tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 10, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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i'm kate bolduan. thank you for joining me. president trump is on his way to florida. the global epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. not just that, he's heading to the hardest hit county, miami-dade. where one in three people are testing positive for the virus. but the stated agenda for the trip holding an event on drug trafficking. also attending fundraisers. this as the nation's top infectious disease doctor, dr. fauci, says the country is not doing great. a far cry from the president's
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statement saying we're in a good place. dr. fauci calling out florida for reopening too early. >> some of the states the governors or the mayors essentially jumped over the guidelines and the checkpoints and opened up a little bit too soon. certainly, florida, i know, jumped over a couple of checkpoints. >> take a look at the numbers and you'll see why dr. fauci is so concerned with where the country is right now. united states setting yet another record for the number of new cases. more than 63,000 new cases just yesterday. it was like a day ago it feels like that we were at 40,000 cases. that is the sixth day of record break case numbers in the last ten days. at least three states, texas, california and florida also reporting a record number of deaths. hospitalizations are surging in a number of states with icus now stretched to capacity and
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doctors warning once again about a shortage of ppe. let's start in florida. kristin holmes is following the president and rosa flores in miami. rosa, what's the latest there right now? >> reporter: kate, the florida department of health released the latest numbers. here they are. more than 11,400 new cases. that means that the cases continue to grow. yesterday the number was nearly 9,000. the reality here in miami-dade county is grim. the positivity rate is about a third. 33.5%. now, the goal for the county is not to exceed 10%. they've exceeded 18% for the past 14 days. when it comes to hospitalizations, those are up 76% in the past 14 days. icus, 86%. ventilators, 124%. miami-dade county is the epicenter of this crisis. it has been from the get-go. it's not the only hotspot.
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the positivity rate statewide yesterday was 18%. this as governor ron desantis acknowledged that there's an issue. they're having delays in testing results. that, of course is a huge concern because if you don't know that you have covid-19 and you've toast tested for it, you could be spreading the virus. this is what the governor is going to do to correct it. starting next week, testing sites will have specific lanes for symptomatic people. when it comes to schools, the governor saying that if home depot and walmart and fast food restaurants, kate, are essential, so are schools. kate, you and i have been reporting on this. this state digging in its heels, requiring schools to reopen this fall for in-person instruction. kate? >> all right, rosa, stick with me. kristin, what are you hearing about the president's visit? >> reporter: well, kate, look, he has a packed schedule. he is coming down here to the southern command.
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he's going to have a briefing on drug trafficking. he's going to have a roundtable with cuban and venezuelan disdindi dissiden dissidents. what's not on the schedule. anything at all involving coronavirus. there is no sort of briefing, no sort of discussion here. this as he enters a state you heard the numbers from rosa. these are enormous spikes. a huge death rate here in the state. there is no mention of it at all. it's not that surprising. this is the narrative that president trump has put forward now for weeks. that the government is doing a great job. that there's really nothing to see here. that things are going to be fine. they're trying to reopen and get things done and blaming testing for the high number of cases. take a listen to what he said last night. >> we do testing like nobody has ever done testing. when we test, the more you test, the more cases you find. other countries, you know when they test. i ask them all.
