tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 9, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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that number low. >> thank you all so much. before we go, sanjay gupta and anderson cooper hosting a new coronavirus town hall tonight at 8:00 eastern only on cnn. thank you so much for joining me. our coverage continues now with brianna keilar. hi there. i'm brianna keilar. welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. we begin with more dire details showi showing coronavirus is on the rise in the u.s. and leading the leading expert to call for some states to pause on reopening. >> california, texas, florida, arizona are now experiencing surges of infections that have gone up to 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 and most recently a total of 60,000 new cases per day. we need to get our arms around
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that and do something about it quickly because if we don't there's a possibility we may see surges in other areas so it's a difficult, challenging period. >> the quite reported at least 58,601 new cases yesterday, not the highest tally this week. 35 states are experiencing a rise in infections when you look here at the seven-day averages and the hotspot states facing numbers that should sound alarms. too many patients and not enough equipment. 42 hospitals in florida have run out of icu space. texas reported the most deaths of coronavirus in a single day. fatalities of california reaching levels of april, all more proof how fast the virus can work. >> not to be hyperbollic about it, it is a perfect storm and infectious disease person's
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worst nightmare. it is a transmissible virus. it is striking. now to details on the state now considered the u.s. epicenter, that is florida. it just reported the highest single day death count and another troubling figure indicating the spread on the rise there beginning with coverage with rosa flores for us live in miami. rosa, those numbers mark a grim milestone. what are officials saying and doing about it? >> reporter: right now there's so much frustration from local mayors here in miami-dade county. they wrapped up a press conference today and they slammed the florida department of health saying that the florida department of health has failed to contact trace and they're demanding that at least 500 contact tracers be hired immediately. like you said the numbers are
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staggering. today's numbers according to the florida department of health nearly 9,000 cases, 120 floridians have died. that's just in the past 24 hours. here in miami-dade county where i am, the epicenter, the positivity rate 28%. that's about a third, that is about a third and here's why the mayors are so frustrated. because they say that they lack the information from the florida department of health to make decisions to save lives. to make the point the city of miami mayor suarez shared the following information. he says that the information that he obtained from the florida department of health showed june 15 92% of contact tracing was happening. on june 22, that number dropped to 86%. june 29th, that number dropped to 78%. and on june 8th, that number
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dropped to 17%. that is why these mayors are so frustrated and they're calling out both the county and the state here because they want to get more contact tracers here to stop the spread. i should add that miami-dade just announced today that they hired about 250 contact tracers but these mayors say that it's not enough. that the state needs to get it together in order for them to continue making the decisions they need in order for them to save lives here in miami-dade county. we have reached out to the florida department of health and the governor's office about the demands from the mayors and we have not heard back. brianna? >> all right. we'll be waiting with you. earlier this week cnn was in touch with 27 positive covid patients, annuonly 5 of them ha
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been contacted by a tracer. today the president pushing the false argument about testing for coronavirus. president trump seems exasperated, complaining that he has to explain for the 100th time that since the u.s. is testing more people that is why the numbers are so high so he's arguing that if you don't do the tests you wouldn't have the cases. at first one might think that the ruse is political spin on a dire situation but it is clearly he doesn't understand how the virus works. i have used this analogy before and going to do it again. i have a 2-year-old son. if i hadn't taken a pregnancy test i would still have a 2-year-old son. take this further. the americans who died this week, they would still be gone right now with fewer tests. in fact, if you have fewer tests the number of americans who die this week would likely be higher. the u.s. positivity rate of tests is going up and up and up.
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you see it there on the screen. this is the percentage of tests that are positive. the percentage among all of the tests taken and whether that number of test taken is small or large, this is the number that allows us to compare apples to apples whether more tests are done or not. right now it is at 8% to 9% this positivity rate and compared to 5% a month ago so this is signaling significant spread here. if you don't test people they walk around spreading the virus without knowing it. expert after expert tells us that. this is happening right now in your neighborhood. maybe in the household. because up to half of people with coronavirus don't show symptoms but they will pass it on to people who will show symptoms and maybe even die and you can't contact trace without testing. the keys to what the president wants so desperately to do, reopening the economy, are the things he's politicized.
