tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN July 2, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world, you are watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, it took about two months for the u.s. to report its first 50,000 coronavirus cases. now the country has recorded that many cases in a single day. as outrage grows over the alleged russian bounty plot, former trump administration officials say they had started briefing the president less often with russian intelligence. weel find out why. the national china congress
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has a 15-year-old that's a threat under a new national security law. good to have you with us. more than 50,000 americans were diagnosed with covid-19 on wednesday, the highest one-day total by far. the world health organization says the virus is spreading so rapidly that 60% of the total cases across the globe were diagnosed just in the past month. arizona, california, texas, tennessee, and north carolina all reported a surge of new cases in the last 24 hours. nearly two dozen states have been forced to pause or roll
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back reopening plans. there's no sense of a crisis at the white house. the president plans to attend an event on friday at mt. rushmore. >> i think we're going to be very good with the coronavirus. i think that at some point that's going to sort of just disappear, i hope. >> there is zero evidence the virus is on the decline, and u.s. health experts fear the upcoming july 4th holiday is going to make it worse. >> we must be disciplined about our own personal behavior, especially around the july 4th holiday and especially among the young adults, and i mean 35 and under, who are driving the current outbreaks in many states. please, please, please, avoid mass gatherings. wear face coverings. use hygiene. >> california, texas, florida, and arizona are being hit especially hard. cnn's jason carroll has more.
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>> bottom line is the spread of this virus continues at a rate that is particularly concerning. >> california's governor gavin newsom announcing new restrictions this afternoon halting all indoor activities in businesses including restaurants, museums, zoos, movie theaters in 19 counties which represents 72% of the state's population. >> we are now requiring they close their indoor operations due to the spread of the virus. >> 37 states seeing a surge and now results of the new study say the actual u.s. death count might be higher than the official numbers show. research published in jama internal medicine says the number of u.s. deaths from march to may was 28% higher than what was attributed to covid-19. >> there are storm clouds on the horizon. >> reporter: the alarming number of cases nationwide prompting
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new york governor andrew cuomo to stop restaurants from opening indoor dining, if people don't comply, states could end up back where it was two months ago. >> we're back to the mountain. that is what is going to happen. >> reporter: troubling numbers continue coming in from texas, arizona, florida where that state's department of health reported more than 6,500 additional covid cases today. the governor continues to push back on critics who say he reopened too soon and should by now have had a state mandate to wear a mask. in tennessee, 26 new cases reported today, a record high and topping yesterday's total by more than 1,000 cases. the face of those numbers, the state's lieutenant governor says he will stop listening to recommendations from the nation's top infectious disease expert dr. anthony fauci who
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cautioned states over skipping over cdc guidelines when reopening. >> he doesn't know what he's talking about. we haven't skipped over anything. the only thing i'm skipping over is listening to him. >> peyton chester, a 23-year-old texan, blames all of the mixed messages as part of the reason why she got the virus. >> if some of my states have conflicting information, i was receiving conflicting information. >> reporter: wednesday arizona's governor has asked for five additional medical personnel to help with the spread of the virus there. arizona, hospital beds at 85% capacity. icu beds at 88% capacity. jason carroll, cnn, new york. >> and since the pandemic began, president trump has resisted wearing a facemask and at times he's mocked and belittled people
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who do. as mass shall wearing has become more common place, the president has been increasingly isolated on this issue. on wednesday he appeared to bend. >> i'm all for masks. i think masks are good. if i were in a group of people and i was close. >> you would wear one? >> i would -- i have. i mean, people have seen me wearing one. i sort of liked the way i looked. >> well, large parties have been identified as breeding grounds for the virus among young people in the united states, but as one man in arizona found out after visiting a bar, getting infected was incredibly easy but terrifying to live through. >> on the sixth or seventh day when i was sick i started getting a cough issue and it was very light to where if i took a deep breath, i would go ahead and have a cough. within 24 hours it turned into a cough attack where i couldn't take a small breath without fearing for my life.
