tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 30, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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good evening. let's get straight to it. today the country's most trusted official on the pandemic gave the sharpest warning yet where things could be headed and whether he intended it that way or not, it was also a stark indictment of how we got here. >> based on what you're seeing now, how many covid-19 deaths and infections should america expect before this is all over? >> i can't make an accurate prediction, but it is going to be very disturbing, i will guarantee you that, because when you have an outbreak in one part of the country, even though in other parts of the country they are doing well, they are
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vulnerable. i made that point very clearly last week at a press conference. we can't just focus on those areas that are having the surge. it puts the entire country at risk. risk. we are now having 40,000-plus new cases a day. i would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around. i think it's important to tell you and the american public that i'm very concerned because it could get very bad. >> 100,000 new cases a day, that's the equivalent of boulder, colorado, becoming infected with coronavirus every single day. for perspective, here is the european union roughly comparable to the u.s. in population. right now the european union is averaging less than 5,000 new cases a day. even at its peak, the worst points, the number stayed under
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30,000. today heading into july after months of what the vice president calls whole of government effort, dr. fauci is warning we could be living in a country with more than triple the worst they ever saw in europe and 2 1/2 times the all-time high numbers we're seeing now. 40,000 new cases a day right now. that's 10,000 a day more than before states began reopening. it's also far above the kind of containment level where experts say contact tracing even makes sense anymore. we have blown past that. a senior cdc official telling the journal of the american medical association we have way too much virus across the country for that right now, which is why this country is a pariah state now. starting tomorrow european union countries will reopen travel from 14 countries including canada, rowanda and central africa, but not the u.s. the world leader for decades in the study of prevention for infectious disease, the only to send people to the moon and we can't fly to paris because we're
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a health hazard. so much for the so-called the whole of government approach that vice president pence keeps going on about. i mean, let's be honest. it not been a whole of government approach because whole of government means the federal government. it's been a good luck you're on your own. that's the approach this administration decided to take when they left it to the states. remember the president talking about this being a war against an invisible enemy. if this country was invaded by an enemy force and the president left its defense up to individual states the way he did with coronavirus, that president would be forced to resign. things are now so bad that states in the northeast that got hit so hard and made so many sacrifices to contain the outbreak, they have now tightened restrictions on people coming in from other parts of the country. and 17 states nationwide are closing back up. that, too, is a result of the federal government's lack of a coherent federal response, all of government response, please. it's every region, every state, every locality for itself or every individual.
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absent months of nationwide federally organized testing, tracing, containment, changing individual behavior in the form of mask wearing is a weapon of last resort. >> it is critical that we all take the personal responsibility to slow the transmission of covid-19 and embrace the universal use of face coverings. >> there is no doubt that wearing masks protects you and gets you to be protected. >> we need to support mask wearing. when i'm not in uniform, i wear them. they are white and effective and a great investment for the american people. >> it not an inconvenience and suppression of your freedom. >> when you're outside and don't have the capability of maintaining distance, you should wear a mask at all times. >> this face covering actually is an instrument of freedom for americans. if we all use it. >> wear facial coverings where social distance is not possible. >> please, please, please, wear
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a face covering when you go out in public. >> that's the surgeon general of the united states literally begging americans to wear a mask. that's where we are. so where is the president of the united states and why isn't he leading the way on mask wearing? you can see all the officials you want pleading. the president of the united states, the most powerful person in the world, he led the way on reopening but he's been subverting the idea of wearing masks from the moment he announced it. he kept pointing out it was voluntarily, a suggestion and crowed about how he wouldn't wear a mask because it was so unbecoming. essentially, he could protect his vanity by not wearing a mask but an actual mask, that would protect other people? no, that was beyond the pale. here is lamar alexander, chairman of the committee that heard dr. fauci's testimony imploring people to take politics out of the equation. >> it's so important we get over
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this pro-trump, anti-trump mask debate. i mean, where people say, well, if i'm for the president, i'll not wear a mask. if i'm against the president, i will. which is why i've suggested that occasionally the president might want to wear a mask, just to signal to people that he thinks it's important. >> wow. that's a bold statement. the president, he might want to -- you know, he might want to occasionally, if that's not too hard, just to signal to people, you know. leave aside for a moment that this is a ridiculously low bar, suggesting the president might want to occasionally signal mask wearing is important and in the middle of a pandemic that's killed 146,000 americans, this is the best a retiring senator can manage. chairman alexander's comment, raises questions. what does the president think is important? statues of dead people, for one. take a look, the president spent
