tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 17, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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charge with the death penalty possible in atlanta. thank you for joining us. don't forget, you can watch "outfron"ou "outfront" any time anywhere. in the meantime, anderson cooper with "ac 360" takes over the coverage right now. erin, thanks very much. good evening, obstruction of justice is a way of life. i want to repeat that sentence. obstruction of justice is a way of life. now, who do you think that sentence is referring to? a mafia boss under indictment, a corrupt judge? no, the phrase is being used in reference to president donald j. bru trump not by adam schiff or nancy pelosi but john bolton. the president's own hand picked session cu security advisor. he says that of mr. trump in his memoir. in the book he says that mr. trump is quote no patriot and he details the things he says that he saw that led him to that conclusion. also tonight, the president is refusing to bud on his saturday
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rally in tulsa, the city, the state it's in and the states around it are seeing cases of coronavirus rising like they've never seen before plus part of my conversation with the daily show's trevor noah about race injustice in america as seen by someone who grew up where racial injustice apartheid was one the law of the land. first, though, charges in the killing of rayshard brooks that could lead to a death sentence for the now fired atlanta police officer who shot him twice in the back as he fled during a stop at a wendy's drive-through friday night. capital charges against a police officer. there were moments in the room, in the courtroom where those charges were announce that made people gasp. such as one fulton county d.a. paul howard junior showed a still frame of mr. brooks on the pavement dying and officer kicking him. not rendering medical assistance and checking if anyone else was hit by his gunshots. for some of the last moments for rayshard brooks' life as goodness knows what was going through his dying mind, a man
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that took the oath to protect the public was kicking him while he was down and dying and the other officer was standing on, on him. >> we were able to conclude that based on the way that these officers conducted themselves while mr. brooks was lying there, that the demeanor of the officers immediately after the shooting did not reflect any fear or danger of mr. brooks, but their actions really reflected other kinds of emotions. >> garrett rolth, the shooter, aggravated assault for standing on mr. brooks, neither has been arrested. they have been told to turn themselves in by tomorrow evening. late today cnn obtained a statement from his attorney saying in part the loss of life
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in any instance is tragic however, officer roth's actions were justified. then there is this video obtained of rayshard brooks interviewed just before or just this year just months before he was shot talking about what it's like to have been in prison, what it's like out when you get out of prison. >> i'm 27 years of age. you know, full-time carpenter, you know, i have three beautiful daughters. you know, and being incarcera d incarcerated, it has impacted my family by, you know, just me not being there. the time, you know, the bills, the me just being there, you know, for my kids, you know, teaching them, helping them with their homework, you know, helping raise them and my
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daughter, sometime, you know, i have to just, you know, it's hard of hard. me being incarcerated has taken away from me being present, you know, and when you're away, it's like the saying out of sight, out of mind. >> joining us is chris stewart, attorney for mr. brooke's family. what is your reaction to the charges today. are they appropriate? >> yeah, anderson, aren't you tired yet of having to fight so hard of marching the streets, fighting to get an arrest in what can easily be viewed factually and legally as an
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unjustified shooting of an unarmed man running away? every case is not going to be george floyd where we represent his daughter where we represent his daughter but that's the world we live in. >> i'm wondering, is this what you expected in terms of charges? >> yes, like i said, i leave the criminal matters up to the district attorneys in every case and every city that we have a situation like this and hope they know the facts and do their job and come to the conclusion. we had situations where we've been heart broken by the announcement and we've had somewhere it's step one towards justice. you have to let the criminal justice system play out and not be angry, not be upset on either side, just let the system play out how it is. just like in any case of hurter.
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>> it certainly seems the district attorney believes that emotion, anger, perhaps embarrassment they had a taser taken away from them. there was a range of emotions that were leading these officers or at least that one man to pull the trigger but brooks was known not to have a weapon on him other thanl t the taser they to >> that was mind blowing. his wife had to leave the courtroom when we found officer rolfe kicked him when he was on the ground dying. to me, as a lawyer, that shows his mental state. it wasn't fear for his life. he was enraged and angry from that scuffle and kicked him, which, you know.
