tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 15, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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country of the here in washington, a landmark supreme court ruling gives new protections to the lbgtq community in the workplace. new numbers showing coronavirus trend lines in much of the country. some health experts now worrying the united states could again be approaching a crisis point. also today, a new infliction point in the protests for racial justice because there is sadly now another name added to the list of black men to die at hands of police. we expect to hear any moment now from the family of rayshard brooks. you see the pictures there. brooks died after nearly half an hour long interaction with police at an atlanta wendy's friday night. that interaction turning from routine to deadly. protesters burning that wendy's down over the weekend and occupied the streets throughout the day on sunday. today there is a march on the georgia state capitol as lawmakers return to work there. brooks' death brought an immediate and dramatic shake-up in the atlanta police department. the officer who shot brooks fired. the other officer on the scene put on leave. atlanta's police chief resigned.
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the big question now is will the officers face charges for what the evidence very clearly indicates was an entirely avoidable tragedy. and some giant action here in washington, d.c. this morning. a court decision with major consequences in the american workplace. the united states supreme court with a landmark decision last hour. the high court now says employers cannot fire their workers because that worker is gay or transgender. cnn's jessica schneider joins us now from outside the courthouse. jessica, 6-3 landmark ruling. take us inside. >> reporter: john, a landmark ruling, a massive victory for transgender individuals, gay individuals, and this ruling all at the hands of the conservative anchor of this court. the man appointed by the president neil gorsuch. this was a 6-3 opinion. not only was it written by neil gorsuch, but it was also joined by chief justice john roberts, two conservatives joining with the liberal wing to say that
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discrimination against transgender and gay individuals is now against the law. believe it or not, before this ruling, it was in fact lawful for employers to fire or discriminate their workers on the basis of their sexual orientation or their transgender status. neil gorsuch setting for the a new rule as it pertains to the civil rights act of 1964 putting it this way, that an employer who fires an individual for being gay or transgender defies the law. neil gorsuch, a staunch conservative appointed by president trump, but it was during oral arguments that neil gorsuch indicated he was leaning this way to rule in favor of the gay and transgender community. he's a texturalists, looks at the actual laws that the congress has written, and in this law congress says you can not discriminate on the basies of sex. neil gores such said that you can't differentiate sex from transgender or gay status. he put it this way.
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he said it's impossible to discriminate a person for being homosexual or transgender but the discriminating against the individual based on sex. it's also notable that chief justice roberts joined this opinion. chief justice roberts was the one in to is a in that reeling that legalized gay marriage across the country. justice roberts read his digs sent from the bench and now justice roberts siding with the gay and transgender community. this is a huge victory. there were three plans who brought this case. amy stevens, i spoke with her back in the fall when oral argots was being held here. she was a transgender female who told her boss, a funeral director owner, a funeral homeowner, i should say. she told her boss years ago he was transitioning to female. he then was fired and
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unfortunately, john, she passed away one month ago but this massive victory not being enjoyed by her but her wife. there are is.8 million americans who transgender or gay and they are now protected under the law. >> you can hear the winning parties celebrating on the steps of the court. jessica schneider outside the supreme court on this day, a decision about fairness and justice comes in the middle-of-other conversations about fairness and justice in the united states to. that point let's move on to the other big story. the death of rayshard brooks. in a police encounter friday night, sparking more national outrage, over the discussion of racial injustices. boris johnson joins us for with more on the march. take us inside and tell us more
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of what you're streak. >> reporter: yeah, john, it started two hours ago at a federal building about half a mile from where we are. the georgia naacp setting up about a boz speakers. the head coach of the atlanta hawks, jeezy, a local rapper prominent in the atlanta community, a um in other speakers, local regulators as well and then we marched that half mile over here to the state capitol where there are speechers ongoing. it's an enormous crowd, john, a sea of people out here. they are protesting not only for better relations between police and african-american community but also the repeal of the citizens arrest law in georgia, a repeal of a stand your ground law in georgia. i spoke to her mom who had an entire family here. her two young daughters were marching with the protesters, and she told me that this is so crucial for the future for future generations and to feel like change is possible and to bring their voices directly to the lawmakers of this state and
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to a national audience as well. >> boris sanchez, thank you. now to natasha chen. you're waiting to hear from the family of mr. brooks whose family believes sad i will, are just like the family of george floyd, that this was a murder. >> reporter: that's right, john. so we're waiting any minute for this family to come in. we're expecting as many as ten family members to be address the media today. not sure how many of them will actually be speaking but that includes the widow of rayshard brooks his tameka miller. she's been speaking to other media outlets and she did say that she considers this murder. she wants to seat officers involved put behind bars because she -- as she told cbs, she said if that were her husband who had shot and killed someone, he would likely be serving a life sentence, and she said she wants to see the officers treated in this same way. now, of course the family is waiting to see what the fulton county district attorney will
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do. the d.a. has told cnn over the weekend that he he expects to announce possible charges on wednesday, sometime around wednesday, and that he's considering charges such as involuntary manslaughter, murder and felony murder. we saw autopsy results that show that rayshard brooks was shot twice in the back, that the officer involved in this shooting, garrett rolfe, has been terminated from the atlanta police department, and police chief erica shields offered her resignation less than 24 hours after this incident. john? >> natasha chen on scene for us. we'll go back there live as soon as the brooks family comes out to speak about this horrible tragedy. thank you. a minute-by-minute watch of the police surveillance camera shows rayshard brooks complied over and over with police instructions before his death. he moved his car, got out of his car, agreed to a pat-down and submitted to a sobriety test.
