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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 7, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world, you are watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, with hospitals reaching maximum capacity across the united states, top health experts are warning we are still in the first wave. now multiple states are rethinking their decision to reopen. meanwhile, australia closes an entire state isolating millions of people to keep coronavirus infections from rising. later, donald trump attracts his base with another round of racially divisive tweets and as usual, the white house backs him up. is the president's messaging hurting his re-election campaign?
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today brings a bleak new warning about the coronavirus pandemic. the u.s. is still knee deep in covid-19. after only a week and a half, the number of cases in america has doubled yet officials are saying this is still the first wave of the pandemic. at least 24 states are pausing or rolling back their reopening plans as they race to stop the spread by limiting parties and other gatherings. health experts warn the u.s. is in a free fall. they urged people to avoid crowds. >> we are still knee deep in the first wave of this and i would say this would not be considered a wave. it was a surge or a resurgence
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of infections. superimposed upon a baseline, the european union as an entity, it went up and then came down to baseline. now they're having little blips as you might ekts 3eb8g9 as they re-opened. we're surging back up. it's a serious situation that we have to address immediately. >> the numbers as always tell the story. while new york has come to grips, florida and texas are reporting record case numbers. both states have topped more than 200,000 infections. in texas, the number of patients in hospitals is reaching record highs. in miami, the city is busy shutting down many businesses which may have reopened too soon. in fact, florida is one of the states leading the way in the number of new infections. some of its hospitals are
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overwhelmed and about to hit capacity already 43 of the states hospitals across 21 counties are reporting that their icus are at maximum capacity. >> i am looking at the statistics. the statistics are very grave. every single metric is up. >> randi kaye picks up the floory from the florida coast. >> reporter: here in florida we're now seeing more than 200,000 cases of coronavirus. miami-dade county in southern florida, one of the hardest hit counties which may explain why it's rolling back some of its opening plans. closing businesses such as restaurants will now be closed to any dining. you can only do takeout and delivery starting on wednesday in miami-dade county. also, gyms, party venues and short-term vacation rental shutting down on wednesday.
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the positivity wait there is 26%, well above the 10% threshold that the state would like to see. they'd like to see that go down to single digits. more warnings for miami-dade county. in the last two weeks hospitalizations have gone up 88% and the icu beds have gone up 114%. the use of ventilators have gone up 19%. one other note, jackson health, so the beaches are supposed to open on tuesday as well in that area. that does seem to still be the plan. if there isn't social distancing, the mayor of miami-dade said he will shut them down. i'm randi kaye. back to you. >> thanks for that, randi. california is reporting a troubling development in its fight against the coronavirus. the state's governor revealed in a press conference monday that
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the positivity rate has jumped to 6.8% as cases and hospitalizations increased over a two-week period. the governor announced six more counties have been added to the state's monitoring list bringing the total to 23. arizona was one of the early states to reopen. now it has topped 100,000 cases. hospital beds are filling up. the mayor of phoenix told cnn the reopening was too much too soon. >> bars and nightclubs were open with no masks so people were out drinking free champaign and celebrating. casinos opened. really dense indoor environments where people were unlikely to wear masks. the spread began with people in the 20 to 44-year-old age bracket. young people out having a good time not worried about covid but now it's hit heartbreaking levels. today my county reported a
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positivity rate of 28.8%. >> wow. the mayor said some people who were very sick had to wait up to eight hours in the zeroing heat for a test. texas is another state where cases are spiking. they hit 200,000 cases. hospitals around the state are rapidly filling up. the u.s. military said it's sending 50 medical personnel to the city of san antonio amid concerns that civilian doctors and nurses could be overwhelmed by the rise in cases there. with more, here's cnn's ryan young in houston. >> reporter: the city of houston is obviously dealing with a spike. 963 new cases just in the last 24 hours.
