atlanta as well. so the police have lined up, blocking off the area to allow firefighters to do their job, but this is, clearly, still an awful situation, cedric, and very, very dangerous. >> very dangerous situation. it is probably going to be a long night as well for the city, too. this is going to continue to possibly escalate. you see officers there moving in. and they're trying to set up perimeters it appears and doing what they need to do to try to keep those that are out there protesting safe but also trying to keep the adjoining community safe. so they are up for a big challenge there tonight.
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>> and the immediate mission, cedric, is to let the firefighters do their job and stop the blaze. stop the fire from expanding and destroying first of all more property but endangering lives at the same time. you see the texaco gas station right nearby. >> yes. that is very risky, a very dangerous situation there. because we don't know, still, maybe, whether there's other tanks underground there that may explode and that could have devastating effects on anybody that is in and around there. so it is going to be a very tough job for our firemen there tonight, for their firefighters there tonight, but i think everybody is going to be in for the long haul because it is going to be a long evening there into the night. i can only encourage people who are out there tonight, please, please cooperate with the authorities that are out there to keep you safe. so that you can protest peacefully because that is
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hugely important so that you don't lose focus of the reason for being there and that is to contest what happened to mr. brooks last night. so please try to remain calm. protest as much as you want but do it peacefully. >> yes. good advice from cedric. cornell william brooks is with us as well. give the big picture, the awful situation that has unfolded. you are the former president and ceo of the naacp. you are now at the harvard kennedy school. step back and explain to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world why this situation in atlanta has exploded the way it has over the past few hours. >> well, this situation is tragically classic. so having participated in many peaceful protests and demonstrations around the country and traveled to crises in terms of police brutality,
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what we see is a police homicide, going viral by means of video. people responding to it with outrage and anger. and we often see a glacial response in this particular instance in atlanta we see a fast response. but the problem is that this video, this police homicide occurs in the wake of ahmaud arbery, in the wake of george floyd, breonna taylor, and so many others. so we've reached this point where the people have simply experienced too much. so we have dynamic where we have those in law enforcement calling for restraint on the part of the protesters. we call on them to engage in peaceful protests. well, yes. most people want to engage in peaceful protests but they also
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want impactful protests. they want protests with results. they want protests with change. they want protests with justice. one of the best ways to ensure peaceful protests is for the mayor, the governor to talk about what they're going to do in response to the protests as opposed to merely calling for law and order around the protests. be clear about this. violence is bad. arson is bad. why? because a fire can spread from those things which you can insure to lives which you cannot bring back. violence the tragic. it is awful. we don't need to engage in that. one of the best ways for us to keep these protests peaceful is to respond and de-escalate not just on the street corner, de-escalate in terms of congress. de-escalate by putting forth policies in real time to transform policing. be clear about this. trying to give the people a
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sleeping pill, induce them into some kind of social justice state of narcolepsy will not work. we are long past that. law enforcement has to be in the lead and we need to hear from the fraternal order of police, from the police chiefs, we need to have law enforcement out front calling for as much change as quickly as possible and taking the side of protesters as opposed to merely taking a knee with protesters. >> it's been almost three weeks since george floyd was killed, a police officer having his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes, eight minutes and 46 seconds. now we're seeing what is happening in atlanta with rayshard brooks 27 years old shot and killed by a police officer at a wendy's which is now engulfed in flames. we'll take a quick break. our special coverage here in "the situation room" will continue right after this.
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welcome back. we're continuing to follow breaking news. you see what is happening there in atlanta. that flame, the fire still continues at the wendy's where the incident occurred resulting in the shooting death by police of rayshard brooks last night. in washington protesters are marching right now. these are live pictures from the nation's capital. we're told that a small group of protesters marched from lafayette square right near the white house through downtown washington then out to a highway that runs from d.c. to northern virginia.
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the demonstrators could be seen from cnn affiliate wjla marching out of d.c. using both incoming and outgoing lanes of interstate 395. the group was peaceful and marched with music blaring. at one point a video was captured of protesters and medics taking a knee on the highway as they marched here in the washington, d.c. area. we are also told police cars were seen following the protesters from a distance but were not just there. they let the demonstrators continue on their way. this is similar to what a separate group of protesters did on the same highway slightly further north. this is continuing in washington. live pictures coming in at 11:22 p.m. here in the nation's capital in atlanta. the struggle there continues as well. police are dealing with huge fire that has erupted at that wendy's where the incident occurred last night. we're going to follow the protests in washington and in atlanta. cheryl dorsey retired lapd sergeant author of "black and blue" is with us as well.
