tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN July 11, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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♪ well, florida averages 9,000 cases a day and one california county has maxed out its icu capacity. we'll have your u.s. coronavirus headlines this hour. also, no hard time for convicted felon roger stone. president trump uses the power of his office to commute his close friend's prison sentence. plus, the english football world loses a legend. jack charlton dies at 85. we'll talk about this amazing career. live from cnn world headquarters
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in atlanta. welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. i'm natalie allen. and this is "cnn newsroom." thank you for joining us. it seems that coronavirus records are being set almost daily in the united states. on friday, the u.s. set another. nearly 67,000 new infections in a single day, according to johns hopkins university. experts are sounding the alarm about icu capacity amid a rise in hospitalizations. california's riverside county reached 100% capacity friday. one medical expert warned of difficult days ahead. >> we said there were no deaths. now, we -- we knew there was a
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lag. now the deaths are starting to increase. it will accelerate as hospital icus become overwhelmed. we now have students and schools where the teachers are now getting sick. and the school staff will start to abandon the schools. so what we're looking at is what i think is going to be one of the most unstable times in the history of our country unless we figure out a way to do something. >> friday also saw the relief of the new report compiling the ways the virus can affect us. the report says covid-19 can attack virtually every major system in the human body. facing the dramatic surge in infections at least half of america's 50 states have paused or rolled back their reopenings. the spiking infection rates are hitting the south and west particularly hard. cnn's erica hills that and more of the day's headlines.
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>> reporter: long lines for testing in florida as the numbers there continue to move in the wrong direction. >> the infection rate is the concern here in south florida. >> reporter: florida is now averaging more than 9,000 new cases a day. the president in hard-hit miami today, not because the positivity rate is nearly 30%. >> there seems to be this lack of understanding or awareness that we are in one of the most extraordinary public health crises that our nation has ever faced. >> reporter: georgia, one of the first states to reopen, smashing its previously daily high, adding nearly 4500 new cases. in response, atlanta's mayor said her city is moving back to phase one which includes a stay-at-home order. setting up a battle with the governor who called the plan unenforceable. ten states seeing an increase in covid-related deaths over the past week, half of those experiencing their highest new
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average since the pandemic began. >> i think the numbers are going to look worse as we go into next week. and we need to make sure there are plenty of hospital beds available in the houston area. >> reporter: it's not just hospital capacity and icu beds, personal protective equipment is once again in short supply in certain areas. >> we've had plenty of time to plan and take action. and it has yet to happen. >> reporter: uncertainty growing with many jobs on hold. the $600 weekly unemployment boost will run out at the end of july. but the needs of struggling families will not. back to school looming with some states just weeks away. >> i don't think there's anybody who can make an argument that this especially risky for kids. we have to accept that and figure out how you fashion policy around it. >> the viral loads in children are equivalent to that in adults. what does that mean? that means that they can
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transmit the virus equally well to other people whether or not they show symptoms. >> reporter: as districts work to find the right balance, the one won staconstant in every de a virus here to stay. >> it's highly unlikely that we can eradicate this virus. >> reporter: dr. deborah birx on friday reiterating the importance of wearing a mask. she also said at the conference that the united nations reduce indoor gatherings and indoor events. in new york, cnn. let's bring back dr. peter drobac an infectious disease doctor at the global hospital of oxford. good morning, thanks for coming on with me. >> thanks for having me, natalie. >> these days, the darkest days
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the u.s. now it's 60,000. we're seei ing horrific increas. do you see the u.s. getting out of this hole anytime soon? >> not if we stay in our current trajectory. you know, the situation in many ways is so much worse than it was back in march, april, may, because then the surge was very much concentrated in the new york, new jersey area. now, we have multiple new yorks right now. what we're seeing today, remember, reflect what is we did two weeks ago. if we start today and go two weeks out ahead and look at where we're going to be at the current trajectory. we're talking 100,000 new cases a day. probably 1 million new cases a day. we're talking about is freezer trucks that we saw backing up to hospitals to take care of the extra beds. we're looking at record death rates. i hate to say is this because it should be a last resort and
