tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN July 12, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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the u.s. is dealing with by far the worst of the pandemic so far, and the white house is trying to discredit the country's top infectious disease expert. the world health organization team is in china to investigate the origins of the virus, but officials tight-lipped about it all. we'll have a live report. and amid a push to get the kids back into the classroom in the u.s., the education secretary has given no plan for what schools should do if there's a covid outbreak. hello, everyone. welcome to "cnn newsroom." i'm michael holmes.
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the world health organization says a staggering 230,000 cases of coronavirus were reported around the world on sunday. that is the most ever in a single day. the surge in new infections of course led by the u.s., which has confirmed now more than 3.3 million cases overall. since last week at least 33 states have reported a significant jump in new infections. now as the outbreak continues to grow the white house has been trying to undermine its own top infectious disease expert. president donald trump says dr. anthony fauci made many mistakes early on including telling people not to wear masks. now, that was back when masks
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were in short supply and he wanted first responders to wear them. well, now the u.s. surgeon general is saying the administration is trying to correct its own earlier messaging and believes the country can turn things around. >> the disease course is about two to three weeks. so just as we've seen cases skyrocket we can turn this thing around in two to three weeks if we can get a critical mass of people wearing face coverings, practicing at least six feet of social distancing, doing the things that we know are effective, and it's important for the american people to understand when we're talking about the fall we have the ability to turn this around very quickly if people will do the right thing. >> meanwhile, florida counted more than 15,000 infections on its own on sunday, setting a new one-day record for any state in the country throughout the pandemic. some say the alarming rise in florida is a result of an aggressive move to reopen, a push that president trump
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himself championed. as cnn's natasha chen reports, city and state leaders in florida now scrambling to regroup and recover. >> reporter: well, this number, more than 15,000 new cases in a single day, is not just a record for florida. it's a record for any state in the u.s. since the pandemic began. and that includes new york at the worst of this crisis. the positivity right among the tests conducted in the state of florida right now is more than 19%. this is of particular concern in very populous counties like miami-dade county. the mayor there told cnn's dana bash that he's particularly concerned about icu capacity. >> ventilator space, ventilator usage has gone up also, close to 200 now, and so we've definitely had a sharp increase in the number of people going to the hospital, the number of people in icu and the number of people in our ventilators. we still have capacity but it does cause me a lot of concern. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis said he is working on ways to get shorter
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turnaround time for test results and he's reiterated that they are staying put status quo at phase 2 of reopening, not moving forward in the timeline to reopen any more businesses. now, bars were allowed to reopen in early june but they were shut down again a few weeks later when health officials there traced clusters of coronavirus cases to people who had made visits to bars. natasha chen, cnn, atlanta. arizona is another state really being hammered by the virus at the moment. the darkest shade of red in that map there on your screen. that marks the hardest-hit counties in arizona. the democratic mayor of phoenix right in the middle there says her city is setting records for ventilator use. >> we are seeing positivity rates above 20%. we continue to have a real challenge with testing, although there was some very good news this week about additional resources that are coming. we are setting records of the
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type you don't want to set for the use of ventilators by covid patients, acute care beds. our health care workers are telling us they are already tired and they are worried that there could be an additional growth after the 4th of july. >> the mayor along with other arizona leaders are demanding the governor require more statewide safety precautions like masks. well, as cases and hospitalizations spike around the u.s., the white house is taking time to carry out what appears to be a very public, very negative campaign against its own top and highly revered infectious disease expert dr. anthony fauci. cnn's kristen holmes with details from washington. >> reporter: well, it would be extraordinary to see this sort of broadsiding of one of the top health officials by the white house in any situation but it's particularly striking given that it's happening during a pandemic. we had seen this tension between dr. fauci and president trump
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really start to boil up in public. kind of lashing out at one another. at one point dr. fauci openly disagreeing with president trump. he said that the government's response wasn't really that great to coronavirus. he also talked about how he wasn't sure where president trump had gotten certain information. and then president trump saying that dr. fauci was a nice man but had made a lot of mistakes. now in an official statement from a white house official when asked about this relationship between the two, between the white house and this leading health expert they said -- a white house official saying several white house officials are concerned about the number of times dr. fauci has been wrong on things. and then they presented a list here that looks almost like opposition research we would get if they were talking about someone like joe biden or a political opponent. listing out early comments that dr. fauci made when talking about the pandemic. you that didn't need to wear a mask or that the epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers.