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part of the weekend sending out tweet after tweet of photos of people defacing statutes. one after the other like a guy bum rushing the post office papering the walls with wanted posters leaving maggie haberman to post, reading the president's twitter feed feels like he's producing a crime show and the rest of the country is having a different conversation, more relevant conversation to millions concerned whether they might catch a deadly disease. or their moms might or their dads or grandparents. or their children. which any other president, republican or democrat, would be focused intensely if not obsessively on. instead, a couple hours before dr. fauci gave his chilling testimony, today the president was tweeting this. we are tracking down the two anarchists who threw paint on the statue. we have them on tape and they will face ten years in prison. turn yourselves in now. that is where the president's head is. on catching a pair of vandals
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who threw paint on a statue in new york. a couple blocks from my house. when he could be using that platform to save tens or even hundreds of thousands of lives. the tweet might read, we are all americans and americans look out for each other. please wear a mask. you might even do what dick cheney did and include a photo of him wearing one, and tell his vice president to do the same without adding, if state and local officials require it. but keeping them honest, let's get real and play you the clip that illustrates the president's vanity about mask wearing i mentioned a moment ago. this is what he's always believed on the subject. >> i just don't want to wear one myself. it's a recommendation. they recommend it. i'm feeling good. i just don't want to be doing -- i don't know, somehow sitting in the oval office behind that beautiful resolute desk, wearing a face mask as i greet
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presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens, i don't see it for myself. i just don't. maybe i'll change my mind. but this will pass, and hopefully it will pass very quickly. >> he sprays a mask on his face every day for vanity but an actual mask that would protect other people, that -- that he just can't do. joining us now, dr. sanjay gupta and michael haseltine, a researcher at harvard university and author of "a family guide to covid." sanjay, dr. fauci is warning today that based on if we don't do something, we don't turn this around, people don't start wearing their masks, the united states could see 100,000 new cases a day. >> yeah, you know, i mean, it's mind-numbing to hear a number like that, right? it's really frightening. i was not surprised at the number. we're seeing the growth of these cases. it's like a big, you know,
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freight ship in the middle of the ocean that's gaining a lot of steam and it will be hard to slow down. i think that's what he was referring to. what i was surprised about anderson, was that he gave a number. he's so careful with these things. he typically doesn't give a number because he doesn't want to be pinned down to it and if he does, it's usually a conservative estimate. it was a couple months ago we heard 60,000 people were likely to die by august 4th according to one of the models you and i were talking about. and that was horrifying, right? and now we're here at the end of june and it's double that. so i don't know. these models, you know, it's tough to make anything of them but i think there is no question the numbers are going in the wrong direction. absolutely. >> yeah. professor, i apologize, i think i called you michael to begin with. it's william. professor, what's your reaction to the testimony on capitol hill today and the spike in cases in large parts of the u.s.? >> we're now reaping what we've sown over the past months.
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that is, we failed to control this epidemic in a number of our southern, western, and the south part of california. we just didn't do what we needed to do. and the moment you relax, there is a big base of infection that's just exploded and so those places like new york city that took it seriously, we've gone from 10,000, 11,000 people down to 500, 600 a day. we're not where we need to be but we're doing better. the whole rest of the country didn't pay attention. didn't believe what everybody was telling them, and this is the result. and now we hope people will start behaving more responsibly. we hope that leadership will behave more responsibly and we can begin to put this genie back in the bottle. >> professor, do you really think that will happen, though? it seems like the president made a decision early on to wash his hands of this and to for reasons
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that are pretty obvious, just get people, try to reopen stuff so the economy picks up so it reflects well on him. it takes political courage and will to really make a change and do you believe it's possible to put the genie back in the bottle? >> i think it may be not possible to put our president back in a bottle but it is possible for the american people. we're smart people. i have great confidence in my fellow americans and i believe this situation is so grim and is getting worse by the day that everybody is going to begin to understand it's their responsibility and if we don't have the national leadership, we're going to have local leadership. you can already see that happening. the local leadership in this country is saying, wait a minute. this is my state. this is my city. i've got to protect it. i don't care what the national government is telling me. i've got to protect my people. and i'm seeing that response, and i'm very heartened by that response.