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nobody wants this, but we're at a point where a lot of states need to think about going back to a shelter in place order. >> understand, what is the resource? you know, the white house and president trump, meantime, taking a claim that the united states is the world leader in fighting this virus. does that make any sense? >> well, we're the world leader in all of the wrong ways, unfortunately. the richest country in the world with one of the most sophisticated medical systems and greatest concentrations of scientific experts, you know, we are really in a class of our own in terms of the needless suffering and death that's occurred. and that continues to occur. it's really a tragedy. if you look around the world at sort of how this pandemic has unfolded and what's differentiated the places that have had some success in containing the virus and those that are really struggling. it's not resources. it's not hospital beds. it's leadership and the quality of leadership and there we're
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unfortunately way behind. >> yeah, the cases that florida is seeing is staggering. the president was in florida but barely addressed that. he hasn't met with dr. anthony fauci in weeks. you work with public health policy. does it make sense that right now there is no emergency on the part of the white house, no federal-coordinated plan being addressed? >> it's mind-boggling. and i don't understand. you can't wish this away. the virus doesn't respond to bluster and stern talk. it only responds to action. and we've already seen this play out. you know, we're months into this pandemic and we know what works. and unfortunately, as we've seen relying on states and localities to do this on their own isn't going to be enough. we're only going to do this with a coordinated federal response. ignoring the problem as the white house continues to do doesn't help anybody. >> right. the testing has slowed in the
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sun belt states. hospitals, of course, trying to keep up. and now we see governors and mayors want different approaches, and they're fighting. contrast the situation with what you're seeing in europe. >> so, in europe, things started off in a similar fashion, right? and many european countries like the u.s. were caught a little bit by surprise with a big surge and that really came close to overwhelming their health system with high numbers of deaths. i'm speaking by generalizing the continent. what we saw measures in march, april, may brought things under control. the difference probably came in may when most european countries did two things differently. one, they had been investing in building their capacity for testing, tracing, isolation and containing the virus. two, they were much more careful and slower and more cautious about reopening. whereas, in many parts of the u.s., we kind of threw open our
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doors even though cases were still rising in mid-may. we're still paying the price. what you're seeing from then to now, the curve absolutely diverged. in many european countries we're seeing maybe a couple hundred deaths a day. in deaths, single digits. it's a constant reminder that in the u.s. it doesn't have to be this way. >> absolutely. and there's so much conflict when you say there is a way to have a solution. there. is much discussion now, and debate, peter, about whether or not schools should reopen? can they do it safely and what needs to be considered in making these decisions? >> well, schools reopening is obviously everyone can agree on as a goal that we all desperately want to happen. of course, we want to do it safely. schools don't exist in a vacuum. they exist as part of a community. the one thing that's difficult to think that you can't just
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open schools. it's like opening schools in a hurricane so the very first thing we need to do is actually bring the pandemic under control. because what will happen, otherwise, we can open schools, but within weeks there will be outbreaks and those schools have been shuttered again and cause more harm than good. yes, we need to resource schools and systems to set up for social distancing, there need to be teachers' aides, all of that equipment and planning needs to be happening. but the reality is they need that support and won't be able to it in those parts of the country unless they get expertise under control. >> we appreciate your expertise, dr. peter drobac. president trump commutes the sentence of his friend and
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longtime ally roger stone. we'll talk about that next. and it is the season of political ads, very different approaches to theirs. what they're saying and who they need to reach, coming up. these folks don't have time to go to the post office they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again.