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there is a bit of good news. there haven't been any deaths in the last few days. there is a plan to get the word out about wearing masks, washing hands, being safe in terms of social distancing, when you look at the graph for over the last few months, around june 3rd, you see memorial day. these are when it starts to spike. when you see bars open to 50%, that number continues to rise. at one point bars are closed again. the big question is how can businesses survive, especially in the climate where the numbers continue to rise. all of this is a massive conversation in this state, especially because some folks believe that when the heat showed up, that the coronavirus would disappear. so far what they're seeing in texas is that cases continue to rise. they're hoping that health officials can get the word out to the public to make sure they snap down these numbers once again. ryan young, cnn, houston, texas. i'm joined by dr. alosi who
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is the chief medical officer at dell sol task force member. thank you for all you do and welco welcome. >> as we watch 32 states with spikes in covid-19 cases, we're seeing hospitalizations grow in 23 states and texas admissions are soaring to a new record. more than 8,000 texans hospitalized with covid-19 on sunday. among the highest in the u.s. now the military is deploying medical personnel in response to help. what is going on in texas? what are your main concerns right now? >> first of all, thank you for having me. focusing specifically in on texas, i think what we're really seeing is something that we did not expect inasmuch as people talked about waves, i think a better analogy is really a fire. like you go to a campfire, you don't put it out.
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you have a slow burning fire and then tinder blows off into the forest. we're seeing multiple fires blaze out in texas, florida, arizona, south carolina is not looking well either and is really concerning. we're hoping we can get a handle on this but it's yet to be determined. >> that is an incredible analogy there. of course, as you mentioned, california, georgia, nevada, others are also seeing growing covid-19 hospitalizations. when you see the images of americans partying at bars, pools, beaches, water parks over the july 4th holiday, how worried are you that we will see even more spikes in cases and increased hospitalizations in about three weeks from now because of that lag time? >> i think that's a perfect analogy, right? as we look at the behavior and the human spread, it's concerning. the fact that people are still engaging in a way that almost lays claim that this pandemic is
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not real is very concerning. the one thing that people really have to understand and we probably in the health care space have potentially done some messaging errors in the beginning. we have to understand. if you want to get this under control, we have to focus on masking, hand hygiene, how to social distance, physically distance as much as possible. i think it's just as important for people to understand, if you are sick, isolate yourself from family members, potentially work and get tested where you can. >> i wanted to talk about that because new york appears to offer a unique model for the country. it started out as the worst affected state but now all of its coronavirus numbers have declined even since reopening. and governor cuomo puts that down to the fact that he mandated the wearing of masks and kept restaurants closed to patrons for any indoor dining. is that the key here, mandating masks and closing indoor dining along with bars?
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>> i think that some of the political capital around that is questionable as we'll be able to move forward with that. i think what i really do focus on, i think it's really important for the audience to understand is that we each individually have a responsibility not just to ourselves and to our families but the community. if we each individually take that responsibility on, we can change wearing a mask, we can change the spread. people always say, rosemary, it's the economy, stupid. the reality is, it's the virus, stupid. we're in virus time. until we understand that this virus isn't going to go away until we take the measures to slow it down, nothing else will matter. the economy, health care, a host of other things. that's actually the message we're trying to get to people, that we are where we are now. let's try and move forward and ensure that we're able to get out of this peacefully. >> right. doctor, most medical experts say the u.s. is in free fall with this pandemic currently, but the
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white house claims the world is looking at the u.s. as a global leader in the fight against covid-19. so, doctor, with the highest death toll in the world currently standing at more than 130,000, how can they be thinking such a thing? >> i think if we look back, and there will be more than enough time for postmortems, we can attribute blame to a host of factors and players in this narrative. one of the things is that as tragic as all of these loss of lives have been, i think that as people are slowing down their movement, that's evidenced by credit card data that we're seeing, open table data. people are changing their behavior irrespective of politics. the longer we give science the time to kicks in. whether it's remdesivir, dexamethasone, and antibodies and a host of other therapeutics that are coming down the line, people need to understand that our behaviors today don't play out for another four weeks until
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it's critical that we really take the responsibility to change our movement now. >> dr. alozi, thank you for joining us and thank you for all you do. appreciate it. >> thank you so much, rosemary. atlanta mayor kesha lance bottoms who is considered a potential running mate for joe biden has tested positive for covid-19. >> i'm still in a state of shock because i don't have any idea how we were exposed, but we've all been -- we've been very careful. you know, my kids have been careful. so i'm stunned. >> the mayor says her husband and one of her kids also infected. bottoms says they decided to get tested because her husband was sleeping more than usual. she says it's scary because they did everything they were supposed to do to stay safe. and still to come, mexico's death toll from the virus is
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climbing, but that's not stopping its president from taking a controversial trip to the united states. we'll explain. that's next. plus, australian authorities are fighting to contain a covid-19 outbreak in melbourne, and they a're taking measures ty haven't in centuries. we'll explain when we come back. but i am enough. and i know what i'm made of. put your skin in the game. with a razor that puts your skin first.
