tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 14, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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there is then an appeals process and we could wind up seeing this before the supreme court as we have seen so many situations here with this administration, john. >> we'll keep an eye on it. thanks so much. thank you for jonning us today. see you back here tomorrow. brianna keilar picks up our coverage right now. i'm brianna keilar and welcoming viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. more states and cities are shutting down once again responding to the reality of infections even as president trump pressures the u.s. to stay open and reopen, including places where it would undermine public health. a damning statement in a "the washington post" op-ed by four men who used to run the cdc blasting the administration's attacks on doctors and the fight with the cdc over reopening the nation's schools.
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officials at some of the largest school districts in the country deciding to hold classes online this fall, listening to science instead of president trump. the nation's governors and mayors increasingly doing the same, every county in california ordered to stop indoor tif activities. the governor saying a surge in hospitalizations makes this action necessary. >> this virus is not going away any time soon. i hope all of us recognize that if we were still connected to some notion that somehow when it gets warm it is going to go away or somehow take summer months or weekends off this virus has done neither. >> in texas where cases exploded depyett the pause on reopening the governor there is resisting urgent calls for a second shutdown claiming that residents would not comply. the houston mayor telling cnn
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that's what's ed wrong direction. and so this is an opportunity where we have to kind of reassess andha we just need to hit the reset but on the. >> in florida, the state breaks its own record for coronavirus deaths in a single day. governor ron desantis refusing to implement a mask mandate, that tool in the surgeon general would help to stop the spread. the mayor of miami beach saying that he and other local officials may reinstate stay-at-home orders on their own if things don't improve. >> i suspect if in a week or two this is not changed in any way then we are going to do it and whether or not the governor wants us to or not, the county will do it and the cities will do it. a shelter in place again. >> one infectious disease expert said miami is the new epicenter. in miami-dade county hospitalizations up 68%.
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demand foricu beds roughly the same and the need for ventilators is surging up 109%. all of that is just here in the last two weeks. now you can add staffing shortages to the list of challenges for an already strained system there. 200 employees of jackson health system are currently out sick with the coronavirus. an emergency medicine physician at jackson memorial hospital returned last week after contracting covid-19. thank you so much for coming on to talk to us. you are looking well. how are you feeling? >> thanks for asking. i feel fine. i was very lucky, actually. my symptoms were on the more mild side and so i recovered fully and i'm back at work. >> okay. that's great news. and obviously that's what we hope for so many of your colleagues but may not be the case for a lot of them. you are back in the e.r.
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what is it like? what are you seeing there on the ground? >> it's packed. we are filled with patients. day in, day out. we have a lot of covid-19 positive patients. we have a lot of patients who are sick with other illnesses. we have patients that come in with other illnesses and end up testing positive for covid-19. so it's a real mixed bag and we are full. >> how long ago was it that you left when you suspected that you had covid? >> i went out of work on the 29th of june. my symptoms started almost immediately. i self isolated and got tested immediately. >> how does it compare to then? about a couple weeks ago now. how does it compare to a couple books ago when you left? >> it's even busier right now. this is sort of the culmination.
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it's more full. sicker patients. and we are just trying to hold our heads above water. >> and in the middle of all this there's 200 workers in the jackson health system who are out sick now with covid. how's the staffing shortage affecting your hospital? >> yeah. the staffing shortage is a problem because it's not just about having beds for patients. we also need all the support staff, physicians, nurses and techs to take care of the patients so we really had an even greater shortage previously. we had been hiring many more nurses to help out. we're just trying to get through it. really, we are just trying to take it day by day and get through it. >> do you think that the state needs to take measures to dial back reopening based on what you are seeing there in the hospital? >> yeah.