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roger stone, a self-described dirty trickster is now a free man. president trump commuted the 40-month sentence of his friend and political operative on friday, just days before stone was to go to prison. stone was convicted last year of multiple felonies related to the russia investigation. cnn's sara murray has the details. >> reporter: president trump on friday night commuted the sentence of his longtime friend and political adviser roger stone. stone had been convicted of crimes including lying to congress in part to protect the president. he was set to report to prison next week to kick off his three-year sentence. stone was pleading publicly for the president to intervene, he said reporting to prison during the pandemic was akin to a death sentence because he's 67 years old. ultimately, the president did intervene on friday. and here is stone describing his conversation with trump. >> he said, you understand, i have the option, i have the
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authority to either grant a pardon or commute your sentence. he says, you should understand that a pardon would be final. and that in accepting a pardon, you are essentially accepting guilt. and i would rather see you fight this out, which is why i'm commuting your sentence. >> reporter: now, president trump and roger stone are insistent that stone didn't not get a fair shake at trial, even attorney general william barr said the prosecution was righteous. and they're pointing to the president intervening as if he has no respect for the justice system. sara murray, cnn, washington. >> natasha lindstaedt is a professor in england, she joins me to talk about this, good morning, natasha. >> good morning. >> this isn't the first time that the president has commuted an ally, to be sure. but where does roger stone fit
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in and was it at all a surprise that president trump did this? >> it's not a surprise, it's a stunning show of power to pry to protect one of president trump's friends. it's an egregious attack thatint the supreme court voted that the president is not above the law. he's been talking about roger stone's case and how it was a witch hunt. and they started to convince trump that he needed to this this, those in stone's inner circle, because this was really an attack on trump himself. of course, trump is really all about himself. but trump has really focused on pardoning individuals that wouldn't really be very popular to pardon in the american public. there's sort of a who's who of white collar criminals,
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politics, law enforcement, you know, have gone above the call of duty. so, we see rod blagojevich was pardoned. he was a corrupt democratic politics. and he joe arpaio, the law enforcement from arizona. financier michael milken. this demonstrates if you're close to trump, if you're loyal to him, if you're a powerful person, he will teach you that you're absolved of your crimes. >> and roger stone, the self-proclaimed dirty trickster said he will work to help the president get his second term. we'll wait to see if he's an attraction but do you expect his loyal congressional support,
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we'll say loyal, on something like this? >> it probably will. because republicans have tried to remain loyal to them. even though they know that the ship is sinking, due to the way that he's mishandled the coronavirus crisis. and the way he's handled race relations. this is just another thing that he's done to show that he can really destroy and erode democratic norms, and that's why the republican party hasn't gone too far in trying to attack him on these matters. they remain very, very loyal to him. that in itself is not altogether surprising. >> stay with us, natasha, i want to get your comments on the next story, with just four months left to go for the election, president trump and joe biden are ramping up their campaigns and the goal reveals a goal of america's future that could not
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be any more different. here's cnn's tom foreman. >> never underestimate the power of family. or the sacrifices people will make for the children. >> reporter: the latest joe biden campaign commercial is a warm salute to families, caring, commitment, but in the rapidly heating ad wars -- >> joe biden's failed ideas would crush our economy just as it recover. >> reporter: team trump is lighting up the flame thrower. >> if you're calling to report a rape, please press one. if you're reporting a murder, press two. >> reporter: unable to fight the unflagging economy. and biden -- >> for the last three weeks he's brought america down with him attacking health care with patients with pre-existing conditions. giving massive tax cuts to billionaires. stoking racial division. >> what a beautiful history we wrote together. >> reporter: trump's ads sizzle
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with attacks on biden's record say he's far too ready to embrace trade deals that have and will destroy american jobs. >> losing 300,000 jobs in a failed trade war. >> reporter: biden's counterpunch -- trump's record has cost jobs, security and lives, even as trump denys it. >> no i don't take responsibility all. >> i'll do my job and take responsibility. i won't blame others. >> reporter: just three years older than trump -- >> biden is clearly diminished. >> caller: and biden's ad suggests that is just the kind of talk that hurts everyone as the nation grapples with the pandemic, racial strife and economic hardship. >> country is crying out for leadership. leadership that can unite us. leadership that brings us together. that's what the presidency is. the duty to care. to care for all of us. >> reporter: the campaign media analysis group says that more than 22,000 spots run by trump