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>> the second police officer who did not shoot mr. brooks agreed to be a state witness but tonight his attorney put out a statement saying his client has not agreed to testify or be a state witness and is pleading not guilty. does that make sense to you? do you know anything more about that? >> no, but it makes perfect sense. i made the statement. it says he is cooperating but hasn't technically agreed to be a state witness or whatever it is. the district attorney apparently already met with him and got whatever statements or evidence or agreements he needed so i'm sure that the officer and his team are statementing that now but i understand the pressure that he's probably under. everybody in the world is probably calling him, the unions to get him to not, you know, testify or partake in this situation to get mr. brooks justice. i understand the pressure and the hate that he's probably
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und under. >> people talk about reform. we hear from police unions all the time that nobody hates a bad cop more than a good cop. but yet, we don't see time and time again good cops stepping forward and saying yeah, we know who the bad cops are and the people we don't want to patrol are. nobody seems to step forward and stand up. when it was announced he would be testifying, that gave some people i think some hope and now, obviously, that seems to be not the case or at least he doesn't at that point want to do that. >> it gave me a lot of hope. and it made everything worth it when i always say that there are some phenomenal police officers out there and i catch heat for even acknowledging the good officers out there, but then i catch heat for going after
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officers that kill somebody unjustly and it gave me hope that while the time is really changing where officers are going to step forward and say no, no more. we see changes happening. i'm going to be part of the change even if i have to take personal loss, we're just not there yet. >> yeah. and it seems like the system doesn't allow that. >> no. >> would like to be able to do that but it doesn't -- it seems like the officers who do do that, they're the ones that end up getting punished. >> no, the system does not allow that. you know, i just see it all too often where i've had officers want to testify or have to get me information secretly or privately because they're scared of the repercussions of publicly
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supporting something they know was wrong. just look at the information that just came out that officer rolfe was involved in in 2015 where he shot another black man and that was hidden in a report. >> yeah. chris stewart, appreciate you being with us. we'll continue to follow. thank you. much more on what we heard today from the district attorney was remarkable the way he walked us at great length for the basis of charges and the photo not arresting rolfe immediately and officer brosnan denying he is turning to state's evidence. want to make sense of it with laura coats. what is your reaction to the charges in this back and forth on the other officer? >> well, first of all, the idea that right now we have an officer who is facing the death penalty for shooting a black man who did not have a gun on him and he was aware that he did not have a lethal weapon in the form of a taser on his person is
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really astounding. not to mention that you have cooperation to some extent from a fellow officer we're often aware of the blue code of silence and how it impacts prosecuti prosecution. we're seeing a lot of it unravel today to see there is not only charges against the officer who shot but also charges against him not just involving rayshard brooks but three people who were in the line of fire who were sitting in a car in that drive-through. it chose a comprehensive pursuit of justice in this case and i got to tell you, when i heard that the officer not only shouted i got him but also kicked him rather than rendering aid in that two plus minutes he was laying on the ground made my stomach turn and a lot of other people. you know what made me really raise my eyebrows, anderson, the fact normally what protects police officers is this idea of giving a benefit of the doubt by using a reasonable standard for officers. what is reasonable to an officer in that situation? well, the prosecutors look at
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the manuel and said they were fired for having excessive force. you can't shoot a taser at somebody who is running away, much less shoot a firearm. because that was excessive and for other factors, they tied it all in together and this could be a serious challenge that we've considered long term being a very hurdle-based supreme court precedent in a case decided today called grant versus connor. >> thank you. despite capital charges against him, plead not guilty. officer brosnan's attorney denying he's turning state's evidence. here to make sense -- we just talked to laura. we'll take a quick break and coming up next, we'll have more of rayshard brooks' own words from a few months ago from an earlier encounter. >> what we're learning from john bolton's book. what it says about the president and an author who has the lawmakers should have made a better case against the
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in the news tonight one fired police officer is charged with a capital crime and another faces serious charges. the next item is haunting. you'll see what might have been a story of struggle and redemption in video obtained exclusively by van jones. mr. brooks talks about live after incarceration and the impact its had on his family, trying for redemption he can see within reach and not know will never come. more from randi kaye. >> i'm 27 years of age. you know, full-time carpenter. >> reporter: that was rayshard brooks in february this year, just months before he was shot and killed by an atlanta police