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on that monday where i decided to go to the hospital, i was literally laying on my bed in a position to just breathe like a person that smoked for 50 years. it was very scary. i feared for my life, and when i decided to go to the hospital, i also decided to make the message public because i knew i made a mistake. i knew i didn't take this seriously and i wanted other people to experience my experience because that's how i knew other people would get this message, is through a personal experience with someone they probably knew and they could relate to. >> and flores also told us the bar was packed with up to 500 people that day. just chilling. dozens of potential vaccines are being studied all over the world. drug maker pfizer and biotech say preliminary trials, one of them, have shown some promise. the most recent study only included about 45 patients and
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the results have not yet been published for peer review. so let's bring in dr. kent sepkowicz at weill cornell medical college. thank you so much for joining us. >> glad to be here. >> so the u.s. death toll is above 128,000. cases are surging in 37 states. 22 of those states have paused or rolled back reopening and most of california is now shut down again. why are we seeing this sudden surge in cases and what drastic measures need to be taken to stop the surge? >> we're seeing the surge because we didn't pay attention to the rules of the shutdown the first time through. people got itchy. they felt like it was party time again and they had been indoors for too long.
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it's very hard to maintain. the package of social distancing, staying at home is a very boring slog, but it works. masks work. washing your hands work. the whole package is monotonous and people got tired of it. once it was like school was out and jumping for joy and that was a mistake. there was never the thought that we could go from total lockdown, total quarantine to, hey, everybody back in the pool. but everybody heard it and resumed improvident behavior. >> president trump appears to be changing his opinion on face coverings now saying masks are good, but he won't mandate them and he hasn't told his supporters to wear them.
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if he did that, and also took the lead and actually wore a mask himself in public, could that be enough to stop this alarming surge in cases? >> it would be a factor that would have some effect. i think getting people to stay home, not going to bars and drink, getting people to stay away from each other in a social sense, those are much harder, but i think for him to take this seriously, for him to take human behavior seriously and containing themselves seriously, that would be big. if you wear a mask all the time, nonsarcastically, derice civilly, that would matter. i don't think he will, but i would love to see it. >> president trump also said wednesday that the coronavirus will sort of just disappear, his
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words exactly. what medical advice would you give him on that statement? >> wake up, dude. there's no indication scientifically or what we've seen or just ask your grandma if it's just going to magically disappear. there's no one other than the president, i don't know that he totally thinks it. it's magical thinking. he thought those pills, the malaria pills were going to make it go away. it's not accepted that there is a real crisis on his hands that requires decision making. he's just refusing to go -- >> and, doctor, a new study is now suggesting that covid-19 deaths could actually be about 28% high jer. how likely is it we've underestimated the death toll in the u.s.?
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>> surely we have. people die without the diagnosis. people die suddenly in their home, et cetera. public health has known about that phenomenon all the time for every disease, influenza, et cetera. they have ways to estimate a number more accurately. inevitably at the end of a season, the true number, which is the incremental number of deaths above the baseline that is seen every year, more or less the same per month, it's adjust adjusted. so this is an old, non-politically charged statistic call adjustment that has been made for decades. 20, 25% under count, that feels about right for diseases. >> dr. sepkowicz, thank you for
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talking with us, we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. this is "cnn newsroom." stunning revelations about what president trump hears about russia during his intelligence briefings from former administration officials who were there. we will have the disturbing details. that's coming up. meantime, russia is releasing early results from its controversial vote. what it means for president putin and how the u.s. president could be boosting his popularity. we're back in a moment.
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audible is my road-trip companion. it's kind of my quiet, alone time. audible is a routine for me. it's like a fun night school for adults. i could easily be seduced into locking myself into a place where i do nothing but listen to books. i never was interested in historical fiction before, but i'm obsessed with it now. there are a lot of like, classic and big titles that i feel like i missed out since i don't have time to read, mean i might as well listen. if i want to catch up on the news or history or learn what's going on in the world, i can download a book and listen to it. because i listened to her story over and over again, i made the decision to go ahead and follow my own dream, which was to help other veterans. i think there's like 180 books in my, in my library now.
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well, we are hearing more details now about the allegations that russia paid boupt yis to the taliban to kill american soldiers in afghanistan. "the new york times" says an afghan contractor handed out russian cash to kill americans according to officials. the paper describes, and i'm quoting here, a key middleman who for years handed out money from a russian military intelligence unit to reward taliban-linked fighters for targeting american troops in afghanistan according to american and afghan officials.
