tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN July 3, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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girls club. reuben burkes, a leader in the labor movement for 60 years, he was the first african-american to serve as secretary treasurer of united auto workers. may they rest in peace, and their memories be a bless ing. have a happy and safe fourth of july. erin burnett out front starts right now. >> out front next, breaking news, president trump about to headline an event in south dakota where there will be no social distancing and masks are optional. why put people's health in jeopardy. florida and texas, two states where cases of coronavirus are surging. patients filling up hospitals. just how bad is it. i'll speak to experts in both states. >> and one man gets coronavirus after visiting friends. weeks later, he writes that he hopes he'll be able to survive it, but he did not. his niece, with a warning tonight. let's go out front. >> evening, everyone. i'm kate baldwin in for erin
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burnett. the president's disregard for public health, i don't say that lightly, but how else can you view it when experts say don't attend large gatherings and he's effectively hosting one tonight. take a look at the scene at mount rushmore this evening. the president is on his way there to south dakota right now where he'll give a speech and watch fire works with a crowd expected to be up to 7,500 people. masks are optional. social distancing, there's no plan for it. as you can see. the president intentionally flouting his experts' own guidelines that face coverings and avoiding large gatherings is necessary at this point to stop the spread of coronavirus at a time when infection rates are at an all time high. 36 states including south dakota are seeing an increase in infections. alabama and north carolina reporting a record number of cases just today. in california, hospitalization
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rates are at an all time high and in arizona, the demand for icu beds is hitting a new level. and when the president's own infectious disease expert was asked about events just like tonight's at mount rushmore, here's what dr. anthony fauci said. >> you should avoid, whenever possible, gathering in crowds where people cannot maintain physical distance. if in fact, the circumstances are such that that's going to happen anyway, no matter what anybody says, you should wear a mask at all times. >> that's clearly not happening tonight, which can only lead one to ask, is the president putting the public at risk so he can put on a spectacle, packed with a crowd. because you know he's been advised against this. but still. >> i'm going to mount rushmore on july 3rd.
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we're going to have a tremendous evening. it's going to be a fireworks display like few people have seen, and then we're coming back here, celebrating the fourth of july in washington, d.c. >> d.c.'s mayor is actually urging residents not to go to the national mall tomorrow for that. warning that it's just not safe at this point in the pandemic. so this isn't even do as i say, not as i do territory anymore with the president and the white house's response to this very real public health crisis. it is, if you're trusting the science, which you should, it is now don't do as he says, and don't do what he's doing. joe johns is out front live at mount rushmore where the president will be arriving shortly. joe, what are you hearing and seeing on the ground? >> well, kate three points, first is crowd sides, always tends to be an issue as the president tries to restart the country and flies around to these big events.
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if you look down at the lower level here in the amplify theater at rushmore, it's pretty much filled up. we have been watching it all day long, and the entire theater is not filled up but it looks like that could happen. as you said, they're looking for 7,500 people. the second point is important. we have not seen a lot of face coverings on the people coming in here. we have been watching it all day long. we know that face coverings are optional. we also know that the government has said they will provide face coverings for people if they come in here and don't have them. it doesn't look like a lot of people have been asking for that. and the third issue is distancing. now, we were told by the governor of this state, south dakota, that there would be no distancing at this event. what we did not know is that there would be people who could not distance. that is because there are these black folding chairs filling out some of the seating in the