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this is clearly a tense moment. not only in atlanta but in other cities as well. i assume you agree. >> absolutely. listen, we didn't even get a chance to get a scab on the wound from the murder of george floyd and here we go again. that is why it is so important that these officers be held accountable. each and every one who we are able to identify as someone who understands that deadly force is something you just use whenever you want to and then you come up and manufacture reasonable, something that sounds reasonable to you. unreasonable to us. unless and until there is accountability that is what justice looks like. accountability. officers understand when their peers start disappearing from the ranks because they are sitting in court facing murder charges, they'll stop this stuff yesterday. >> you know, it is interesting. we just got a tweet from the atlanta fire department saying, atlanta fire units are standing
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by until they can safely get to the fire burning at wendy's. restaurant is fully involved and adjacent to a gas station. no reports of anyone inside the location. but the fact that the gas station is right nearby and those flames could expand to the gas station, that could potentially endanger a lot of people, cheryl, as you know. >> absolutely. listen, this is why all this talk about defunding and moving resources is problematic for me because when you move resources sometimes that can lend to fewer patrol officers and those are the folks that are going to be standing centry and making sure firefighters can go in and do their job and be safe as they try to put these fires out. we all depend on one another and i don't know that there is any civilian panel, group that could come and do what police officers do day in and day out. >> the atlanta journal constitution is now reporting a group of protesters, we don't have video, has gathered outside the atlanta police third
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precinct near grant park in atlanta as well. clearly, these incidents are continuing. cedric alexander is still with us former public safety director dekalb county in the atlanta area as well. what do you think, a very, very tense moment. we're showing viewers live pictures of atlanta police on the scene trying to deal with this, that fire not too far away from where they are. >> well, as i said before, it is going to be a long night there in atlanta. it is very tense. it is very fluid. people are moving throughout that community there. which means that you're going to have to have police officers that may potentially be stretched a little thin but it is going to be huge challenges for them tonight. and probably one of the best things that could happen as people stay out of that area and until this is a little bit more under control than it is now.
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because the whole idea here is to try to get through the night without any injury. anyone getting hurt. citizens or officers. and it is a real, you know, just a real tense environment right now. but we're going to see, wolf, across this country these protesters, these protests will continue, and they'll continue until people feel like they're being heard. here again as one of your guests said it just seems like before one thing can reach any type of resolution, something else happens. unfortunately, that is where we are. people are feeling that they cannot trust police in many parts of our communities across this country, and that it should be problematic not just for those communities but for this entire nation. because this truly is an american problem that we're going to have to address at all levels of government. federal level, state level, and local level, travel levels, all
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of them. let me say as a former police executive, when you start talking accountability, accountability runs from the elected officials, appointed officials, police chiefs, right on down to the last person hired. there has to be accountability up and down the chain of command. and in order to have good policing, we have to make sure that we're recruiting the right persons. people who have a sense of community as guardians and not as warriors. we also have to make sure that we train them well. and they have to be supervised well. and we have to place them in police environments in which they would have an opportunity to grow with some sense of balance and not be prejudiced by anyone around anything around any isms. that requires good supervision and unique leadership from the top of the organization.
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so it is incumbent upon our elected officials to make sure that they appoint the right people to those positions. it is important among voters to make sure you elect the right sheriff in those positions. and that everyone is held accountable right down to the last person hired because people are fed up. people don't want to feel afraid anymore. they don't want to feel anxious anymore. they want to feel like they can walk around in whatever color skin they are in and whatever their gender may happen to be or their sexual preference, sexual orientation or religious preference, whatever it may happen to be people should be able to not fear anyone and certainly not fear public safety. >> clearly, a very tense situation continuing in atlanta right now. i suspect cedric alexander is right. this is going to continue late into the night. we are staying on top of it. we have our reporters and analysts on the scene.
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we're following the protests nationwide as they are unfolding right now. the 19th day since the death of george floyd. and now a new anger and deep frustration over friday night's police shooting of 27-year-old rayshard brooks in atlanta.
