tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 29, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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thanks so much for you joining me today. a lot of news today. "newsroom" with my colleague kate balduan starts right now. hello, everyone. i'm kate balduan. thanks for joining us for the next two hours. we'll start with breaking news this hour because there's been another major decision coming from the supreme court. this time the justices striking down a louisiana abortion law, a law aimed at limiting abortions in the state. a 5-4 decision with chief justice john roberts genociding with the liberal-leaning justices on the court to strike down that law. let's get right to cnn's jessica schneider. she's been going through this decision. she's in front of the court right now. jessica, what did the justices say here in this decision. >> kate, this decision saying the louisiana law is unconstitutional, that in a sense it was a veiled attempt to restriction abortion.
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this is a big win for abortion rights advocates, and notably it's coming at the hands of the chief justice in this case who voted with the liberals to block this louisiana abortion law. this is significant for many reasons, probably the biggest of which being that the chief justice before this morning had never voted to strike down an abortion restriction, but in this case he has. the chief justice really in a sense saying that his hands were tied here because of a similar case in 2016 involving a similar texas law that the supreme court in that case said was unconstitutional. in that case though it was anthony kennedy, the now retired justice who sided with the liberals to strike down that texas law. the chief justice john roberts in that case actually vigorously dissented, but here he said that because of that precedent he had to side with the liberals. he said that the burden on access to abortion was just as severe as the texas law in 2016
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that this court struck down. you know, however, the chief justice, he did side with the majority here, but he also wrote a concurring opinion, and in that opinion he really left a little bit of an opening here for other states that might try to pass similar laws. he did say that this louisiana law was just much too similar to the texas law, but there is the possibility that other states in different circumstances might come up with a law that is different enough to impose some of these restrictions. this louisiana law actually had doctors. they had to have admitting privileges to hospital within 30 miles of the abortion clinic where they performed these abortions. really challengers here said that that would have effectively left only one doctor in the entire state able to perform abortions. it would have effectively shut down two of the three remaining abortion clinics so the chief justice here really proving the
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linchpin siding with the liberals yet again. this is a huge blow to the trump administration and the president himself, and it really probably strikes some fear to president trump's evangelical base who was counting on the president's two nominations of brett kavanaugh and neil gorsuch to really put this court really in the solidly conservative collum, but now we're seeing the chief justice striking things down the middle, striking a balance here and going with the liberals and in this case striking down this abortion law out of louisiana. kate? >> yeah, saying that he sees the law as nearly identical to that texas law, how the chief justice talking about it there. jessica, thank you. joining me now is cnn court analyst joan biskupiic and our supreme court reporter.
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how do you explain how john roberts comes down here after being nominated by george w. bush? >> reporter: that's right. this was a very important moment for him choosing the integrity of the court over his personal ideology. you know, just can a made that point, that he's always voted for abortion regulations, that those kind of stinkts go back to the time of the ronald reagan administration, but here at this moment with a trump administration, an election year, it was important for him to say four years ago we struck down identical abortion restrictions and there was no going back. now i think at a different time and era with him not being a swing vote justice he might not have voted this way, but this is a very big stand he took for some sort of stability in the law, public expectations and the
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integrity of the court and his personal legacy over his own ideology that has been very conservative, especially on social issues. >> that's why this roberts aspect of this is so fascinating, because if people are sitting here thinking and wondering saying are we looking at a transformation of an evolution, if you will, of the chief justice, do you think that that's what people are seeing. or is this something else? >> i think you see him rising to a particular occasion. again, with the trump administration, this election year, and i think you have to step back and look at the three rules from the past two weeks. the one on undocumented immigrants, that was purely a vote by him by very sloppy administrative law on the part of the trump administration and before that he was the sixth
