tv 1968 CNN July 5, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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how it all turned out. as we look at america, we see cities in smoke and flames. we hear sirens in the night. we see americans diagnose on battlefields abroad. we see americans hating each other, fighting each other, killing each other. >> mr. nixon, i'm going to sting you and sting you like a hornet day in and day out. >> we got some difficult days ahead. but it really doesn't matter with me now, because i've been to the mountaintop. >> there are prospects for peace in vietnam but no one knows when peace will come. ♪ it will be you and i
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>> apollo 7 starts the first american push to the moon. today on this flight all but finished the chance of reaching the moon by the end of next year. >> five, four -- we have ignition. >> on the basis of this spectacular success of apollo 7, it will be possible now for the next mission, that's apollo 8, three americans in orbit around the moon on christmas. i think we have some late word just arriving. i interrupt to bring this to you. this is the latest disclosure in the report from national defensive headquarters in washington. it has been established that persons who have recently died
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have been returning to life and committing acts of murder. >> i saw "night of the living dead" at a drive-in movie theater. i've seen a zombie film before. but this was the zombie movie that creates new zombie movies. >> it was so gritty, it was in black and white, no recognizable scars, and it was as terrifying a film as i'd ever seen. >> and what the hell? the lead character is black, which was an unexpected political statement. >> it's a really tense movie because they're in this house hiding out from these zombies and you get these weird social dynamics that goes back and
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forth between the characters. >> cooper. cooper. >> i'd never seen a film with a black man as the hero. he's the person who has the plan, he's the person that's going to save everyone. then you get to the next morning and this character, ben, is one of the last survivors. >> let's go check out the house, there's something in there, i heard a noise. all right, hit him in the head, right between the eyes. this was six months after martin luther king was assassinated, here you had this great black male hero and he dies and get shot, as well. as a kid, i took it to mean he was killed because he was black and that the hero can't survive if he's black. >> it worked as a scary movie and it worked social commentary, on idea of the lone black hero in this white world, where it doesn't matter how noble you think you are, you're still a black guy.
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>> all summer for an assortment of reasons, a thunder of discontent has rumbled on the horizon of the xix olympiad. >> the olympic games live in mexico city. another abc sports exclusive. brought to you by the ford company. >> mr. edwards, i think it might help to illuminate your position if you understand the boycott of the olympics. >> first of all we have to understand that the olympic games in society and in the world, is the second-largest meetings of the nations outside of united nations itself and it's just as applicable. >> the olympic product for human rights and efforts to forge boycotts and demonstrations at the 1968 summer games was to protest racism and discrimination in the united states and in sports in particular.
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>> i couldn't give you any information as far as a black athlete is concern at mexico city. all i can say is you can expect almost anything. >> john carlos and tommie smith were sprinters from northern california, who were also politically active on their own. >> there's no way you can plan for anything like this because first, you have to win. you have to make it to the podium. so, the idea there was a huge plan. what was there was an ongoing disposition and commitment to make a statement. >> olympic victory ceremony, 200 meters. >> john, carlos and tommie smith made it to the podium and both
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had the commitment and the courage to say before 100,000 plus people that we, too, are committed to the struggle. ♪ >> they raised their fist not in militant disrespect for the flag, but as a salute on behalf of all of the people who would never get to that station, never get to that podium to make a statement about human rights in this country. >> it was pretty courageous thing to do because they knew that that was probably going to be -- not just getting kicked out of the olympics was probably the end of their hope for a career in athletics. >> where are you going?