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amphitheater, and they are linked together with black zip ties. and you ask why on earth would you create a situation like that where the person in sitting one seat as an up close personal experience with the person sitting in another seat in the age of coronavirus. the answer is there is a code. there is a fire code that says these seats have to be linked in case there is a storm or a fire and if there is a storm and a fire and they're not linked, those chairs could block the exits and make it hard for people to get out. the last thing is fire is a real issue here. when it gets dark, there are going to be fireworks and there have been forest fires here before, so concerns about that, the authorities want to keep everybody safe. kate, back to you. >> joe, thank you. more breaking news tonight, at least eight secret service agents stuck in arizona after
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getting coronavirus while preparing for a visit by vice president mike pence. pamela brown is out front right now. pamela, this is also causing concern, understandably, among agents at tonight's rally in south dakota? >> reporter: that's right, kate. agents have been there on the ground in south dakota for several days preparing for the president's trip there, and they're also preparing for what appears to be the inevitability here of at least one or more agents contracting the coronavirus. when you look at what's happened thus far in the secret service, we have just learned today that at least eight secret service agents are now in quarantine at a hotel in phoenix. they tested positive for coronavirus before vice president pence's trip there, and they are experiencing flu like symptoms, a source tells my colleague. so you have that. in addition to upwards of 15 agents, kate, who tested positive for coronavirus after the president's tulsa, oklahoma,
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rally, as you'll recall just about two weeks. so there are a couple dozen secret service agents, kate, who have already tested positive that we know of. those are the ones that we know, and one source within the agency spoke to jamie and said there's a sense of frustration among some agents that this is an unnecessary risk going on these trips for the president, campaign rallies, for what some sources say is just meant to boost the president's mood. they think that it's really an unnecessary risk for exposure, and just not worth it. now, we should note, knothough,e secret service gives masks. a white house spokesperson says the president takes the health and safety of those traveling with him seriously, and the agents and their families are of utmost importance. kate. >> pamela, great reporting. thank you. and welcome back. it's good to see you. >> reporter: thank you. good to see you.
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out front with me, dr. john riner, and dr. william shatner, and a former cdc official. great to see both of you. doctor, you told me last night president trump was clearly flirting with disaster by continuing to hold large events like this, especially when he and others, one, are not wearing masks and you hear pamela brown's reporting about secret service agents but it's not just secret service agents, which is important to talk about because they're on the their o jjob, bu look at these crowd shots, people very close together. many not wearing masks. what is at stake here tonight? >> the health of the public, which apparently is not much of a concern for the president and his team. kate, would you have a get together in your home if you knew that at least some of the people coming to your home would
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get sick or maybe die because they're coming to your home. >> of course not, right? >> or that others that came to your house would get so drunk that they would get into accidents and hurt people who weren't even in your house. that's what happens when you have a mass gathering during a pandemic. and that is why all of these events that the president goes to where they promote these large numbers of attendees that's what this does. it's a danger to the people that support him. and it's a danger to his staff. on the rock behind him, on the mountain behind him, is thomas jefferson, and jefferson said we act not for ourselves, but for all human kind. what we're seeing here from the president of the united states is a selfish act. an act of self-promotion which puts the health of his staff members and the people that support him at risk. it's really unjustifiable. >> dr. schaffner, the attorney
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general of south dakota down played the concerns surrounding holding this event. let me play this. >> i think that we have done a number of things to mitigate the spread of the covid. as you probably know, our state has not mandated these various policies that other states have, and i think we're very proud of that, and our numbers have remained low. >> he says they have done things to mitigate the spread of covid, but how does not requiring masks and having no social distancing plan help mitigate the spread of covid? >> kate, that won't work. let's look at it, large gathering, very few people wearing masks, no social distancing. this is not a political statement. three strikes and you're out. to mixed metaphors, this professor will mark that answer on the quiz incorrect. for sure, just statistically, covid will attend this event tonight. it's a stealth virus. it will be there.