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things that we heard not just from dr. fauci but from many medical experts early on when we were still figuring out what was going on with the pandemic. but the broader picture is that during the pandemic you're seeing a white house that is actively lashing out at one of the nation's top officials. someone who is supposedly an adviser to president trump. he was a member of the coronavirus task force here. so it's very striking to see something like this going on at a time when these cases just continue to surge. kristen holmes, cnn, the white house. and with me now to discuss all of this, dr. aman dorian who is chief medical officer of usc verdugo hills hospital. good to see you. i want to start with dr. anthony fauci because we have to. the president reportedly not even speaking with his top expert. you've got white house staff sending reporters what's being called opposition research on
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their own top infectious disease, doctor, in the middle of a pandemic. what is the result of that sort of situation? >> i mean, we really need to raise this to a higher level. this is starting to sound very juvenile and elementary, picking on each other or trying to pick at different facts. we're in the midst of a pandemic. which means one of the worst crises the human race will ever have. so it's very important that our leaders actually lead. and in order to lead you need to all come together, both dr. fauci and president trump. it's time to put things aside. even if people were off or wrong or correct, who cares? we have to talk about today and tomorrow. and what we do know, which is a fact, is that the numbers are rising and more people are going to die. so we really need to address this now. >> yeah, a lot of people saying there has been no national leadership all along and that's cathy its own problems. you mentioned the numbers. let's talk about those.
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just look at the state of florida. more than 15,000 new cases sunday. the highest of any state at all during the pandemic. bigger than most countries, we should point out, today. what are your biggest concerns when you look at the overall covid landscape right now? >> the big concern is this is a train that once it starts moving it's not something easy to turn around. it takes weeks if we all come together at best to start slowing down. so when these numbers start getting out of hand and we're seeing state after state after state go in that wrong direction, as a physician i'm extremely concerned. i'm concerned for human life. so i really need people to come together and just like you put shoes on when you leave the house put that mask on. >> yeah. the problem is you do have the nation's top health experts and bodies like the cdc saying one thing. then you've got the president saying or in some cases openly
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contradicting those experts. i mean, you said juvenile earlier. it just strikes me that this can cost lives, right? >> not can. it will. and it is. so every decision that we make when it comes to a pandemic, the consequence is death and disability. and just because it's not you or someone you know doesn't mean it's not happening. and don't wait until it's you or someone you know. this is a human problem. and we all have the ability to make rational, moral decisions. again, this is not something that has anything to do with political party, color or if you like somebody, you don't like somebody. and it doesn't even matter what happened before this date honestly. i don't really care. because it's about right now and where we're headed from this point further. >> right. and as you said, what we do now is going to -- we're going to see the results of in several weeks. you've got the administration
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pushing pretty hard for schools to reopen. even threatening to withhold federal funding to states that dent do as they're told. what are your concerns about schools in session, especially in states with really alarming infection rates? everyone wants kids back to school. but when you look at places like texas, arizona, florida, georgia for that matter, are you worried about that? >> i think first you said the right thing. everybody wants their kids to go back to school. we shouldn't even discuss that part. but what we should discuss is how can somebody say, for example, everybody in the united states needs to take an umbrella out today? well, the true answer to that is it depends. it depends how the weather is in your area. same analogy. it depends where the virus is peaking in your area. currently, however, we are going in such a bad direction that the entire nation is going in the wrong direction. having said that, once we start or hopefully get a handle on this, we will be able to make -- or address this concern in local