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>> i'm going home. >> the united states? >> tommie and john were banned from olympic competition for life. the average person to this day does not understand the courage and the commitment that it took to do that. >> you understand that many white people in america don't agree with you, that there will be some backlash because of this. much backlash. >> to do something good you're always -- someone will always find fault. so, i was prepared for this also. >> are you proud to be an american? >> i am proud to be a black american. (vo) morning, noon, night;
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shut up. >> in the year when most campaign talk has been horrific, wallace also objects to insert a certain urgency in his television appearances. >> i say to those in this country you'll have your day now because in 1996 you are -- your day as -- >> in october, wallace was a 21%. he had enlarged his constituency and widened his message. he began to reach more and more folks in the north. >> i'd rather vote for him than
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nixon or humphrey because i don't like the two of them. >> wallace by default has a major problem. he needs a vice presidential candidate and nobody wants the job. so, first reach out to a happy chandler who had been commissioner baseball from kentucky, but they discover chandler is somewhat liberal on immigration issues, tha not going to work. they go back to the drawing board and consider colonel sanders, the fried chicken guy. >> he's a household name, so they contacted the colonel, basically said, don't be a fool. i'm running a business. i'm not going to antagonize half of my customers here. so, at that point wallace began talking about retired general curtis lemay. >> i'm very proud to have a man as my running mate.
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>> he was the general responsible for the fire bombing of japan during world war ii and he was an evangelist for nuclear power. >> thank you very much, governor. thank you for your confidence in me. >> the night before this press conference, wallace's aides sit lemay down and tells him, whatever happens do not talk about nuclear weapons. you don't have to talk about the efficacy of nuclear weapons. the first question to lemay is about nuclear weapons. >> i think it's significant where it will be most sufficient to use nuclear weapons. >> lemay launches into this unbelievable defense of nuclear weapons. >> doesn't make much difference to me if i go to go to war and get killed with a rusty knife or nuclear weapon. if i had the choice i'd lean towards a nuclear weapon. >> at that point, wallace is about to have a nervous breakdown.
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>> lsmay went on to say, we tested them at bikini atoll. and the plants are back and the animals are back. >> the livestock out there is bigger, healthier than they were before. it might come to a conclusion to put 20-some bombs on some place and improve it. >> he said the sand crabs are a little hot. >> general, we have to go. >> it just turned out to be politically a disaster. >> one more statement. >> and support for wallace seemed to go downhill after that. >> the latest pole released today shows that humphrey moved to 5 percentage points on nixon. harris said that if humphrey gains another two or three-points on nixon, the election could become too close to call. >> the last line of the speech he has prepared for tonight says, well, it looks like we're going to win. that's a political line but the
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kind of line he could have barely have read with a straight face a month ago. >> humphrey late in the election, actually got out there to be who he was, which was kind of a battler. >> mr. nixon was supposed to have this election in the bag, but ladies and gentlemen, when he opens that bag on november 5th, out will jump humphrey. >> hubert humphrey gained 15 points and we gained nothing in october. so all those democratic votes were coming home, all right. they went right past us and went to hubert humphrey. >> i think you and mr. humphrey should get out vietnam and some other questions. >> i think mr. humphrey is having a great time debating himself. >> the conceit behind the new
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nixon was that, that old whiny sad, combative loser is gone. >> now, despite numerous requests, nbc presents "laugh-in." >> i think we should get mr. humphrey in here for a sock it to me. >> sock it to me? >> difference in the campaign is that whenever possible the candidate is never in an environment that he can't control. >> get in there. >> the counsel to richard nixon was don't leave the script. >> nixon makes the same speech everywhere he goes. all candidates do that. nixon is speaking on the issues of the day, he's saying there's a lot of things wrong with this country and he's promising to do something about it. but he's not saying what. >> my friends, i say to you, let's enlist the people of america, enlist their hearts and minds in the handling of america.
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>> america became great because of not what the government did for people but what the people did for themselves. >> using an ice hockey analogy, you pass the puck back and forth, you play defense, so nixon basically went into a shell. >> richard the careful, richard so careful today that he won't say anything about anything to anybody at any time. either he straddles every major issue, i'm going to send him some kind of talcom powder he must be getting saddle sore straddling all those issues. >> humphrey was on the move. he had excitement and energy. he was richard the chicken-hearted and attacking
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us. we were doing the same thing we were doing in september. i told richard, we have to attack humphrey. he can't bring the party together. if they get together, we lose the battle. >> as the big day draws nearer and the polls show hubert humphrey drawing closer, the ice water flowing through richard nixon's veins may be melting and nearing the boiling point. you doing okay?