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welcome back, everyone. latin america is being particularly hard hit by the coronavirus with numbers of infections and deaths soaring in the region. brazil, chile, mexico all in the top ten. brazil second in the world behind the united states when it comes to cases and deaths. cases now there soaring to over 1.6 million and a massive toll in mexico, too, with nearly 5,000 new cases reported in just the last 24 hours. on monday brazil's president announced he's recently taken yet another covid-19 test and he expects the results today. and yet here are photos posted
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on social media of boloonaro at a fourth of july event and standing next to the president is the u.s. ambassador. the u.s. defense attach shay is there. no one is wearing a mask or social distancing. mexico's president is carrying on business as usual despite the pandemic. he's heading to washington to meet with president trump, but it's how he's getting there that's raising eyebrows. here is matt rivers. >> reporter: well, later on today the president of mexico will begin his journey to meet with president trump in washington, d.c. they've got meetings scheduled wednesday and thursday mainly to celebrate, in their words, the implementation of a new free trade deal between the united states, mexico, and canada. the usmca. that went into effect on july
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1st. it is replacing nafta. that is really the main reason why the mexican president is journeying to d.c. even as the president said he's not in part due to the coronavirus. you can question the timing of this meeting given that the pandemic continues to rage in the united states and in mexico. there's questions about exactly how the mexican president is getting to washington, d.c. later on today we know he's taking a commercial flight to d.c. we don't know the exact itinerary. we know he's going to be making a stop in the united states. there are no direct flights right now between mexico city and washington, d.c. and it's interesting because the president does have use of a presidential plane here in mexico if he wants to, but he's never used it because he says it's an example of presidential and government excess. so he's actually trying to sell the plane which is currently sitting in an airfield in los angeles. he's trying to sell it for around $130 million and that's
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why he is flying coach. critics would say that that is just a cheap political trick, that he's putting not only his own personal security at risk but also the security of those travelers who happen to be on the same flight as him, especially when he could take another plane, one, say, that is owned by the mexican air force. that is not changing the president's mind. he is going to take a commercial flight later today to washington, d.c. that means the president of the tenth most populus country in the world could be your seat mate if you find yourself traveling on a plane between washington, d.c., and mexico city. matt rivers, cnn, mexico city. in australia authorities are taking drastic measures to contain a covid-19 outbreak in melbourne. parts of the state of victoria are facing stage three stay at home restrictions for another six weeks. the country is also shutting the border between victoria and new south wales, australia's two
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most populus states. a measure it hasn't had to take in a century. anna coren joins me from hong kong with more on this. anna, australia has kept the numbers down with 106 deaths across the country. this latest action appears particularly severe. what are you learning? >> reporter: it's severe but, you know, as far as australia is concerned, you know, these measures need to be taken certainly as far as the victorian premiere is concerned. we have to remember that australia, you know, has aggressively tackled the pandemic. it shut its borders. it has quarantine in place for any australian residents returning to australia. it's taken this very seriously, so for this surge in cases in the state of victoria, particularly in melbourne in the past week has been extremely alarming for the rest of the
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country. 191 new cases were recorded today. that is a record and this afternoon the premiere came out and said that he's imposing a six-week lockdown on the state's capitol on metro melbourne in the hope of really protecting the rest of the state. listen to what he had to say a little bit earlier. >> i think a sense of complacency has crept in to us as we let our frustrations get the better of us. i think each of us knows someone who has not been following the rules as well as they should have. i think each of us know that we've got no choice but to take these very, very difficult steps. >> reporter: difficult steps, but he also said that victoria was on the cusp of something very, very bad unless these steps were taken. you mentioned that border closure between victoria and new
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south wales. police officers as well as military, about 1,000 all up, will be used to man that border that stretches some 2,000 kilometers. there are 55 border crossings but the aim obviously is to contain the outbreak in victoria. they do not want this spreading throughout the rest of the country. they're trying contain it. premiere andrews said this is like a public health bush fire. if they cut off greater melbourne, which is about 5 million people, they're hoping to get on top of this and flatten that curve, rosemary. >> that is why australia has been able to control this. anna coren joining us live from hong kong. many thanks. president trump's re-election strategy appears to be divide and conquer, from calling protesters fascist and defending symbols to questionable commentary about the coronavirus pandemic. >> i think the world is looking