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officer. >> i've always been the type of person to, you know, if you do some things that's wrong, you pay your debts to society. >> reporter: brooks shared his story about navigating the criminal justice system with a group called reconnect. >> i just feel like some of the system could, you know, look at us as individuals. we do have lives, you know. we're just a mistake we made, you know, and not just do us as if we are animals. you know, lock us away. when i did get arrested, you know, it was for a false imprisonment and financial credit card fraud. i got sentenced to do one year in prison. >> reporter: when he got out, brooks had no money, no car and a mountain of debt. >> for one individual to deal with all of these things at one point of time is just
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impossible. you have court costs, probation, just a lot of -- you have to have a lot of money. i'm fresh out of jail. >> reporter: fresh out of jail and in need of a job. >> you go to fill out your application and get to this question, have you ever been convicted of a crime or have you ever been arrested? you know, you're sitting there like oh my god. you know, just breaks your heart. it's hurting us, but it's hurting our families the most. you know, so as we go through these trials and tribulations, we made mistakes, and it just causes our kids to be angry inside, you know, and that's a hard feeling to stomach. >> reporter: all of this brooks says impacted his mental health. >> it hardened me at a point, you know, to like hey, you know,
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i have to have my guard up because the world is cruel. it took me seeing different things in the system makes you hardened to a point. >> reporter: what brooks needed most was help from the very system that locked up him. >> probation is not there with you every day like a mentor or something. they're not taking you out to find a job. you have to do these things on your own. you know, and i feel like it should be a way for you to have some kind of person like a mentor assigned to you to, you know, keep your track, keep your in the direction you need to be going. we can't get the time back but we can make up for it, you know. say i'm trying. i'm not the type of person to give up. you know, and i'm going to keep going until i make it to where i want to be. >> reporter: randi kaye, cnn, west palm beach, florida.
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>> rayshard brooks. joining us with his thoughts on the video and this case and how it fits into his own efforts with criminal justice reform is van jones. state admission is unjustly. van, that video, you know, there is power in hearing mr. brooks, hearing his voice, seeing him as someone not just in garainy footage from a police body cam. >> the opposite of criminalization is humanization. that was a dad. he was doing everything he could to try to get back on his feet, but this is not just a policing story. this is a story about probation, as well. why did he run? we have no idea why that police officer choose to shoot somebody in the back. we'll find that out in court. why did the guy run in the first place? he was on probation and our probation system is so punitive that anybody with any contact with a police officer at all is
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going to go back to prison. so he's there. he's drunk. he shouldn't have been sleeping in the car, but he realizes his whole life is about to be thrown down the gutter. he's going to lose his job, his apartment and his kids and everything so he ran. we have this unbelievable irony colliding on that parking lot right there where you have police with too much power and too little oversight and then people coming home from prison with too little opportunity and too much oversight so that literally any mistake that they make they go right back into the system. even if they are not committing any new crimes or minor infraction. you can go back to prison when you're on probation just if you have contact with an officer, even if there is no crime if you're late to a probation officer meeting, if you don't pay a fine or fee, you go back to prison and lose everything you have been scratching for. so if we're going to change the system, it's important to talk about police.
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it's important to talk about prisons, but you have 4.5 million people in the country on probation and parole in his situation and that system is a spider's web, anderson, of catch 22s. so good guys like that who did a dumb thing, who are trying and scratching and clawing, trying to get back, trying to be good, trying to help their kids, trying to get a job, they can't do it. they just can't do it, anderson. and it's not just him. you have too many people in prison caught up in prison, you've got 4.5 million people caught up in probation and parole who cannot get back on their feet. and it's -- when i saw this, i broke down because i've met so many young men like this. we have no idea. if he could have just been able to turn it around. if he could have been a great dad, great carpenter, maybe an entrepreneur. he could have helped people. not just the police, the
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probation and parole system has to change, as well. >> there is so much talk now obviously about, you know, does it need to be police who show up all the time on incidents that frankly a lot of police officers would prefer not to have to be involved with? things that don't require a gun, you know, social issues and family issues and obviously, sometimes police officers are absolutely necessary and life-saving -- >> all of these things got to be looked at. one of the things i'm glad about and hearing from both republicans and democrats, from people in congress and the white house about the need for what they are calling co-responders, having people who can show up in a situation like that without a gun and talk somebody down rather than shooting somebody down. you know, listen, law enforcement, i'm from a law enforcement family as you know. cops don't want to have to do this tiki tacky stuff but they