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they test when somebody is not feeling well or when somebody walks into a hospital. they have tests that are limited. we have massive, 40, 45 million people have been tested. it's a record. our tests are the best. we have cases all over the place. most of the cases immediately get better. they're young people, they have sniffles. two days later, they're fine. not sick. they're asymptomatic. you know, when we listen to that, that is again the narrative that we haven't heard for the last several weeks but months. that people get better quickly. it's not going to be that big of a deal. this put him at odds with some of his top medical advisers. you mentioned dr. fauci. the back and forth we've seen play out in the media is clear. fauci is supposed to be one of the nation's top health experts. he is. but he's supposed to be one of president trump's advisers and a member of the coronavirus task force. in an interview, he said he hadn't briefed the president in
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person in more than two months. he was spotted at the white house today ahead of the task force meeting. we'll wait to try to get details out of that. watching this narrative go back and forth. you have fouch any these interviews saying that the states shouldn't have reopened so quickly. he's singled out florida and said that if you look at the federal government's response and where we are now, you can't really say that you're doing a good job. now, on the other side, you have president trump really trying to wash all these numbers away and last night, he was asked about dr. fauci and he said, he's a nice man but he's made a lot of mistakes. this back and forth, this quibbling between the president of the united states and the -- these numbers are surging across the country, kate. >> absolutely. kristen, thank you. rosa, thank you both very much. joining me right now is dr. ann,
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a professor of ep epidemiology after ucla. let's start with where the president is headed in south florida. rosa pointed it out. but i think it is worth saying one more time. miami-dade county is reporting a positivity rate of 33.5% right now. what does that tell you about what is happening there? >> what it's telling you is that cases are accelerating in this area. i mean, miami-dade, this area is an epicenter of infection in the country. and what we're seeing is cases rising sharply. they will continue to rise exponentially. there's no sign of stopping. furthermore, what we're seeing in not just miami-dade county but everywhere throughout the south, in california, in arizona, in texas and florida is we are not pulling back the way
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that we should be. everybody is talking about how we need to get back to school for our children. how do we get back to school when we have cases accelerating throughout the country? we are not putting the brakes on. if there's any moment to put the brakes on, it is right now. if there is any hope of being able to open up schools, to be able to do anything that we need to do for our children, we need to all be coming together and agreeing that there's a national strategy, wearing masks, stay at home orders again and to be able to really clamp down. it is our only hope with being able to stop the spread of this virus right now. i mean, none of us are happy about this. but the fact of the matter is, we have no other tools in our toolbox to be able to stop spread of this disease except these blunt public health measures. >> what do you think of from a public health standpoint, as you said, national messaging, national policy, the fact that the president is heading to
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south florida today and on the agenda, do with the pandemic? >> well, i would say that it's a shame that we're not talking about the number one issue in this country right now that drives everything else. we want to get the economy back together. we need to focus on the virus. if we want to talk about the health of the nation, we have to focus on the virus. if we want to talk about anything that is going to be helping our country move forward, we have to deal with the virus. to be sticking our heads in the n sand and thinking we can focus on something else is just totally ludicrous. >> the outlook is really so grim in places in the united states. the white house's response is so lacking that it is now leaving one top infectious disease expert kind of left with only
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one conclusion, if you will. i want to play for you what dr. peter hotez said this morning on "new day." >> what we're starting to see now, john, is what i think is more than the occasional gap or misstatements. i think when you look at this in totality, what we're really seeing is a coordinated misinformation campaign coming out of the white house. >> doctor, he's talking about the comment tear that i we heard one of my colleagues play of the president on testing. it's just the sniffles, it's 99% harmless, it's embers that are going to be put out around the country. do you agree with dr. hotez on this? are you reaching that conclusion as well? >> i think the fact of the matter is, the white house does not have the expertise to be able to be making these kinds of statements. you know, when they do have experts available to them, they ignore their advice as we're
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learning dr. fauci has not been meeting with donald trump or his staff. i have no idea where trump is getting his medical expertise. it's certainly not from his medical degree or his ph.d. in biology or epidemiology normall expertise to be able to make these kinds of decisions. so i really don't know where hi himself with people who generally know about this. so it seems to me that it must be politically motivated at this point. >> doctor, to that point, dr. fauci had another interview that was published today where he also says that he's confused essentially by the quote-unquote data that the president is putting out. let me read this for you. this is where trump got the number behind the claim of 99% of covid cases are totally harmless. dr. fauci says this. i'm trying to figure out where
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the president got that number. what i think is someone told him that the general mortality is about 1% and he interpreted, therefore, that 99% is not a problem when that's obviously not the case. if that is how the president is processing the data and then messaging it to the public, this isn't just about words that the president tweets out. this is about is there actually an understanding or coherent strategy to help the country move through this, when you see that from dr. fauci, what do you say? >> i agree with dr. fauci, i agree with dr. hotez and the vast majority of epidemiologi epidemiologists, infectious disease physicians and people who spent their lives studying infectious disease transmission. these data, the actual data that we have out there suggests that there are plenty of long-term is he quell a -- the people who are
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sick could be very sick. the transmission among young people leads to transmission to older people. we don't live in a vacuum and neither does data. the cherry picking of data, he's just picking little pieces to make it make sense. it's like when you see movie reviews and it's the greatest movie ever and they've cut out different pieces of that review. so i really think that the problem is we're not being led by science. we need to be led by science. it is science that will lead us out of this deep hole that we have fallen into. you know, the science is clear and it is very simple what we need to do to move forward. we need to be able to get our arms around this fire.