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there will be some spread, and those people will take it home to others and accelerate the spread further. this is a most unwise thing to do. >> that's unsettling, and an important point. statistically, coronavirus is going to attend tonight. people need to think about it that way. that's really scary, and that's not a guess. that's data, statistic, science, as both of you know very well. let me play for you how the surgeon of the united states answered a simple question about this event, one that dr. schaffner just answered very clearly. would you advise someone to attend a large gathering, yes or no, he was asked. listen. >> it's not a yes or no. every single person has to make up their own mind. there are going to be people going to beaches, barbecues, different environments and they have to look at their individual
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risk. the cdc says larger gatherings are a larger risk. you have to take that into account. >> is it about individual risk assessment with this virus? is this the surgeon general doing anything other than creating more confusion? >> let me answer that question. if the question is should anyone in this country be attending a mass gathering. the answer is simple, no. period. look. this surgeon general has gotten some very big things very wrong. on february 29th, he tweeted seer seriously people, stop buying masks, masks will not prevent you from getting this virus. how do cryou get something that big that wrong and still hold your job. when i listen to the voices of the task force, i'm listening to people who are telling me it straight up, and i listen to tony fauci who tells it to us straight up, which is maybe why the white house prevents him
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from speaking to the press and speaking to the country, but when i hear the surgeon general of the united states not able to answer that question, i give him no credibility. he has no credibility in my mind. to use a metaphor that the president would understand, that question was a 2 inch putt. that was a gim mmee and the surgeon general whiffed on it. >> dr. schaffner, final word on, i don't know, i'm at a bit of a loss about this event tonight. it seems a no brainer of how to protect the public when that's your job. that's not what's happening from the president, the governor, on down here. >> yes, it's very sad, and remember, it's not a matter of individual decision making. you put other people at risk. remember, this is a contagious virus. your decisions affect others, and that's why we all have to work together to reduce the spread of this virus and we all
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have to get with the program. >> hopefully those not there can learn a lesson from watching this tonight, i guess. thank you, both. out front next, florida, now averaging more new cases per day than any other state. some hospitals admitting a record number of patients. do health experts expect this trend to turn around anytime soon? plus, a man who admitted that in his own words, stupidity led to his coronavirus infection, and he died shortly thereafter. his niece has something to say to those wanting to celebrate the fourth of july with others tonight. and the heartbreaking physical and emotional toll that coronavirus is taking on children. i am in so much debt. sixty-two thousand seven hundred and ten dollars and thirty-one cents. sofi allowed me to refinance all of my loans to one low interest rate and an affordable monthly payment. and i just feel like there's an end in sight now and that my debt doesn't define me anymore.
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metamucil's gelling action also helps to lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so, start feeling lighter and more energetic... by taking metamucil every day. tonight crowds growing at some florida beaches, despite the state now reporting the highest average of new cases per day in the united states. this comes as health officials across the country grow more concerned about a busy fourth of july weekend. jason carroll is out front. >> reporter: fireworks shows, parades and beach barbecues, cancelled from coast to coast over concerns the holiday weekend could fuel a surge in new coronavirus cases. florida now leads the nation in the average number of new reported covid-19 cases per day. the state announced 9,488 new cases friday. >> the numbers are going up in the hospital, the icu beds are
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filling up and it's requiring a lot of work and a lot of effort to move patients around, to make a spot for the new patients, whether they're covid or not covid. >> >> reporter: the state's youngest victim, an 11-year-old boy from miami-dade county who died from covid-19 complications. tonight, a 10:00 p.m. curfew goes into effect county wide to discourage holiday goers from heading out. >> there's nothing more american than making a sacrifice by staying home to keep a family member safe, a neighbor safe or a stranger safe. >> reporter: by early friday, crowd are already started gathering on florida's gulf coast on this beach in clear water. health officials seeing record hospitalizations in california where singing and chanting in that state is now banned at houses of worship. the concerns, that the virus will be transmitted through infected exhaled droplets. while in texas, masks are mandated in more than 2/3 of the counties in the state.