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george wallace's spirits appear to be sagging. for several days he'd run into overwhelming protests and he was shouted down in el paso. >> wallace was a very effective demagogue. he knew how to get a crowd energized. he knew how to get them angry and violent, often that was the goal. >> the more people saw violent the more they'd say they need somebody who can stop the violence. >> if you want to stop all this you just vote for me november 5th. >> as time went on, people began to say, maybe he's not the person to stop it because he's the person making it happen in the first place. >> now, i don't mind speaking here but with you star throwing rocks that size -- who threw it?
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go ahead and throw another one. >> by this time i think he is frustrated, angry, wallace was more and more in fights with his campaign staff, who told him over and over again, i know that you see you're as a national candidate but the strategy is to throw this in the house of representatives. you're not going to win, we need to be campaigning in florida, virginia, texas, his ego wouldn't allow it. one of his last major rallies was in new york city. >> i'm sure "the new york times" took note of the reception that we received here in the great city, new york. >> he speaks to a packed crowd, the largest political gathering
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in madison square garden's history. but, outside, it's ugly. >> george wallace bought his campaign to new york tonight, all of the hostility and anger that have built up around this campaign spilled into these streets. >> these were the anarchists to whom the candidate frequently referred. he's a man that allows his emotional extreme, love, hate and passion. those among the 16,000 were allowed inside appeared to have decided already to vote for wallace. >> done worry what the newspaper say about us, they can fool some of the people some of the time but they can't fool all of the people all of the time, you remember that. >> now, here is frank reynolds. >> good evening, there was nothing encouraging in today's session with north vietnamese.
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>> there were a lot of words, the session lasted 2 1/2 hours. like the others before it, it ended without any visible sign of progress toward peace. >> johnson was trying to get the north vietnamese at the negotiating table. he thought, if i can do that, not only will it varnish my own legacy, but that will help hubert humphrey tremendously. >> north vietnam's top negotiators said there will be no breakthrough in the peace talk until the bombing has stopped unconditionally. >> the united states have dropped more bombs on north and south vietnam than they'd used in the entire world war ii. >> north vietnam would not enter into any negotiations until all bombings stopped in vietnam. >> for the last two weeks word of a breakthrough in peace has swept the world. there's been no official announcement by this country until the one the president is about to make right now. >> i have now ordered that all
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airmail and artillery bombardment of vietnam cease. >> there are people who are going to speculate how the president was able to bring this about five days before the election. >> johnson's so-called bombing halt was designed to push humphrey over the top. my view was it was a political ploy. >> if the democrats managed to settle the war by election day, election is over. richard nixon has no chance at all. he responds with a very radical maneuver. >> nixon tells his team to use a woman to monkey wrench the negotiations in paris. >> anna, a fundraiser of nixon campaign is telling saigon stay away from peace talks and you'll get a better deal if nixon is
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elected. >> as my candidate joins me in this, neither he or i will say anything that might destroy the chance to have peace. we want peace. >> i think it's dirty pool for dick's people to be messing with the south vietnamese ambassador. anybody keep measures to all the crowd they're just tied up for a few days. >> lbj feels confident to move forward. the condition that north neat vietnam has asked for has been met. so, four-party peace talks, will happen. well in saigon november 1st, the president stands up and drops his major bombshell. >> translator: south vietnam
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cannot participate in the negotiations. >> i have no more things to tell you. >> embarrassment is commonly today among americans here in vietnam particularly those of us who have acquaintances among the vietnamese. we find ourselves apologizing. >> once we heard the means were not aboard, i said let this play out, when the south vietnam thing breaks it's going to look like johnson didn't have all his ducks in a row and it's as political as can be. >> i think president johnson wen into this bombing clause with the very best intentions. i think the reason the ducks were not in a row is he was relying on an old team. a team of well-intentioned men but they're tired. i think we need a new team. a new team that won't make these mistakes. -excuse me. uh... do you mind...being a mo-tour? -what could be better than being a mo-tour?