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areas according to where the virus is under control or not under control. very similar to how when you watch the weather report that morning and you decide what you're going to do. >> yeah. not one size fits all. you know, in the broader picture i was reading today about south korea. it's hard not to look back at a country like south korea, which had its first covid case the same day as the u.s. 50 million population versus 330 million, sure. but south korea's covid deaths are like 290. the u.s., 135,000. it is still stunning to make that comparison. i mean, i guess the history books will have to write about how that happened. >> yeah. and you know what? let's not be so proud to look over the seas and see how others are handling it. we did that initially. we watched how others unfortunately suffered with this virus first and learned some science from that and were able to prepare for that. but we also have to be humbled and see if somebody's doing it
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better you've got to learn from them and do it the same way. and south korea seems like they're doing a great job. >> yeah, they are. you want to see more testing? >> there's no question. we always want to see more testing. this is going to be a part of our lives until we get that vaccine. so testing, knowledge is power. so it's very important we get testing. and to say we have enough testing is somebody who is not in the thick of it. i work every day in a hospital where i know testing is still limited. people want to get tested, but those that need to get tested sometimes can't because the reagents, the swabs, the kits, there's always some little hiccup right now. we're not a well-oiled machine. >> yeah. exactly. i think the experts are saying we're at about 40% of what we should be in terms of testing to fully mitigate. dr. armand dorian in los angeles, appreciate it. always good to see you. appreciate it. >> thanks, mike. now, in japan a, quote, large number of u.s. marines
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stationed in okinawa have tested positive for the coronavirus. that's according to officials. the base, though, has not released details on the number of marines infected, citing operational security. let's talk more about this with journalist kari enjoji from tokyo. what are you hearing from your sources about the numbers? and there's been a lot of criticism about how this has been handled, right? >> well, michael, there is growing anger and i think deep concern among the residents of okinawa after a total of 612 cases were confirmed among u.s. military personnel and their families at three different u.s. military facilities on the island of okinawa last week. there has always been a very uneasy truce between the residents, the government of okinawa and the large u.s. military presence on the island. and that truce has been tested time and time again every time
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there's an accident related to the u.s. military or crime. and this time it's the pandemic that's testing that truce. it took days for the u.s. military to confirm the number to the local government on saturday. and the cases were counted over a period of five days last week. and as the governor says, he was, quote, shocked when he heard this. and i think residents are echoing that shock because okinawa has been virus-free for more than two months. 62 cases among military personnel is nearly half of all the cases that okinawa's seen during the entire course of the pandemic. the governor said he saw partying by u.s. military personnel around the 4th of july. just listening to his comments, he says things like very regrettable. you understand the tightrope that the government is walking because washington is the bedrock of japan's security policy yet at the same time he needs to keep his own citizens safe during this pandemic.
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residents tell me that at this time of year there is a lot of in and out among u.s. military personnel because families like to move their families around the time of the new school year in september. and given the explosive number of cases that we're seeing in the united states that fear and that worry is mounting, michael. >> coori enjoji, it will just exacerbate long-simmering tensions. appreciate it. in tokyo there. thanks. we'll take a quick break. when we come back, an investigative team from the world health organization has landed in china. we'll look at what they hope to uncover and what chinese scientists might be doing to help. when we come back.
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alright let's roll. c'mon pizza's here. whoa! is that shaq? this is my new pizza the shaq-a-roni and it's bigger than pizza because for every shaq-a-roni sold, $1 is donated to the papa john's foundation for building community. a dramatic scene as you can see there off the coast of san diego, where 17 sailors and four civilians were injured after an explosion and fire broke out on board the "uss bonhomme richard." the u.s. navy warship was docked at the time. the fire currently under investigation. the navy says none of the injuries fortunately are life-threatening. more than 150 sailors were on board when the fire broke out.