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the protests are continuing in washington, d.c. you see on the left part of your screen what is happening in d.c. in the nation's capital a small group of protesters. they've been marching from lafayette square, an area near the white house through downtown washington then on to a highway that runs from d.c. into northern virginia. brian todd is joining us right now so brian you're on the phone. tell us what you're learning. >> wolf, we know the protesters started around the area of the white house around lafayette square where black lives matter plaza is located. they marched north of town into the lafayette square area and then east a couple blocks and then south and when they get to 14th street they march south toward the 14th street bridge on to the highway 395 south that leads into northern virginia. they got to around the area of the lincoln memorial at one point the protesters took a knee. they blocked traffic we believe in both directions coming into and out of northern virginia in
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washington, d.c. they turned around and marched back into downtown where we believe they still are. this is a small group of protesters. i don't want to put numbers on it but it is considered small by the standards of recent protests. we don't know specifically if this is directly related to the shooting of rayshard brooks last night but certainly related to george floyd, to the movement, to defund the police. we know protesters were in front of d.c. mayor bowser's home earlier today. again, protesting, you know, for the idea of defunding police a concept which the mayor has been a little bit noncommittal about supporting. she did order the black lives matter plaza be -- that sign be painted there on 16th street near the white house. and that that area of 16th street be renamed black lives matter plaza. then there was a sign that was
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painted in also a large yellow block letters that said, defund the police. now, muriel bowser did not necessarily support that sign. she didn't object. she said it is part of the movement but it was not intended to be part of the original mural. she has been very noncommittal as to whether she supports the idea of defunding police and that particular sign being there. we'll see what happens with that sign in the next few weeks i guess. but this is, you know, again a very peaceful protest in washington. you know, the coming days will be very interesting, wolf, to see if the protests grow, if they ebb and flow, if they remain peaceful. the killing of rayshard brooks last night kind of changes the equation all over the country as we know but so far tonight in d.c. as they march toward the 14th street bridge into virginia and turn back this has been very peaceful. >> we are showing our viewers some pictures.
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it looks like the protesters here in d.c. did get to 395 over there, stand there for a while. this is video we shot a little while ago, brian, and we see them blocking traffic so, clearly, no traffic moving on 395. a major interstate between washington, d.c. and northern virginia. it is interesting that they tried to move toward 395 and block traffic on 395 as protesters in atlanta following the shooting death of rayshard brooks blocked traffic on i-75 in atlanta for quite a while. it is opening up slowly but surely now but, clearly, looks like the protesters in d.c. wanted to do what the protesters in atlanta did but you say we don't know that for sure. >> we don't. this is a common tactic of protesters in the past several weeks since the killing of george floyd. they have done this in -- look. i was in philadelphia. they did it in philadelphia.
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they were tear gassed very heavily there. that was a mess frankly. but we also two weeks ago when we were covering the original -- the initial protests in washington, over the george floyd killing, they did go on 395 the same road you see them on tonight. they went on 395 a little bit further north from where they are tonight. and they went on and the police allowed them to do it. they blocked traffic but then they exited a couple blocks later. this is a very common tactic. the protesters often go on highways to make their point and block traffic and make things uncomfortable for motorists and call attention to the issues. very often they exit, you know, a short time later. it usually doesn't turn out to be a big issue. the police usually understand that. now, about a week and a half ago in philadelphia, again, the police kind of over reacted to a situation. they fired massive amounts of tear gas on to protesters on a highway in philadelphia. we were right there when it
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happened. we got caught up in the tear gas. and it was a real mess. usually the police are doing what the police in washington are doing tonight. they allow them to go on. they allow them to make their point on the highway and, you know, make that kind of point of symbolism and usually the protesters exit a short time later or turn around and get off at some point. that seems to be what happened tonight. i guess we don't quite know whether this is related to the shooting of rayshard brooks last night or not. it could very well be. but it is a common tactic for these protesters to go on to a highway because it is, clearly, something that gathers attention and disrupts things for a short period and then ebbs away. >> we are showing your viewers live pictures from atlanta. firefighters are there trying to get through the fire at the wendy's where the incident occurred. last night we were earlier showing pictures of the
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interstate 75. looks like it is open with cars moving. we saw some of that moving so there you see the cars are moving to a certain degree in atlanta as well. it is still not normal traffic as you can tell but a serious situation with a lot of police cars on the side over there. our cnn national security analyst is still with us, former assistant secretary with the department of homeland security. these are tense moments here in the united states. people are watching what is going on. individuals, african-american men shot and killed in this particular case in atlanta right now, rayshard brooks. it follows only less than three weeks ago george floyd who was killed by a police officer after that police officer had his knee on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds or so. these presumably are going to continue, the protests will continue and i don't know about
