tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 21, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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not quite meeting expectations. president trump promised a packed rally and thousands in an overflow area in tulsa, oklahoma. he didn't get either. on stage, the president made a controversial claim saying he asked for less coronavirus testing, the white house is playing it down. the democrats seizing on it. also this hour, a top federal attorney is out after a power struggle with the white house. live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world, i'm natalie allen. "cnn newsroom" starts right now.
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it is 5:00 a.m. here in atlanta, georgia. we appreciate you joining us. u.s. president donald trump's return to the campaign trail did not match the preevent hype, but the smaller than expected crowd at his rally inside an arena in tulsa, oklahoma, didn't stop him from attacking protesters, joe biden, the media and covid testing. the trump campaign said almost 1 million people asked for tickets for the rally, a second speech outdoors was canceled when only dozens showed up. the inside the arena many seats in the upper deck were empty as mr. trump painted the protests outside as violent. >> the left is trying to do
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everything they can to stop us. every hour of every day including even violence and mayhem, they'll do anything they can to stop us, look what happened tonight. look at what happened tonight. law enforcement said, sir, they can't be outside, it is too dangerous. we had a bunch of maniacs come and sort of attack our city. the mayor, the governor did a great job. but they were very violent people. >> well, despite what the president is alleging there, the tulsa police tweeted out that the protests were largely peaceful, although they did use crowd dispersants at one point later in the evening. back inside, mr. trump used a racist term to describe covid-19 and also said he made this stunning call on covid testing, which a pro-biden super pac is trying to use in a campaign ad. >> you know, testing is a double-edged sword.
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we tested now 25 million people. it's probably 20 million people, more than anybody else, germany has done a lot, south korea has done a lot. they called me, they said the job you're doing -- here's the bad part, when you do testing to that extent, you're going to find more people, you're going to find more cases. so i said to my people, slow the testing down please. >> covid-19 has killed almost 120,000 people in the united states, which remains the world's worst hit country. administration officials says the president's comments about slowing down testing were a joke. cnn's abby phillip has more on the rally from tulsa. >> reporter: plans for a blockbuster campaign rally, a campaign kickoff of sorts for president trump did not go as the way he planned. the campaign had been saying for
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days they expected tens of thousands of people to be here at the bok center in tulsa, oklahoma, not just inside that arena, but also outside. they had planned for 40,000 people in the overflow section, they planned to have an entire agenda for them including for president trump and the vice president to prepare remarks at a stage they had set up, but as the evening wore on, there were so few people here that eventually they canceled those plans, there were just a few dozen people standing outside, most of them being urged to go inside by campaign advisers. now, inside that arena, it was mostly full and a large rally by any standard but the 19,000 seat arena was not completely full as president trump had hoped for. instead, it seemed like many people decided to stay home, or perhaps even stay outside. now the campaign said that they blamed protesters saying protesters scared away some of their rally attendees and blamed
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the media saying the media has been talking so much about the risks of attending an indoor campaign rally during the coronavirus pandemic that some people including families chose not to come to this event. but we should note that we had reporters all around the arena including where we are here and we saw many people coming to this event freely. there have been protesters throughout the city, but none of a significant size that they would have stopped tens of thousands of people from coming into this rally. abby phillip, cnn, tulsa, oklahoma. now a look at what was going on outside the arena after the rally. cnn's gary tuchman was there. >> reporter: this is the overflow area outside of the bok arena where president trump spoke for an hour and 45 minutes. people now streaming out of the arena. it is far more crowded here now than it was during the speech. the idea was for it to be very crowded during the speech. you can hear people chanting as they leave towards us.
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the idea is for president trump to speak on that stage before he went inside the arena, before thousands of people standing on the streets. but the decision was made to cancel president trump's speech outdoors. there was a big screen tv behind me, the big screen tv was on during the speech, but only 15 or 20 people standing there watching the speech. we can tell you one thing is people do not think the rally should be held, a lot of people including the health director in tulsa county because covid rates are at the highest in the county since it all began. it did take place, that's a victory for trump campaign, but not a victory as they thought there would be a huge turnout, 1 million people wanting to come and it turns out they couldn't even fill up a 19,100 seat arena. it was held. people were checked, their temperatures when they came in, offered masks, but most people didn't wear masks when they entered the arena. president trump didn't have a mask either, but he didn't have to stand around for five or six hours around lots of people.