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president trump's re-election strategy appears to be to spread misleading information while dividing and conquering the nation. since the start of the coronavirus pandemic mr. trump has downplayed the severity of the problem as cases surge around the country, the president makes false claims like 99% of infections are, quote, totally harmless, which of course we know is not true. and as the nation reels from the kind of racial unrest not seen since the civil rights era, the
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president chooses to stoke racial division. his latest target, nascar driver bubba wallace. cnn's jeremy diamond has more. >> reporter: president trump ramping up his divisive and racially charged rhetoric. the president suggesting he disagrees with nascar's decision to ban the confederate flag at its races and falsely accusing nascar's only black driver of orchestrating a hoax after a member of his team found a noose in his garage. >> why is the president even suggesting that mr. wallace should apologize? >> the fbi noted and concluded this was not a hate crime and he believes it would go a long way if bubba came out and acknowledged that as well. >> but wallace did, back on june 24th saying he was relieved after the fbi determined the noose had been in the garage since last year. this afternoon wallace tweeted, always deal with the hate being thrown at you with love adding, even when it's hate from the
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president. the white house press secretary trying to claim trump was not expressing support for the confederate flag. >> i spoke to him this morning about this. he said he was not making a judgment one way or the other. >> reporter: south carolina senator lindsey graham backing nascar's decision. >> they're trying to grow the sport. the confederate flag is not a good way to grow your business. >> reporter: and defending wallace. >> i don't think bubba wallace has anything to apologize for. >> reporter: trump's tweet builds on the inflammatory rhetoric he delivered in a pair of independence day speeches in which he painted racial protesters as fascists trying to end america as we know it. >> angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders, deface our most sacred memorials and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities. we will never allow an angry mob
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to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children or trample on our freedoms. >> reporter: after trying to recast his fight to protect confederate monuments as an attempt to -- >> protect and preserve our history, our heritage and our great heroes. >> reporter: the president's race-based appeals unmasked by his own tweets. signaling a campaign strategy to stoke fear among white americans just like in 2016. so it's clear that the president is, indeed, diving back into that 2016 playbook dividing americans along racial and cultural lines, but it's also clear that the president is swimming against the current more than ever before appealing to a smaller and smaller slice of the american electorate. beyond nascar, we also saw just last week mississippi removing the confederate battle flag from its state flag and political attitudes in terms of racial injustice in america are also
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quickly changing. recent polls have shown 2/3 of americans support the protests in the wake of george floyd's death and only about 1/3 of americans believe that president trump is handling race relations adequately. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. and joining me now is bacarri sellers. he is a cnn political commentator, attorney, and former south carolina state representative. also the author of "my vanishing country, a memoir." a pleasure to have you with us. >> thank you so much for having me with you. >> the white house is refusing to denounce the confederate flag after president trump criticized nascar's decision to ban that flag from all races and events. here's the question. is stoking racist division and a symbol going to work for him politically? >> well, i'm not going to say it won't work. i'm hopeful that it won't work,
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but we saw the same thing work in 2016. this is the same man who came down the escalator and said mexicans are rapists. he marked cs on housing applications for color. who got sued for discrimination for dealers and waitresses and bartenders in atlantic city. he has this history of racism and using racism as political currency so this isn't new. the question is can he expand his base and i'm not so certain he can. you about i do think it's going to backfire ever so slightly because there are about 4 million people who voted for barack obama who stayed at home during the election of hillary clinton. over 1/3 of those were african-american and this may get those individuals to come out and vote in this 2020 election. >> right. in a tweet president trump also called on the only black nascar driver, bubba wallace, to apologize over the noose found in his garage, which the fbi investigated and found to be a garage door pull made in the
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shape of a noose late last year. what does mr. trump think wallace needs to apologize for here? and what is going on, do you think? >> let's just be clear. nascar discovered this, not bubba wallace. nascar asked for this investigation. it was a noose. nascar searched every garage and only one garage had a pull in the shape of a noose. nascar did the right thing. the president is on the wrong side of history here, but he has this propensity to lash out at black folk in the media and black athletes. bubba wallace had absolutely nothing to apologize for. in fact, his statement in response was amazing saying that love was going to win over his haters, even when your hater is the president of the united states. you saw the president of nascar come out and support bubba wallace. but i want to be clear for the viewers around the world how big it is for nascar to ban confederate flags.