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multiple knowledgeable sources tell cnn that president trump has been resistant to warnings about russia so former administration officials who gave trump intelligence briefings and others who were there say his national security team has been verbally briefing him less often on russia-related threats to the u.s. the president denies he was briefed on the intelligence surrounding alleged russian bound yis and is calling the accusations a hoax. here's the president speaking to fox news earlier. >> we never heard about it because intelligence never found it to be of the -- of that level where it would rise to that -- just didn't rise to the occasion and from what i hear, and i hear it pretty good, the intelligence people didn't even -- many of them didn't believe it happened at all. i think it's a hoax. i think it's a hoax by the
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newspapers and the democrats. >> but as cnn's kiley at wood tells us, the intel on the accusations dates back to last year. >> reporter: the origins of this intelligence date back to 2019. we have reported that in 2019 the white house was provided with intelligence that russian actors had offered taliban bounties to kill u.s. soldiers and then this information came back to the fore earlier this year. it was provided in the president's daily brief. that's the intelligence document that he is receiving every single day, and then there was an interagency meeting earlier this year to discuss potential responses by the u.s. government if this information, if this intelligence did, indeed, turn out to be true. now national security advisor robert o'brien confirmed that today and he defended the fact that president trump was not
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actually orally briefed on this intelligence. despite the fact that it was in his pdb, his presidential daily brief, the president does not normally read that document. so the onus is on those who work around him to provide that information to him orally. now national security advisor robert o'brien said that the information was not fully verified and that's why they didn't give it to the president. and secretary of state mike pompeo also defended the white house's response to this intelligence when he spoke at the state department yesterday. now later this morning we are going to see a briefing for the gang of eight from the intelligence community leaders on this russian bounty intelligence. the folks who are going to be briefing include the cia director, dena haskell, john radcliffe and this is expected to 3r0e vied provide more answers to those members of
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congress who have not felt they had sufficient answers to their questions provided by the white house briefing earlier this week. >> one congressman not mincing his words is seth moulton, a democrat from massachusetts and an iraq war veteran. take a listen to what he said about the president's handling of intelligence. >> i was a platoon commander in iraq. if i led my marines into an ambush because i didn't bother to read the intelligence report i was given, that said we would get ambushed there, i wouldn't be tweeting that it wasn't my fault because i didn't read the record. i would be in prison. if this is not treasonous behavior, i don't know what is. stop ignoring it or defending it and find it out of political courage, an ounce of patriotism, an ounce of responsibility for
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that oath we took to once stand up not for your republican party leader but for our troops and for our country. >> and a former national security advisor to president barack obama is speaking out against president trump as well. susan rice who many believe is in the running to be joe biden's running mate told our jim sciutto there must be some reason the president ignored the information in his briefings but no one knows what it is. >> it is mind boggling and one cannot help but question what are his motivations? why? is it money? is it something that they have on him? is it some fascination with putin and his power? there is something that 34us explain this, and i don't have the answer any more than his advisers do, but it's deeply, deeply troubling when any president would put loyalty to somebody in a foreign government or to a foreign government above
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the health and safety of american forces. >> nine, in russia president vladimir putin could hang on to power for another 16 years. early results from russia's central elections commission show more than 3/4 of voters have approved constitutional changes. they could allow mr. putin to seek two more six-year terms as president. his critics are slamming the vote. one of them calling it a huge lie. independent organizations say the numbers aren't accurate and vote monitoring groups say there wasn't adequate regulation. despite this, it doesn't look like president putin is leaving any time soon. and he might owe some of that staying power to president trump. cnn's matthew chance.
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>> reporter: elected for another ten years. voting for constitutional changes that could keep putin in power until 2036. when trump won in 2016 they celebrated in russia. finally the u.s. leader, critical of nato and the e.u., who they believe saw the world their way, putin's way. still, few expected him to back the russian president over his own intelligence agencies, over allegations of u.s. election meddling. even putin felt uncomfortable in the 2018 summit. president trump had disagreed with him on something. >> translator: president trump's stance on crimea is public and we have a different view. >> reporter: this didn't end. in 2019 president trump announced the southern pullout
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of u.s. forces from syria abandoning kurdish allies allowing russian forces to take over deserted u.s. bases filling the vacuum and a long-standing kremlin goal. u.s. officials later clarified some forces would stay to secure the border. but in other conflicts, like ukraine, trump also played well to the russian audience. threats to suspend vital military aid fueled bitter impeachment hearings in washington, it was music to the kremlin's ears as their forces backed rebels in the country. now as russians look set to endorse putin for potentially another 16 years, trump's apparent soft spot for the kremlin's strong man amid allegations of russian bounties to kill u.s. troops is being tested again. matthew chance, cnn. hundreds hit hong kong streets to protest china's national security law and face
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off against the police. ahead, we will hear from the one hong kong official involved in drafting that legislation. can st investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers.