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officers spent 24 minutes on the scene before handcuffing him. that's when brooks struggled, grabbed a taser and ran. officers garrett o rolfe drew thinks own taser and fired and it then he drew his handgun and fired it three times, an aups as natasha just noted confirms what you see on the video. brooks died of gunshot wounds to the back. here with us to share their expertise and insights is the former sergeant for lapd sheryl doris to and cnn legal anitivity joey jackson. i want to get right to the top. there are people who said he grabbed the taser and he resisted and, therefore, it escalated and things happened. if you watch the video, and the autopsy says he was shot twice in the back. thereto was no reason for this to happen, was there? >> absolutely not. deadly force is to be used as a last resort. that's after you've tried everything, and everything would have included setting up a perimeter, requesting backup, requesting and air unit, a helicopter, describe the suspect and the direction of travel to
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responding units. set up a perimeter and contain him within that. should he slip the perimeter, you already know who he is. you have his driver's license and vehicle. there are so many other things that the officers could have done but poor tactics always, always lead to a poor shooting and now we know having heard in the form of the officers, intent can be formed in a minute. the officer was mad because he took his taser. i know police culture it. i was around it and did it for 20 years and that was punishment. >> that was punishment, you say. joey, i just want to read. this is the atlanta police department reasonable force standard. employees are prohibited from the unreasonable use of force against any person or property. employees will only use that force which is reasonable and necessary to effect an arrest, prevent an escape, necessarily remove the removal of a prisoners, defend an officers from physical assault or other lawful objectives. i'm not advocating it by any
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reasons but could an attorney that says in the standard that he was trying to prevent an escape as he was trying to run away. >> there's a lot more complexities that affect that. let's take you through the analysis. we know about the stop. certainly have seen the videotapes and we saw, of course, us a noted that there was repeated compliance until there was not. i think what they are going to analyze that as prosecutors there are three separate and independent things. item number one, in addition to the very important policy that you just indicated, item number one, was the officer at the time that the critical moment, right, when the shots were fired, was that officer in immediate fear of death or serious physical injury? what does the videotape show, the turning around of the taser, but then after that then the movement of rayshard brooks to leave. was that and could that be construed by the officer as immediate fear of death or serious physical injury?
