tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 30, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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we have a program that's operable right now to do that. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, senator. senator warren. >> thank you very much, mr. chairman. dr. fauci, you came before the health committee seven weeks ago to discuss the country's response to the covid-19 and at the time you told me that the u.s. did not quote by any means have total control over this outbreak. but you also told me that we were quote going in the right direction. now, on the day you testified before the committee may 12th 2020 there were about 21,000 new cases of coronavirus. yesterday there were about 40,000 new cases of coronavirus. dr. fauci, do these numbers show that the country is still moving quote in the right direction? and that the coronavirus
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pandemic is under control. >> well, i think the numbers speak for themselves, although we do have a number of parts of the country doing well i'm very concerned what's going on right now, particularly in the four states that are accounting for about 50% of the new infections but the other vulnerable states so i'd have to say the numbers speak for themselves. i'm very concerned and not satisfied with what's going on because we're going in the wrong direction. if you look at the curves of the new cases so we have really got to do something about that and need to do it quickly. short answer to the question is that clearly we are not in total control right now. >> thank you. thank you very much. our case numbers are getting worse and the death rates are going to get worse soon. during this same period of time, some other countries around the world have controlled the virus. they're reporting fewer cases each day and they are able to provide targeted testing and to
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keep it up so that they can tell what's happening. and follow up if there is an outbreak. in other words, controlling the coronavirus can be done. but because of bad federal leadership, we have not been able to do this here in the united states. so dr. fauci, the last time you were before this committee you told me that if the u.s. did not have quote an adequate response that the country would quote have the del tir you consequences. dr. fauci, i'm asking you to be direct with all of us on this. if we don't fully implement the widespread testing, contact tracing programs and social distancing practices that everyone seems to agree that we
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need, can we expect the spikes in infection to keep happening in different places around the country? >> thank you, senator. i'm always direct with you and i'll tell you in direct answer to your question that if you look at what's going on and just look at some of the film clips that you have seen of people congregating often without masks, of being in crowds, and jumping over and avoiding and not paying attention to the guidelines that we very carefully put out we'll continue to be in trouble and hurt if that does not stop. and that gets -- >> okay. if we don't get our act together more and more communities around the country are going to see these dangerous surges. >> right. >> of covid-19. dr. fauci, back in march you also said quote looking at what we're seeing now you expected
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there to be between 100,000 and 200,000 coronavirus deaths. and millions of infections in the u.s. so let's flash forward to late june. here we are at the end of june. we have already seen 126,000 deaths with infection rates rising rapidly. dr. fauci, based on what you are seeing now how many covid-19 deaths and infections should america expect before this is all over? >> i can't make an accurate prediction but it is going to be disturbing, i guarantee you that, because when you have an outbreak in one part of the country even though in other parts of the country they're doing well they're vulnerable. i made that point very clearly last week at a press conference. we can't just focus on those areas that are having the surge. it puts the entire country at risk. we are now having 40-plus,000
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new cases a day. i would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around. and so i'm very concerned. >> can you make any kind of estimate on what we're looking at overall on the number of deaths before this is over? you made an estimate back in march twoen 100,000 and 200,000 but we have a lot more information now and we are at 126,000 deaths. >> right. i can't make an estimation because that would have to be modeled out because when models are done and that's where those original numbers came from, senator. as i have said very often, models are as good as the assumptions you put into the model and often change depending upon what your response is so i would really be hesitant to give a number that will come back and either be contradicted and overblown or underblown and important to tell you and the
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american public i'm very concerned because it could get very bad. >> yeah. all right. i appreciate that, dr. fauci. >> we are well over time, senator warren. >> i just like the same time that my republican colleagues got because i want to say -- >> then your time is up. senator warren. >> we can't keep pretending -- >> senator warren? >> i understand that -- >> just as fair to you as i was to others. >> they got a lot more time. >> senator warren -- >> mr. chairman -- >> i always treat you fairly. i don't appreciate your questioning my fairness in presiding over the hearing. >> i understand -- based on what others have done you are allowing more time with the important witnesses. >> when you are chairman you can make those decisions. >> thank you. i want to make the point we can't keep pretending the virus is getting better when it isn't.