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ignoring it won't help us. we have to deal with what is at hand here. anything else is reckless and putting people's lives at stake. >> what you are saying is not driven by politics. what you're saying is driven by sound science. doctor, thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> coming up for us, the american academy of pediatrics got a lot of people listening in when it recommended people should return to schools in person, in class. now they're saying there's at least one state that is likely not possible. an up close look atted the pandemic. one california hospital already at capacity after temporary beds set up in tents outside. and because we don't know exactly when this crisis is going to be over and we don't know exactly when the stock market will reach its bottom, we've got to be prepared for this to last a long time. if you assume that you're out of work for nine months but you end up only being out of work for three, well that's great. but if you think you're going to be furloughed for three months and it lasts for nine,
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the american academy of pediatrics, the gold standard of children's health, the best policy is to get kids back to school physically in classrooms. yesterday the academy is also saying that in florida that's likely not possible. this comingconfusion, there is confusion abound as to what the federal government recommends. the cdc putting out guidance for reopening schools. the president criticizing those guidelines. the vice president then saying new guidelines were coming from the cdc and then the cdc saying it is sdatanding by its guidanc >> the guidance are there with different strategies which each local jurisdiction can decide how they want to use those strategies. we stand by our guidance. we think it's an important strategy for helping the schools reopen. >> with me right
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president of american academy of pediatrics. >> i paid attention, a lot of people did, the white house did as well. it's leaning on your guidelines and calling for all schools to reopen next month. talk to me then why the statewide mandate to reopen schools in florida is against your recommendations. >> returning to school is the important for the health and well-being of our children. we have to pursue this in a way that's -- science should be making the leading decision-making on this. because we have to [ inaudible ] safely reopen. that's going to allow -- making -- based on data and not politi politics. we have to leave it to the -- the educators and administrators on how to do it. >> was there one thing you saw that you all -- that you see in
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florida that leads you to say that right now florida is not meeting the mark of not being able to reopen safely? >> with the rising levels of disease in florida, it concerns us because our guidelines say that you really have to look at the incidence of covid-19 is in your community to decide if it's safe to reopen those schools. >> i'd like to play something that the governor of florida said yesterday in making the case that he would like to see florida schools reopen. let me play this for everyone. >> if you can do home depot, if you can do walmart, if you can do these things, we absolutely can do the schools. >> do you see those things as the same? the ability to open a retail store safely and the ability to send children back into schools? >> i think to be able to reopen
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schools, we need to look to our educators to decide what it's going to take to make the schools safe. our guidelines go through many things that we think schools should have before it's safe to reopen the schools. having children -- face coverings, having them be able to physically distance in the schools, being able to have teachers have the masks and other ppe to have them safe in the schools. that requires an investment by our country, financial investment. because we really are going to need to give our schools and campuses that extra money to help do those things. it's a very different situation to open a school and have all those safety measures in place than to open a retail store. >> yeah. i mean, it really stuck out to me when i saw that. that is for sure. the president criticized the cdc guidelines for opening as being too tough, too expensive, too impractical. from looking at both, the cdc
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guidelines and what as he put out, it looks similar. do you think they are any they those things, too tough, too impractical or too expensive? >> the safety of our children and our teachers and the staff at these schools is critical. so no, those guidelines are what we need to do. that investment is in our future. our children are our future. >> i heard a reporter ask a question that i think fits the bill here. when it comes to the safety of children, shouldn't the guidelines be tough and shouldn't there be no expense spared when you want to get them into an environment which is critical, in schools, in classrooms with teachers and faculty. dr. goez a thank you for your leadership on this. thank you. >> thank you, kate. coming up, a makeshift tent set up in triple digit heat where some covid patients are getting treated right now. we'll take you inside a
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hospitals continue to face a crush because of the pandemic. doctors and nurses again facing shortages of ppe. again, more shortages of icu beds and hospitals running out of room in general. it's not just big hospitals in big cities like new york and houston and l.a. cnn's kyung lah is in a city near the border. you got a look at what one hospital is dealing with there. what did you see? >> reporter: well, essentially what we're seeing is the small community hospital being overwhelmed by covid to where the cases, the patients are spilling into tents. not just this tent that's here. there are multiple tents around this hospital. they invited us in because they wanted us to see and feel what it's like on the front line.