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step number two, john, is this. was the use of force that was engaged in which the officers proportionate tote threat that was imposed at the time and item number three did the officer act reasonable under those circumstanceses? the supreme court has weighed in and said officers have to make split-second decisions. i would suspect that the defense will use, that the split second decision. at the moment what would a reasonable officer in that officer's position have done at the time, and that's where the debate will be. time, final point. there are two schools of thought. on the one hand the prosecutor can charge and allow a jury to make that determination. why? because reasonable mintz can differ. shouldn't that be a jury question as to whether the officer acted responsibly, whether he was in immediate fear of death, whether or not the force used was proportionate or the d.a. can take it out of a jury's hand and make their own decision. i would suspect it would be worthwhile for the jury to make
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that determination moving forward and that would honor the citizens as to whether or not it was proper and appropriate under these circumstances, and that is deadly force. >> you spoke about the police culture and i'm glad you're here today. inny in event they had mr. brooks' name and his car and he was running away. he hadn't committed a violent crime, expected of driving upped the influence, charged with running away. why can't they let him run? he's probably a little drunk, going to run out of gas up the street. yes, he has my taser but we are fine. why wouldn't you do that anyway? why is the training not built there and especially in this environment. if you're a police officer knowing the environment the country is in right now, why not just step back. let him run. >> listen, the training is there, and ordinarily a reasonable person would that, but these two officers were personally invested and there's a lot of ribbinging and teesing
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goes on when a suspect taken off with your taser, and i've witnessed that, seen that, and the officers said in his own words saying he took my f'ing taser. he took my f'ing taser, maybe thinking of all the days off for not maintaining your equipment properly. all of that was playing through the officer's mind and they were determined he would not get away with the taser. they couldn't catch him. their taser wasn't working. one of the officers fired it and it was ineffective. they knew the distance between them and him hand know how far a taser will reach. certainly they had other opportunities and because they couldn't catch him, when they finally fired the fatal shot. the officer who did it, you heard him celebrate saying i got it. it was about punishment and police culture and there's a
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price to pay. contempt of -- in the midst of what all of this is -- when all of this is going on you get tunnel vision and you also learn about all the others who have been able to kill with impunity that the department will cover you, minimize and mitigate, and that's what's going on right now. >> well, hopefully that part is changing. as we yet to hear from yet another family who has lost yet another family member at the hands of the police. it's inexcusable and unnecessary. this is paul howard, the district attorney of fulton county. he has to decide whether to charge officer rolfe and the other officer at the scene. listen to his take. >> on the georgia law when this second officer did not fire a shot, we are then required to show that he had some actual participation in the final act,
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so that's one of the things that we are weighing now, and as we've seen earlier, we hope to make a decision about that later on this week. >> help me with the issues at please for the second officer here. there's no direct officer. the other -- they could have pushed him or screamed or yet they did nothing. is the officer on the scene that was also part at pursuit, is he culpable? >> the analysis is very different than the incident related to officer chaufns in the george floyd case. the other officer's mere presence, yes, the officer was involved with respect to the tussle, yes, the officer was involved with respect to the chase. however, that officer separate and apart from his partner did not fire a shot. that plays in in a couple of
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ways. the first way it plays in is he didn't think it was necessary or appropriate. the second way was separate from the other officer. however, is there's a follow that force and lethal force should a last alternative. it shouldn't rise and fall on charges. it should rise and fall on whether or not something else could have been done. there's a feeling throughout the country and the marches throughout the country which i hasten to add include people of color and not people of color, white people, you know, spanish, asian. there's so much, right? people who are marching on the streets and the issue they are marching for is equal justice. issue they are marching for is why do you have to shoot first and ask questions later. getting back to the legal issues here i do think that the partner is in a separate situation so you could potentially see, john, charges against the person who fired the shot and no charges as
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against the partner this, you know, in the event that the d.a. decides to move that way. >> very much appreciate your insights and expertise here. taking a quick break and waiting for the family of mr. rayshard brooks outside of wendy's. we'll bring you that press conference in just a moment. now, staying home isn't just staying in the place they love. it's staying safe. home instead. to us, it's personal. thcan it helpber 360 smartkeep me asleep? now. home instead. absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable and now, save up to $600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. plus 0% interest for 48 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday.