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that's how we have messes like in texas. reopening too soon and then scrambling to close down before the hospitals get overwhelmed completely. if we don't get the act together this is our future. seesawing back and forth. in this future thousands more americans will die and our economy will be brought to its knees. we have got to have a national strategy that makes testing available to every school, every business, every hospital, every church. anywhere that americans come together. we need to expand contact tracing and we need leaders starting with president trump who have enough backbone to face reality, distribute resources, set standards and stick to them because if we don't the result is going to be more economic wreckage and more death. thank you, mr. chairman. >> thank you, senator warren. what i have tried to do in the
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hearing is to as senators to stay within five minutes and the answers within five minutes and if the answers go beyond that i have tried to be respectful of that but to -- but i would ask senators not to ask the questions into well past five minutes and expect to make a speech at the end. senator scott. >> i thank you, mr. chairman. >> all right. hello, everyone. i'm kate bolduan. we have been watching the hearing with top public health experts, top infectious disease experts talking about the current state of the fight against the coronavirus. and the current very troubling surge in spikes that are being seen and felt around the country. right there with dr. fauci, i think a very important message saying that he fears if things don't change that we could be
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looking at 100,000 positive cases, new infections every day. saying the country is going in the wrong direction. let me bring in cnn former analyst at the cdc dr. yazmine. i want to get your take on what you have heard today. >> so i remember dr. fauci's comments a month ago warning us if america didn't get the act together we would see death and suffering and what's panned out. as if the guidance is not heeded since february and march. we are seeing 12 states with increases in hospitalizations so not just increases in positive tests but actually people sick in hospital, arizona where deaths are increasing. so he talks about the vulnerable states, especially arizona, florida, texas and california where i am. the vulnerable states where it
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seems like reopening too early and not following the right steps may have been responsible for this crisis situation. >> we are clearly not in total control right now. dr. fauci almost seemingly pleading with the country to wake up once again and realize that the virus isn't taking a summer vacation. something else that seemed also to be very clear, very clear message from this panel, doctor, that people should wear masks. that it makes a difference. from dr. fauci to dr. redfield to even the republican chairman on the committee, lamar alexander saying that he once again thinks that the president himself should wear a mask. let me play what they said before the opening statement. >> i have suggested that the president occasionally wear a mask even though in most cases it's not necessary for him to do so. the president has plenty of
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admirers. they would follow his lead. it would help end this political debate. the stakes are too high for this political debate about pro-trump, anti-trump mask to continue. >> doctor, that is in direct contradiction from what we are seeing from the president right now. why is this message so important? >> i was fascinated those are the opening remarks of senator alexander. he went directly to the point of the politicization of masks and urging trump to wear a mask from time to time because of the influence on his followers. we have data now, kate, that shows us in the u.s. those state that is didn't just require or recommend masks but actually mandated them saw a big reduction in the number of new cases over the last two weeks and compared to 11 states that did mandate and they saw big drops in the numbers of new
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cases and we have evidence that shows that wearing mask works and we have evidence that shows if about 80% of americans to wear a mask for the next few months we'd see a reduction in about 35,000 deaths. so that's what's at stake here that you can wear a small piece of cloth over your face and save other people's lives but it is becoming a political hot topic and we are still not seeing enough governors mandate masks in the states especially states like florida that are really hard hit right now. >> absolutely. on that, lert's bring in cnn political correspondent abby fip lip. the message only masks could not be more clear and a con tri diction of hearing from the president. >> exactly. it's been really striking the way that the president has been so resist about the to what has evolved frankly. i think we should be clear that
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there's some people wondering why all of a sudden we are talking about masks now when months ago some of these very same people were not necessarily encouraging the wearing of masks and the difference is that the information that we know about how masks can be effective has changed. what has not changed is that the president hasn't gone along with that. he has led the charge in creating a culture war around mask wearing among his supporters. i have seen it myself when we were at that rally. that was a key opportunity for the president to say not just handing out masks but encourage the supporters when you are in that event wear a mask. he did not do that and in fact so many members of congress accompanied the president to that rally also chose not to wear masks in a clear statement that the political view was that mask wearing was a statement of solidarity with president trump. the opposite view is what you see in this panel today and i