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a team from the world health organization has now landed in china to investigate the origins of the coronavirus. let's bring in kristi lu stout joining us from hong kong. a lot of people have been waiting a long time for the w.h.o. to get in and look at this. i guess what sort of cooperation are they going to get? >> that remains to be seen and we are trying to figure out what kind of access they are getting. this is what we know. on friday the world health organization said that it sent a two-member advance team to china to set up a probe looking into the origins of the coronavirus. and this is what we know so far. we know of this two-member team one is an expert in animal health, the other is an epideem yol gist. we know this is an advance team. so what they're out to do is to determine ultimately the agenda and scope and scale of the greater investigation into the origin of the coronavirus. so this is still very early days in the process. and it will-l according to the w.h.o., attempt to answer some
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very key questions about the virus and the pandemic. number one, we know the virus exists in bats but did it go through an interimmediate yacht species? is there another animal host involved? and number two, crucially, how did it make that jump from animals to humans? now, we do know the world health organization has been under fire, deeply criticized for its relationship with china. in fact, the united states under u.s. president donald trump has withdrawn the united states from the w.h.o. effective july of next year, saying that the w.h.o. is too close to china and failed to question china in the early days of this health crisis. so there's a lot of pressure on this two-member team to see if they can indeed get access to files, data, samples from chinese authorities during this mission and also to get some answers to find out what happened, what is the origin of this pandemic which has taken the lives of over half a million people worldwide. michael. >> and let's talk about where
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you are there in hong kong, kristie, because hong kong initially handled it pretty well, people thought. but now more spikes. what's going on? >> reporter: yeah. more spikes. this is why i'm again reporting from home, working from home, because we are going through what's being called a third wave of the coronavirus outbreak here in hong kong. on sunday we heard the latest statistics from the department of health in hong kong. 38 new covid-19 infections, of which 30 are locally transmitted. we also heard from the head of communicable diseases here in hong kong, the dr. fauci of hong kong if you will. and what dr. twan said was quite alarming. she said the situation here is, quote, quite serious. she also said that it was worse than the situation in march, which was when hong kong went through its second wave of infections. now, the government has responded given this uptick that's been going on for the last week or so with stricter social distancing measures. now restaurants can only be up
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to 60% occupied. schools are out. summer camps are out at schools as well. but these measures do not compare to the far stricter measures that were in place when the second wave was happening in hong kong in march. you have restaurants still open, bars still open, tutoring centers and gyms still open, the beaches on the weekend absolutely crowded. and that's raising a lot of concern that there could be exponential growth even in a success story such as hong kong. michael. >> wow. interesting stuff. yeah. you're at home. will ripley was reporting earlier from home in hong kong. yeah. we'll stay in touch, see how it goes. good to see you. thanks. kristie lu stout there. we're going to take a quick break. when we come back, the white house pushing a hard-line agenda to send kids back to school. but is it safe? cnn asked the u.s. education secretary. >> i want to be clear from you. as the secretary of education should schools in the united states follow the cdc recommendations or not?
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom," everyone. i'm michael holmes. there is increasing evidence the u.s. is losing the war against the coronavirus. we are seeing more cases than ever. some 60,000 on sunday nationwide. many of them in florida, which smashed the daily record with more than 15,000 infections reported on sunday. the most of any state at any
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time in this pandemic. the latest figures show disturbing increases in all states there on the map marked in orange and dark red, which is to say most of them. meanwhile, the united -- the white house is taking swipes at the country's top infectious disease experts because it seems a good time for that. dr. anthony fauci had dared publicly disagree with president trump and say that the u.s. is not doing great with its pandemic response. well, white house officials then released a statement citing concern over, quote, the number of times dr. fauci has been wrong. joining me now is political analyst michael genovese. he'slights author of "how trump governs" and president of loyola-marymount's global policy institute. it's good to see you, michael. there is a populist aspect to the trump presidency and populists tend toward cults of personality. this is a president who sees big issues, momentous issues like
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covid and racial upheaval as things happening to him rather than to the country. and of course he's always blameless. the question is does that approach, what does it do to his standing? the polls would suggest it's not working. >> well, he does personalize everything. and i'm not sure that that's a function of his populism so much as his personality and his personality needs. but when you look at, say, the populists who are governing around the world, bolsonaro in brazil, obrador in mexico, trump in the united states, left and right wing populists, they tend to be very good at throwing rocks into the stadium but once they get inside and they have to govern then they have trouble. and you see all three of those populists in this hemisphere doing a terrible job of handling the pandemic. and so outsiders tend to be best when they're outside. now the populists are inside. and they really have not succeeded in dealing with the crisis within their own
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countries. >> i read what you said, that donald trump basically has lost control of the narrative. and that does seem to be true. but explain what you mean. >> yes. basically, he's lost his mojo. the things he wants to talk about that he used to talk about, strong economy, that's gone. he can't talk about those things anymore. and so he loves being the hammer and not the nail. right now he's the nail because he is being held responsible for policies dealing with the pandemic and the economy where things are going very poorly. and he doesn't like that. he likes to be in command of things and he likes to be the hammer. and so what he's done is he's practicing a kind of missing in action leadership where he's an ostrich who puts his hand in the sand when he ought to be dealing with the crisis and it's very, very visible right now. he's running away from the pandemic at a time when people are begging for leadership. >> the latest abc ipsos poll on friday, i mean, the numbers were bad.