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♪ election night '68. reporting from election headquarters, walter cronkite. >> good evening, everyone. we may be here for a very long night tonight. it's been one of the roughest and unhappiest political years in american history. for the next few hours or as long as it takes, we'll see how it all turned out. >> this is one of those special
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elections that many voters felt the direction of the country was really at stake. we're talking about big issues of war and peace and race relations. people are watching to see how this is going to unfold. >> nixon was asked about a last-minute polling showing humphrey slightly ahead and he said i don't consider that reliable. >> we're down three in the harris poll which says to me we're going to lose. nixon said okay. i was very pessimistic. my hands broke out in hives. >> everybody was just trying to contain their anxieties and excitement. ♪ >> everybody at this time is exhausted. we've been going at this since january. you're kind of spent, to put it mildly. so, you have to just keep the adrenaline going and the candidate has to keep it together. >> richard nixon will win
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colorado, hubert humphrey according to the cbs news estimate has carried michigan. nixon will win wyoming as anticipated. >> the winner in mississippi will be wallace. >> wallace will win in louisiana. >> wallace was a problem for us. he was a terrible problem because there are five southern states wallace would take, we would have carried those states. >> wallace realized he had slipped a good bit from where he had been, he still had hopes he'd be able to throw it with the house of representatives. >> if he comes in second, if he shows substantial strength outside the south, so far as wallace is concerned any of these thing will prover his case and be a victory of sorts. >> and here's the electoral votes one that still count of our system. >> none of these men get the electoral votes then the matter goes to the house of representatives. >> before this night is over we
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should know whether we have indeed chosen a president or whether our electoral system led us into a crises. >> the unbelievable mess is what -- it would take an hour to describe it and no one would understand it including me. >> hard to describe it and four years to straighten it out. >> yes, this may be the last year for the electoral college, it may be a good idea if it is. >> in the race for the presidency of the united states humphrey has taken the lead for the first time tonight.
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>> i can't tell you very much, i'm in the middle of it. it's kind of indicative of what's happened in this campaign, humphrey a month ago a sheer loser and today has all the earmarks of a sure winner. >> anyone who goes to bed without knowing more about what's happening in the middle east tonight could be in for a shock in the morning. >> by midnight, nixon thinks, oh, my god. it's happening again. it looks like it's going down to illinois. >> and at that point, pat nixon wen into the bathroom and threw up because she'd been in there in 1960 and hearing what's happening again. >> i think before the morning is out hubert humphrey will be the next president of the united states. >> good morning, or if you stayed through the night with us, hello once more. >> with 26 electoral votes in illinois, richard nixon gets over the top the 287 electoral votes and that seems to be the 1968 length. >> nixon's the one, that's the natural banner for any front page tonight. there are the numbers. in short, nixon and humphrey are separated by about 0.375 of 1%. >> i went immediately into the bedroom where nixon was propped up with his briefcase on his
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lap, i said, sir, you've just been declared the winner. he jumps out of bed, looks at the set, everybody is cheering and congratulating one another. >> it was vindication, validation. it was everything he dreamed of. >> it was the greatest comeback in political history and nobody could believe it. >> nixon declined to claim victory even though it was his until humphrey had conceded in a little after noon today humphrey did, with tears in his eyes. >> i never had any doubt whether td be a close fight, one way one -- it bounced one way, bounced a little the other. we got a president-elect, he's going to have my help.