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on the streets of hong kong there have been protests and hundreds of arrests as china's sweeping national security law takes effect. the fresh clashes between police and protesters come after the passing of that law which broadens beijing's powers to investigate and punish dissenters. supporters say it will bring back stability, but critics say it has stripped hong kong of its autonomy and freedoms. and in just the past few hours
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hong kong police say they have arrested a man on a flight from hong kong to london on suspicion of attacking and wounding a police officer during the protests. >> while the law's language is somewhat vague, it contains four main points that could lead to arrest and prosecution. secession which criminalizes calls for independence, subversion which includes damaging hong kong government buildings to pursue a political agenda. terrorist activities, the law cites arson and vandalizing public transportation all seen during protests and foreign collusion. inciting, quote, hatred against the chinese government. our will ripley sat down with hong kong's only representative on the law's drafting committee
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for an international exclusive. will joins us with the details. will, what all did that representative have to say? >> reporter: well, you know, this is the only hong kong citizen who had a vote in this national security law of 170 members of the national people's committee. he stands behind this legislation which he says is necessary because from the chinese perspective, they view the protests not as a symptom of sewingal inequality in hong kong or mistrust towards the main land, instead a plot to influence young people to destabilize hong kong and, therefore, try to destabilize the mainland for social unrest to somehow spread to the mainland. they view that as a national security threat, that's why they enacted the legislation. in the first round of arrests we saw yesterday, we do need to point out the chilling effect of the law was significant.
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there were far fewer protestors versus one year ago. yet, there were still 370 arrests. some of those arrests, a handful of them under this new national security law, including a 15-year-old girl who was arrested for simply waiving a banner that said hong kong independence. so i asked how are these arrests and these people who are simply in possession of banners and whatnot a threat to china's national security? >> translator: it might be because some people intentionally challenge the law. also, it might be because they didn't understand the content of the law. >> how is a 15-year-old girl in possession of a hong kong independence banner, or anyone for that matter, a threat to china simply for possessing a banner? >> translator: we feel very sad that some youths and teenagers have violated the law. we don't want to see such cases,
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but unfortunately in the last year many youths and teenagers violated the law. >> reporter: he says that's partially the result of what china considers a lack of proper education here in hong kong which raises the question, teachers and professors who might teach things that the mainland disagrees with and maybe post about it on social media, could they be considered in violation of this law and could they be prosecuted? i asked him that and he couldn't give me a yes or no answer, but he did say even though this law is not retroactive, in other words, the arrests can only be made based on the time the law was put into effect, people who are arrested have their phones taken away and they scour through their electronic footprint and anything they said previously could be used against them as the law is prosecuted. the true effects of the law nobody knows because these are early days. we'll have to watch does this affect freedom of speech and
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expression and the freedom of education. >> the world is watching closely. will ripley, thank you for your report. the national security law has sparked concerns and criticisms. now the u.s. house of representatives has unanimously passed legislation authorizing sanctions on entities that, quote, violate china's obligations to hong kong. in a statement house speaker nancy pelosi said this move is urgently needed to respond to the chinese government which she called cowardly and she urged, quote, all freedom loving people to condemn china's new law. meantime china is firing back at brittain's prime minister after boris johnson criticized the new security law. he said it threatens hong kong's autonomy and civil freedoms and he offered eligible hong kong residents a path to british citizenship but china's ambassador to the u.k. said the
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country has no jurisdiction over hong kong's affairs and is calling the prime minister's affairs gross interference. the u.s. could see another record month of job growth as the economy attempts to recover from the paandemic. jobs and unemployment numbers for june will be published in the coming hours. experts predict the u.s. added 3 million jobs in june but warn the crisis is far from over and unemployment remains at historically high levels. cnn's john defterios joins us live from abu dhabi. always good to see you. how long might that job growth last and and when are the numbers out? >> reporter: it will be a headline grabbing number, we know that, rosemary. let's take a look at the official estimates here of 3 million which is above in may. to answer your point, this looks like a short-term burst of growth because of the covid
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cases. that would take the unemployment rate down to 12.3%. it's very important to remember where we came from in february though and that was a record low of 50 and a half. the president said we've never been in such great shape and then the pandemic hit. by the end of the year very close to still a double digit unemployment rate particularly with the snap back. 50,000 cases yesterday. over 2.68 million will affect hiring in the second half of the year and also the federal reserve board chairman suggested that the minorities are taking it really on the chin during the second wave of the crisis. african-americans and hispanics were singled out on the testimony on tuesday. we're also going to get the jobless benefits for the week. this is kind of an updated snapshot on where we stand. the trend line is down again, rosemary, to 1.4.