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since july 1st, nearly all were negative. the same group says biden in the same period has aired no negative ads, even though he frequently contrasts his record with trump's. and where are all of these ads airing? trump's are showing up in a broad range of states including some red ones where he's clearly trying to bolster his base. while biden's are in fewer places but notably playing in some critical swing states trump won in 2016. when you watch all of these commercials in a row, the contrast is clear. the president is telling voters he's done a great job. and if he's not re-elected, the sky will fall. and biden is saying, go ahead and vote for me, then look up, you'll see a bright new day coming. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> oh, yes, the campaign ads season, natasha. first, i want to get your thoughts on approaches on these ads, the president's negative
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track and biden not biting back. >> right. it's not surprising that trump has gone negative. that's been the way he's tended to campaign, going very negative, very critical, very dirty in some ways. and really attacking his opponents in a personal way often. and playing to the politics of fear. now, that worked in 2016. he was able to play on people's fears, of what would happen if hillary clinton was the president and that it was disastrous for all number of areas. that's what his ads are trying to do. that's going to play well to the base. that is not going to increase his support base which is something he definitely needs to do because he doesn't really have enough to win it in 2020. now, biden in contrast is trying to look to the way the american public is feeling at the moment which is completely hopeless. the economy is in shambles. we have record unemployment rates and we have the coronavirus pandemic out of control that seems unmanageable.
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so, he's trying to send a message of hope. and the reason for doing that is in order to get people behind his campaign that he will be able to unite americans and try to come up with some solutions to the problems. trump should be trying to focus on how he's going to resolve these problems. and trying to send a message of unity and hopefulness, what he can do for small businesses. i think his campaign is missing the boat here. >> all right. we always appreciate your insights. thanks so much for commenting on both of these stories for us, natasha lindstaedt. >> thanks for having me. texas has had nearly 250,000 of course cases. now officials are asking for more federal help dealing with the outbreak. we'll have that next. also, thousands of serbians lash out at their government once again over its handling of the virus. what will they think the president has done wrong. we'll have a report.
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♪ welcome back to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm natalie allen. you're watching "cnn newsroom." friday set another record for daily coronavirus infections in the u.s. almost 67,000, according to johns hopkins university. and case numbers are up across the country, particularly in the south and west. experts are sounding the alarm about icu capacity, as patients flood into hospitals. icu beds in california's riverside county east of the los angeles are now filled. a medical task force from the u.s. department of defense
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arrived in houston, texas, monday to help the state deal with the outbreak. you can see here, texas has soaring infection numbers. confirmed cases nearly 250 million. cnn's ed lavandera is in dallas. >> reporter: it's been another record setting week here in texas, the coronavirus numbers continue to raise alarms all across the state. let's take a look at the basic numbers. the number of new coronavirus cases being reported have jumped almost 40,000 in just the last four days. that's almost 10,000 per day. and the total number of people who have died because of coronavirus in this state has now topped the 3,000 mark, nearly another 100 people reported dead on this friday as well. so, those are alarming statistics as city officials, health officials, all across the state are reporting troubling
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signs of just how much stress is being put on the hospital systems all across the state. and the governor here in texas, greg abbott, who was one of the first governors to reopen state economies here in the united states is now saying that next week could be worse. and one of the factors that he has been looking at over the last few months is the positive infection rates that are coming back on all of these coronavirus tests. in all of these cases. the positive infection rate now has jumped to almost 15%. and just to give you an idea of how dramatically things have changed here in texas, that number was just at 4.2% at the end of may. and that is where state officials had pointed to, as being one of the factors that led them to want to reopen the economy here. but all of that talk is essentially over for now. as the governor here is preparing residents here in the state for a dramatically worse week next week with the
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coronavirus. ed lavandera, cnn, dallas, texas. brazilian president jair bolsonaro still hopes his country will reopen as soon as possible even as he battles his own case of the virus in isolation. but as cnn's patrick oppmann tells us, conditions in south america are making it easier for the virus to spread. >> reporter: it was the coronavirus test result heard around the world. brazil's jair bolsonaro is not the first head of state to test positive for the coronavirus. but he perhaps more than any other leader has the impact of the pandemic. on tuesday, bolsonaro revealed that he had caught what he once termed a little flu. and continued to downplay the danger coronavirus presents even though the death toll in brazil is now around 70,000. younger people take care, but if you're infected by the virus, rest assured that for you the