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that's a great question. this is so challenging. right? because the economy is devastated by shutting everything down but yet by opening things up people are getting sick and we can't have a healthy economy with sick people. i wish i had a better answer. i wish there were a solution that fixes everything and keeps the economy strong. i just don't see it. i just don't see how we get this under control without taking measures to slow things down. >> and you are an e.r. doctor and it's worth noting that you still had to wait seven days to get the results of your test for coronavirus. how can the country contain the virus if people are potentially and unknowingly spreading it awaiting results for a week or longer? >> it is challenging. it is extremely challenging. i think that we've had shortages
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in reagents and testing and that limits the capability to perform the test. but i think also with the sheer volume of tests performed they need to be processed and then those results given back to people. i was in a sense fortunate. i had some of the typical symptoms and so i knew to self isolate and stay away from everyone else. and that led me to stay home. so by the time i got the result i pretty much knew that i had been infected. but you bring up a good point. there are a lot of people who may not know or have subtle symptoms that may or may not be co covid and important to know they're infected. >> doctor, thank you for joinings. you are there in the thick of it, miami, the epicenter right now and glad to vehave your eye telling us what's happening
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there. thank you. >> my pleasure. now to california where the situation is dire. the state emerged as within of the nation's pandemic epicenters. cases, deaths, hospitalizations have all skyrocketed and it's forcing a second shutdown in the state that will greatly impact businesses in the southern california region where the state's highest number of cases are being reported. beth bishop owns the phoenix effect gym in los angeles and had to close down after reopening three weeks ago. thank you for joining us. you are open and then closed, open. how do you deal with the back and forth of the restrictions by the county and the state? >> thank you so much for having me. i think at this point it's all about mindset. right? we have ah that things were back to normal, how they used to be or we can transform andso our gym has don
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great job of pivoting offering online programs, on demand programs and also in person options. so when we heard we had to reclose we weren't really that surprised to be honest and always transforming and coming up with solutions for our clients. >> so you have a very positive outlook i will say. there are a lot of businesses that must be all the working out. i can see why everyone says they need to be working out but a lot of businesses are saying we can't survive if we close and reopen and close and reopen. how worried are you about that happening to your business? >> we are called the phoenix effect and phoenix is a very powerful symbol of rebirth and phoenixes don't die easily so i'm not super concerned because whether or not there's a pandemic going on people need to work out and they have bodies
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and we are finding way to adapt our business. we have already -- always told our athletes to be flexible, more resilient, stronger. that's how we have to operate our business. >> what do you need? what do you need from state and local officials? >> i need them to follow science honestly. the most important thing is that we keep everybody safe and we all work together to beat this pandemic. so we're really willing to adapt and do whatever it tacks to make sure that we do our part and help. and keep our athletes safe, of course. keep our mental health up with great workouts and fun. >> yes. it is so important as everyone is cooped up inside after getting that nice taste of being out a little bit. beth, thank you so much. we appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. one global health expert says do not expect a return to normalcy until the summer of
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2022. he's going to join us live to explain that. plus, an official in the florida governor's cabinet says ron desantis lost control of the virus. she will join me. what the cdc director says will happen if all americans wear masks for the next four weeks. this is cnn's special live coverage. so what's going on? i'm a talking dog. the other issue. oh...i'm scratching like crazy. you've got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours,
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and ask for this free decision guide. a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! there is no question that everyone wants to get back to some semblance of normalcy. the question is when and one global health expert warns it could take two years until the summer of 2022 for americans to truly experience normal again. that is what lawrence gastin is tweeting and says we don't
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understand the virus six months into it. he is a professor of global health law at georgetown and thank you so much for being with us. this is unwelcomed news, not popular for people to hear you saying this. normalcy won't return until summer 2022. explain this timeleine to us. >> i'm often asked this question and never been able to figure it out and i don't think anyone did and then it is more clear that the total course of the pandemic would take about two years. we are already nearly six months into it. the reason is that if you look back at pandemic influenza in 1918, it was about a two-year trajectory. other flu and other similar kinds of pandemics tended to have that and we do have an
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epidemic curve that i would expect to happen. most people are just thinking either one of two things. they think it will go away the way sars did but it won't. i think we are with it, with covid just living with it, forever but coping and managing with it forever after a couple of years. but the reason that sars left or mers or other kinds of diseases or ebola is that there was so terribly lethal. that killed the hosts. but with covid it's a kind of perfect virus. it's really significantly harmful to us but doesn't have a high enough fatality rate. >> yeah. so the spreading continues on with people who obviously are surviving with covid. you know, one of the things i have read about you i found most alarming is that you are part of
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an international panel last year that evaluated the pandemic readiness of every country in the world and you found that no one was as prepared as the u.s. so what happened here? >> yeah. that's a real -- we have learned a lot. we found that our very high functioning countries, the ones that have really good health systems and preparredness, the u.s. was first. europe was close behind. yet they were all devastated. it really boils down to is whether or not we have the kind of government that can actually execute the plan, whether they can actually unleash all of the capacities in the health system and we haven't done that. we also haven't realized that it also takes a trusting population. takes a population that will socially distance. that will wash their hands and
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most importantly that will wear a mask. and if you can get universal coverage on all of those you do much better so it turns out that the countries that really were highly functioning didn't do well at all and so the lesson learned is that we actually need leadership. it matters and a lot. >> yeah. look. we have seen for years and years an eroding of faith in institutions by americans and we are seeing that play out here and also just it is a difficulty that people have in trying to figure out where to turn for answers. you mentioned masks, professor. listen to what the director of the cdc is saying. >> yeah. >> actually face coverings work. it's our major defense to prevent ourselves from getting this infection. if we would putt on a face covering for four weeks to six weeks i think we could drive this epidemic to the ground in
