tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 1, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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from eves drase dropping and fil from russia to the taliban pointed to russian intelligence, wanting to see americans killed by the taliban. >> just the substance of it exceeds the threshold of what we call duty to warn meaning lives are at risk. >> reporter: alex marquardtmarq cnn. >> anderson starts now. a very good evening to you. four months into a pandemic that is now taken nearly 128,000 american lives and no small part because the president of the united states decided to occupy a persistent state of denial. that same president today remarkably declared victory and said once again, the virus will simply go away. >> i think we did it all right. we did a great job.
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we're credited with doing a great job and i think we'll be very good with the coronavirus. i think that at some point, that's going to sort of just disappear. i hope. >> reporter:. >> you still believe so? >> i do, do i sure, at some still believe so? >> i do, do i sure, at some point. >> just disappear, those remarks that are not new and a theme for this president, in fact, come as cases are, in fact, rising in 37 of the 50 statements now. just two states in the entire nation show infections declining. those remarks and that claim by the president that we did great that this will all disappear are set against that chart, a curve that is not just rising but rising more steeply every day. this is not what doing a great job looks like for a country. however, this is what is prompting governors in some 22 states now to reimpose restrictions and for some to mandate mask wearing. it is what moved european
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countries to ban travel from the united states starting today. that's right. ban the u.s. as it banned travel from other countries. it is what is make thing country an out liar, a health hazard in the judgment of the rest of the world. it is also what prompted the nation's most trusted public health expert to issue this warning yesterday. >> i would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around. i think it's important to tell you and the american public that i'm very concerned because it could get very bad. >> 100,000 a day. late today dr. fauci said he used that number to quote jolt people, perhaps to jolt just one person because as you know, the president has returned time and time again to this notion of the virus simply disappearing. >> it's going to disappear one day it's like a miracle, it will disappear and from our shores,
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it could get worse before it gets better. it could maybe go away. we'll see what happens. nobody really knows. it's dying out. it's fading away. it's going to fade away. it going away but i think we'll have vaccines and we'll have therapy and maybe beyond that, maybe a cure and it won't be in the long distance. so i really think that's going to be helpful and regardless, it's going away. >> follow the facts. follow the numbers. so astonishing as it is to hear, this is nothing new for this president and though, he has not said so out loud, it seems to be his justification at the end of the day for not taking the kind of steps that any other presidents have taken in the grips of their own national crisis. the president, as you know, calls himself a wartime president on this. yet, he seems not to notice more americans have died in this battle than in all the wars since world war ii. he has essentially checked out barely mentioning the virus in fact focussing instead of things
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like this, people allegedly vandalizing statutes, posting their pictures like he is something of a crime show host demanding the culprits turn themselves in or else. or attacking new york's mayor calling a proposed black lives matter mural there on fifth avenue quote a symbol of hate. ironic for someone who recently tweeted out to tens of millions of followers a video of someone shouting very clearly at the beginning of that video, white power. right now, as the pandemic rages, this wartime president is doing battle to save statutes of dead people and protecting the street outside trump tower from some words he simply doesn't like. this wartime commander is not leading the federal charge in places such as florida which continues to see case counts hit new highs almost daily. he is not leading the charge in texas, which today reported more than 8,000 new infections. he is not at the front lines in
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california where the governor today facing this rising curve you see on the graph there halted all indoor activities in hard-hit counties. instead, it is every state for itself. and mixed contradictory messages as always from this white house such as the president today on wearing a mask. >> i think masks are good. if i were in a group of people and close. >> you would wear one? >> i have. people have seen me wearing one. >> keeping them honest, he's only known to have worn a mask one single time. the rest of the time he either shuns them. he's mocked others for wearing them or retweets memes to tens of millions of followers and again today said mask wearing should not be mandatory. dr. fauci said he wanted to jolt people but the president seems unjolted at this point and late today, his spokesperson seemed to confirm it.
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>> dr. fauci says we're heading for the 100,000 cases per day. why does the president have evidence that it would just disappear? >> one thing i would note with regard to cases, we're aware there are embers in the country. we're aware there are places with rising cases. >> 37 states, in fact, they still call them embers. joining us florida democratic congresswoman and clinton secretary of health and human services and leon panetta who in addition to his national security resume served as white house chief of staff in the clinton administration. thanks to both of you. we benefit from your decades of public service. secretary panetta, when this president says again that the virus will disappear and you've seen the graphs going in one direction up and very sharply, it shows well, a state of denial, does it not? you serve' at chief of staff to a president, what would you be telling him to do right now?