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are given a power trip they use too much force and don't respect people and don't respect the law. you know, i think in this case in particular, i think the reason people in atlanta are so upset is because this guy didn't have to die. he was trying to turn his life around. i'm glad there are charges against this cop but we need to change the system that made him so desperate that he ran in the first place. >> yeah. van jones, thank you. you can read a piece from van about this on right now. up next, what cnn learned from a copy of john bolton's new memoir. former national security adviser saying the president is erratic, foolish and a lot more when we continue. lay sets and more one of a kind finds. it all ships free. and with new deals every day you can explore endless options at every price point. get your outdoor oasis delivered fast so you can get
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we mentioned the words that might have been written about a mob boss but the 45th president of the quite in john bolton's book in a room where it happened. cnn obtained a copy. the justice department has gone to court for a second day seeking to stop publication and bolton spoke with abc news about the president and vladimir putin. >> i think putin thinks he can play him like a fiddle. i think putin is smart, tough and i think he sees that he's not faced with a serious adversary here. i don't think he's worried about donald trump. >> cnn chief political analyst gloria borger has been reading the book. she joins me now. gloria, this is epically fascinating. of all the bombshells that seem to be in the book, is there one that stands out above the rest? >> right. there is to me, anderson. we have to say, makes you wonder
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why john bolton didn't talk to congress about this but that's a debate for another time. the first thing that is most stunning to me is that the president actually pled with president xi of china to help him win the election. let me read this to you. they were having a conversation about american politics and then he says, trump then stunningly turned the conversation to the coming u.s. presidentialluding capability to the campaigns pleading to xi ensuring he would win. he strelszed tssed the importan farmers and soybeans and wheat. i would print trump's exact words he says but the government's prepublication review process has decided otherwise. in other words, he was muzzled about it. then let me give another example to you, anderson. then this is a conversation with xi in which the president apparently thinks that those
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camps for a muslim minority in china were actually a good idea. he said at the opening dinner of the g 20 meeting in june 2019 with only interpreters present, xi explained to trump why he was bay su basically building concentration camps in xinjiang. trump said that's exactly the right thing to do. the president signed a bill today that punishes china for those human rights abuses. >> wow. what -- >> hard to believe. >> yeah. what a coincidence they happen to do that. the book is detailing this. of usually, bolton's background in foreign policy and let's just remember, i mean, this is somebody the president picked from fox news to be his foreign policy advisor. it is a very important position that this man had. how much does he describe to the
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extend to where the president views everything from getting reelected and domestic political lens because it seems like everything. >> everything. everything. i think it may have come as a surprise to him in a way. he said that securing the second term was all that mattered and i'm going to give you another example here. so much that he was caring about reelection so much he wanted to keep his family out of every controversy. this is particularly damming, anderson. he says that you remember this, in november of 2018, trump came under fire for writing an unfettered defense of the crowned prince littered with exclamation points over the killing of jamal khashoggi but according to bolton's book, the main golfs to take away a story about ivanka trump using her personal email for government business, and here is the quote.
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this will divert from ivanka jump sa trump said according to the book if i read the statement in person, that will take over the ivanka thing. >> wow. >> it's unimaginable. >> wow. >> yeah. khashoggi murder. >> i mean, one -- i mean, i'm not that surprised because clearly ivanka is the star child that gets the focus from him and always has, but the fact that he actually thinks beyond his own needs, you know, i guess maybe that's a way to look at that as being a sweet gesture he's trying to help his daughter. >> sweet gesture, yeah. >> i'm just trying to be, you know, i'm trying to look for something. >> you're trying to be nice. yeah. it just remarkable. this is the murder of khashoggi. >> and the president of the united states. >> it's not a small story. this is the president of the united states whom, by the way, bolton also described as
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stunningly uninformed asking for example if finland were a part of russia and asking whether in fact our oldest ally great britain actually had nuclear weapons. so there you are. >> yeah. ruler of the free world. gloria stay with us. we'll bring in chief white house correspondent jim acosta. it's not necessarily even that there is a ton new, asking xi and telling him to continue to build concentration camps is obviously startling, but the fact that all this is coming from john bolton, you know, no liberal member of the deep state. >> no, absolutely not. i'll tell you, anderson, white house officials sent talking points to their sure jets thsur.