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and i think you're going to see the mayors and the governors singing a very different tune from now on. they know it's in their backyard and it's their job to take care of it if no one else does. >> sanjay, is it too late for contact tracing in some of these places? >> i think it would be hard to do contact tracing now. these numbers are too big. you think about contact tracing 40,000 people every day, that's an entire sector of our society that would need to be devoted to that. you're calling people trying to find the contacts. people don't answer the phone. you have to go to their house or apartment and knock on the door. it's a lot of work. that's why you want to see the numbers come down to a manageable level. anderson, you remember that even a couple months ago, people like dr. tom freedman said we would need 300,000 contact tracers to do this right. the former head of the cdc, that was back then. that was when the numbers were
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what they were back then. now would be really hard. that's why we got to bring the numbers down. i should say, i agree with the professor. i think that one thing we did see in some of these places around the country even when places started to reopen, even where i live and things were reopening, there were groups of people who just immediately took advantage of that but for the most part, things, people still stayed home for a period of time and still wore masks. if not the policies, then the people may help lead us out of this. >> we got to take a quick break. i want to come back and we'll talk more with sanjay and the professor and i want to ask about the new strain of the flu that has been uncovered. and what that may add this fall and we also have been trying to track down florida governor ron desantis for days to ask about the rise in cases in his state. and whether he regrets opening so early. he's been difficult to find to put it mildly. randi kaye got to him today. we'll show you how that went, ahead. ushing your limits.
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we're back and we've been talking about testimony from dr. anthony fauci and others saying that the outbreak could get unimaginably worse in the months ahead. if that's not enough, there could be another virus that could turn ugly. what are you learning about the new swine flu chinese researchers discovered? >> this is part of a surveillance program looking at pigs, swine in china for the last several years, they basically look to see if there is any viruses of concern. mostly, there haven't been. there may be a virus one year and disappears the next. one virus stayed constant over several years, they are calling it g4, that's the name of the virus and found it then in the workers handling these pigs, 10% of the workers that handled the pigs. this is a virus that made the jump from animals to humans. so that's the first point of concern. what it does not appear to do and this is significant is move from human to human.
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that's when obviously as we saw with this coronavirus, things get concerning. this is what virus hunters do. you and i spent time with them in various parts of the world. this is a type of surveillance and right now this is something they are keeping an eye on but the quote that i heard was, you know, not something to get freaked out about now. >> professor, in terms of what dr. fauci said about the possibility of getting up to 100,000 cases a day. how do we avoid that? is it just social distancing, staying at home as much as possible, mask wearing, all the rest that we know or is there something more and new that has to be done? >> there is not going to be time for very much new. time will bring drugs to bring this under control. time may bring vaccines to bring this under control. but for now, there are new studies that show what we're
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talking about, wearing masks, social distancing, staying home, only doing what you really have to do can reduce transmission by 20-fold. it is change it from a curve that goes up to a curve that goes down. that is a big change. and i think that's what every american needs to hear. their individual actions are going to determine what happens to this infection going forward. if that number is going to be 100,000 and then 200,000 a day, that's because we made it so. if that number goes from 100,000 to 1,000 a day, it's because we made it so by our own actions. it is time for us to understand that each action contributes to what this virus will do. we can't control it but we have to take what people are telling us seriously. >> yeah, i mean, professor, has there ever been a, you know, a virus or disease that's been brought under control without
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firm leadership from the place where it's in? >> you know, i can't answer that question but i can tell you, i grew up during polio days and everybody knew how to behave. we couldn't go in more than groups of three boys at a time. we couldn't go to the swimming pool. we couldn't go to theaters. we -- and everybody did it. because everybody knew what would happen if they didn't. and so it wasn't so much at that time that our leaders told us we had a cultural understanding. we've been so lucky since the war to have antibiotics and vaccines. this is a reminder, we have to go back to older patterns. it isn't that we didn't have them, and societies can't behave that way but we have forgotten how to do it and it's time to remember.