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>> well, it would be very different from what we're seeing because this president has essentially gone awall from the job of leadership that he should be providing a country in trouble. this is a major crisis. we're looking at 41,000 new cases today and i think dr. fauci has said there is a good chance we may go to 100,000 cases, but the president rather than bringing together some kind of national strategy to confront this crisis simply resorts to tweeting about vandal listism a other things to divert attention. he's not good at crisis frankly. he doesn't like to deal with things that he cannot solve easily or tweet easily about. and so the result is that he's trying to avoid any
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responsibility for doing anything about the crisis this country is facing and very frankly, that's a responsibilitity of duty. >> the secretary firefighter heal for health and human service.or human service. you have an administration and president that seems doing less rather than more what would that mean in the midst of really growth across most of the country now in infections? >> it would be tragic. this president's inability to lead has literally led to americans dying. i don't think i'd ever say that about a president of the united states. this is an american tragedy. and we have to do testing as part of an overall strategy.
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look, we're about to celebrate the fourth of july. this is about patriotism. patriots wear masks, care about their country, men and women. they wash their hands. they practice social distancing. and they insist that the president of the united states provide enough testing and see testing and science as what we have to follow. literally i'm running out of words what to say about this lack of leadership. >> deb lib rid assault on science you can say. secretary panetta, you served decades in government at so many levels. can you think of another time where there has been such a lack of a federal response, federal leadership to a major crisis and really an attack even on the data and the facts showing the scope of that crisis?
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>> not in my lifetime. one way or another served under nine presidents and somewhere outstanding, some were not outstanding. every president i can remember over this last era since world war ii is a president that when faced with crisis had to respond. and has been willing to respond whether it's war or 9/11 or a natural disaster. they have had to respond and so to have a president now that confronted by crisis, for goodness sakes, we're not just talking about covid-19 which is out of control. we're not just talking about an economy that is in deep trouble as a result of covid-19, we're not just talking about a country that's standing up to racial
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inequality that's gone on for 400 years but also a country that has a leadership crisis on its hands. we have a president that is not willing to stand up and do what is necessary in order to lead this country during a time of major disasters. i've never experienced a president that's avoided that responsibility. >> the president deliberately attacks institutions in this country to undermine confidence in them and it worked to many degrees. i don't have to list them for you. what does that do to this country's ability to respond to get people motivated to do what is necessary to hem this outbreak and something simple like wearing masks. easiest thing to do. >> if this crisis taught us anything, we need government and we need a strong government. we need a strong federal
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government with first close leadership and certainly strong state and local government but we can't deal with it without great scientists we've been investing in for years, that's what the crisis taught us. it's taught us we need strong leaders with courage in a crisis. >> yeah. secretary ma net to, we can wait until we're blue in the face for that federal leadership for that national leadership does not appear that it's going to come. can this be done right? can we as a country get a handle on this state by state? you see california. california had, where you live, had an enormous early on this and they seemed to get a handle on it and now cases are rising again but it shows that it's hard to get it right at the
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state level. >> you know, i think that approaching this fourth of july, one of the things that we can take some pride in is the fact this country are stepping forward at a time there is no leadership in washington. i mean, the reality is that governors are struggling to deal with the situation in their states that people are trying to deal with the situation in their communities. i think the american people are trying to respond to the problems they are facing. they're not getting much leadership and that's a tragedy. but the fact is they are stepping up and they're trying to do what's right to protect themselves and their families. and thank god for that. i still remain hopeful that even without leadership from washington that we're going to be able to overcome this crisis. >> yeah. i've seen a lot of examples like
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that, like you're talking about myself. congresswoman, secretary panetta, thanks very much to both of you. coming up next, a nationwide look at why seems like this one may soon be managing because the virus is not. dr. sanjay gupta will join us and later, former national security advisor and potential biden running mate susan rice on the breaking news about russian bounties on u.s. troops and more broadly, the president's resistance to hearing anything negative about russia. you can't predict the future.