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that's a reason why administration follow filed t p temporary restraining order to block publication. much of the book has been written aboutiled temporary restraining order to block publication. much of the book has been written about. >> so they are climbing it's real? >> essentially, yes. they only took a meager attempt to say there are some items in the book that aren't true pointing to a tweet from the president and another statement from mick mulvaney's lawyer, the white house chief of staff. this is damming to have this kind of material from a former national security advisor and when you add to it the fact that the former chief of staff john kelly, the former defense secretary jim mattis have all had a pretty critical thing to say about this president in recent days. i mean, that goes to show you even though the president had said in the past he only hires the best people, it turns out these best people have terrible things to say about this
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president. one other thing we should point out, anderson, that is this, at this point, the white house is really just not trying to, you know, shut down this book in any measurable way. they are trying to block it in court, obviously, but kaley, the white house press secretary put out tweets a few minutes ago essentially saying john bolton said things praising the president in the past where is this john bolton now? you can read where he is now. he goes through it as gloria said this chapter and verse through so many different episodes and when you add to what we know about the ukraine controversy that led to the president's impeachment where he sought a kquid proquo, this additional over tour to xi after asking for russian's help to get hillary clinton's email in 2016, we now have a quid pro quo
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trilogy that expands the first term in office. remarkable. >> some day we'll hear from mick mulvaney when he writes his book when this is over. maybe it will be called got kicked out of the room when it happened. >> a lot of books. not a lot of courage. >> exactly. thanks so much. long lines in tall saulsa, okla awaiting president trump's rally saturday. details when we continue. these are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the extraordinary people in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. at novartis, we promise to do our part. as always, we're doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. if you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. we're here to help support you when you need us. take care, and be well. to learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit
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as president trump preps for his rally in oklahoma saturday, we have information hour irresponsible and dangerous the rally could be for public health. according to cnn analysis, ten states are seeing their highest average of new cases sin evce t pandemic began. almost all are along the sun belt including oklahoma that seen a 91% increase from a week earlier. only alabama saw a bigger spike. the health department in tulsa said the city set a new daily record for total positive cases. we should note that dr. anthony fauci member of the task force that doesn't speak with the president anymore, at least not in the last two weeks said he would not attend the rally due to his age and the risk of the
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virus spreading. joe biden hammered the president for holding the rally. >> we need to get back to the campaign and campaign rallies. he'll put people at risk as everyone pointed out. he's ready to do it as long as not with standing cdc guidance, as long as the people that show up sign a waiver promising they will not hold the campaign liable. [ laughter ] oh, man. >> joining me now to talk about the pandemic in oklahoma is a doctor with the university of oklahoma physicians. he also authored a letter signed by local health care workers asking the mayor to postpone the president's rally. the mayor said he will not. thanks for being with us. the letter you wrote to the mayor says as the city and state covid-19 numbers climb, it unthinkable this is seen as a logical choice but the rally is proceeding. what is your concern that will
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happen? >> you know, anderson, there are some things that you don't really need a lot of data to take a look at a situation and make a decision and without looking at the data, you can get a sense of the risk that a large gathering like this puts all of us in. you can also look at the data and we know now that we're seeing numbers that we haven't seen previously during the pandemic in terms of our daily new cases. we are in a spot right now where even without a potential gathering of this size, we're concerned with the trajectory of these positive cases. >> when asked about the rally today, the white house press secretary i want to play what she said. >> we are doing temperature checks, hand sanitizers, masks. when you come to the rally with any event, you assume a personal
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risk. that is just what you do. when you go to a baseball game, you assume a risk, that the part of life. that's the personal decision for americans whether to go to the rally, whether or not to go to the rally. >> apologize for the audio in that. sounds like she was at a rally. i'm curious to know if she's going to be down in the crowd with the tens of thousands of people milling around, cheering, yelling. i would be surprised but we'll wait and see. i suppose the concern you also just have from a medical standpoint is it's not just local impact this might have on people who live in tulsa, i mean, these are very likely people who are coming from other states, as well and are going to go back to those other states and we could very easily, you know, see the results of this in a number of states. >> yeah, you know, you take a look at some of the surrounding
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states specifically northwest arkansas. they're having a huge spike in cases, you know, you go to the south with texas having a huge spike in cases and you have all of these people coming into our city being packed into a 19,000 person arena and maybe more if they extend it into the convention center and then go back to their communities. i mean, the potential harm for this is very worrisome. >> doctor, appreciate what you do every day. thank you. joining me is our chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta. with the president moving forward with this, what is the reality of coronavirus now? where do things really stand? >> not quite, the story started several months ago with the big cities along the coast such as seattle and cities in california and new york having patients come in and over the last several months, we've seen what