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this is gary tuchman, cnn, in tulsa, oklahoma. let's go back to that shocking comment mr. trump made on the stage where he said he told his people to slow down coronavirus testing. if it was meant as a joke, as the white house claimed, health experts aren't seeing the humor. cnn's wolf blitzer asked dr. sanjay gupta for his reaction. >> you can't think of a better metaphor for burying your head in the sand on this. i told people to stop doing colonoscopies, they're finding too much colon cancer. the idea that we're still not doing enough testing and i told them to slow down testing, it is the only thing we really have, wolf. testing and masks. there is no super effective medicine. there is not a vaccine. and countries around the world, you know, their death counts number in the hundreds, not the thousands or the hundreds of thousands like we have in the
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united states. why? because they tested, they tested early, they did enough testing and they were able to isolate people and stop the transmission of this virus. to suggest now that i told them to slow down testing, who did they tell to slow down testing? is this the coronavirus task force told to slow down testing? this is something we want to dig into a little bit. this is suggesting a complicity in the worst public health travesty of our lifetime. it is criminal from a public health perspective to say that was the right answer, that was the directive given to people around the country, to slow down testing. we needed to increase testing. we have done 25 million tests so far in this country, we should be doing 5 million a day. we have done 25 million in 4 1/2 months. we should be doing 5 million a day. now 20 million a day by the middle of july according to the harvard road map to global health.
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>> natasha lindstaedt is a frequent guest on our program. she joins us now from colchester, england. the president was met with a smaller crowd than his aides promised but it was a large crowd, didn't fill the arena. let's talk about his performance what you think of his speech. at some point he called himself the champion of minorities and pointed the finger straight at joe biden for what he said was biden's abysmal record in supporting black americans. that was one aspect. >> right. i mean, i don't think he can really say he supports minorities. this would have been a great opportunity to talk about juneteenth and what it represents. instead he decided to spend 10 to 15 minutes rambling on about how he went down a -- was walking down a ramp. he did nothing to really reach
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out to all americans, and it makes me really wonder does he not realize that he's the president of the united states and not just the president to this increasingly shrinking group of his adoring fans. at one point, as you already mentioned, he referred to the coronavirus as kung flu. i don't know how he's going to attract asian-americans or really anyone with these types comments. and he spent time spewing out lies or falsehoods or inaccurate accounts. what would really appeal to the independent voter if they were hearing this rambling speech? what in there would resonate with them? and the other thing that i want to point out is the way he refers to the democrats as this unhinged left wing mob, that's not really focusing on reaching across the aisle and trying to unite people. >> right. and the rally comes at a time when his poll numbers are dropping, so one would think that top of mind would be to unveil a strategy for why he
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deserves a second term. did he do anything like that? >> no, there was no strategy. it was just his greatest hits of trying to attack the left, trying to attack protesters, he did focus a little bit on the monuments because that's something that plays well to the crowd. but it is more like a stand-up comedy routine. it is recycling the same old comments over and over again. and talking about things that are basically untrue and that can be easily fact checked. but he didn't really offer much and i think it is interesting that he did this going to a state that he won by 35 points, and he couldn't even fill up the stadium, the reports from "the new york times" it was about two-thirds full. this was really all about him. not really about a campaign strategy. he's just going to this place where he thinks he's going to get all kinds of adoration, which he needs because his, you know, ego feeds off of this, and wasn't even able to accomplish that.