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the tally we've seen at 47 point upon 3 is going to go up yet again. 1.4 is seven times the normal average. we have to look again at the fine print. the re-occurring claims. those that cannot get back into the work force is very important to wall street and there are all of those who can't get back into the job market. it still remains a crisis although improvement over the last few months. >> john defterios, many thanks joining us live from abu dhabi. facebook leader mark zuckerberg plans to have a meeting. companies including microsoft, starbucks and levi strauss have stopped their ads for the month of july hoping that facebook will take greater action against hate speech and misinformation. cnn's abby phillip has more. >> reporter: the world's largest social media company now under unprecedented pressure from its
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advertisers to do more to stop hate speech online. dozens of companies pausing advertising on facebook in protest. the debate touching the highest office in the land with facebook coming under fire for leaving up these recent posts where president trump appeared to threaten looters with shooting and spread false claims and misinformation about mail-in voting. >> as we watch donald trump i think become more and more volatile with his posts, the fact that these companies have sat on their hands and allows it means that they are complicit. >> rashad robinson of color of change says for businesses, the choice is simple. >> do you want your ads showing up next to white nationalist organizations? do you feel comfortable having your ads next to theirs while you're also putting on those same platforms messages about why black lives matter?
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>> reporter: civil rights advocates are pushing facebook to do more including removing content in groups removing hate and ds information allowing refunds if their ads run alongside content that was removed because it violated the company's policies. with more than 98% of all of facebook's revenue coming from advertising, the pressure on facebook's bottom line is only growing. >> facebook, we have absolutely no incentive to tolerate hate speech. we don't like it. our users don't like it. advertisers understand that we don't like it. >> facebook's mark zuckerberg has been criticized for appearing to be too close to president trump and his campaign saying the company will put in place new policies to flag, label, even remove content that violates its rules including from the president. >> if we determine the content may lead to violence or deprive people to vote, we're going to take that down no matter who
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says it. similarly, there are no exceptions for politicians. >> reporter: activists say facebook is acting out of fear warning that president trump will work to regulate social media. >> reporter: abby phillips, cnn, washington. donald trump's postings have set off furious debate among social media companies about when his comments cross the line, and yet another tweet. this one about black lives matter is getting a lot of attention. you get used to pet odors in your car.
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symbol of hate in response to new york's decision to paint the phrase on the street in front of trump tower. the white house press secretary suggested the movement and the phrase are two separate things. >> talking about the organization? >> we agree, all black lives matter with that sentiment but we will not stand with an organization that exhibits that kind of hate against our police officers. >> earlier the new york city council had approved $1 billion worth of budget cuts to the nypd. mayor bill de blasio explained what redistributing the funds will do for the city. >> our young people need to be reached. they all need to be policed. not only a billion, another half billion onthat beyond that. broadband access for people in public housing. we have to do a lot of things differently if we're going to
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change the reality for so many young people in our society. one of the places we were able to find that money was in our police budget. >> de blasio says the plan to paint black lives matter on fifth avenue will come soon and it will be the second time the words appear in front of one of the president's homes. the first being in front of the white house. well, the u.s. city that once was the capitol of the confederacy has begun taking down many of its confederate monuments after the city's mayor ordered their immediate removal. crowds gathered in richmond, virginia, to watch and cheer as a crane and a cherry picker removed the statue of confederate general and slave owner stonewell jackson. the monument had been standing for more than 100 years. the mayor said, quote, we have needed to turn this page for decades and today we will.