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>> sanjay, it's an interesting point. the idea of citizenship, of being part of a community and that it's not just me, it's we and the emphasis that you have to think about the we in all of this. >> yeah, and there is no government -- >> sorry, go ahead. >> there is no government that can do this. no government can control a whole people. we have to do it ourselves. we have to internalize. >> sanjay? >> they can't control -- i think that's true but i will say i think that we have suffered a little bit from the mixed messaging in this country. i mean, i think that if people understood -- >> it would certainly help to have the president of the united states leading the way on example at the very least. >> yeah, and also just like basic things where there was these criteria released from the white house, you know, in terms of when states should reopen. pretty simple criteria to follow. you know, that's what needed to
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be done and then, you know, the next day it was like, yeah, we'll go ahead and open anyway. i wasn't sure at the time whether any state really followed the criteria. had we done that, we'd be in a much different position now and it was enabled. these criteria, i mean, there was no law enforcing it but it was enabled to not follow the criteria. so the question about leadership is a good question but part of the problem is we have suffered from mixed messages. there are people that still believe this is not a problem and it is. >> frankly, with the president announcing the virus task force policy on -- recommendation on wearing masks at the very same moment he does that, not even out of -- with a silent voice he says out loud, you know, it's only voluntary, you don't have to do it and he's not going to do it. thank you to you both, appreciate it. more on florida that reopened early and enthusiastically because as governor ron desantis said, florida is not new york. >> you got a lot of people in
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your profession who waxed poetically for weeks and weeks how florida would be just like new york. wait two weeks, florida is going to be next just like italy, wait two weeks. hell, we're eight weeks away from that and it hasn't happened. >> took a while longer to happen but it did. and i don't say that with any glee. now that it has, the governor's people made it hard for him to ask him about it or find him. funny how that happens. today randi kaye finally caught up with him and she joins us now. what happened? >> reporter: well, anderson, we wanted to track the governor down to ask him about that sound bite you played and here is our exchange. you had criticized the media a while back saying we had a partisan narrative saying florida would be like new york but don't these spiking numbers prove you were wrong in saying that? so what went wrong in florida, and what did you do wrong? >> we're not even close to that. so we went through march, april, people were predicting we'd have 400,000 people hospitalized.
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never came. we had very stable numbers. all through may and early june were our best testing numbers, very low test results in terms of percent positive. obviously, you've seen a higher percentage test positive now but just understand, some of those states were testing at 60%, 70%. we've been 10% to 15%. we want to get that back down in the single digits. we're very well positioned to be able to handle what comes down the pike. but to compare us, what we're doing with that -- >> if i could -- >> apples and oranges. >> if i could just follow up just very quickly. >> i guess they didn't let you follow up there. >> reporter: no, anderson, they did not. one of his handlers shouted over me we're moving on and called on another reporter. it was the handler that called on the reporter, not the governor. i was trying to make a few points. you heard him say the positivity rate in florida is 10% to 15%.
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that's just not true. in lee county, where ft. myers is, they've seen a positivity rate of 20%, up from 13% and in miami-dade county, the positivity rate for the last two weeks has averaged more than 17%. the county itself says it would like to be around 10%. and just finally, the hospitals, he says -- he said today the hospitals have plenty of capacity. again, not true. the mayor of miami on cnn just last night saying that some hospitals in miami are either at or close to capacity. anderson? >> randi, thanks very much. ahead, reaction to what members of the coronavirus task force had to say about a member that attended the hearing. senator chris murphy on their prognosis and the president's refusal to wear a mask when we return. (burke) at farmers, we know how nice it is to save on your auto policy. but it's even nicer knowing that if this happens... ...or this.... ...or even this... ...we've seen and covered it. so, get a quote today.