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>> i think the problem with the humphrey campaign it was based on sinking sand from the beginning, and that is the old democratic coalition that doesn't exist. humphrey tried to win with it one more time and he fell short. >> because richard nixon won in 1968, politicians at every level, said okay, this is the new campaign model. >> you put together an effective television campaign, he put together planned rallies where no opposition was ever in evidence. he controlled his campaign to the end and that was the most significant thing. if he won by one vote, or 10,000 or 100,000, he won. >> the basic appeal of richard nixon in 1968 is reaction. it's reaction to a world that seems to have gone mad. >> nixon was inheriting a nation that was bitterly and permanently divided over the war in vietnam, over issues of race, over issues of culture, over
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issues of morality. i think he thought he could bring the country together. >> some public men are destined to be loved, other men are destined to be disliked. the most important thing about a public man is not whether he's loved or dislikes but whether he's respected. i hope to restore a respect to the presidency.
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science fiction visionaries like h.g. wells and jules vern, imagining what going to the moon was like. but nobody had seen a film like kubrick's masterpiece. it made us question not just space exploration but what does it mean for us? >> many americans didn't want cultural comfort food anymore, they actually wanted something challenging. it's like going to a fine art museum where the viewer projects abstract art of what he or she wants to see there. it was not the recipe for a successful film. and yet, it was popular. >> open the doors, hal. >> i'm sorry, dave, i'm afraid i can't do that. >> we're getting into what we were calling the computer age. "2001" kind of looks at what if the machine turns on us? it looks at that anxiety, these underlying fears we have about the way the world is changing. >> before i say grace today, i would like to pause for a moment
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of silence in memory of our friends that were lost this morning. let us pray. >> alpha company had three men killed and three others wounded and the battle just ended. instead of turkey dinner for 150, there will be just 144. >> the experience of missing holidays while you're in a combat zone, of course, weighs heavily on you. it's a time when you get nostalgic and tears come to your eyes and you envision all things good and beautiful back in the world because you wanted to remind yourself that there was another world and that you were going to get there. >> i guess on a day like this you really have something to be thankful for. >> yes, i do. i really have something to be thankful for that i'm still
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alive, doing my best to stay alive for the next few days. >> there was no way to gauge progress in anything like the classical sense of the term. the only gauge of progress is how many enemy were killed in a particular day or week or month as compared to how many of us. and they start to ask, well, lieutenant, what the hell are we doing here? the only thing i could say at that time, is we're marines, we're professional soldiers, we fight the enemy they tell us to fight and we fight for each other. you know if you have to, you really will lay down your life for these guys, and that they'll do the same for you. >> pull it up and spread it out. >> at some point you start to wonder, what is this all about? i didn't quite get it. we're not moving forward, we'd go to the same place sometimes, same tour, we were here three months ago. it just started to not make sense.
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>> how many uh-huhs do you want? >> 920. >> ladies and gentlemen, mr. elvis presley. ♪ >> elvis had really fallen out of the public eye after 1960 when he musters out of the army. although he's still making movies he's becoming a bit of a character because the movies are not very good. he's not making music. a new, hipper sound is coming in with the british invasion. >> been a long time i tell you. >> at the end of the year you get elvis on stage with a group of his musicians from the 1950s. doing these stripped-down versions of "heartbreak hotel," "love me tender." ♪ heartbreak hotel >> and suddenly the world falls
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in love with elvis again. ♪ go, cat, go don't you step on my blue suede shoes ♪ >> in the wake of what follows him, suddenly this symbol of all that is decadent becomes a symbol of an older gentler america. ♪ love me tender love me true >> it's elvis unplugged. elvis wasn't like that before and he'll never be like that again. but for that moment you understand the magnetism, the charm and real raw talent of elvis presley. ♪ ♪ there must be light burning brighter ♪ ♪ somewhere >> what's most memorable for me about that special is the song that elvis will end with, it's a song penned by walter brown for elvis in the aftermath, the assassination of dr. king, it's that elvis sharing the dream that men can one day walk together in brotherhood.
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♪ out there in the dark there's a beckoning candle ♪ >> elvis is one of the greatest vehicles for a song in history, but because he wasn't a writer he was dependant on what he was handed. in that case he was handled a song worthy of him and a sentiment worthy of him. ♪ right now >> he reclaimed his soul in 1968. it wasn't just a comeback special because he had been away. it was a comeback special because he reasserted who he was. fitness is, was and always will be about keeping a routine... and the best routines in life did, do and always will make time... for enjoying yourself.