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33% approving of his handling of the pandemic. 67% disapprove. i mean, his own disapproval rating's around 57%. those numbers are the worst since the pandemic began. but the thing is when does it become too late for him to turn that around before november? >> it's not too late at this point. i think the time when you really want to start take those numbers at the polls seriously, sometime right after the two conventions. that'll be sometime in august. so by the time august comes around and the conventions are over, people really start to focus on rather than the noise of the campaign, they focus on the candidates and the issues much, much more as you get closer and closer. so i'm thinking the end of august and early september. that's really the last time he'll have a chance to turn -- the calculus that voters make is number one, up or down. do i vote for or against that person? if you're saying well, i could
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vote against him, then number two comes in which is is there someone better, is there someone i can vote for? so donald trump needs to make the case that he's doing the job and that the opponent can't. >> yeah, a good point. voting for or against. with regard -- i wanted to ask you about the commuting of the sentence of his friend roger stone. it's easy to be numb to a lot of the things this president has done but how extraordinary is it for a president to commute the sentence of someone whose offense in part was lying to protect that president who does the commuting? on the face of it it's pretty astounding. >> it's a bit mind-boggling. but you have to remember that the president has almost absolute power to pardon. it's one of the few things the president has constitutionally on his own. it doesn't mean it's always exercised responsibly. a number of presidents have mishandled, some have abused the pardon power. and i think this is a case in point. the formula is and the message that trump is sending is if you break the law be in support of
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me, in aid to me, i'll take care of you, i've got your back. that undermines the whole system of justice and the whole system of the rule of law, when you personalize it that much. and i don't know if he'll face a political fallout for this because maybe it's too small and the other issues are too big. but this really is a pernicious thing that's going on. it should probably have ramifications and it may actually not publicly. >> michael, i'm going to leave it there. michael genovese, thanks so much. good to see you. >> thank you, michael. the white house is pushing an aggressive agenda to fully reopen schools in the coming weeks. the u.s. secretary of education betsy devos appearing on cnn's "state of the union" where she was pressed by dana bash on whether schools should follow cdc guidelines per safely reopening. >> so i want to be clear from you. as the secretary of education.
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should schools in the united states follow the cdc recommendations or not? >> dr. redfield has clearly said these are recommendations and every situation is going to look slightly different and the key for education leaders, and these are smart people who can figure things out -- >> what i want to know is if the federal government is all on the same page. as the secretary of education, should schools follow the guidelines of the cdc? >> it's very much on the same page. kids need to get back to school. they need to get back in the clarms. famili classroom. families need students to get back in the classroom. >> you're asking students to go back. why do you not have guidance on what a school should do just weeks before you want the schools to reopen on what happens if it faces an outbreak? >> you know, there's really good examples that have been utilized in the private sector and elsewhere, also with frontline workers and hospitals.
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and all of that data and all of that information and all of those examples can be referenced -- >> but i'm not hearing a plan from the department of education. do you have a plan? for what students -- >> the plan -- schools should do what's right on the ground at that time for their students and for their situation. >> well? states are delaying their students' return to school. arkansas governor asa hutchinson told cnn's wolf blitzer that his state was pushing back reopening so that parents and faculty were ready for new regulations and that there was adequate ppe. now, despite the surge in cases across the u.s., educators themselves are doing their best of course to get students back to school safely. but how to do it and what it will look like remains a mystery. cnn's bianna golodryga explains.
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>> i think there's commonality in the schools and the school leadership and the teachers and administrators that we all want to protect the safety of the children that are in schools. >> reporter: the cdc director on cnn's coronavirus town hall attempting to clear up the mass confusion caused by the president's shocking threat to withhold federal funding for schools that do not fully reopen. something he does not have the legal authority to do on his own. as well as his rebuke of the cdc guidelines. >> we stand by our guidance. we think it's an important strategy for helping these schools reopen. >> reporter: for months school districts nationwide have been scrambling trying to figure out just how to reopen safely. as the acting superintendent of the houston independent school district showed cnn back in may. >> so if you think about students per table, possibly two students per table or it might even turn to one student per table as we think about having just about 11 students in a classroom at a time.