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possibility of something more serious is close to zero, bolsonaro claimed falsely. the coronavirus is raging through latin america and the caribbean, with a particular vengeance. this week, the number of reported cases reached 3 million. in a region plagued by economic disparity many live in crowded slums and can't afford to not work or socially distance. in peru, many people don't own a refrigerator and have to regularly leave their homes to stock up on food. despite a strict lockdown, over 11,000 people have died from the pandemic. but increasingly the coronavirus is hitting those at the top of the food chain, as well as those at the bottom. on thursday, the interim president of bolivia also announced she tested positive for the virus. at least four top officials in bolivia have also tested positive including the health
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minister and the chief. i urge the population to collaborate, contribute, she said, so that they know security measures not only save their lives and avoid contagion but also save lives and avoid contagion for their families. in mexico, the number of reported deaths top 33,000. and the number of infect said more than 280,000. although some health experts say the true toll could be far greater. before heading to the white house to meet president trump, mexican president manuel obrador was requested to take a test. the results came back negative. the second most powerful official cabaello was not as lucky. cabello was has indicted nicolas maduro announced thursday he also tested positive.
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cabello said he would go in isolation quarantine with, quote, his head held high. latin american leaders who continue to hold rallies throughout the pandemic threaten to spread the disease to themselves and others. before, jair bolsonaro assured crowds they had nothing to fear. but the mass graves being dug in the brazilian city of sao paulo tells a much different story. patrick oppmann, cnn. the prime minister of the uk said england may need stricter face mask rules. boris johnson was wearing a face covering himself, of course, he was recovering from the coronavirus. he says he wants to see them worn in shops in england as they were in scotland. the uk has one of the highest covid-19 death tolls in the world but says they will not join the eu. and saying london has key issues
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including setting prices. meanwhile, it's relaxing travel rules for travelers from some countries including france and italy who may not come back in the uk. the u.s., however, not on the list. serbians are unleashing their anger on the government over its handling of the virus. the fourth night of demonstrations turned violent friday as protesters clashed with police after protesters stopped them from entering parliament. critics say the country's lockdown measures were lifted too early for pretty reasons and cases are spiking. cnn has the report. >> reporter: violence erupted in belgrade's streets during the fourth night of protests. demonstrators clashing with the police angry over the serbian government's handling of the coronavirus crisis. on the day the country suffered its highest daily death toll
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since the pandemic began. protests started on tuesday night, after president aleksandar vucic announced plans to reimpose a curfew to curb a surge in infections. plans he had to drop after two nights of rallying. but rallying continued as protesters blamed vucic saying he lifted a lockdown too soon for an election. the first during the pandemic, allegations that vucic and his government have dismissed. serbia had one of europe's strictest lockdowns with early curfews but in early may lifted for rallies like this one. nightclubs reopened. and thousands of soccer fans packed stadiums, vucic unites saying he did anything wrong, stating the protests. >> the problem is when people
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lose elections with a very big margin and we had a very good turnout, 50%. and then you see those frustrated politiauoliticians t they're not able to admit, accept their own defeat then they want to do something in the street. >> reporter: disproportionate support by the police, serbian officers said more than 100 of their officers were injured. and with the infiltrating of rallies. and government officials are urging calm saying the ongoing arrests will make the already critical coronavirus outbreak even worse. there's been a dramatic rise in cases and the country's health system is about to burst, officials say. in belgrade, there's no more space isn't hospitals and patients are being diverted to health centers up to 50 miles away. but frustration with the government shows no signs of
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abating. many protester, saying they will continue some president vucic resigns. cnn. next here, a secret mission to stop russia from interfering in u.s. elections. what president donald trump has to say about it just months before americans head to the polls. n. and in an emergency, you need a network that puts you first. that connects you to technology to each other and to other agencies. built with and for first responders. firstnet. the only officially authorized wireless network for first responders. because putting you first is our job. faced the competition and we broke through. olay's retinol24 complex hydrates better than the $100 retinol cream. visibly smoother brighter skin in just 24 hours.