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>> do you think republicans in congress will be disappointed, perhaps would they want to hear from him aside from the types of things you just shared? >> well, they're probably hoping that he will start actually talking about policy and instead of getting distracted by, you know, just trying to get these -- the base to support him. because they know, if we look back to 2016, he didn't win with a majority of vote in the popular vote. so he's going to have to reach across to the middle, a little bit, in order to gain more support. and they're going to be concerned that this is going to affect their tickets as well. those that are running for senate, those that are running for congress, they're going to be affected by the fact that he represents the republican party. he is the republican party. they made this deal with him. and he's completely unable to talk about policies in ways that might connect with independents and other republican voters, that aren't in his base of just
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adoring fans. >> let's talk about the issue that so many americans are involved in right now. during a speech, he bashed protesters who support black lives matter and police reform. will this hurt him or help him with the supporters? if he continues to ignore an issue which has galvanized americans, who are still in the streets, trying to bring attention to this issue and doing it. >> i think we're seeing with the poll numbers that on average all the polls show that he has 55% disapproval rate, which is incredibly high at a time when you need the numbers to change. so he's really only speaking to this base that isn't that large and is not large enough for him to win the election with that. and the other problem is he's completely activated the democrats and people who in the past may have not gone out to vote, would have voted democrat, but didn't want to vote. so we see that on the left side
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of -- the progressive side, people are active, more likely to vote than ever, and he's doing nothing to unite people. and that's going to be a problem. >> natasha lindstaedt, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. the top federal prosecutor in new york who has investigated some of the president's close associates now says he is stepping down. geoffrey berman's resignation came a day after saying he would not resign. attorney general william barr asked the u.s. president to fire him, which he says the president did. but curiously the president says it was barr's decision and he was not involved. evan mcmorris santoro unravels this very public power struggle. >> i'm just here to do my job. >> reporter: on saturday morning, geoffrey berman walked into his manhattan office vowing to keep working as one of america's highest profile federal prosecutors. by late afternoon, he was
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replaced by a presidential order. in between came the end of a dramatic battle between berman, the u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york, and william barr, the u.s. attorney general. berman refused to step down friday after barr issued a surprise statement announcing berman had resigned, a move berman said never happened. on saturday afternoon, barr sent a letter to berman saying because he refused to step down, the president had fired him. and replaced him with an assistant u.s. attorney. berman is an experienced federal prosecutor and former defense attorney. he's also an active republican. he donated $5400 to president trump's campaign in 2016, worked in the president's transition team, and was a former law partner of trump lawyer rudy giuliani. berman was first appointed to the position of u.s. attorney in 2018. after his predecessor was fired after he refused to resign. the same thing has now happened to berman. after initial concerns over his past associations with trump, berman continued the southern district's tradition of independence. >> politics does not enter into
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our decision-making on charging a case. we bring a case, when the case is ready to be brought. >> reporter: the office has overseen prosecutions of high profile figures in trump's orbit, including his former lawyer michael cohen, representative chris collins and two associates of giuliani. friday night berman said our investigations will move forward without delay or interruption. all this comes as a trump administration is actively removing government employees who have investigated and prosecuted trump officials. independent counsels removed from federal agencies, federal prosecutors have alleged meddling from barr in cases against trump's former national security adviser michael flynn and campaign adviser roger stone. trump has been considering removing berman since the middle of 2018, two sources tell cnn. and now berman is out of a job. trump fired him, but told reporters the ouster was barr's call. >> that's his department, not my department. but we have a very capable attorney general, so that's
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really up to him. i'm not involved. >> reporter: now that he's gone, what happens next is anyone's guess. evan mcmorris santoro, cnn, new york. now former u.s. geoffrey berman said in a subsequent statement saturday he would leave his office effective immediately. that was as you saw after attorney general william barr sent him a letter saying that president donald trump had removed him. a u.s. federal judge has ruled that former u.s. national security adviser john bolton can publish his contentious white house memoir against the wishes of the trump administration. but the ruling says the book entitled "the room where it happened" does contain classified information and bolton could be held criminally liable. that had president trump claiming victory. >> we had a very good decision in the john bolton book case.
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and the judge was very powerful in his statements on classified information. and very powerful also in the fact that the country will get the money, any money he makes. i hope a lot of books -- well, i probably don't hope that, but whatever he maybes, he's going to be giving back in my opinion based on the ruling. he's going to be giving back. >> bolton has suggested the white house retroactively classified details in the book improperly. the book set to be released this tuesday. president trump's rally may have been smaller than expected but health officials are still worried. ahead, why experts fear it could become a super spreader event regarding coronavirus. plus, we'll take you to spain as it reopens most of its eu borders and lifts its state of emergency. there are so many toothpastes out there, which one should i use? try crest pro/active defense.