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we learn that the country 46,853 new cases. that is sadly a new daily record. across the country. >> every state in the bay area the fourth of july weekend. >> the weekend raised a lot of concern. >> bars, restaurants and movie theaters will close again in 19 californian counties for at least three weeks. today, the daily death toll in this state like we haven't seen since april. >> do not take your guard down. please do not believe those that somehow want to manipulate the reality. >> and record numbers now hospitalized in arizona. >> i'm not sure what more we can do with the total shutdown. >> record high hospitalizations
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also in texas and long lines to be tested. >> while we opened in phases, we went from one phase to the next phase to the next phase too quickly so we weren't able to see the data. >> he's echoing dr. anthony f fauci, one of the most expected voices on the virus but no longer expected by all. >> we haven't skipped over anything. the only thing i'm skipping over is listening to him. >> 37 states are seeing their case counts climb. at least 22 of them now pausing or rolling back reopening. new york city was due to open indoor dining monday. not anymore. and a new warning from the federal official in charge of testing, those under 35 are driving outbreaks right now and testing alone will not be enough to stop them. >> testing is critical but we cannot test our way out of the current outbreaks. we must be disciplined about our
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personal behavior, especially around the july 4th holiday and especially among the young adults. >> a vaccine would of course be the game changer. some promising data from pfizer today. >> we have an effective vaccine proven on january 1st, this does not end on january 22nd. it will be six months, nine months to a year to be distributed to make a meaningful difference. >> so nick, california forced to dial back its reopening after initially getting on top of this ahead of the game you might say. what will the state look like going forward? >> well, in the immediate term expect to see more coastal cities closing their beaches. new port beach just pulled that trigger after a couple lifeguards tested positive. then it really depends who ends up on the governor's watch list. 19 counties right now on that list, that is where he just closed indoor dining but
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counties can come off and on that list so we will see how that evolves. also, jim, a lot is going to depend on how we behave. here in los angeles today, we were just told over this weekend to avoid what they call the three cs. crowds, confined spaces and close contact. jim? >> smart advice easy to remember and it is on us. nick watt, thanks very much. joining us now cn, this chief medical correspondent dr. john say gupta. we talked a lot through these last weeks here and i measured your rising exasperation in the last days coming from washington. the president says today again the coronavirus is going to disappear. you heard the lieutenant governor of texas saying he's not going to listen to dr. fauci anymore. what does that mean for the country when you still have that resistance to the facts before us? >> well, it makes you feel like you're going backwards, jim.
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at a time we need to go forward more than we ever had to in our country, we're going backwards because of this sort of stuff. let me give you a peek behind the curtain. the president says the virus is going to go away. nobody knew everything about this virus at the beginning. that's the nature of a novel coronavirus. there is a lot that we've learned and a humility. but back in february, i interviewed the head of the cdc who said it's clearly not going to go away. it's going to be here for the years to come. it becomine ing endemic. it was known february 13th time frame. why now at the end of june are we using that as some sort of statement when the lieutenant governor in texas says i'm not going to listen to dr. fauci, we met all the criteria for reopening. let me show you this graph if we have it. you remember what the first criteria was to reopen a state? we talked about it so many times. you have to have a 14-day downtown ward trend. the data doesn't lie. the 14 days, two-week time
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period before texas reopened, it's a different graph but nevertheless, in texas they did not have a downward trend. you can take my word for it. the science matters here, jim, more than ever. >> and to your point, those guidelines came from this white house. their team wrote those guidelines and yet are endorsing states as they violate them. let talk about a state, california that led the way in many respects early on with a low number of cases they had some pretty comprehensive stay-at-home orders, et cetera. seem to get under control, began to reopen, conservatively the numbers jump again. did they do something wrong? >> you know, i think it's an idea that the policies versus the people, right? how much can you legislate of this in terms of how people will behave? i think, you know, they follow a lot of guidelines. they also opened without meeting all the criteria but one thing
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governor knnewsom pointed at, t people in a public institution, the large private gatherings, ex tnlded ph tended families are a source of significant spread. the numbers don't lie. clearly, there is explosive growth and you double the numbers every couple of days, you can get to a large number very, very quickly, jim. >> yeah, and then you see dr. f fauci's warning has substance behind this. sanjay gupta, always good to talk to you. >> you, too, thanks. >> just ahead, susan rice the former national security advisor to president obama will join us. we'll discuss my new reporting on why the president's intelligence briefers are wary of raising russia with him as we probe what the president knew about the russians offering bounties to kill u.s. troops in afghanistan.