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president trump has told "the washington post" that the u.s. staged a cyber attack on the russian troll farm in 2018. the covert operation against the kremlin-linked internet research agency was aimed at stopping russian interference in the u.s. midterm elections. this is the same organization accused of meddling in the 2016 presidential elections. let's turn now to cnn's fred pleitgen, he's in warsaw, poland. you know much about this story and the background there, fred. >> hi there, natalie, yeah,
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there had already been reports of the u.s. intelligence services that we had confirmed that the attack had taken place in the runup to the 2018 midterm elections. however there was never a confirmation from the president himself that he was the one that okayed the attack and essentially made the attack happen. the then director of national intelligence dan coats came out and said that the u.s., as he put it, was under attack, from this internet research agency which does mostly troll operations on social media. trying to sow discord in the united states and distrust in the institutions in the u.s. as well. they were saying this was going on as well. and the democrats saying the trump administration needs to do this before the situation takes place as much as there was with the 2016 election with everything happening then. now president trump coming out
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and saying, yes, he made the cyber attack happen and they say it was essentially neutralized what they were trying to do, taking it offline, at least until that time to the runup to the 2018 midterms and also right after the 2018 midterms as well. we knew this attack had essentially taken place. this is the first time president trump himself has acknowledged that he was the one that okayed this attack. and it was an unprecedented attack because this is the first time the cyber attack was involved in this. >> all right, fred, thank you so much. the biden campaign is jumping on the head line we brought you earlier, criticizing president trump for commuting roger stone's sentence. and the campaign said this in part, president trump has once again abused his power. he will not be shamed. he will only be stopped when americans make their voice heard at the ballot box this fall.
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enough. meanwhile, president trump is attacking joe biden's alleged cognitive issues, he says, the abilities to think, remember and reason. but trump's critics say maybe he's not the one to talk of mental fitness.>> i actually to recently, when i was -- you know, the radical left was saying, is he all there? is he all there? and i proved i was all there because i aced it. >> the president's boast of acing a cognitive test is laced with questions. does he mean the one he took in 2018, at walter reid medical center? or something more recent? perhaps, during his surprise trip there last november. critics remain skeptical of claims he was getting a physical. and the white house is offering no proof for his latest assertion. >> i took -- took it at walter re
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reed medical center in front of doctors and they were very surprised. they said that's an unbelieverable thing that you just did. >> really? the tests are just not that hard. >> astonishment was the reaction of the doctors. >> the montreal cognitive assessment, which we no trump took at least once, lasts only ten minutes. >> you may be asked to name animals, such as a lion, a rhino, a camel. and maybe, even doing things like subtracting 7 sequentially. so 100, 93, 86, 79. you get the idea. >> acing such a test would do nothing to bolster trump's relentless claims of being much smarter than his political foes. >> i know i have an iq better than all of them. i know that. i guarantee you, my iq is much higher than theirs. some of the pundits, you know,
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we're much smarter than them. iq-wise, not even a contest. >> so why brag about it? perhaps because his campaign is attacking 77-year-old joe biden on that front. >> biden is clearly diminished. >> all men and women are created by -- oh, you know the name. >> and trump, just three years younger, has had some awkward moments lately, spurring questions about his mental and physical competence, no matter what he says. >> been very consistent. i'm an extremely stable genius. >> what ever the reason for boast, there is also this to consider. if the doctors were surprised, as the president says, that he did so well. why? and what was he being tested for, in the first place? tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> we've learned, in the past hour, the passing of a giant in the world of english football. next, here, we'll talk about jack charlton and his amazing career.