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the governor, who critics say was slow to make the move now says. >> if people gather on fourth of july the same way they did on memorial day, it is going to lead to a massive increase in the number of people testing positive, the number of people who will be hospitalized, and it could lead, once again, to an increase in the number of people who lose their lives. >> reporter: despite having once down played the importance of wearing a mask, the country's surgeon general says it is imperative. >> if you want college football in the fall young people, please wear a face covering. if you want prom next year, please, wear a face covering. it can prevent asymptomatic spread and help us overcome this virus. >> reporter: so kate as you heard there, after the memorial day weekend, health officials saw a huge spike in covid cases. they're hoping that people learn their lessons. i mean, since there, there have been a number of closures, a number of restrictions in states across the country. ultimately, health officials say what this is going to come down
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to is whether or not people heed the advice of health officials and practice social distancing, and wear a mask. we'll see what happens after this holiday. kate? >> good to see you thank you. as you just heard in jason's piece, the two hot spots in the united states are texas and florida. i'm going to go to experts in both of those states. dr. phillip kizer and dr. james furica, chief medical officer at sarasota memorial hospital in florida. thank you for being here. dr. kizer, texas reporting a third straight day with more than 7,000 new cases and your county is seeing a big upward trend of infections. we're showing a graph right now for people to see. how concerned are you by the situation that's playing out in your county? >> i'm very worried. i'll be very honest about that. we have seen the number of cases simply go up, up and up. you know, two weeks ago, we broke a hundred new cases for the first time. now we're getting over 200 cases
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a day on a daily basis. on a per capita basis, we actually have more cases than they do in harris county, which is our neighbor to the north where houston is or dallas or austin or san antonio. with that we're also seeing an increased rate of hospitalizations. we now have over 100 people in hospital beds. the icus have not filled but we are reporting more deaths. five deaths this week. >> in florida, more new cases every day than any other state. your hospital admitted a record number of cases of patients with coronavirus just today. do you anticipate that trend turning around anytime soon? >> no, we don't. we definitely have concerns. right now we have 62 covid patients in the hospital, and i heard we have four more on their way by ems to come in just today
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that will probably be there at the end of this show. we've gone from six patients covid positive at the beginning of june to 62 today, so just in 30 days, you can see that climb. >> you really can. and it is scary what that means, if things don't turn around, what that climb will mean, give it a another couple of weeks. we saw, dr. kizer, with memorial day, market, and you see two weeks later, the spike beginning and the hospitalizations come after that, and the deaths after that. so mark tomorrow on your calendar. two weeks from now, what do you fear it's going to look like? >> i think it's going to be worse. and i think everyone in our county and in our hospital systems are resigned to that fact. you know, we have been following this since april, and it's very clear that there's at least a two to four week lag between what we're seeing in terms of cases and people that are hospitalized and in the icu and dying. so you know, we expect the
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hospitalization numbers to continue to rise. i would not be surprised if we didn't have more deaths in the next couple of weeks. what really concerns us is will this reset that we're having in the state and locally make a difference? because we really do need that desperately. we need people to be staying home. we need people when they're out and about wearing masks. we need people to be social distancing, and we need people who just have a sense of that this doesn't apply to them or they don't care. they need to star paying attention. this isn't about having a prom. this isn't about having football. this is about grandma dying or your mother or father dying, and we want to prevent that from happening. >> yeah, and it's much more immediate than football and prom, to be quite honest. dr. furica, you're seeing more and more young people coming in with covid. we're hearing that same thing from really across the country.
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short of locking people in their homes, what do you think is actually going to get through to people to help keep them out of your hospital? >> you know, we need to do everything we can to encourage people to distance themselves and to wear masks. i mean, if you look at the younger patients, i mean, our average age in june was 49 years old for our covid positive patients. in march and april, that average age was over 70 years old. you can see the trend, so we're getting the older patients but we're also getting the younger patients so we're getting everybody, but the big difference is really distancing and masks. we really need to encourage everyone to take this seriously. it really is an important health care issue that i'm not sure that everyone understands the full extent of it. >> yeah, i don't know how they at least don't understand the ways to best mitigate it right now because it's been repeated over and over again by experts like yourselves. thank you both very much. out front next, americans traveling overseas forced to
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turn around after being denied entry, and it's all because of the rise in cases here in the united states. plus, he attended a gathering, a get-together with friends, and got sick, later writing on facebook how he regretted going. within days, he tragically died. his niece is our guest. when you start with a better that's no way to treat a dog... can do no wrong. where did you learn that? the internet... yeah? mmm! with no artificial preservatives or added nitrates or nitrites, it's all for the love of hot dogs.