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we have breaking news to report on president trump's denials he ever received intelligence on russian bounties on american troops. multiple officials who briefed the president tell me trump's resistance to intelligence warnings specifically about russia led his national security team including those who delivered the presidents' daily brief to him orally to do so less and less often. today the president's national security advisor robert o'bryan said the president was not briefed because at the time the
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information was uncorroborated but cnn confirmed the information was in his written daily brief this spring. still president trump today hung to the line he didn't see it also that there was nothing to see. >> when you bring something into a president and i see many, many things and i'm sure i don't see many things that they don't think rose to the occasion, this doesn't rise to the occasion and from what i hear, and i hear it pretty good, the intelligence people didn't even, many of them didn't believe it happened at all. i think it's a hoax. i think it's a hoax by the newspapers and the democrats. >> well, in fact, it was information shared with u.s. commanders on the ground in afghanistan. joining me is susan rice, national security advisor under president obama. she would be in the room as the president received his intelligence brief daily. she's also the author we should mention of "tough love my story of the things worth fighting for." ambassador rice, appreciate having you on the program
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tonight. i want to ask you -- >> good evening, jim. >> -- what consequences are there for u.s. national security when you have a president who blows up when he hears critical information or intelligence about one of its primaried a ver sar ri adversaries, russia, what does that mean? >> the national security advisor. my job was to brief the president to bring to the president all that he needs to hear, not what he wants to hear. not that it's nice to hear and in fact, when i served president obama, he would sometimes joke that i and others who brought bad news were the doomsday people but he always listened to what we had to say and he never conveyed the impression that news was too bad to be worthy of
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him hearing. you don't intimidate the messengers. you welcome the message and get to the problems of solving the problems and resolving the threats they see american people. this president is derelict information that is critical to the life and death of our service members and does so because he doesn't want to hear bad news. >> you know better than anyone that intelligence is rare li unanimous and 100% clear and you said as national security advisor you received raw reporting that russia was paying taliban members. you would walk in the oval office to brief the president. is there any reason that you can see to justify not raising intelligence like this directly to the commander in chief?
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>> there is absolutely no reason, jim. when it comes to our men and women in uniform in a war zone in harm's way in one of our arch adversaries and this case russia, escalating their hostility towards the united states by actively paying taliban terrorists to kill our forces, i would have walked into the oval office as soon as i saw that information and if it were raw and unverified, i would have said mr. president we have immediately here some very troubling information that the russians are paying the taliban to kill our forces. i'm going to run this to the ground. i'm going to work with the in l intelligence community to figure out how strong it is. in the meantime, we're going to work on options for you to respond appropriately to russia and we'll get back to you when we know more. you don't fail to tell him and jim, let me just say, i don't believe that they didn't tell him. i believe the more we've learned about this, that when this
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information came to light in 2019 early 2019, which is now what we understand to be the case, i'll bet a dime to a dollar that my predecessor john bolton did just that and walked into the oval office and told him what he needed to hear. i think they're obscuring that. prevented him from talking about it in his book and now those around him who don't have the backbone that bolton had probably were too scared to tell him when it was put again in the presidents' daily briefing. this is a top intelligence product. everything in that is meant for the president's eyes. he doesn't read it. the national security advisor has the obligation to make sure he at least knows what's in it. >> let me ask you this because "the washington post" is reporting tonight that president trump decided already that this is not actionable intelligence as it can be described meaning he's not planning any response
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to it. he's made that decision already. >> how can you make a decision -- jim, think about this. first of all, it's not important. then it's fake news. then it doesn't merit his attention. he knows enough to know it doesn't merit action? this all does not add up. we have known about this in some form or fashion for over a year. it does not take the intelligence community over a year to come to an assessment about the validity of something of this importance. they come to an assessment and put it in the pdb and wire which as you know, let me tell your viewers is a document, an intelligence product that goes to everybody with a clearance in washington. and all over capitol hill. so you don't put something out with that kind of decimation without the intelligence community having a certain significant degree of confidence in it. the president is denying and deflecting from his respon responsibility to protect our troops and i think it's one of the worst reaches of his