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>> when folks say hey, it's a war zone, a war zone of what? a war zone of us trying to combat the covid-19. >> reporter: the front line in this battlefield. >> craziness. >> anybody else sick at home? >> reporter: southern california's el centro regional medical center. ceo adolph edwards is a former air force officer and iraq war vet. >> i have seen this tent deploy with me when we were in balad, in iraq. >> now he's built them on american soil to handle a crush of covid cases his hospital no longer has room for. air-conditioned tents in the triple digit desert heat to handle patient after patient. el centro is in imperial county. it sits at the u.s./mexico border. this rural community is 85% latino. one in four live in poverty. per capita, it has three times as many covid cases as los
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angeles. and the death rate is the highest in california. >> is it crazy to you you're a physician working in a tent in america? >> it's incredible, isn't it? we'll make it through. >> reporter: inside the hospital -- >> it is exhausting. >> reporter: we visit the sickest patients in the icu. >> this is a new patient. >> reporter: every single patient in this 12-bed icu has covid. 11 of them survive with ventilators. can you explain what you're wearing? >> it's a device that helps keep everything closed so we're not exposed to anything. >> reporter: it's what she has to wear to keep her safe while helping her 40 years old patient. >> he's really sick and really young. we're trying to do everything we
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can before we intubate him. >> what does that suggest to you as a nurse? >> a lot of people aren't honoring the stay-at-home. a lot of people aren't doing the social distancing. >> that's what the el centro fire department sees on the street. >> el centro -- >> the battalion she have says in this town of 50,000 people, every single hour it is this. >> there's a possible covid patient on scene. so at this point our personnel are gearing up for a covid patient. >> in a full haz-mat suit, the captain revives an unconscious patient. it's a stifling 110 degrees. >> you have to put on the equipment and remove all the uniforms and take a shower and put a different uniform on. >> you're dripping. >> everybody is really tired. you can see it in my face. >> that patient he saved, arrives at el centro medical emergency room. >> we've hit capacity.
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we've transferred out two or three times the normal amount of patients we're sending out. i think in the last two months we sent out something like 500 patients. >> reporter: some to nearby san diego, others as far as northern california. this helicopter is here to pick up another patient. >> they're here for him. >> e.r. doctors and nurses intubate under this blue drape. stabilized, the patient heads out. >> reporter: why is it happening so much here in imperial county? >> a lot of u.s. nationals that live in mex callie. they had a bad outbreak there. there's a lot of people that cross the border for work that live in mex cali that -- >> even in the pandemic, some 20,000 mexican day workers enter legally every morning to provide
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the labor. no work, no money for food, says 65-year-old farm worker moreno. four of his fellow farm workers have died of covid, he says. >> we cannot win a war on covid in the emergency room. look at the big picture. we need to fight the war where it's breeding. our neighborhoods. >> in this bi-national county, it's not a disease. it's the symptom. >> experienced social determinants of health. like putting food on the table. like having to work in dangerous conditions. like not having a mask. we are the poster of those inequities and the reason we're not able to control covid. >> the hospital here is bracing for what is yet to come. this empty tent is the future covid ward. >> is this tent a sign that this pandemic is here to stay? >> yes. so i keep telling folks, look, now it's a pandemic. eventually it's going to be an endemic. is this really how we want to take care of our communities? and the answer is no.