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the country. >> do you agree with that? if everyone in the country wore a mask that this epidemic could be driven into the ground in four to six weeks? >> i agree, absolutely, that if everyone wore a mask we would see a very significant reduction in cases, hospitalizations and deaths. that was one of the core components in the countrys that have done well, like south korea or taiwan. but it's not the only one and i don't think we're going to drive this epidemic to the ground for the reasons that i have said. also, a lot of people think that, woell, once we get a vaccine it will all go away. i don't think that's true either. we won't have enough doses of vaccines to go around and it is probably a global public good
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that is the world owns the vaccine as tony fauci said and in addition it's not going to be fully effective. we have a vaccine for influenza and we still get influenza every year so i expect that to happen but mask use, absolutely we must do it. it's critical and i'm talking with states and cdc and w.h.o. and others to see whether or not we can recommend a national mandate for a vaccine. i think just like we did -- >> for a mask? a national mandate for a mask you mean? >> yes, of course. i appreciate that. >> that's okay. >> national mandate for a mask. if you think about seat belts, they weren't popular at the beginning and people were saying i have got my freedom and you can't take away my freedom but if you pass a law, the public understands that we're a nation that abides by the rule of law. so not only do people have an
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ethical obligation to do it, you know, you help me by wearing a mask and i help you and our families and communities, but also, i think the law would be a useful way of actually driving home the message that, yes, we have to wear masks and wear them all the time when we're in public. >> professor, thank you for joining us. we really appreciate your insight. >> thank you. one county's board of education is defying the rest of the state that it is in the voting to reopen schools without social distancing, full attendance, no masks. the president's former chief of staff sounds the alarm on testing even though he called it a hoax when it counted. anger at florida's governor calling the state's surge in coronavirus cases that has made it the epicenter of coronavirus
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i think the -- >> breaking cases, every day, and you are doing nothing! >> so i think -- >> the information and you are deceiving the public. over 4,000 people have died and you are blaming the protesters. you have no plans and you are doing nothing. shame on you! >> that is the sound of discontent with florida governor ron desantis' response to the growing coronavirus crisis in his state. there are now more than 282,000 confirmed cases and health officials just announced another grim record breaking milestone, 132 deaths reported in one day. the anger and frustration over the state's handling isn't just from the public. a member of the governor's cabinet is slamming him because of it. the florida commissioner of
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agriculture and consumer services, she is joining us now. nikki, thank you for being with us. you have heard the governor call this surge that you are seeing in florida a blip. what is your reaction to that? >> not at all. the state of florida is continuing to enter very dangerous territory. as you just saw, the anger of one individual but that's a frustration that we are seeing across the state. people are scared and we have seen very little to no leadership from governor desantis. at the end of the press conference he mentioned that he would be calling the white house again for guidance of what to do here in the state and our numbers are skyrocketing. not only on the number of individuals testing positive but the positivity rating, we have no enforcement. the governor opened up too fast against the actual advice of all of our experts across the state and then had no enforcement. arbitrarily from phase one to phase two, opening up the bars,
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establishments across the state and seeing this spike and the problem is the governor continues to down play the seriousness of what's happening here in florida which means that he is not taking active plans how to make sure that we are not seeing an increase in deaths and not seeing an increase in numbers of positivity. the hospital beds at capacity and all he keeps talking about is what's happening at the white house or what's happening in our hospitals. how about working together to try to prevent people from getting sick and being in the hospital to begin with? >> what does florida need to do? >> a couple things. i called for a statewide mask ordinance. a couple weeks ago. the governor refused to do it. we know that wearing a mask doesn't stop the spread but slows the spread. we need to look at the state to shut down at different capacities whether restaurants back at 25% capacity, other
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different types of things like fitness centers and other types of establishments to require more people to congregate and we have a huge mess on the hands coming to oepening up the k-12 and higher education and we need to enforce the ones open, we need to be able to look at the establishments, say should you have been opening are you following the recommendations and guide loons and then take a pause and not seeing us move forward to opening back up more parts of our state. we need to take a step backwards making sure that the governor steps up and shows how serious this is. the problem is that the governor has lost the faith and the trust from the people of our state. they no longer count on the data coming out. they don't believe that he has a plan for the future and they believe he's never cared for them. there's no epathy of the governor and no humility
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flattening the curve he went on the national circuit claiming mission accomplished and everybody believed that this was behind us and carries that message that this is a blip and not emphasizing the severity of what is happening here. >> commissioner, we are all watching florida, a place in florida in particular which is disney world because in hong kong they're closing with a surge there and disney world in orlando just reopened even as florida's numbers rise. is the park putting lives as risk doing this? >> you know, look. disney world and a lot of big amusement parks here in the state are good actors. they have put in a lot of parameters like restrictions on the amount of people to attend the rides, not all the rides are open. however it was the governor who allowed them to submit a plan and to actually reopen and
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reopening our theme parks is not only -- not the priority right now but sends the message that we are okay and that we can keep opening up and not the message to be sending to the citizens of the state and unless we get the pandemic under control in the state people aren't going to want to travel here. the economy will never bounce back if we don't have the parameters in place and so just like i've been saying of disney and other establishments, just because they're open doesn't mean to attend them and going so i believe that we do have good actors that are across the state of florida but this should not be a priority. it should be the health and wellness of the citizens of the state because if we don't get this under control people won't travel here and the economy will not come back to where it was before the pandemic. >> commissioner fried, thank you for joining us.