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during his testimony today dr. anthony fauci could not have made it more clear, when you're outside and don't have the capability of maintaining distance, you should have it on. at all times, period, full stop. democrats and republicans, yet, as our next guest explained during the same hearing, masks have nevertheless become a political issue because the loudest voice in the room and on social media, the president's, is the most conspiratorial. >> while our panelists tell us about the importance of wearing masks, the president of the united states is retweeting articles for example entitled mandatory masks aren't about safety, they're about social control. he retweets people criticizing
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how folks look when they wear masks. our panelists today are telling us about the effectiveness of social distancing, the president of the united states is holding rallies across the country in which he deliberately prevents people from distancing. >> joining us is senator chris murphy. it's so clear that president trump has no interest in dealing with the pandemic anymore and is instead focused on amplifying culture war issues like defending confederate statutes from being taken down and saying everyone is trying to take jesus off the cross. the idea we're in this situation now and that the virus continues to just spread and grow and the numbers that fauci is talking about are scary and the president is actively subverting what is good for the health of each individual american is just stunning to me and it just seems surreal.
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i just cannot believe we're sitting here in this situation. >> you know, the president seems to think that if he doesn't talk about coronavirus, then it will go away, and people will stop caring about it and, you know, that's proof of his ignorance and proof of the bubble that exists around this white house. the coronavirus dominates everyone's life in this country on a daily basis. for the millions of americans out of work, they can think of nothing except for coronavirus. for those of us that are parents getting ready to send our kids back to school one or two days a week, we're talking every hour about coronavirus. the president can't wish this away. he can't decide to start tweeting about statues being vandalized and everyone is going to forget about this. and the steps he is taking to frankly undermine the kind of steps we took in connecticut to get ahead of coronavirus like social distancing, like building
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a non-partisan, apolitical mask wearing culture is just going to make it even more guaranteed that efforts for the president to try to distract americans are not going to work because as these cases mount, fauci saying today maybe 100,000 a day by the middle of summer, there would be no way for any government leader to avoid what will be a crisis over the summer that may make what we went through in the spring look like child's play. >> i mean, you would -- just in any president, normal president in the history of this country or in frankly any country that president would be, you know, going to a mask factory in the strategic stockpile and visiting hospitals and going, meeting with doctors on the front lines and, i mean, rallying the country in this herculean effort to, you know, to save ourselves and yet we have gone from being
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on track with europe to now falling off that track and we're now banned from europe. >> well, it makes it -- what makes it even more unforgivable is we now know what works. i mentioned that in connecticut we were a hot spot and we now have a positive test rate of less than 1% a day. we have less than 100 people in the hospital in our entire state. all you have to do is copy what we did. you have to keep things closed until you get transmission rates under control. you have to build that apolitical mask wearing culture and you've got to do a rigorous system of testing and tracing and quarantine. and so all the president has to do is pick up what we did in new jersey and new york and connecticut and build that same system and other parts of the country and by the fall, we really could be as a nation on the other side of this but because he deliberately undermines the evidence-based practices to get coronavirus under control, he's guaranteeing the crisis will be here throughout the presidency.
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>> i don't understand why the people going to his rallies do not see that. i mean, i don't know if they just don't care or they think it is not that bad, that they themselves are not going to die and maybe some old people are going to die and maybe they're not as concerned about that. i just don't understand the logic of, you know, it just seems like a simple thing we can do. you know, you can reopen but wear masks and social distance and still follow guidelines that his white house put out. >> well, right. that's why it's so impossible for us to watch the experts who testified today say all the right things and then have the president on a daily basis undermine them. it's almost as if we have two different federal governments, two parallel governments.
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you have the cdc and nih and hhs, you know, saying, keep your distance, keep things closed until it's safe to reopen, wear masks and you have the president undermining them on a daily basis. again, it's so unforgivable because we have a pathway for states to reopen. we have a game plan that we have shown people in the northeast can be effective here and, you know, ultimately, this will be the president's political undoing because americans are not going to be distracted from the issue that dominates their lives so long as the infection rate is so high. >> chris murphy, appreciate your time. thank you very much. up next, a new tweet from president trump on his 2020 message defending america's quote-unquote heritage. talk about the president's definition of heritage with representative ayanna pressley. also about the racial divide the president is pushing as we approach election day.