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thought it was very notable that dr. fauci really contradicted vice president pence who a couple of days ago said he's seeing this encouraging news about the trends and coronavirus cases. dr. fauci was very clear. the news is not encouraging. we are headed in the wrong direction and said if there's not intervention things could get worse and that the numbers of people seen in a couple of months in terms of deaths will be basically scary to people. i think that's a wake-up call for everyone that the numbers can get much more scary than right now. >> yeah. it is back to the future or the opposite in what we are seeing as if people aren't -- they have been beating the drum on masks for quite sometime but this contradiction now of what you are hearing from the experts that everyone says the country should rely on what you are hearing from the president of the united states is so stark today and what we heard in this hearing. do you get any indication, abby,
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of changes? you saw mike pence wearing a mask, though, then not wearing a mask. the complete mixed message from him. do you see that there is any suggestion that this plea from the nation's top medical experts is going to change anything in the white house? >> i can't predict what the president's going to do and i think most people even in the white house can't predict what the president did do but there's some signs politically that things are shifting around him so you are hearing not just from the medical experts but hearing from political leaders, in congress, you are also hearing from people like fox news host. "fox & friends" host saying the president should wear a mask, from conservative media. i think that is very important and significant because this is how the president takes his cues. he cares a lot about what his allies in conservative media are
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saying when we start to see the people urging him to wear a mask and send a message to supporters you might see a shift but what are the challenges for president trump is that mask wearing, he's using it as a political cuddle against vice president biden and will be resistant from pulling back from that trying to send the message that biden wearing a mask makes him weak. the president will be reticent to align himself with that but it might be necessary. the consequences are so significant. they're life and death. they're not just political and starting to see his political allies saying more and more, mr. president, you have got to let this go. mask wearing is the only way that you're going to improve the coronavirus situation and thereby improve your political standing going into november. >> mitch mcconnell included. lamar alexander saying clearly
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there. this gets to where the country is right now with this surge. le let's bring in elizabeth cohen. you interviewed dr. fauci about the status of things and the path forward. when dr. redfield said that they're so concerned because hospitalizations are now going up in 12 states, and now they're seeing the death rate now going up, in arizona, what did you take from the tone, the tenor of what you heard from dr. fauci today in when he said that the country's headed in the wrong direction? >> kate, it was a very similar tone to what i heard when i spoke to him a few days ago. he genuinely sounds sad. i have been interviewing him for years. hiv, h1n1 and a man of great energy and a man of great we can do it attitude and you still hear that but i also hear a certain sadness like how did
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this happen. none of this is surprising, kate. that's so important to remember. experts have been on your show, on cnn for months saying, hey guys, watch out. it may feel like the first wave is over and we are going to hit a lull but that's not the case. this could get much worse and predicted by many, many people. i have said on your show, kate. you don't have to have a phd to know this. hey guys, this is a really unfortunate situation that we are in and going in the wrong direction. i asked him, did this have to happen? he said in many ways it did not have to happen. what i hear in his voice is come on, guys, come on, americans. we need to get it together, start thinking about other people which means wearing a mask and start thinking about doing the right thing so we can hopefully turn this ship around. >> great to see you, elizabeth. thank you.
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abby, thank you. doctor, thank you. coming up for us, more states are pressing pause right now on reopenings because of what is happening in their states but will this be enough to slow down the virus? we're live in these coronavirus hotspots, arizona, california, coming up. e for you. learn more at
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hospitalizations now are going up in 12 states. and as of this weekend, daily death now has increased in the state of arizona. >> as the cdc direct redfield said moments ago arizona within of the emerging hotspots just mentioned. he said that on capitol hill. the daily coronavirus death toll there is now going up. and new alarming infection numbers just in. arizona health officials are reporting nearly 5,000 new infections in the last 2 days.