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vote, not the sixth crucial vote in the gay rights ruling, but here he is on a constitutional issue departing from his own personal instincts, so i think what you've seen now is not a transformation in his ideology but a bit of a change in his idea of what he represents on this court and frankly represents in this whole country. he is the chief justice of the united states, not just the chief justice of the supreme court. i think he's recognizing the platform that he has at a time when this nation is so polarized. >> fascinating. >> it is. >> elie, what's your reaction to this? >> kate, that is a monumental ruling i think on two levels. first of all, the supreme court clearly tells states you can not issue extraordinarily restrictionive state laws like we saw in louisiana and a few years ago in texas. i mean, the practical impact of
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this louisiana law would have made it almost impossible to get an abortion in indiana and that's what the court calls an undue right to have access to abortion. bigger picture, it shows that the court is going to adhere to follow its own precedent and as joan was discussing, this is what chief justice roberts used as the basis to join the liberal block here. chief justice roberts hasn't suddenly become a liberal. he said we decided this case on an identical statute out in 2016 and have to stick with it and this has very broad implications for "roe v. wade." the what will it take for the court to overturn that? chief justice roberts is telling us don't count on me to overturn "roe v. wade." >> this is the first time justice roberts has ever voted against abortion regulations. >> that's right. >> i think this is really -- >> no, no, i think this moment with the chief justice, i don't
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think people should, us a take it kind of in the context of what we've seen in the last two week with decisions, i think that this is a real important moment to consider. >> i do, too, kate and it's exactly for that reason that even though there were other tests of precedent that had come before him, he had set those precedents aside. he's done it plenty of times. no one should be confused about what chief justice roberts does with certain other precedents. he's voted again rules from the '70s and '80s and earlier that were very important in this country but what he said now is that there's a line that he's not going to cross, and it's very important in the constitutionality of a woman's right to end a pregnancy, and that was a line that he had never crossed before. so you're right to characterize it as a very big moment. we do not know what will happen
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going forward, but i think no one should count on chief justice john roberts to either reverse the 1992 casey landmark or the 1973 "roe v. wade" landmark. now he suggested that he might be open to some restrictions and he wrote in his concurring statement, but i think that states will have to be very careful because this is not an invitation. this is definitely not an invitation to return quickly to this supreme court. he would rather not have to deal with this issue for many months to come, but i think he's laid down a marker that will reverberate for many years. >> real implications about how states should be thinking about when they approach the restrictive laws going forward because that viewpoint really changed when justice kennedy stepped down and what that was going to look like going forward and now he laid down a marker today. joan, thank you. elie, thank you. >> thanks, kate. still ahead for us,
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it the the reality that no one wants to hear, everyone would love to ignore but it's the reality nonetheless. the coronavirus is not going away, and it's not slowing down right now. quite the opposite in most states, actually, and the numbers are scary, so let's start here. you can see the numbers that we just showed you on your screen at all times. now more than 10 million cases world wide. half a million deaths but here's
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what i'm getting at. the united states is outpacing all other individual countries with more than 2.5 million cases. just look at this comparison with the european union. european union flattening out. united states clearly not, and within the united states several states are seeing disturbing spikes in cases, like florida and arizona and texas, states that reopened aggressively but are now rethinking and revising those plans because of the trends that they are experiencing. so what does that mean in the next few weeks? we'll ask. here's how it's being viewed from outside the united states a leading scientist in new zealand put it the other way. it really feels like the u.s. has given up. health and human services secretary alex azar pushed back on that concept today but also admitted this yesterday. >> things are very different from two months ago. we now have three therapeutics, we have hospital capacity and we have reserves of personal protective equipment.