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your' you're very much in the thick of things. >> thank you. it's been the summer of covid, a summer of protests and now expeengsiriencing a summert surge in crimes. what happens when the police and people come under fire? don lemon hosts a special edition of "cnn tonight." first lady trump sends a message of masks. plus just in, officials say the u.s./canada border will remain closed for sometime longer. we'll talk about that development ahead. ou only pay for what you need. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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as the president hail it is nation's testing system as the best in the world, it is not, and says it's responsible for the huge coronavirus case numbers that we are seeing, it is not, his former chief of staff is blasting the nation's testing system in a new op-ed. mechanic mu-- mick mulvaney cal it inexcusable there's no national strategy by now and calls for national spending and
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why is he feeling the urgency? he says his son had to wait five to seven days for test results and his daughter wanted to get tested before visiting her grandparents but didn't qualify. mick, the month of march called and it wants its op-ed back, when mick mulvaney part of the administration's early response when testing was already off to a disastrous start. it's wonderful that he now realizes testing is a problem now that it comes to his own family but when it was about other people's sons and daughters and moms and dads dying from covid-19 at the very end of february, he unloaded this gem of a take on coronavirus. >> the press was covering their hopes of the day because they thought it would bring down the president. the reason you see so much attention to it today is that they think that this is what brings down the president. that's what this is all about. this is not ebola or sars or
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mers. this is something we deal with and know how to deal with. we are the best country in the world prepared to do this. we have been preparing for years. will you see some schools shut down? probably. may you see impacts on public transportation? sure. but we do this. we know how to handle this. so that's within of tthe messago get out. professionals can handle this. we will do the very best that we can. >> he is right about one thing. it is not sars, ebola or mers. it is worse. the number of people diagnosed in the united states with those diseases in the single digits and for coronavirus 3.3 million and counting. almost 136,000 americans dead now and now mulvaney decides to say that testing is a problem. just a shame that he couldn't stand up and tell the truth months ago when his opinion might have actually meant something.
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country in the fall. well, we'll see if her husband has note if i cases on his phone when she tweets. kaitlan collins joining me now at the white house. i mean, she is saying that the common sense thing that actually most administration officials are starting to say now, of course, he does not say this, this is mixed messaging coming from the trumps. >> reporter: yeah. it's been like this for months. even internally. aides know there's a split and that the first lady is at something she is much more vigilant about mask wearing than president trump has. even once going to be on air force one and they told everyone on air force one to have to wear a mask and something that breaks with what of course the president had been doing and their justification because the people around trump are tested they do not need to wear a mask is what they claim. this comes as there are still mixed messages whether or not to wear mask coming from the administration though health experts say you should and instead the focus internally
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lately over the last few days has been on this spat that you have seen with dr. anthony fauci after the white house anonymously circulated this list criticizing him and questioning his judgment saying that they feel that he is too praised in the media as the president himself had been irritated by fauci's good approval ratings. now we are learning that really that's backfired. the white house coming the conclusion and backing off of it saying it wasn't opposition research that they were putting out on dr. fauci but some of the president's allies question why the white house is picking a fight with dr. fauci with a national surge of cases going on and people want answers of going back to work, school. all of that. and i want to note something that we just found out. the president over the last few weeks has been very hesitant about taking questions from the white house press corps. he took a few yesterday. and the white house just
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announced that the president is going to hold a press conference they say at 5:00 p.m. today but it's to be determined if he takes questions at that because often they have called it a press conference and he just reads a statement. we'll see if he takes the questions today. >> that a press conference does not make. a very important thing to look into there. thank you so much. 43 cases tied to a house party in washington state and now dozens more are exposed. plus one county's board of education defying the rest of the state that it's in voting to reopen schools without social distancing, wouithout masks.