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let's get to straight cnn's stephanie elam in phoenix with the latest. what are you hearing there? >> reporter: let me put into perspective here the numbers. there was a glitch with a lab reporting some of the cases yesterday so they're saying that more than half of these cases, new cases reported today, should have been reported on monday so we can't completely compare it to the day before but it's still a very large number. i also can tell you that there are 44 deaths that they reported and we have been watching the icu beds dedicated for covid patients, up as high as 88% and now 86% and still very high and the other issue here, the average number of deaths per day doubling, doubled in the month of june which is noteworthy when the state came out of the stay-at-home order in the middle of may. a two-week lag period and then sharp increases in bummers so much so we caught up with a doctor here who is so shocked by
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what he's seen inside of hospitals with the way they have to deal with this number of patients that he posted a post on facebook that went viral. listen to what he said to us. >> it's something that we don't know how to deal with as medical professionals. and if i don't know that after all of the years of school and training and if every colleague that i have talked to feels the same way that i do, i think people should probably be as scared as i am. >> reporter: now, the governor has said multiple times during his press conference yesterday that arizonans need to wear a mask and still not calling for everyone in the state to have to wear a mask. he is leaving it up to counties an ento cities and towns to do that. here in maricopa county, it is required but not requiring it across the board but making a decision yesterday to close down gyms and bars.
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water parks, tubing until further notice and looking at it in a month to see if it's worth opening up and pushing back the first day of school to august 17th and a last point on this, too, is that he said no large gatherings above 50 people will be allowed and then said that the local communities can make the decision for themselves as long as there are social distancing measures so it's out there but not as strong as it could be. >> stephanie, thank you so much. so there's also a surge happening in southern california. many hospitals there dangerously close to hitting capacity after a record single day increase of cases in los angeles county monday. that spike has pushed the total confirmed cases there over a milestone of 100,000. the next two weeks the mayor says are critical of getting the spike under control. cnn's dan simon joining me now
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from santa monica. what are they trying to do there to try to slow this down? >> reporter: hi, kate. very little in the way of current mitigation. the beaches here going to be closed this weekend to prevent large crowds from gathering. no fireworks either. we saw governor newsom basically order all bars to close in seven counties including here in los angeles county. things really look increasingly grim. record number of cases in state of california and los angeles county. it's not just the cases. we are seeing an increase in hospitalizations. up 44% in los angeles county over the past couple of weeks, also seeing a rise in riverside county just east of here, 96% capacity right now for icu beds. authorities saying that right now is really the time to hunker down, try to get back into that earlier mind-set when the
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pandemic first began saying if you can stay at home you should do so, kate. >> dan, thank you. this also just in to cnn. new york, new jersey and connecticut, the tri-state area, expanding the coordinated travel advisory telling anyone that's coming from eight additional states now to quarantine because of the status of the coronavirus outbreak. cnn's bryn gingras is joining me now here in new york. what are you learning? >> reporter: the new jersey governor may have put it bluntly but he said we've been through hell and we don't want to go back through hell again and why new jersey, connecticut and new york banding together making this announcement about the extra eight states, a total of 16 and the 8 they mentioned last week, making it mandatory to travel from those states back boo the tri-state area will have to quarantine for 14 days. the metric they're using is in the states if the infection rate
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is higher or 10% or higher over a rolling average of 7 days so that's the number they keep an eye on and if more states need to be added to the list it sounds like they will because the spread is so bad in the states and don want to bring it back here to the tri-state that went through so much and even still, kate, on the heels of more precautions. new jersey this week already canceled its rollout of indoor dining and new york said it's considering the same, not going to have indoor dining. the governor says he'll make an announcement about that soon pertaining to new york city. the states making this measure saying if you come back from those 16 states it doesn't matter a plane, driving, a train, you need to quarantine for 14 days. kate? >> thank you, bryn. coming up, the trump campaign making a big change to the 2020 campaign plans. the event that's now off the schedule and why.