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those near the stage were tightly packed. just hours before the rally, the trump campaign confirmed that six staffers had tested positive for the coronavirus. according to johns hopkins university, there are more than 8.7 million confirmed cases of coronavirus globally. and now brazil joins the u.s. as the only countries with more than 1 million cases. over the past week, the south american nation has reported more than 217,000 new infections as its death toll nears 50,000. india has crossed its own milestone with more than 400,000 infections, the country broke its daily case record for the fourth day in a row. india now has the fourth highest number of cases in the world. sunday could prove to be a monumental day for spain. they're bringing tourism back. the one time hot spot for coronavirus is reopening its borders to other eu states with
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one notable exception being portugal. this coincides with the country's lifting its state of emergency. for more, i'm joined by journalist al goodman in madrid. al what al, what's going on? >> reporter: we already have seen flights arrive from brussels, milan, amsterdam, paris, and we're expecting a flight from london in the next days -- in the next few hours here at the airport. the passengers are coming through the door. it is still a small number of flights compared to what the normal -- about 10% of the normal flights here. but this reopening has to do with trying to have the people move around because the state of emergency has been lifting in spain, so spaniards can move around the country. you have people from madrid going down to the -- and the government here announcing late
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saturday that the britons would be allowed to come in with this group of european countries because the foreign minister saying out of respect for the 400,000 britteons who have seco homes here, there say tourism underlying reason here for all of this opening up here and in other parts of europe as the tourism sector in spain, 12% of the economy, 2.6 million jobs has been basically shuttered for three months. so they're trying to see what they can salvage out of this. now, there are still some restrictions, people have to wear a mask if they're out in public, if they're closer -- if they can't socially distance and behind the doors is passengers arriving from abroad here to spain. they're going through a series of controls, they have to leave information, how the authorities can contact them in case there is an outbreak so they can contact trace them. there is temperature checks, if there is anything wrong, they're going to bring in medical authorities. all of this after three months
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with more than 28,000 deaths here in spain, one of the hardest hit countries by the coronavirus as you said, they're trying to see if this new normal, which is what the government says is going to work. natalie? >> all right, we hope it does work. thanks so much, al goodman for us watching that in madrid. voters in serbia head to the polls right now to choose a new parliament. it is the first national election in europe since the coronavirus lockdown started three months ago. now with serbia's lockdown rules lifted, polling stations have masks and hand sanitizers, but turnout is expected to be lower as some voters fear being infected. some opposition parties are also boycotting the vote. they say the election will not be free or fair due to the president's firm grip over the media. atlanta investigators issue an arrest warrant in connection with the fire where rayshard brooks was killed last week. we'll have more on that. also, who investigators are
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looking for. plus, as anti-racism demonstrators call for an overhaul of u.s. policing, some officers are pushing back. we'll have their view just ahead. hit to bring it back.thews the five-dollar footlong. better choice for matthew. it's back sandwich emoji.♪ five-dollar footlongs are back when you buy two. for a limited time. five-dollar footlongs are back i don't have to worry about that, do i?are irritated. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. it works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. gum detoxify, from crest. a lotta folks are asking me lately how to get their dishes as clean as possible. i tell them, you should try cascade platinum plus the power of oxi. cascade platinum + oxi penetrates and breaks down food soils some detergents can leave behind, washing away even the smallest food residue, so it doesn't redeposit on your dishes. and oxi is cascade's most powerful clean,
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen. you're watching "cnn newsroom" live from atlanta. our top story, president trump's first campaign rally in more than 100 days drew controversy and a smaller than expected crowd. many seats in the arena there in tulsa, oklahoma, were empty, and then outdoor event was canceled after only a few dozen people
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showed up. mr. trump's team blames protesters. but the real reason may have been coronavirus, the president downplayed the disease in and astonishingly said he wanted to slow down testing. so fewer cases would be reported. the administration official says he was only joking. another tragedy hit the city of minneapolis. police there say a shooting overnight has left one man dead, and at least 11 people injured. they are expected to survive. details now are sketchy. minneapolis, of course, is where george floyd died. it has been the epicenter of nationwide protests over police brutality. it is not clear if this shooting is related to that. we will have more on this developing story as information comes in. atlanta, georgia's interim police chief is reassuring residents that police are responding to emergency calls, but he says the force has been stretched because of
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demonstrations and unrest. he also spoke about why there has been an uptick in police not going to work. >> the explanation for calling out sick vary and include officers questioning their training, officers being challenged and attacked, and unease about officers seeing their colleagues criminally charged so quickly. >> atlanta fire investigators had issued an arrest warrant in the case of that wendy's restaurant that burned last saturday. this was where rayshard brooks had his deadly encounter with a police officer. they say that this woman here, natalie white, is wanted for first degree arson. in body cam video, brooks is heard telling officers that white is his girlfriend. investigators say more suspects could be involved. and we'll hear from atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms when she appears on cnn's "state of
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the union" with jake tapper in the coming hours. that's at 9:00 a.m. here on the east coast of the united states. that's 2:00 in the afternoon in london. police officers across the u.s. are pushing back against growing calls for reform. protesters nationwide are demanding changes in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. some are calling for police departments to be defunded, meaning their funding redirected to social programs. the scrutiny is not sitting well with many officers. cnn's jason carroll has more about it. >> reporter: a former atlanta police officer now charged with felony murder in the shooting of rayshard brooks. if convicted, that officer could face the death penalty. the possibility sending shock waves across police departments nationwide. already dealing with low morale in the wake of protests and calls for reform.