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we're speeding our way towards having vaccines, so it's a very different situation, but this is a very, very serious situation, and the window is closing for us to take action and get this under control. >> well, let's start in one of the states that's now a new epicenter of the outbreak. cnn's randi kaye is in palm beach county, florida. randi, what are you hearing there right new is it. >> good to see you as well. we're hearing from florians that they would like to see a flattening of the curve in this state but so far that's not happening. there's been more than 5,000 new cases today that's down from the weekend. 95/85. th -- 9,585 and down a bit more on sunday, 8,500 from there, but still the numbers are far too high for people here to be very comfortable, and it's also they are not comfortable with the group that this does seem to be hitting here in the state of florida, younger people, mainly
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the 25 to 30-year-old, the governor saying 25% of the positivity rate, that's the 25% positivity rate among that age group, 25-34. big reason why they have decided to close bars in this state but take a look here, they are also closing the beaches. the beaches are open now but they will start to close here in palm beach county for the july 4 holiday and they will close in miami-dade county and broward as well. lots of folks coming out trying to ensure the sunshine in the water while they can. you may see not many masks here on the beach and there is no statewide mask mandate by the governor in the state of florida. a lot of people think there should be. some have said it's an infringement on their freedom to wear masks and a lot of folks are on board with it. here's what this gentleman had to say. >> first of all, i'm protecting you guys because i'm wearing a mask and i want people to protect me the same way, you know, because i don't want to get it, and it's just selfish to
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go around without a mask and spread your germs when you're carrying it. seems very selfish to me. >> reporter: without a statewide mandate, local governments are mandating it on their own including miami-dade where one-quarter of the new cases are from. kate, back for you. >> randy, really in the middle of where the focus should be and remain for quite some time. as randi just said in order to stop this trend that they are seeing in florida, three counties in south florida have closed the beaches for the july 4 weekend. with me is the mayor of st. petersburg, florida. as randi pointed out you've got cities and counties closing beaches for july 4 because of the trends that you're seeing. are you considering the same? >> reporter: in st. pete we don't have a lot of beaches. most of the beaches are in our county and are within driving distance of us, but they are not
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a part of the city of st. petersburg. i'll be speaking with the county administrator as i do every week about policies that they are considering and certainly i think it's a policy that we have to consider coming up to july 4 weekend knowing it's always a busy time at our beaches that weekend. >> that's exactly right and the vice mayor of palm beach said this morning that the move they have announced in the county there is absolutely necessary abuse of the direction that the state is going now. obviously there is time still to close the beaches. you can do it any time before the weekend begins, but what do you think knowing that the peaches are closed in other parts of the state, what do you think that means for your area? >> well, certainly i think the fact that it's happening around the state and, look, this should be a statewide policy, but we don't have the leadership right now from the administration and the governor's office so you're
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seeing local governments that are doing it themselves and having to take on the leadership and certainly it's something that we'll be considering in pinellas county, just like our masks, making masks mandatory. this should be a statewide policy. the fact that it's not makes no sense. if we're going to get a handle on this, we need to be acting collectively, not just piece meal were video local governments are putting policies in place. >> as you've noted, and i want to make sure that folks are reminded, you have mandated that masks in your be worn in your city for employees and patrons in enclosed businesses, if you will. have you talked to the governor, mayor, about making this a statewide order? do you have any, i don't know, belief, gut instinct that that's anywhere close to something that he'd be inclined to do? >> you know, i think quite frankly that's one of the frustrations that myself and other mayors around the state have had is that the governor
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has been very inaccessible to all of us so we haven't had those conversations. i've certainly been very vocal about the fact that i think it works best when it's statewide policy and if we can't have that then countywide policy and if we can't have that then individual cities. i'm lucky in that i have a very good working relationship with our county administrator and the county commission, and we are pretty well working in lock step which i think is good for our city and all the communities around us, but it really should come down from the state. >> well, look, mayor, the numbers that we have seen, especially over the weekend, the trends we're seeing in florida are really scary. >> yeah, they are. >> it's as if you're looking at april and march here in new york city and what the city is experiencing. it's really no joke no matter how nice it feels to be outside really scary trend that we're seeing.
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the governor has said that the spike in cases is partially because of a backlog of tests. do you think that's it? >> no. i think that -- that it a explanation is really quite frankly silly. what we look at is the percentage of positive tests, so we've had days where maybe we'll have 1,500 tests that are done. other days where we'll have 3,500 tests that are done, but what really matters is what are those percentages of those tests that are being done that are coming back positive, and for us here just as an example, late april, early may, we were seeing a two-week rolling period of about is.5% to 2% positive. over the last two weeks we've seen a rolling average of 10%. that is very disconcerting and the explanation isn't the number of tests. it's that more people are exposed right now. >> mayor, thank you. we'll check back in. good luck.