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>> reporter: not only does this hospital need more beds, they need more staff. the hospital's ceo wrote a letter to u.s. senators, dianne feinstein and kamala harris asking for more funding. what he needs, 28 icu nurses, 14 respiratory therapists. he needs 20 ventilators. kate, he needs them just to keep up. he needs that next week. kate? >> i mean, i have to say, kyung, that was an amazing look at what they're up against. what he had seen and built in a war zone in iraq he's now building in america. if you do not think this country is facing a war, right now not winning a war, look no further than what you saw, thank you. coming up for us, the ceo of delta airlines is saying he supports now a nationwide mask man dade. what he also says that he told the white house. that's next.
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others are being advised to shut down completely again as hospitals are becoming overwhelmed. one of those states is arizona. let's check in with our reporters around the country. >> reporter: i'm evan mcmorris in scott daily, arizona. this state has had the highest per capita average of new cases in the country for more than a month now. local public health officials and elected officials asked the governor to increase the number of closures to try and combat the growing pandemic. yesterday at a press conference the governor gave them a response. a slight tweak to existing government regulations of restaurants. on may 11, indoor dining reopened here. restaurants are required to reduce capacity. but the governor's office told us it was an honor system. the new rules say restaurants must be capped at 50% of the capacity set by the fire marshal. that's a rule the governor said
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will be strictly enforced. local officials want more, however. it's not clear if they're going to get it. >> reporter: i'm ed lavendera in dallas. they reported the deaths of 105 people because of coronavirus. that is a record single-day high. it's not topped the 100 mark since the pandemic started. texas health officials are saying in the last three days, nearly 30,000 new coronavirus cases have been reported. the positive infection rate is now approaching 16%. it was at 4.2% just at the end of may. because all of that, the reopening of the economy here starting to slow down. texas governor greg abbott has announced that essex panneding the limits on the numbers of elective surgeries that can happen across the state. the governor is saying it could get worse next week. >> reporter: i'm pete montine in
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washington. the federal government is getting new -- to mandate that passengers wear masks. the ceo of delta airlines told our poppy harlow he's had discussions with the white house. the industry is urging that passengers wear masks. delta and other airlines require it. there's been no guidance from the federal government. >> reporter: i'm natasha chen. walt disney world reopened two theme parks tomorrow. annual pass holders have gotten a preview yesterday at magic kingdom and animal kingdom. epcot reopens on july 15th. people have to reserve park attendance in advance to keep numbers low. all guests have to go through temperature screenings and must wear face coverings with a loop around the ears. so no bandana type or gator masks allowed. people are being spaced out. there are hand washing and hand sanitizing stations throughout the park.
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disney is trying to go as touchless as possible, testing out new bag screening machines at animal kingdom reducing employees touching of people's bags. thank you all so very much. still ahead for us, biological warfare. that's what one local official called president trump's campaign rally that's scheduled in new hampshire tomorrow. (upbeat music) - [narrator] this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. you get way more than free shipping. when you shop for ayour home at wayfair, you get thousands items you need to your door fast the way it works best for you.