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tonight, hopefully with god's help i'll be able to survive this. those words turned out to be a final message from a california man after getting coronavirus. his name is tommy mecias. his family said that he had been vigilant, but when his county started to reopen, he decided to go to a party hosted by friends and then he found out he was sick, and then he posted this on facebook. i went out a couple of weeks ago. because of my stupidity, i put my mom and sister's and family's health in jeopardy. this is no joke. if you have to go out, wear a mask and practice social distancing. hopefully with god's help, i'll be able to survive this. the next day, he rushed to the hospital and he died.
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he was 51 years old. out front now, danielle lopez, the niece of tommy. i'm so sorry for your loss. how are you doing? how is your mom, tommy's sister and their mom, your grandmother? >> we're all still really just trying to process everything. we were just trying to take it day by day right now. >> because like so many others, you really weren't even able to say good-bye. >> no, we weren't. we couldn't see him. we couldn't speak with him, and then everything happened so quickly, and he was starting to get better prior to sunday that it just, it all just happened so fast and it was just a complete shock to all of us. >> can you tell me more about how this happened? >> we attended that party at the beginning of june.
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and there was a person there who had the virus and passed it on to my uncle. and then he found out about a week or two later. that person called and let him know that he was positive, and at that point my uncle had already been feeling ill, so he decided to go get tested. he received the results on thursday, and then he passed away on sunday. >> i mean, it's unbelievable how fast that happened. when you found out that he had gotten that positive test result back, what did you think? >> initially, i was very upset with the person who was there with my uncle because prior to knowing that he was positive himself, he went to my parents' house where my grandmother and my mother both were. luckily they had kept their distance from him.
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it just, i'm sorry, i'm still just trying to even process that all of this is happening. it just all feels so surreal. >> it has to. it must. this isn't supposed to happen. as you've told my producers, tommy wasn't reckless about this. he had been vigilant. and then that's why it is so striking, danielle, when he, reading his words and his feelings about getting the virus, and you can really sense his disappointment in himself. >> yes, he was very hard on himself about it because he got it himself, but mostly what he was concerned about was passing it on to mainly my grandmother and my mother, but any of us in our family. he was just so concerned that he could have potentially infected one of us.
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>> is that in line with what you know about your uncle tommy, and how he would be? >> absolutely. family meant everything to him. he put family above anything else. >> i mean, i'm sure you've followed this pandemic closely, and you've heard and read some of the stories of people losing loved ones to the virus. i mean, did you ever think, danielle, that you would be in this position on tv talking about this happening to you? >> no, i never would have imagined that this would have happened to my family. and it never, i mean, we were taking precautions, all of us, including him, us here in my home. all of us were being so careful. i just, i can't believe that any of this is happening. >> his funeral service is scheduled for next week. i really would like to know what
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you would -- what you -- i would like to know a lot of things, so much more, what you want people to remember about your uncle, and also what your message is ton to those who are still resistant to doing what your uncle wrote in that facebook post, to wearing a face covering, and what lesson you want people to take from this? >> well, for my uncle, out of everything, i want everybody to remember how loving and caring he was, how deeply he cared for every single person, family and friends. and that's what i would like also for everybody to take away from it. if everybody could have just a little bit more caring for all their other people, just to wear a mask. this is so easily preventable if everybody just plays their part. >> yeah. i'm just so struck by his sweet smile this those pictures that we're seeing with him with your family, and i see it in your
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face, too, danielle, thank you for your strength. thank you for being here, bless you, and i'm so sorry again. >> thank you. >> too many of these stories, people. too many. out front for us next, a warning for children as coronavirus accelerates and escalates, a top official and pediatrician in california is sounding the alarm. and a republican congresswoman takes on trump, calling h calling him out on a number of issues, so why hasn't the president hit back? for people living with h-i-v, keep being you.
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and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex.
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serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you.