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e now to texas where things are taking a very dangerous turn. the number of daily cases jumped from around 2,000 a day to a 5,000 a day in coronavirus cases in just a matter of weeks. the state is also seeing a record high number of hospitalizations topping more than 5,000. cnn's miguel marquez went inside a hospital treating coronavirus patients. he's joining me now. i still remember in detail the heartbreaking reporting that you did when you went inside a new york city hospital back when the worst of it was happening here. what did you find in houston? >> reporter: sadly the same thing. you know, those hospitals in new york let us in because they wanted the world to see what might be coming their way if people weren't coming home, stay socially distant and wear a mask when out too close to people. it's now here in texas, and it's
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just as terrifying. we were at united memorial medical center for much of the day yesterday. i want to show you what's happening right now if i could, kate. all of these cars, maybe you can't see beyond the truck. there are cars that are lined up for a mile or more right now trying to get into united memorial medical center to get tested. this place has not only let us in to do testing but they have done 85,000 tests in total and a 13% positivity rate and officials say that needs to be around 6% before they open up the state. dr. joseph varone who has now worked 100 days plus. here's what he said about where he thinks this is going. >> you have two types of patients, those who have covid and those who will get covid. my concern as a health care provider is we they get sick they don't all come to me at the same time which is what's happening at the present time and that's what's going to kill
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patients because we want to have enough resources. >> reporter: so yesterday he said he was at 80% capacity. he thought he had another two weeks abefore he was at 100%. now they are at 95%. a bunch of patients came in last night and now they are at 95% capacity. that's the danger here and that's what will kill patients more than anything when hospitals can no longer take them. what he needs now more doctors, more nurses, more people just to clean up the hospitals and clean rooms so they can move people in and out. the lone star state is facing down a cries right now. kate in. >> miguel, it's like deja vu, exactly what you saw outside a hospital in brooklyn. people may be exhausted by the disruption to their lives and the strain of coronavirus and what this has done to economies everywhere but the doctors you're talking to they don't have the luxury of that. they are still in there, and i think it's so important that they allow you in, that you can tell the story because when
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you're not in there it seems for a lot of people it's easy for them to forgot that this is happening. >> it is terrifying, and seeing it that up close so many times in so many places and it's still happening, it's -- it's depressing and all at the same time. more to come from miguel. thanks, miguel. a new warning coming from dr. anthony fauci about whether or not the u.s. will ever reach herd community from the coronavirus. we'll be right back. performanceo coast. featuring: patti labelle, john fogerty, the temptations, andy grammer yolanda adams, renée fleming, trace adkins brian stokes mitchell, chrissy metz, mandy gonzalez, and a tribute to our frontline workers. it's the fortieth anniversary of a capitol fourth. saturday july fourth, eight- seven central. only on pbs.
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a reality check this morning from the nation's top disease expert on where we are as a country and the huge question that has always been hanging over all of this, is when can the country really expect to get back to normal or even a new normal. dr. anthony fauci spoke to cnn's elizabeth cohen about that difficult path ahead. it's an important interview at a critical time. elizabeth is joining me right now. elizabeth, what did dr. fauci tell you about what has become known as herd immunity? >> you know, it's interesting, kate, despite all the talks about vaccine we've yet to see
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any human data come out of studies, yet to see any human studies with human data and dr. fauci has seep the data and says it does look good so let's take a listen. >> i doubt seriously that any vaccine will ever be 100% protective. the best we've ever done is measles which is 97% to 98% effective. that would be wonderful if we get there. i don't think we will. i would settle for 70%, 75% effective vaccine because that would bring you to the level that would be herd immunity level. >> if only 70% to 75% of americans are willing to get the vaccine and it's only 70% to 75% effective, will that get us to herd immunity? >> unlikely, and that's one of the reasons why we have to make sure we engage the community as we're doing now to get community people to help us, for people to
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understand that we're doing everything we can to show that it's safe and that it's effective and it's for the good of them as individuals and in society to take the vaccines. >> now when i asked dr. futury what happens if only 70% to 75% of americans get this vaccine. that's because polling shows that that's about how many americans will get the vaccine. rest say they don't want it. that's a real problem if indeed that's how it works out. that's going to be a problem. i also talked to dr. fauci about contact tracing. he said there are problems with contact tracing, that it is not going well. let's take a look at what some of these numbers show, and what they show is that in florida, is that in florida that only seven people -- they have search contact tracers per 100,000 people. in arizona only five contact tracers for 100,000 and in texas that number is swissair flight
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111. in georgia it's two. take a look at these numbers. keep looking at these numbers and you'll see that in new york, and i'll tell you in new york they have 49 tracers per 100,000 and massachusetts 36. way more than these four states and we didn't choose these four states randomly. these four states are states that have hot spots, so the four states that have hot spots don't have nearly enough contact tracers and don't have anything close to what states like massachusetts and new york have. kate? >> great interview, elizabeth. thank you for bringing it to us. really appreciate it. joining me for is dr. lina nguyen, an emergency room physician at george washington university. you heard dr. fauci say he would settle for a coronavirus vaccine that's $15% effective and given how many people would likely get it it would not provide herd immunity. what should that mean to folks at home and fears of a second wave in the fall? >> i think it means that we have to be extremely careful about
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what we do in the meantime and know that a vaccine is not a cure-all. i've heard a lot of people talking about the vaccine as if that's the end of our fight in coronavirus but it's very likely that whatever vaccine we get won't be 100% effective. the flu vaccine is 40% to 50% effective and we should still be taking it and it's not a pasinya and the other thing that dr. fauci mentioned which is real is an anti-science movement and the last thing we want to do to fuel the anti-science sentiment is to develop a vaccine too quickly without having the safeguards in place so we have to make sure that the vaccine is safe and effective while in the meantime doing our best to lower the rate of infections because right now we're seeing explosive spread in so many parts of the country now. >> let's talk about the explosive spread. i feel like we're back to where you and i were having this conversation back in march and april and what we're looking at in some of these states.