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you but i am deeply worried about what is going on. >> so i'm not worried. this is a movement and we've had movements and social justice movements in the u.s. before. i think what is happening is black lives matter and others are peacefully demonstrating for the most part. there was one bad night about nine months ago and there is an incident in atlanta but that is not mayhem or riot. that seems to be limited to a small area, not in downtown atlanta. so overall, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have protested peacefully. i think we should make that clear that that is exactly what is being reflected. i do think like you that we should be worried about the summer for a couple reasons. one is of course just one bad thing happening can ignite something. so every mayor and every police chief has to anticipate that there is going to be protests throughout the summer especially if there is another killing like
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we saw in atlanta and be prepared for it. learn to de-escalate. do not use tear gas. tear gas has been a disaster in terms of social protests and just escalates everyone. and work with community leaders to make sure that the protests remain peaceful. meanwhile, you know, if things get worse over time you have to sort of fortify these communities in the sense of you do need to protect community members who are not violent and so you will need a surge of capacity and that is what mayors have to plan for. that it is not bad and then it could get bad. if we can start from that position, which is basically what we're seeing on the streets, peaceful protests with pockets of bad behavior, i think we'll see a much calmer summer than we saw say about ten days ago. and i think mayors and police chiefs are getting that. they can't promise there won't be violence. i do have to say one thing. governor kemp not known for
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being a member of black lives matter, he is dealing with a horrible election that happened this tuesday that essentially disenfranchised minority communities in atlanta. brian kemp also governor kemp also said something important about trying to de-escalate. that would be the way we would want it to work out over the summer to protect peaceful protesters and let this movement flourish as i think we're seeing the american public wanting it to in terms of the american public support. >> yeah, and keisha lance bottoms the mayor of atlanta immediately accepted the resignation of the police chief erika shields who is staying with the department but not the police chief, immediately accepted her resignation. we are looking at these pictures from earlier in the day of what happened in atlanta. you see the tear gas there. much more of our special coverage coming up. you hear that? that's your weathered deck, crying for help.
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here's what we want everyone to do. count all the hugs you haven't given. all the hands you haven't held. all the dinners you didn't share with friends. the trips you haven't taken. keep track of them. each one means one less person vulnerable, one less person exposed, and one step closer to a healthier community. so for now, keep your distance. but don't lose count. we'll have some catching up to do.
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welcome back. we're covering the protests today across the country including of course in atlanta which has seen protesters shutting down an interstate just south of downtown. burning of the wendy's where 27-year-old named rayshard brooks was fatally shot by police last night. that followed, that was followed by a statement from the atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms where
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she took swift action. listen to this. >> i do not believe that this was a justified use of deadly force and have called for the immediate termination of the officer. chief shields has offered to immediately step aside as police chief, so that the city may move forward with urgency in rebuilding the trust so desperately needed throughout our communities. >> the atlanta mayor quickly accepting the resignation of the chief of police, erika shields, an action which so far appears to have done not much to calm tension on the streets of atlanta. cornell william brooks, what do you think? she acted very quickly, mayor keisha lance bottoms, but you saw what happened in the hours that followed. >> yes. the mayor acted with dispatch and speed but her challenges that she is acting with speed with respect to an atlanta
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problem, a state wide, and a national problem, that for which the reforms and transformation of policing have moved glacially. and so i think this is an important moment for us to seriously consider defunding those things that don't work and investing in those things which do work in terms of policing. it doesn't mean that when you dial 911 there is no one at the end of the line but it does mean that we invest in community related solutions that bring about public safety. let me note this. president donald john trump in some ways has provided an advertisement or argument if you will for investing in policing that does work as opposed to policing that does not work. each year for years on end during his presidency, he has called for an end to the community relations service, the
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peacekeepers of the department of justice. that is to say those government officials that go in to restore peace and ensure peaceful protests from the department of justice. he's called for them to be zeroed out in each of his budgets. that is an argument or advertisement for investing in things which don't work as opposed to those that do, those things which promote peace, nonviolence, community solutions, by, yes, protesters on the ground but also those in blue wearing gold badges. be clear about this. this is a moment. i want to be very, very clear about this. we don't have hashtags and human bodies to waste. and so that means responding with policy. the mayor can accept the resignation of a police chief but unless we see a fundamental restructuring, fundamental reform and transformation of american policing in terms of accountability on the back end,
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prevention and training on the front end, and a thorough, thorough cleansing of the culture of policing, you can accept the resignations of a thousand police chiefs and it won't make a difference with respect to the thousand people who lose their lives at the hands of the police each and every year. we need more than that. >> yeah, i want to act very decisively, very quickly. but the protest escalated. and then, it got really ugly. >> yeah. well, the problem is, yes, the mayor did act quickly in firing that officer. but you'll recall, she fired a couple officers a couple weeks ago, at least a week ago, when they pulled two students out of their cars during the protests following george floyd's murder. so firing one officer or two officers, three officers, is not going to solve this problem. and protestors are sophisticated. and they are tired of the band-aid that's being put on