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. tonight california reporting troubling new signs, a new record high of people sick enough with covid that they need to be hospitalized. more than 5,500 patients admitted. aaron spoke to the surgeon general of california, dr. nadine burke harris earlier about what needs to be done to stop the surge, and also how the pandemic will impact children long after its over. dr. burke-harris, i appreciate your time. you know, coronavirus cases in california and many places in this country are surging, the mayor of los angeles says the
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next two weeks are critical, we also saw dr. fauci saying cases in the united states could be doubling. i mean, how crucial is this moment? >> it's absolutely critical. what we know is that our behavior is the most powerful tool we have right now against the virus. and we really need folks to, you know, step up. i know that folks are tired, but it's absolutely critically important. >> so you are a pediatrician also, and one of the areas i know that you focus on is childhood trauma, and how it affects long-term health. obviously this pandemic has been hugely disruptive to children's lives around the world and around this country. what are the long-term effects on children that you are most worried about? >> well, i mean, what we know is that many kids are missing out on their normal developmental interactions, the interactions they have at school, and school
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isn't just a place where kids receive knowledge and learn about the three r's. it's also a place where they have contact with safe, stable and nurturing adults. and we know that for many families the hardships that they're experiencing right now both economic in terms of isolation and the stress of the pandemic can not only impact our mood, our behavior and our mental health, but also that stress can actually affect our physical health increasing risk for chronic disease. >> so, you know, we've actually seen a decline in child abuse calls, and obviously we understand this not to be at all because fewer kids are being the victims of abuse. it's actually because of exactly what you just said, that kids aren't interacting with adults that would see signs of abuse, who would be able to intervene to report this, teachers, day care workers, people in those roles of authority. you know, this is a pretty scary
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thing to imagine that this is going on behind closed doors, maybe at an elevated level, and we're hearing less about it. i mean, how worried are you? >> i'll tell you, this is probably the biggest thing that keeps me up at night, the fact that kids who are at risk are not coming in to contact with the safe adults who could offer help and support. and that's why it's really important for us to continue to check in on our friends, our family members, whether it's a member of our church, if you're an educator, checking in on your students, you know, seeing how they're doing. staying in touch and maintaining our social connections is absolutely critical during this time. >> so according to the american public media research lab, black americans are 12% of the u.s. population, just over, but have suffered nearly a quarter of known coronavirus deaths, and i want to emphasize known, known coronavirus deaths, 24%. so you recently wrote an essay and you were talking about
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racism, and how it has contributed to a disparity in health between black americans and white americans, and i just wanted to quote part of what you said, dr. burke harris, the images of protesters wearing face masks in the street carrying signs saying black lives matter pose a stark juxtaposition, against our feckless efforts -- in those images it's a reminder that is disproportionate death rate of black and brown people of covid-19 is no coincidence, it's directly related to the history of racial oppression in our nation. those are powerful words and now that you see this playing out, do you have confidence that this moment will be a moment that causes that to change or not? >> i have -- i certainly have a lot of hope, and honestly, it's a big part of the reason why i get out of bed every day.
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because this is a time for change. when i say that it's no coincidence, what i'm referring to is the fact that the science shows that experiences of trauma and adversity, the day-to-day experiences of racist injustice that black americans experience every day has a direct biological effect on our bodies. it affects your immune system. it affects your cardiovascular system. it affects the brain development and hormonal systems in a biological process that is now known as the toxic stress response. that over and above what we already recognize in terms of the impacts of structural inequities that came about as a result of 20 generations of
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racist policy, and so when we see that that is literally leading to the deaths of black and brown americans, i personally am outraged. i think we all should be outraged. and it's time for us to make really concrete efforts, right, so really direct and significant efforts to change the structural inequities, but also to combat and dismantle racist policies and practices that have been part of american culture for far too long. >> i really appreciate your time. dr. burke harris, thank you so much. >> thank you. it's a pleasure to join you today. >> out front for us next, a prominent republican taking president trump to task and doing so publicly. why hasn't trump retaliated?
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and not allowed in. americans denied entry to italy because of coronavirus infections in the u.s. ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i should get a quote. do it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ are you currently using a whitening toothpaste, but not seeing results? try crest 3d whitestrips. its enamel-safe formula lifts and removes stains to provide 100% noticeably whiter teeth or your money back. try crest 3d whitestrips. and get way more.ith wso you can bring yours vision to life and save in more ways than one. for small prices, you can build big dreams.