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what do you see here. with a record number of cases, spikes, record number of hospitalizations in many states, is this all about states opening too early, too quickly? i ask because we heard two very different takes on that very question, and i want to play this for folks. first from the former cdc director tom frieden and also the current hhs secretary alex azar. listen to this. >> if you open when cases are still increasing, as many states did, it's like leaning into a left hook. you're going to get hit hard and that's what's happening. >> it's not really about reopening. we can and we have to get back to work, back to school and back to health care. i've been in michigan. i've been in massachusetts though. >> responsibly, right? >> that's not so much about what the law says on the reopening as what our behaviors are within that. >> who is right here? >> well, the key is that there is a way for us to reopen
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safely. in fact, the white house's own coronavirus task force laid out those guidelines which included that states in order to reopen have to be on a decline of the number of cases. otherwise there's no way for us to rein in the infection with testing, tracing, isolation. you have to have a low enough number for those measures to work, and, unfortunately, we are seeing exactly what you and i were talking about back in march, kate, you're seeing not only in one region, in new york city as was the case in march, you're seeing multiple states now in this area of explosive spread, and i'm afraid that unless we impose much stricter measures now, we are going to see hospitals being overwhelmed, and so now is the time to implement measures like universal masking. not only should we be pausing on reopening, we should be limiting indoor gatherings because we know that indoor versus outdoors makes a big difference. i don't know that we need to close down beaches, but maybe we can allow people on to beach eds but enforce social distancing
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and encourage people to use beaches as recreation. those are the types of things that are common sense but need to be implemented right now in order to avoid a catastrophe the way that we could have seen in new york but were barely able to avert it. >> let be honest. i want to have you back on so we can try to like bust through the myths. there's no myth what the problem is that people have with masks. it blows my mind. it's like sunscreen, like seat belts. it's like why we don't smoke on planes anymore. it is for your health and those around you, and it's -- it has nothing in the constitution that says that you can't be told to wear a mask for public safety. dr. wen, thank you so much. coming up for us, what does the president's twitter feed tell us about his priorities right now? alright, i brought in ensure max protein to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. [grunting noise] i'll take that. woohoo! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. with nutrients to support immune health.
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as the coronavirus pandemic rages on, president trump has been on a tear again on twitter on unrelated topics re-tweeting and then deleting a video of a supporter shouting white power and, yes, again, in any other time and any other presidency that one presidential message would be more than enough to stop anyone in their tracks. but then again this is donald trump. adding mail-in voting conspires sis or tweets he's sending out by vandalism of monuments and re-tweeting out this video of a couple in missouri pointing gun at a group of protesters marching past their house. honestly, look at that. cnn white house correspondent john harwood who joins me now.