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trend of an increase in coronavirus cases there. cnn's kaitlan collins with this news and joining me right now. what are you learning? >> reporter: the president had expected to go next weekend, that would have been just days ahead of that senate race of cour between the former attorney general jeff sessions and the former auburn head coach and the campaign making plan to go down there and we're told the plans since scrapped and really what we are seeing with the campaign is they don't have any rallies of tn horizon though they're scoping them out for when they decide to hold rallies again but to give you a sense of how this wasn't how they expected things to go, before that first rally in tulsa, since the restrictions, the campaign planning to announce several more rallies after that. have the president back on the road and a typical schedule to look like in an election year but now that's really changed. as you are seeing these
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coronavirus cases surge across the united states but also hit home for the campaigns since they had eight staffers test positive, two secret service agents in tulsa and the rest to quarantine in the following days it. some state officials voiced concerns and today the alabama governor amended that safer at home order to basically go through the end of next month and alabama is one of those to-something states seeing cases go up in recent days. of course the question about the schedule is does it resonate with the president? clearly what the campaign is learning is that the pandemic is not behind us, the question is has the president himself realized that? we reported recent days he's not attended a formal coronavirus task force meeting since april and that's clearly not the focus in recent days as there are still discussions going on
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whether or not he should wear a mask and so that has really been the question inside the campaign, inside the white house really inside the president's orbit over all is whether or not he'll take it seriously and how much it might affect him with voters come november. >> thanks, kaitlan. a week after the kentucky primary cnn is projecting amy mcgrath as the winner and facing off with mitch mcconnell in november. it was a closely watched primary race and mcgrath defeated narrowly charles booker. coming up, we'll go to texas where concerns are growing that a steady rise in new infections there could soon overwhelm hospitals throughout the state. p for a fingerstick. with the freestyle libre 14 day system,
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houston's mayor is sounding the alarm over a surge of coronavirus cases that is happening there right now. the city saw more than 1,300 cases over sunday and monday, contributing to the total number of confirmed cases in houston and the surrounding county which surpassed 30,000. the death tol has passed 375 people and those numbers are straining the hospital system. with me now the president and ceo of houston methodist, dr. mark bloom. thank you for being here. the mayor told cnn just yesterday that houston's hospital in a serious situation in terms of capacity, the way he
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putt it, and said that the number of people going into hospitals going up and the people in theicu. what does that mean for your hospital? where are you in terms of capacity? how far away are you from hitting it? >> it's busy. let me be clear. the icu across houston methodist, 2,400 bed system, 91% of the beds in icu are full at the -- literally minutes before this as i checked that. we have seen very significant increase in covid. the issue that is spreading widely through the community of houston and seeing tests rates going up and positivity rates go up and the hospitalization numbers go up. on memorial day we had 104 patients in house and we have 480 in house now. >> wow. >> it's a big increase and only
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1 in 4 are in the icu and what we are seeing is quite a lower percentage of patients needing icu somewhat reassuring and seen lower length stay and lower death rate et cetera and so far able to take care of the citizens of houston and continue to ramp back on the other care and additional beds as need be. again, it is about 1 in 5 of our beds or so right now. somewhere around that and less than that occupied by patients with covid across the city. >> as the ceo of the company and also as a doctor you try i'm sure not to operate in fear because you need to take care of people depending on you but the mayor is worried. are you with what you're seeing in texas? >> i'm worried about what i see in the community. the virus is spreading rapidly.