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was shot and killed. it's fast tracked and recommendations are due by thursday. atlanta city council president freesha moore is with us already. thank you so much for your time for that. listen to the voice of tameka miller who today is a widow. >> it was murder that was not justified. >> reporter: why was it murderer? >> because he was shot, and he wasn't armed, wasn't dangerous and i never imagined it being at my front door, never imagined it being me and having to do this and go through and not feel that i felt the pain and now i really feel the pain. >> from what you've seen, in your position of authority and city council, you have to be careful in your words. do you agree that this was murder? >> well, i believe that the incident certainly was not justified in terms of the fact that he was running and he was going away from the police
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officer and not towards them, so i believe we all feel that other choices certainly should have been made and i'm not going to call it murder. i'm going to leave it for a court to make that decision, but i do not believe that he needed to be shot and killed. i accepted my condolences to her, the family, particularly the children. we all feel the pain here in atlanta. >> the city of atlanta is now where the city of minneapolis is in the sense that there's this raw pain, raw anger, raw sadness and a conversation about what to do about it in terms of structural police reforms. the mayor has the task force. you have been a strong advocate for reform, so do you think you're basically on the same page with the mayor, and, number two, what do you think needs to be done and what can be done very quickly? maybe some of this takes time. what can be done very quickly to get out of the box to prove to people on the streets that you
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get it and that you're going to change things? >> well, we're all collectively supporting each other. the mayor has a task force. the council will be meeting today. many members have differing pieces of legislation that they are introducing, and we're looking forward to moving those and looking at our budget in the police budget to see what we can do to reserve some of those funds and put them towards some police reforms. i believe that we need to move forward with other initiatives that we have not moved forward with the obama's 21st century policing, the wait initiative and there's other things to do initially and other things we can move forward on as we go about reforming and really transforming the way we do policing in the city and always across the country as well. >> ifity choose my words quickly and i mean no offense. if there's a moment of
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opportunity here, african-american leaders like yourself, mayors, presidents of the city council, stepping forward and saying we're going to get things done. you know what's happening out on the streets. people are skeptical of all politicians, that it won't just pass. what do you want to see in terms of a timetable, and, again, some of these things are more difficult and you're arguing with the police chief over what could become bureaucracy. how do you want to see this build out so you can start to build the building blocks of truck? >> first, we need to listen. i went out yesterday to the location where he was killed and i just listened. i didn't announce myself as a public official. i just listened to the raw anger and some of the things that people were saying need to happen. we need to listen to our constituency and put as many of those things in place as possible, and, of course, they have concerns about elected officials, and if elected officials are hearing my voice
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not only in atlanta but across the country, this is a new day and time and action is the words that people want to hear. they don't want to hear what we're going to. do they want to see it in action, so i would just suggest that we do everything that we can every day to move towards transforming the way policing is done in the city and how our citizens feel about pour police. >> felicia morris, president of the atlanta city council. we'll check back in as we go through this process. really grateful for your time today. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. best of luck. president trump also promising an executive order on policing. in a morning tweet he said he's doing just fine. here's what he tweeted. i've done for in four years than what joe biden has done in 40 years, including the vice president's position on black america. four years ago according to cnn's exit poll 8% of americans voted for the president, that in the 2016 election.
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fast forward to today, that number really hasn't changed, 8% of black voters in cnn's latest poll say they plan to support president trump in november. this as we're seeing an increase in both black hand white voters who say the issue of race relations, you can see the number there, is very important to those in this election. that number has doubled as the president prepares for his rally in tulsa this weekend. some say he's not spoken forcefully enough and, number two, he wants to come to the city where you are today to start rallies today and a lot of people are saying too much too soon. >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, this decision to bring the rall el here to tulsa has really opened up old wounds in this city for its black residents and even for many others that know that negotiate
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and it's callous for the president to do it around the time of juneteenth, a time of intense celebration. it does seem that the president's wish to push this acand he -- he said they needed to ease the tension, that they needed to not look like the president was trying to provoke african-americanss at this time. tulsa is a people already black residence feel like their concerns about policing being heard. meanwhile, there's a sense that president trump has to be tougher and there's a since he's not listeninging to what they want to day. ave spoken to a lot of people in
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tulsa who say there needs to be people in tulsa and those are things that he's not been particularly -- in order to move forward in november and appeal to black voters, the president wants to appeal black voters on economic issues, but he's resistant to discuss issues of racial discrimination and racial justice and that's what american alleys, all over the country, things that he needs to do a lot more of. >> abby, a separate issue for the president. thereto was a lot of talk over the weekend. he gave the addressment address at west point and was walking down the ramp, it was a little bit shaky. the president says no big deal. he said it was a little bit slippery. the internet suggesting that maybe the president was having some balance issues here.