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confederate flags and nascar fandom have been something that have gone hand in hand since nascar's invention, but for them to say enough is enough goes a long way in showing how much our country's changing on the issue of race but then you think about the person who is occupying the white house being on the wrong side of that history, it shows that even though we make progress, we still have so far to go. >> right. i want to look now at the president's handling of the pandemic. more than 130,000 americans so far have died from covid-19. more than 45,000 u.s. cases are reported each day taking that toll to nearly 3 million. now the white house says the world views the u.s. as a global leader in its handling of this health crisis and mr. trump falsely claimed that 99% of all cases of covid-19 are totally harmless. how do these claims go over with smart republican voters who surely know better at this time?
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>> i don't be know how they're going to go over with smart republican voters. i wish more republicans would speak out. i wish you would have a senator mcconnell, lindsey graham, cornyn or any of these people have backbone, speak out, rick scott, speak out about the president of the yunited states and his lunacy. this is killing people every single day. the world is not looking at us as a leader when it comes to coronavirus. in fact, i think there may be two countries that would look to us as a leader, venezuela and north korea, but the list is extremely short. no one is looking to us as a leader. in fact, they are turning away. the world is turning away american citizens because we cannot handle this coronavirus. what i do believe though is that voters in november will vote like their life depends on it, because we're seeing that our life really does. >> and speaking of that, i do want to bring up a recent poll
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and it shows along with others at this point that president trump is well behind the -- his democratic rival joe biden. how reliable though are any of these polls at this juncture and any other, in fact, given what we saw in 2016? >> yeah. polls don't vote. i remind people around the world, polls do not vote. so no one's paying attention to those polls. we're not paying attention to those polls. the polls had hillary clinton winning. in fact, i came on national tv and said hillary clinton was goings to get 330 electoral votes. she ended up losing although she did get 65 million votes to his 62 million votes. so it's a -- this is a long way to go. and joe biden, the interesting thing, let me be clear, the interesting thing is that joe biden simply cannot say that he's not donald trump. he cannot say that donald trump is a racist and expect people just to show up and vote for him. he's going to have to give people a reason to come out and vote for him. he's going to have to give them
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a reason to cast the ballot for joe biden. the next four months are really important not just for this election but for the future of our country. >> so you don't feel he's doing that at this point? >> i think he's doing a good job, but we can't take our foot off the gas. we still have a long way to go. again, we're not saying president hillary clinton are we? my advice to joe biden is to continue to run through the tape because we have a long way to go. >> bacarri sellers, thank you so much for talking with us. appreciate it. >> thank you so much for having me. one way scientists say we could fight the coronavirus pandemic is with herd immunity, but when we come back we want to show you a study that shows and indicates that might be very difficult. we're back in a moment. so, you t investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us.
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transfer your service online in a few easy steps. now that's simple, easy, awesome. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. visit today. well, a new study by the
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spanish government finds that covid-19 antibodies can ki disappear after a few weeks. the study showed the number of people with antibodies declined over time. the health ministry says it shows herd immunity will be difficult to achieve in the short term and this news comes as spain has been forced into new lockdowns to contain new coronavirus outbreaks. so let's bring in al goodman. he joins us live from madrid in spain. good to see you, al. this study is an unfortunate wake-up call, isn't it? how reliable is it? what's the latest on spain's new outbreaks? >> reporter: hi, rosemary. "the lancet" published this study which is peer reviewed. it's thought to be the largest in europe. it had 61,000 people participating over these phase
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s in a representative sample. most participated throughout of giving blood several times to see if they had the antibodies. that was achieved with the help of neighborhood health clinics like this one in that building. the door has been blocked by that delivery van. the nurses in the neighborhood clinics knew the people who had agreed to participate. they were able to get to them to give blood several times to add to the validity. here's the results. the results are only 5% of the standards had antibodies, okay? which is some sort of alleged immunity if you have the antibodies. 95% did not. the spanish government in the finding says that herd immunity is very far away. "lan "lancet" said it's unachievable. those who had the antibodies at the beginning of the study, a couple months later 14% did not. the government said that means antibodies are incomplete, transitory and they might just