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this hemorrhage. and they know real change, and they know when it's not real change. so firing an officer, accepting the resignation of a police chief, yeah, those things are automatic. they should happen. but that's not getting at the systemic problem that plagues the atlanta police department, that we saw plagues the minneapolis police department. the l.a. police department, and so many other police departments around this country. and cornell talked about the lack of money that was put in the trump's budget for doing those things that work in communities. we also have to look at what's happening at the justice department, under attorney general eric holder, the justice department. the civil rights department of the u.s. attorney's office would go in and do pattern and practice investigations of police departments, to root out systemic racism. all of that was pretty much dismantled under the current attorney general, under the current administration. so these are systemic problems, and they require systemic responses. boston just declared racism a public-health emergency. i think cities around this
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country need to follow that example, and start to look at the issue of race and racism. and start to address the systemic problems because one officer being fired, a police chief resigning, is not going to get at the root of these huge problems that we face in this country. and it is not going to satisfy protestors who are incredibly sophisticated. >> alexander's still with us, as well, former public safety director dekalb county. where do you think this is heading, cedric, in the next few hours? >> well, for the next few hours, we're probably going to see just what we're seeing right now. but it's going to be a minute-by-minute experience, as it relates to how people are feeling, in this very moment but i would like to go back for a second, if i could, wolf. and kind of reverberate a couple things that mr. brooks and riva just said. those are very profound statements they made, in the
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sense that what is going to need to happen is that city mayors and managers are going to have to begin to appoint chiefs of police, who have a vision. not some vision that is based on superficial understanding of what policing should be about. but someone who truly has the ability to understand how to go in, change a culture that is dysfunctional. unfortunately, across this country when it comes to policing, they are dysfunctional. and they have had experience patterns and practices that i can account for because i did some of that work several years ago at the justice department under then-director davis. but let me be clear about this. the next generation of chiefs are going to have to be smart. they're going to have to know how to connect to the community. they're going to have to know how to lead men and women of a variety different backgrounds and cultures, in order to give them a charge and give them the
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influence they need to go out and carry out a very special duty. and that is being guardians. because changing the culture inside of our police departments is what's going to make the difference. and it's going to have to be wholesale changes that are made. but, at the same time, as we go through a period of time, wolf, it is -- it becomes very important, still, we do not marginalize the great work that the good men and women are still out there doing. even keeping those citizens safe tonight. >> cornell, i want you to listen to what the director of the gbi, the georgia bureau of investigation, vic reynolds, said earlier. listen to this. >> we have now seen full vdl from the restaurant showing this gentleman entering into the video frame, running or fleeing from atlanta police officers. it appears that he has, in his hand, the taser. you can see that, at least to the naked eye, that's what it appears. he runs a relatively short distance. looks like it's probably five,
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six, seven parking spaces' distance. and, at that point, turns around. and, it appears to the eye, that he points a taser at the atlanta officer. at that point, the atlanta officer reaches down and retrieves his weapon from his holster, discharges it, strikes mr. brooks there, on the parking lot, and he goes down. >> all right. very quickly, cornell. give us your analysis of what we just heard. >> what we heard was a description of -- bare-bone description of what happened without, i think, an explanation for the cause of this young man's -- the cause of this young man losing his life. namely, this young man allegedly pointed a non-deadly weapon at an officer, while fleeing. the point being, here, is having a bare-boned excuse to kill someone is still an excuse.
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it is not a sufficient rationale for taking a person's life. a taser is nondeadly weapon. and the fact that this man sleeping in his car at wendy's, and ends up dead. ends up a hashtag. ends up another black life lost? because he pointed a taser while running? this is walter scott revisited in 2020. let's be clear about this. those days are over. those explanations are unnecessary and insufficient. and the fact of the matter is the georgia bureau of investigation has 48 police homicides that they've been asked to investigate. that says all we need to know about what kind of a problem there is in georgia and in the rest of the country. >> all right. you know, it's important that i -- we just learned, cornell, that the atlanta police officer, who shot and killed rayshard brooks has now been officially fired from the police department. we' we're going to continue to monitor all these developments.
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guys, thank you, very much. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'll be back tomorrow with another special edition of "the situation room." that's tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern. our live coverage, here, on cnn, continues next with michael holmes. if you have a garden you know, weeds are low down little scoundrels. draw the line with roundup. the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years. the first and only full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel available over-the-counter. new voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement.
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9:00 pm
this is cnn breaking news. hello. and welcome to our viewers, here, in the united states and all around the world. i am michael holmes and we begin with that latest flashpoint. tensions over police violence, right here, in atlanta, where police shot and killed an african-american man


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