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what do we know? >> yeah, but president trump also responded to this by tweeting about it, and i think it really contributed to the conversation around all of this. president trump has had these moments. there's video and him drinking water and holding it with both hands that have led for some people to ski about whether he's being transparent about his investment. president trump has criticized the health of his wifl joe biden and in 2016 he criticized the health of his rival hillary clinton, and new poem a will being -- his ability of how he
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can carry on normally. the campaign joking about whether or not joe biden is fit and now we're seeing democrats turning the tables on that message. >> repeated history of lack of transparency and leads to questions and skepticism. abby philip on the ground in tulsa. thank you. when we come back, a quick break waiting for the family of rayshard brooks in atlanta to speak of the horrific shooting of rayshard brooks at hands of the atlanta police department. we'll be right back. for the life behind every mask
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straight to atlanta now and the family of rayshard brooks. >> we are not here today to get into the specific minutia of the case. what we will be doing today is introducing you to the family of mr. brooks so that everyone will see and understand what was taken away from all of these people behind us. you going to hear from mr. brooks' niece and cousins and mr. brooks' wife as well, and hopefully you'll get to see and understand why this is very
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important and why this can't happen again, so first up you'll have chasity evans, mr. brooks' niece works will say a few words. >> my uncle rayshard on june 12th one of our biggest fears became our reality. in the only did we lose another black unarmed male. this time it landed on our front doorstep. blessed, mary and dream will never get to see their father again. in the only was he a girl dad, he was a loving husband, caring brother and most importantly to me an uncle i could depend on.
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rayshard brooks was silly. he had the brightest smile and the biggest heart and loved to dance since we were kids. me and my uncle are both 27 years of age, 27 years of age. no one walking this green earth expects to be shot and killed like trash in the street for falling asleep in a drive-through. rayshard has a family who loves him, who would have gladly came and got him so he could be with us today. the day after my uncle's murder, his oldest daughter said for her father in her birthday dress to come and take her skating and to look across the room and know that there's never a possibility anymore. that breaks my heart. me and my family are still grieving the loss of my grandfather when my uncle's life was horrifically taken away from
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him. not only are we hurt, we're angry? when does this stop? we're not only pleading for justice. we're pleading for change. where my uncle was killed is the same zone that we loved and lived all our life and the atlanta police department was there tearing up our city saying leave them alone and now sews same police took something away from my family than we'll never get back and that rayshard brooks. most of us have not slept or eaten since the george floyd killing. my uncle did not die in vain. his life mattered. george floyd's life mattered. breonna taylor's life mattered, michael brown's life mattered.
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i'm not only asking the city of atlanta to stand with with us, i'm asking for everyone in this nation to stand with us as we seek justice for rayshard. thank you. >> now you'll hear from his cousin tiara brooks. >> rayshard brooks, the name that may start a protest tomorrow or another day in the future. however, the man himself no longer has a future. he can no longer live in the present nor plan for tomorrow. no matter what had the different points of view are of his death, we must all agree to one fact, the fact that he was killed by the atlanta police department, the fact that someone's cousin,
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brother, uncle, nephew, father, companion and friend is no longer in this world. the trust that we have with the police force is broken, and the only way to heal some of these wounds is through a conviction and a drastic change with the police department, but honestly true justice will never prevail because we will never be able to bring back rayshard brooks. he will no longer be able to return to this world nor to his family. however, again, if we stand together and united as one, there will be no more cases similar to rayshard's. how many more protests will it
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take to ensure that the next victim isn't your cousin, your brother, your uncle, your nephew, your friend or your companion so that we can finally end the suffering of police excessive force? we are tired. guys, we're tired, and we're frustrated. most importantly we're heartbroken so we need justice for rayshard brooks. >> this is mr. brooks' cousin. his name is mr. allen. >> i'm going to try to make this brief and clear. first and foremost, we want to say we want to show our appreciation and thanks to everybody that has been out here
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supporting and helping us, and we encourage you to continue to do so and -- and i actually go by the name of decatur red. a lot of families try to reach out and find the family. i am the family, and if you're trying to help, you know, reach out to me so we can make sure that my cousin and his wife and family are taken care of. if you can't help financially, then keep helping with your voice and stay with the protests. again, i just want to tell you that we appreciate all the help. we appreciate the voices around the nation. we thank you. >> next i'm going to turn to attorney chris stewart. >> i tried to figure out a way to encompass everything that's going on and get rid of the division of one side verse the other and get the whole country to understand what's going on,
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and the first thing that came to mind is what we all just went through with the coronavirus outbreak. we all sheltered in place for months, losing our mind, and then we started seeing on the news large amounts of white americans demanding change, coming out and rallying in the streets and protesting and making their governments change laws so that we could start getting back to regular life, and as i sat stunned watching tv and watching so many of our white brothers and sisters out there rallying, protesting because they thought something was wrong with the current state of laws in their city or state, we didn't have a problem with it. that is their right as americans to demand changes, to demand laws change. so why is this so offensive or painful or off-putting when african-americans step forward
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to demand change against police brutality? why is it so wrong when we're protesting in the street when we see something wrong with police abuse? it's our god-given american right also, so it's a thing of unity when you see both sides of it. you have to support and vocalize your rights as we did, and we watched on tv and as people are doing in the streets now. demanding changes in laws, in policies, in accountability, in value of life where that a man that was running are away doesn't get shot twice in the back, and now there's a question of was it reckless or should he have used that force? let me tell you and show you why shooting in a crowded parking lot is so reckless and so unnecessary of what he did. a witness today sent us his vehicle which was hit by one of
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officer rolfe's bullets while he and his kids were in the car. a couple of feet up, and we would have another loss of life. so trying to justify the actions of shooting at mr. brooks as he's running away in a crowded wendy's parking lot when you can's hi catcan easily catch him later as what started off as a very non-confrontational situation, it can't be justified. it cannot be justified. otherwise, we're going to continue to lose lives from stray bullets shooting at someone that should never have been shot at, and people ask how could this have ended? why didn't -- why did he resist? it could have ended there. well, it also could have ended here. i can walk. my sister's house is right here.