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disappear altogether. so as the spanish government lifted the state of emergency here after more than three months, more than 28,000 deaths in this hard-hit country by the coronavirus, they require by law that you have to wear a mask in public if there's not social distancing. we're seeing that sort of caution now in these two regions in spain in the northeast near barcelona and northwest along the atlantic coast. 270,000 people are confined to their counties. they can move around within the counties but they can't leave because there are a total of almost 700 cases in those two locations with 270,000 people locked down. that's the kind of caution that the government here is taking to try to prevent any widespread outbreaks although over in the area of northeastern spain in catalonia health officials warn the cases are going to increase. rosemary? >> al goodman joining us live from madrid. many thanks. israel is now reimposing
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tighter restrictions in light of a new spike in coronavirus cases. just days ago israel hit a record daily figure soaring past 1,000 new infections. the government is now -- has now closed bars, clubs, and gyms and ordered restaurants and houses of worship to limit their capacity. and in iran it is now mandatory to wear a mask in public after a rise in coronavirus cases there. president rouhani said citizens who do not wear masks will be denied state services and workplaces that fail to comply with health protocols could be shut for a week. up until sunday wearing a mask in iran had been encouraged but remained a personal choice. the total death toll in the country is nearing 12,000. and there are more than 243,000 cases. a middle east tourism hub is getting back to business by opening its borders to international travelers, but
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for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. visit today. want to take a look at the major u.s. markets ahead of opening. you can see the dow futures
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down .91% there. down nearly half a percent. the s&p down 7.4%. john defterios is here. despite the spike in covid-19 cases, those futures numbers don't look too good. what is going on here, do you think? >> reporter: well, we had a blistering day on monday after the long holiday weekend and gains of 1.7% for the dow industrials and 2.2% for the nasdaq deposit with amazon setting a new record high of $3,000 a share. let's bring up the futures again, rosemary. pointing to a loss of about 240 to 250 points for the dow industrials. not extraordinary. what is driving this and what drove markets in asia as well is a rising dollar because there's more enthusiasm into the u.s. market. this is eroding the gains and equity markets. the shanghai composite index was
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the only major index higher in asia after gaining better than 5% on monday. finished up 1/3 of 1% but well off the highs. we're seeing similar losses for germany and london ftse 100. we're looking at losses of 1%. there is a reset or a pause taking place because the valuations are very high with all of the liquidity in the global markets of $10 trillion for the stimulus packages. it's found its way into equities and why we've seen such gains recently. >> so we don't have to panic is what you're saying, right? >> not yet. >> no panic. not yet. john, i want to move on to dubai because they're opening up and welcoming international travelers. what are the risks here though? >> well, you know, rosemary, this is kind of the new normal. i know it's a worn out phrase. it's living with the virus. that's the view they're taking in to buy. it is a risk.
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they see it as a calculated one. if you haven't tested before and you have to wait to get the clearance in six to eight hours, self-quarantine, that's your home. new standards within the flights themselves for hygiene with full-time staff taking care of that. 1/3 of what they had prior to the covid-19 crisis. it is about tourism because it's 11% gdp in dubai. it is a tourism trade and financial services hub. this is an effort to reset it and send a signal. what i mean by that, they're hosting the expo in october of 2021. it, too, is delayed because of covid-19. look, we're putting all the protocols in place. we need to re-establish ourselves as a global economy. $10 trillion as i talked about before being spent but the private sector needs to re-engage. that's the signal they're
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sending to emirates, trying to wake up the icons. the tallest tower. rosemary? >> absolutely. john defterios joining us there from abu dhabi. appreciate it. i don't want to tell you this story, as if 2020 wasn't enough of a disaster, the bubonic plague may be back. chinese authorities have placed the inner mongolia region on high alert after a suspected case. the plague is caused by bacteria and transmitted through flee bites a flea bites. it killed an estimated 50 million people and modern antibodies can prevent deaths if they are administered quickly enough. thank you so much for your company. i'm rosemary church. "early start" is up next. do have yourselves a great day.
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we are still knee deep in the first wave of this. >> anthony fauci not holding back on the state of coronavirus in america and why it's surging right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is early start. i'm laura jarrett. >> good morning, everyone. i'm christine romans. tuesday, july 7th. 17 weeks. that's 119 days until the election. it is 5 a.m. this morning in new york. let's begin with this dire new assessment from the country's top infectious disease expert dr. anthony fauci laying bear about the rapid


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