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testing, masks, social distancing, the safe reopening of schools and science. he is standing in the way of his own objective. there are mixed messages of the guidelines for opening schools and administration officials claim vice president pence never said guidelines would be revised but you be the judge. >> the president said today we don't want the guidance to be too tough and that's the reason why next week the cdc will be issuing a new set of tools. >> now the cdc director clarified what his agency is doing with this. >> i want to clarify. really what we are providing is different reference documents so our guidelines are our g guidelines. it is to provide additional information to help the schools be able to use the guidance we put forward. >> all right. let's bring in cnn senior
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medical correspondent elizabeth cohen to help us work out of this cloud that we are in. what's going on, elizabeth? >> i'm not sure i can help you because this is so confusing. they're talking about guidelines, reference documents, no, not a reference document but a guideline. who cares? what the american public is looking for, what schools are looking for is some clarify and in an almost -- it is almost if it's not so sad it would be funny and almost funny way providing a lack of clarity using the ridiculous bureaucratic words. what schools need is guidance. what do we do about the student that has asthma? many do. what about the teacher with diabetes? how in the world do you keep children six feet apart? even if you keep the desks six feet apart, what do you do when they have to go to the -- when they leave school or in the
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hallways? when my daughter has a playdate i couldn't keep them six feet apart if i tried. how do you keep a classroom of children six feet apart? these are the answers we need and not a debate of reference documents versus guidelines versus revisions. >> there are so many questions that school districts trying to figure out on their own without the information. we heard from dr. fauci who is the nation's top infectious disease expert saying that we should quote try to get the schools open and emphasized that there could be different approaches of grade schools compared with universities. tell us why that is and what that might look like. >> right. i think that everyone agrees that we should try to get schools open in some way, shape or form and different in different locations and what you do in miami with having this incredibly horrible surge versus montana without much covid are
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going to be very different and be smart and think about ages, do different things for different ages and settings and there's often residential students so let's think about the dorms, what do we need to do to keep students apart in dorms and if a student is in a dorm far from home and comes down with covid? where do you put them? that's for a university and not a grade school student and think about social causes. this is something that's important. children, young children need to go to school so the parents go to work and not the case for university students and might have different strategies how to do in school versus virtual school. >> elizabeth, thank you. new revelations of possible long-term brain damage from the coronavirus. also, i'll be speaking with an overwhelmed e.r. doctor in a place where they're running out of icu beds. breaking news from the supreme court, the justices
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the supreme court has rejected president trump's claim that he is completely immune from all criminal prosecution while in office. but today's monumental court rulings do keep the president's financial records private at least for now which is a big objective of his. the justices were looking at two separate cases and voted in favor of a new york prosecutor's effort to subpoena trump's tax returns and other financial materials as part of a wider investigation into whether the president or his business
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violated state laws so that investigation can move forward but records will be shielded from the public under grand jury secrecy rules and then in a separate ruling the court determined that congress could not see the president's financial records right away and sent this matter down to the lower courts to assess separation of powers concerns. the vote in both cases was 7-2. chief justice roberts wrote both majority opinions. president trump is blasting those decisions. cnn's sara murray is outside of the supreme court for us and the president wages an intense legal battle to keep his financial records secret. today's ruling seemed to kick that can down the road and at least today he's going to see that remain secret. >> reporter: that's true. in the short term this is actually a victory for president trump making it exceedingly unlikely to see the financial results before the next presidential election. even in new york where the
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supreme court essentially did rule against the president it has to go back to a lower court and could take some time. in a statement today jay sekulow noted they'll continue to fight this and proceed to raise additional constitutional and legal issues in the lower courts so that gives you a signal that even in the new york subpoena case it may not be wrapped up expeditiously and i think the thing to stick in the president's craw is the supreme court said the idea of a blanket presidential immunity is not a thing. i think that's part of the reason that we are seeing this twitter temper tantrum from the president talking about how this is harassment and a political witch hunt. the other thing i think is important to remember is just the overall political climate. we are just a couple months to the election and there are huge things with the pandemic, with racial justice and the notion of a lot of swing voters hinging on
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trump's taxes is probably not the case. >> very good point. sara murray live for us outside the supreme court. let's talk more about this, the rulings and the president's reaction with joshua getzler and tony schwartz. he recently wrote the sociopath in chief on medium. josh, what are your big takeaways here? look, the tax return information is remaining secret as of today still. >> that's true but i think it's worth stepping back here. today the supreme court fundamentally rejected trump's anti-democratic vision of a presidency. in all of the cases the court said no to trump's fundamental argument which is that he is shielded so long as he sits in the oval office even from investigation, whether that's by state prosecutors or by congress
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and today was a resounding no to that notion. the court said you are not wholly immune fully shielded from this sort of scrutiny. >> tony, i wonder what is going to happen in terms of how the president will receive this. you have spent a lot of time with him. what do you think? >> i think trump at this point is like first-time poker player who has put his entire cash into the pot with a terrible hand. he is not bluffing because he thinks he has a better hand but he is so ignorant of what a hand should be that he doesn't realize that the ruling is one more wall coming closing in around him and, you know, it is the supreme court that he has made into a majority republican supreme court, once again ruling in a way that he would find