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is happening. there are spikes in those areas initially and we can show sort of the status of things here in the country. you see the green line, the northeast. the spikes, but look at these other lines, anderson, as that green line has come down, the yellow line, the south is coming up and you get arizona which is about a third the size of new york in terms of the population that is soon going to probably surpass new york in terms of patients hospital ieized with covid. it was these waves across the country, hearing these waves terms a lot lately but started off in big cities, primary coastal cities with big international airports and you're starting to see these patients in other parts of the country. you mentioned already ten states have the highest rates now of infection since this pandemic began. 21 states are trending upward. so this, you know, this is -- we're still very much in things here for sure. i remind people that when you're looking at the case rates
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overall that you look at the number of infections but also hospitalizations. texas, arizona, north carolina are having some of the highest hospitalization rates, as well. so you've had michael osterholm on a lot. he says we're in the second inning of a nine-inning game. that the probably where we are still. >> so kind of hypocritical or manipulative i guess is hearing from the president, also now the vice president who told governors, you know, when you talk about this, you should stress that the reason things look like they're going up is because we're just testing so gosh darn much that we're going to have more positive cases because we're testing. which is i mean, it had -- there is a certain idiotic logic to it. people aren't going to the hospital more because there is more testing. >> you have to take one layer
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off this gosh darn argument and you'll see the truth to this. it may be counter intuitive but you do a lot of testing to bring down the numbers, not to have them go up. you find people infected and isolate them and slow down the transmission of the virus. that the the would point. you take a look at places. you have some examples here but in new york again for example where you are, anderson, as testing went up over time, what happened? the case rates started to actually come down so there you see the testing that's actually gone up over time and then in the next graph you see that the actual cases are come down. that's what should happen. increase in testing should lead to decrease in cases. by the way, if you talk about what the is the right amount of testing, we're doing about 500,000 pest evtests per day ro. some say we should be doing 5 million tests per day to get scenarios like new york. ten times as much as now. yes, we're testing as much as we used to but a small amountsanja
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have to have another town hall because we hoped this obviously would have gone away or been dealt with but we'll have another town hall tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. glad we're doing it because there is a lot of information out there and it's still around. look forward toiseeing you then. trever noah and his thoughts on the charges announced today on the police officer who killed rayshard brooks.
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it is a busy night. let's see what chris is working on. >> we've had a lot of changes in the last hour or so, anderson. we have extraordinary access inside the ray shard brooks case. there is apparently a potential revolt going on by police in atlanta because of the charges against the two officers today. dozens and dozens of officers
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according to our ryan young are not responding to calls or are calling in sick. this is basically their reaction of not wanting to work if this is what is happening. so we have the mayor of atlanta tonight. we also learned today, interesting things on the charges, one was the prosecutors don't see him as the only victim. they listed other ones. one of them is named melvin evans. he was there. he saw everything that happened in real time. he is with us tonight. we also have the attorneys for the other officer involved. not rolfe the one who did the shooting but officer brosnan the first to encounter rayshard brooks that night. his attorneys are here to clear up whether he is working with the state or is going to be a witness. they had been reporting he would be and then there was a statement put out by the attorneys that he would not be and what brosnan did that night was exemplary. they are here tonight as well.
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>> all right. about four minutes from now. thanks. still to come we'll talk to the daily show's trevor noah and his thoughts about the police officer who killed rayshard brooks. mercedes-benz suvs were engineered with only one mission in mind. to be the best. in the category, in the industry, in the world. now, get 0% apr financing up to 36 months on most models and 90-day first-payment deferral on any model. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill... ...can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some-rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system... ...attacks your joints.
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5:59 pm
6:00 pm
version on sunday at 10:00 p.m. here on cnn. the news continues now. thank you very much. there is a lot changing here in real time. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "primetime." we've got extraordinary access to the key elements of the rayshard brooks case for you. we have an exclusive interview with a name who today was named as an additional victim by prosecutors, certainly a key witness in the police killing of rayshard brooks. you'll hear his story. this comes as we get new information about a potential revolt by atlanta police officers. we have the mayor of atlanta here with us tonight to respond to what we are being told reportedly is dozens of officers calling in sick. or failing to answer calls because of the remarkable charges filed today against the atlanta cop who killed rayshard brooks. felony murder and ten other counts. the district attorney says the
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