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president trump is head to go new hampshire tomorrow to hold a campaign rally. his fourth event with a large crowd since the pandemic started. it was three weeks ago when the president held that rally in tulsa, oklahoma. with the tulsa health department now says likely contributed to a dramatic surge in new cases there. what does this mean for what happens in new hampshire tomorrow? what risks there are. what safeguards they're taking? with me is the police commissioner in portsmouth, with oversight over the police
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department. thank you for being here. i definitely took notice when you called the rally that is set for tomorrow as biological warfare. what is your biggest concern with the president holding a rally in your city tomorrow? >> well, good morning, kate. thank you so much for having me and for sharing our concerns. no. the fact of the matter is, new hampshire is one of only three states in the country right now that's seeing a decline in covid-19 cases. we've worked very hard over the last five months doing everything we can, staying at home, wearing masks, washing hands and now to have a super spreader event like this rally, which projections are, are likely to attract 80% of people from out of new hampshire here, where we know what happened in tulsa, cases are in oklahoma. >> the good job that new hampshire is doing, the decline in cases that new hampshire is experiencing is something gnat
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trump campaign says is why they chose new hampshire in part at least. that also because the state's guidelines as they stand right now allow for an event like this. what do you say to that? >> it is unfortunate because we just had guidance issued by our own state health department that said we should all avoid mass gatherings and here we are now having a mass gathering. we don't have a governor that's willing to mandate mask use and as a police commission we provide security detail. the police department will be providing local security detail and there is no mandate to wear masks not to mention the cost to the municipality. we just had a very difficult budget cycle and every department, experienced cuts and now we cover security for the event so this is a huge expense to our community, not just the public health risk but the
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financial implications. >> you're no fan of the president. you have been very critical of the president. explain then to folks how this is a health -- how this is about health concerns and not about politics. >> every expert, the president's own experts, the cdc, dr. fauci have said mass gatherings should be avoided and to have mass gatherings attracting people into the state, i have seen license plates from texas, north carolina, with trump bumper stickers on the cars and bringing people boo the stainto for a mass gathering. >> the republican governor of the state -- i'm sorry. the republican governor of the state is strongly encouraging people to wear masks to the event but not requiring it and at the same time i was quite struck -- let me just read this quote from the governor of
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tuesday. i'm probably not going to go to the rally itself because, frankly, that's just at lot of people. i don't go in big crowds anymore for the covid thing. i just have to be very careful of that. what do you have to say that? >> well, so both the president and the governor are taking extraordinary precautions. the president lives in a biological bunker. he gets tested all of the time and yet the people attending this rally are not. they're not getting daily testing. they don't know the person next to them without a mask has covid-19. it is unacceptable and it's dangerous. >> stephanie, thank you. >> my daughter has a prexsting condition and we need to take every precaution now more than ever. >> thank you for your time. coming up for us, as former trump ally roger stone is ready to report the federal prison, will the president grant him
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or commute stone's sentence though the timing is unclear. let's get over to kaitlan come listens with new reporting about all of this. what are you learning? >> reporter: it is a matter of days now, kate, before roger stone is set to report to federal prison in georgia and not if the president is going to intervene but a question of when. many people close to the president believe he will take a step here to commute or pardon the sentence after he is supposed to serve a little over three years in prison after being convicted of lying to congress in part but also witness tampering, obstruction in that congressional inquiry into the russian interference in 2016. but of course, the president views roger stone, a long-time friend and a political adviser and facing opposition of what he should do here. there are some advisers to the president who don't think he should take any steps but wait until after the election at
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least worried about the political repercussions of the president getting involved but he is similarly facing lobbying from the stone friends saying the president needs to do something and not have stone spend one minute in prison on tuesday. stone is at the home in florida today. of course, the president himself is going to florida. so the question is, what is the president going to say about this? let's listen to what the president said this morning before he left to go to florida. >> well, i'll be looking at it. i think roger stone was very unfairly treated as were very many people and comey is walking around and biden and obama because we caught them spying on my campaign. who would have believed that one? >> reporter: kate, he is strongly indicating something is going to happen but waiting to find out when. >> kaitlan, thank you.
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it is the top of the hour, everyone. i'm kate bolduan. any moment now president trump will be landing in south florida, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in this country right now and the spot where it's most serious in the world at the moment. on the agenda as the white house is explained it so far not addressing the pandemic but rather to focus on drug trafficking. he's also slated to attend fund-raisers later today. right now there's nothing on the schedule that's directly addressing the staggering spread of covid-19 in florida. why? that state along with south
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