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just in, the u.s./canada border will remain close for the record another month and sources tell cnn there will be stepped-up enforcement at the border in coming weeks. paula newton is in ottowa with all the details. tell us about what you're learning. >> it is a big one, brianna. this point in time when the pandemic started, when the border was first closed in march, everyone expected by this point in time they can start to loosen restrictions. instead here in canada, health officials putting more patrols at the border.
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it is open to canadians returning back home they want to milk sure covid does not spread here in canada. they are putting hundreds of personnel at the borders to do that kind of surveillance this border closure is by mutual agreement between the united states and canada. again, canadian officials being very, very concerned that the outbreak that's currently ongoing in the united states could somehow travel here. that's why they have the stepped-up enforcement. no one has more at stake in the u.s. spike in cases than canada. no one is happy to be seeing this happen in the united states. 350 cases in canada yesterday, back of the envelope calculation. that being the case, the u.s. should have 3500 cases a day not 35,000. as someone just said i love americans but don't want to see
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them up here right now. >> when you look at the numbers and spell them out. paula newton thank you for that report from ottawa. state convention will be held online this week after losing its battle to host the gathering in person and indoors. the group planned to meet in houston. the city's mayor canceled the event, citing the pandemic. the party sue for the record breach of contract but lost. texas is seeing an increase of cases in harris county, where the convention would have been held, leads the state in coronavirus cases. more now from my colleagues across the country. >> i'm tom foreman. a large house party in michigan, taking place in the early days of july and those affected are generally between the ages of 15 and 25 years old but are looking far beyond the party at dozens of others people who came into contact with the people at that party. some of them in the immediate
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area, some even states away. >> in washington, delta airlines is scrapping plans to add flights. it was going to fly 1,000 flights in august, now only 500. demand for flying has leveled off as coronavirus cases have surged across the country and passengers are understandably jittery. after a delta flight last week three passengers tested positive for coronavirus. health officials in upstate new york now say those passengers were health care workers. >> reporter: i'm christina lashi in new york. walmart ceo is floating the idea of a national mask mandate for all of its stores in the u.s. the company only requires masks in the 3700 locations where state and local governments mandate them. the change if enacted would apply to 1,000 additional stores in the u.s. of course, the u.s. still does not have a federal mask policy. that is forcing businesses to
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decide between doing what's wrong for employees and customers and wading into a highly politicized issue. >> reporter: i'm diane gallagher in atlanta where a mega church that has seven campuses here in the area is canceling in-person services for the remainder of the year. north point ministries where more than 30,000 people worship every sunday morning said that they simply couldn't put forth the same kind of quality with social distancing, and also said in addition to concerns about people getting sick, the church would be responsible for contact tracing if somebody attended a service and later tested positive. the senior pastor said that it doesn't mean that the worshippers will never be able to get together this year. right now they're working on a limited strategy for some kind of physical gatherings. >> reporter: i'm evan mcmorris in santora in tucson. leaders say they can keep this
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state relatively open and keep the virus in check, but scientists at university of arizona's west center are testing waste water for coronavirus rna. here in tucson, they found the highest levels of rna since the pandemic began. leaders can debate whether or not the state can open but scientists say poop doesn't lie. hour two, i am brianna keilar. president trump's push to open the economy despite a surge in coronavirus is hitting a major roadblock, nation's governors and mayors. 37 states are posting double-digit increases in new infections. the governor of the most populous state and days after
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setting a national record florida is breaking a sitate record for single-day deaths. the mayor of miami beach vows to do what he can to keep his citizens safe. >> i suspect within a week or two, this is not changed in any way, that we're all going to do it. whether or not the governor wants us to do it or not, we'll do it, the county will do it. lots of city also do it. it will be a shelter in place again. >> cnn's erica hill is monitoring all the developments across the country. tell us what you're seeing. >> reporter: yeah, we're hearing more of what we just heard from the mayor there. across the country, brianna, 20 states monday posting their highest seven-day average for new cases. and it is just a reminder that this virus is spreading, and it does not look at any lines, whether they be for a state, city
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