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when the president isn't ignoring the coronavirus pandemic or tweeting he can be found stirring racial divides online. just the last hour he tweeted this, this is a battle to save the heritage and greatness of our country, #maga2020. if you're at all confused by what he means by heritage, remember earlier this month he tweeted a defense of u.s. military instillations named after confederate soldiers as part of a great american heritage. ayanna pressley made a speech
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from the floor about what true heritage is for many black and american women. >> driving while black, jogging while black, sleeping while black, we are criminalized for the very way we show up in the world. my black body is seen as a threat, always considered armed. centuries of institutionalized won't be undone overnight for racism is like the marble pillars of this institution. there is a rallying cry, black lives matter is a mandate from the people. it's time. pay us what you owe us. our black skin is not a crime. it is the beautiful robe of nation builders. >> and joining me now is ayanna pressley. thank you for being with us. it's so interesting to me. i think what you said was so powerful and it's a view of history that is not really taught in school books and it's not really the way many certainly white americans think of the history of this country, the pillars upon which it was built and yet undeniably going
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as far back in our country's history, this is our history. >> absolutely. our original sin and further, for 401 years there has been disproportionate pain legislated, targeted, voiced upon black americans since the inception of this country from enslavement to unequal access to the g.i. bill to jim crow to the practice of redlining, which still persists, to the war on drugs. and so the path forward is one where we must be very precise and very prescripted. we have legislated disproportionate hate, hurt, and harm onto black americans and now we must legislate healing and justice. there is unrest in our streets and there will be for as long as there is unrest in the life of black americans.
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but i do believe this is a tipping point and a moment of reckoning. >> the white house keeps trying to, or the president keeps trying to, i guess the people around the president try to keep excusing and reframing what the president says or does when it's obvious what he says and does. we can hear it and we see it. i mean, this is what he thinks can deliver him a re-election win. that's -- is that to you what the president is doing right now just focused on division in order to try to divide enough and win? >> he's consistent if nothing else, anderson. this is who he was before he was elected to the oval office. you know, leading the birther movement, denying rental units to african-americans. calling for the death penalty, essentially a lynching of the central park and now the exonerated five. and so he's consistent. here is someone more upset about
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people throwing paint on confederate statutes than the embedded and systemic racism. i don't call him the president. he's the occupant, he's occupying the oval office. he's void of the empathy, the compassion, the intellect and strategy and sense of responsibility and so, yes, he does sow division and i'm encouraged that there is a movement that is emboldened in the face of that and demanding that congress lead and act as the conscience of this nation in the absence of presidential leadership. someone who, you know, i'm a woman of faith and we often sing a spiritual, "i feel like a motherless child," which is about the woes of the world and i feel like an american without a president. >> what do the next several months look like to you? it's sort of -- there are so many things facing this country.
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there is this extraordinary outpouring in the streets which we have seen overwhelmingly peaceful, people from different walks of life and obviously covid to contend with and the election season is heating up and an election unlike any we've seen before, given covid. >> that's right, anderson. we are managing a pandemic within a pandemic. you know, not only the coronavirus, the public health crisis which is disproportionately impacted the black community while also dealing with the pandemic that the only thing that covid-19 could not kill and that's racism. police brutality born out of the original sin of slavery. and also the economic hardship. and so congress has to act on all three. when it comes to the coronavirus, we need to get reoccurring checks and relief to families. we need to cancel rent and mortgages. we need a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures. we need more aid to small businesses. we need aid for states and
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cities and we can't forget about the most vulnerable and when i say vulnerable, that is not only those in nursing homes. that includes our incarcerated men and women. these prisons are incubators for a virus like this to thrive and as we've seen states open and we have sobering projections of infection rates and potential loss of life, we cannot forget about those that are incarcerated so there is a bill to dismantle incarceration for public health and that means the compassionate release of our elderly, those with underlying conditions, and those that are pregnant and provides funding. so we can offer a community basbas based alternative. it's a death sentence. >> congressman -- >> there is a lot of work -- >> yeah, congressman pressley, appreciate your time and we'll talk again. thank you very much. >> thank you, anderson. coming up next, a legal victory of sorts for
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firstnet. the only officially authorized wireless network for first responders. because putting you first is our job. i'll start... oh, do you want to go first? no, no i don' go. i was just going to say on slide 7, talking about bundling and saving...umm... jamie, you're cutting out. sorry i'm late! hey, whoever's doing that, can you go on mute? oh, my bad! i was just saying there's a typo on slide 7. bundle home & auto for big discosnouts. i think that's supposed to say discounts. you sure about that? hey, can you guys see me? so are we.