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distasteful as he has in this twitter torrent he put out since the ruling. >> you seen, tony, how he has operated as a businessman over the years. his enterprises are no strangers to court. right? to being in the court process and just gumming up the works and playing out the clock. is that what you see happening here? in that regard, is that something that is -- can be seen as a win from his perspective? >> it is definitely a win for him not to have to release the taxes because we know from "the new york times" what they show is that he cheated in multiple ways on the taxes and that piece i wrote is "called the psychopath in chief" and this is why he does what he does. he has no conscience and so
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breaking the law for him is no big deal. it is a win not to have to reveal his taxes before the election assuming that's what happens but it is not a win to have the attorney general in new york or the southern district look at his tax returns and be able to consider them as part of a criminal indictment which, of course, won't happen before the election and assuming he loses which is what i'm certainly hoping for and i am sort of assuming at the moment. if he loses he's criminally liable and here's the thing i think could happen there. i think it gives the -- it provides a mechanism for trump to feel compelled if it reaches a certain point or at least interested in resigning because he is liable for crimes that happened during this period of time once he leaves office and
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he'd love to have a way out of that and one potential way is to get pardoned in some way as a deal to get rid of him as gerald ford did for nixon and that to me could happen. >> okay. i've not seen the reporting on that i will say but certainly we are all entitled to our theories i guess. >> what are you -- >> i don't know. look. it is a possibility but i guess anything is possible, right? josh, this is the expectation. tony just said it. nothing is seen in the way of tax returns before the election. is that your expectation? >> i think it's possible but i don't think we should accept that it has to be that way. the prosecutor from new york had the best day he could possibly have had at the supreme court
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today. he got everything he asked for on the issue that went up to the supreme court, a wholesale rejection of trump's immunity defense. so now, yes, it does go back to a lower court and in that lower court trump's lawyers can raise complaints and the chief justice in the majority opinion spells out what those are but it's a guide that they should resolve those quickly and should be our expectation as the american people. the lower courts move quickly here. the big issue and question has been answered by the nation's highest court. the smaller stuff should be resolved but it should be resolved quickly and not accept that courts need to move so slowly that the american people and even just the state prosecutors don't get the answers that they long have been waiting for. >> tony, how do you think he views two of the -- two juice tis -- justices that he nominated
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to the supreme court that voted against him? >> anybody that says anything contradictory to trump is an enemy. he sees the world in black and white, demands loyalty and doesn't give loyalty and then if you break out of the pack you're gone. he is at a point where all around him previous allies are beginning to fall. look how many republican senators are not going to the republican convention. that's a pretty big statement. essentially trump is a person who has been friendless all his life and will allow or prompt these relationships to guide because of his anger at their failure to follow his every order. >> yeah. you know, it is interesting to see that a lot of republicans are not going to the convention
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so we'll see how all of this plays out from the president's perspective. thank you. we have some more breaking news from dr. anthony fauci saying that the transmission of the virus is quote really striking. i'll speak with someone who's been feeling symptoms for months. hospital workers in texas join me on how overwhelmed they are as the number of patients keeps climbing. hey lily, i'm hearing a lot about 5g. should i be getting excited? depends. are you gonna want faster speeds? i will. more reliability? oh, also yes. better response times? definitely. are you gonna be making sourdough bread? oh, is that 5g related? no, just like why is everyone making sourdough now... but yes, you're gonna want 5g. at&t is building 5g on america's best network. visit to learn more. from grills to play setsutdoor
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texas now has more than 224,000 cases of coronavirus and reported the highest number of deaths in a single day at 98 and the number of people testing positive for the virus, a record high 15% but the numbers are far from the only sign that this pandemic has tightened its grip on the state. one e.r. near the border has set up a tent to handle any overflow patients. pablo pablo laredo is the nurse coordinator there and wesley robinson is his supervisor for
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south texas health. thank you so much for giving us a look at what's going on on the ground there. pablo, what does it say when your hospital has to set up a tent to handle e.r. patients? describe what your teams are up against right now. >> as of a weeking a we saw our influx of patients presenting with covid symptoms and we were managing well keeping up transferring them to the main facility and then the main hospitals then became packed and at capacity and then we have to think up how to still see patients safely and effectively and that's when we reached out with the city where they have this university hospital tent and we can see up to 20 additional patients in the tent on top of the 14 treatment areas inside the emergency department and trying to keep up with -- yeah. i'm sorry? >> i'm so sorry. can you tell us how sick are
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patients? tell us how the nursing staff, how doctors are doing. are they tired? are they working around the clock? how are you all holding up, patients and staff there? >> the staff here is exhausted and the patients are very sick. they're not like a normal in and out e.r. patients. the oxygen is very low. we are eating up oxygen in the buildings like crazy so the demand is draining everyone and we are pitching in as a team but you can see they're tired. they need to get the breaks in. >> wesley, how many icu beds are remaining at this point? >> so we are currently at 209% icu capacity. so we began seeing patients arrive july 1st.