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>> reporter: since then more districts have announced similar plans. most recently mayor bill de blasio telling new york city's more than 1 million public school students they should plan to only spend one to three days a week inside a classroom. the other school days will be held online. >> some points in the week you're learning in person in the classroom. at other points in the week you're learning remotely. >> reporter: local officials have relied on guidelines issued by state and federal health authorities as well as the cdc. one of its top recommendations has been to maintain social distancing among students. the hybrid model, where children would be divided into smaller groups rotating hours and days in class seems to be among the most feasible. but after months of inaction the trump administration is now pushing hard for schools to reopen full-time in the fall, an endeavor made even more challenging as numerous states continue to see spikes in cases. in florida the education commissioner issued an emergency
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order requiring all schools to open at least five days per week for all students. >> if you can do home depot, if you can do walmart, if you can do these things, we absolutely can do the schools. >> reporter: but some educators in the state are saying they won't follow the order if cases don't start to go down. >> i think it would be counterintuitive with positivity cases increasing, with restaurants just this week being shut down again for us to pack up schools. >> reporter: in texas governor greg abbott said schools would have to offer more flexibility. in arizona governor greg ducey announced in person classes would be delayed until at least august 17th. in california governor gavin newsom saying that schools will reopen when the data says it's safe to do so. experts say it didn't have to be this frustrating. but there still is time to get it right. >> the time to plan is absolutely right now. in particular when we think about healthy building
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strategies schools have to be paying attention to and looking at their mechanical and ventilation systems right now. this is not something that can be started in early august. >> reporter: bianna golodryga, cnn, new york. disney parks reopening in florida despite that sharp increase in virus cases there. but guests can expect quite a few changes because of the pandemic. we'll have a live report when we come back. ke) at farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. like how nice it is to save on your auto policy. but it's even nicer knowing that if this happens... ...or this happens... ...or this.... ...or this... ...or even this... ...we've seen and covered it. so, switch to farmers and you could save an average of three hundred ninety-five dollars. get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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guests were welcomed back to the magic kingdom. also the animal kingdom. for the first time in almost four months now. social distancing encouraged, even if it doesn't look like it sometimes. the remaining two parks are set to reopen this week. cnn's eleni giokos joins me now from johannesburg. i guess a lot of precautions but a lot of people wondering why the state, they're reopening at a time when the state is breaking records for infection. >> yeah, absolutely, michael. you've got to think of it this way. corporate america has been trying to get back on its feet and adjust to its new normal, and we know that disney says that it was the first park to shut its doors over four months ago and the first of course to think about whether they should be reopening. but the last to do so. universal and sea world have been operating since mid june, and disney says that it took a very cautious approach as to whether they should open their doors once again. you've also got to think about it this way, that disney is the
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single largest employer in the u.s. at a single site of 75,000 people. so the mechanics of bringing people back to work was definitely no easy feat. you've got to think about safety protocols. you've got to think about retraining people as well. and then you've also got to make sure that you are going to deal with the thousands of people that are going to be attending. one way that they mitigated that is by selling tickets online. and then of course you've got to make sure that people adhere to the new rules. social distancing. we've seen these long queues. we know what it's like to actually wait even to get into the rides. and of course a lot of protocols have been put in place. you've also got to think about it this way. food is another big draw card. restaurateurs have spaced out tables further apart. mandatory mask wearing. that is going to be very vital as well. and of course disney says that it's successfully opened other theme parks around the world and it's planning to open two more just this week. >> all right.