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the time to act is now. we have been chanting that. people need to stay home whenever they can stay home, wear a mask, socially distance. we look at the fourth of july coming up and scares me. we saw that when we started with memorial day that was the beginning of the numbers going up and imagine the people together on the fourth of july. i'd love to see the mayor take action to make sure that people are not out and about on the fourth of july. we send messages to the hospital system to stay home, celebrate with the household unit only. we don't want the virus to spread. complexities now is we are trying to care for people without covid at the same time as covid and that tends to make the numbers look higher. the reason for that is the reason we went through the last surge is talking to patients delayed we saw that there was a lot of unintentional harm and
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stress and anxiety and pain and people were harmed because of that so we're very significantly trying to care for everybody for as long as we possibly can so we will gradually bring down the non-covid care to allow more covid care to happen. that is a responsibility so everybody has a hospital bed available and will continue to do that going forward. >> i talked to the dallas county judge who had written a letter to the governor saying that the medical experts telling him that even though governor abbott has done -- taken some measures to close down bars seeing the spike much more needs to be done from the state level and put it to me the person that got us into this needs to help us get out of this an enthat's the governor. do you agree that you would be helped, the hospital would be helped if you had some more mandates or stricter regulations
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right now from the state level? what frunstrates me is people ae not getting the message. we see a lot of this is because of family groups getting together and we like to see more come in place. we need the fourth of july, a major thing and i think exercise facilities, other things to see additional restrictions to help us. most of all we like the po politicians to lock arms and get consistent messaging to the people that this is real and we have a very significant issue with covid spreading in the community and we need to be in it together each and every one of us. >> being in this together is the exact message to hear from dr. fauci this morning. we can't get out of this and slow the spread unless we do it together. you can't do it alone. it is not someone else's responsibility. i wanted to get your reaction
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because dr. fauci said he is so worried of seeing in terms of the surge including in texas. when he said that if things do not change like you're also asking for that he could see the daily new case rate jump up to 100,000 a day. >> well, that would be obviously very frightening. i say a big amen to what he said in terms of everybody needing to do something about this. unless we all rally together it will get out of control and need it not out of control. we are looking at numbers gone up on the tests side and the people admitted at a concerning rate. we can handle it for some period of time and adjust and not indefinitely and ringing the bell for three weeks saying change behaviors and repeatedly and need to do that and takes more.
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we need to get together and if we don't all do something together i share with dr. fauci to be in -- out of control in the future and something to avoid. when that happens thousands of people get sick, people die and we don't of course want it to happen and frankly it destroys small businesses, the economy goes into shambles. we have got to get together to protect all of those aspects of society right now. >> yeah. doctor, thank you for your time and what you are doing. >> thank you. still ahead, the european union is opening its borders to international travelers starting tomorrow but the u.s., the united states, did not make the cut. did not make the list. that's ahead. if you're a veteran homeowner,
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releasing as you see here a list of 15 countries that will be permitted. china is on the list. so is the neighbor to the north canada. fred pleitgen joining me now from brussels. what are you hearing of who got on the list and not on the list? >> reporter: kate, the list is interesting. looking at the countries, a lot of them significantly less wealthy that is the.s. and health care systems less funded than the u.s. and looking at algeria making the list, rwanda, serbia. the european union saying that they believe that the countries more efficient to beat back the coronavirus pandemic than the trump administration. essentially saying all of this is don to scientific and medical criteria. they say in order for citizens to be back in the european union they need to see a significant decline over a certain period of time but the graphs of the development of coronavirus cases
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in the european union and in the u.s. we can see that they are going in very opposite directions and that's one of the main reasons why the european union is saying it's simply impossible and unsafe for them for allowing travelers from the u.s. they will not be allowed into the european union any time soon. >> keep that graphic up. when you see the line of where the european union is headed and the united states, that is so startling. what are you hearing about how often they will review this list? >> reporter: the eu says to review which countries can come and can't come in about every two weeks and 14 days from now there's going to be a next review and looking at the graphs right now it is very difficult for the u.s. to make the cut at that point, as well. >> that seems almost a
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hi there. i'm brooke baldwin. you are watching cnn on this tuesday. a welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. one step forward, two steps back. that is the trajectory of combatting coronavirus in the country as at least 36 states seeing a rise in cases. 17 states trying to reverse course rolling back the plans to reopen. massachusetts and new jersey joining the tri-state area to ask individuals traveling from hotspots to quarantine and american tourists banned entirely from traveling to the
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