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but july 3rd they were incredibly sick. cardiac arrests presenting, they drove themselves and walked in and just the exertion caused them to go into arrest and then we're at the point to have reached well over 100% capacity. our large sister hospital, the mother ship, has raised over 130 additional beds. at the regional medical center we have raised countless beds. that location currently has over 100 covid patients in it and normally would have a census of 150. so south texas health system is doing everything they can but it's just exponential growth is the issue. >> so you're what? converting hospital spaces that are not typically icu area to icu? >> correct.
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conference rooms, currently we have icu patients on medical surgical floors. honestly, really need closer monitoring, need equipment. but those are things that we simply do not have at this time. >> and tell us about how are you doing on ppe? i wanted to listen to what the vice president said about personal protection equipment and places struggling with it. >> ppe, we hear remains very strong. but we are encouraging health care workers to begin now to use some of the best practices that we learned in other parts of the country to preserve and to reuse the ppe supplies. >> so how, wesley, are you guys doing on ppe and what would it mean to reuse it? >> south texas health system is part of a larger corporation
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called uhs and they have done a pretty good job at ensuring we have ppe. we have not run out of ppe. we are looking at ways to conserve ppe because the question is we have ppe this week, next week, we have it the following but if this continues -- >> oh no. i think we may have lost our signal there. thankfully we were able to complete most of the interview. thank you so much to wesley and pablo for telling us what's going on there in texas. there are more than 1,000 tsa employees testing positive as air travel picks up. scientists sound the alarm that the coronavirus may cause long-term brain damage. right now, a black lives matter mural is being painted outside of trump tower in new york. we will take you there. ♪
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the nation, they have exposure to other people. the transportation security administration adding six employees have died due to the virus. for more national headlines check in with the cnn correspondents across the united states. >> i'm pete m you untean in washington and what's interesting is that a whistle-blower says it comes as a result of his complaint. jay brainerd is a security director for the tsa and screeners have to change gloves more often and wear eye protection after recording the biggest weekend of screening of the pandemic but 1,000 of tsa workers have tested positive for coronavirus. i'm ryan nobles in virginia. republicans would really like to hold their conventions both at the local and national level in person as much as possible but they're running into roadblocks. in texas, where the state
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republicans hoping to hold an in-person convention in houston they're blocked by the city's mayor and in jacksonville hoping to hold the big, anythingal convention, they're being sued by a local group saying that this particular convention their plans would be a public health nuisance. republicans plan to fight in both cases but it shows the trouble they're running into attempting to hold the big in-person events heading into the fall election. i'm ed lavandera. the health direct or the in tulsa, oklahoma says that the rally that president trump held there june 20'd with more than 6,000 people inside and a few other gatherings and protests outside more than likely contributed to a large spike in new coronavirus cases in that city. health officials say they have the spike over the last few days which is very different from the decline in the previous two weeks and as we have reported it can take up to two weeks for
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people to feel the effects of the virus. i'm coy wire in atlanta. the ivey league has ruled out fall sports. they become the first division i conference to do that, postponing all programs until january 1st at least. the school presidents say they don't believe they can create a program for safety and that sports couldn't be played under the campus wide policies like the social distance requirements and restricting student and staff travel. thank you. nashville is second major league soccer team to pull out of the tournament in florida. dallas withdrew after ten players from that team tested positive. body cam transcript shows george friday's final grim moments including pleading with minneapolis police officers that he couldn't breathe. more than 20 times he did that.