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that's how this could have ended. it didn't have to go to that level, and that's what we're saying in america with policing. this type of empathy is gone. the courtesy of an officer, it wasn't like he was called there because mr. brooks had been swerving and was a danger to society. the first call was because a man was asleep. where is the empathy in just letting him walk home? that's what policing is supposed to be, no matter what color you are, but as i said that's broken. that's gone. we don't see that often, and we don't see it in the african-american community so just like the protest before that's what we're demanding, not just laws and policy changes but a mental change in policing which is missing. so we do want everybody's support. we're looking forward to the d.a.'s findings in this situation, and the only thing that we can ask for is some
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semblance of an idea of justice because there is no definition anymore of what it is, but what we know right now is that a man's life was taken when it should never have happened. >> right now we want to introduce everyone to -- to tameka, who many of you have met, and the kids, blessing, memory and dream. blessing, it was her eighth birthday when her father died. she had her birthday party on the same exact day that she found out her father was killed. she had her birthday dress on as all of you heard. she had cupcakes and friends over. she was supposed to go skating with her dad and that didn't happen, of course, so also -- also makai, his step -- son, he
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took care of him as well and tameka, you want to say a few woshds. >> i just want to thank everybody for all the protests and love and things that you have done. words can't explain how thankful i am for everything. even though i can't bring my husband back i know he's down smiling because his name will forever be remembered, and there is no justice that can ever make me feel happy about what's been done. i can never get my husband back. i can never get my best friend. i can never tell my daughter, oh, he's coming to take you skating or swimming lessons, so this is going to be a long time before i heal. it's going to be a long time before this family heals. like i said, i'm just thankful
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for everything that everyone is out there doing, and i just ask that if you could just keep it as peaceful protest that would be wonderful because we want to keep his name positive and great. >> lastly, we do want to acknowledge and thank tyler perry who we spoke with who we will be taken care of the funeral for the family, and it's support like that and people who are actually in this community that love the community that want healing and families like this to never have to go through something like this to step forward, and we want to thank him for such a generous move. three brief questions. the. >> have you ever discussed --
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[ inaudible ] >> i mean, we've watched it he was always like no, you know, t going to change. it's going to change. he always tried to stay positive about everything but we've had our incidents where we've had police officers stereotype my husband just because of tattoos on his face. it's really crazy. i'm scare d every day. my children go out. my husband go out. my family members go out. i'm scared every day because i don't know what they say. this just really tastartled me because i don't know if they're going to come home. >> it goes to the point where people ask why would he resist when they were trying to put him in handcuffs? well, they put george floyd in handcuffs and he was subsequently killed. so just getting put in handcuffs
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if you're an african-american doesn't mean oh you're going to get nicely take b ben to the back of a police car. especially watching this video of george floyd over and over again, his reaction may have been i'm not getting put in handcuffs, so we can't just toss it out because he resisted. george floyd didn't. and it ended the same way. >> this is something that is not new. it's not just with this george floyd. all of us, all of us, i know every black man standing behind me and woman, too, we have all been dealing with this from birth so that is a trauma that's deep. it's not something that just started two months ago. i still today dress like i dress, do what i do, i still feel nervous around police and that shouldn't be the case. so if you feel that way and then you see all of these things happening, of course you're going to feel some kind of way when the police come up to you and you know, you are somewhere
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where you know you're not in the perfect state of mind at that point in time. >> i think it was chasity who spoke about this. i think you mentioned it was your family asking people not to attack the police. can you talk about that moment and what it feels like now that that's the position u you took before? >> it makes you eat your words. i love atlanta. my family loves atlanta. and when they were busting out the windows at cnn center, we were like why they do this to our city? why are they burning police cars? this doesn't happen in our city. and it hit our front door. so not only does it happen in our city, it happens in cities
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everywhere. >> want to just one -- >> more about rashard brooks, what did he like to do? what did he -- >> rayshard is my first cousin. these people that you see behind you are his the sisters, his brothers, his nieces, his nephews, his first cousins. a week and a half ago, me and his older brother were playing chess and he just popped up and i said how you doing, man? you good? he said, i came because i needed to see my wife and my baby, it's my daughter birthday. i said you staying out of
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trouble, you all right? he said i'm fine. we shared a few drinks, a few p laughs. his big brother gave him a few doll alrea dollars and he left. he was always happy. he was always smiling. and kill one of his family members because he wasn't that type of dude. so you people that are looking around the world and you have your feelings before it happened to us, i could only guess at what you felt but now i understand. life shouldn't be this complicate. life shouldn't be where we have to feel some type of way if we see a police or somebody of a different color.