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darren porcher is a retired new york city police lieutenant. he says many officers now feel as though they are on trial. >> they feel as if they're not wanted, they're not needed, nor are they being accepted. >> reporter: that morale is one reason why officers are resigning and in some cases joining together to speak out. louisville, kentucky, police demonstrated over what they say is little support from city leaders and a lack of respect from the community. this after a police monument there was defaced. >> with fallen officers names on it was vandalized due to the stand-down order. that's a slap in the face to every former, current, and fallen officer and their families. my son's name's on that wall. >> reporter: in south florida, ten officers resigned from the department s.w.a.t. unit over safety concerns. the final straw officers unhappy after commanders took a knee
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with activists during a demonstration. officers in a statement saying they have been minimally equipped, undertrained and oftentimes restrained by the politization of our tactics. in minneapolis, the epicenter of calls for change, seven officers resigned from that department in the wake of protests over george floyd's death, and in buffalo, 57 officers standing by their decision to resign from the force's emergency response team following the suspension of two officers who appear to shf an elderly protester to the ground. >> i think this say time for a poignant discourse between community leaders, elected officials, and police executives. >> reporter: in new york city, change has already begun. the nation's largest police force is disbanding its plain clothes anti-crime unit. the unit is credited with getting illegal guns off the streets, but has also come up der scrutiny after a number of civilian complaints alleging abuse of power.
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the officers will be reassigned within the department. the city's chief of patrol supports the decision but also says good officers need the public support. >> let's not forget they're police officers, they're human beings, they have the same stressors we all have, the general public has. >> reporter: other than a national standard for how police should operate going forward, those that we spoke to say what needs to happen going forward is for police departments and the communities that they serve to get together and talk about what is the best way to move forward. and those that we spoke to say that is simply not happening right now. jason carroll, cnn, new york. sheryl dorsey joins me now, a retired sergeant with the los angeles police department and the author of the book black and blue. she joins me live from los angeles and we're happy to have you, miss dorsey. thank you for coming on. that report there showed the comprehensive issues that we're
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seeing among many police departments as their tactics are being questioned. they're giving pushback in some areas, morale has been challenged. let's talk about atlanta in particular right now because at least nine officers resigned since june here, according to the interim police chief and others called out sick. what is the message? >> the message is that they want to be able to kill black folks with immunity. listen, did these officers find out in the last few weeks they were undertrained and weren't getting the proper tools they need to be effective in their job? and so everybody who wants to be the police should be the police if they're calling in sick because they don't have the ability to shove a 75-year-old man down and crack his head or sit on the neck of another man, george floyd, for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, if that is something that doesn't sit well with them, this is not the job for these police officers. i say good riddance.