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tonight, it's rare for republicans on capitol hill to speak out against president trump. but one notable member of the president's party isn't keeping quiet. >> representative liz cheney, thanks, liz. >> with her own style, congresswoman liz cheney. >> i believe that the american people deserve to know what agreement has been entered into in our name. >> is becoming more outspoken and emboldened. splitting with and speaking out against president trump on a series of issues. a rare move by a senior member of the republican leadership. just look at her twitter feed. this week, she demanded to know why the president didn't know about reports about potential russian bounties on u.s. troops.
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last week, this provocative tweet featured her father. she didn't mention trump by name, but didn't need to. real men wear masks, she wrote. indirectly, hitting trump who had, at that point, been unwilling to endorse wearing a mask. in tweet after tweet, cheney has used the president's favorite forum to push back on him. calling trump's plans to remove u.s. troops from germany dangerously misguided. shooting down trump's idea to have taliban leaders at camp david for peace talks. saying, no moember of the talibn should set foot there, ever. when trump claimed he had total authority to lift restrictions governors had imposed in their states during the coronavirus lockdown. >> when somebody's the president of the united states, the authority is total and that's the way it's got to be. >> cheney rebutted. when trump called for the economy to reopen. >> i would love to have the country opened up, and just raring to go by easter. >> she came out against it. saying, there will be no normally functioning economy, if
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hospitals are overwhelmed and thousands die. when trump was attacking witnesses who testified in his impeachment hearing, she defended them. >> i think that we need to show that we are better than that, as a nation. >> sometimes, she's even gone out of her way to distance herself from trump's rhetoric. on capitol hill last month, without even being asked, she chastised trump's unsubstantiated claims, suggesting former congressman joe scarborough murdered a former congressional aide. i do think the president should stop tweeting about joe scarborough. we are in the middle of a pandemic, she said. he's the commander in chief of this nation. but unlike other republicans who have spoken out against trump. >> you know, the republicans stuck together, except romney of course. low life. low life. >> cheney, so far, has been immune to a counterpunch from president trump. >> well, one -- one of the great ones. one of our really good friends.
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>> many republicans on capitol hill believe this is largely because of her name recognition. she is an outsized independence based on national support. >> we are absolutely unified as a conference, unified behind the president. >> and that, despite her ramped up rhetoric, she's still there when the president needs her. and republican sources tell me they believe that this is her play to carve out a new lane for herself. to position herself well, in case president trump does not win re-election, to potentially rise to house minority leader. or potentially, even speaker of the house. kate. >> thank you. >> out front next. italy refuses entry to a group of americans because of the coronavirus crisis, here, at home. [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ]
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even after they landed on italian soil. and as scott mclean reports, that's not the only problem for american travelers right now. >> kate, travelers from 59 countries will soon be allowed to come to eengland without the mandatory two-week quarantine requirement that is currently in place. the list includes countries like spain, italy, and france. all of which were once coronavirus hot zones. noticeably absent, the united states. british transport secretary pointed out that the u.s. was quick to bar uk travelers entering early on in the pandemic. and of course, the uk has a sky-high infection rate that is showing no signs of slowing down. that news comes as a private jet carrying five americans was turned away after landing in italy. the jet flew directly from colorado to the mediterranean island of sardinia. but there was no way around the new eu rules, which allow
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travelers from more than a dozen countries but not the u.s. that plane, instead, departed for the uk where, of course, everyone on board will have to quarantine for two weeks. kate. >> scott, thank you so much. and thank you so much for joining us, guys. ac 360 starts now. a good friday evening to you. i'm jim sciutto. we begin tonight with breaking news. cnn has learned that right now, at least eight secret service agents are sequestered in a hotel in phoenix, arizona. some are suffering from coronavirus symptoms. all have tested positive for the virus. two people familiar with the matter tell cnn they were infected while preparing for vice president pence's visit to phoenix on wednesday. and, as you know, as many as 15 agents became infected while preparing for the president's visits to phoenix and tulsa last month. both of which, went against the guidelines of h
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