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prudential helps 1 in 7 americans with their financial needs. that's over 25 million people. with over 90 years of investment experience, our thousands of financial professionals can help with secure video chat or on the phone. we make it easy for you with online tools, e-signatures, and no-medical-exam life insurance. plan for better days. go to or talk to an advisor.
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president trump's scored a rare legal victory today as a new york judge at least temporarily blocked the push establishing of an unflattering tell-all from the president's niece. the lawsuit was brought by his brother robert who says the book violates a confidentiality agreement, the decision quote flatly violates the first amendment. they and the publisher plan to appeal. the book, "too much and never enough: how my family created the world's most dangerous man" is scheduled for release july 28th. let's check in with chris. see what he's working on for "cuomo prime time." chris? >> i tell you a student of trump his brother is advancing the lawsuit. you don't see the president and his brother together that often and probably for good reason so that's an interesting move. what we have tonight is a look
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at the urgency of what need to be right, done right now. there are no longer a debate about whether or not we need to do things differently. the numbers are upon us. the storm is upon us. we also have one of the two people in a picture that has gone viral around the world. the mccloskeys who are in front of their house as the black lives matter protest rolled by holding weapons saying they were confronted by an angry mob. what were they afraid of? mr. mccloskey joins us tonight. >> wow, look forward to that, chris. that's about six minutes from now. definitely watch. see you in a couple minutes. an update on a coronavirus survivor, a pregnant nurse got sick with the virus and how she's doing now and her baby girl who was born prematurely.
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an update on a coronavirus survivor. sylvia leroy was pregnant when she got coronavirus while working as a nurse in brooklyn, new york hospital. she was put on a ventilator for a week and then given remdesivir and seemed to be doing better but then she had a heart attack. here's what her sister shirley told me black in may. >> it was 3:30 in the afternoon. i get a call from her attending doctors saying she coded. and we were on the phone together. and she was saying that she was so sorry for my sister, and i just -- i was frozen on the phone and i knew i had to call her husband. i was like i need to get jeff on the line. and we were listening while they were administering cpr to her.
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and after what i can only say is the most awful number of seconds or minutes that it took, they said they found a pulse. and they rushed her off to the operating room to have an emergency c-section. >> well, here is sylvia's baby girl,ester. she was born prema surely. she left the hospital weighing 5 pounds, 3 ounces. ester now wayseighs 8 pounds ans doing well. sylvia has not been able to see her baby. still in rehab turning to talk and swallow and many other things because her brain was starved of oxygen for up to eight minutes during that cardiac arrest. her sister tells us sylvia's made ate lot of progress in rehab. here is sylvia with her husband just last week. today we're told she laughed and smiled when she saw her parents on a video call. she's going to need round the
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clock care when he does -- when she does go home. her family set up a gofundme page. you see the info there on the screen. we wish sylvia and her entire family in the weeks and months and years ahead. the news continues right now. i'm going to hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." chris? >>ester, a great name. a huge, towering figure in the bible. gives us -- gives the jews the holiday of -- she was a fighter. she fought for her people and will fight now. anderson, thank you, my friend. i'm chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." 127,000 dead. the task force says we could be heading to 100,000 cases a day. that's the bad news. what's the good news? there's a chance. and the key is the same as it's always been, my brothers and sisters, we must be together, as ever, as one. you, me, and a perversely self-interested president makes three. will tonight be the night that trump finally
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