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i didn't come down here to talk media. i came in love for my people. if you ask how this young black man was, look at your children when you see them laugh. that innocence. that joy. that pureness of soul. and you had a glimpse of what we lost. you have a glimpse of what it feels like because tomorrow, we going to have to deal with it again. we going to have to bury him. we going to have to say we miss you and if we didn't say we love you enough, we got to apologize to him for not telling him that we loved him that much. my cousin, man.
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[ inaudible ] >> y'all took my cousin from me -- >> watching family members of rayshard brooks leave the room in atlanta. very emotional press conference. attorneys for the family. several members of the family, including the widow. let's listen again. tony stewart. >> i'm really not sure what else america needs to see. when we run a george floyd, we
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probably going to be back here in a few months with another case. >> the brooks family attorney now finally leaving the room. the family left earlier. mr. stewart saying i'll be back here in another couple of months with another case. family members emotional as they describe rayshard brooks. mr. brooks shot in the back twice by atlanta police officer in a wendy's parking lot. let's bring in chief charles ramsey, former chief, criminal defense attorney. joey jackson. chief, start with you. not really so much on a question of law and order because they were not getting into that much of the specifics of the case. one of the family members appealing for a saying that would be a step for healing, not the step, but a step. but what i was most struck by and i asked you as chief who's
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been a chief in large urban communities like atlanta. even philadelphia and, was the grace of this family even as their shared their pain. thanking people for their support. urging the protestors to continue their protests, but urging them to be peaceful in honor of the memory of rayshard brooks. >> that was an incredibly emotional and painful press c conference to watch. they did exhibit a lot of grace. i mean more strength than i may have had to be honest with you under similar circumstances. i want to first offer my condolences, but they need more than condolences. they need something to change. they may not be able to bring their loved one back, but they certainly don't want to see anything have to go through this. i've seen too many families suffer over the years. whether it's the result of an officer involved shooting or just violence that takes place in neighborhoods and we just should not have to go through this time and time and time and
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time again. so it's just a difficult situation and hopefully things will turn around. if we really put our minds to it and actually make that happen. >> joey, the chief says if we put our minds to it and make that happen, you heard attorney stewart out the door saying quite skeptical, i'll be back in another few months with another case. you heard the widow of brooks saying they were talking about the george floyd situation, saying no, that's not going to happen to me. saying he was an optimist. now that family sharing the pain that too many black families have had across america. >> cannot blame chris stewart for being skeptical. i hope we can do better as a society but him being there with the family experiencing the pain. what we saw is the human side on the other side of o excessive force that leads to death. the human side.
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the person dying being a brother. a person dying being a nephew. person dying being an uncle. a father. a brother of the community. that really has value and until we see life as having value, as seeing life as so much more than a suspect before you, but a human being who demands to be respected and who certainly could and should be alive, we're going to be at this place and i think that now if ever is a time for moment and change. we are seeing that throughout cities in america. where people are saying enough. and those people are a diverse bunch of people who are leading and charging and adding to the cause. the cause of reform. whether that reform comes in the form of defunding police. whether that means the reevaluation from top to bottom, the redistribution of resources, whether that means
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