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>> many police officers are angry over how quickly the prosecutor here in atlanta charged the two officers in the death of mr. brooks and they're unhappy with questions about their training and the criticism of their actions. i would assume that you don't think they have a point here. >> of course they're unhappy because, listen, for so long they have been able to just run will willy-nilly through neighborhoods, put people through the system without just cause, and when they did say something, i fear for my safety, he scared me, i didn't know if the person had a gun, none of which we're seeing is true in so many instances, we see officers lie again and again. and so now shows shenanigans are not work and they're bothered. i have really little sympathy for them. if this were any other occupation, imagine if you were involved in vehicular manslaughter every day, wouldn't dmv take your driver's license? how then can you be a police
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officer certified through police officer standards and training and kill folks, have 18 personnel complaints in the case of chauvin, over a dozen in the case of garrett rolfe and still be certified to carry a gun? it makes no sense to me. >> where are you hearing -- where are you hearing a police department that is saying, all right, you know, here's what the deal is, where we need to go and we're going to look at that and make things happen. are you hearing that from some corners? >> i don't hear anything that is really going to be effective. we heard the nypd commissioner say he's taking 600 plain clothes officer and putting them in a uniform. that's supposed to make a difference. i heard police department chiefs and sheriffs and commissioners talk about everything except holding errant police officers accountable. when you have officers jumping ship, 57 officers leaving a
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unit, you have seven officers resigning from minneapolis police department because chauvin was charged, that speaks volumes to the culture and it is systemic, top down, you have a police chief saying the murder of george floyd was not a problem for him or you have a major travis hart on the tulsa police department saying more black folks should be shot, you understand that the problem is topdown, it is systemic, it is institutionalized racism, and it is going to take a long time to fix this unless and until police chiefs are willing to hold officers accountable. where are the good chefs? everybody wants to know where are the good officers to tell on the bad officers? where are the good chiefs to hold a bad officer accountable? >> what did you witness inside the police department all your years of service? >> i witnessed a little bit of everything. i certainly worked with the majority of officers who were there for the right reason doing the right thing. but i also worked with some
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knuckle heads. i worked with an officer who had animus in the black community and they knew about him when i was assigned a central traffic division. he racked up personnel complaints like derek chauvin did until he shot and killed a black man, john daniels, and then finally, finally lapd was willing to do something. we see time and time again police departments look the other way, coddle and shelter, qualified immunity allows this to happen until it makes national news and then and only then when the department can no longer look the other way they clutch their pearls, they act surprised and then they fire the officer. >> let's look beyond the police departments. house democrats, senate republicans are on a collision course over policing reform. the federal level. despite a bipartisan consensus that action is necessary amid these protests and the civil unrest that we're seeing, what would you like to see at the
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national level versus the local level, and are you concerned the job won't get done because of the divisions that we're seeing on this topic? >> i don't -- i'm concerned the job won't get done. and what i am seeing at the national level is really going to have little influence on the local. i'll say this, this president pretends he's done so much for black folks when in actuality he's done nothing. his executive order is evidence of that, he asked for things that are already in existence. a national database. listen, chauvin and rolfe were on a database locally. they knew who they were. they collected numerous complaints. having a database with a list of officers names means nothing. this president talks about getting officers certified, we already are. post. we already are certified. they talk about banning a chokehold and then when we see an officer use a chokehold like daniel pantaleo, the nypd told us that wasn't a chokehold, that was an upper body seat belt
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restraint. how is any of that going to stop officers day to day who work patrol from continuing to do those things that are causing great harm in my community? >> always appreciate your input and your expertise as you serve for a very long time. cheryl dorsey, thank you very much. >> thank you. a deadly stabbing attack as the united kingdom has authorities searching for a motive. police raided a building a short time ago looking for answers. we'll tell you about it next. cnn is on the scene coming up. there are so many toothpastes out there, which one should i use? try crest pro/active defense. it neutralizes bacteria for a healthier mouth than even the leading multi-benefit toothpaste. crest. you're on it. exercising often and eating healthy? yup, on it there too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease...