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plus i'll be speaking with a 37-year-old who's also been battling coronavirus symptoms for months. hear what she is going through. , it's like walking into the chocolate factory and you won a golden ticket. all of these are face masks. this looks like a bottle of vodka. but when we first got these, we were like whoa! [laughing] my three-year-old, when we get a box delivered, screams "mommy's work!" mommy's work. with this pandemic, safety is even more important to make sure we go home safe every single day. all time low mortgage rates have now dropped even lower. safety is even more important to make sure we go home veterans everywhere are refinancing and saving $3,000 a year. by making one call to newday usa. our va streamline refi lets you refi fast, with no income verification, no appraisal, and no money out of pocket. and you can do it all right over the phone.
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new today, a serious warning from scientists in london. coronavirus may lead to a wave of potential brain damage. researchers at the university college london hospital find that covid-19 can cause neurologic complications like stroke, nerve damage and even fatal brain inflammation. the findings suggest that it's likely a result of the immune
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response rather than the virus itself and one patient reported hallucinations including sees lions and monkeys in her home. we continue to learn how vicious this virus can be and how it can attack the entire body on such a big scale. patients who survive can suffer long-term effects, some report symptoms for weeks and even months. my next guest chelsea is among the long-term covid sufferers and battling the virus for months and helping others with symptoms like hers. thank you for telling us what you're going through. >> thank you. today marks 122 days with covid-19. it's been a nightmare since the first day. i am presently back at -- i have -- hearing in my right. my resting heart rate in the
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130s, 140s and seems to be -- in the 170s. my speech has been altered within the last couple of days also. and i suffer from a lot of brain fog that a lot of people also suffer from, as well. >> >> you have some background noise. her resting heart rate is 130 or 140. she's 37, only 37 years old and still suffering from covid. we'll be right back with her story. at philadelphia, we know t makes the perfect schmear of cream cheese. you need only the freshest milk and cream. that one! and the world's best, and possibly only, schmelier. philadelphia. schmear perfection. killer attitude. good moves. or hydration.
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as we are looking at the long-term effects of coronavirus. a sufferer has been battling for months. she's helping others with symptoms like hers. one of the things we're learning is this isn't just some sort of passing terrible flu or solely a respiratory issue. for so many people, like yourself, you're still going through medical crisis. your most recent episode was two nights ago. tell us about when you were first diagnosed with coronavirus
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and the symptoms you have continued to suffer today. >> came down with symptoms with a headache and almost a full week later, a fever and a cough. and was unable to acquire a test or move testing for almost a full 30 days after that. so, on april 10, i finally qualified for a test in oregon and tested positive. and had been quarantined the full prior 30 days. and i have remained quarantined and have not lecht my home, except for doctor's appointment and a hospital visit a couple days ago. i've had symptoms of -- difficulty breathing.
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covid brain, where i can't recall short-term memory. often times i have dry mouth, adrenalin feeling throughout my body like i just drank an espresso. and i shake internally. it causes tacko cardia, rapid heart rate. insomnia is another symptom i have. i just woke up this morning and have a difficult time even speaking. >> chelsea, what is it like right now? i can tell that you're exerting yourself just to have this conversation, even though your first symptoms were in the beginning of march? >> uh-huh. it's incredibly difficult.
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i thought that i had gotten over the worst of it. i had gotten to 120 days, thinking i can go back to work and do it from home. and the whole goal was to stay out of the hospital and until or unless the situation was really dire and i felt like i couldn't breathe or i was having serious heart complications, like i could keep myself out of the hospital. and i thought at 120 days, i was past the worst of it. i found myself just the other day i really needed to go. and now i feel like it's more important to quarantine again, keep myself away from others again. the isolation piece, the mental health piece in. i thank god for the support groups that i am an admin of.
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we have members from more than 70 countries all experiencing the same symptoms that i am. thank god for them. because otherwise i don't know where i would be, mental health wise and to be able to lean on one another. this is far and above the toughest thing i have had to go through, and to not have federal leadership, to not to have somebody telling us what we need to do and not having the answers has been really, really difficult. i would like to thank senator kay brown in oregon for acting as swiftly as she has. but there's a lot of work that needs to be done in oregon and across the nation. >> chelsea, thank you so much for sharing your experience. we know so many people are going through this. we're going to post your remarks
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online. unfortunately, this got cut short but we're going to post the support group online that so many people are a part of. thank you so much. >> thank you. it's the top of the hour now. coronavirus is sweeping the nation. new developments are prompting the nation's top infectious disease expert to call for some states to pause on reopening. >> california, texas, florida, arizona are now experiencing surges of infections that have gone up to 30,000, 40, 50, and most recently a total of 60,000 new cases per day. we need to get our arms around that and we need do something about it quickly because if we don't, there's the possibility we may be seeing surges in other areas.
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