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john, why this right now? is this a classic trump attempt at distracting from the troubling problem that he actually has on his hands of a pandemic that isn't just disappearing miraculously as he's hoping? >> reporter: kate, i've never been a big fan of the distraction story because the stories he directs our attention to tend to be as bad for him as the ones he's directing our attention away from. i think what's playing is the president has been overmatched by the problems that he faces in the pandemic, in the racial justice protests and the aftermath of the george floyd killing. the economy is a wreck, and what he's doing is playing the one song he knows best, and that's white racial grievance. it happens to be a dangerous song to play for the country right now given how raw racial feelings are in the country, and it's dangerous for him politically because the ground has shifted beneath his feet. we see in public opinion polls that there is growing
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appreciation across the spectrum for the need for police reform and to deal with the injustices that black >> i mean, we are hearing that amongst -- amid the anxiety of advisers he should be adjusting that message, trying to make a turn of some sort but a note, one president. keeps hitting it. thanks. good the see you, man. it's the hardest part of any state's reopening plan, what to do about getting kids back in school. what are the recent spikes mean for fall plans? alabama's superintendent of education joins us next.
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i want to show you the trend map of cases across the country right now. so what we're looking at here is 31 states seeing an increase in cases, a handful holding steady and literally a few seeing a decline in coronavirus cases. as we have been talking about that has a huge impact on communities big and small. what these troubling trends also may be throwing into question now, schools reopening. listen to the lieutenant governor of california when asked about this just today. >> i think you have hit actually
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on the hardest part of what our phases reopening is going to look like. school is really, really hard. we have millions of kids who are ready to go back to school in the fall and having the appropriate protocols, figuring out what to do with small children, we have a lot of work ahead of us. >> another state, alabama, has just put out its road map for reopening schools even as you see cases are on the rise in that state, as well. eric mackey is state superintendent for education for alabama. thank you for being here. it is also i want to make sure folks understand is not just an outline that you have put out, a 50-page document outlining how to reopen schools safely. as a parent i really appreciate that level of detail. can you lay out for folks how is the school day going to look different? what should students and parents be preparing for? >> as you just showed a few
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moments ago, the most difficult piece for us and any state is to get ready for the reopening of schools and things look very different place to place and we find that here in alabama from community to community it is going to look different but we will have both traditional school settings so it won't look the same but some kind of traditional format and remote learning format across the state. >> you heard the official there in -- go ahead. did i cut you off? >> no, no. please. >> you heard the lieutenant governor of california talking about a difficult decision. are the trends across the country of spikes, once again, especially as we're seeing throughout the south, is that making you rethink the plan for reopening already? >> well, it is definitely going to make us have to think community to community. as you noted alabama is spiking and numbers continue to go up
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and we have counties where the number's stable and declining. this county of montgomery is growing fast and the mayor has exceptional rules that don't apply to the rest of the states and we told the schools we want to abide by the rules so what we see is that they were going to be different rules in different parts of the state. one of the troubling pieces is leaving the jurisdictions so things like field trips and ball games, we are still working on how to make them as safe as possible toward the fall hoping that the numbers go down and the curve begins to level off some before the start of the school and most schools start mid-august here in alabama. >> what you are hitting on is something i think is really important for folks to consider and to understand is that what you are laying out are recommendations, they're not mandates or regulations.
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so does each school district have the power to reopen or not in the manner that they choose? >> they do have a lot of authority as to how we reopen and we are polling parents and we know that about 15% say that at this time they plan to just keep their students at home and do remote learning for the fall but that number varies so in one jurisdiction it is under 5% and another jurisdiction it is about 80% or more of parents saying they intend to keep their children home so you can see how it's so difficult to do a statewide plan when even from community to community people have such varying ideas about how they want school to look so we're trying to lay out a baseline for what is the safest foundational kind of base we can lay and then it looks different from place to place and the plan as we said is bound to change between now and mid-august as we continue to work with the
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department of public health and medical officials and local mayors and town councils to make all of the openings as safe as possible. >> it is -- talk about a challenge on your hands. it is pretty remarkable. thank you for coming in. good luck. >> thank you. our coverage continues right now. it is the top of the hour right now. thank you so much for being with us today. we continue to talk about is a troubling rise in cases of coronavirus. it is as if i'm reading you the news from march or april. but no. it is june 29th. yes, this is a very scary reality facing much of the country right now. you can see the numbers there on the screen as we show you all the time. more than 10 million cases globally, more than 2.5 million cases in the united states and more than 125,000 deaths. 31 states are
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