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every christmas eve is for some people the first christmas without someone who was around last year. but every christmas eve is for some people the first christmas with someone who was not around last year. for ethel kennedy and her family, this is both kinds of christmases. last week mrs. kennedy brought home rory kennedy. born six months after her father died. >> will this be, can this be a happy christmas in the king household? >> christmas will be sad for us, as it will be for many people, i think, this year. a time like this causes people
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we have lift off. >> there's the rumble in the buildi building. but what a beautiful flight. man, perhaps on the way to the moon if all continues to go well. >> it seemed almost unbelievable the nation collectively held its breath, worrying about, are they going to make it? what happens to the astronauts, to the space program if they don't? such a miraculous thing, it's against the odds. but maybe. maybe we can make it. >> apollo, we have good picture. >> this is coming to you halfway from between the moon and the earth. we have less than 40 hours left to go to the moon. >> they actually arrived at the moon on christmas eve. in order to get into lunar orbit, they have to fire the engine on the far side of the moon where there's no radio contact with mission control. >> apollo 8 will be moving
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backwards with that engine maneuver. it will slow them down from 5,700 to 3,700 miles per hour. they'll have put themselves into lunar orbit, the first men in history to have done so. and the trickiest and most dangerous part of their flight. >> you could have any one of a number of things go wrong. end up in the wrong orbit or hit the moon. >> we'll see you on the other side. >> we have to have absolute faith in everything that has ever been done to develop this rocket motor. all they can do is point it in the right direction, press a button and hope it works perfectly. >> apollo 8, houston, over. >> go ahead, houston. this is apollo 8. >> we've got it. we've got it.
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apollo 8 now in lunar orbit. there is a cheer in the room. >> it's a pretty nice view of the moon. it is awe-inspiring and it makes you realize what you have back there on earth. >> when they were coming around from the far side of the moon, bill anders looked through his side window and saw the earth rising. >> oh, my god. look at that picture over there. there's the earth coming up. wow, isn't that pretty? >> and he snapped a picture. >> when the pictures started coming back of the earth from that distance, the sense of american achievement, the sense of how great the cosmos, how small we are, how fragile the earth is, all of those things began to pounce around like electricity in your brain and touch a very special part in the heart.
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>> tonight the crew of apollo 8 presents a christmas eve program from the heavens. >> with a few orbits to go, they made one last television transmission. the public affairs director had said, there will be more people watching that television show than have ever witnessed any event in human history, say something appropriate. >> for all the people back on earth, the crew of apollo 8 has a message that we would like to send to you. in the beginning, god created the heaven and the earth. and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. >> to have the guys reading genesis was so spot-on. whatever your concept of god was, the earth is a beautiful creation. >> good night, good luck, a merry christmas and god bless all of you.
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all of you on the good earth. >> god bless them. unbelievable. >> man, that made the last week of 1968 perhaps as hopeful a moment as we could have expected. >> for those of us who lived through that time, we were landing in darkness that does not last. >> apollo 8. human kind's first flight in the orbit of the moon. sure to be written on the books of history. a year of trouble and turbulence, anger and assassination, is now coming to an end in incandescent triumph. apollo 8 achieved every one of its major mission aims and something else. it lifted the spirits of earthbound mortals and carried them too, if only for a while,
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out of their own horizons. let there be light in the firmament of the heavens. hello to our viewers in the u.s., and all around the world. thank you for joining us. so, you would not know by looking at the beaches in the u.s. that we are in the middle of a pandemic. but as millions partied over the holiday, we had a surge in coronavirus cases, with record numbers being reported. parts of australia will be shut off from the rest of the country, with cases there rising. and the world is trying to get back to a sense of normalcy. children returning to the fields with their fast on everyone's minds.
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