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responsibility that we've seen to date. >> one of the most consistent features of president trump's foreign policy is frankly difference to russia. i asked his people to explain that and they can't. they can't. they shake their heads frankly at that. how do you explain it? and do you suspect that he is not willing to confront russia? >> i believe he's not willing to confront russia. look at the pattern. it goes back before he was elected president. he called on putin to interfere in our elections, to hack hilla hillary's emails and denied the fact of russian interference on our election on his behalf. he on strublbstructed the muel n investigation and took putin's word publicly over our
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intelligence communities. he withdraw u.s. forces from syria and allowed literally russian forces to take over u.s. bases. and more recently, he called on putin, he invited putin to join the g 7 again over the obstruction of our allies. he ordered the withdraw of nearly a third of our forces from germany without consulting with the germans which is a huge blow to our bilateral relationship. when it comes to the life and death, the blood and toil of our soldiers, he could careless to hear the russians may be doing something th something, which they are. it is mind boggling and one cannot help but question what are his motivations? why? is it money? is it something they have on him? is it some fascination with putin and his power? there is something that must
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explain this. and i don't have the answer any more than his advisors do but it's deeply, deeply troubling when any president would put loyalty to somebody in a foreign government or to a foreign government above the health and safety of the american forces. >> let me ask you this before we go because of course, you know, you've been mentioned as a possible running mate to vice president biden. i know you won't comment on the process but i'll ask you simply, do you want the job? >> jim, look, as i've said before, i'm deeply honored and humbled i'm reportedly among this group of extraordinary women who are being considered for the job. i've also said that the most important thing in my mind and for this country is for joe biden to be the next president of the united states and for the democrats to control the senate as well as the house. and that is what we need to right all of these wrongs. the fact that, you know, our foreign relationships, our leadership in the world, the
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quality and integrity of our government, the challenges we face with coronavirus, the economy, race, all of these issues need strong principled leadership of integrity and that's what i care about and as i've said, i will serve in any capacity that i can to helped d advance that objective of joe biden becoming our next president and help him succeed if he does become president. >> appreciate your jo joining t program tonight. >> thank you, jim. coming up next, president trump stoking the flames of racial division once again today as we touched on. he's calling a proposed black lives matter mural in new york in his words of symbol of hate but his press secretary insists no, you read his tweets all wrong. we'll have more when "360" continues. new microban 24
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it should be clear now that president trump believes his road to reelection is paved with a daily culture war on his twitter feed. in the last 24 hours, he's defended military bases named after confederate generals and attacked fair housing regulations meant to benefit minorities. this morning he went directly after the black lives matter movement. his complaint was about to plan to paint black lives matter outside his trump tower residence in new york. he said quote, new york city is
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cutting police money by $1 billion and yet, the new york city mayor is going to paint a big expensive yellow black lives matter sign on fifth avenue den grading this luxury avenue. and as we told you earlier, he then called the proposed black lives matter mural quote this symbol of hate. just a short time ago his press secretary was asked what he meant by that and as usual, her replay is the press and anyone that read that tweet offensive got it wrong. see how she tries to explain it. >> americans of all races have protested in all 50 states around that phrase black lives matter and calling it hate. >> he's talking about the organization. >> nowhere in his tweet does he refer to the organization or leadership just the mural that says simply black lives matter.
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joining me now, bakari sellers, a cnn political commentator and member of the south carolina house. he also just published his memoir "my vanishing country." bakari, good to have you on. >> thank you. >> when you hear these phrases here, let's forget dog whistle because they are bull horn messages. our heritage when talking about confederate monuments, white power being proclaimed in that video that he tweeted, kung flu when you talk about the coronavirus and calling black lives matter a symbol of hate. a deliberate effort to appeal to white supremacist? >> this president as you stated earlier in the introduction uses political and cultural wars as some type of currency and even more importantly, he uses racism as political currency. everyone needs to understand that. that is a part of his political tool kit.