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i want to turn to brittain now where a civil rights group says people of color are 54% more likely to be fined under coronavirus lockdown rules than if they were white. cnn's nada bashir takes a look at one such case. >> arrested for doing his job. youth worker was handcuffed after coming to the aid of a distressed black teenager stopped by police. his crime? officers say he breached lockdown regulations. he believes racial profiling is to blame. >> how do i come out of my vehicle when i was approached by a police officer and i was white, i probably wouldn't have been treated that way. >> reporter: he works to support under privileged teens. the vast majority he tells me come from black and ethnic minority communities. despite identifying himself as a key worker, which would have allowed him to be out during a
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lockdown, officers issued him with a penalty. with police refusing to revert the fine, he plans to take legal action. >> we need to show there is a way for us to try to fight these cases. if we may not be able to fight justice, our members will fight for rights and justice. >> reporter: for kasay, challenging the police is a matter of principle. it happened when dominic cummings took a controversial trip with his family to barnard castle more than 200 miles away from his home. no regrets on his behalf and unlike kasay, no penalty. this coincides with a growing racist campaign. black lives matters is forcing them to look at systemic racism. a recent study by liberty has
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found people of color were 50% more likely to be fined. for some experts, this doesn't come as a surprise. >> on top of a terrible global pandemic, we are seeing disproportionate and discriminatory fines. that is as much of a tragedy as a public scandal. >> many campaigners have said they are institutionally racist. >> there are everyday practices that have a disproportionate impact on black and asian communities. >> and there's mounting pressure to give precedence to. this the chair of the national police chief's council conceded that more work needs to be done. >> we have improved in many ways but are we where we need to be now? no. with antiracism protests set to
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take place, the call for public accountability is only getting louder. cnn, london. and you are watching "cnn newsroom." still to come, an israeli plan to annex part of the west bank appears to be on hold, at least for now. we will take you live to jerusalem to find out why. et, alone time. audible is a routine for me. it's like a fun night school for adults. i could easily be seduced into locking myself into a place where i do nothing but listen to books. i never was interested in historical fiction before, but i'm obsessed with it now. louder. that i feel like i missed out since i don't have time to read, mean i might as well listen. if i want to catch up on the news or history or learn what's going on in the world, i can download a book and listen to it. because i listened to her story over and over again, i made the decision to go ahead and follow my own dream,
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israel's plan to annex parts of the west bank may be on hold for now with thousands of people still protesting wednesday in gaza. the trump administration has been helping the israelis with a plan. prime minister benjamin netanyahu calls it expanding their settlement. palestinians want it to be part of a future state. cnn's oren lieberman joins us. what's the latest on this? >> reporter: rosemary, july 1st was always the date we were watching. why? because that's the date that in the coalition agreement between prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his partners, he could be part of the annexation.
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yesterday was the day netanyahu behind up. yesterday came and went with barely a blip. he'll talk to the american administration about sovereignty in the coming days. july 1st was always an artificial date. it was a date set in the coalition agreement and it was a date not only israelis were following, also the international community. as we got closer and closer we saw international pressure ramp up including a hebrew op ed from prime minister boris johnson urging israelis not to annex. he is pro israel and antiannexation. that would be a violation of international law that nobody could defend in europe and the u.k. it's a message from the arab world, the uae ambassador for the united states. it's either annexation or
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partially crucial normalization with the arab states. we've seen that international pressure mount. crucially the question is what is the u.s. and what is the trump administration willing to green light? that is also unclear. there were meetings three weeks ago. three straight days and those came and went without a decision. netanyahu may not be on the same page as his crucial coalition leader. all of this has led to a place where we don't know what has been happening. what is it israelis are worried about? it's not annexation, it's coronavirus and the economy. >> many thanks to our oren lieberman bringing us that information live. people in prague made the most of their lockdown being lifted with a feast on the famed charles bridge. ♪ ♪
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>> chest gathered around the nearly 500 long meter table stretching down the bridge. they say the lack of tourists made the massive dining event possible. the czech republic was among the first countries to implement a lockdown. there were lots of masks noted. i'm rosemary church. connect with me on twitter. "early start" is up next. you're watching cnn. have a great day. when we started our business
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i think we did it all right. we did a great job. we're credited with doing a great job. >> not exactly. a record high number of new coronavirus cases. hospitals now preparing for another surge as the president attempts to turn the page. russia. why the president's national security team shied away from briefings on threats from a major adversary. this is "early start." i'm laura jarrett. >> i'm christine romans. thursday, july 2nd. it is 5 a.m. in new york. the president loves to
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