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anyone else was involved. armed police raided a block of apartments nearby as they search for a motive for this violent attack. cnn's salma abdelaziz has more for us. what do we know at this point? >> reporter: hello, natalie. well what we do know is that police have launched a murder investigation into this horrific attack, they say that at this time this incident is not being seen as terrorism related but the police said they will remain open minded as to the motive behind the attacks and said they are working with counterterrorism police on this investigation. now, that 25-year-old man who was arrested yesterday on suspicion of murder, the police have yet to reveal his identity to the public. but we did speak to an eyewitness who was in the park just behind me here, where this horrible scene played out. he said people were laying in
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the sun, they were enjoying a picnic and that's when he heard a man starting to shout. that man began to approach groups of people, he said that he was stabbing people in the neck and under the arms, truly terrible scenes playing out. people started to flee. the attacker started to run. we understand from police that attacker was arrested on the scene yesterday. now, shortly after that incident here in the park, we did see counterterrorism police at a building nearby. an apartment block just a short drive from here. they were combing through that building for hours, late into the night. they had evacuated some residents who were standing outside, unclear yet what they found inside that building. we have also heard from prime minister boris johnson, he took to twitter yesterday. let me read you what he said. my thoughts are with all of those affected by the appalling incident in reading and my thanks to the emergency services on the scene. so this very quiet town of
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reading is going to be waking up to terrible news today. three people have lost their lives. others still recovering in hospital. and much of the city center around me is still cordoned off. >> a horrific crime and we know you'll continue to follow it for us. salma abdelaziz, thank you. restaurants all over the world are struggling from the coronavirus pandemic. one diner in new york is thriving by turning the clock back with an american classic. we'll have that story next.
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how did a diner that struggled during the pandemic lockdown suddenly become one of the go-to destinations in queens, new york? the answer, drive-in movies. what's not to like? cnn's bill weir took in the show. >> reporter: you heard the slogan, always open? well, the bel air diner in queens hasn't locked their doors in 22 years. what was it like to realize you had to shut down? >> it was scary, depressing. we have been continuously open 24/7 for 22 years. >> reporter: when pandemic business dropped 70% and they were forced to lay off 20 year employees, it looked like that
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iron streak would end. until a flash of inspiration from the past. what are you looking for? a blue honda in the third row? >> third row. >> should have brought my rollerblades. look, there's two milk shakes going that way. welcome to new york city's first ever pandemic drive in theater. at 32 bucks a car you can see ferris buehler's day off and after ordering online, you get masked car hops. have you ever been to a drive in movie before? >> my first time. >> i've never been to one. >> welcome to the pinnacle of entertainment in 1955. back in my day, we snuck people in, in the trunk, so we wouldn't have to pay full price. do you have anybody in your trunk? >> we do not. good tip for next time. >> reporter: to maximize sales, they have two seatings or parkings. starting with duelling pan inlir
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stand-up comedy. >> this is not the weirdest thing i've done in a parking lot. >> very funny set. >> thank you. it feels so good to do stand-up live. >> you can't hear laughter. >> i can see the laughter. i can feel it. it was a vibe. it was a vibe. they would flash their lights. >> reporter: tickets sell out in minutes. there are scalpers on instagram. >> i never would have imagined drive-in and now we have become ticketmaster. i made a joke, we're the beatles now, we sell out in five minutes. >> reporter: between this and a government loan, they hired back almost all the staff. but equally important is how they have become a human being of human connection as neighbors cut off for months can share something in person. >> next door neighbors ended up in the same parking spaces and yet hadn't seen each other in seven weeks and it was, like, oh, my god. really upbeat. people thank us constantly. it is an awesome feeling. >> reporter: as last few hundred
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drive-ins left in the u.s. experience a renaissance, this may be an example for other struggling restaurants, willing to turn an empty lot into profit and much needed taste of better days. >> life moves pretty fast. >> reporter: bill weir, cnn, queens, new york. >> i'm down for that. a heavenly spectacle just ended for people across much of the world. they were treated to an annual eclipse of the sun that carved a path across most of aftrica, asa and southern europe. what made it special was the ring of fire. the edges of the sun could be seen around the moon forming the ring. pretty cool. thank you for watching "cnn newsroom." i invite you to follow me on twitterinstagram. i'm natalie allen. stay with us. "new day" is just ahead . et done.
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this is cnn breaking news. this is cnn breaking news. we start with breaking news out of minneapolis. there's been a deadly shooting. 12 people have been shot and one died. >> this happened on hennepin avenue. 11 others will recover. no life-threatening injuries for them. cnn's josh campbell is on the scene in minneapolis. >> josh, tell us what you know. >> reporter: good morning. violence erupting overnight in minneapolis. you can see
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