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for many of us, though, there is a great deal of pain that goes with these stereo types. there is a great deal of pain with things like the confa confederacy. if you want to see what a president is versus what donald trump is, you only have to look to five years ago where barack obama saying so eloquently amazing grace while eulogizing and he had pictures of himself in the confederal flag. the president doesn't care about that pain of all americans. instead, he rather stoke these culture wars because he believes that's the only path to victory. >> let's play if we can something that the white house press secretary said when she was asked exactly why the president is digging in on race specifically why he opposed changing the names of the
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military bases. i want you to listen to her and get your reaction. >> he believes these young men and women that left the bases overseas, many of whom lost their lives and the last thing they saw was being on one of these military bases they should not be told the base they trained in, the last place they saw on american soil was a racist institution. >> do you buy that? >> not at all. i mean, so there are a couple of things. one is the president's ignorance of history and i know kaylkayli well. i'm going to say that ignorance has grown on her as well. one of the biggest problems we have is that there are people of color, there are black folk who have served in this military who still serve today who have bled for this country and who still look at the confederate basis that they served at, those generals, not the people they
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served with but the bases they served on, what it stands for, those names being symbols of hate. we have to explain this just so we're extremely clear, jim. black lives matter, don't know if this phase, if it makes you raise your shoulders ocr your e eyebro eyebrows, something is wrong with you. nobody is saying black lives are more important. nobody is saying black lives matter more than white folk but we're saying black lives matter and why? there is not a question about the value of white lives in this country. there is not a question of the value of police lives in this country. but there is a question of the value of black lives. so if you can't even utter that phrase, there is something wrong with you. it ain't those of us who chant it and wear it on our shirts. >> so when the president says shirts. >> so when the president says it's violent, a symbol of hate? >> this is the same president who would have been on the other
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side of sclc. he would have been on the other side of sncc. he would have been on the other side of dr. king. let's think about that right now. a lot of people who want to quote dr. king don't understand he was a radical revolutionary, right? someone who was fighting for the rights of sanitation workers and labor workers when he was killed on april 4th, 1968. so this president's ignorance of history and the bar that we've come to, jim, this is such a low bar that my twin at 18 months old can probably jump over it to be president of the united states. >> and it's language in a presidential race we haven't heard since george wallace, right? you've got to go back 50 years. bakari sellers, thanks very much. >> thank you, jim. just ahead, another step in the country's reckoning with racism and how remarkable it is, because that step was taken in the former capital of the confederacy. apps are used everywhere...
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it is a busy night of news. chris cuomo, "cuomo prime time" coming up. you've got two hours, chris. what are you going to talk about? >> take on a lot of the sticky bits. now that the president is at least saying part of the right message, which is have to wear a mask, has to be a part of it. he is not saying has to, though, right? he is not making it mandatory. we're going take a look with sanjay at what the numbers tell us has to be done. but then we're going to take on aspects of disagreement here. we have someone who is in arizona, who as we know is getting hit really hard. he is a gym guy. i'm a gym guy. you're a gym guy. he wants to make his case. we'll hear him out. we also have a leader who is now the head of the new city council in jacksonville, florida about what they're going to do to reconcile the medical needs with the coming convention and the
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mixed messaging. >> i'm going to be watching, chris. we'll see you in a few minutes. coming up next this hour, a monumental change literally in the heart of the old south. because heart and kidney disease shouldn't prevent you from pushing your limits. because every baby deserves the very best start in life. because a changing environment should mean caring for the land that takes care of us all. at bayer, everything we do, from advances in health to innovations in agriculture, is to help every life we touch. at bayer, this is why we science.
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the stonewall jackson statue was removed from its pedestal. that's what you're watching there. it stood there for more than 100 years. this on the very same day a state law took effect giving localities the ability to remove or alter confederate monuments in their communities if they followed things like a waiting period. the republican party of virginia, however, called the democratic mayor's actions an illegal stunt. it's time now to hand it over to chris cuomo for "cuomo prime time." it's yourself. >> appreciate it. it's always a pleasure to see you. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." let's get after it. >> i'm all for masks. i think masks are good. if i were in a group of people and i was close. >> you would wear one? >> oh, i have. i mean, people have seen me wearing one. >> i guess he realized he really is what he put out on instagram today, the lone warrior. he was bragging about this, but this is only
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