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with 24 teams in toronto in edmonton. the commissioner says health and safety are top priorities. anyone who tests positive will immediately be isolated from the team and put in a secure zone. some news coming into cnn this past hour. the passing of a legend in the world of english football. jack charlton has died. he was 85. he was part of the team that won the 1966 world cup. and as a player, he spent his entire career at leads, although, he wept on to manage our teams after that. cnn contribute jaron lewis joins me live from london to talk about it. give us a sense of how big a figure he was. >> natalie, very sad news coming out of the uk this morning.
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about a guy who was extremely charismatic and popular figure. but a legend on the pitch. anyone who follows british football will know england has never won the world cup since that momentous year, 1966, when jack charlton, alongside his brother, beat west germany by 4 goals to 2. at club level, he made a number of -- record number of appearances for leeds. 773. he was the ninth-highest scorer in their history with 96 goals. and as a manager, he went on to manage united and middlesboro and union castle. but for which he is best known, natalie, really lifting hearts and taking them to the kind of
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height that they could have never dreamed of. taking -- taking them to the first of a european championship in 1988 and the quarter finals of the world cup in 1990. he was a tremendous man, and i think the tributes that have come in today. i'll talk a little bit more about them in just a second. but those tributes tell you everything you need to know about the impact he had at club level, at international level, and as a manager. >> yeah, that 1966 world cup win was quite an epic win. and he spent his entire career at one club, leeds united. how rare is that these days? >> extremely rare because the money involved in football at the moment, as you know, natalie, it means that players often go where the money is. where the biggest deal that they can get is. and loyalty is in extremely short supply in the game of
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soccer. but he was an extremely loyal servant to his club. and as i said before, you know, he had made this record number of appearances. he was also a member of the side that lifted the 1969 league title and the 1972 fa cup. he was a leader on the field of play. a guy who could inspire other people around him. and a guy who wasn't afraid to maybe dish out a few choice words, if need be. he was, very much, somebody that, rightly, will remain in football folklore forever. and his achievements at the club are unlikely, ever, to be surpassed. >> well, he will be remembered for a very long time. he was a giant. we appreciate you reflecting on his life and his career. darren lewis, darren, thanks so much. a much anticipated day for
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japanese baseball fans to tell you about. ended in a wash of disappointment. it was the first day the nupon professional baseball league was allowing people to attend a game after the stadium had been closed for months due to covid-19. but just 20 minutes before the game between the popular giants and swallows, a torrential downpour forced organizers to postpone. some of the players tried to cheer up the crowd, like that. but fans were, clearly, frustrated. luckily, five other baseball games were able to go on, as planned. friday, as japan's restrictions continue to ease. and that is cnn "newsroom." i'm natalie allen. thanks so much for watching. i'll see you tomorrow. "new day" is next. when you have depression, it can plunge you into deep, dark lows.
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middle, right now, even as we speak, in a very serious problem. >> we learned the u.s. set a new single-day record for cases at more than 63,000. >> i think the numbers are going to look worse as we go into next week. >> there seems to be this lack of understanding that we are in one of the most extraordinary public health crises that our nation has ever faced. >> the fact is, is that the president has been a failure, in every way. >> president trump commuting the prison sentence of roger stone. a longtime associate, who was convicted of seven felonies. >> he was convicted of lying to congress, in order to protect president donald trump.
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