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eleni, good to see you. eleni giokos there in johannesburg for us. now this just in to us here at cnn. the nfl's washington redskins plan to announce on monday they are changing the team's nickname. even though reports say that the new name itself won't be revealed until a later date because of trademark issues. but they're going to make the announcement of the change. the team said earlier this month it's going to review the redskins' nickname, which has long been criticized as offensive to native americans of course. the team has faced pressure from corporate sponsors in recent days and weeks. fedex, which has the naming rights to the team's stadium, well, they called for a name change as well. and then brands like nike and amazon have dropped redskins merchandise from their scores. so a fair bit of pressure applied. mexico now officially has surpassed italy for the fourth highest coronavirus death toll
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in the world. now at more than 35,000. sunday's figures were released just hours after the mexican president said the pandemic is "losing intensity." even though the country's daily case totals have been rising consistently throughout the pandemic. in the days ahead brazil is expected to confirm 2 million cases of the virus. the country has already reported more than 72,000 fatalities, making it the second worst outbreak in the world after the u.s. and with thousands of new cases being confirmed each day the crisis there showing little sign of easing. still, president jair bolsonaro continues to downplay the threat as he has all along as he even recovers from his own covid-19 infection. he's urging local officials to reopen their economies, saying the country is on the brink of recession. and thousands of venezuelans who migrated to colombia in search of a better life are now trying to return home as the
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coronavirus outbreak in colombia gets worse. but very few of them are being allowed back in, and it is creating a new crisis at the border between the countries. stephano pozobon reports. >> reporter: a familiar sight. families trying desperately to cross venezuela's border. only this time instead of fleeing they're trying to get back into the country they worked so hard to escape. they traveled all over south america in search of economic opportunities and a better life. but as the coronavirus pandemic took root, those jobs evaporated and their ability to pay for rent and food disappeared. with cases of covid-19 on the rise throughout the region they know they will still be at risk for the virus in venezuela but at least they will be home. the colombia-venezuela border crossing has been closed since march. the government of embattled venezuelan president nicolas
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maduro has called its own citizens biological weapons and accused colombia and other governments of infecting them with covid-19 to spread the pandemic across venezuela. colombia called the accusation deplorable and miserable. every day only a few hundred of the most vulnerable migrants are allowed to re-enter. the rest have to wait in a makeshift migrant camp. this place on the border with venezuela is where all these movements of people collides and comes together. there are people who have just arrived from the interior of colombia, from ecuador and peru, people who are being taken today to other centers before being allowed to transit to venezuela, and there are many people who are staying here, sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks. social distancing does not exist in this camp. the conditions here present a separate risk. without toilets and raw sewage children and families are exposed to other serious illness. many of these migrants have walked thousands of miles across the andes to get here.
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francisco alvarado, an epileptic, says he's been living in this camp for more than a week. the next day he loses conscious us in and faints. he must be taken to the emergency room. his friend tells us alvarado has convulsions several times a day and needs three different medicines to control it. medicines he can't afford. as an undocumented immigrant, he's only able to access emergency medical care. as night falls, more waiting and uncertainty. other families are still on the road making their way here, many unaware of the bottleneck they're about to face. shayne who have made this journey are hopeful that the next day will mean it's their turn to go home, but the reality
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is most will continue to be turned away from venezuela, a land that has failed them once again. stefano pozzebon, cnn, colombia. well, a bollywood legend has been hospitalized after being infected with covid-19 and now fans showing their support as other famous family members also test positive. we'll have that when we come back. at t-mobile, we have a plan built just for customers 55 and up. saving 50% vs. other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for less than $30 each. call 1-800-t-mobile or go to c'mon pizza's here. whoa! is that shaq? this is my new pizza the shaq-a-roni and it's bigger than pizza because for every shaq-a-roni sold, $1 is donated to the papa john's foundation for building community.
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three of bollywood's biggest stars have tested positive for the coronavirus. cnn has their story. >> reporter: they are bollywood royalty. one of the most famous families in india. but in the series of tweets, family members say all three generations of the acting dynasty have tested positive for covid-19. two have been hospitalized, including the family patriarch, veteran film star, and his son actor who says they have mild symptoms. the younger son tweeted on sunday that his wife actress and their daughter are also infected. she was a celebrity even before she married into the family.
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a former miss world, she's a model who has worked for many global brands, and was once dubbed the most beautiful woman in the world. fans say they are praying for the entire family, especially the elder. popularly known as big b, who has starred in more than 180 films with a career spanning more than 50 years, one admirer says -- it feels like not only he has fallen sick, but an entire era has become sick. we know that he's a fighter and he needs prayers and medical treatment. the hospital says both father and son are in stable condition. but with so many family members sick, teams in hazmat suits have gathered at a family house to clean it. a health official says we are also going to sanitize the houses of the neighborhood so that they don't face any problems. as well-wishers expressed their hopes for a speedy recovery, the
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family's plight is a message of its own, that not only wealth, glamour and fame can protect against the coronavirus. i'm michael holmes. back in a couple of minutes. alright, i brought in ensure max protein to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. [grunting noise] i'll take that. woohoo! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein.
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